5 ( j , . I t .,.,.. ii .- j"n.Jtii urn. '" HM ' "" '' ) w. r -"-Tin iiiii-irr-T- irr twi it ti "--rffim n - -I'umn mn.n i i ' ri"Tlljf "" '" ' -'--"- - 4 . WILMINGTON, N. C. Wednesday, 'April 29lh, 1874. Grades of Kosln Adoptea toy the 1'ro d.uce jsxcnaniro. 0. ..X. Low No. 1 II.. ..No. 1 1 Extra No. 1 K.. .....Low ale N Extra Me A UCoranion strained c .-. strane4 D Good Strained K No. 3 F.... ..--Kxtra No. 2 Window glasa and water white gradest "Somepersons grade one grade hlgjier.bt ginning with I and rnnnlng to N. COMMERCIAix WIIiMINGTON BAHKET. Wednesday, Aprii 2030 V. to. Spirits Turpentine. Sales of 35 casks, city distilled, at 37, 50 casks, selected, at 36, and 170 casks, select ed, at 36 cents gallon. Market dull. - Rosin Sales of 2,000 bbls of C at $2 20, 250 do. E at $2 20, and 475 bbls of F at $2 25 $ bbl. Market firm. - Crude Turpentine Sales to-day of 250 bbls at $1 95 for Hard, $ 2 95 for Yellow Dip and $3 30 for Virgin a decline of 5 cents Market steady. Tar Sales to-day of 150 bbls at $2 00 bbl. Market steady. C o t t o N. No sale3 reported. Market quiet at official nominal quota- t tions : Low Ordinary, Ordinary, Good Ordinary, Strict Good Ordinary, Lgw Middling, Strict Low Middling, Middling, 11 1 centa H 13 lt 1G1 17 ( TWpints of naval stores as appears on the bulletin board of the Produce Exchange April 29 : Cotton, (bales) Spirits Turpentine, (cks.,) Rosin, (bbls.,) Crude Turpentine, (bbb,) Tar, (bbls.) BY TELEGRAPH. 81 181 1,263 435 271 NEW YORK MARKETS. -Istew York, April 29. Cotton quiet. Sales of 897 balcs.-Uplands-m cents ; Orleans 1SJ cents. Futures opened as follows: April, 1 4; May, 174? June, 17317 0-16; July, 17 15-16(17 31-32; August, 18J 1S 9-32; September 17 3 -1-32(2 -IS cenU Flour quiet nnd sicaay.- -imcai-morc active and advancing. ' Corn a shade firmer hravy Pork steady $17 OU. .uara steam 10 3-16 cents. Spirits TurpenUuo quiet at 40A ccnt- quiet at 2 70 for drained. Freights steady. m BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New Yob, April 29. active and a little off. B cent. Gold 113J. Sterling Stock3 Money rnnfrn Ion- .; short, yv. Government Bonds strong. State Bonds quiet and a little off. FOREIGN MARKETS. Liverpool, April 29. Cotton steady. Uplands 81d(Ssd ; Orleans 82d81d. Sales of 14,000 bales, including 3,000 for speculation and export. Uplands not below Good Ordinary shipped March 8 7-10d. Uplands not below Good Ordinary, shipped March and April Sid. Uplands, not below Good Ordinary, deliverable April and May Sd. ( Uplands not below l.ow Middlings shipped March 8 5-16. ! Uplands not below Low Middlings, deliverable April 8 5-lGd. LATER. Uplands not below Good Ordinary, shipped April and May 8 7-1 6d. Uplands not below Good Ordinary, deliverable May and June SJd.j, Orlean not below Low Middlings shipped March Sd. KrnafUtllfts OUiet. Sales of cotton to-day 9,C00 bales American. . " London, April 29. Erie 321(382. Consols i2K 9i. . Pari-, April 20. Rentes 59f. 72-lc. Port of Wilmington. A.rilV9. " ARRIVED. : ' Steamer . WaVt, Robinson, Fay-tte- villc, Williams & Murthison. Steamship Lucille',. Jknuett, more, A D Cazaux. Steamship Fauita, Howe, New York, Barry Bros. Schr L P Kniffht, .Mclntvre, Rock- port, 'Me.. (14da-s), Worth &Uorth, with 1,000 bbls lime, hay, ore. CLEARED. Steamer Wave, Robinson, Faycttc villc, Williams & Murchison. Steamship Tonawanda, Wiltbanks, Philadelphia. Worth & Worth. t Seer Fanny K Shaw, Shaw, Rich mond, Me., J H Chadbourn & Co. RECEIPTS PER RIVER STEAMERS, &a, Steamor Wave 319 bbls roin, 27 do spirit. tahoula are - -r ...... W I . ! COASTWISE. , j qvteamship Tonawan- da 48 bales bbtton, 10 do sheeting, 27 do yarn, 1,103 bbls rosin. 30.do tar,d wine, 204 cask spinw tuFr-, trr bbls pitch, 100 do crude turpentine, 200 ale kegs, 82,092 feet lumber, 22 balp Kichmond, Me ocnr x iiuuj v , 205,951 feet lumber. 2SIISCEIiIANY. ( Vessels to4 or from this Fbrl.) The Barque Rudolph, Paste, from this port arrived at Antwerp,) on tne 11th mst. i J. The Brig Ernst, Lrdman, irom wu port arrived at Ureenocr, oa me The Barque Viking. Hansen, sailed from Cuxhaven, for this port on th 9th lDThe BrigFrceden, Robe, from1 this port arrived at Liverpool; on the 12th The Schr Genius, Blancke, sailed from Liverpool for this port, on the 11th inst. The Barque Leopoldine Fraude, Voight, from this port arrived at Lon don, on the 11th inst I List of Vessels in this Port. ? STEAMSHIPS. i Tonawanda, Wiltbanks, i 'j w - ' Worth t& Wrorth BRIGS Nor Brig Scskcmmeren, Wohl, i RE Heme. Ger Heloi., Borgwardt, E Peschau & Westermann Nor Rufus, Christianson. R E Heide Nor Brig Fido, Thorsen, R E Heide. Ger Theodore Foss, Galley, k E Peschau & Westerman. BARQUES. j ' j Br Beckcrmct, Dolrymple, J R Blossom & Evans Elizabeth, Naslund, RE Hejd Nor St Olaf, Hassell, i1 Nor Zawi, Amanderson, It E Heide, Ger Sonnabend, Pust, , !. E Peschau & Westermann. nv H'iUirlm Iviskc. Burminster, E Peschau & Westermann n.,rl Vnn'Dabeln. llabstrort, RE Heide fOort Bertha. Schutz, dis, i v ' E Peschau & Westermann m,.liu (Ger). Dince, ldcr Europe, f E Peschau & Westermann BARQUENTINES. Vondcr Roheston. Plavermaun, E reschau & Westermann Br Dolphin, Trick, Sprunt & Hinson Rr V.flniniid Richardson. Crodie, Vick & Mebane SCHOONERS j c?viii Joi.n A Griffin, Foster, i. rrariisa i.i Howell Agile, Roberts, N( Starlia11, Jouw, J n ohadbourn & Co Fanny K Shaw, Wutts, J H Chadbourn & Co. Brandy wine, Adams, Worth & Worth List of Vessels Sailed for this Port. CUXHAVEX Bannie Mvnheer, Tenriow, i GLASGOW Brig Bpecd, Olsen, sld April 7 bid April 7 sld April G Barn ue Mira, fcandcrson, liAlTIiMUlt. I' Sch r W J I Travis. eld March 14 ANTWERP. Falkcn, Christcnscn, : GRAVESEXP. Ladv Douglass, Goddard, BERMUDA. Br Briir Caronella, sld Feb 26 sld Feb 21 eld Dee 11 LONDON. ! Berth, Hillcrieh, sld March 80th Montag, Stromstadt, cut out March 12 LIVERPOOL. ; . : : . Baifiue Clara, , sld April 24 Barque Albert, -, sld April 24 Maria Lamb, Laurensen, j 1 ent out March '24 Br Barque Maud, Mclsaac, I j 'I eld March 28 Ger Barque Hermann, Helmreich, ; sld March 14 .L; . BRAKE. BricG Primus, Peters, sld March 13 ROTTERDAM. I Frederick, Law, eld March 19 Barque Sibal, Hansen, sld March 20 f . HAMBURG. ! Barque Viking, Hanson, ld April 4 Brig Alkor, Eriksen, sld April 7 BREMERHAVEN. j ; Mira, Gundersen, sld March 13 GALVESTON. ; Br Biirnuc Thos C Seed, Proctor, ! 1 eld 11th April MARSHAL'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON, N, C, April 22, 1874. NOTICE. 1 WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY CALL the attentiou of the citizens to tlie fact that the warm and sickly season is near at hand, and it becomes niy duty to adopt the most stringent sanitary measures at this particular time to preserve the health of the city and prevent th introduction of disease that may originate from foul and unwhole some matter, filth, garbage I rash and re fuse matter whi.ch has a tendency to create unwholesome and offensive odors. ; In or der to prevent as far as possible the spread of those diseases peculiarly incident to this season of the year I would most respectfully solicit the co-operation of the citizens gene rally in placing our city in sucb.a sanitary condition as to render it as far aSjpracticable impregnable, at least to those ! diseases which originate from foul and unwholesome Tiiattni 'IV. I. to 1 !. rnt friru t tho t"... aw liiio cruu wi? euui v v. 'ity will bo employed in cleansing4r&n- ?g, I cleaning, disinfecting and removing "vntu AVI a urn raniiocfArl ir tne traif uflar, rofase matter,) &c, nnt floni their premises and placed up 0i8treets, whence they will be removed JfPfately. When it is eon venlen t please twS or barrels. I - k I . needing disinfectants can have offlce7fr6e of eharSe by calling atj-iuy vFi1?!161 ofricers, designated by a yellow ffi lZ?Y be notified of any stagnant P K 8rng upon any lot, or damp; oel ?ai?Etfs that would impairUbf ?f iti5 mtyf nd any complaint lodged at this officA receiVe prompt attention. Believing tu a proper sanitary condition adopted nowjgtserjy season, twill in sure ahealthFnjer J earnestly solicit the aid and cvratlon 0f an tne good cit izenstomj this good en,d. j ' ; Respectfullrxi. rivr -vsr vujctv. JrJ april 23-tf V - T ' City MTrshai: - Mm .ncnnn r i ' -j Company; A " .J " JHICI UBNXBAi. BrMUHTfiHMWT, WiimwoTOK, N. a. Mtrcb. 29, 73L n) 1 : . CHANGE OF, SCHEDULE. "it - ON AND AITxEK MARUH 2tD, i., PASSENGER TRAINS on the f Wil mlntrton and Weldon Railroad will run as follows: I . , j' : -- ' Uv. ; r MAIL TRAIN. ' h ;' . Leave Uniotf Depot dally (Sun-? days excepted). ....... .. i.Ai ,7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro... ,. 11:60 A. M S:0aP. M S-.50 P. M " ."'tip;! ijloO A: M H;a5A,fM ,L3TP; M Kocky Monnt.,-,.. t ; 5 Weldon. Leave Weldon dally (Sundays1 excepted), b.... v. jAt Arrive atRockviMountjW.. )i UoiaDoro.. Union Depot...... EXPRESS TRA1N. ,,, Leave Union Depot daily A .'At j it: 10 r. M Arrive at Goldsboro?, .ivl.'.. " J" 3:5? A: M i . Rocky Monnt.Vi 6:21 A. M Weldon.. ! 8:80AiH Leave Weldon daUy, Arrive at Rockv Mount. 4-.. :27 P. M . f Goldsboro.:...:... 11:43 P."M j ' Union Depot..... ' 4:20 A. M Mail Train maK.es ciese connection - at Weldon lor all points Jiortb vfctf Bay Line and Acqtda Creek routes.. jj , t p j Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON TJllS.TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6,00 A. M-.' and arrive at 1.40 P.M. ?, , . j EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (8nndays excepted) at EXPRESS RAXN. j 6:90 P. ai.t arrive at r.w r. si. i JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent, i .; ..- 207-tl inarch 30 Wilmington, folumoia & Au ! ffnsfa R: Company. GSM. 8rJPKBlMTBNDlNT'S OfTICB, I . WnINOTON, N.iC,. Oct. S4, 187M K CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. rpRfi FOLLO WING SCHEDULE WILL X go into eflect at 4:30 A. M., Monday, 27th inst. i DAY EXPRESS TKAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington ,.4:50A. Mr Arrive at Florence. 1.10:27 A. M Arrive atEOolumbia. u :10.P. M Arriv at Auerusta I 8:00 P. M. T.rkve Auyusta.. J 6:20 A. M. i.Avn Columbia j. 11:40 A. M ArrivA at Florence L.4:28 P.M. Arrivo at Wilmijieton .10:45 P. M NtGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN I Lavc Wilmintou..:. Atrlve. at Florence t;10 P. M 11:22 P. M 4 V0 A. M - xxi iiic lit x ULfa us .... Leave Augusta. Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Florence. . ....... Arrive at Wilmington.... 8:45 A. M 4:15 P. M ...... L 1.58 A. M .. 7:15 A. M Ail trains m?ke close connection, both .worth and goutb. Pnllman's Palace Sleeping . Cars ion all night trains. j JAMES ANDERBON, i Gen'l Snp't. oct 24 r f 124-ti Piedmont Air-Lint Railway. rr Rlcboiond and DanviHe , Ricbmond and j Danville R. W NJDiviatoD, and I Nortb Western N. C. R. W. I - "CP Condensed Time Table, , In effect on and after Tburday, Feb. S I 22d, 1874. GOING NORTH. I STATIONS. ; MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Charlotte..... 7.00 r. m 8 35 a.m. Air Line J'ntt'n 7.2S 8.55 V Salisbury. 10.09 10.47 Greensboro,... 2,15a.m. 1.15p.m. ' Danville... J... 5.28 3,27p.m. i Burkville..... 11.40 " 8.08 " Arrive at Richmond, . 2.32 P. m, 11.03 p. m. j t GOING SOUTH. j STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Richmond. . . . . 1.48 P. m 5.03 a. m. Burkville..:... 4.58 8.28 Danville.. 9.52 ' 1.03 P. M. V Greensboro 1.10 a. m 4 00 " Solisbury 3.56 " 6.33 "i Air Hue J'nct'n 6.35 8 65 " Arrive at Charlotte.:. 6.43a: M l 9.00 GOING EAST. STATIONS. Leave Greensboro' .' . . ; frt Sl.orM 2 00A.M h... 3.55 " Raiciirh....... 830 11.40 Arrive at Goldaboro. A mi GOING ?WEiiT. STATIONS. MALL. Lea yc 'Goldsboro.. . , p Raleigh....... H Co. Shops Arrive at Greensboro1 3.00 p. m 0.40 11.05 . 12.30 A.M . f . . . . . . f f North Western N0. R. K (Salem Braxoi.) Leave Greensboro. .. . . . 1:30 A M Arrive at Salem . ..3:25 AM .10:80 AM .12:00 M Leave Salem.. ... Arrive at Greensboro.... Passenger train leaving itaieigu at T.40 P. M. connects at Greensboro' with the North ern bound Uain; making the quickest time, to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Trains tq, -aud from points Jtast of Greensboro councct at Greeasboro .with' Mailj Trains to or j from points Nortb ors Trains daily, botfc , ways. , Ii i - s - ? Ont' Bandars Lrncbbarg AcconimodatiPD leave Richmond ' at 9.44 a. m. arrive at Burkville 13 39 pi m.; leave BaTkvilie 45 a. mX arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. ' Pullman Palace carp on an tazht trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, (without change.) .. , J , Ar Jftsf luriner loiurmauun satirees :r in j GeneralTicket AgenUr T. Ml R. TALCOTT, j 1 I rV ' Engineer ana uen i spuennienaanu febi 24 237 12. ' - ' " , Carolina CentraJ, piaCoray r SCHEDULE: .:; , I PASSENQER.TBAINS LEAVE IWILMIKGTOIf DA1LI tA qeptnndays) at... ..;.;... 8:00 A II Arriveat waaesDoro at.......... x Leave Wadesboro at... 7:10 A II; Arrive at Wilmington at 4:35 P It ,5 ; t FREIGHT TRAINS. 4 , ri Leave Wilmington daily (except ; ' I aundaya) . . ; ; o: w a A rrive at Linrinbttrg at. v ; . : . 5:30 P xl Leave Laurinbnrg at. . T:00 A II Arrife at Wilmington at. . ; 5.30rP 21 I I rAoaJ5JiuJEKiJSAma. i, Leave CbaHotte daily, Sundays -excepted! at.i.l ;; . &00 A.M Arrive at Buflalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at:?:.;......::..".. l.w tr m Arrive at C3iarlotto at ............ , 5.15 P.M i lrrcffulari Lumber and Timber Trains rim 'i 7. P. - C A I a 1 11.. V. M X On DOtu ponious ui idc nuuu ia iuv uuotr beds,' requires. . , . i 'A Daily Stage will soou run in connection With tho., train? on both ends of 1 this Rail- , S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Snp't. - 311-tf may 19 bTEAMSHIBPS. L(DRIX.XJAR13,S STKAIMSHIP LLNE YORK, m BROTHERS, Agents ma 26 147- BALTIMORE AM WILMINGTON j SEMI-WEEKLY ; Composed of the flist-class Steamships U. J. Foley, Capt. i). J. Privc Lucille, Capt. I. S. Bannett Rebecca ;Clydc, Capt. D. C. Childs Will hereafter sail from Baltimore evry Tuesday and Friday and from Wilmington every Wednesday and Saturday, connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Co- lumDia and Augusta. Wilmington, and Wei don. aud i the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutberford railroads; also tne several lines of steamers to J? ayeteviile, Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama: connecting at Balti- moie with the Baltimore and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads for all points in the Vest and Northwest, and with steamers and railroads for Boston, New York and jraiiaaejpma. A. D. CAZAUX. i Agents, Wilmington, N, C. andm.es w), Agents, uaiumore, dec 31 192 Philadelphia and Southern j Steamship Line. Mail fr ,i s --rr- rjllIE FlKfiT CLASS' STPJAMERS ! PI ON: EE R, 825 TONS ! Captnin JOIINV A K JGLJEV, .TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, l i ;apini:i C. C. WILTU4NKS i form a weekly line and sail alternately from Philadelphia and Wilmington every Tues day morning, at 'j o'clock. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING Given to New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River,' Portland and all points in the New England States, at as low rates as by any other route. Also to Liverpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, and all points on the continent and east coast of England; i Through rates from Philadelphia to all poiuus iu xxorin caronna, south Carolina, jus iu xxonn caronna, south ;aroIina. rgij Ajabania, Louisiana, Mississippi TennesEee, at as loif rates as by compe- ueor; and ting lines. ; For Freight engagements, and rates apply to WOttTU A WORTH, Agent, T r i Wilmington, N. C J. M. froRSUEE, Superintendent. ; Or to ! WM. L JAMBS, General Agent, 237 and o juock Dtreet, I'uuaueipma. June 6 ,6-tf j AND : . ; . i " 1' ' ' ' CaViine t Mak -.1 rpUE UNDIiSIQNED, recently of the firm A.f.YPil "oolyin, lias: opened an es tablishment on Third stret.-oppasite' thd City HaU, in the QJd Kellowa bdiidlns wher be is prepared to do all kinds oT . i I j 1 I . . i j UNDERTAKER'S AND CABINET ilAKER'S WORK." I Coffins . and attendance at funerals lurn- ishedat short notice and satisfaction euar an teed in all kinds of Cabinetwork. . ITOili NEW '' """" ' "1 . ' - :' ' ' . i i . PL.' J t MM j S. L YOPP. an 17 i 207 eodlm Y-r i flu ' nr. . i i - WELL DIRECTED EFFORTS Arc Snre':'or 1 Saccfc 1 '':'A-Ai if T Hs an evidence of thiU has been a Uttlej qvepithree: eejin.we. pur ehased,was e thought,' a stdcrof goods' sufficient to carry us i through the sea sons of Spring and Summer. : : h; - To-day we una ourselves out oi many leading articles, which ,ye purchased in endless variety. These goods we have nad to re-oraer, wun umcr ucn. STYLES AND PATTERNS, wbirdi' Wiv wlir have bv next steanier, and when ecyM oPH l1 . "...VI 'i 1 X -1 . ll-.i.l most aesiraDieswciKvvcj.caui'T r; u i l Imp'ortei aM.vEoieslic-"Articles ever! shown I ; ini Pry floods' Jin fiotth Carolina. , , it wS,;t.t -"J : . Ii J. . . Uur stocK attracts aany crowus ui mo mosi desirable custom in our city, who never fail to find what they want at i ilii. hr.it f - 29 MKET STREET i j- -lGSItOWrTZ & LIEBSR, : Whoicsalc and Retail Dealers in first I . class Dry Goods, only : ' ' aril 18 tf; . - ' - i i BOILMg -HARDWARE. JjCKS HINGES, BOLTS, jicl, pf every description. Agency for the celebrated Shaler's Sash Holder and Lock. It will not eet ont of order or wear out in a life lime.; B ; v! 4i ..... NATH'L JACOBI'S ; Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market street. I 4. SALES ROOM rjlil'"" 11 PIANOS. PlAfjOS ' AJI1THE Matchless- TiTTTiTITimm Cor 4th4 & TSIarket Sts. ORGANS. fefr:29-eodtfwed '.u'l-'r . . - J in j ? v BLINDS, ' ' -r PAINTS, . j ' OIL8, . i GLASS, ' ' :; :r ; . .VARNISHES, , I r . &c, &c, at I , NATH'L JACOBI'S t Hardware DepptNo. f Market t. may 23 MILLIONS OF ACBES Sich Farming Lands ! ;IN NEBRASKA, NOW "FOll SALE VERY CHEAP. TKN YEAK3'CliEOIT, IKTEkEST OXLi' (i l'Eli j , CENT, gfi j : j- t Descriptive FampnletsVwith Beclioii al Maps, t L. : ; Bent Free.- .t ; ; .GraE:teioNEii.K. A handsome Illustrated Paper, containing ; ; the Homestead Law, mailed tree . !'. - taall parts of the world t I Address ..f " O.rFDAVIS, jjana commissioner u Jfitat --' Omaha, N kb. i CLARENDON SALOON!' South side, at foot of MarACt St. i - - ! i ' ; r R. J. SCARBOROUGH, Proprietor. Best "Wines te Xiiquorss alwajrytj oix Hand. I Meals, furnished at :all Hours and House kep open 'Dayland Night. ' .... , .M Table supplied wihlhe best'Ealtimore and Philadelphia BeeTr weekly.. " w--: V A .-II: Oysters, wherr'.ih season, of the Ibct quaUrfurnished iri any 1 style desirMl. sept 12 ' ,' , yy-ti Fresh Sugar Cured I. 1 a II A M 8, A T J. jan GEO. MYERS. REMOVAL; J AS. A. LOWERY; . CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. IHA.VJS removed my establishment to my new buildings on the corner of , FOURTH AND CAMPBELL S1H ' !'';!: Near Bony Bridge, where I shall be pleased to see my old customers and mauy' new ones. if ? k z . . , r . Carriage making! painting imd repairing neatly done. Horse Shoeing, and various kinds of iron work done on reasonable terms. . ' .j . , ; ! t Having had thirty years experience in this business, I am confident that I can do the finest work, and give satisfaction. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ept 3:tf 1 JAS, A. LOWERY. The American farmer. pxThls old standard monthly journal ot agri-' ,uiviuo ui-giui t uew volume January isi. Special attention is palp besides lhat given the stable crops--to Stock breedlngt. Fruit growing,"the Dairy, &c. Some of t he most successful of American agriculturists con-, tributp U its pages., J, is practical, substa n tial, reliable! B ubscripti dn j50ayear. Td dabs of five or. more, only li each, Very handsome , premiums for clubs. Specimen number free SAM'L SANDS A "SON, pub lshers, Baltimore. Mm i dec 31-ddtw tf ; Is pus'efery Friday morning;! at rly low price of I, ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. 7MteCELLANEtos A. ADRIAN. h. vollf:kh ADRIAN & VOL ERS. wanr.icr AT.X Dxalkss tic Groceries and lliqiior(t r Importers Of German and IJ4vaDa CigrH. Comnlissioii Merchant South-east Corner Docs! and Front Streets. j KONJ WlLMlNyOTPN, y. c. Having the largest and best assort,! Mulh of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealer. will nna it to ineir mieresi to give ut a mii hAfni-A hnvintr elsewhere. 1 mav 17-tf FOR ilLiB ! rjTMiKEE LOTS OW 8 1 XT 11 8TREET HE tween Church and Castle s reetf, 4)xr, feet each, for sale. Apply, JAMES & BKUWN, Real Efeiatc Acentj. Specific Medicines; DR. GREENE'S FIT! CURE Epilepsy,' The Great Remedy for ' CURES Fits, Spasms, Convalsions and NtrTous Wakelulncss, olten arre6tlnthc Fits from COMPOUND ExTcORYDALiy ! ' j CURES Scrofula, Secondary SypblllsJ Eruptions on the Skin, Glandular Enlargements end alt diseases arising from impure Blood. MEDICATED HONEY! A Sovereign Balm lor Coughs, Colds, Bron chitis; and Asthma. By its timely use many supposed cases ol Consumption arc promp tly relieved.; iNEURALGIASrE(pIFiCr A prompt, positive and permanent reller ior tno excruciating- pains of Neuralirla WABASH I VALLEY AGUE CURE! A Specific ior Agu3, Chills si Fever, Billi ouse Fever and Constipation 6ft he Bowel. As a Bowel i Begulator it has no toutl, 13T" For eaic by, and repaired only by, Drs. GliEENE, UNDLEY & BEKTLKT, Charlotte, N. C. march 30 25U . ' j ,Q moa. GRAND GIFT CONCERT. IQ.OOO 3?rizos. $260,000 in Currency to Ik 'given jmv.ij by the Masonic Relief Asbocialfon OF NOi:H)LK, vi. 1 This uuining has bcui legalized hypped al ct ol the Legislature, to raise iands for the completion of the Masonic Temple iu the city of. Norfolk. j ' LIT OP GIFTS: One One One One One One 24 50 80 tlOO ISO 590 0000 Uraiui Cath Grand Cash Grand Cash Grand Cash Grand Cash Grand Cash Cash Gilts, Cash Gifts, Cash Gilts. Cash Gifts, Cash Gilts:' Cash Gift; Cash Gifts, Gift,.. Gift, Gift,.... .... Gift Gilt......... Gift, $500 each... 250 each 200. each.... ISO each.... 100 each.... 50 each ' 5 each.... .$50,000 .. IS2,0W .. 12,500 ,. 10,000 . . 5,000 .. 2,510 .12,000 . l'i.500 .. 16,000 .. 15.C00 I2;(xx) . , 29,500 . . 45,000 Grand Total; Ten Thousand Qlit, Utl VUSU, ............... . 1250,000 Whole Tickets, $5.00 Half Tickets, $2.50 11; Xiekels $50 22 TicLcts SlOO 'i 1 i Plaif of drawing same ab Uiaiof Kenluckj State Librarv Aesociatinn. nrawimrin tain place in Norfolk on Tueeaav. May 5th lS7f . DIKECTOKS : JOHN JJ KOPER, PbesiWt. , JOHN B; COKPREW, Tbkasukkk, "WALTER II. TATT.flll GEOKGE S. OLDF1ELD, DANIEL' 11U8TED, WM. II. i WALES, M. II. STEVENS, JOHN T REDMOND, S.WEIL. ADVISORY ROAh Es Govcmor Gilbert C. Woikcr, Col. Kadcr, Biggs, P. JI. p., i J no. 'II. McDanicl, P. G CommaDdcr', o. ti. ourrouen. Capt, SamM Warte, Vircinia Lcgislalnre, Rob'tE. Withers G. M., G. iL T. & D. G. C. of 0. C. Col. Thos. F. OwclSs, P. G. MM John D, .Whitehead, Eeq cir-Major, Col. W. ll.j Taylor, state Senator, Orders for tickets and all communica tions should be addressed to i . hpvuv r kmn'PlC. Sec'y Masonic Relief Ass. Norfolk, Va. un. inuAis is. UAKK, , Agent, (Wilmington, N, p. jan 31 3m Honse, Sign and Ornamental Palitm ; JOHN A. PARKER, HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL ! PAINTER, 4 LL WOilk done with thatniot oetSe ii ess anu aispatch. i X JK?- Office one door above the corner rrincss and Second street. i ,a, lf STATE OF NORTH CAROLIHA. Xvw Hanovk: Count y Superior Court- " I it J. 11. Klossom; & Evans, I Warrant of A James Thomas Turner, taebnienu IT APPliAUING to the MliafectioP j M ! Court inatthe defendant In tbeaboj tion is not a resident of tbil State t1 therefore ordered, that publication of" $ mons sbajl be made in the EvKfi' !uii. newspaper published in the city mington, once a week for six 1ec,'':Jr of defendant to) plead answer or d6.1?? iiil ludgment according to the corpplan' bo rendered" against bln. I , . rnttrt. Witness, J, C. Maxs, Clerk of faldioB,, thisid day ot April. A. JjS "Atjam Rsrrr'R. Att'v tar Plaintts. aprii-iawuw ,. .1 . -i

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