i ; ' I WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, JULY 13, 1874 j 1 NO. 355 i ! f : . . ' ' mill ' .. ; Vt)L VII. CITY" ITEMS. Office KPSuliUH)nt. i vt;l olns" from "tnis date a lol- lows: Northern 'niiit mails J:f 1 M through A way (day) mails 1 A M Southern mail A M Carolina Central Kail way jnails A M Smith -l!if s-.tunlnv nnd Tuesday J A M FayetlevJJle, river, Monday & Friday..! I' M Fay ettcvi lie. 1 y Carol i n a Cen tral Ka i I - wiv. dail v " A M Oijlow Court IIoi;se, (horse mail) e vo ir V Kridav A M Mail delivered from 7 a m to 7 p in, and on Sundays from :i0 to 'Jif) a in. sitamp Olliee open from S u-'m to 12 ru, and from 2 to il p m. Money order on Rejiitcr department upsu Mmc stamp office. !,,,. Libn tv AArtbm Kcadin mm Room, daiiv : ' - 0 o'clock a in, to 1 o'clock p in.' 3 o'clock p in, to ( o'clock p m. 7J o'clock p in, to 10 o'clock, p in. Route carrier buy A are not author ized to sell copies of the Post. Sirn:il Servic;;, IT. S. Array We at hei Jleport. ; Mhsekvek's Office. fioe. vVi.'.min'-ton, July l' lli 4 j ti-m- Of 5ciw,t:on ?.'X A. M. Th-r Win! I Weath er - itir. i 2 1- SW iVh.Hvvr'n ! - IV (Vli'l 'i nil.to 5, U. Lu.M, ( 'hservi'r. 8 A. Oia Ni:vsivi':i:- suitable fpr wrap- n;i!or. i;i ;ki ok; sires of liltV, for sale at this oak'-. I tf. fcJrhWiiiiiEKs i-. tins Po.r will please bear in mind that it rc-piire.snioncy to run a newspaper." Many of Our sub scribers ire still indebted to m, and we foci compelled to call upon them to pay up. lljVOU cannoi n us m iiui, eIlu us a-vmueh as you can. All subscribers who h:;ve not paid in full or in part by July 1st, will be stricken from the list. . r- . t r..u .1 Remit to us by registered letter, if it is practicable, at our expense. Address 1 - all letters to t:u- Publishers. KsilsTKATloN A new registration is liotivtjuired l-r the Aujru.st election, but every man who has cnnifcd his riil nrr since last election, must regis ter or h cannot vote. Kvcrv ,'oter who! Tias heretofore registered should spend one d-'.'j in examining the regis tration books , to ee ll his name is on them. Unless yuur name is on the hr...V von cannot vote. See about vour registration. Nr.iLh .M Kay; I.p, Kcpublcan candidate for Congress, will address the ueoide of this congressional district at flic following times and places: July 14th, Tuesday Dalton, Dladen county. July l"th, Wcduesd ay 1 Sri n k ley W r it n s w i c k-co u i i t y . July lCth, Thursday Whiteville, Columbus count v., 4 Julv 17th Cerro io;lo, Columbus county. July S.Uh M care's Cn-s-Iioads, Col umbus county. JTuly Cn.k's Store Columbus county. July 2'2u -Sbal'otte, .I'nn.swichk cottnty. , July :21th Township House, Town Creek, Brunswick county. "July 2.3th Vi!miton New Hano ver county. The following is the Executive Com mittee, of tlie Third Congressional Dis trict, appointed at Fayetteville, N. C, on the l'Jt'u of May 174, for the next two years: AV.P. Canaday, Xcv Hanover, Chnm. V. J. liu-shall, Carteret. K. B. Samlers, Onslow. Enoch Hill, Hupliu. E. M. liosafy, Brunsw ick. 'Evander Singtctary, Bladen. J. V. Spaulding, Columbus. Clifton Ward, Sampson. O. 11. Blocker, Cumberland, - .James S. Harrington, Harnett. Conyeution. iThc Ucpublicans of Brunswick are requested to reassemble in delegated Convention, at lowu Creek, near the Township House, on Saturday noon, the ISth day of July, for the purpose of filling vacancies on the ticket, to re dress just grievances, and insure peace aud unity. By order of the Executive Cnmil- tee. E. M. Kosafy, Clrm'n ' A. K. Swinson, Sec'y. II is Honor WL P.'CanapaY, Mayor, presiding. Rut little of importance wastransac ted. ? I j Richard Jones was bound over to Superior Gourd in the sum of $500. Heavy rain last night, with plenty of thunder and lightening:. Tiiey came near having a fire just North of "Wise's Tobacco Store. A ker i i i osene lamp exploded and burnt some good?. Well indeed. f Almost a Fire. A store just across Bony's Bridge was the scene of an acci dent' lat I Saturday Which riiiost re sulted in a fire. A kerosene lamp ex- ploded, and, scattering its burning con- ? df.''d out fSo worth oigoous oeiore it f goods before it was extinguished by me proprietor uuu iuu apsisuuiee ui iuc passcrs-by. City op Wilmington, N. C, IMayor's Office, ' .. July 13th, 1874. To the Citizens: ; : At the request Of a largo number of citizens, including the public; officers, I have called a meeting to be held at the City Hall, to-morrow evening, at 8J o'clock, to give public expression of sorrow at the death of jHis Excellency Tod. R. Caldwell, late Governor of the State of North Carolina. I All citizens aro invited to attend. Vf. 1 Canaday, Mayor. riic relaxing power of Johnson:s Lin iment is truly wonderful. Cases are al ready numerous where bent and stiffen ed limbs have been' limbered and straightened by it. When used for this purpose, the part should be Washed and rubbed thoroughly. Apply! the lini mcnt cold, and rub it in witli the hand. A crowd of "Horse Men," and others, daily throng the stores in country and town for Sheridan's Cavalry? Condition t- ... 1 rri 1 a 1 11. . i l I i owucw.. iney unucrsuanu mat nor.es i. i ' i i. : i .. I cannot oe Kept m . gouu eonuuion wun- out tnem. and with tuem can be on a much 14 quanityuf grain July 3 !d6 & wl. HoN. .U. h. uockery and be I3e"J Kojjinsox, Esq., will I addrciss the peo ple, in defense of thelicpubjican Party at the following limes and places : July 17th, Friday-j-Frcnch's Creek, Bladen couhtv. July 18th, Saturdayj-Eosifidalc, Blad en county. : July 20th, Monday Magnolia, Dup lin county. ; f 1 i v July 21st, Tuesday Taylor's Bridge, Sampson county. j j July 23rd, Thursday Shoe Heel, llobeson county. July 25th, Saturday-fWhitcville, Columbus county. L Julv 28th, Tuesday Beaiifort, Carte ret county. ' . ' ' 1 July 30th, Thursday-Smithville, Brunswick county. f Backs Out Agait. Ittis currently reported that Mr. Davis put on the Ex exntive Committee of Robeson County the burden of a refusal to divide time with Col. Dockery or Capt. iRobinson at Shoe Heel last Friday. Though the people of Robinson were j largely at tracted to that tow'rt on that day, in the hope of a joint discussion, they were disappointed, and that by Mr, 'Davis. Boanerges may as well give up he is afraid. But though he may think that he will avoid enlightening ihe People by such wretched shifts, ihe is badlv; mistaken. Boanerges; has no inclina tion to meet anybody on the opposite side, and no stomach for th fight. ' ViLMiXGTOX, N. C, July 13, 1874. lion. George Davh,:Vmington: Dear SiR:-It is announced that you are invited to make a political speech to the people of Duplin at Kenansville to morrow. It is a timerhonored custom of Xorth Carolina politic that in im portant campaigns the representatives of both parties shall meet, divide time, and engage in joint discussion. It is the wish of the Republican party that either Col. Dockery or 'myself, which ever may be niot pleasant to you, shall be heard at Kenansville to-morrow, with your approbation and subject t yourrejeinder. And to that end I am requested to address you this note. Although it is, known that you may not be; inclined to attempt the direction of the proceedings of the meeting which you are to , address, it is desired, if yon are willing to engage in debate, that vou will signify the fact with a view to enabling and reinforcing an application to that Committee which has invited you, for a division of time, to be made with the assurance that you are not dis- po3ed to place an obstacle in the way of fair discussion. It is presumed of course the committee will consult your indi- vidual preference. . j ! May I not hope to receive a written reply to this note by half pa?t eleven o'clock to-day? I. have the honor to be, - ' . Your very ob'd't serv't, Benj. Bobixson. v Wilmington, July JV 1871. Qtpt. Benj '. Bobineort Dear Slit: Your note of this morn ing is received. Being only an invited guest at Ke- nsville, I have neither authority nor inclination to direct the nroceedino-. and I respectfully decline to interfere with the discretion of the committee. I beg that this answer may be con- sidered finalin reference to all hi vita- tionsAvhich I have accented, or may hereafter accept, to address the people. , Very respectfully, George Davis." Oh - The difhculty has boen solved at last and the afflicted public breath freer. The Kiro Suwo has at length been un 0orfV.ri -orfi, .,.i.i j wuiutu un vmiiij uuuiilo&CUj UilU LUC panicky public relieve their distressed fooling n The announcement in Saturday's &'ar that the "Kiro Siwo'-' was about to swallow up Jud-e Russell hada tor- rible effect upon such of us as were left here for M,p smmnrr. Afnn wnmon nnrl children, everywhere were terribly ex ercised about it, and the enquiry at every pojnt, on ail the street corners and at the verv church doors. "Have - - ' - v4 VIA lliU V you heard anything more from the Kiro Siwo?" ' The greatest trouble be- ing the fact that no one could locate it and whether it was a comet without a tail Qr a taij Avitll0ut a comct no one ' i seemed ablc to determine. A rush was 1 made for th olB.ce,but it was de- uno- forlorh, ana there was lu.-i.g there. The, houses of the editors were next assailed ;onc of them was cngnged in rc-adinfr the editorials in Saturday s Post, and could not be di.strubcd, vrhile the other wa. engaged in looking up a new woru 111 tne omncse language, as everybody knew, it was dangerous to 1 .1 y 1 1 . disturb him. Then Webster," and valk- 1 tt , '. r . i i : er, anu oostcr were appeaieu lo 111 vain; the heavens one enterprising were scanned ana ' indiv'dual even suggested the propriety of instituting a microscopic search of the waters of the Cape Fear, for the. terrible Kiro Siwo. Telegraphic dispatches were ent out in everv direction, and at last the light ning brought a solution. The Japan nese government (which is. by the way, a little profane at times), stated that the Kiro Siwo was a current prevalent on its own coasts, and the especial proper ty of the? Japanese government, and therefore they could not see what in the li-11 it liskd to do with Judge Russell's election.- llow to liecome Muscular Some Clinnfes of Solid Wisdom lieffard inff Health. In considering the training which a prizefighter goes through to bring him up to that splendid physical, condition Pwhich fits him for die severe tet of muscle and endurance in the ring! the Chicago Tribune draws a moral for the benefit of mankind generally who are seeking to cultivate their health. While with all the doctoring and the drugging and the flocking of the multitudes of men and women to the mountains and the seaside, or across the ocean, to build up their systems;' these means fail, in ninety-nine casffs out of a hundred, to produce the desired result, we find that the professional bruiser in a couple oi months will transform himselt into a marvel of physical perfection. 'The process," says the Tribune, "never fails. The, trainer of the prize fighters knows more' than' the doctors. His patient eats mutton and beef without season ing of any sort, tea without sugar and dry toast.; He makes him get up cany in the morning and go to bed early at ' . t nibt. He gives him plenty oi exer- cise. Hc has no pharmacopia to go to, no; prescriptions to write. He uses nothing but nature's medicines, and he? uses them with unerring accuracy, li the bruiser has a weak spot he strength ens it. He goes over his man as a tuner oes ovc a piano, and brings every note 8 I into perfect tune. If he has not flesh j enough he f uts more on him; if he has too much he takes some off, and he per forms this operation with such accura I cy that he will take off the same amount eTery day, and upon the day of the fight will present his man weighing within an ounce of a specified number of I pounds. One of the bruisers whom our reporter saw weighed four wTeeks ago 168 pounds ; on the day of the inter- yiew he weighed 138. The other bruiser weighed the same amount four weeks ago; when., our reporter saw him 4ie k weighed 135. The reduction had been made gradually, but with diurnal -ex- kaetness. Now. what is good for a brui ser is good for those who are not brui sers, if they have the courage and per sistence to follow the regimen, which of eourse, can be regulated to suit each case. Here is a chance for the over- worked to be made good as new at a verv cheaP rate-, Th clergymen need no more to S lo Europe after their nealtl1- at men neea no longer to oe fat ; lean men have some hopes of cloth- in& Jheir ribs more comfortably. They have onlv to rntrh nlivsie to the dors and take the bruisers' remedies modified . j- .j- c-, to suit their cases." There are some chunks of solid wisd om in these observation, and they are applicable not only to the male adult, but also to the growing boys, who are j I'll r . l r i tit io maKeuie men oi the luture. ve have before remarked that the tendency to athletic jculture is increasing among our PeoPle- and lor tne Yery rcason Inawt 13 aoinS so tne spirit deserves to be encouraged and prompted to greater development. But it is still entirely too mucn me lasnon, wnen a ooy pines ana mopes and seems to be losing his strength , to call in a doctor and have him drench ed with drugs, under the supposition that he is suffering from some specific discase that medicine is required to re move. I'robabJy in a majority 01 such cases the correct remedy would be plenty of fresh air, rough exercise, and simple food. Particularly is this true of the ambitious toysj who have been working hard for a high standing and i-iing the 2ast nitie mofltns and now are entering on their summer vacations. Very likely they are tired and worn down, but itis.not physic that js need ed to set them up again. They want to be toughened in the sunshine and the open air, by r out-door life and plenty of use of their limbs. We arc ' too much in the fashion j of running to a "doctor and the druggist when nature of fers the speedy and permanent cure, and in this respect we can learn a val uable lesson from tho heroes of the ring. Baltimore American. Here is something . from the JRock of Beanti that is strictly local hero as else where. Women should read .at : " A handsome leg is a rarity, we hatl almost said an impossibility, among American women. The reason of this is the place where they wear the garters. No French women, no English; women of cultiva tion now-a-days weais her garters below f her knees. It is ruinous to the shape oi the calf. More than this, it has serious, cou -cucnccs of another kind. The oriu -ipe vein of the leg, vena ?aplirena brev. runs just beneath the skin until it m .rly reaches the knee, when it sinks beucaih the muscles. iNow, it this is obstructed at its largest point b a tight garter, the blood is checked in its return to the heart, the feet are easily chilled, and more liable to disease; the other veins of the leg are swollen into hard, blue knots, become varicose, as it is called, and often break, forming ob stinate ulcers. This is a picture which a physician sees every day. With the garter fastened above the knee, all this pain and deformity is avoid, but it is still better to wear no garter at all, and to suspend the stockings by tapes a round the waist. In this case, however, a well-fitting stocking is needed.'' 1 A Washington correspondent, speak ing of the witty men of the House, says that the gentleman swinging down the siJe aisle, dressed in a gray business suit, with a scarlet necktie, a sallow skin, dark, round, and rather sunken eyes, thin, dark hair-cut like the Prince of Wales' children, and banged across the forehead like Sadie Matilda's, is the new member from jNew Jersey, Wil liam Walter Phelps,of Englewood. He looks as Swinburne might, or Joaquin Miller, as a Bohemian does; yet withal, like ofg nMeman. He s a lucky fellow; he is young, rich,! educated, with a bright wife and a wonderful boy. H is uirector of a dozen or more railroads, and I don't know how many banks. He is liked bv his colleague and he is in with newspaper men - Boanerscs' Warning BoanerRcs, Boanerges, beware ol the day When "Oliver" or"BenjanilnM shall rush to the - ay; Stale stories ai;ti gewgavj won't Uo for the j fight, You are working to prove that the wrouj; is I the right. The avenger, il.c avenger is close oa tby i track,; ; - iou are siruished ifyoik gfa'iHl, or gone up if i 3'ou baek And good blood for tenklceadc?, be it ever so . blue, cannot save from di.Siiittr yoi;r parly cr you ! - Senate Caanaiers may wait - thec in all thy I vain dreams, . ' let the rough road to honor's iess fcinoolh. X. thanii fccetu1: " " ! And from graveyard 'a r.tl forest, the" cry will. i ascend 1 TJie laborer and fanner iht-j'r. voices will blend, In aery of remonstrance, that, stupid, olt use "You deal not in reason, hut descend to i abu'e." Rcfurri to thy "ruiiis" where ";gcs " wei e . spent, "When "foi self and in sell 'you lived in ton. ' tent; For thy brief hour as bailor, t!iou:h worth ' less you were, , Was then oblcst and bravest of all lliy career ( Music by the Band. it z. Stt BANKRUPT NOTIUES. rfHIS is to give notice tliafon the 10th day J ot Julv, 181, a war ran 01 bankruptcy was issued out of the district court of 1 lye United sita'tes for the Cane Fear district of North Carolina, against the estates of .John McKae and'Jolm li Turrentine, partners tra ding under the 11 amy and style of Meltae & Turmvcntine, of Wimingtxa, in the county of Now Hanover, in the said distric ,, who has been, ad udscd -a Ixuikrupt on u c:i own petition : that, the payinemorany oeutsor the dleli very of any property bclou-i jg to said bahiirupi 'oiheni or :or ti)'eir use ana the transfer-of any pro perty by it is foroidden by law, and that a meeting of the e.-eaitors of said bankrupt to prove tueir debts and tp choose one or more assignees of their estates willbe held xt a court of bankruptcy I o be holdcn at Fay et e vill, N O, befo-c Wiilliam Guthrie, Krfq, Kegisteria Bankruptcy for said district, on the SUtli day of July, A. l). 1S71, at 10 o'clock, a. 111. KOJJl-htT $1 DOUGLAS, uly 1L -2t U S JM and .Messenger , i : . : . '. , i pfilS is to give notice-that 011 10th da' of JL Julv, J,S"), a vra ai'i of bankruptcy was issued oul oJ the c.isirlct cou"i 01 the llnited Stages for the Cap Fear District or.JfbrtU Caro'ina, apairs the e.v'afe o George A A Poppe, o . "i.'iu ing. op, the counA' of JS'ew Hanover, in said 6k t.ict. wlio has ! ueJi at'iudced pa vine p i. vi any tlehisor t he del' very -of any property belonging to raid bankrupt 1 o hiku ;t it j o u:i iu.n ou pt'L iiuii: tiiao toje orfo 'his use aud the transfer of any p'p- pe. iy by him are loi -bidden by law. ,fiid xrht a meeting of the creditors of s-.iiti oarka t 1q pyove Jiiej r dcbsauq to chose one a.; md of bankruptcy i'Ve nod m aL iyofctevlM N J, JCiO -e AVi ma in A G'.n.i 'e, Itsq, liegl tev'n jBankriVtcy ibr savd U'si-:-ict, oat s- ;30tnday o' Ju y. A. D., LS71, at 10 o'clodk, le a. m , July 10 21 U ii Zt and Messe-ngcrL Oil Treasurer and Coi lector CITY OF WllUXCiTOX, July 8.th, 18i 4 N 70ticj-: i: iij-: :j:y ciivilx tiiatt Dos OruiiiaiiCG for 1874, will so into operation n' -nd after NESD.VY, .TTLY Jl-ii, instant. ' By order. t. c. sl:ii"oss, . City .'i.er.'i and Treasurer. july-! i , : : -"-'- f 40,000 l r::n:.i ( r: (j.Ko-d;ki-xt Oil! O'.vu iia A !,) lolS tO ;j ;i: 7 v' .' . ELEi AX1) tii: Ji: A f,w A kit. lock d" s cn :v. SOX CO., City Clothkrs T T ' 1 C Ti iii;i:i: wild i;!;-,n dmxtiox :i.::dd at tne usual polling. -l in :,'c,f Hauover county on tho Is' Thur ?ay i;i Ai'gu.!., DTI for th election c-f: 1st. Superinttvdent o j'ui!ic lastrut lion ;2nU. Icinbor of t '.:,; f. ss; llrd. Mem bers of the.- tutc Si.-alc and House of ll( p resenta: ivts ; -1th. 'oumy t.Hhcer?; viz ; Five Couuty tA;mi:ii'-ioncr:',f .hcri'i; County Trcdsurcr, Keg: si t r of T'cais, County fc'ur veyor, Coroner and i'1'.tj: vl' ihe Superior CoUrt; oth. Judge of the .Supei ior i ;ourt ahd Solicitor for the Fourth JuJical District. .. 11. DLACK, Sheriff - Vii..nuTO', X.':C., Ju'y ?,i-7 i DiV'lavJw-Fri Our Weekly circulation ''is increasing every wck, cvc:i duri tg the "hard irael." Only oyn dollai: a year in vain e. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REPUBLICAN TICKET. -:o: V FOIi SENATOIt, SILAS N. MARTIN. FOU HOUSE OF HEPItESENTATIVlH, W. II. BANKS, WM. II. GERKUN, ALFRED LO i D, FOrw SHERIFF,- OWEN I5IRNEY. ! FOR 'CLERK OF SUPERIOR CXJURT, J. Q. MANX. j! FOR REGISTKR OF Dr EDS, JOSEPH C. HILL. FOR COL N TY TREASURER R. C. MVERS. ! FOR CORONER, ' i Ar. J. BIVINS. 1 OR COUNTY. CJJIMIS.SIONERS. L. E. RICS, i DELAWARE NIXON, A. II. vMORRIS, j - , ' 11 E. SCOTT, j ' j J. D. SELLERS. j jtinc 23 tdc, . , i FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, i OF PHILADELPHIA. Gasli Capital, 8-00,000 Capli Assets Kearly Half a Million j Dollars. j Injjurcvs all Classes of Pro)er(y at Fair Rales. JXO. W. (JORDOX, CT(cneral Agent. f Qfliccy in New Hanover Rank Ruild- in jiMy 8 lm Vtiy Your City Taxcsfior CITY OF WIIMIKGTOJ, N. U., i June 29th j 1874. f Tije City Tax IJoqk.s for 1S71 aro now In pofJgesKion of Ihe undersigned and Am. 1ek soKS arc hereby notified to call lit this oflfco (commencing July 1st. prox)jlnd FAY TllEIUCITY TAYES WITHOUT DHLAY. T. C. SERVOSS, Treasures & doll cctor. junc 30 tf ' ,31.3 : ' 1 1 : To my Fellow-Citizens j of New j' Hanover County : jjllEKEIiY TAKE THIS OCjUASlO TO, innounc3 ifiyseJf as a candidate h All tho , oihcaof SHKltlFF, which I now hold, and respectfully to solicit your suflragtH at the election to lie held on Thursday, the (ith day of ugust-nex?. A. It. DLACK. iiTic "1 If Star and Journal copy tf JL OK FOl'DTII OF JULY FIXINC.J5, j (' TO !' ' i'ho have in ttre Iemon, nkfpberry. Fine pple and Strawberry HyrupH, which make a most delicious .Suniuer lrlnJc. ' iAlso, LIIMON.S. at 1and (h) cent per do zen. . . j i . i ...... ' j -' Taylor & Dros' celebrated (ilnger'.Snapf, irrow liifi(, Jumbles, Milk and Lunch Jli- 0ult, 'resh bv Meainer, wccklr, from Daltl- uiore. Choice aud selected Stock i of FAMILY OUlOCKIilKJS, which which Will be sold at -iwest ligures at tt.c Cheap Corner, under Seaman's Dome. tor. Front and Dock Kt. 1 TiieCaroiiiia Central Railway Co-. ' I IM I NGTOX, N. C, June 17, JsTl. ncDucTioy or DATiorTiiANsnn;- i TATION N NAVAL 8TOUK3. ' I !. ! - OX and .after July 1st tho rn ten of trail - ( portation (h Xavul Ktoren Avill be rcduo : id about sixteen per cent. One dollar on ! Spirits Turpentine arid fllty ncuUoti Kotln jind Tar, being the hignest ratcn. : j i Master of Transportation will is apply t lie' rates to Ciich suit ion and patron. A i S. L. FltKMOXT. i juno;)')2t . Oeneral'Sjopcrteiidcnt JUT OUT, jAnoili'T Lot of Summer ' Millinery f v AT K VANS' BLOCK, ' ' ' '- I Friuccss etreet, near Front, Ribbons, - Straw Goods, Silk Cioodr1, 1 Extnusite : rrccc.t : FIOWCW A larire assortmc.it of Fan". - ; . - . ' PRICES VEUY CIIEVP FOU CASH. E. 1. STROCIu :. juno'3 .EVAX' BLOCK.