f - ".a f "" 1 ' st'e f-a .trr'i") ft f C ti ..- Hv'Atf ftrMW reefers, ntnwN wuu nciiiu -."...-j . jc?? Szp 'Atfl J toeiOMif- -- A". aje-- (i rffide leeettS fWB.fl 30 A- M- t , 7X50 vetoekvP.. Mnffleu opea free. .7 rboVetock;. AJWJ Beadsy.; roe JUil'rto rerT'd3r. .- V 4rt. ab-JJ3 ft!.-, .wives- . - - . aDHtlIfra!atem oflk sort HUrtTdyw:4l--' :i -3 . rwMTtaEtan'lHp; ilimi tici i rrnlrtTliih,'iS ona;- of 0(oj 2,RU:UmonailiUMin,faMmntTbor, t Fridy ! HiiJ, t i . . i S.,!mt- O05caJnrtl rooi&30 o'clock. A. M V in lr af- lr Ike lClt i pn dtirinr th wir. ' A k mjL mrr i v mt depnrt oa rintxUt, tbb office Ui not be ojh?b on tVatear.' ' ' - ;: . - . II. W. SiMaK; . lL.r rHrtniEH. Mcthsdvit & Cut agn. Wikkzpx. IU J. Carrnay.ftftou Serticca twice j 104 P. M d.y nipbt. vrMe Saadnji Helwol M rr SaW'atli at 2 dVUxV. l M, lrrH.anii ir.VCacari, W&ht. Terr Iter. It. H. Will, .pantor, PrrticliinR ( very BuJ Mil, A. M..im1 7, P.M. i SiimUy ikjUool t 1, P. )l. . r'aismrraBlAa CnracH, WtarsrosJIleT. F. 1L Jobu9i), ir.8Vn Strricf rrwy lSabbata' morning MBit' veumaky.the r. tfUblxh Hcbool meeU at 8 o'clork A. Erayc iwectiBg ewry IUFTBfT CHCBCa. WlHTOX. ReW. II. A. Brawa, pAstor.., (Service ctwj Htbbath at 10 li o'clock; A II., d at 6:301. Tracer mtiii on Wed- ndT night. S..bbutb fckbojl at Z k. P. M. KpincorAU?, WijtoJ X Clmrch l.ut wrTlcMbcU in tbe Malu A-aV-rajUj Her. ir. Banm, tbQ Inst ShI.LhIIi iu ; cb xaouth. Preacliing ,tf (itmung at: lOoclotk. A. M., and at 4, P. M. 1 MoB'TIA ChibtU. SalKM. Itv. El. ! Ronlh-U- paUr. rricea ewrj XSbhath. Dob nnga aty . A. M , an 1 i-Tic commence promptly at 10, A. M. , Rirnintu bell litiga at b;4$, P. M ., and , Mr.vice com me dob at 7. Pi M. Sunday j Hcbool ex ai K clock, P. ai. iliiltATlAV CULBCU lOiL UOALKM. lit. rery Bunoay ai u.eioci, a. M.. at 4. 1 r.ver . U., ; and at 7. Sund.-y School ' at 2- r. II SOCIETIES Wixsros Chapteji So. 24 of Poyaj; Arch Masons uitfU io the! Mmmouic Hall t Winston each tirnt rnd tlurd i'.iidjj uigbt of eerv n,outh.. , II.. 11 Uausso. JligU PrkL C. fl. Hat saa. Sec . : ' . Salbw IoDoe No-283. -V. F.t A. 3J., -ui ts in the- Halt' evt-r gidtlull s Htoro flrt Tbiirsday nightiu e te y month, at H oelock ' C.Wa, W. M. ' J E. BvtjuUk S!- I " v - S4T.VM I,IM.B. No. ."w I. O. O. F.. xaerta every'Iesday-nigBt ntt-oVtoca, . the Hxll ovet SiddaH '4 Strt.- : ' T- J. II' Sntxts, N. :G- W. A. Wstaza. Secretsrv WiKSTb LotMB -No. 1167. A"F. y tiirfbt' .yoigtit If. meets sec ad rtiianl rTW.-eh mnnib. arid on - Tuesday .ii Snneriflr Cnrt ard n tbe Auiversl ries ( the floly St. JoUSJ " ' - A. D. Fi-AJtXia-t, W. II 5. II. Smithv Seeretart. v Hai-em Ej.CAMM.rjrT. N. 90I.O. O. F.. meets second and Idnrth'Frklaye of each jioutb..! t "o'clock. In? tbe. Mali over daldalTs Store. P ! ' ' ! lr. V. O. Tteoiirsoi,-. C. V. C. A. Foois; eVril)e.- 1 ' ' -Sauoc IoOB. No. 18- KsiouM --r rirBrAs,Tneets" Wetli.ec lf sights, at 7 t clock ..in. the Hall over Sid.UirHtre W.: P. Okmbt, C. C Jxo. H. Shcltx, K. of 1L A . .Wiss-o IDaa, $o.jii t P O. 1. tor At in. WisstoueryThnrsaaj at 7 o'clock, over Thftnjison's lrng Were. W. W. YpR-t .., W. V. T. J. M. Stnt'ET, Socret-ry. School Committee J . C. Jre Kigga, and la. I. Hine. gtrTrCCpmrnirXiw , A! Bitting, P A. Wilson, W. P. Heul-y. Chief of Po!icc-W. JT. PfohL . r rvuvtrsnixEim rx'BsrrH Iwirrt. A. Fa. Conrad. Cbab-msa; Thoa J. .-itCU ami T. J, ValcpUue. mcelstlie fiist iloct'av is ' jriiae Jioardxi rvffiymonliwAtjle OViiitHon - - .. .a A .W.tlsirlfrri - ATTORlTEilAT Ia-A.W. j YADKI-VILtE. C, lix PtticTlC'K TnE CouHs w of riurrr adkia, Davie, sad! Forarvb. . . f i f 1 1. w ,.i . a ..hitj itiMiji.M vii,. l - . . : . ui ii. vi n t n t n.v n f . -iim. rwr r,n mm ... ar . . a I iUi fourth Sabbaths of each i . 1 . ., ilr.iwl M niiil.lron Mt-t;nlv rartment, in 1877, It IUv.LewUUege.coL.preacbeJ lor tbe pay VB o ca,.,. oo-, -m.rU. en of r&l?&-,-Ls I Hud t,,at 1 " 1 0nl J lentirelv. Tliere o drink so than 3,902.400 shad fry. ."Tilmr'Kh healthful forchil- "Euconrugedbythe CV. p. HenW, T. J. lirowu. 8. Bycr- i"l- -- ---- pi lU.OJ,4' economical limes Will; Some of our principal streams IT. I. v. AMIIOU, 1. A . vtiisou, v. aj iunp j 'fyj-'v vi- I- icwhku,ih h ii :n.tM:r UaCrueteJ ts tne itsttiim.- - - - a.a,ri--,nir iacismorous lur cm Dior- as a wpoii. e wtjuiu hoi iuto iu 0 ,1 ,tbr &ah. e eldismsflf b.1 . : ; 1. ; u , ? f -Alt bflsittess SDtru rreanjt1yenar-i ( i i i r stat-- .i it w ., U . AT II B 1 . . . . . . . ;i -. .!r Kr ' tf l Economj is an excellpn vaipb lwin"-in from t!io extreme of . . . . i ii . 1 f V - - I . - . , - . . - 1 LS - - - ,, , - ea'gg9f,gnaBgBWBggg8gggHr.4-r '-.yggyBp . 'gT'gwgww- -j : LU-HHwegsBax. .i.m i 1 ssssgs!-ammmmiiALLuj l. ! . j - etrcnchmeut earned loh.fxUeiuejRgJ5W CQiB Dili UU ue jm lurBiMj'fw . t a.,anii LmnDniuin m iiiimuirwt. I of ittduatrie and-the taBtuaf jje- coufidcred tlifTprodocing c!as are t j . - - - tbo crcafc-eoDsamerajBf-ittAnnrac- lurod godd, and if thoy atop par chaHing thee tlie itwinufacturera au casc making ' tbern 'ThU block tto sapplj of wpol wood. I and olUer material for Iho nulla, and throws the operatives oat of em ployment. Tliese, being the great consumers of furnh prodace, mast eilher decrease their purchase (o tljQ Vnininium allovauce, or become extreme economy Of the fanner raacla against lumaeir. ,fhe nafural tendency of every man it to look oat for liimself and, to leave q the i-8 to look out Tor thcmaolvea. We lorget thai tfi interests of Kicie-i tr are all united, and that one can nol suffer wilhont involrinff "the other. A more liberal view would re?ult in a beneficent ccouemy by . . . . , i t l.: . i which tue maivwuai womu rvujims rewartl In the advance of all social an 1 iuduatrial iutrrcsU. Wc.jrecenJly" overheard one of these narrow-sighted, piucliing fel lows thua free h:s mind on thissab ject of economy: "In thee times it in the duty of every farmer, to cut expenses do wn to the lowet. notch. I tell ray cliilJren, when, tliey aak me for clotlies, booka anything. uo matter wbaV-tbat fhc country iuir for the traut of better barn ac- wln0faiion,. bat I am not g.ang e.x 1t.sw!Ll a nxasmr tastrtl Bar Ksfl ll" ITlV 1 bAi, butter bring me only 20 cenU. . .. ..... . . . tl I tell uy. wife that, wetnust life on pork and codfish r til I .the bonks dis gorge Ihetr hoardel "trea?urc and money- is mora plenty.." . , . -If thi idrocate oP economy had not been UtTpossespr of ."hoarded trcasurfs" im liii words would j here tbo average ia at loust. twice, havo had only the ladow of truth j If farmers Tould only oouteul tliciu in1lrB, butting a tnoaev lender, j ,T" wW, Jwl.;of ald ll..-, rf iMltmrr lii h. '-t-sia is cows .saner for tlie-want of a new barn because tU$ rrCrriis 'irqm tb'triJ were' small w0 jfcalana,af not . wtckei. ; hll.ietr.'acled onT(Sch a parsiroo nims pHHcipW t-l would he litUe itotjer'. n 1 cblarHaj. Buaki are LoutliLg tWclr lrereuaplj; cnte tmsifrMia stagnant and there is little tiomamt lor money. farmers who aroi able wogld liUd antidottt to all I uJ heAl:-tl fwd- Wbh a eo-at line ne w barus wlen tfcfcir. stock Is tuf- fetiie tendency.' In this matter ol ' of lurt hundred miles in extent, tnden fewog for tJaOrwaalofacpin numerous estuaries, sounds shelter tldi 'wnal draw twt tlie learn frotti the) Frcbch. "A French lakes-witb magnificeat rivers henrvlci treasure and mi iJq l? j wk wM niake a din for a iribuUrie. epresd , like net- . i family ouV of what an average ; work over the face of onr whole tem- circulatton. True econoiay. . ac- j mcf?iJmii thjo-rs into the ! toty. no iwlicy for tbo development of manda.thc buUdiiig ofUrnsand ! J swfll-barrel 'Meat U'comrktrutive- vny state wouU U complete that did ni,kir rJ all rkarnaanent lmDrOVS- ment at almost aay rai-x ol wages. Ilauv lVWcr.wiM-iatQ UuiU house, asatuy Mtariwvr.s- y . - fraMlkaa t 1V nlTII IrtllH. m w w ;tanvor fenceto lay down Umo - ""-T''- eje-a.W''a''.L-.--. : tile, to reclaim i - : tile, to rcclaiuuana, or to maxe any pstnnanient imprxrvementaan iv farm, and has tho meUiis. now Is the lima Ha eaanot invest his foods ! , . 1 niM.Afssr ; SB) UV1U S IIVJ 1 we Ml - mke better retoras,': " j ' -W Wonld -'not, lio wever,' be n j dcrs(Hd . as insiiTpalin tliat'lhere ' M o demand. for economy m tho lirm. . i iibflbe free circulation Ol j nicuts when labor and material are no rcasoa . wuy wo iuoald use it ta : faetbtiee for supplying oar peop Wto9J e?' extravagance J rrept htirr-rlasj-es tf soci'jtyJl I- a- id -.t. V Of d 1 "fz L-'a iarme,liif adM 'ltj OTpnatesl of Hvins lre almost i doubW joa V)0 tihj& well ' at 'eVef r&ertf ' ' WitItnJUV Iat': "preatfcp Host of iliU Tncrcaacd expense ii for mere Ubirttlljef !Aah" for iral cbmfort Farmers. ar9. wont . ta,coinpLua t J Uieit ucrftasWr 'taxt nv 'nbDrbiugf ' r . -r r - " t -ti . m Co Uie polutweoonomj' ' " Iu lhe'raatter ofivxxi the expense rroook ir ecoDoiaT .ucre. -.uw oi the firal laws of health ia that food should be sirtplebut on most farta ers table vte find pie-i and caSes; apecially .pies,", fixedup with all maaoer.ol'apieea and .VoriugA. lite pie is a peculiar Yankee uutita tion, which started from Flymouth, au'd haa migrated ott that latitude wuh thePyr)taii emigrant as , far West ' as toe Pucific '. Ou some farmers' tables it i found three times a day. maeh t ilia damage of tlie afom:ic!i. as untmegs, cinnamon, and cloves can't be brought from foreign countries for nothing, and when ea'en . with larded iastry are di gested with difficulty' awl caaie dy spepsia. Que may travel through Europe and never sec a Yankee pie, and uotfiTieaIU',.and ccouomy de mand that w should ace fewer piea in-America; Fruit uncooked makes a cheoper and :eTCtjr way a better dessert (harf when cooled. -Cooking dttvsbirjlic aroma which gives to trait its peculiar tnste aud stim- trlGS. - . Then, again, farmers drink too much tea and coffee; These alo come irom a mx coaniry, are cx pensivefUKl if .taken atroug aro a Kiti vc damage. - Like tobacco and alcohol, they derange the nervous ;j .1 i i ..ii ) "c,u. "c...g p.y auu otucr ""UUV - . , . - , . not ue conscious tor a long umo ot the evil effects from tlieso 6timuLit tng drinks; for they undermine health as they sap the purse, slowly; but it requires a strong man to drink atreug tea or coffee three timeaa drcn as milk. . It is both food aud drink. With tha and coffee banish ed from their tables, many tanners will find their savings sufficient to pay their taxes. - Meat la also an expensive food which farmers are wont to indnlge in ls AtMdft . mstiv rTnmnblirtr tf nn ss-s sv vavv'airT' -if "tTj M tsi sasvss s vast : their tables three limes a day. Iu j no con in ry do laborers eat so much meat as in America. In moat coun tries the v 4 eat It .only once a day miia, ur some mnieu rar" aai inusi, , ..j' . , . ur uuvuicat uutnusr, lor irvnaiiisi, they- would bnd.it not oulr a iunev sitving, .but w-. befd'h-pruiiMHuig, plan'. Ourrjaryiinaok)Us friciMl's idea, of lirintr Oil codfish wa-t not a bad' one,""if not cafried'too t.ir; neither csalfish not any salt foil cau be tolerated, for a steady diet. A vlish ef appee s an ecvuomical and Iia.,1 ,r.,a-1 nn4 lanth tiHyli-K tasCaikirdini.'er table. Thi fruit j "Tl- T" " i i IV Tioai. tti tbta v-wn titer lint that ta ! goj to feather beds jiud sanded j bnl ,n fJ-el?. 1 inako ecunomical and .aauitarr ito , T ajaaaa pbt bWs, e s s wsSa sbbbs sasstavS aajBsw Aaasrsv . proVementa on iiiodera rractioes. t . a .a . 'ijariieta are one ot tlie most expao- sive articles in the f nrnialiing of mo- deni houses, and they are neither tuly .nor wholesome. Thry: are tho re- ccpUcIea of much filth, as lamani- j-frst when tlicy are taken np and shaken, suid the new carpet worm will provo a blessing if he makes , l . : .:.tT jvaa-u-a sal wusuiciu lusiituuuu. e advntOAtrery yoag farmer iu build his house to put down floors of hard wwJ -alternate Strips of beech and birch makc.a haudtwme floorand ItkcwMe to . make his 'ceilings and i casing of the' native troods 'found 1 ln his Wood lot Thcic, oiled, ore handsonae enough wit Loot painting. Let 1 the . furniture ct the ' house throughout be rimrjlwimnlicity ia indieativo of good cease and good taste, i Cheap wood? rrered with gilt and paint may ike a show. bu tt sliottfS jg-itr . 4 tndener. we may relen t oj lLz ct of farm ccanomj:agaKi-Ji, dj "-t- x $ BEPQBT., QTi.Tllii XX)MaIIS SI0NER OF AG M0U LTURE. few . interesting, extracts from this report, and, in face of the fact. that a member of our Legisdaturo has presented a petition signed by 163 (one hundred ' Vtrid ' nxty-three) of fthe citizens of the State, calling for tbo repeal of tlie act establishing the Departiaent of Agriculture, we again make bohl to call the atten tion of all thonzhtful minds to the benefits -which must accrue to the State by the Citajblisliraent of tlie ! WV . . It ' ieparimeui. . is universally acknowledged that all the lnnatics are not ia the Insane Asylum, but that is a misfortune, and may yet be remedied, especially as they arc not in 1 hie majority; therefore, to give the sane an opportunity of judging for. Ilicmsclvea upon this im portant que ion, we pursue our original purpose : rinn rooFAOATtox. "Iu December, 1877, niton the in largely vital ion oi several gfutlemeu iu teres tsl in tbe ftahiug grounds of the Albemarle Sound, Maj. T. B. Fergtirson, Ftsh Couominioner of the State of Maryliud, and myself, visitel tbose waters for tbe purpose of investi , ., .... , . . . gating be feasibility of establbJuu a ' co-operative shad hatchery in tbat Ticiity dariug the em-niug Sprmg. As a result of our observations, a eon fereuee wss beld i J Wasbiegoj City, at wh'ch the Virgiuia and United Statea pWi Cumm'ssious ieiued as in etablish i " iug lechery, shkh w oierated at t: i. . Avoca the couflnesee of tbe ltoauoke I and Cuowan Itiver. ... . . .,,- , ,. ,i Puor to the establishment of this De- ...,..,....,-i part ment, the United States Fwh Com- r . . ' . . , . mission, during 1873 76, placed in our . . . ,. . , waters 213000 abad, suipliud liv arti- . . . HUM 'I iqw'liav, the esUblls'iment of the Do- U-V UU.I1U.KXI It . . ,MV Wtt . success attending 1 -he efioitt of the Cuitcd States Fish Cotnmiasiou, iu introducing the Califor nia Salmon into the waters of the At Urn lie slo.ie, yonr Board, iu 1877, oi tablisLcd a hatchery at Swunaunoa O ip, in the Bine Ridge, for the negation j of this desirb!e and proflUble fo.d. fisb. Oar numerous streams having their so-irces iu the mountains and furnishing a sever fSJct wster of a temperature siindar to th of thosi streams Iu California iu which they nnrih s finely, fnl'y justified the experiment of tostl ig their adapt ibility to onr streams. Since the c tab Lh ment of this hitch- ery. it .p;,a..rs from the fignris of the report ma. v. uuo. ni. umou uiiu i:u mrawu iu uiic anici. The Commiioner goes ou to say Not auiiu tbe least of the evil effects restt Ung tram a tbonghtlessaua wqpie ale d Mraction of our forests, Is the . uru wp uu "l"ux u' ""V""1 I , . 1 T - . "--- v - " as to look to our rivers, sounds and Ixkes for our chivf sulpIv of this eheau ' nU a.,ntr4 thm nfilisaibmu f tlivajt ! with pro- xorFs ,n Kill! times of high water, by dams WfM minoaj ,ue m wnlacturvra,- who erectod front bank to bank by j fitrm9a 0 mlrmt epmbiu itWu io cosi private parties. bils it ia repug j iu i iVitt nsai to tbe s.irii of oar people, ss well ; ,ef wjestuting same of the best legal ss to our organt- Ur, to invade the jt-u-.i of the Htkte.-tmm-rht a ra in rigbU of the citizen, yet it Is equally repugnant to grant a citizen exclusive privileges snd etnoluBenta. And here the iM-rtiacut iuqairy prrsimts itself Has a citizen, living, for example, oa tbe Boaaoke, tbe Cape Fear, or tbe Pee Dee river, the right ta s.ect daaia or other obstmctions ia thst stream, that he may appropriate the products sad profile of each stream to bia:Town use. tttVreby excluding thousands of citizens far her ia the inferior aal roct!gno:ia it1! : warm to such atream from its benefits t Hj the irapt fixed iu these Lune,' not only are Uta ad alt shadeangUt la their efforts to reach their, spawning grounds, , bat sat nnmbersof the yoojog Ua4 are, de atroyed la titf ir exit to the ocean, owing to' the pemU4r constructioli ' of 'these ' i It Is theeoatom to:iUh' aoatf of our waters with setue,oehvdtfft-ftet and other appliances, sjub Taaota tbs arAwarjKt asAKOXs, -and liooetv.withoof intermission JU w) thna be see'athat to'seoure'to'mr.pebpie a Juiti Aistribtl tion of the bencCtaf WIabra; ; We most have aCfree psssae1 for thas-Sab of oaralreami a-espeeklly.f iaHbna rivcra,,: Were tldseffacted by pi enaef ; ment sad enoixemen of proper , laww we mkrlit hobs at W Very distant 'dav to ace our rtreama, 6y pUtbd reproij d action, restorer to tuetr orijrraaj pre dnctl vVweas. - V 'j r- i ! I wonld therefore,, earn eatly aaggeat that the attention of. the Xlaneral As-, sembiy be directed to the importance of enacting en efficieDt;general lair, to apply to all . oar ' principif waters, for aecaring the free paige'of Rahh -:' Aad ia this eon section I trnt it may not he inapproprhtfe to ask your atten tion to another subject elosely allied to the one under consideration, viz: wan ton aud reckless destruction of birds and other game in the State.-;; While T am aware that no general jpune.law can be eu forced effectually unless aupporfed' by an intelligent public opinion, yet I feel warranted,' from an extensive corre spondence with intelligent citizens iu different portions of the State, ta j earing tbat a law to prevent the' ludis- criminate aUtugUter which so seriously threatens extermination to many of cuff uiost va'nable species "of game . Would be warmly reeerved an endorsed. "TaT numbers of insectiverons aud other harmless birds (and' which are good friends of the It'rmer) are annually de-j atroyed witbont ncard to value or sea ? t , n. i eon, for mere sport, and I earnestly jre- commeu I that your Board ask for the ; euacttueut of better laws to protect oar game. rarrruzKBs. i U.B(,'r m'coneePu fUl? tra? " lcu i'picu-u.-iuu cu- tertained by many of ear people, and expressed by severul of our papers, tbat uo cneci oi me ui imposea upon ler- .... ,, . .. . tihzcrs would be an incraaso of price on . . ., . 0. . , . all brumu sold in the State, and that ! . ' , ' ,S , , onr farniers, tberefore. wonla have the ? . . , tax to pay. Ity others it was f.-area I . . . , m i that all fei tilisers would ba driven from the Stitc Bat all wre' agreed as to , .. . , , iuc urgvui uectrssi'y lor nu:u legislative protection against the imposition that bad been so shamefu'ly practiced on onr farmers. The bigb prices realized for several years for cotton aad tobiceo, and especially the former, 'greatly In creased the deaiao J, which readily , bronght forward so accommodating and ! vnrr. anrkii.li, in, itnnnl TTia roMitinoaa wUh wLicb Qnr ,e ex)rbiUllt f fortni-W inTl nerallv j ...ttV... -..i.-. tA ... at ssisvus as a x-(f s v v vw shvib OM pied, .UJ hence, iu the year 1876. we . . ... r - . - fonnd ou our market over one hundred Utffcreut brands for s'del Thfl' imposi tion of thi tix, andaSoVe alt j the rigid1 j analyids to which they were to be sab : i.i ,1. . i. 1 i , tireUtj.uill r ls7r; . Oa mir i ui.i.wr .11. M ..r. Mini-.'. K. ' I H L. III. y dnpX to ml all th demands of our fsrme.-s, and not only has the price hot been advanced on any ; , u1 in co'iseq-teuoe of thj tax, but tbe repeated andysts of our chemist i - -"- , 1 brauds his beu t.ucreaae.r . It i' one of the legitimate raltsof owutpestioB in trade, and bar Universally : occurred wherever, in this country er 'Europe, similar laws hnve been euactett. " And while I am far from . as-rtiBg, that ad the br.tnds withdrawn tram onr m-irkst were wortLless, yet I do asrert that ' the spurious and m sit worthless, , were I riven oat by the enactment of the Jaw. I regret exeeedincly lhat I base- no ' anlhentie data, ante-dating the passage of t'.e act, upo i which to bae an esti mate of (he actual .iuivitti "to. our farm ers fat toe purchase and ..use of fer.ili- zcrs, but 1 feel safe iu saying that it at- ready amounts to nnndreds of tuousands I I! ylofdollars. . . . ' . t " I Tbe ukmI formi labM opnosltion , io tlie law. as was to bare beeu exneeteiL volving'' this iasne before 'o tf. Courts, and its couatitationality was .susiaiueiL The maaafaetarrrs who bare paid .the tax, seeiat that ihttf are relieved sat only of conpetitiott witli spurious ' arti cles, but that .'the, system, adopted for taking ami aaalyxiag samptes 'will prs seat their goods fairly and impartially OU theii merit to onr Tpco;ite; srejso far aS 1 am. ia formed, aetia-fied with tbe ayktem axwl the tax. .. i ' -S4 i if i I - i i it auu ( ! That Cm wisdom, of the Legislatore ia imposing this tax is strongly- endor sedby the farmers of ' the SUte, I beg to' call your attention to. the. following oiScial report, recently made by a com- i"lli'"-'-.'ftl-i f hihcv vi w inB appvuikcu jj w North Carolina 8Uts Agricultural Socie ty,. ita reeea t meeting, to Investigate "pohlie eeatiment ia the State ia regard to this, tax,;, Xt ia atrosgly erroborated by. not only-the Press ol the State, but by Jiundreds of letters received, at this' omee, ana. eomisg as it noes irom gen tWea livtflg iu the different sections, aud whaMweltikLOwnJ ldgh :ensractr liiitligenceejjd iniegrity is its beet wnaraend at ion, I bag tcwabmit ,it sa tire, as being well worthy your respeeV fTd'consideration:- -SxaTTbe committee to' wio-n was re ferred by yoni houorabts body the fol lowing resolutiou,' viz:--" RetoUtd, That a committee of five farmers be p- 4" ' .1 potuseu so gaxuer iniprmitiou irom tue fariners of the State in regard to the working of the tix on 'fertilizers, and that saeh eommittee be instraeted to re port to our Executive Oomtnittee before the first of December next; each report to be furnished the press of the State for publication," respect! ally report : That they have made extensivo in quiries among tbe representative farm ers of aQ parts of the State, and find the almost uuauimoos opinion to be, that tbe iaxoa fertiUsera bas beeu prodac live of great benefit to tbe agricultural classes iu several particulars : 1: The saalysii of the fertilizers used in the State, and the publication of the resuita of aucb analysis, enabled farmers to form a more intelligent opinion as to what fertilizers are' nee Jed 'for their crops and what elements are needed by their lend. . 2. These analyses have checked frauds in the manufacture of fertilizers. They have improved the quality of those im ported into the Htatc many aay as inueb as 20 or 25 per cent. Jit. They have exposed gross frauds in some instances ssd enabled farmers to avoid being cheated by them. Hacu publications, ana tue very J interesting reports of the Commissioner OI Agnculture bare, in Aortn uarouua. , A9 jB Germany, France, England and several Stales of this Union, beeu the mejns of creating an intelligent iuterest iu questions of agricultural chemistry, and spreading tulorin ttiou about the u among the people. Farmers do not now buy fertilisers blindly at h iphaz trd, but bkd they buy cloth, shoes, 4a, wita reference to the seal raise of site article sod their suitability to their needs. They try experiment more thau form erly, ob serving more accurately tUe effects on the cris. 5. The home nisnufactari of ferti lisers has beeu stimulated. Alauy farm ers do not buy tlu manufactured article at all, but they purchase the citeaiicals at first baud from tlie importers and manufacture a id mix for themselves, producing, a mixture highly profit ible, as they claim, at much less cost. 6, The tax ou fertilisers is pronounced to be the best mode of sustaining the Department of Agriculture and its work,' iucludiuj not only the analysis of fertilizetv, but ail theimportjut sub jects which it has in charge under the abtaemdact of the B jard of Ajricul Uirtav Aboudiut evideace is at baud to prove that - the price of ferii.izere has not beeu raised by the tax. Couipauies are able to sell her j at the a.ime rate as in other States, and they sell au article of known valoe. . .7. JUtue suue time, the committee reiKjrt Ithat the uiaitisraetioa at first . , ... . expressed by some of tbemauufactnrers uai uos.iy uieu out. many oi them like the plan of having analyses m ule, as it saves them from the competition of dishonest aud inferior articles. The only iu jury tits beat grades b avs suffered has been from 'tbe increased horns mixture of chemicals by thj f irmars. But this the committee think a des-rable thiug for our St itc The comaiittea sincerely hojM that, so far from abolishing the tix, the General Aawmbly miht, with ad. van - tsge to the State, grant increased means J 0j Ulf4ef.,j i to tue Board Ot Agricul ture. Certainly uo legislation in their remembrance has been of saeh direct value to tbe sgrtcuitu.-nl iatereata, on which chiefly the SUte dspeuia. tiraoeritv of ..nr lrMperity of oar , Itesjtecttuily submitted, ' J. 1L UcTo'sixs, Butaji Usui its - - Pa-rsa K. Smith, It "UL CAIaPWSjLti, !. f Conw Jussni A. WuBTB.j s Noxembes 20th, 1878. 1 If is presnmjd that the above report Joes not in any manner refer to the tax of 50 eenU , per too, imposed by see lions 8, 19 and 20 uf the act, since a atatemeut kindly readcred by the State Treasurer, upon my itpplicstioo,' shows that the -tou tax was coUeef ed io tut three counties. Apart from tbe difficulty j of ea forcin 4 it, scry grave : doabts exist One copy, dire year,: j .r. . . . .ttLi six months,. .r. , tliresmocths,., ........ Substription f nYsriably in advance.' RXTJZSOF ADVEUTySIIVti 1 square, "one Insertion,.. .,.,...f 1.00 ii column, six months, t r-13.C0 . do,;? twelve months, v .. t3 i cohnva,aix months. ....M.CJ do '.t wdvs months, r, 1 si M.C3. ; 1 colaan,ix months,.. ..;. ; . ,.,IiU3e f io twelve iaaontlis,,.i- Court advertisements six weeks,, . HXJO ' Special notices snd sdvertisements ia local column 10 easts a line.v l. l JM')i ? as to-xts eoaatitaUohaiay in its present form, aud i; therefore ask thst your, . Board recommend the repeal of sections 8, 19 snd 20. solfar ss:t tax pf 60 cents per ton, and also that the SUtov Treasurer' be anthorized to refund to such sherUIs respectirelyi the ' amouats collected and paid In by them es ton tax. ?. y:' I 1 I tvt. ".a, ' 1 " t Believed of this einbarrassment, adt imposing shnpTythS tsxof five hundred dollars en escbrsalsolil in the State, it esa bo eftctivljs jpcpaomiasllsjA, aatusfactorily enforced,' 0ltJ i?t .r , .1 am satisfied tbsj, for econoaay, aim; plicity and effectiveness, dor system'fof. reguiiting tlie saleof fraiirs is not ' equalled by, that of stryf-tha tftaiesv -ssd 1','rnst that the ' essential features of itspreseatfdrmi WiH 'remtda'tftr-'' cnangeu' - oi.u -t .i ..' - --'..! i - .n.u. ,,,, SigUit Hhms. tiCC O. U. Boberts has been sppoinUd Postmaster st Asheville, ia place of Col.1 Fsgg.4' ' ?'--? The bridge over-the- Neuasr si- New ' light bss been - WAsbsd sway-and will have to be entirely rebuilt. . - k The house of Eli Osborne of Locust, "Orel, Stanly county, was burned on ' tbe 13th iust. , Tbe building was total loss, together with 1200 in money. - Old Nkobo. Dick Martin, a colored citizen of Stokes, died a few weeks ago at the advanced age of 103 years. George Hay still lives beneath the weight of 108 years, IMinbury Rtporter. The rpof of the Orphan Asylam, at' Oxford, was partly destroyed by fire caused by a defective flae two or thrco days ago. No one was hurt, and the loss is covered by insurance., George Wetters, of Concord, beinj driven to desperation . by drink, shot himself on th 22 ud inst. The ball entered bis abdomen and he died st three o'olock tbe following day. - Mr. John Horton, sa elderly gentle man who lived 1n the neigbborbood of Amity Hill,. Iredell county, was found dead in the road last week, with bis ' horse standing beside him. .Apoplexy. Mr.J. A Hasky, s prominent citizen of Monroe, was killed by the wheels of the - ears passing over him at Stouts, a station between Charlotte and Monroe, lie was postmaster at Stouts. James Turner died in Alamance on the 18th inst, haviug on joyed Jiia 85th birthday oa Christmas. And'-Qohn A. Mebane. of tbe Mebane family, died at News Ferry, on the 27th, ult, sgca seventy. In the, neighborhood of Westfleld, Stokes County, s couple of weeks ago, Mr. Alex, .y wens fell from s scaflui 1 while buildiugs chimney and broke his leg. The hutb hd to bi amputated. Death or a Good Mas. Beoj. S. Johnson, Esq. died at bis residencd iu laucolntou ou tbe 16tb Lust., in the 80: It year of bis age. Travellers to Luicolu- tou win rriuemuer mm ss I he clever laudlord of "Johnson's Hot-l" for 30 years past, lie was a useful citiztai, and a go-d and liooes. mm in all tlie rehrtious of life. CiarlotU Vent. : Iu the Agfienlturd Depsrlment st Italeigh is a bauk of n itive silk, spun by the bunds 6rMr.y. V. Gdd'wefl.'o. Iron Station, X.iucoln coitiily. it is pure white and is said by vxperta to-be uusurpassed iu text. ire. The cult uie of the sila worm is one, of the things which tae Department s.stri re to fo-ie.-. ana they greet t-iis fiisispecimeu ol the proJttct with particular p!easurc The Fayelteville Gixette is offered for sde. aimolv bv bariuir too man v uonpayiug auuecriuers, the bane of ait neaii4Mn iuu uui IWICIIJ euIOrce a pro-npt p.iyiug syrtein." It had pre viously bjru. forced to suspeuil; so thst Fayelteville, with a population .of 5,IKX iuuabitAuts, inOv wiikoat a newspaper I ti-'t the Iaftfgrsature pass a lawmaking it a misdeuieauor for laitiug to pay a news paiier, sitbscrixxioti. ' Preachers ami school teachers, lawyers and. doctors, cm take carj of themielvea.- Stalentillt AiturjatH. ' " ,1 'it, Ou Thursday, January 1G, 1879. De puty U. S. tlarahal Farrmgtou, srrested uDa t -rker Welch uu a warrant issued wmmissioner..- On arming t at tw bouse of Ujeucer Iwm, who was j himself recently pardoned by the Frr-i- ueui lor a vtoattiou of the Beveuus I f .-.ara. t Ua. ..fft. I J . . uiue meu, iucludiwg Jaut-s Isom and l'bomlis bom, wuotodk'. Welch off bi tuule aud placed hi at iu.a bouse, and swore tuat the ofiioet sboakl not take him to Winston. Tuis crowd threaten rd tbe life of Deputy aiarhal Farriog ton and delisd the authority of tue whole United State Government, mud swore tuat no United Stetee ofitcer should ever take a. mm out of that sec tion under arrest. .VorvA ftia Scccsusrcia liatn. The Bdreane De partment is getting -active tn ferretiug oat thecroosed Uistillerie in. the Dis trict Itarenae Ageal Keiloirtr. lUnt (Collector F. M. borreli, Deputy Alar - sual O-.Seb sad Alsj. AlarUa lusae a r .i J aS! 5T- W ' " rr" --oeru nice little Htu ruauueed iu tbe moat m.Mwi ner iu a dump of budiea. Thscaps -ity if theetiU w s ;s ge. -fbey destroyed tairteea taee stands' containing alnxifc one tuouaud gaavus of beer, fifteen builithi t'fmUt sud meal, and twenty gallons of singtiugs. No moonohiuers were arrested. . Tbe still was ahipped to Collector Yoifug and tbe , parties came back ''yesterday morning.' If this sort of lliing g es ou wl4ky is going to i tae iu tbs sectiou. A taid oncea week win reouce tne stock ' belot mark. OWswr. V;' the Wats Dr. II, Bricm : confirms the opinion thst plants grow more luxuriantly when -iaeit earlier atagss of -Wveiotmeut are aceeratea ty . tnmt . Ibsu f titey wre 1 a-tjeeted to veeasioua r.tarualius vf growth. t " fi; ; 1" '--ir . .a a? ... .-.. ac