s s . J I "Wit t-t-- r . IMllH or: KlWr; thw Mint ilinx 'increasing Uio weiht in tie tray lcAt litrl toattractjiJtntion. Bui even then the counterfeiter' f production is in vnriaU y lighter than ; i be real troln. 5Tk?b tboi people at tu .Mint niaae ,o coin as : tuwvsu imitation i at possible. : The! v - 'THURSDAY, I-RUKU.UU 13, 1879. do do it Wore yon go b&ck to them, or they will introduce, to the notice of each o of J oa t rliort quotation from Bftakepeare "Nerer more be officer of mine ! I i t Bat, gentlemen of the Ls?gis!a tore, if yon are bent on the salary milling ou the edge, which ha grab," don't go loo strbnjrlj fur jierer yet Lceti well executed in j your pound of flesh; old Shj I counterfeit, is a great rafegnard, and ' lock came out a rery bad recond in ( the dies are produced in the highest! that performance, and yea will fare style of the art This is one of the J no better, if you persist. Don't do 1 greatest difficulties in the path of any more tinkering at M Battle's a s a - . . a . tue counterfeiter uio great ex 1 1 Texas rankn third among tLej pense, the impossibility, almost, ot wool producing State4 jg,liug work done by first-rate -s 1 1 workmen. This is generally ob- ivsu 1 11 is is wi,ai ishuci uv a Rervaule in il. i 1 statesman in the Charjotle Uemo- counterfeits published by the an crol : i J thorities, as, when pointed out, the State. A i'. There has befn, neiiher re- nary Observer, but they irenrliiut tit lay rule and there is m large idehciency the Tn-snry. The eie(i.t. iu uJ. 1 1 1 1 1 . l.. I d merit hnrc If en inn tl instead ,.,gve the description of a counterfeit decnatl f iromised. ! : Hlvr dollar which' las jut been J?C ?Z ,S7.'8lt ft ; Jiored. In U maUer of weight, i nr pju-tf . Il idl; Tlimjwill not do. . it IS, OI COUffO, UttlCient. It .trifle ReTisal," but see if you caunot get through before the allotted sixtyi days with what might ha to been J done in thirty. You can el, if you I ecire1 two detpstehes, oo of tbsa from Mr. ' ElmrA Cooper. ijiug UuU bo toney conkl b fsruUbsd, uml tbatk the ngotijitioBS nn4 b topped, s3 oas frvn Got. TUda ssyingthst lis 4 Pel ton musk retara at oaee to New WkCily." It is erktent UuU llr. Tildra Xi4 not maintain tb petition which be bass snmsd of innocent iodiflerenes, of sbsor lute ignombes as to the tismeful ear rnptioti which ws Wing carried on for Li benefit, mml by men wbo were known to l bis onttSJenlbtl nents. It is o b!e thai knowing it be ntopped it, ss Pettoa intimates that be did, and as be declares be wonkl bre done. That is apoiutfor laeestigstiou. What in es tablished beyond a donbt i that the im presaion which be baaaongbt toriee, that he knew nothing of it, ia eontraUiet ed by the first really ekaeutial eridrtice that has been offered on the subject, w e encbni i.t nor r.form.; The p nple ' roinut that they might w ny the Mine tuxes paid pnder lUa;eal ! . , , J lie and there is a largo ideticienry in Overlooked by the UUSUsp are ell so be descriptions of, are sincere, saTe the people some ' ELECTION FRAUDS IK SOUTH $20,000, by getting done before this month i out, and although that is not at all as much as might hare been sored, it will keep tip appear anccs, at least, and promise well for the fotaro. unsuspicious. To sound the alarm, therefore, we SOUTH CAROLINA. N. Y. Times. Jn the mouth of November, 1876, -. I a il a il w IS a OLU11I1 31. i ecu, iim agea OI IIW MO I 1 I 1 A . 1- . ili'krr thnil llut stnrwlanl . .. w . . TOnAfTVl TY lsrercnuoiise, in new xotb. enierea in- ivuiviu 'siher dollar, but weiclisonlv seren- to netrotiatione to inrcliae the francto- Tl.e Senate Fia,cj mmit:ee;ieu,8 as much, aud tbe nulling u ! JTSSS ?3FiS have agreed to report to that Ijotly, , imrK-Hect Tlie other imperfections ! tora. He aKn-ed apon their mm (or Tin; diicing the tax on iTnnnlacturetl ( The figure 8 in. looacco to 16 cetitH ,per xund, leaving the tax ou Snuff mid C'igar.-i unchanged. It i - cl.MincJ by the friends f lOilnctioi) tlut forty-twp Senators nte iinpjnivo.i!.y commiiteI to the bi tlccuJeuly ojik oJ to it m its Miupt. It is gfrptifyiiig to. CAROLINA. Tbe Teller Committee baa finished its la bora in Charleston, & C. There -is plenty of evidence on both aides, I nt tits evidence on tbe Democratic ade ia moat remarkable. Where Uiy oann.4 get some one to swear that j rt:-i.bir outrage did not take place at all, Lhey try to make it appear that tbe wl 14 p?og or the shooting waadone for so.-r,a'ther purpose than political effect. Tl " ;wor Democrat w;sre afraid of the ntrvi in fact, their tires were in danger and, conseqnentiy, to diminish the danger, Armed Democratic moba took prominent negro bmdera and almost, if not quite, beat them to death. A Terr likelr atorr. earn woicu may bare oeen coo.uw or ; iaee.l ! At Cbarl-stoo, on J n. 23 8H0.0U0, and irported the bargain to . , v 1 , n havedoU ialLpeiimlsteVfnwYotkbytenWsph.''11, ucoettlltt Ue followiag in a ctpuer nirntauea y urn. ne ( w . reeeired tlieir assent ud surtod North ! C. C. Hayne, a eo'ored Repnlcao, ; ctow tbe trananclion, wht-n he wa . tcstitiet ! the beating of Freeman, the l.v I'ttnn Ilia limiliaaf IMnMa.o - f I ...M.. I I ... Il.. of O .T. TilWn. alio said that Um mat- i engine honse, aud the rrj-etiou of col-! Conr, tostifle.1 tliat the Tote at the greasman SmatTj. who wiValao preraat ed from leering the place 'that night On the other side. Thomas IL Moae. Ctgred Penascrat, testified thai a majority of lb colored people la the strongest colored sectlcss of the county vers Democrats. ' J. S. Bteedmaa. a white Democrat, testified that rtbetn was bo distorbsaos at tbe flsekriUn meeting; that Con greasman 8maHs eoneented to tbe diri aion of time, aad tL.it ow election day eeeryfcody voted freely. L. J. Ixlar, Usyor of Blaekrine, firmed this testimony, and testified that tbe Krpablicsna epprored tbe Demo cratic ticket, with the exception of two canditlaten for the Leglslstnre. J. 1W I in per, a colored Democrat, tes tified that William Riley was of notori ously bad reputation; he would not be lieve; him on oath; if beaten at aC, be was beaten for a brutal crime with which be was charged; at tbe poll in Hampton County, where tbe witneas was rn election day, most of tbe colored people votrd the Demnerauo ticket. Bandy Keitt, a oolon-d Repnbliean sad Depaty Marshal, testified thai RepabU cans were deuyed in voting at Orangs bwrg; that be tw a Democrat staff Demoeratie tickets into tbe bos, and that be was arrested tot insisting on entering tbe poll-room to witness tbe count. After the election be bad been assaulted, and was afraid to go back I. erne. Hundreds of colored mea bsd been tnrned off by their employers be cause they did not vote the Democratic ticket. E. A. Webster, white Repabbean, testified that two Republican meetings were broken up by tbe Democrats, and that at tbe election the ltepobl:ans were more united than ever before. Two colored Hnpervisora testified to an eseem of tickets in the boxes, nud to tbe solidity of the colored vote. B. Byas, colored, testified to tbe threats of colored Republicans against colored Democrats. One Democrat, he said, was severely beaten for distribu ting led shirts. Two Kepol licana, from Georgetown for. and obediesot to, the Ufctted Etatse Laws woald fellow'. Accenting these views, tbe Administrstioa enterad apoa the erperimeni of eomplyiaar with the demands mads by Soolbern Piieewta. Tbe rrsuit ia wall kaowa. I ssost ef tbe Southern StaUs tbe biw oCears of President Grant's AdministnUoa have beea rephmrd by Democrats or tsae waim IkpebBeaae ea dorsad by the leediae? mvn at Ike Whste League. Ia spite of these cbaagsa, bowever, Ibe mansiacrure of "moonshiae' whisky energy than be imetbatioa. A five precincts where tbe Republicans had i mi nty was turown out on present iuiv that, uhaicor nay lo the iiclion of Cotjf- tlw question uun were , . , . ., . . .. . ..' ..- fiiA ... ..l. v. v.uii oa l v. uwrncutw ui rot ps were draau out, ui: but fire ot will e Trade crl'lniutv 1878 eucli lo4u. The P in " IMuribna " hns also the aae defect. The bottom of the I in the sarao word in slightly curved, wl irh i not mi ! in the ceuaine coiu. snd tl ! i.r i. ui Mm. i.. n. ki.n. tlirH .r ik.i ...t.n in ti,. 1'i.mi. h lower parts of uiani of tlf lett iu ' United Sut.-of Ameriei n j no, be farnKhed. Thu ii the uUt4nce, w! o 'as sutwrvisor at the Thirty-two 1 conDi ' iufonn-lities. snd the are kliirMlv rr.aiknl anH l,nLii i t ..it t. . u ...n .1 .. .. 1 . i coniitv thus civen to the Democrats. wlnle not niulo thnil tliiitv are The xuiiterfeit is stated to le mle of i f .. ..i.,. i. UV J i.,n.. ...w.r.1 ..M'tii1 Ttio Dota.icrufs brousht lurward G ........ . I 1 1 " . 1 1 ? . . . . " . . .mLiv.uiButinii, iisueiua Imiiseil IWuto tho ctcimilt sitting st Klivt-r- It'.ie Fifih-Aveunc llolrl last week. - ; The ndmiKiwuM ore very grave, am1, we do not wiunKr that t e committee dt- lajcd a4 long as p-ib!o ovtr preliini- nttry matters tieforo rrudiug to New v !i ... ..i 1 1..... i l. . ....... ..f 1 bese words, used ho IrcpictJly . n, u.rln i a-oitahe.! le..ul all dispute Mr. Tilden's knowledge of it, . .rgaiii.niion of the Republican ai ,1 Ucl oi uis Uikiuj sciiou wiiii iuj Ix.- a, reg.tni to it, is eviuiiaii3in iMiiici. , perin(el, n It i ih bo for Mr. TiMen hituaeir, sided threateneil to shoot him. He describ (or enibarrus e.t) by his nephew, to ex-' csl the interference ot the Democrats plain the t xtent au1 the dale of hs with the Republican Convention st kuowlodgf, the origin oi it, .ud the ! Sumter, wheu there was a disturbance, i but no ' ne was hurt. He next described a ! the Kuftini! c'n'k m etins. where hor;'v bt; it led, Ld tlto l lio t' lievctVof the im- Iwing over it wliir!i -for now neatly t !o in tith. The terst ntt? ai d njint j peculiar 1o our able c--.Oiijorary, I ho Wiltniiigtuu l'on, i uvitict-aLlo in . tlio lol!-"'. 'iliis i-. r. I. . ;:.! -Tr n: fi-v- Slil-, here tin" JK"J1.- r m Tle" lioiirbou. ' I'M IihU' rani"! tl.e SUtr by fraud ii'xi : i :ivr. fixr.l t;.iVi, luul tln-y coul i hold tin- 1j. hi.i1. ire even wlmii the HojHiljiic.iusi'iiri icil the tate. Theu thev changed t.n; ' Vntitsitiou. Aud no.v ti p I'ihit'i"'! -vt'tsthe uiagii-ti:it-K, it ui:jf'ri! v i-i ,i I in in each coiiuty nre nlwnn !..'irln'r.K; the magis trates fhot the Cm'' C'ii4uns-iitiirH, , ll , c f ili'iu ok i3o,nlouf'; nrd the' Cuimi.isiuiitrs rpp.-'int the poll -hohterr, nil f wliota aru iirluij; jiU'l the H!l-ho'ders nre th jn' qf elections, isbd eon lit : tlit. l-fie 'aul tlirow out ns the.v pieuse. 'i Ii is; i ry mnrh : hiu-h mi nriiitocrac n.s n the Catholic t 'Iih r-h, wlu'rc the I'oi ;,. spHiuts t he t 'ariliiiiils mill t!i (' r-lMiah elect the I'opo. TIiiim tli ii'ou h tjl is ou the )ie hi of tl.e pci'pli1. HE FOll 31 AM) IiETUENCH-"MEM." Jiuuiedifttt ly Lt-faie nud after elec tions, fmu well, and iue well cal culated to catch the h&l! t of tliol uer-taxed voter fcekin for any! ballot 5 wna fonud. It UKKTl'W tiKtte which were Republican votes. Samuel Lee, a colored Republican, from Sn inter, testified that ea:! iu the cauraxs at a precinct meeting at Swim- niiu, Vus, ho was given notice thst no I'-rty aoea ea with wren a fors -'the era ot reeoneiliatioa. Democratic District Attorney ia Bowta Carolins did not restrain tbe red-shirt rifle clubs in 1878 more effectually than tbe Republican officials were able to do in 1870. A Deiaoeratte' United States Marshal in George has proved that be ia enable to prevent fee grossest viola decs of the revenue laws ia that State and in Lonialina. A Marshal appoint ed upon the rrcomneadttinn of leading Democrats was enable to restrain tbe political murderers of Tensas sad Caddo more effectually tbaa the Republican Itaraha) Pitkin was able to rsstrsia these fellows ia Feliciana and Onaohita. On tbe other hand, tbe frauds ia Mew Orleans, which Mr. Pitkia rendered im possible ia 1876, ManbaJ Wharton per mitted to pass nnchaUeDgsd ia 1878. These facts, with assay npeaiflsatsTins and details, are now being voters and other irreculji ities at Muut Pleasnut S. J. U. Maikbewa, a white liemocrat, tcai.nea to lbs quieiuesa oi the election ud the&'reng.h of the col orsd Demoriulic vote iu the city. Stephen II) ue, a colored witness, esti mated thst Ji.UUU colored nren votetl the Uowed there- the witnesi I D"uwrr"t lickei he city at the last nd 20 srmed wuite men lcci"n, he had been repeated thre-t- means of relief from hi-? heavy 'oadi Knt it hud n 'f i !aa u en coiri: roft"irJisii it. uiwi. iuiuj hcib .. . ,- . . ... . 1 II mi Ullll UUI J IUTl niuiug v fiiu . U ' 1.1 1 .V V llil.l i I tin 1 liitnfwliir. ia.tMl..! nn lk.. Iitel rr.il. ., ;,, 1.; icantKMi'lv rea.iceil to licit -omU!ion oi nmi tour iuui tUul if he did not cjII the iu i. in f . , , - .;., ......i- , .i, . f-il ;.. , i i l i . i ... i l reiueuiln-r every thing which it coulu to Sumter; he was kuo:ked down, Uk n ' not oe otherwi e proved nut Le could J iu s buggy to Suuitcr. snd told that if uut rsibly have forg' lieu. fie did j he a on id not promise not to call .n- iitit lem.-inbei wno uel nita to go but fl.o trM pmvt-rbially pra -pod Usilt wituf- at by tlio tli owning vnin etfot t in- PTTety. " Reform and vcfren-hinont " was supposed to be the wutch-woil f f ir present legislators, whrn they 1m?iu their "lalnt," bnt vc are inclined to think that if they ever had any idea of adotingsueh a motto, they must have changed their uiiuds, and have cone in Iteforni o" KeticDchnieut. present Iegi!Iati v.cio cJccted in Boiith, or ito gave Lim the cip.'ur in which he couiujuuiciteii w it b. New York; he could not say to whom his dedpxtchi'h ere really uddressed under eovt-r of the lihnie ot ileury iiavemejei ; lie could not ivctll what his cipher wh; he i-o'iid not nco lect what tlie uorrevt 1 other Itepublieuu meeting iu the eon My tie woiiIJ In. killeil. At te liamplon meeting ho ass ill-treated to nsLing Uov. ilauiptou, a q'iet:oti; but Hani I on ri'seiietl hiiu. J. II. Stew-ur, colored, n school-teach tr, was culled, aud eirrotorated the teitiiu ny of ln ua to the Rafting Creek luvetiug, the mectiug on Oct 12 .1 a. ; .1 uLdUa UM WIWUWBVI HWAilwiniw i mtmm there is Rood ground for tbe belief that important changes will abort Jy be made among tbe Federal officiate In Georgia, Louisiana, and Booth Carolina. For the lfambalship of Louisiana the ea Marshal, llr. Pitkin, is tbe most promt nebt candidate. Us is endorsed by ell tbe strong Republicans ia Mew Orleans, and by leading basin sas men. Tbe President is reported as having received application the most favorably. tub xusueirn um am The Houe, on Feb.fi, pnmul the Mississippi Levee bill, sfter atrikiaajoat the provisions for the expenditure of over 3,000,000 for the construction of levees. As paaaed, tbe bill saiborises tbe appointment of n commission to ex amine and report upon tbe feasibility of all plans presented for improving the Mississippi, sad appropriates 820,000 to defray the necessary expenses. The commission is directed to complete tbe uivey of the river from its month to Alton, UI , snd to improve the passes at the mouths below New Orleans. tub piirrrxo south cibozjxa sxxatob ship. A report baa been prepared by the Senate Committee having this matter under consideration which ill shortly be laid before tho Senate. The South Carolina Seoatorship is now held by Under (Dem.), but the report of tbe committee slates that Mr. Cortoui (Rep.) ia entitled to it. RRZASIXa UP ILLICIT DXSTUV ,...- . Ll2tG. - .- TfaaaxswrcsT, Jaa. 25. The Caxxals stoaer of Iatcrsat Revenue to-day re eeived lb foUewiag telegrama from Ra!eigh, If. C, f rem Oolieetor F. J. Young: "Reveaae Agent Kellogg aad Deputy Coiietior Farrell jaet rrtaraed from Cbstoaza. Captured Shaoera' iltdUtaary. Thirteen beer stasia, 1.G00 gslloas beer, SO gallons ajpgunea, Aev. destroyed. EiSi saved." lae foUowiag detpstefa was rsewived from Reveana Areat O. W. Atkiasoa at Lyacbbant; Ya: "Deputy CoUeetor Aastla has returned from a raid along: tbe Virginia aad West Virginia Lne, He esptared five distilleries and made several anarts. The West Virginia party bad gotten two- divtUiariee when the isuliee aepanted. Is UeDowell County, West Vs., oaroOeara were fired into from tbe brnsb, aad two of them aarrawly TBS KZGRO EMIGRATION PROJECT. From 2few-Orleaas Times, Jan. 23. The emigration movement among the colored people, begun by the colored witnesses summoned to testify before the United States Oraad Jary relative to sRfgai outrages fa tbe stfishss, aad inspired by the Wisdom resolution, in sasnmisg aew phases every day. It ia now said, and oo the best of authority, that the republican members of the Lsv gnuatnre have agreed to call a caucus to eoasider tbe matter, aad to prepsxa same sort of a document to Coc green nUtive to the subfect. The Republi can Bute Central Committee will also be called together to taks some setion oa the same question. Of eourse it In Impossible to say what action either tha eaaeas or tha Central Committee will take, as neither of these bodies are yet prepared to suggest nay particular me thod of dealing with the matter. These wltusssss declare their intention of not going back to their homes, and. if the emigration movement asm race propor tions worthy of attention, labor iu many parishee of the State must suffer con siderable disorganisation. FORFEITED PHOPEBTY FOR SALE. "kit ? ttJrS I INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION Tiik New York ('"inmerciul re- t. t trKusiMtiou of bis despatches was. ; though he kue that wm o( them had , and the irutulnit-ut voting at the election j lhe-been erroueonsly interpretetl. Tula with tiwue ticketh. ccuvrnient ,x laboraie weakness of' T. J. (JotrhUn. white. Ilinbliniu. hiHi. . -unv into very atrouK 7(1. wms culled. 11 cimkiri.t tho lie-1 f V n,on1 lovernor. and After recounting the feeling with considered him su imbecile; after the l...l. I.a la.i.111 fttit.1 1 1 j.i ui I fi ! H : .. i ii.. i . I . I I : . . emijeariea' were iu Suth Carolina , o-hortt U.M f'.,Urt !,..- to il-,, Washiugtnn on the following Monday. to this moment thev have civen no (' uocral it seems, were uus- oat of tro ible; the Democrats threaten- - . . nuuwiot ), unit now mo " m io am uiu; some "l&cu nmrts sp- ru,- sacii lnteution on ; the Returuinff Board would sell theii i nroached him and he drew his oiatol ened and cursed because he was a Demo erst. R. Smith, colored, who lir.s been a Democrat sines 1872, was positive that over 3,009 colored men voted the Democia'ic a ? s a a a si t-w. I eifc.iPB;iLj uoiougei imn a ii.iiu.-mo- ADDRESS TO THE COLORED matie success wo ik. impair Ihe.r nghts. ; PKOPLE QF THE 81 ATE BY and U.ey increaaed in auiaber daily The I Tff. y0RTH CAROLINA INDUS witness had been Wed by eolor d . THlAL ASSOCIATION. Repubimai.' l"t being Democrat. On the Repn ian side, Frank John- Felxow Crnmi: Work is the secret stone, Kep:iMicuu M rMMr, t-tin.1 ; Qf success in every department of that colore.! voters were ..:! ngel an J hn ,nd that this self-evident refused the light to vote iu Ward 2. ' , , , G. H. Ihuiiuun, colored Rimb!iea0 I trnth m7 he more thoroughly impres-SuerA-iajr. uglified to the n jiiou of . ed upon the minds of our people, and colored voters, the use of tisue tickets, that they may be stimulated to improve and framlufcat a.Uitiona to the ; pSl h; lbe j,,. of ..MUieJe U( in Ward 6. A copy of the o!l lit was , . . prodneoil, and the witness declared that j hnm aud taat they may he eacour it contained tl names of desd meu and I aged to develop the latent resources at others who did not vote at the hu4 eiec-; their command, aad thus press their t On. At IV or le, Ol Charleston, was forw..l nnw.nl ti nnnnt i the fud hope and beliel that they f r,ief ttie f-cU w wllich he was cm-' pihcu meeting on Oct. 1 could and would do something to- ! lulled to make dUtiuct statements, j recogii'Z.-d Uitmptou s tti wnrds the reductiou of the enor mous expenses of the State, but up Mivor Sale, of Charleston, was j wmy fonrarj be een,ns of Charieon Utelv tbe dt,n7 wluca 0od taken and never published, but failed or refused to appear. The committee adjourned, to meet in for them, evidence ol murk vi in rnr, 1 tn l!io tr:iilinf tlnil urc vl i itv d.n i ,.' t' e .-losiW week ' ,heil lrt- l'lihlic feeling iitnngly i fcrtincates to the Democrats, he gives j aud bade them keep off. The witness gte.U i ll tliin.ig l t K)BiDgeu i t, 0 j ; trtimony ou the main facts which is corroborated the testimony of Lee and Of January : "Tli-re is'no iuter- ,n ,avor ot " educing She exjieuscs , coucluaive that we reprwluce it here. , Stewart as to tha election. of the government ot the State, and Ue of i the Representative of the people are Jl?e11S -2ei WASHINGTON. soCTBcaa wab cu.tnn. Last Teek tbe Senate spent nearly two dva couaideriug the claim of . ... . T ' ll.l.l.ll k K....WW ... i-iii, In Mm clnn. ninrnvnniMit ui kiiv: uuiuiuilirui ll IU Oiaif. BI1U . miner n irms, uiunu irf'iiiiKiiau, UI j " . . ru ti.n to tlio Ftcnii . nnprocnieut fc ",u ; teleeraubed to X.w York to find ' Hnn.ir i .'. .r tM..:AMi i. i... i oottc-i ca:tured by the United States t trade, nlthougli ih- Inst week of ; lu- q-SOn.ailve.i OI the people are ut whether money could be famished, pursued sud nre.t at by Democrats; and inriug tbe war, bnt ieally in discussing tlio tnoiith is iinallx a uitiet one in ! Uou,,tI ,u honesty to EO0 that their I to lieury tiavemeyer, sud, so far ss 1 vV. IL Singleton testified to ti,uiiUg : the genera, question oi tut. iiiouui ilium i ijiuti ii . in .... . . recollect, everv desiiatch I sent was di- MukarM of tissue tiek-tM in it... .v. claims. Tbe claim of many branches of I -.u.h.uob. V allies j urv. carneti out. Xtt our . reeled to hsm. A number of despatches box at Swimming I'ciis Preciuct. do not advance- lir .-, as vet, but h-giHbitors give no sign that they were eut backward aud torwanl, and The Democrats then put up C. II. i i. .'fttmssllar sn erraiiammallt Wat:et ltmriaW ar 1 t ... Jt t .a. If. 2 u I la . 1 u ibvlli-... niul vni-l, uiiiiersiana vnai is wanted, al- "-?:. T!: J,' Son t hern war Mitchell a w a Kw nisi. nf 111. Vw4l. Carolina Industrial Association issue this sd 'r jss for tbe purpose of inform ing the race thst the above named as- eociation will hold an Industrial Expo sition in the city of Raleigh during the coming full, at which time will be ex hibited such evidenoeg of our material snd intellectual progress ss can be se en red. And in order to secure such products as a ill do credit to the race, ; phtce, Csitbd States Ixtebhax. Rxvbjtcx, Collector's Office, Fifth Dist., X.C., Winston, Janoary 22nd, 1879. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on SATURDAY, the 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1879. at my office tn Winston, at ONE o'clock P. AL of aud day, I will sell to the highest bid der, for Cash, the following described property, as forfeited to the United States under Section U. bV. Revised Statutes: ONE GRAY HORSE, ONE BLACK HORSE. ONE AIULE, ONE 2-HOB3E WAGON, ONE SINGLE WAGON, ONE SE1' SINGLE HARNESS, ONE SET DOUBLE HARNESS, 110 GALLONS WHISKEY, Taken ea tbe property of M. If. Welch, Moses Teavue and David Thornbury. W. H. WHEELER, febC-2t Coixsctob. T4H tls fitter is Coli Ue Alps Hist fcsjtei. THE GREAT AMERICAN CLOTHING And Dry Goods House OF 3s Ds FlUUeKUK & Ca, Despite tbe "wreck of matter and falling timbers, still weathers the storm, sn J, in returning thanks to all their Cus tomers for the pairoxiage of the past year, are pleased to sol ounce that they are oouunnmg ouaiaeas at tne there ia no proposition was made and submit ted, a crate, of Sumter, who testified to the t. il... a. chnwjes as do take p'aco ale for mne r oi me .iaic ; Uenuite pru.KjMtiou, wnicu i (eicgrapu- general fcood .i i ti : ii: .. i.-cmi w ith nertintwit RitPiWinnn ' d to ew lork, ou the part ot the lie- people in the itio-uuiti-r. n.isreiH.uu.ij.iHatHu. - " V" turning Board of that State, offering to I ference of ..il v to tiiCKlucts ol oinicilture. but I cieauy auu uuuiis- nvo the voU of that SUte lor etiuer nnblican me. warmlv supported by both of the Ken tucky Senators snd opposed by Ren Hill, of Georeia. and Mr. Mores o. o; v " w - Alabama. Hill arraigned tbe policy of a a? a a ? -tug the favorable .urn of atTairs is due to the restoration of confidence uhieli has followed the rpdet re 'bumi'tion i-fajK-cio pavmciits. Ad vise influence aio believed to li ive exiiansted themselves, but is sincere in Ids professions of economy, and is equal to the situa tion, we offer him a nob!c example. phed that aud reeeived feeling toward the coloed l wsidenug this elass or claims, ana i couutr, and the noutuU-r- aeeiarea mat ne waa opposeu win war the Democrats with the Re- ma, wneUier presented uy loyal i or etinaoo Oct. 12. Tlie foe. oisioyai euumanis, . ue oeiieveo uac My recollection is ! mer id be wsa disgnste.1 with the eon- oouuof them should ever be considered. .lsl.A..Ml. t.. .1. I a . s . .1 saaaaal. lai Ws.1 skSml llaB SVS1 ul tfsalt: t flan UV WrCaTT- , sIlliTL Ol III s IJtlaa4MYaf nl 111 ntT-rttltF VtaW. " Kvaawff - lence to S.m Lee, and that tlie tissue I sooner the Southern people were given tickets iu the Sumter box coul 1 oulv ! te understand thst these war claims ht I considered at the time te be su have got there by fraud. ; would not be considered ly Congress, assent to iu" Hanua, colored. Supervt-nr. ibo Uetter .1 woeia uc tor luem. xney Later, beiea-aaked to identifv or deny . tMlmA tn i-intr .uunii.i -...l j, .., wuld thm go about building up their liiiH-iHKHMiwi.iuM i... Hn' i (. ,i - .n. u-; t n:n:.. . ! Material interests iustead of iookinr to Tin. ,i. ... .t.1. fu.iiimliia 1 1. iv.i- 1 the Government for uav for their losses. Governor Murks, of Tenuesace, in ( 18, and addressed to Henry Havemeyer, I Deputy Marshal Per derasa. colon-1. Me said he conM see iio difference in I.;.. .A Jon .1... T...l..i... ..f I nnd whieh stated that the votes of the .t lUum iWv. u ....HI 1. : Uiia class oi enuma, lor ne uaa never ve o 1I1V.IMIE.V IV tJO UCtiriMUlC KIM . . . ... . . m " J and demooetrate to the world the real merit snd worth of tha Begin, we wQl ia dae season issue a premium list. Georgia, and Mr. Morgan, of which will offer the ssost liberal rndaee- of lathe 1 1 imported merciiaudis, Conine i,akab,y where tho retrenchment 1 wflO.000 or e80,0U0. Mv reool X nijoircl nurMi.mais, , MiOTing j , thst it was ti0.UUU, although that the " puichahing -power " of s,,"uia ftl ,ca?t "Cgin. ! patches say ?),00u. I telegra iho countrv t- increasing. Much of Xotv. if an) onc of n' legislators Ppmition U. New York, and that State, advocated the reductiou uu wuiu wkhu uu ,u wwew v. uc ai i ne same oiuoe. waa aaian mil t a ' : r - . . ,r . Retnrniug Roard couid be secured for j party of Democrats, who then, without ! definition of loyalty as .ppbed to SeUOUO. snd nrmue the mouev to be I hino- orn. votd tUana ti.t. i , those wlo remained South dunog tlie $M).0U0, snd nrihuB the mouey to be at Hi a, a . a a. . il. . sT. II SJ . . n.s Mt. . . - . till the return of prosperity cannot of aTe expenses, and, proving Iiih T" ..7.." . V."! rvf',T I .uuIIn, Irviaors testified to .. . i .1 ..: io sinceiitr bv oraetiein.r what ! i.. ..?.7T iZ'TTi I Heins. TIU.,T. swmwsiou to weir poi iim iw i.ii'i i. " j i -i syu uiuca lor iun nwcoce oi ins imi - f- '' preacheil, he voluntarily surreu- gin anl the indications ss to who were DOWiAttS ! ! de,od $1 ,(XK. of hU mtj. ' j " ""f" In tl.e Liiltt lexicon of vonth t Now, we don't want to say anr- !tbe clue here given, to discover who counh:hfeh thrre should U no such jword as thing; b,t it is retnarkably strange, , tSxX fail,'" nor would 1 hero bo in the and it never occurred to us befoit?, 1 rnpt liargain iu; who received the pro- leshxMi of manhood either, it occu-s that the punac for all the ills of , 1' telegraphed to Ueniy lUve- ... . .. I r-ievtr: who accepted them, aud wbo to us, if the honest ctitzeu were as tlio K'ng-suttcring taxpayer of rsortli iv;idv b r his cpiKii tunity V :is tho Carolina Jay fn tl reduction of rascal gencinlU hng-iUoesio the county. j It. E. RUir and J. U. Johnwn, Re i publican Supervisors at Camden, in Ker shaw Uounty. Mstinea thst the polls were crowded by whites so that tiie colored people could not voin. and that he found large n ambers of tissue licdiets in the bs I lot -boxes. J. M. Csntey and W. M. Sliannoc. Democratic Supervisors at the same meats possible, foraueh oar progress aa are to be found agricultural, mechanical. scieutifio, artistic, aad inventive depart ments of life, together with snob house hold articles, or any and everything of aa indaatrial character, that will ia the slightest degree reflect credit apon the wbst sub oorwr worn sotabb. where they are ready to pees every one in taareh of bargains ia CLOTHING, Bar VBfi vre iu vol red in the scheme to carry i place,, and W. 1. Tranthsm. Couatv tL ia oui. Chairman, testified thst after 9 o'clock Air. I wd en s relation to the trsnsac- m the morning tlie crowding wae over. proves ntaisctl to iu pnee paiu ior tuo oiaio pruning tion u not yet made clear, bu? s.ue light .nd that evenXwIv wbo chose to do no and iu the abolition geologist. Well, we ol the State H let iu upou it. In his curd of Oct. , could vote, and that may colored people . . tS. li .1akI,J r-nrr.li n o the I .Uuinl riM mlina aft ll.a t..i;iiU R t V ( ' V COtll X - - o O .vm iwmmq . wm.ww lie. Howevci, tlio nsei' has now given Ihc houeut etUzou an .-maple ' opportunity " for tho oxvci-e of -11 tlie ' shirpnei " he posicsse. . It is fdated that time is in cir culation a quantity oi silver monej i mischief. However, the dotltiiH, h.ilvcf, and quarter whii li is fo wtll f -iued as to C reliectfully ask Uiein to ha." telegram, by which interpretation Mr. voting ext naively snd generally. deccivv, almos.. nny ov. bu( a -nj t to norlt o,, ,d idoco : iVVrt.TuS "ttod.l ! .''l'uuS'SS iert. Iho counterfeit r lias kept tlie salaries all round, beginning at mean, tint Mr. Tiklen had never bad j before tlie election be wae. taken from Smith liriliiia .'iittior liMinBt-Ia: I ttie li.ljkra uuderstnnd that geology businosM "No one of such telegram, either iu j N. S. Sheltou. Edward Reason , Prea much Lut vc suppose it must ciVuVt or trantUted, w-a ever shown to, i uu Thomson, aud other Republican ii , ..ii A r or itscoutenUnade known to me." Supervisors in Columbia, testified to in- rcally Ik? at the bottom of every. -Contents." in the light of Weeds terfercnee with tbe United Statea of ficers by Democrats; also, to the voting of tiarae tickets wrapped up in large legislators testimony, seems to hsve been aeareful- n ! . L .- 1 T . . . . 1. . 1 1 .1 1 . . H , ii fuwu ,uni. A. uia T iihih iu I nl'tnif f . . I . I I !d rv. .-kl.kitf f i . k " ! - . . - Knowing thst every colored man oa the altar of whose heart remain the slightest vestige of race pride will inter est himself and hie aeigbbors fb. this movement, sad believing that every person who has any interest ia the ele vation of tbe colored people will give all the encouragement and aid within misted secession ss their nowsr. and ha vine- beea assured ef hie. aud Only aO- uunmMMil a.t mwmliAii f the State Rureau of Agricultars, at the bead of which is that afldenl oOcer Commissioner Polk, we are sanguine of To this end wa ask tba hearty war. If respect for the union anas desire to see it perpetuated waa loyalty, he knew of thousands of men iu the South who had long as it aaa possi ouiesoed in it from sheer ucocssity Referring to himself, he said thst never. cveu in the midst of tbe struggle, in his heart of hearts did he expect or wish to ace this Union dissolved, and be knew ItiimuiiJa in Htm MMith arlinaa faatiava ia this direction were sa strong as his , co-operation of all iu the furtherance of own. Mr. Reck, of kveutneky, ami this object. Donations will be glsdly UrtaocraDc .sum uera . rsosived from aav others oa the Hill with impatience, and whew be bad finished Mr. Reck characterised his ft-it arks as a stump-speech, and made a shurn attack upon him. Mr. Morgan, J credit will be given for tba same. Now, to substantially enectuags thee who are thoroughly identified with tbe citbrtanguage or tbe substance of any ooo Demoeratie tickets, and to fraudulent woll up met it?;" with any knowledge of the subject-matter ; uis house by a band of white mea aud ....... . . i . .... . . Ill " H I : iiupnui'- ujd ivii. nuu lilf u w O WUI KWVLW . "i . , ., .j ... - ' 7 " . . . T 7 . . ,, . , , ,. , . " uu hiiuuii ui im raw-u, w vi no j cowrai men, Nl WS ITN, MM smnHj so well, indeed, that he ; well together. Were ts Joe (Turner, j transaction to which they referred, then j beaten because be was a Repnbliean. can nrcduco a picco r.f spurious anyhow? They must liavo fired, Mr. ",u".TUJ!B,e. """'"I Carolina Hopkins, colored. Repubh- w lrmlinirfl TlIU All. W sWssl sm Iwinnani ODH. l iai. rawawat I waa aasna ewes as sat of Alabama, much in the aims strain ; material welfare ot the State, or. tbe ss lii'l, slao oppoct the meaaore, wmoii bone uJ 0f North Carolina- received bnt 17 votes. Daring hede- ... . . . . . . bate upon tbia bill several of the Demo-; Who will be first to step forward aud give cratie Senators put themselves nn-1 us encouragement f Wears anxiously eauivoealrv upon record aa opposed to : desirous that this movement shall wer claims of every character, and the inaugurated under such auspices as meagre vote on the aeasnre may be i " . .4 Ukea as a fair exprrsaion of the Senate J a--,-. upou war chums generally. i approval ef sR good mtisena of both thb civil skbvstb is TBJt sovTH. raocs ia our State; for ia its material, as That ti Admiwiatraihm baa under I ia lb) moral aad Botttsoal destiny, our S mm, 4mm.mi W ss k . ' 1 ! s a a . ' aeaasa aavaaa a w a v swwsjsj. v w- wae m mm money wlitcti aeeoives. noc. atone , uuu out oi t.iero, too : sso: u ell, ( Uy the language we have cited aud ! that be was surrounded at the poU by he iift o-od ceneral nnoaaraace. but Joe. vou fee to thin thinsr venrseif. h! the luither assertion that no trans- j white and . . . j' it. ' i i. .. .... . taction such ss Weed was engaged hi' actually by us reststaueo ot acids, i xi you aon t, tuey win ue ail speak:- "could at - any time have come withiu flut there is one elenitnt wiic!i he j ing at once. , 'the iwngn of has power without thst . l 1 l i,, t Nn rntLmn. Vbm'l alt .rwt l."''lt."'""7 at . a a a 4 Vsfim AWF tat ltlCT 1 Eaa BVOT I v HH IN UI BaTUBl a hu not yet l-eeu able to master ! Pto, genuemen; uou t ail speak j Z. Mr Tihiea eoavwed. aad mast .an imitation coin sufficiently; heavy i sent home to your constituents, and I "Us UVItoo. Tikleus nephew 1 inform during that thoe ,-Joa.wiU bo able ! f1!: B ftacw..1' ; to prove your sincerity and earn ter bad coma to the knowledge of Got. nd still g.Kxl enough in appear .neo to deceive Ha cannot make it lamer, for detection would follow -ut otiee. but ho.makcf if. thicker. their epprtioo. Ivtttsco thai;- oo 1 Wf that he t IPeltonj bad re-. that aeolot colored Democrats, aud ail the ltepuiaicau tickets wero taken from him; the colored Democrats were worse than the white oaee, and some of them told Idm be ought to be banged or dram med out of the country. Frederick Nox a colored Republioan, from the same county, testified tbat the Democrats prevented him from holding precinct meetings to orgvaize his party; that he was assaulted by Democrats at tba meeting at Rlackville oa Oct. 11, wbo insisted oa a division of time, and ored Democrat fired at Cen- consklerstioa a reorgnnizatiou of the Civil Servios ia the Sooth is now pretty certain. At tbe commencement of Presi dent Hayes government it waa attempt ed te be shown that the distsTgaaitaUoa of government aud society in the Southern States waa largely dus to the ssaumed fact that ofScers intrusted with the execution of Federal laws were aliens to tba people among whom they lived, generally unpopular and discredi table ta the Admiaiat ration snd party by which they were maintained, and that Jsouthern Democrats defied the 1 1 w chiefly because they detested its iaair amenta. It was represented, at the asms time that were tba A dmiuist ration to iatruat the eiSees iu uncstioa to mew ia har mony with, aad agreeable to, "the peo ple" of the South, a new era ol respect State very maeh depeada oa a liberal co-operation of aR good rititcna, 7e will, therafore, gratefully spprachils any aid tbat may be given by our white friends ia Has effort to advance the material interests of our race. Write freely to the Bccretary. C.Jo-3aojr. Fresideat. O. Ucxxxa, Jr., Seeeetary. CL Jj, Fboctos, - 1 a N. HCBTKB, Josvra Hux, . a. WASMxwuroB Hatxs, -. - "( WM.QjutvaB ', Comafllee oa Adiresa. The press will plsaee aopy. They have effected an arrangement with the well known Clothing House of PETVTjLK k CO., NEW YORK, by which they win be enabled to take measures for Suite aad have them to order, oa abort nctiee. tfemplea will be reeeived by tha 15th of February. Oentleman desiring samethbig genteel for spring wear must aot fail to thsss aoda. Rua notice will be given of their arrival. They win also ha equipped, ia due time, with a desirable Rue of UPIW DRESS GOODS, Staple Dry Goods, Oenta and Ladies' Notions, all of which will be offered AT RESUMPTION PRICES Special ladncscaeata now offered oa aR tosir present stock, fabo-tt 0I1LY BOOK STORE IN -WIN8T0N. s U aeat door to a E. Allenw Hardware Store oa Maia Street. Everything per taining to tlie lX ui Staterj liu Kept aad sold at prices to defy eompe- SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. FENS, INK, PATER, PENdLs! MCCIULQE aad many other artielea too numerous to i h vrofaaioa. ENVEIiOPES larwa aaxl aw inranmea prmtea u aeeirea taei CsR aad aee ewr etook ol faaey PAPETEBUES, Merchants aad teachers would da wall to give as a call before Beading vU3r sariac freight ahar. gva. . CaUaad see us. : tlarchSl. i -I i . t -