-if. aj k J f aSvavUala i " 4 ' 1 if"' & l c Pgbliaaed Every I iTCBlU-UifMee.?i six H ! ? J' 85 Oil EriXA, sn insertioa, -yj - i u th. , I I li II '.II II Two Sijaai. js on tnaarUoa, " : " tWO " m a . . . e : J V: J' - ttatM month j,- 4W;!M AwtowdiimoM. ..... 6::i f jrtTiilJaMi-lWil trW siar; ATiT.taHiaa oe're. ttii. Waclma! National i i. w iNaTON-, jr. o. 4 J 1 ; i CAPITAL "1-1 AVIitt AO El DElpITl T. A- LKlLf, Prwldeitr xxxcboxozus s - i . : ' J.;D4 BUXT02T. ECQEH E. ORA.T. , 5 ,, .. . I Both tb method ltnf resulu when fyrnp of Figi il Ukeiti it U pleuut tn4 refrtshing o the twta, sod Act ready yet pronif tlj oa the KJdnejt, Liter mud Bowels, clesnsea the y- tetn j effectually, 1 dispel cold; head ache and ferert sod cure habitat coorfjpttlon " Crntp iif . Fipi; i ,th oqljf rented Of hit ind etff ?o ddced, pleading Jto(hi tatta and ac cepble to the; stomach, prompt Id iu action and timly beneficial lit it efleoU prepared only from tbji xooet healthy and greemU substancea, its mny excellent tjualitle commend it to 411 and have iaade it th ffioel pcpalattemedrjknrtwju5 f .. feyrnp nf tigs U for aala J BOc tad ;1 bottlea py JII leading drog- ' gUti. u Any - reliablal; druggist who may not hare it ion :hanlwin pro cure it prompt for- any one who wishes to , try it. Do not accept any aubslituta. ,j j ; : : ; CALIFORNIA I FJO X SYRUP Wistiut. ft. f :0 mew romCK.lt . mim HimUn. othiwmb FliUAlHM-j,.Viii, floor , NW. H V :. ! and : - Btomach,. DiaJTiOE and ertvlduiMB. -. Tbua the child I rmdafed kwdthy ant its am matmral. Cawtaria coiitaioi no liorpUM or otaiiarc property j; ' ! "hutorto bait trld iftnl to ehnjrwi that ! "k m (Mark la tnj tntiiem. tad B4 H) atnr"T ad to ag Mima oi chihira." ; f I . 4;'--TT 17 4A.H Tort. mnCWH Moray BVK.T. amaadnl tho Bet. IX : !" . La ila Plruaaia kli , r" tklNcnl boat tatnpoMri ImpImimm tram mork (mt :. r Biea 1 w4 immla Kl Hmim Vanta, M4 ia rii iwiiwit moj as 16 fa fimUlt UotWn . . I &Act.Ta.,!.otaWtia3a . : iOving Ki a raoawar ati(at a vaf a say aoa vM hroa ftom .wo J Mat lb' bra., tor Mnr T ha aUmly keM MAiwII im nv4u au4 .mate eonUntt! lf:hli. - At this tlai Itantri ( VtufU Bo Big' Tontt SO ou Orrl a boUla. . lata oiiMilHritMMmiaa! ;TWa Aa!aaai iMT.aa aaa Wi udutr sua. t io Dauaa rt jua. . lHM tut fra o , T UilnM, ftnd u,nr WDrnWttilUrIIa . : i,(1iwIm(m, J. eVy C.r. H4Hk.C: 'alUsaae on;B.i , .;, . ;a s a ajous - em matans I rwvf am an miaiuuw ciariniM. PrkofL By i I manrMaar am 11. iwmiwj I rtM. Aumr-A t.- PKUVANBH.T HI'DrUATIUS. ;0l b qtcat-V lkabskd. ! WJTIbl'T MKUICMft . . , -1 i III I I ( RASKPaa MWtb'orM O tmm aad JiC o di J1U !. wJ ;ta mmfma twwUtlotM thely aaJaanM. nrmhM ia atmowaeta, jobHoIIibs tbMae.nl u.kx ..Will. Iv IS mot KLnrrwo. ivv. flsEAsaisflll)r alLTiT: Th. CletrDaa lly adat la t vitalitjr aadoalr ai.ta; B, M iBArpaa . -a.. A M aaaa bnok, AiWrlbi.C tnsU t aa4 m.uii uaiMitB Cfma all fM tae eai at ail dwuM, atatlaa rasa aa aa lr.'.S'Stara.MmiBl CO- - 0 iSL. r umm dm 411 IlM i W W IBi I'l Mi I n i II B Utl WaihlBctoa. I V CfearlMtaa, o. c. Altlaata, ,tir.a- i - 'T : f ')!'-" ii.. ; arroaaxt a iav 4 YArizESYIIXE. H, a. r V71J praetle la th Ooart of Barry i. Yaiiln.DaT'e end Por?r'i ' r - .... t . . , . XXL JAS. A. GRAY, t'Mhler J. W, HDNTEB, -WA'LBMXtTrl- THIRft PARTY A'MQYLyo. CmvmUmk, ; Cu4MsiM m llaefc tfc rOCBTH.DUTKICT. , 1 RaiaigB. Ja . llj-Tbt Third Party district eoareatioa of -;th Foartli district appointed delegate to Osaba aad called anotnar eovrtn tioa to nominate a Congressman to eet'Joly 12th. :r is Tirtll DMTBJCT. .. ; Darbam, Jana 16 Baldy Wil liam defeated br the Trird Party ia coBTption. W, B. Lindsay, of Bock isgham, was nominated for Congress Croat the 5th district; vote, Lindiay 66, rFtlliama X4. . j I I IOBTB DISTRICT. t Lenoir, N. Jane 16. A small Third Party coarenUon for the 8ih Cangresaional district mat her to doy. FlVe oat of twelve coutle were represented. B. 8. Pattonf of Barke.-Jndep indent, was endorsed f Congress, W. W. Teagne, of At xander, Presidential elector, L. N. Durham of Cleveland. A. O. Thomp son, 4t Oaatov W. W. Teagne, ; of Alexander, R. A. Cobb; of Barks, for dalrgste to Omaha. Is 8ECON D18TKICT. t f " Bocky Moant, N. C Jane The Third Party conientlon met her today, Dr. A. B. Jffoble chair man.' A. L. Hwinton, of Way nr. was secretary. Four delegates wers elected to Omaha. J. T. riooretj of ITilson. was chosen for ekctor, and E. A Thorns, of Halifax, for . Con gress. Oa negro was In the Halifax delegation, fferren, Northampton, Bsrtie and Green were not represent ed. There were sssssty men it the convention, j ; KUtTU district. : J Aaheville, N. Jene 16.The Third Party convention of the Ninth Congressional district assembled here to-day. -It waa called to order by J. C. Brows, of MoDowell, with T B, Gainesteoretary. AVwt twenty del egates were pressnt, represecUnx six oonaties, Besolations were adopted. recognixiag with much regret and larm tendencte and reaaiw ot in flninclal legUlation or Congress for the past thirty year, and declarlag that tbe People's Partr is the best mode or asserting tnelr rigbu, also resolution that tns iDternaJ refenue lawe authorizing license to aellllqnor Bhnold be nho'isbeJ. The. delegates to the Omaha convention are : J O. Yancey, of McDowel; A. M. Patker, of Jackson: W. H. M aloof, of Bun combe ; Bev. W. A. Bobertson, of Ysncey. Toe aominatioa of Con gretsioBaJ cacdidate and elector was dererred till alter tbe umana conven tion. A commitwe was appointed to confer witb the ProLibllionists. Ths coanty convention take place Satsrday. aad a ticket tor soanty trfljes will probata! be pat ;oo by the party at that time,;: ? aiXTH DISTRICT. v: ' Rockingham'. lane 16. The Third Partv convention of the Sixth Con greiioaal district ws held to day, with aboat 15 delegate, twi of whom wf re negroes. o aom'aauon was mad for Congress, bat W. H, Odom, of Anson, was elected delegate to Omaha, with J. M. Illne,; of tbl coanty aluraate. Th chairman waa Y.C. Morton. I ; 'SKTRNTB DISTRICT. Sailabarr. N.C, Jane 16,, 1892. The convenUoa met here this after nooa. H. A. Forney, or Catawba, calUd the aoaae to order. Tn ro'l of cuntie waa called aad the six following countle were represented i CaUwba, Bman, Iredell. Cabarroa. Davidson.- aad Lincoln, btanly. Davie ond Montgomery were not rep resent. Delegate were then elected to Omaha ae follow t H. A. Fomy, f Catawba; J. M Parks, of Itede.!; P. C Tbomaa, of' Davidson ; KL Leaser, of Bowaa. Atternateet Jao. Bsbsrtsoa.ef CaUwba; rF It Ad derbolW of Iredell ; F. J. Leotard, of DsTidaon; Cbas. McDonald, of Ca bama. Oa motion ths nomination tar Rnncrre and slsetors ere post poned until Aogurt Kth. Ab-ut 55 were present and some enthAeiaem waa ahown aad they seem confident ofeacces. Tb. Cmi tsuwcR by UbtaB), i 13 Cbicaoo. Jane 16-Daring the thaader-atorm that paaeid ever the o.ty this evening lightning i atrack the .Grant Moaament la! Liacola oai k. in the corridors of which nearly fifty people had sought ahelur. Tnrse wire atueo ana twe awioBaij cd. Ail the others, with the excep lion of three, were thrown violently to the stone floor ot the monument and some received vere shock. The monument was but slightly dam aged.. , si i ' ' tr UMan. Haekbura A ITiilett of New Berne, have tbue.tar ahlpped 10,000 birrele of cabbie this season and have 6.000 barrele mors to sh'i I Their gross i sale of cabbage from their farm wUl amoant to $4i.ooo. w OT The Times say that Robert Carlile. of Loaiaberg, ata 81 baaa- aas aad Toa Peraoa zo,ta efoai minuUa. f . . y. . : v Wa bava a anaadv -------- . eehe, ia Biiiiuuo uaiaoo. bottle. V ! mm - ... - - , DI IMS 1 . Ik J kM II nujvm sweet breatn. Earn! C emith. DrEt. Wiaato a, Priaa ' bUo. ' bold unv a aaaal laiafltor line aiwi eami HOMES IN THE SOUTH.; Tfca riat Tm an I iSjta tmg Saa t Un lai Peace- am Piesf iUy ta : . - 'fa at Taw KwumnU Brgianing between the Fee aee atd the Cape Fear BIrere ia North Carolina and extending in a sonth weeterly direction through Sooth Carolina aad Georgia- is a region formerly covered witb the ioag-leafed pine (Pinna Auitralis) 'which '. for many years bad hardly any Inhabi. tanta bat the tnrpentine gatherer. With tfa railroads, however, cam tb saw mills, and the forest Is rap idly fa'ling. : Already la some puces tbe timber is growing scarce and tns mill men are bailding track rail roads westward Into the eilll unbroken for est to reach tbe great pine. Ia Mont gomery coanty there exists what is believed to be the Asset Dodv-a an tracked pine fores on the Soatkers coast, a compact bodycf long leafed pine covering one baadred aqnar muaa, tn isolated position or waicn his so far protracted it. t RAUrt 1HS BOUKTUrtTL. The long-leaf pine eoantry la a region of andalating sandy bills, from 400 to 600 feet above tide, traversed by rapid, clear stream, which la places are bordered by rich. black bottom lands. Until recent fear little in tbe way of agriculture baa been done here, it having been assumed that the soil wa Darren and worthies. Lately, attention haa teen attracted to it oa account of iu I re markable bealthfalaeee. Tbe balmv climate, combined with the "balsamic odor of the turpentine, waa found very favorable to persons s offering from throat and lung diseaaee. Set tlement of health-seekers from tbe North have grown np along ths main rail road line, and the soil baa been found to be peculiarly adapted to tbe growth of grapes, peaches, and assail fruits. In ths neighborhood of South ern Pines and Aberdeen, there j are thriving eettlemenU of Norther peo pie and vineyards are being planted on all sides, many hundreds of scree being already ia vines. The advan tage of the location for the produc tion of early grapes for lbs Northern market can be seen from the fact that grape begin to be shipped from Southern Pine the first week in July and are all cut out before a?y grapea are ripe in New York. One firm ie planting at Southern Pinee tfai win Ur 50 000 peach tree and 5.000 Keifer pear tree. The Keiferf aad LecomU pears grows superbly la this sandy soiv Blackberriee also do well. Lucretie dewberries wer bip ped to New York laat Spring before trewbfrries were ripe there, and sold at fancy price. In tbe immediaU vicinity of Southern Pinee land baa advanced ia price, but there are still along the railroad vast tracts, from which the heavy timber haa been eat, that can be bought ait the fway from f 1.00 an acre upward, as to lo cation. A little south of ths Soatb ernPioe, la the neighborhood of Aberdeen, much of thia sandy aoil ie anderlaid by a red clay eub-ecil, and ia much better adapUd V general farming aad permanent improve ment. The leading feature of : tbe and bill country, aside from iu Trait growing capacity, ie jt balmy winUr climate, wondarful healthfnlnes and ths onrity of the water. Here, too, bulb culture In the bleak eandy i aoil aloe k the atreame could ds maae lucrative induetry CHOICK OF LOCATION. 1 have now discusasd the" leading feature of tbe various ection of North Carolina as they have impress ed me in traveling over the State. I bar been struck witb tbe wooderrui diversity of aoil and clima ie ooadi tiona existing over iu wide area, and have endeavored to give a trutnrai ana unexaggern'.ed account of the whole a regards IU sgricoltural and horti cultural capacities. To Northern men who conUmplaU Doming South to en gage in the cultivation of the soil I would sav that the aection in which tbev aboald look for a location will depend larzelv upon the branch of agriclturei. which they wih to en- gage. U dairying and atoca raising be the object the country lying west of the B'.chmond A Danville Railroad (P.edmont Air Line) offre the chol. ceet locations either in the mountain or Piedmont eectione, though there are good aectione for thee pursuit in lowt r Pit dmont east of thi! tin. If orchard fruit, particularly ths ap ples are the object, than ths mountain region west of the Blue Ridge ie the apple country of America, and ; ia aome sections for pesches and grapes it ie equal to any. For peaohee, cher rice aad frniU ia general the breeay uplands lath foothills east of tb ttla Ridge will be found aasurpa ad. If tobacco la to b laaiing ia- duatry, tbe northern tier of oountiee along tbe Virginia, line have the ereauat reputation for th produc tion of the f amoua -gold leaf I eaw aome time ago, at a warehouse in one of theee Bounties, th tobacco crop from two acres sold at public eale for $996 50, aad I have no doubt that U lead that grew thia crop did not cost th owner $10 an acre, r-ur nuoareo dollars per acre ia no uncommon crop In the cold leaf belt, If the aew comer wanU to' grow r cotton, tneicnarg. ui buwwi a. annthara oartoflhe eanlral belt BBfl th coast plain, particularly lb let- lyached early this aaoraiag. Amoblopa.Bt tot Southern Iron; coal, cot tar .nffer tha be.t onenlna-. Od eot-1 broke Into Jail aboat 1 o'clock and sa- ton and phosphate. It opens A aew oa leads r vervduao. Bd the chance tor making moaey growieg cSto.JSJr.alM. grow. jT. id old way. wbe. it ie about a. good a rtarvatioa eroD aa a man caa ss.ee. For wheat oau, graae . . and B-sniral farming tnere are good locationa all over the upland red clay eoantry. fromRalefgh tothe mounUlnr. Frr market gardening and amall fruit cul- tar. the land of tha coast Dlala era aaaerpaeeed. aad the cUmaU as lMitxJ9S't healthful as most sectioai ia ths Tl.! WeetaadNmtawest. For vleeyard IjRchiag. W "ey ad. "ifoe cahure of earij grapea for the North- eion. claiming to tha .nd that h was era marku tneIahboraood of icea. eaad taak Tacawrj was n ...,. t j 1 STBiZaa? SasKrBasawkfcCLiaasaa! . . . . eTtaa b.ik r th. hniur aaad kte Mill uaii Im tha M.th loatte ear I much oUomsrgarinc donbtla a ds Ith and -nee? I ... -t tha ana.tr atoraa.- Tbe mmm T old style cotton 1 plants -e . sU only -1 J I,.. aV.hi alaa a.H BU WWII HU J .,. -rl .v. V . ..Va eA. h.. mA ml. vj " "j- i ie always Utter thaa eltewhere DET01jD TO POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, MISCELLANEOUS, ATM) RELIGIOUS READING: WINSTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, " ZSBTS THAT BUT BX Haifrtijx The Nortiiem man coining to jNorth Carolina may reel assured that good, active farmers x any other good citl tent will alwaye meet a waral wel come ao matter what their j political opinion may be. Ha will fad farm labor eheap and abaadaat. J Negroes, when propeily treated.! are the best general fam laborers J to be found anywhere. Land titles are generally well settled and seeare. and price In the main, are so low aa to ' surprise one. Farms lands can be bought from f 1 per acre up to (50. according lo quality aad looation ; per hap $8 per acre may be taken as aa average: ftr farms with fair buildings. A farmer owning fine stock would do well to lfi? . .I1 v, wT , rr. settUng la the highlandaof the hvesv "VZ ! V a . a be I m :w.i.-.,DeeB t otiiMrtegii the latbmua. climating. Better breed ep front the .At t lit -ll 1 tk : Zrr" . w,!a. ""?8 I vvnu. lana incneap ana aoor ww, m tair rauu capihai ia as laipur- Unt to the farmer here aa Anywhere and I would advise no maa to fconie aad bay a fam aniens be eanj pay for It and have cash enoagb to carry him : for twelve month at least. Another euggetUoa la this i Do n atUrly ignore tbe money crop of the section in whicn you 1 may locate, whether It be tobacco,' grain or i cot ton, but try to grow them betucihan your neighbors. Don't assume ithat because tbe people around you dd not farm In tbe eame way you have baen accustomed to that all their: ware are bad. There are certain practices In all farming regions that are the but growth of experience aad wall adapt ed to that parUcalar i section, and while tbe new comer may be able tb teach hie aslghbora maay tilings he hoaid be emart enough to get alltue good Wrinkles he can from them and aot expect to revolatioaia the firm practice of kia neighborhood in one season. No matter ; what paiticalar lite of farmina you undertake, i re member that while red clover thrives in some parts of the StaU aa welj as it doee anywhere that over much the larger part of it, the "clover of the South," the cow-pea. is the sheet an chor of suoeeeeful farming and; 'toy can no more afford to 'ignore it toaa yon eonld clover lathe North.--rf. r. JUutqf im FkdadtlpkialFrtH. LTUCH LAW AT nB.MB.WA V f - 4H'l Dalawla ef (ba Crlaaa law whtcw Wli y ma as BBBsw mnreaea wi warn mnreata waa i i ta Dcaab. i of February there1 i rat te Deaub. Oa the 20th of February there k3 enrred in Arkansas one of the blood- iet murders oa record. Mr. D Bat ton Tucker, for many yeare lived, in SUnly county nad wae somswuat of republican politician , there, in fact he was a candidau for sheriff at bne ti me. He went to Arkaaeae to live. While there he waa foully murdered. He, it la eUted, had both arma and both lege and hi bead cut off oaseld ignt. air. Alx Whitley wb .wit Tucker on the night of the murder. and waa m t een in Ark ansae after that time. Whitley formerly lived in S.anly county also. It I thought that the two men were playing eafde aad that Whitley killed 1 ucker jfor hie money. After thie report was oat, a sharp lookout waa made in Stanly, ospecting that be might return to bis old borne. ' A reward ,of $200)fu placed on hie head by the Governor. ListSandav a womaa named i Dry aw him pass near bet door, f ! If. She told her husband and he col-I1 lected a poaee of men. l and they fol lowed hie trial. Tney eurrounded the house oi Ephr aim Whitley, ajaatice of peac'.and found. Alex Whitley lock up in one room therein, Ephrsim Wiuey is a relative or tn suspected man, and be waa in AJDimaria a .lew daya before and aeked why they did ,ik fc. . ,ki.i. ki. .f ftS uVtawSirSiiiSF elf aurrounded by an amed mob, bolted from the door and attempted to oaoe bv ruaninz. Bat Mr. John Dty obetruc ed hii way with a loaded gun, and commanded i hi. to up bia bands or a would ncos Thiebedid. Then Arch Eudy aad 99 tham.. hn.n.1 him arid took him . ----- .- !-- to Albemarle Monde and nleeed htm I " onuce, aou -uava neu vi wm t? uki to AHk f?".. wvi r InjalL. He w kaaeae to anawer thechargee agamat hi at. It waa feared that he would be severely dealt with by this determined bead of men, but tbe law will take tu course here, but after he reaches Ar kacaaa. and If tha charsa la true, itie doubtfut Whether be will reach a law ful death or aot, Nothing of late yeare baa ao excited our neighbor county aa thie affair. Everybody al most was esgsr that the suspected marder.c should be brought to jnattoa, Alsx Whitley has a very bad repnia- tlon. aad la considered a) dangerou maa. It was thought that he wae la- terested la another murder a few year 1 laaBothermurderafewyeare ago la SUaly county, f Tockeie yep- outioa wae not tbe best, wot ne wee not coBBldered a dangerou e character by bis neigbbora, - j I LATER Salisbury, Jana 9 Tbe (ear- derer, Alex Whitley, alias Barrls,.Whb was Jailed at Albemarle Monday on a li"SipBii,aiaM ia rw, iia I cured w Ditiey ana ewung bub j tree juat ouUide the towa UmiU. 7 I key. were ds.andad of Sheriff 8; 1 - " . -a- . I.L. ... ti A .-..II m.hl hal h. I ubui at', a buibu turn hw w"m etawoaea m tnej.11 an a was isaui- inert to prevcattb blocdymob Irom their work. They eame pwpart4.for truggle la ease of reaiat ance. Tne aaob wae compodof mbm 75 of 100 ..IkiraJ la his honae. j r Hi? I A Hi ah.BB aaii hlB Amnmf KlnaiaioBU I through here thie moraing srith J ady a.1 I Burriaa. the wife of the murderer who I . . . . . .. , i was lyEonea aa ja.:oemari wvbb.b day moraing, taking her to Arkaneaa anawer tne charge or complicity the crime. She has a good appearance, and doee aot look like a mardereae. CXarlotU Cbserver. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. IHv Has-; clraa ssaas VlaiaAa bmwm Jtaaraseuia aa .' Dr. T. D. Hogg, who waa one of the two deles-, atee frost North Carol! an U the National eoaventioa oa the eubject of the Nicaragua eaanY hu returned irom St.! Louie. : The otser delegate wio attended waa Mr. W. A. Whiuker.of Winston. Mr. E. J. Hals and Mr. E. J. Barton were ap poiated vicj preeldenU at the reqaeet of Dr. Hogg and Mr. WhiUker. Tee tvrday Dr. Hogg Wa laUrviewad re garding th eonvaaUoa and IU work. He Ulked enterUiaely, yet practi eally, and aald thhtaince the time of Columbus. 400 year ago. -the j prob iem o(gBttag from tha Atlantic to For n.,y .4 that time the ldt baa thrOosh Each year now ,10,000,000 tons of steam seeks to pass from one ocean to ths other by easaU The eaviag of tfuuaeeni' bej enormoen. IFk iFroi New York to San Fraaciioo thi sav lug la disUnoe will be 10.000 miles From Liverpool to Bombay the die Uucs now saved by the Sues canal is 3.600 miles. Pram the nltraU port of Chill to the easura coast iof the United State 6500 miles will be aved blhe Nicaragua cana1.! New York ie now further from Sen j Fran Cisco by s water rouU than Liverpool ia. The people . who have the ! canal wrk in charge jbava epent $5,000, 000. They say the canal will cost 100.000.000. Tb UniUd State army engineers have certified that th plan! entirely! feasible. It haa been admitted aince Hauiboit's time to the present that if a canal has lo have lock thie jNicaragoa rouU la the only praclloal one, bt canto it has midway a great natoral reervoir, a navlgabll lake 100 fret above the level of; the oceane on either eide be Lewip triad at th utnmaa of Panama th experiment of making a eaaai without loeks, H apant $500.. 000.000 mnd failed- The men who are building the! Nicaragua canal have conceeaionafrom Nicaragua and Coeu Bica for the right of way. for which they are to give 7.500,000 to those countries. Nicaragua a!sb being a member of the directory, which hae 15 members.; The concessions are for 99 yaara. For the end 99 an tn Ikiaa Aweeaiaaatita mmC ia Van LI i j -ea an ja9nmj BvviiaiiiVHwn ewami sv.vw M paid 25 per cam. of th net profit. MA baa been atated, tb director havaepent 15,000000. They hav bought pt of the DcLceeepe plant and a-e aow at Work with a large f.rfc. AbsolnU proof of the health. folaeaa of tb new r juU ia afforded. Only two men have died while en gaged ori it. iOai the Panama canal people died like sheep. ..There was no ssa t breexs. j Ia Nicaragua the trade, winds ; give fa healthful aea brecsa. The director mad a propo rtion tithe UnlUd StaUe govern ment, aaying fif ) on wish this canal jam can naret by eimpiy paying ua for oatley and if you cbooee to allow u anything for our services ia this long and great work you caa aet ths prise." The government has declin ed thie offtr. Now the directors offer thie alternative t j"Have oar property valued by U.S. engineer officers and let them report every sixty days as to ths progreaa (of the work, Ton endorse our 8 percent, bonds to the amouat of $100,000,000. and place theee in fie tfeasary, issuing them to ss as fast as, according to the re- porta of your engineers, we , will Inish the work. ; You to have elx of tha directore, and theee to represent 70 per eentJ of the stock, which you hold, and if at any time you are not aatiefisd with our management you aball have failpowtr to turn out all the other directore save tbe one for Nicaragua. It will Nqoirsfive year to finish the canal, with plenty of money, thus readily available, Now, if you! decline this proposition, ws hav In view one which give an In TJff& oa.Su ion LKwf SiraS 1? wtn ateS;! JL",?.U ?ulS nM Q00. f ,lte,,d ? 5J". wl"": T - Lt . taV. .ISTtha .lL"t(1lh'f, bankers of the world, sell our bonds - -.l- . J !.,. h.m vltl build the can ah If we have to adopt thie plan the tollaoa tonnage will have to pay ' $20,000,000 a year to meet, tbe grsaU? cost; tar ftwics ae great a earn aa Will be charged if you operate it. Yoa are aow In a posi tion to fix the raU of toll." The chargei most be per ton passing tbroagh the canal, a la done lq the case of the Surs canrl. jThe ChU aeee, Japanese, Australian and New Zealand carrying trade will be Im mensely effiCted by the new canal. I '.'TrlT.Z. TJ.lZL T. ehnaa Inst mm as aa I aaavatmairi m as e aaHll r7JiTr. r It eaanot be sold for $95,000,000 Ths convention appoinud two com mlttee to pretest to each of the aa tioaal . Bepubiieaa and Democratic conventions ths plsn about entered. Tae Bepubiieaa eoaventioa haa rati fled the plan In iu platform, me IB iw uiatiura. i 111 Damocr;tlc convention will ao doubt A .W- . M- ! Thi. in.. Mwra saw mass ewiiisi was. aa n i enit ai jaaw itmnEa.maxeB tne-canai a ccruiaty. n VU1M aoorce Ol IBBMH dVl i 1 world oftradl tothe Sonta. ! : Dr. Hogg was asked what impreer. ed him la hie wesura toar. He eaid two things, which bad a world of meaning. Oae wee the big red barn ao ehArecUrlaUe of P.nnajIrtaiA aad an emblem of aueceas. Ta other wae the drainage tile manufactariag eetabltehmenU eeen at every third or four eutioae.! Thie Is another great mark of good farmlag and of money. making agrleaJtarau-JZai. Chronicle. SHILOBTS 00530 ktPIIOS CURB Tale ie beyond qnestioa ahe' most saeeeeaful ' Ceugh Medietas we hav I vm wwxa, vaaaa vm iwua, vre aow the worst eaae of Cough, Croup Bronchitis, while tu woodattuJ I ia the eara ol Ooaaampuon is without I a parallel in the history of medicin, Bine it first discovery it bss bees sold O a guarantee, a test vbieb no other asedioia can stand. If yoa have a eonrn we eameatly aak yoa to try it in I Price 10 cents, Decent and i. u yoir luBg MS sore, cheat, or baek lame, nee Bbuon e roroua A'laater. eoia oy a. Bmith, Winatoa. V. V,, Uroggut. 3" J:w AB0UTTH1NGS INGENERAl 4a Bat- UaiUl SUUs Senator. N. W. Al-J drich waa re-slecUd ia Rhode Island. ! BOCKIXSa SEBT RX-HOMTJIATKD - Jerry Sixpaoa was re-nominated for Conzrees at Wichita. Kan- Jane 14th by aoelamatioa by the People's party convention. . : . , . . i - r ' h.j uai irui musts ahotbkb, . i I John K. PaaL a well-known eitiaei of Eigt field 8. UL waa shot I and killed Tueaday by Gas Longstreet sad Henry Urifflo, colored. He wss going toward a none of ill fame ad the negroes mistook him for a white . juaATti THB.rBics or HA8TK. i ) Mra. JaleaLeroy. of Imperial, tried I ti hasten breakfast at Pitteburir.Pal Jane 15th, by ponring kerosene on the kitchen fire. An exDloaion follow-1 ea and air. Leroy and ner two chll-1 dren were burned so bally that the younger child died in an hour, and tbe mother and other child can cot recover.":-- -V ; f ' FUNHKL BHAPKD TOEHADO. Soutbera Minnesota June 15thJ WIIIVI. AIMUB'JW pHWl U4WU( ds- moliahlng everything la ite path, de- etroying thousands of dollars Worth of property, laying jwasU bundrede of home, and aendiag. forty or fifty souls to eternity. It was only equaled in extent poeeinly by a similar sioim ' at Wellington, Kaneaa, not one week previous. j . DBATH OP A COMORRSSMAH. ! Geaeral Eli T. Stack house, mem ber of Congress from the Sixth die- trie of South Carolina, and a promi nent member or tbe Farmere' Alli ance, died in Washington June 14th. Ue wae one of the party that accom panied the remain of tbe late Col. L. L. Polk. President of the Farmera Alliance, to Raleigh, North Carolina. air. btackbooee retarned to Irgtothe Monday following. DROWNED HRR CHILDREN. Mrs. 'George Beaudry, of Sou Cily, Mxlkan, drowned ber children in the river June 15 then Bank into the water herself. w nen air. Beaudry got up tbia morn ing, ahe awoke ber i two youSKeet obUdren, ueorgt aad Victoria, and leaving ber husband In bed, walked to tbe river. She threw the boy into the torrent, and e e.pg a mad ap proach, ahe jumped In hereelf with the girl in nei arma. . I A FKIGflTTTL WRECK. A frightful wreck occurred at tbe trestle epanning a loneaome hollow on tke Knoxtille A Cumberland Gap Beilioad near Mlddleboro, Kentucky, June 15th. Freight engine Nol 10. with J aixteea loaded boxes, went through oa top of each other, the die- Imm Ik tAft !f th trt,a tn the ground below : being 250 feet. Engineer Frank Sargent, fireman Henry SiaUr and Conductor Duck worth were killed outright. Four men were fatally wounded, andaixothera alightly hurt. Tbe northern bound passenger train, witb 100 passengers, wss only aaved by being naif an hour laU. i . - f thirty drowned. ' The u'bj work of the new bridge over L'cking riven between Coving ton a d Newport, Kentucky, .ell Juce 15-.bi Thirty workmen were dro vaed. Tn false work broke from it eup porta. Sixteen bodies have al -aady been taken out. Assistant Sn erln- Undent William Wllaon ie Jbadly hurt, probably faUlly. ! Wm. fiack, ofCovingtoa, waa hart about the head. John 0NeiI, of 1 1 East Le ak ia Street, bad bia leg b-oken aad waa : injared : internally. Tbe wora waa erected by Baird Broa of Pitt- r8. tthetf own risk. They; were Unit mm I ra Imvi haa m FVf t haa ftm putting In Icon beame for the floor when the weight caused the work to give away. .. false HARRIED IN THI CRMETBRT. The strangest' and moat Unique marriage ever perrormed in j Balti more took place June 15th at Green Mount cemetery on the gravee of the parents of the bride, j The groom I Uolnel Headnck VonaUmp, ex min niwiroo wibki w ids univea "$. ?? ister from Denmark to the UnlUd DannebroRV The bride s Mies Mil- dred Hammond, ol .1 thia citjr. the daughter .f th late General Ham mond. Ta grave were strewn with ttowera and the wedding was quickly performed, the pride j aunding upon the grave of ber mother and the groom upon the grave of the brid.'e father. is a remoU descendant of Tbe bride President George Washington. ; t - j - - ; ' TUB BETTIE THOMA LEWIS CASK. A special front Wytheville, Vs.. aye: Tae famoae Bettie ITbomta La vis case was aecled to-day In ths Court of Appeals, Judge Leake'e de ciiion ia favor of the defendant be ing euetalned. Jadge Lacy diasenteo. Th opinion was dlivrd by fudg Faontleroy and wae ! fully concurred la by three of the other judge. The eUU ie valued at $225,000, and It ia said that Bsttt Lewis wilt; receive ,k. tannnAu hr. th,M aftxa tha I lfth JL n.,A lr '- Each of the lawyere will receive $10,000 with the exception I of Mr. Edgar Allan, who portion, it ia laid. will be $50,0C0. Nearly $18,000 rne. to tha hairs nt-law. B.tti Lsw i. t. a maieitAnari i tha tiaWitimaul daughtor of the laU Mr. W. A. Tbom " ) aa, who wae a well known resident of Richmond. Tns case bae beea is the eoarte eince the spring of .1890 and hu attracted great interest throughout the entire country, (;;v--: ', 1 DEiFSS3 CAS SOT BE CUREO bv local applications as tbay eansot reaen the diaeamed porUoa t There I only one way to aore deafness, 1 aad that is by aa constituted leonditios of the aa aeons suing of us ia Tube. Wban thia tube ye. bav a rumbiinx aoa ad iocs beering. ana wnen 11 tea tbe innammstioa eaa be and thi tab restored to its normal eaa- entton. aearins; will be destroyed sor vr; ain out of ten are caused by eatarrb, waica 1 aotntng out an ta- -"Si I SUurta suae Wswe sasna hakttauita aw Daisur. - KXJSCTXD.T- ; Waeh- tUBay two ihand eastaeb- is inflamed or tea pee- ie cniuiey It and UB- tekea oat namedeoadiH 01 tue moeoassariee. . Wa will give Oa Handled Dollar, for any ease ot Deafneae feansed by eatarrb) that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cur. Bend for eireulars; free. -:F- J. CHENEY CO . Toledo. O. a. X3.DHOP7 Aracsisi, 10c. 1892.-; : A RECEIVER APMNTEl) rt ittm Kiekwaaal A - - raar Bmf villa Raul 1- Bichmohd, Va June 16 I the United States Circu:t Court thi af ternoea, Jadge Bond appointed a re ceiver for the Biohmoad csiDaavtlM Bail way Company, Kichmokd, Ya Vane 16. A spe cial to the Timts from Atlanta, Ga ayss,rJpon th petition of W. P. Clyde, T. v. Mb p. and W. H Goadley. filed yceterday la the tlr-' Salt Ccurt of the United State for the eaatera eisulct of Vinrtala. Jad Bond ban appoiated F. W. Hnideko per and Becben Fmut, el Baltimore, receivere of tbe Juehmoad V Dan till BaUroad Compaay, and all its ieaaed and operated liace of rail and ateamboate. . Mr. liaiiekoper la aow tn juiaou ana oa -received posaas- fa Alluu and nae o irooa rreameatUiAman. Urdar be Immediately Issued appoiat n the same -operating vffloers aot a eeatrol. ; Tuis in jvuaraat baa baea wan is aoucipaviua oi puaaiota ao- vera action cy ,uage opeer, upon the Gebrgia Octral portion now be fore him for th protection of the property in tbe iatertst of all aecari ty boIdtrs. t , '-,-. . The bill is cqaity asking for tbe appointment of -the receivers above mentioned waa filed in the United Sutes. Circuit Court ia Biehmond Wednesday, the 15.b, by Mj ir Frsnk P. Clark and Henry Crawford. aolicltore for William P. Ciyde, John CMaben and William H, Goadley, for themaelvae aad other creditors and atockboldexe of the Richmond A Daaville Railroad Compaay and tbe West Point Terminal Railway and Warehouse Company, who chooa to becoma partiea to the euit aad cob tribute the expense thereof. The bill ie a lergthy one and ceU forth that the present auliiorli id and out standing capiUl stock ie flve million dollars, of wh.ch twenty tore tnou aand eight bandred dollare ia owned by privaU indWi iuala, nad four mil lion nine - hundred and avaty-ix thousand one huadiel dollars ieowa ed by its co-defendant company, and ia pledged to. escurs tb debti et forth in the bill. ThJ complain anu in this bill hate baen long and well known directors, or i 'a-ge eecurity holders la the Danville and Terminal properties, and it is thoroughly an- deratood turn tniir proceedings are Uken in tbe Interest of the aeonrity holdere and for the purpose of pre venting euch assaulu aa are - roe bting made tn the U tm of judicial procedure in the Sute of Georgia jpon the preperry of the Danville A Terminal ebmpaoie. - Tb time oi bearing thia application haa been fix ed by Judge Biad for Anguet 16, tneno giving two. montne (or eucn negotiations aa may b. necessary for a reorganisation of the property, per- haps by Meaar. Drexel, Morgan & Co. ' So far as is known here, neither .......... vrtu aim oi.urexei. Aior gen A Co., bad any knowledge of these proceedings. - ' . i .. No doubt .tbe appointment of Metsrs. F. W. Uuidekoper and Riu ben Foster aa retivere of the Dan ville road will give a temporary shock to the holders of securities in the DsavlUe sratem, and indeed, through- out the South. Thcra can be little doubt, however, that the ultimate re sult will be very bem fi del to them. Mc Uakman retarned to New York to night, accompanied by Mr. Haide koper. He aaya that the general ofQctaoflhe Danville railroad w.ll be removed to Washington aa rapid ly as possible, and the accounting department will be moved probably next Monday. This win oe good aew to many of th officer and clerk . Tn trip mad by Messrs. Crawford and Huidekoper with Gen eral Manager Green from Richmond to Atlanta was the q ilckeat on record between those paints, tha 5oo mile being male in a Lt'Je over twelve hour. ' ' . , - j . i ' a a i x idr'Tbe New York Herooa eaye thie ie the eeaeon of the year when tha minister, begin to cloas up their churches and the devil see that the ealoone a'e- fitted np with electric fane. .,j - ; a . ! . 17 Jadge Brigg, of Philadelphia, or Jamca A. Black, of Lanoheeter, are prominent ai Pnhlb'.tiara Presi dential candidates.. , , a ', So great is the truck crop m and around Washlngloo, N. espe cially potatoes, that the Coast Line baa put a daily train oa tha road from fPcldoa to that place for the ourpoae of movinz it. It haa a train I loai every day. and tbe truck ie put la at Wtldon 1a time to be Ukea North oa he fast vog -table train to Nw York. . 4' . - , VW Aa a reault of tai Fife meeV-i Inge in Galdaboro, $16 persons have handed ia their Barnes for hurch membership. O? thee 144 go to the MetbodiBt church. 80 to ths Baptiat, 55 to the Preebyuriaa, Bed 14 to the EjaacopaL. . Maay from (he eoantry w.ll J 4a churchee in thei' own neigs- barhood.. ;- . - i (7 Graenaboro Record t A aoa of W. E. Holley, 86 8. Sim etreet. wae eeit:ag ia a chair ia front 'of the at ire, atd in aoa way turned over a creU of ginger ale near bia. Ia falling on of th bottle bruk. aad a piece of the broken glasa atrack him ia the left eye, almost Uaring it I . .. ' -t nr. t. .a -1 J . irom ita aocaet. uc. rw aacu.iu waa called la, and fouad that it waa aec eaaary to remove the eye. : -mm . ET It ie the cat. Iteao. bwk. e- rb Shslby Review uua tae atory as I day arternnooa while batting ia a follow t Two week ago Mr. B. B. I small pond near towa. lis, la com McBcayer tied a cat up in a bag and I pany with other boys, waa attempt. a a. carried it elx mllea under tbe at hU buggy aad toraed it loose la the woods beyond if affalo, thinking wouU get rid of it, Last Monday moraing tbe cat walked into tbe dia- tsg room at breakfast, a Utile Iaak.1 but till oa deck. .... ? .. 4 : m a U DYSPEPSIA ' AND UTES COM- . . . ,-riaisT. - . .- I H 1 ot votth tb amall vriem of 75 eeat to free yoerseif of every symp tom I Ibea ciotmaloc rofpuiBts. u tun ti.iwtt .I at mi .'pr.od ret bottle o Bbi'ob a Yilalisrr, evary bV tlenaa a pnate-d seeraBtaa on it, naa accord ingly sod if it des you ao good it will cost you nothing. Old hj Hamuel H. Smith Winston, N. C, Drag gist. - t tiLl.LLj NO. 25 VOICJI OF THE PEOPLE. lUmmi na whom topic. t arthavw etMTMiltaa Miliar; ta But rcaaouabla. A 'I eon mBsieaunas mmpmk4 by aa- ioot bi. pas i or aDieaia mm a L,gar- ma aeceiary ta Imvw ituwrtioa. After a long ailence I will attempt once mote to give you a, ff w chip plnga from Panther Creek, y The wheat end la thia vicinity la fine; Mr. J. S. Jonee baa jast fieiab- ed Cutting a field a? fiae wneai. --s A large tobacco factory has been epeacd up In ocr village, eoauaeneed work to day. ao yea ae West Bead etlll progreaaiag. 3 " T ' ! The inbabiuau of oar elty were very agreeably enrpriaed .1'oah ore wleom Mr. C A. Sink aad Master Shelby Sink to our hemes aa Saturday iaat. , aire. H waa aocom. paald by. on of Davldaoa'a saoet tu acuve yoeng uaiea. s&ia umi Smith, who ba for aome ' months past bee a vlaitiBZ. Mr. and Mrs. Sink at their home in North WCkes boro.1 Alias Smith is a yoeet; ladv of culture and refinement aad from all we can learn waa aaiu a favorite with the young genu of Wilkes, and wili.: be eadiy missed whea she re turn to her home la Davidaoa. : a The cora erope in thie vicinity are very,! promising I at : present. . aad. though the se aeons have been fine. the oau rrop ia not doing ao welL au the farmere around sere are through aetting tobacco, and we learn that tie aUad ie as good a could be wished. i : - h :-i . i r In f eoBClaeton I will . aay that all thinge a?e lovely and : the goo hangs high." - I Qwm. Panther Creek N. Jaae 14, '92. a. THE MODEBtM MatBa. A anob I a earl that we find in all places and ander all clrcumetancee; be is ai embyo masculine that sbts geatilityaad U obnoxioue ia bin ob trueion la society ; hie oraaiam Ja vacant and minus lore : be ie a cox comb of rhlneatona splendor, and th been oi aa adamant would abash him; be ie a mounubank. and should be diedaiaed for bis monotonoae in truaione; he ie a ninny, aad not oog n'zant of hie deficiency j he ie a pig that ignoree the blanched cheek aad ailver balra of a eexagenarian, aad would not deiga a plUanthropical word to the meek and fallen, aad would not even ealuu the colxe of hie country; he doee not reverence th ralu of divinity. . A man of hie etatnp' fe only 'a paltroon, and could not afiord to condescend to render homage to1 hie God or eld, and be U quiu a aody, aad U aot aware of the fact. But others readily con ceive it; auch a fellow is a vaaaai to hi annt mm ..jl I. .Af at. mieconetpUona. If h. ca. walk aow. front street clutching the a-nf of a I naboD be baa scaled Ue crest of his I ambition Some are mora faaiidtmu I and Would rfalivKt tm K. ath . lsA I todVeTsVaoaa thY!.;.. bat think, hi- n,;.V7. . -.Au M B- l...if J 1 B w I 9 - - :r' " ":'5 " . '-f"""- -7 ahe repeli his advances at wooing, bat thinka iei plucking her he art at aalnglBenleator. He would wager hie last doullooixor hie only crown that he could mrrrvher at hi die eietioB, e.ea though ah be plighted 10 another. . Saoh a fop wlU never be ncorad kKber stirine. The bodernal eaob ie arrogant, but ihiake bis coa- Jjotures co'oua: when they are aot larger than namber eight aaoVand his moat saperior Ides U to be h to a Dak cigarette. A catiff of bia man ia cothiner mora than a trivial ok;odandy. ! The enob leanuiaance ootu: m to ousinesa arena aad ta a bragadocio ia the gay circles and me tninka should be .banished. The de mands of etiquette are incomprehen iv to his brsia and devor baa never beef admitted into ale iaaiguificaat tnonguu. K.u. UBirriM. A Star. Stlfbt ta f 1 II 1 If rrlaaa A Colored woman named Lydia Tbompsoa wab beior Mayor Mend enhall laat week oa a cnarge of re tailing liqaor without license. Sne waa oonvievtd and fined, Failing to pay the fine, the mayor ordered her to Jsil. ! Friday x morning thi was brought before Judge WhiUker oa a writ of hab3ai;dorpue. Toe Jadge aayiC3nTfnl.ncea for th health and com that tne mayor nad no right to order Bew jw bbu aat koa iwpnaonmnt waa ' illegaL She 'was discharged from ooMody but ordered; to give bail In $100 for ber sppsaraaae at the Aogutt term of tn Superior Cjurt to anawer the charge of retail log. She gave th required bond. Gretmboro aorth state, i Seppoaiag ehe had aot given the required bond, woat then f She would have been sent to jalL of course. : So whet a the difference betweea ndieg bar to jail under a coavktioa aad aeaJlng ber to Jail aadr a failure to give bd f But the point ia tola: Hae a mayor no right to sead to Jail, for aon-pay mentor nae. apiraoa oon ricted before kirn f If not. itiie Urn tbe mayors of tbe SUU wees finding it out.. And if 2 right, exiau to aead them to tail, what U to be do a with peroa coavicUd aad fiaed. oat of whom the ; flae cannot be made f Are they to be turaed loos f I There is getting to.be a good d al of law ia thiaeoaatry aad much of it I like tbe peaM of God it psssstb undaraUndmg. CftarfotU OUtrvtr. t 17" Johnnt JTare, tb fifuea year-old so of W. P. If are, a prom men mercoautoi h-ciubtiub. wbb ae - cldentallt dtowied at 4 odKk laee. B . . . . ... . of I inc to wade acroee wbea he stepped J Into the channel,1 and being ueable be I to ewtm wae drowned, r. on. what a oouan. Will vou-beed the wamins. Thai signal perhaps of tha aore approeeh Hon. ask yourBMves ir you eaa afford as. to run tberiekeaddo aothia; for at We know troaa azperieeea thai BaUob.'S Cur will cut your eonab. 1 1I never fails. This explains why more Uua a Millioa Bottiee were sold th peat year. Il re lieve rop and whooping eongh at enee. Mother, do not be without it For Ism back, slle or el-eni use LU-,-i Van Plaster, Sold by Samuel U. iua, tViBSton, li, U,, lroe!t for the sake of savinf 60 easts, to real CLCJ -l.t'J 2 f4 -lii - .13 . 610 - 8 10 ! ' 4U0 15.10 acio VfvABXxs wCLCsur, r . r .. ..... ijrm-i ax a.... twelva Halt Oe Lean, one aaonth. " .. tare montbs.' ' ' six uontb. ' r- twelve month.'4 tt-.0 OoUl aaonth $25. Cot. C aactLs.t' " S SBoatbsttS. 1 Colli saoctLa.lia SNEED -mi i f .i Reduced Prices. V7K HATE BOUGHT FROM alXSSBSl ClOsXb T1SS ... t - Entire Farziitare HZ V t-i i . AKD . 2s r.-A- Undertaking Business and will eontiBBe it aA-their Old Bland. 307 OOS HAH &T . . Winston, n. a Oar slur boa of four stores, the largesffsrnUai hone ia B.U, is -Packed to its Utmost. These 10008 sre new sad stvlith aaA having bean bought for sb snd ia ex..' tre Utm onantitie. we elaim- to fa able to i -i .., Undersell Any Dealer ' !i Winatoe-flslsm. M. C.2S Mr aemBTT, Oor:,: ' . -i , . ie now complete in every detail and is it charge of oaa of oar Mr. Bnead who " will si v hi personal attssUoi a all boaiaeaa in that Una. W eaa win those who favor as witbkbaiv patroaaff that the aer via via be first salt i 1 - every respeet. No effort, wilt be i tm piaaas tie people and ae aEHVICE,AB80LUrELY PKRFCJ, We introduce onraelrea to the pobiie - aithe inauaurator of LOW PRIOS ia Furniture, Sd., 'ln Winatoa-BalasB. and reapeetfuIJy BOIAOVt YOD& PA- ZitOHAQJE. ; v . Everybody invited-': to look throesh oer mammotn stoea. ; Square dealins and eioae prlea is oer mouo. 1 WRITE FOB PBIOffiC" . SlDlfUENrrUKEOO ; onooBBBors oi vnoero r se ar ua.. su7 ana ocv, atain BOee. -Wiastoa, a. a - . BOARD PUBLIC CHARITIES; "' - " "pwiwi i ; e", Aaa vpmm. M AWa la B, laat aaALar at aVa ... n. TaJP ir" U. D, of Nnra;Lawrno J. easaww wwwm saaa bibjbbsbs WUa. BWMV. Hanrhtna of Pittahom. J T. tt-M j "rVJ, h - W 11 Ha m AR lai r nf Wi! ' U;B"C . IS?.' Md C,pt , Dtfn'. ? m. D, of Old Fort ; Wesley N. Jeaea, ICMiTl I BeporU were preeenud ia refer-" aac to th coastraetioa aad manage- -' meat of ths pans! aad charitable ia edutioae la 82cooatiee ia the State, " rjndered through ths efQiieat aid oi tb local board ol vUltora eUblib- v 4 ia each county by tbe appoiatmeat ' ot tbe SUU board, aad geaerouely ' iervia th public welfare by person al laepectlon ajd report of the oounty 1 jaila and "homee" without oostor e Pbm to th people by either couaty , or StaU expeudltara. . Many ra forms - lav already bean reported, aad aew , improved jailS and "bosses" aiw Delano constructed ocp rejected la varion eectione. Ia view of this movement. and upon the euggeatipa of th sttor-. eey geaorai, the board paased the fol lowing t ' r - -. " Keiol tied, Tnat the eecreUry M re s qsested to prepare a circular oa the abject or th reqaiaitloae c tae law . la reference to tbe treatment aad tars ; of prlaonar is all respects, and the. maaagemeat of the indigent la the , eonaty homes; also to embody eaeh. poi nu in reference to tbe eonstructioa of buildings aad th providing of of the inmate of aald Jaila aad nomee, ea xperieaoa nmm.d aad tb honor aad credit of the StaU require.- '.- . i ! xdL.Taat the aaid oirealar be eeat . to the visitors representing th board of chart tie. , to th cbairmaa aad - b isrJ of commlselonsrs of each soaa- j ty, to tbe sheriff! sad euparlnUadeaUS of couaty home and to the mayorer aad chiefs or police of eaea muaici- parity of tbe Suu. ' - ' - Upon tae uvttauoa or tae aapec-. laUndent ef the departmeat of chari tiee of the World's Columbian Expe-L tioa at Chicago, eUps were Ukea with a view to the repreeentatloa of, aou ble SUU Induatr lee of North Carolina. Tbe board provided for a epeoial committee to formnlaU a plan for a . reform or iadaetrlal Seaool or farm for uveall orTsaders. to the end that ta-y may be removed from the pealUuUarr or eoaaty jails aad work-hoasea, aai to memoralixt the leglalaura for the paasage of a eoluble law to aocom- plisb tbia aad. ater. w. . joaes r. A. Blair, u. 4. uaugntoa aad c B. Daaeoa, eecretary, were appulaud ea said oommltus. Afttr Inspect! a g la peraoa the SUU lnatitotieae the, beard adjoaraed. They held a pro-, longed aijht eeestoa discs aalng maay i. .- r ..htaAta Mfarred to them ll'.l tot iavesuzatioa and decltloni B AABBT IB VaBUVBUUBl KUU UmUUUaU I la tale eoanectioa, w Call Bt'atloS. t) the aad fact that w.taia the past week, tat executive pardon was promptly and pr perly iasaed for a woman who wae reported apoe the best official authority, as literally dy ing, ulth her child, la oae of the eoe a- . a a sis ty prison ol our SUU. an aer iu. of I Be was ewiuuvaa to iw -some aad llt-ventllsUd cobIIUob. I tvt. ' ,, -.. 1.. .n. tn thtir 1 - w" ' s . . . faarjAaaihilitT. and rraad ioris mast edacated to heed the demaade of aroused public eentiment, It is ror ths press to be the moat piwtrfal ajaaey la the hamaa wark. and we bop It will eusUla tha board of pao ho charHIee, aad auengttsia the Itsii Cf tha local boards istie eosa'J:-s. Raleigh Chroicle. - -

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