Office :. Mala 8tret, one door Sonth Wachovia Loan nd Trait Co. THURSDAYJ JULY 15, 1897. Th Wttk's Review otthTcwn , Coun!y and Piedmont . . N . Carolina. Black-berries art ptd at 49eeut a baihel in Daubory, Hokss eaunty. The Twin-City Ministerial Assooiitioii will not m set agtia before September. 0. . Bobertson, of Mocks ville, NT C, accept a position with P. H Haoes A Co., of tbis city. Mr. A. D. Bras-ley. tha Soath Ira Jail traok growsr, ate bin ftrt etntalop) Sat urday, Jan 26th. It l rumored that collector Hurkinswill appoint hi new deputy at an early diti probably by August lit Editor Farris, of the Enterprise, U said to ka arrngin? for the publication of daily paper at High Point. .- Est. W. A. Lit will preach a sermon especially for the tram in at the Lntneraa charch next Sunday morning. Martinsville, Va, held a prohibition election Saturday and went "wet" by the following rots: Fjrlioame 31i; aitiast , license, 181; wet'a n-ajority, 181. . - The eilorei folk exoartad tt Charlotte Monday. It waa not Tery liberally pa tronized. The manager, we learn, left Wjnitoa with about 21 aboard. The old frank Miller proper on Liberty treat, waa boaght at auction Mon day by Mr. J. A. Uonnett. It was bid off at $IVJ. lubjeot to a 10 per eent bid. County 8 SpjrvUor Dirii will ermine pnb'.ie school teachers on the fltut th ir diy, Friday aud 8 itord y in An jmt. The laat day will be tor olorsj app iaiiU. Ur. J. g.Lotx. a brother of Rev .J. A. LnU of thUcitv. died at Newton. N. C, July the 8th. Uia age was 67 yearn He leaves a wife, three children and two Kno t children. Sam, Bailey and Will Cooper, two colored buck of this eity, were brought in from HUtes ville the past week by Policeman Bo-g. They were wanted here for affrays and had takn leg leave. A citizen of Winston is working on an umbrella attachment which is intended to operate a fan for the comfort of the pedestrian a he trudges' along beneath the oppressive rays of our summer snn. - The Aim macs Rive a solar eclipse of the ua i nly 29th. It is an annual occurrence and visib'e on this continent as a partial eclipse. In our latitude it will begin about 8:5! a. m , and eniabiu: 12:3 p. m. A recent school census of High Point gives the number of white children be tween the agea of ft and 21 : males, 351; females, 379; total, 73 J. Colored, males, 167; females, 178; total, 315. Grand totnl, 1075. We see it annoaacel that Bev. N. 8. Jones, formerly pastor at Broad Street Baptist cUnrch, this city, will preach at Tarboro this aummer. He U a happy combination of both a good pastor and preacher. Mr. J. E. Al zander, who was a resident of Winston before becoming private Sec retary to Oovernor Knsnell, has been commissioned a military secretary to the commander-in-chief of 8 ate troops with the rank of Major. Kir. C, G. Cowan, a recant gradual; of Wake Forest College, held service at Broad Street Baptist church Sunday morn ing 'and evening. His sermonizing was good and he made a very favorable im pression upon bis hearer There will be a Lwn .Party in the yard at U U Yarbrongb, near Old Town, this county, on the evening of Jnly 17th for the benefit of New Hope church. Exten aive' decorations and plenty to eat. All - cordially invited. Com. Tbe Episcopalians are beginning to branch out A Sunday School has been organized; at Union Orove Chapel, North Winston, With Col E. C. Edmunds, Super intendent The school starts off encour agingly and is in good hands. The 'alisbury World notes that Mr. J. W. Bradford, Winston's former chief of police but more recently of Davie county will probably .Ideate there. Mr. Bradford is a contractor and has already-taken a contract for a bnildiog in that city. Prof. Mew, director of, the Davis School Cadet Band, has been engaged to give in structions to the Centerville Cornet Band. Prof. Mew is a good musician and we ex pect to see the Centerville organization : make rapid progress nnder his direction. Judge Coble decides, the injunction in the Statesville water works case, giving the Mayor and Aldermen of that town the right to make contracts with Prof. Ludlow, of this eity, to do the work. An appeal w .is taken to the Supreme Court. A eoncert assisted by the Salem Orches tra will be given at Betbania by the local AUnmnae Association of the 8. F. A., on Friday July 16, 1897 at 7:45 p. m. Admis sion 15c, children 10c; followed by a lawn party at Mrs. T. J. Stauber's from 10 to 12 p. m. ' In Japan they utilize the persimmon aa food. ' They are treated like ngs and thus kopt for nse, and are also utilized for making jellies, etc. An exchange aptly aays that outside of the 'possum family, the persimmon is not appreciated in this country. We see it stated that J. C Martin arriv ed at Kappa, Davie county, June 25th, after an absence of 27 years. He left ' Cherokee county, Kansas, on April 29th. He made the trip in a two-horse wagon. i He brought his family and will likely re J main in Lis native county. The Evening Telegram is the name of a new daily soon to be started in Greens ' boro by a stock company, of which C. O. . Wright is the president C. P. Happ, sec retary, and J. J. Stone manager and treas urer. Mr. Sapp, who is from Kentucky, will be the editor. , . The Masonic, picnic! at Mooresville will be held on Thursday, August 5th. A del egation of orphans from the Oxford Or- Th K ere b lic ax regrets to learn of an accident to Mr. .William Ebert, in this city, Monday, by a fall from the curb stone on Fourth street, near Mai. 3. O. Yonng's office. ' A severe wound above the left eve was the roeult Dr. Lott was summoned and the injury received is not considered, dangerous. . Mr. Ebert Uvea a few miles west of the eity and is well known citizen and farmer. Fpon what could be inferred as reliable authority, mention was made in our last issue that Mr. Virgil Boyles. of Pilot Mountain, had made an assignment It appears that Mr. Boyles has sold his stock wiw no assignment aoout it. ah a uz- rvhucAX does sot wish to mis-represent any one. The same authority corrects the statement in justioe to Mr. ; Boyles, in re gard to truth and without solicitation. on his part . , ;. Is the eolorad excursion waa returning fiom Charlotte Monday night the train ran over the body of an unknown man just this side of that city. It was dark and the body was so mutilated that it was difficult to tell whether the remains were those of a white or colored individual. Blood was on the car wheels when the train reached Winston. It was further rumored that one of the party had a piece of the unfortunate individual's brer in his pocket to act as a charm. Mrs. B. M. Beed died in Greensboro, Sunday, and the remains passed up the road Monday for burial, neac Siloam, A husband and three children survive : The family are in straightened circumstances and a good collection was taken ap on the train to aid In tiding him over his trouble. oncn evidences of practical chanty are gratifying. May the "milk of human kindness" continue to flow, and even more abundantly. There is need, dire and pressing at all times, and at every turn. Mrs. Nannie Smith, of Florida, was in men Jfoint last Thnradav and Friday. preaching upon the streets. She tells the Enterprise that she is called of God to preach and that her territory extends over fire States. Mrs. Smith very cleverly obviates the objection among a number of denominations of women literally occupy ing the pulpit by seeking her audiences upon the streets. However, the insinua tion of women appearing "prominently" in public places still remains and Mrs. SsUh cannot hope to successfully eradi cate the fact from many minds. SCHOOL, COaimTTEEMEiV. INK, Temperance Talks on Wheels. A goBpt-1 temperance wagon, driwu by two spanking grays, rolled into the city taasday,. It is in charge of a Mr.' Morse,1 of Charlotte, accompanied by in as ut&nt, who does the singing. Mr. Morse preaches plain practical tern perance doctrine and attracts good sized audiences'. He' is a Metho dist and his assistant is a Baptist. The effort is rolantary on thuit part and they depand npon hat collection for a support. Of the method it can be "truthfully said that it reaches a great many who attend Church and a great many who do not. Mr. Morse says, Char lotte ha 16 saloons. Wiuston has 5 lit- makxi three links of the li censed traffic," first the voter, then the Aldermm' and then the saloon kaopor, and say the fall of one into the pit means all. He could very readily make it a quartstte by add tui? the distiller. According" to his emphatic version and denun ciation they are all in the tame boat. County Supervisors of Pnblie Schools xadkins Board of .h ducat ion electa I Rv. J. II. Patterson, of Bast Bend, Saperviaor of Schools for that ouaty. In Randolph Prof.N.. English s elected supervisor ol rablic Schools for that connty. Prof. E. P. Mendenhall was chos en Supervisor of Public Schools for Davidson connty. In Alleghany county Rev. S. V. Brown was elected County Super The Wilkes County Board of Education elected Maj. J. H.Foote Sup3rvuor of Poblic Schools for that county. Over in Davie county the Board of Education elected Prof. C. M Sheets, of Advance, County Super visor of Pablio Sohools. ' In Iredell county J. A. Butler was elected Supervisor of Public Schools. m ocoiei county, July btn t Board of Education elected Prof. M. T. Chilton, Supsrvisor of PdV lis Schools. Ail Appointed by the Forty f It County Beard of Education for Each Township. The -Forsyth Connty Board of Education at their recent meeting appointed the following . School Committeemen for the respective townships or districts. The i re spective committees will meet and elect chairman. The names are as follows : : Abbott's Creek Chas. M. Teagge, D. R: Stafford, C. H. Williard, I. P. ilBodenhamer and John Wil liatd. : H " -1 Bethania A. I. Butner, Ed. T. Strops Ed. Wtir, Rom Flynt and Reuben Marshal. Belews Creek H. A. Lewis, 8. A; Larimore, J. A. Lowery, M. W. Varied and E. B. Liuville. . iBrQadbay-W. H. ' Glasscock, Lewis, i. Smith, Joseph Thomas, Rufus Kinaman and J as. Lanier, colored, f Clemmonsville -Lewis Lowd&r, JJA'. T onthit, J. F. Griffith, Lewis Ellis and Ed. Btrupe. Kernels rille B.F.Pegram, Adron Stanlev. H. E. Shore. H. S. Barrow and R. C. Hunter. liiwisville Rev. A.W. Craft, C. E4 Harper, L. M. Harper. I. O. Hart and A. W. Lawrence. Middle Fork J. B.Bodenhamer, J. M. Martin. Thos. Disher, W. A. Beeson and John W. Snider. Old Town Henry T. Reich, C. T. rWhicker, Jerry B. Petree,J. O. Hontar and E. A. Thomas. Old Richmond Wm. w. Doub, O. O. Spainhour.Chaa. O Sprinkle, Milton C. Long and Harrison Reed. Knrai: Hall Dt. B. 8. .Flyiit. W. Wj Clayton, E. T. Shore, Francis Ilargrave and H. 8. Helsabeck. Salem Chapel Thos. M. Mar shall, John M. Southern, A. Martin, A. M. Mecum and J. A. Simmons. 8 iuth Fork Frank Alspaugh, Lewis Spach, Allen Bevil, Wesley Fiihl and Kugene Robertson, i Vienna P. H. Stimson, U. U. Hunter, -John Alspaugh, Jno. Sink andC F. Mickle. Winston J. A. Vance, B. J. Pfobl, D. A. Robertson, Jehu Par rish and S. G. Atkins, colored. The Board also adopted the fol lowing Resolution : Ita'olveJ. That we. the Connty Board of Education recommend that the Committee of each Township appoint at least three competent colored men as a sab-committee for each colored district who shall report the wants of said JUistrict to regular committee. iiespectlnuy. : A. P. Dvh. Supervisor and Secretary of Co. Board Education DROPS OF PRINTER'S OttUford College. ; - ; Rural Hall Academy. . Yadkinville Normal 8ohooL I Torn Six pictures for 25 cents. ' I. A. Roberson 10c Lawns for 5c State Normal and Industrial College. John F. Reynolds Commissioner's Kale of valuable real estate. -Wachovia Loan & Trust Co. Truntse's Sale of J. 8. Orubbe property, Fifth tit New V, g. CosUatwmewa. J adge Dick the past week aDnoint- ed thenew.U. 8. Commissioners for this district .Those for the Greens boro court are H. F. FrandoD, Yancey ville ; N. A. Martin, Dan bury; James Martin, Winston; B. F.Hall, Rdsville; J, T. Rose mond, HillsSoro; A. B. Moore, Troy ; John H. Moyer, Lexington ; M. H. Norman, Dobstn ; Samuel L. Trogdon, Greensboro ; Jothua W. Bean. Atheboro ; John 8. Cra nor, Wilkesboro ; John U. James, Yadkinville ; W. A. Hall, Burling, ton. ., - . Revcaae Cellectiene, ittt Diatrict. The following are the Internal Reve nue Collections for the Fifth Distriot of N. C. for the month of Jnna. 1897: Tobacco, $104 63176 Spirits, 24,696.10 Cigars, i 148 05 Cigarettes, : 73 61 Snnfl, 88.43 Special Tax, 4,068 83 Miscellaneous, 2,867.14 phanage will give a free concert and CoL Jnlian 8. Carr. ot Durham, aad other -prominent speakers will speak. A dinner will be sold for the benefit of the Orph anage. , Some 300 or 400 excuraionixts from Mt. Airy spent a portion of Monday in the eity. The excursion was well patronized, so much so, in fact, that many were loft at stations alona th wav. The best of order prevailed and the doors of the Twin City will swing, open at ahy time our friends from the big hill country may roll in to see ns. . .Bev. Mr.' Lata will hold a protracted meeting at Hopewell church, commencing at 3 o'clock Saturday July 17th. Commun ion service will be held on Sunday. On Monday night Bev. Mr. Coman, of the Methodist Episcopal church, will preach, and will continue the services for several days. The operation of all christian peo ple is requested. - - Miss Jennie Bagsdale, who won the European Fellowship: at Bryn Mawr in U895, will sail for Europe July 26th. She ' will be at the celebrated Gxettenburg Uni versity for one' year exneobng to return home in iucust 1S)3.' Miss Kagsdale re sides at Jamestown, K C and has many warm friends and admirers among Winston-Salem people. - Safe blowers cracked two safes at Liber ty on the 0. F. & Y. V. roal but Thurs day night The safes in the Farmers' Alli ance store and in the store of Brown A Pritohett were blown open and robbed. The blowers got about $300 in money from J the two safes. The Burlington blood i hounds were sent for bnt they failed o- track the guilty parties. ' ' Dr. E. F. 8trickland, of BethanU. will locate in this city. lie purchases property : residence at that point. - Bethania's loss tne iwin-uty Rain. vr. Htriokland is '. not only a very social and pleasant gentle I man but stands high in his chosen pro fession. Th Kkpubucaji extends a cordial : welcome to both thenootorand his family Mr. William Clinord, of this county, will remove to High Point to live and is building a house for that purpose. The Enterprise' says he is over 80 years old. . It must not be inferred that the above is ; our Mr. Wm. Clinard, the painter, of Sa lens. Although quite venerable in looks, he has not touched the 80 mark, nor half thereto stay, ; ; President O. W. Hinshaw and Cliief Engineer Wells, of the Stone Mountain Bailway, accompanied by Edward 8. Wilde, of New Jersey, left there Monday morning for a trip over the line of the proposed new, railroad. The party wiU go over the located line ot the Stone Moun tain Bailroad to Btone Mountain and then go over the proposed extension viaDamas aa and Abbinaton to 8t PanL Va. Thev V will return via Bristol and Mountain City, Tenn., Jefferson ana xtonn wiwesnoro, N. C, sometime next week. The indica tions for a speedy completion of this road UYaaedly encouraging, Charge with Robbing tbe Taylor' . wllle Postoffioe. To men giving thoir names as Gjo. W.,Price and H. P. Milliner, passed through Winston last Wednesday. They were followed by detective John Harris, of Hick ory, who had spotted them as prob ably the parties guilty of robbing the Taylorsvula Postoffne, June 15th of several hundred dollars! The men were in a buggy and lef in the direction of Lexington. L oal officers Davis, Tucker and othr ers armea watt tne necessary pa pers started in pursuit. They traced the men as far as Lexington and returned. It appears that Price and Milliner spent Wednesday night at Mr. Carricks, some miles below Lexington and next day started upon tneir return to Win ston. The officers at Lexington had been notified and gave chase and when about 8 miles from here thev were arrested by Daput.y Mar shal J. A. Peacock and Daputr 8heriff Kinney, of that place, ort the charge of robbing the Taylors. ville office and brought them to this city. They tell a pretty plau sible story regarding their where abouts on the night of the robbery and every day since, and claim that they can prove they were not in Tavloraville the hour the office was broken opon. They were examined and also their effects and nothing criminating, waa found. They are travelling as agents for a pater clothes line and live near Taylor- ville. Upon trial before Esquire! Lehman, last Friday, he discharged the men as he had no jurisdiction in the case. They were immediate ly arrested by Deputy Marshal Peacock on a warrant issued by U S. Commissioner Jas. Martin. The prisoner were carried to Lexing ton add will probably be taken to Tavlorsville for a hearing, which will be given some time this week. Detective Harris claims that he was shadowing tUf m aud that.evi dence had not been obtained suffi cient to make an arrest. Post loss is I office Inspector Dexter thinks that while the evidence is cir;umstan tial, that more can be obtained and that the parties are guilty. The T. M. C. A. Stepping; Forward. The Young Men's Christian As sociation of Winston-Salem is making a forward step ia the way of securing larger and more suita ble .quarters. The old Opera Iiouso Brown & Carter building is to be fitted up conveniently for a home for the Association. Tin proposed arrangement when com pleted will be one of the best suite of rooms Occupied by any Associa tion in toe btate with the excep tion of Charlotte and Wilmington where the Associations own hand some t buildings, lhe alterations ill the building will cost about $900, and of course, it will take an effort to ; secure the desired ar rangement,- but the change will surely be made and will give new impetus to the looal work. The Association has been growing of late years and it becomes necessary to find larger and better appointed quarters in which to carry on its great work. The good which has been done by the Association can not be estimated but it should be doing more and will do more in its new home. Tne plans may be seen by calling on Secretary Hicks at the Tooms. ;; I- - . Total. $136.424 52 These amounts were collected in the various oftloee as follows : Winston, $91,508.43 Statesville, 23,733.32 Aaheville, 12,332 03 Mt. Airy, "" : "". 8.850.74 A Bis; HaaL " ' ' " Just as we started our big news paper press last Thursday morn ing, some-one dropped in and told us of a big revenue seizure by Rev enue officer! Mebane, Smith, Red mond, Lewie, Rpsseau, Chapman and II ant, near - Farmington, Da vie county, of the property of H. L. Cook, who operates a Govern ment distillery at that point. There had been alleged violations of the reveiue laws. It required nine wagons to haul the captured con traband to the TJ. S. Depository in this city. It comprised 28 barrel n aud 19 kegi of liquor and 6 stills and fixtures. Connty Sunday School Convention. The Executive Committee of Forsyth County Sunday School As f nation has decided to, hold the County Convention at Bethania, Saturday, Aug. 7th. Every Super intendent is urged to noto the time and see that his School is repre sented. It is important for the Towuship officers to have all their reports roauy. It is hoped that repreientatives may carrv back to every School an enthusiasm that will cause many of our Sunday School workers to attend the State Convention in Winston, Augast 24th and zbth, and will cause a full attendance from every School at tne grand mass-meeting of all tin Sunday School scholars and teachers at Brown's Warehouse on the last day of the State Conven tion, August 26th. County Finances. " btatement of .Receipts and Expendi tures ot Forsyth oonnty from Decern ber 7th, isao to JnneiWtb, itwv - OKNBAL FCHD. Amt ree'd from all sources, $11,734.83 By amt pi on war rants. 1 1,088 as lial en hand Jane 39th, "97, 645.85 $11,734 83 111,734 83 STBOOIi FPXD. To amt reo'd from all sources, $20,418.07 By amt pd on war rants, 515,808 'i'l Bal on hapd Jane 30th, '97. 4,549.85 FREE PILLS. Send voor address to EL : E. Bncklen A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box cf Or. Kinirs New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their morits. These pill are easy in action and .are particularly .effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weak en by their action, bnt by ariving tone to stomach and bowels grertly invigo rate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Dr. V. O. 'Thompson urnggm. Persian Insect Powder kills flies and other insects; No danger to human be ings, a or sale by Asncraot Owear, .-.'.1. la too .WIU of tfco Late E. T. Clem mbns Legal 7 ThelateiE.T.Clemmons, former ly of Salem, but who spent the later poition ot his life in Asheville, N C, died in Salem some months ago pees? sb 3d of a considerable estate. tie leit a will, wmcn to some ex tent was peculiar. In substance it bequeathed a portion of his proper ty to his widow for her life ti me, the amount to; be apportioned by his executor arid the Court, with a de sire that a guardian be appointed, and at her death that the said sum agreed upon be turned over to the Moravian Church to which congre gation the remainder of his estate was willed,' with a stipulation that a Church.! parsonage and school house be erected at Clemmonsville, N. C, pis native home, and 100 acres ol land adjoining oo pur chased and that members of said congregation be sold one acre at ll.UU per acre lor building purpr s os until th 1UU acres snail be ex hausted, the balance of his proper ty to ibe, invested by the said Church for the support of the school; and pastoi of the Clem monsville Church. His estate is estimated at about $75,000. If the provisions of the will are not car ried ) oht, it is thought that the property, less the amount allowed by law to the widow, will revert to his relatives. As Mrs. Clemmons, his filed her dissent to the will, choosing; her portion to her own ns and benoof tne question very naturally arises is the will legal and will it stand so far as the Mo ravian Church is concerned? Last Friday Sheriff Kapp served notice upon the heirs of Mr. Clemmons, residing here, to appear at Ashe. ville, August 2nd, and then and there test the legality of the will. Of his nearest kin residing here tnere are about twenty persons di ijLa. . . . . . . rucxiy interested in ID is very m terestiog question and decision so far as their pecuniary interests are concerned, and among them we note, Mesdames W. H. Wheeler. B F. Crosland; L. J. Rights, Hannah Sieweif, H. B. Ireland, Miss Kate neelP.HL J. W- and Phillip lianei, (uncle; John Hanes, H. E and Irym Melver, and others. The people jof fClemmonsville and vi cinity will also doubtless await with some anxiety their united in terest ip thfjantrprfctation of the law. ,j; . i '. $20,418.07 $20,413.07 I will be at the Conrt-House oo each and every Saturday, also during all Commissioner and . Superior Courts Respectfully submitted. J. J. Kerxer, County Treasurer. From tao nerlomoo of Other wo Can Lstra m Qront Ileal. . The Farmers' Institute held at South Side Park, the past. week. from Borne misunderstanding, fail ed to materauza tne nrst day. Hat urday, however, thfre was a small turn out and those who did attend heard three good addresses by Dr D. Reid Parker, Col. J. B. Smith of Guilford county, and Dr. Joseph Bird, of Davidson. The subjects discussed were wheat raising, the care of fruits and draining, and also dairying the selection of cows, now to prepare tneir toed caring for milk, etc. It is to be regretted tnat tnere was not more interest manifested and a larger at tendance. These institutes- are cacnlatod to do good and mostcer tainly deserve more encourage meat on the part of farmers. Aa Old Song Set to New Mnslo. Workmen are repairing the Southern passenger depot. 'We are not disposed to ester protest at this, hoping and believing that it is only temporary. " It is said, and with some authority, that the through line byway of Mocksville, Mooresville on to Charlotte will be running to Mooresville by Nov. 1st. When the connecting link is done aad our through line is es tablished then The Republican proposes to do some earnest talk ing for redeeming of former prom ises in tin way of a Passenger De pot in keeping with the business of the community, its private and public residence and places of business; and last but not least, the liberal patronage Winston-Salem has for many years extended to the Southern Railway. And . we feel confident that our united ap peal will not be in vain. President llevalnno's Cssnr. Tt has been rnmored that be has it. If he wonld take a coarse ot Botanic Riwl Balm, the best blood purifier and building-up remedy in the world he WOQl'J SOOD uo ! w oil. m nui uv wp nnint. Pnoe SI 00 per large bottle. EL . r - i tt. i. . n igKisia. vae it lur aai diseases, rnenraatigm. 'or sale by O'Hanlon's Lot it bo Sunday fo Everybody. It h said in Rail Road circles that in future Capt Stag? of kcut Gresnsboro branch road is to be given Sundays at a day of rest, lie has served the road fsithfuDy for some fifteen years ! every day in tha week. And while consideration is being shown Capt. Stags' The Republic ah would not object to see all the employees given a kirn ilar privilege. It believes s major ity ot our citizens would sign a pe tition for "no Sunday trains," If we, are going to observe the day, let it be done as near as possible to the commandment, "Remember the Sabbath! day," eto, and running trains, opening mails; carrying ex press, &c, cannot, at we see it, be excepted. iJ-V! x I . There are a good many Tow a in thia world, bnt only one Tom Hege, of the Caucasian race, who is as full cf ideas as an egg is of meat and is withal a jolly good fellow, single, and likely to remain so, (from choice,) not handsome but practical! &d at good at old wheat and is a mechanical genius from the ground up. His curiosity shop is on Min ; Street and contains sights that rival the seven won ders of the world. Hia latest strike for fame and the desire to make an honest living it the announce ment elsewhere that he will take 6 photographs for 25 cents, original, or having bought the negatives of the Boston Photo Company, iwill duplicate ordert of pictures taken by them by number at the tame figure. Now it the time to secure your shadow ere the. substance fades. Patronize home, folks and the money is cot scatterd toiitte winds. . ; - SCaaonlo Plonia. The 19th annual Masonic picnic and reunion of ex-Confederate sol diers takes place at Clement Grove, Mocksville, N. C, Thursday, sAu gust 12th. It will be conducted as usual, ia the interest of the Oxford Orphan Asylum Annual address by A. H. Eller. Esq, Winston, N. C. Ad dresses to the Confederate veterans Music by Centerville Comet Band, Exercises by a chapter of the orphans. Order of procession ; Centerville Cornet Band, speakers in carriages, Knights lemplar, Com man dry of Winston, iu full regalia. Masons n full regalia. Orphans. Confed erate Veterans. All old soldiers are requested to meet in the Court-House at Mocks ville at 9:50 a. m., and the Masons at Masouip Hall at the ssmi hour Dinner and other refreshments will be served by the committee. Lawn party at night. '. . Death of Mrs. R. H. Polaaexter. ; It it our painful duty to chron. tele the death of Mrs. R. II. Poin dexter, which occurred near Hick, ory, N. C, on Friday evening the 9th iust. The deceased was mar ried to Mr. Poindexter more than six years ago in the ipiscopal unurcn in i this city, she was a consistent member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Wash ington, D. C., a christian in every sense of the word, a devoted and aithful wife, a kind and loving mD'her. She fell asleep in Jesus. with the bletfled hope of coming up at the first resurrection, when "this corruptible shall put on incorrqp- tion, and this mortal shall put on immortality." She leaves a hus band and three small children to mourn her loss. Mr. Poindexter was an employee of this offioe for several years and resided in Win ston-Salem ' with hie family, re moving from here to Washington City after his appointment as Pos tal Route Agent. The entire Re publican force extend sympathy, heartfelt and sincere. "In the midst ot life we are in death." Ever since Adam transgressed the law of God, man has paid the penalty, and the cold clods from that day to this have never ceased to fall on our loved ones, notwithstand ing Satan said, "Ye shall not sure ly die." We can not boaBt to-day what we will do to-morrow, for thebrealh of life is so easily blown out. , "Breath, only breath, so frail a principle b t easily extinguished. and when that is gone, the silken cord is severed. Mora Ev-ldeaoe Akainst Rlchardon , Acoording to ta Record the web of evidence: is ;ghtning around Luke Richardsnn the negro who stauds charged with attempted as sault upon Mitt Sifert iu Greens boro, Sunday, July 4th, an account of which were printed in these columns last w'otk," and also the fact that Richatdson had been brought to the Jafi in this city, for safe keeping. Officer Scot', of Greensboro, found ! .a colored wo man named Maude Wilson, who claims to have teeb both Miss Sei fert and the negro Richardson on the day of the attempted assault She says sh was ih the woods just beyond the residence of Mr. D. 8chenck, Jr,aboujt 12 o'clock, get ting some tooth brasbej, and that the saw the youngj lady going op towards the mill ; Hhat tome min utes afterwards she saw a negro man coming in a rjin from that di rection, dressed in a dark suit of clothes and that hi had a dark hat in his hand. He cime along North Elm uiitil he reached Smith street, down which he ran towards Churoh. She says she know! the negro when she sees him but that she does not know hit name. - Learning of this, Mr. Schenck, ! whoi represents the State in the case-. went to see her. She says she knew! sbe could iden tify him, for ;whil the doot not Know him by name the does know him by sight and by several other things, describing?, him as being separated from his wife ; where she lives and whfere Richardson lives. Mr. Schenck! brought her to tbis city last Thursday where She identified Richardson completely. Oat of fifteen or tfrenty prisoners the Wilson woman steadily ldenti- .1 ! r V TT I nea ner man-. , cnfriu rvapp u taken due precaution for guarding his charge. Therefis hardly any probability of summary punish ment boing meted 4nt to him, and as is best, the law will be allowed to take its course. N EIOH8Q RHOODj NQTEsT" 4 Review of Matters in Pled monti Carolina as Gleaned i frptn Our Kxchantfs. Randolph Argu. TI1,!15iT-pol. I'tey Pearce,R. p. O. Paul, Earris HilU Ridge, A. Peaiee andpscar Pearee to catoh a earp in Hills fmill a Jackson's creek last week. 28 inches long, 16 inches round, weighing 914 ponnda. ! - i i JUitdisa Obitrier. A Baaon note says: A nkw ehni. the Christian denomination will v.i built here soon. We have abnnt - ty members already who will unite the 3rd Sunday in July. . j Madmom is to hva another Ur . bacco Warehouse. I The Webst -.1-. house whioh waa bncoed a short ,v.;i ago, is tot be rebuilt and we are glad to say it will be a great better in every way. deal larger and Attejhimy &tr. AU&erry Lane item savi- rv.i. Ulke4 oficat f ater. of WUkee, was shot by Mr. Arthur Jordan last Sunday morning jnear Woodruff 4 files' store. 8eveal vtitneased the sight by being preeeut with gans. do. . n,,-. i. a big wotld and lots of strange things in it if Jonah did swallow the whale Tt... , n n, .r uo uiiwwn vi me juKin and Spar ta Telephone Company, mt at J. C. Fields' store Taesday of last week The line Was laid off in sevfen sections and each (director is to takejand super intend the building of one inn .. James Moxley ha the contract for'pnt- fine, n it . 1, n h i n n. 1 i i . . "r "k t to. ion worn to commence at once. : A Fine Bloodhonnd. Mr. 8. P. Adams, Jsivil nginctr in the engineer department of the Atlan tic Coast Line, came home from Flor ence, a. J this weex, aua nrongut with him a maguincent thorongb-breJ Bosaisn b'oodhonndi The dog was imported from Russia about a month ago and belongs to 'the famnns breed of bloodhounds used in Siberia to ran down the exiles andioonvicts in that noted Kassian penal eolony. Ue is only eighteen months Sold, bat weighs OS Dounds. and is verb keen scented. . " . t. , . i i .. . n laie qok cm uu unou itu kivh w.u- Use ia cases of incendiary ores, hoase breaking, eto.. so the- criminals who have been doing devilment hereabouts may loo sharp. Wumngton (-. u. ) alessenger. : We have been good pumoredly twitted on several itoccaiions re garding our suggestions that every town aud county should have weu- trained bloodhounds, mere is hardly a day but wtat our atten tion is called by some paper print log accounts where rthese animals are used, and euccesfully, in fer reting out criminals. At Lxiug ton K: ntly in the- sad Springs' tragedy, the first (thought was bloodhounds and parties owning the auimals were telegraphed for both at Charlotte and Burlington Unfortuuately there! was necessary delay and by the time the dogs of Mr. llartsoe, of Burlington, arriv ed, the soent had jcooled. Had Lexington owned bloodhounds the chauces are favorable; that the mur derer of Mrs. Spring! would have been in the hands of "justice in less than 12 hours after the inhuman deed. In our own ekpeiience, Pe ter DeGraff, Henry! Siraim and other criminals would have never had tha opportunity Jto have even made the pretence of an escape. Chicken thieves and evil doers generally could be caught coming and going. After some atrocious deed has been done, jthen our an thorities will doubtless bestir themselves. We have advocated bloodhounds varballj aud in these columns repeatedly and shall con tinue to do so until; these four footed, keen-scented detectives have been given a fair trial in Winston and Salem, j It is an ex peTimen well worth the outlay. NO TICK! ! I want every man and: woman in the United States interested in the Opinm and Whiskey habits td have one oi my books on these diseases. Address B. M. Woolleyr Atlanta Oa., Boi 382, n 4 one will be sent yonj f roe. ly i xxrrie 'ltmn.' Cletk of the Superior Conrt. H. V. Fnrches, of I re Jell countt. has an. pointed Geo. B. Nicholson, formerlv of this paos, as his chief depsty. will A- tJoiey nas io nppiinted a member of the State Execdtive Com mittee, which is to conduct the cam paign for local tax ttion for ithe ttublie scnoou. The town commissioners at their meeting on last Taesday j afternoon piacea tne town tax for the coming year at cents on the 5100; val nation and to cents on the poll. ! Chief Engineer Wells save that he will complete the survey far the ex tension or tne railroad from here to Mooresville by the 20th instant. His engineering corps are now locatetl South ltiver, near A. 1. IyflerV T1I2 OLD & OUT II STATE. TH LAND WC LOVE, CHESISH, fSOTtCT ' : . AND DEFEND, j. , Judge V. O. Curtis, of j California fortaerly of North Carolina, is dead. There have baea several prostrations bnt no deaths, from heat in Raleigh. The Lomberton bar adopt 'resolu tions complimentary to Jndge Bnt tont j. ...-...!( The third annual aession of the Southern Biblical Assembly; is to be held at Aaheville th to Sth. i Ji J Qhantz. the candidate of the Socialist party for governor of Virginia onoe edited a Democratic newspaper in Salisbury. Dorham Herald: Durham now has a lady doctor, Miss Clara Martin, who is a graduate of the school of Osteoopo tbyof KirksvUle, Mo. The State Commissoncr of labor Sta tistics finds that no less than eighteen new! cotton mills are in csurte of con struction; in the State The oo'mmiasioners of Craven county announce; that tbey adhere to their res olution not to call a pablio school tax election August lOih. Rbxboro Courier: Mr. P. II Clav, of Ceffo, ! comes to the front with the largest y ield of wheat yet reported He sowed fohr bushels and thrashed 1)7, 24,iol.j Two sdns of William Blackley, aged W1XST05I TOBACCO MAEiET. Corrected Weekly by Farmers ' Ware house, A. B. Oorreli A Sou, Prop'rs. Lags Otrnmon Medium... J... Good .... Fine Cnttere, " Fine... Leaf, Common,... " Medium,.... " Good Wrappers, " Good,; Pine Wrappt?rs,. . . PRODUCE .1.60 to 3 80 3.&0 to 8.00 to 10. 1X00 to 14. (W 1100 to 15.1M 18.00 to 25.o) 8. CO to 6.00 to 8.00 10.00 to 15.00 16.00 to 25.00 80.00 to 85.00 40.00 to 50.00 MARKET. Corrected weekly by H D. Poindexter. BCT1NO PI1ICE8. Corn,. Wheat, Sats, ., oner Beeswax, Hay, per cwt. Tallow,.. Dry Hides...... ....... Beef Cattlc,groB New Feathers, extra jo'.d tuwashed Wool, c0Cf - YtidkinvifU Hippli. J Li. Hall, of near Siloami had the misfortune to get his fine gray horse killed by lightning: last week. The horse was in the stable bnt Ithe barn was not hart. J. U James, Esq , of this blace. has been appointed and commissioned as United Htat;a Commissioned for this county. Ue now ban three offijes to wn : Just ice of the Peace. Uniited States Commissioner and Scihool Committee man 'i'l F. B Beubow, Et-ci , whotias been suffering for some time witli his ear, was greatly relioved last wet k by Lav ing a bean extracted from iit. This bean was pnt in his ear byt himself about twenty years ago, bnt ws nna b!e to get it out until recently. There will bn a grand edhcational rally at ilanes School Hotse, two miles Sou lb of Hamptonville tin Satnr day, 17th instant Speeches! will be made by Prtf. II Dixon, jHon. J 0. Pinnix and others, i Every poly ii viieuiom present, uood music an interesting feature of the program. Ex ercises to begin at 3 o'clock p.j m. ! h'kia Tttn't. j The uot office department! has in creased tin compensation for clerk hire at Elkin post oflue fromivlOO to 820J. -i The Secret lry of State basSirranted articles of inoorporatioh to tbe Siloam Holler Mill Uo. for thirty years with S J. AtkiuB;ro,t Dallas IWce, I W. T, Fletcher and W. H. Reid incorporators. ine crop oi blackberries this year is immense. A good many pcbple are picking and drying them. Tbe tirst lot of dried ones was sold here Saturday at three cents a pound. . W. I. Harp, of Sparta, ha invented a folding chicken coop that iv said to be a good thing. Tne Baily il l a Co., of Elkin, have secured the contract to manufacture these cops far Mri Harp They will begin on their first contract of 500 coops in a few day. U. r . liannson, ol farmington, an attachee of the Internal Revenue de partment was in town one dav last week taking the bonds of those who kantto mike brandy this year. Eleven bonded for Yadkin connty and seven inlMarsh and Elkin townships Surry county. It is said one still could consume all the fruit in this township this year. ! For sale by drB blood and skii catarrh? etc. Drng Store Hot for Norfol The Exoursii A man in Virginia, rode forty miles. to r airiax station, for the ex press pur pose or getting Chamberlain's Uough ttemeay, ana took borne with turn a dozen bottles -of the medicine. The JrogKist who relates the incident, adds: "Your remedy seems to be a general favorite.whereter known." Its effeets are indeed wonderful in all lung and throat troubles. Procure a bottle at AaUcraf Owens Drng Store. ' - .ir :. i--s. Beady Mixed Paints. White Lead. linseed Oil, Varnishes, to. For site f by Asberaft A Owens, Druggists. ! n to morioik goes on Tuesday next, alt. Conrad reports the outlook bright for a large crowd. He is arranging for the f resident to give those who go to waahington a recep tion on Wednesday, Jnly 21st, T those who remain in Norfolk a grand excursion up tne James tvver on Thursday to visit Fortress Monroe, New Port Mews aad other points of historic interest. Don t miss tbis splendid opportunity to take in this most uetignuQii utp. - iue tow roacd trip rate 3.00 from Winston ought to induce many te go. Passengers will ba rvot-ired at ail points between Mocksville and Wilkesboro and Oreens- boro, Exonrsidn reaches Norfolk at 6 Flro at Grooasboro. Winston extends sympathy to Greensboro in her misfortune of another fire Monday night. It one mated in Darden's shoo store, spread to the dry goods store of Armfield, Ridge & Vickory, and the old Star Warehouse, used as a produce house. The two former were saved by tne firemen, but were badly damaged. The warehouse building waa : totally destroyed Mr. Darden's invoice the 1st of the month ran up to nearly $7,000. His insurance is only $3,500. His stock was badly damaged by water, but ia not nearly a total loss. Arm fiald, Ridge & Vickory carried be tween $6,000 and $7,000 worth of goods and $3,000 insurance. Possi bly $1,000 dan be realized on that portion of the stock saved. In the second story of their building at least f l.uuu worth of goods were totally destroyed. Oa the old ware house, an immense frame building, there was $1,000 insurance. Mr. Phoenix had $1,400 on his stock in the warehouse, while his loss will reacht $3,000 or $4,000. He had ra- oently finished baling 15 car loads of rags, which were burned, in ad dition to o.OOO pounds of dned fruits, five tons of tallow, eto. Mr. Howard Gardner had the greater portion of his household goods stored over Darden's shoe store, His insurance of $160 will proba bly cover his loss. Dr. Benbow. owner of the two damaged build ings on South Elm Street, carries ii.uuu insurance on each. This will cover the repairs required. The ori gin of tbe nrst fire is still uu ac counted for. It originated nar thereof in Dardan'a building. The warehouse was set on fire, moat likely by some person or persons who saw a good opportunity for plunder. Quantities of the goods piled in the stores wsre stolen. Oae darkey with six pairs of shoes was captured alter an exciting chase i ne losses aside from those men tioned are very .small, p. m. and tnose or Baltimore who go toWaahineton reach there at 7 a. rn. Wednesday morning, I am Belling my lOjj Ltwus at 5cta. I. Al Robebsox. N. H. Medearts, Manager. : The advertisement of the State Nor mal and Industrial College appears in this inane of Tne Uxioa Rkvi nuc ax The institution is five lean old, and has taken its place amoig the stron tr eat of our educational institutions. It has a large patronage f rem all sections of the State, and a nambjer of the beat people in this immediate section are enrolled in its list of students. For catalogue and informsiioin address President Ubarles D. Melver, Ore ns boro, N. C. ; i raris ureen kins potato bntrs. is easily applied and canbejhsed without danger. For sale by Asbdraft & Owens, Druggists. ! . 1 j AM OPUS LETTJ.H. Winston. N. C. June '28. 1897. Ma Tj. W. Rearot.t : i My dear Sir: It is with great pleas ure that I add my name; to the long roll oi those who have thorougly tried and are delighted with the conveniences and superiotcookiog qualities of your famous l rland Stoves and Steel Ranges. It became, neopssary for me to aad two ranges to the. culinary de partment oi my hotel, and an investi gallon oi . tne merits of tne various ranges on the market lod to the pur ehase of the Oakland as xhb Best, and I am glad to say that; a rigid test baa more than lulallel ,;mv expecta tion. They are the flaest bakers ever saw and I can beat! you ont in saying that "the Garland Stoves and lUnge are the World s best xenrs truly, ij i J It JO!tRf, Proprietor Hotel Jones The above testimonial ia highly prized, as Mr. Jones em its a wide rep station as serving the best prepared food ct any hotel in the ct'ate. i L Wi SEABOLT Dealer in Garland jStoves and Ranges, China, CrokeryJ Glassware, Tinware, Tobacco Finest fco. 112 West Fourth Sir, Winston Wtlkesb rro VHrcnxJr-. S - AlifiS lietue Hendrix has been ap pointed postmistress at Hon aa to suc- ceed Mr. Deans. Mr. J. W. Mitchell tolls ns that his wife recently st a hen on 19 eggs from which only oue-halt of a chicken were hatcbea. Mrs. John A. Glass, of Straw! sent us a hen egg Monday which is a: curi oaity. It is about the sizs of a guinea egg and has a small handle. ! Mr. Thomas V. Tarlier, of Moravian Falls, turned over the post cfljee at that place to W. G. Meadows, on last Thursday morning. Mr. Parlieir h been postmaster i tnat place icr nnarter of a century. i W. T. Minton. Es a . of Goshenj. was bitten by a copperhead snake iearly Tuesday morning. He had left the door open that night and the snake had crawled inside toe door. Just neiore day he got up and went to step dut at the door when he was bitten. i Dr. White was immediately sent for bnt we have not heard from htm as we go to press. In Union township, at. the home ol the bride's father, on :- last Sunday evening, Mr. N. Dancy Esq , j and Alvertie Tierce werennited m tne.noiy bonds l mtrimonv. A. large crowd had gathered hoping to : witness; the ceremony, bnt it was not to be. The blushing lovers quietly stole out and slipping around behind the bouse se creted themselves In the chimney cor ner where the Rev. James Pilkjnton said over the words that made them Trustees' Sale ! Under the provisions of a certain deed of trout, executed to the undersigned by J. a Grobbs and wife. Aliqe M, Ornbba, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Forsytn oonnty, H. G., in book No- 23 of Mortgages, page The andersigned Trust Company, trustee, will !! at pablio anotion for! eash. at the eourt boose door in Winston, N. C, at 3 o'oloek p. m . on : Saturday 'the 14th day of August 1807. the lands bod premises described in said deed of trust to-wit: A Lot in Winston. N. C. fronting north on on. i. . .- ! Sth street and measnnne thereon 'ii teat .v:""". :"""J,r."J"i"uf;nd of that width exUn3ina sonthwardly vT havVn!! ! bein.rbo.nded north by .. . . . - . j-v Out BUw. rTB UQ OJUVO UV ; -l5 caaaaavaas sumption but prerenl u by using On.. Wllwhou cu m by' D. King and ouuum uiuu rr'w c"y ; i. g, Ornbbs and on tus west ty luiam ior oonfns, ooiu, uii, urvueuitu v x- and all throat and lung troiea. .1 Wachovia Loah A Taosr Co; T Care Caaatlpatloa Vviwvaa. Take Caaeareta Caatf v Catamrtta, loeortSe. If C C. CL (ail to ears, druggists refund saoae W. O'Hanlon, Winston, N. a Trnstee. drowned: in Wayne Couaty while bath ing! Thje bodies wre fonnd clasped together The law now requires a report l the amount of air furnished in mines. The first report of this kind ever made came ' to! JtUleigh Saturday from the Cumnock coal mine. j! L Graham, clerk to the superin tendent of pnblie education, ia convict ed at Newton of house burning: Mr Mebane calls for hia resignation; Gra haca insists upon his Innocence. Durham Sun: Ont near Orange fac tory the other afternoon, lightning struck and killed a darkey named Dcd ley Uolman. It is said tnat liolman was going along a pnb'ic road at that The State Secretary Saturday roceiv eb $120,000 annual rental of the North Carolina Railway by the Southern. He alsi) received $23,000 for the white and colored agricultural and mechanical colleges, j Oa complaint of 1'. (J. Jlouis. the poatofliceluepartment deelaree the state agricultural department bulletin can no loncrericro thronirh the mails aa sec ond class jmartter; this makes tha pest- age'eight times greater. State Geologist Holmes now in Ari zona, investigates the manner of ran mgistra wherries and other crops by ir rigation; he says in this country there are many jakes above the level of the lands where irrigations can be made successful, A. v. A very and J. (J. u. Harris gar the law for local school tax elections is unconstitutional; Mr. Mebane asks the governor to call together the Council of state at oqce, to take action in getting tne supremo uonrt to pass on the ones tion j Abram Dav.'s, colored, while drunk got into ah altercation at Charlotte, Saturday night, with an naknown wLnte man; He threw a stone at the latter, whd shot him in the head, cans ing instant! death. The white man es caped. I Oovernor ltussell oners 100. reward for the arrant of the perpetrators of strange crime April 1st. The body cf an unknown man was found floating in tne trench liroad river in Dan oomue county. The coroner lueld an iBqst and the jury was of opinion that the uojy was that of William es tal. f There! seems to be no clue what ever! to the murderer or murderers. iive Conpord young men returning from a picnc party on the liocky River, were) thrown from the wagou- by the horse runing away on what is known as tne ' fatal hill" John Homburkle bad: his leg broken; N S. West was serieusly injured internally and oaury oruiBea; unaries barter came neae being fatally hurt, and mav not recover au1 Mi tlooper an 1 J. t Smith were ibruised. Tke trustees of the Raleigh insane asylum have elected John It Smith John Q. Williams and Jesse G. Bill executive Comonttea. William R Crawford. Jr. bol.lS over as steward. until next March. Tho slarv of the first aaeistaqt physician (Or. Motl) was nxei at and that of the second aseiataut (Dr. Davb-) at 81.000 The nnadimoos re-electaon of Mrs. Wbit aker as matrpn is well deserved.. There are now 415 patients in the asylam Aipemion is Being cucuiatei in Charlotte for the pardon of J. H. Hoi land, now serving a seven years term in the United States prison at Albany j. xi , ior emoezzung funds from the Merchants' and Farmers' National Rank, of Charlotte. The pardon asked for on the ground of ill health, and the petition is addressed to Presi if.t-.'ji . --. . . . uenii mcxiBiey, air. uoilana com pleted two years of the seven vear sen tence Jane last. The petition has so iar D!en largely signed. asnoa wool, frw,,,. Flax Seed...... ..... Chickens,: . Sorghum by tebe barrel. Country meat, puicn. . . Country bams Country shoulder i. . . . bggs, per doxen . . . Battel, Pork, Peas ... Colored Beans, V bite lieans Salt, larga flso Salt, small iiae, ....... Salt, coarso Coffees, Sugars,. , . . . Kerosene Oil, per gal . . . i THE TRUE REMEDY. Wi. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa. 111. Chief." says: 'We won't keD honse without Dr. Ring's New Discovery for Consumption, Couch's and Colds Ex perimented ith many others, but never got the truo remedy until we used Dr. King s ew Diacoverv. No other remedy can take its place in on home, as mat we have a certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whoop ing uongn-, tc. it is idle to expert meat with other remedies, even if they aro;urgea onyou as just as good as Dr aUK s-nt ifiowYerj. tuer are not as good, because this remedy Las rocera oi cares ana besides is. gesran teed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottlM free at Dr. V. O Thompson urs g store. ; 48 'o 50 eo to 70 '25 to 32 8 to 15 8 35 to W) 4 5 to 6 1 1 2 to 2 1 2 40 to f0 14 to 16 18 to 20 70 10 to 2T 1 to 20 6 to 7 9 to 11 7 to 8 5 to 7 12 to 20 6 to 5 1-2 l.(K 75 90 to 4. (in 1.40 45 tcf0 65 12, to 20 4 1-2 toCi 15 iTaaE IiPCBIJ7AW Will DCOTllC )I 5faUfaSrid svrriskKe freo of ciiarcsj lii&Uici; the- iruue to tbft mer namea ini dtee and if d. airerl, Urtm cou- tvrnlbg the df ( rld tr the orciion of $euerl in trest, briefly gieu. Excee'ltrtK JO or 25 lines will be) cb&rKed t rttauiAT advriisiutr rates, i u Ciij usuit demands upon oar co1uuji,h for utL favor render aucn ptiU y Dt-crswu"y -t MARRIED. In High Point, N. C, July 4:h, The. Weston to Miss Iiettie Wtlch. In Randolph coubty, on the 4th inst. Mr. J. Li- Di-nson to Mins Sarah Kce- line. At Ya'kinvi;if. Vaikin conntv, on the 1st inst , 'r. V. I Cramn to M;hs Sarah Logan. At SparUt, AllcvLanv ct.untv, on the 6:h inht , Mr. Clmrn Bourne to Mit-s Daisy Dickey. . DIED. At Ira, Wilkes conr.fv, rfcetllv. W. H. Brown. At North 'Wilkcsbr ro. Wilkis connlv. on the 5:h inht , llnau Wilts. At Madison. X. C , Ju!v 31. Mr. I). W. Damcron, cf tvpboul f-vfr. Near At wood utatiou. l.'Jth itfct . of- tjpboid fever. Mr. H. W. Clicard. Near Ilig'i Point. X. C. July 5th. Mr. J. Addidon Uurtou, a?cJ :!fi vears. Ia Hicb Point, X. C . Jnlv 4th. in fant child if Mr. tud Mrs. W. J. Chnrch. Xear Bthliain, WiJkcs cnntr. on the 5th int , Mrs. Bettu- Vathi j, sged 29 years. At Koii"ir Kiv r, Wilkts aonctv. recently, Mr. James fcoo!s, sfre l kbont 30 years. At Uas in, JltckinKuara coctv. re cently, iLfaut child of Mr and Mrs. D. C. Clarp . At liams'-nr. Randolph couctv. re cently, H. W. Trr.g,lnD, ?n old confed erate soldier At Lexiugton, lrti Uori cinntv. le- ccutly, thi iufant child r.f Mr." and Mrs D. M. Culler Near Lovtlsco, Willi ennutv.' June Wth, Mrs D.i'ca 3Ia bt-rr?." wife of Colty Maybfirv,. Uhvirg a husband and six cLiidreu. HIR.1L HALL ACADEMY. Li Rura::Ut. NC Location bi-ul hv. toachine thorofieh. terras low. Fall U-rui opens August l"th 1S!7. Spiins term bepins Jan. 14th ISiW. Adilrecs S (1. Sl'TfON. I'rin.. July 1,V lin. Unral lbdl, X. C. f HLMTY COLLEGE. Next Sfinn 0cns Scjttt'iulH'r 8. Three full our.-ei of tu1v. Larce uumbf r of i Uotives. io full t hairs in English. Women lunUe 1 to all cliisses. One Hirsr.r.Ei and CstTuarsiND Doliab? added to the entlovn.eiit ilnrio the pres ent year. Uulv male litiriry colteye in North Carolina that is loeuttU in a city. The best business course offered in thr Sbite. Son,l for album an,! c.italot?ue. .JSii. (.'. K1LGO. J.ulyH-2m. IiurLRm, X. C. Yadkinville Xoraial School. YADKIXVILLF. X. Cs FOIl it or II MXIS ZEXO H. DIXON. 15. A., Fein. Stventh Tear Begins Anniist lli. 1897. Healthful location. New Bniljing thor oughly furnished. Superior instructors of large experience. Choice Library free to all students. Carefully arranged course of study furnishing thorough preparation for the best colleges iu the South or for the ordinary vocations of life, i gool ns Oie best and at the same time as rhrop is the cheir$t. ut once for cutiilone. oce. ! Lexington has a variety of attrao tions just now. : Dr. Bine Mountain Joe is giving nightly performance. A female evangelist is holding services ever? evenintr in front of the Court Mouse, and a gospel temperance wagon nas arrived in town and set up for pns lneos AThomasvillo note sats: Thursday afternoon the large barn of Mr. Frank H. li'imbeth wax burned at hia farm, known as the Gray place. About 700 ousneis oi wheat was destroyed, aiao a MoCormick reie-.r. Total loss about 8300, with no insuraooe. It is thoaeht the barn canght from a spark of fire irom tne engine of a steam threshing machine, which bad iast passmlitbe Darn. e all svmmtlii?:e Willi Mr Lambeth in hia loss. ! The dwelling honse of Mr. Jamrk Q, Cross,, who lives in Cotton drove town ship, near the Tadkin river., waa struck by lightning ttnnday evening about 3 o'clock and fonr persons were injured. Mrs Cross was sitting in a room hold ing her little baby iu her arm when lightning struck the chimney, iran down in tho rwm and knocked j the child entirely ont of her arms to ; the floor, rendering it inaensible for sever al hours. Mrs. Cross waa also shook ad by the stroke, as waa her little son auont 9 years ol.l, whose hair (was burn ad, and otherwise b-jo red. An aged gentlemen, Mr. Peter Creaa Iwai in tha roam at tit time and was knock el down by tha shock- The loinred paruoa hive a'lout reoovered, bnt it waa a Tery narrow escape from death, i tiA AA Pr Mrtnfh C.IfcI A FEW fivivv a va wvuis uuiiujt Commissioner's Sale m VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! By virtue of i anthoritv conferred noon meat Commissioner, by an order made by the Superior Oourt of Forsyth oonnty. m an ex pane prooeeiing brought by the heirs at law and widow of William A. Weavil, deceased, by petition to soli lands for division. I will sell to the highest bidder, one-third cash, one-third within three years f rosi the date of sale, and one third at the exeinrtion of fire years' from the date of aalb with, interest at six per cent per annum on deferred pavtnentx, at the; residence Sot William A. Weavil in Breadbay townHhip on the l'ith day of Antfnst. 117. at Vi o'oloek M. the follow ing described real eatate lying and being in Uroadbay tewnnhip, Kornytb connty, N. JO., and bopmled as follows, to-trit: Beginning at a Stone in the road in link ner Williard's line, thenoe South 17C pole to the ditch at the creek, thence along the ditoh sonth 77 1 degrees, went 50 pules; thence along the ditch south 51 degree, west 25 poles; thence north )IIU poles to a stohe, thence f est 3i poles to a stone; thehce north 30 poles to a stone; thenoe in ridge road north. 43 degrees, euitt 4J pole to atone; thekioe north 40 poles to a stone; thence east 67 poles to the beginning, containing '.4 acres and GJ poles more or less, idis me urn (my owniy irv.if , JOHN F. REYNOLDS, ? . ! ('omnsjsninniT. 13 5 P-r ea 5 I o B -r ! S 2 a a. D a. as I S g a o.d-2 h 4 115 o 53 -53 m 0 S 5 ennntiA a, ...j it , . . I laoies aun genusmea wan lea to canvass. 1 x mb-H B Above salary guaranteed. Call or address,! Pg". 1 1. W.O. Boss, Davidson, N.O.; i jf8tS S3 I ' n m &a 0 m Guilford College, FOI SDED IX 1S37. Five lare and veil arriiDged brick buildings, besides new gymnasium. Science IIull now building. Co-educatioual. Buildings spticially pluimed for buth sexes. Location in licultf ul Pitilniotit section. acre Dairy Kami. ;( eonrses leading to oVKrepH. Also Music, Art, and Physical training. Correspondence solicited. l'r.its. L. I.. HoitBs. Jnly 15-1 m Guilford College. Ji. (;. THE STATE NORMAL ami INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE-, GUEEXSBOliO, X. C , Offers the young wonirn of the State thorough professions!, litTiry, classical, scientific and industrial education. An nunl fjjmmesi t'M) Ut $1). Kacnlty of 25 members. More than 4DO ri'ular Btudrnts. Practioe school of IM pupils for'teaehers. More than 1,200 tuatricnlaUa representing every county in tho State. except three. Correspondence invited from those desir ing coinpteut trained teachers. To nentrt bwirtl in ifciru'!ori all trtf litilUm npfi'mt tioits must be ttuuh- b fort .Ifi.'wf 1. For catalogue and inforuistion, address racsmENT Cuani.Ks 1). ;STrK.. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRJCl'LTL'RE 1 H2 MECHANIC ARTS, Witt Open Kept. Oth, 1S07. Tboronnh academic, scientitic aud techni cftl conrs.js. Experienced Specialists in every department. trENFK I'kb sbsmos, .isi i.ri'iso iioabd: For Connly Students, - - -$ 93.00 For all Other Students, - - - 123 00 Apply for Ciitalognes to ALEX.VNDKK Q HOLL.VIMY, LL. D., s K.ileigh. N Pbksidkmt. July S 1 ui. NL4I (.II I KU SAI K OF Bitifci -k J TOO Mm BICYCLES ! Too littlo room, Bicycles must go to make room for Ones and Ammunition. Boys, get onto the price. A 160.00 wheel, fitted with M. & V. TIKKN, 923 35. Your for business. . F. M. Roberts. 445, Liberty St., Winston, X. C.

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