For Gwm'twr 'ZKBULON . VANCE. Of Mecklenburg. - For Lict' tenant Gooenwr, THOMAS J. JAUVIS, orritt. l.i'l" Voir SUtlt TVemrarer J. 1L WOltTH . ,ri f)f IlMvililnlu'r;' ! f f I :tll''' Ssn-rtiLTU at Staff'" , JOJEI'Il A. ENUEMIAKD, WW; IsitbverTT , i in f t 2 .. a k A A . f a i j ... . 1 1 r or owe i nwrt " " .. fl J SAMUEL LLOVE, 1 r.jv! v. Of Haywood'.: i f0 A !LfjTvrt,' I I I . .r v THO.M A3 KEN AN f Mi vf Sir. Fuldie Iiittmctut, 1 J. CSCAUDOHOUOII. ';' Of Johnston. 1 ,:s".'y" For Coiirt 4ik P'jrfrt'fi, , -Offretth"B.'t 'COUNTY TICKET. , Full hKSATK. . MAJ. JOHN W tUUIlAM, . ' OJOniigo.' vol. John w. Cunningham. ,VU . . '. Of Twos. ' .. . . SIOVHK Or ftEt'HKAKltTATIYKS. CALVIN K, 1'AlllSII, ' JOHN K. HUUUCi. roa tn km fp, ' -THOMAS H. 'tiUUHItt. , DA VI DO. I'AltKi. ffiR "liEojrrEB. " JOHN LAWS. ',. OiliOSIJK. THOMAS J. WILSON" iTl'&VKYOK. A. M. LEATHF.113. I . : JuooaWeUoo, Jwba F. Lyon, N.Uoo 1 Ihll. " D. F. Mornw. WilUoIMtcnoii. 1 " NOTICE. 1 fnnKtJloiii ktii hv Ih-b i-4nti ' JL Jtr1f ami rt,j.-.:tr to b-i.d t!i Khr. ' MklM taruiii J'iri-t lu intr Comity MlTwntrttM'i'dayul .H-ml--t I".''. li.U-J ,.. i -Umtiol l.jrm U J. I. ' ttavM r. t'MlH, J-Hir-. lluwluojld M4 Aali'd Hunu-f, tlanlr. i ' , fmulh t Itr,tm1. C. i- U"Ut. 4. ' Tl, Ak-W" MitU. V tii Hi.iwb tlrurr hr. - CriW O'rotf 1. k . JtfTtl. J. I . i . fwHti, Attml Wird, 1 ., IV.. ' I UHRt ij- J -". J- r. bartM U tt'lhnw, W. KUt N. Unit, Jo W. UtK. .lrt . VtV.;r, lu-i-tur. . Mbm'-Atl IM4. P. ' - Ar.iiwttM'-A. W. nlT. J. r. W W Hnum, Wm Horltnj. W lllu ilogn i X halt, ihr. C r, Hwrcn, .TkowM Mpvwnili, lnrtr. "' m R Wnikir, W n IIimiIUik;, JoUn S Lxk- w. w-ti tMi. ii-vt;-. ., t llnnlT AImw. A Marcum, Jtiu ljiikuln, -V H iMrr, .iw.r. .'fcT.-..'.rtr A JUrhi. J P. A II (Junta!. W M H$mm.Mi AaWiu. ttul- Tmwt h tiK. I' i",,4',,r? . ... -J fttg. Wis Uot.ti, Muim hlntf, Thoinw S-D M I'nrtitm, J P. MxWw At-r. Alt Jmrtwm, Wra H ru. 4'f A..r.. i n. mil" imiiiniim. . l'ritkcl i-i........ k rjtpi. Iitp-in-vt'ir. JOUN LAWS. Clrrlt, NatM;.;' Brown,. i4 BALfiMH, N.'.O. , V. Htieul ltrHt. Siring Trim- CUtl.DKEX' CAllKlAutd. rKj - Omidii, Toy. Ao. 1JASKKTS. IUUm, the lart MnOttuioul in IH SUtfl. , . Al-r..l Att. htf.if th roM-nl 4 ,T.y fuTrAuKoiiuAt!. r'rrhimt. H,k.f. fcy4 l-r tbr ll"M Cl.t I. K.vorTWIrr. V.' . 'T.-i"'' Ininiit iiy .iti!ni ti m . a r.i,..U(r vn I i.m i:i i-ii i.i .1 v V t iin ' tin? vax1 riro iJT I T. I I AKUL1KA 1!Y JOHN T. JEWlJibi ,,1.1 1 it ! , . How tlo Stata w:.vui.'i'oi1 in 18C3-T0. ..Mr - Revelations' of Republican Ras4 calities.'-'1 : :rWW 1 left vour State, .ix vwi . It .lYh-k rfttftetftnr- hs,: welTnuwtng ityw i . . ... . .'.: iihiijjIu in politici; tut, in iimt wajr, vult 4 jU'pirt meu buJ jHy. I" tlwuU vu tt fur euuti(ry, welare. 1 Jmd ki ifelcmiiaed tfiat m lr a any of tlio Matuj wait U bo iuf WiIim( DHiur4, u fur 1 iwf yBfirnJi..W ilUdV- l,u'!y( tU tload alicd no tear over its grave; but uufortttuatclj, porbai. tor kmikj of the imr tica coiuriifd, tby, wiiuloW the V wuld alilfl. tt.Mir kii.K mi ttk tuv ulultilftnrw f fltavo cuuugb ut tuy oho to lour, and pru jkjoo. in a lew ettttcmciite, to ut the mii hcrt it jirtpcirly lelv'g ! 1 1 , ; i V : ' .In the lirst place, ( I asyvu aK knok, ad uflSccr iu the regular army of the L'uitoJ Stato, tatio!ied autungat ,)oU ' from' the ftoso of the war until 1 migiied to tikd the apoiutiucut of l'cginter jn Uuukrufit ry, vliicb I held uutil IHG8. when I wip elected U CuugroM. ' Wlieu th.' JjotihlitUr, tiutiaT (JuHVelijuu lf Wau tn enioil,. Mar -Uosttor & Co.. Jfaukera of. Mjpw York City, were doairuoj of getting that , utiublage of corrupt and doubtful rejiroin lattoua to euuor&o una imlhou dollar of oIJ State ludN ur roiiloiJge'tlie fj'nH of the Sate to tboir )uleut. '1 wa then hicx tierimced iu all lindof lci;iblutin. but had ini'o CXtciuu've' aoUaliitkiM:0 with the .: i..... ..r.i... i..i ........! i-!.. lUilliiwiii wt iihii iimj , iuu ui iut-m, ,uu, J uk. 0, Abbott, lata a Senator in (ingresi, uu learning of what Mcra b'outttr & Co. wanted, told wo that they would y aome considerable money to got the Cunrcutiuu toj4M!aw ru-i'i jrsing tuo LouJ.t!iat if I would oe a Mr. l'ortcr. then iu IU leigli. ud wake a bargain with hiiu for aome dtSi.ito aum. he. Abbott, wuvid. Jiul tL kill tkrongh the Ctmteuiioft. and that WK. would ilmJu tie money, received from Soutter & Cti. 1 did an be nuigctftd. Mr. I'urter agreed to gVo $5,MMJ. (Jen Ka tc. tbcu a 'urtntr , or iu wuie way ni nected with Abbuit, rrprMutcd ' Abbott ; tho till ared and the.uiuuey j.aij by draft vu New Turk ul catheJ at the lla leigk National Hank. Tho Ui. ney was di rtied in Abbutt'e imnu, he -and Kitci tak ing $2.i0i). d I j;oitiiitheoher.'i(J, Ot tlii nm. 1 gave t-W) Ut a Mayor Ilioli, from I'itt county $Z.VJ to Jaa. 11. Ilarrw. and kept ! remainder. - ' Thia Waa the cuui:icirCBietit of tho swin dle l!at were r.erj-fltrtei by the t'oiiven liou and which load to tho fi nancial ruin of )i'U Siata. ILl'uro thoclue of theVnivriii'i:i. tl'.e bill ma pawd, giv irjj Sttto .nid U I'-O Chittbani Jluad, and $4.0.000 of bonds were given to UVnv to ff tic tnea;beM for tbeir wc. The Lcj.'u.iuiujo niut, aud the member ever claroorou for nil kinds of awiiidlcMnud fleals, t!;cir influptieo and tbuir votei were uj for !e to tho kighrat bidder.- At that lime tho ling ' formed b f !5 ro1' !oii, Ab bott tnd Lju!cufl4by vhicual! thcto steal ing lawa were pnd. Tlit-jr had , up to that time len fi icndly with w. wa tbrongb tluur iuiluw eo and a liberal tun of money nowiuafed to 0-ngtif." to f ir.iutri W tho only oj-ucLt I bid in tko rsttTantion,' and ho w "pnid t by mo f HKW. to "grtbtjl'.-jof lli'o y ujifHrt WO. 1 id kia'i by elioclc ii tho Kdlriglt National Uink, dated Fobrjary 28tTi, C8 About tbi (ImO. tho' ring eonelndeJ they would mako a oloM' rorprattWand hak me. but! dnnrred. and Mr, S-.Tepou paid nit I15.CHK). and 1 reloawd ktiy claim 1 bad on them, vr the rnU of tho ring. ' '( ' I wai L'iu Mitutiialed, wlioo Itarn again wan'.ed to loech mo; and thU tinto h colored patriot would take no les tbnn fJ.OOU. tbu making tn nieoa fj.uw to rrprccnt an Mean '' worthiest cm.!.tilu ency of whii and black m ever Culled tltewftol'M HepublienM. Tkeyalmuld hare boon called bj their pmpornamc of thieve nd Uocle. 1 SJ. by th time, coma to the etmetuaiontbat Swcpsoii, 'Atbott.' Lit tlelield and Co.,' would b tirod of their al.aking mo in the wa they had. So I Raw JmJg Sammy atl; maue no arrange luent with Jmlgo WhIIk U enjuiu the Lwuo if bond to tho Hailroad Company, and ho waa to hir f5,(UH) .d i't ite bmida for Ls ailing and ustaiuing the injunrt'ton in the At lantio aud Teno'ee Uailroed oaov-Ti. miit WR in ihetiaiiioof one Kehoo of New born J the rHt waa" (bed up. uJ Sniomy gut bi fV'Ui4 There WW but mrtd l net remember if lltat J t w hay trtbuU to ihtN rin(f. and tUt waa the Salout Uod. The Jeolinad to f bloed'-. V r f - It w well wmleratrtMj , that Mf.' Sw. aon waa to and oid UU aro of - HuU den. and that U mm paid lor hie Infliiemv. AwJj Jw bVB '(,,,n t0,J m.t tht Se(.Hi paid Uov. 1 luldrti r-m.e f 5 000, kfiduflit otouk in tlio IuloitU National H-uli. I WttloBelJ IT-.V0 Uo'-loM H mr '.he Maiidwd Tb. prien wua hih. bi bc Ouvernor g .v.. 1... ....,ltCIM-W HK'nlll'J'l'lll'l.ttHt.Ji Xiiutik .ViiiiJv Ii"Xl v Ilf tiJcrtfuii. JucUb t'.'t' ' -C' 'i. ' 'J''..' XV: I. ' 'I!.' ..- - r)8,Mi S. pttlodulJ,.j(..iyv Swcpsouj-uiiii ,,'fiw ill IiaJ a jmliiiru iu llicso Htu!,4 " " Ttio peiiituuliury mutter wail ouo offthu ewiudlca iu which 1 hud iiosIihio, and uly know thht Jolm A; "Hy'iiw,-' CHil i and the iiiuhi lor, from WeldoH' ' had t yif. Lunds : alH Wiisetl 1 by"1 1'ruybwith Jim tiioimy just for luck, bo od td wt'y.;f'' ijjar rw told' mo bb bad $ 1 .010 ivm friyn blio iiUo Bbewud md a lioto of w reeolpt ''forftktf -u,u' iiwimw wimci'm i imnry. one of llHwo'auhenies which would triiir trouble , arid au kept my bund out of it. ) Tim Jxie, a'uotlier oiio of the Ijoyal Saints waa dihiiiiftwd from the Union - Army iu a Maw-achuiitta regiuiOut '' for condauv uij hooouiing ail ollioor and geutleiiiiiit. , I proOUivd oopy'of tho order it! 'diamucal tor Col.' 1 J. k oung; Whau Harris Waif try ing to oast Young i rout the C-ullector's of 00.1 Tim too, liad hie iittto fcliaro of the buiiila iu tho icing beat all who1 had any thing to do with him. aud thou bout biui-aalt.--. -0 1 ,:'- U'' , t J. C. L Uarria wanted to bo I'oHtnias terj dadOy, C i4 Harris, -offered ii.u$l, IHMI to eigl hi ceoumiondatiou. 1 ddcliu dj Uarria then had Shafir,;' the Carpet liag lieginter,' who ha about" an much iraiuii as a bull calf, to- 4 rtte t letter,- olTcriug I ma tl.UOU to wigu it, ,J declined. Ligau Hi I.. .1 J.'tt.i.-. :. M .i.1.1: i (lien iuuieu 10 nui uiu 111 .uauiur 4 junuiij More, for Uot civing hiiu ' a teooaimcbda- tm-- '; Litt!iBcld,15rpo 'and j Abotf. Vach,, afd tu blbinu. one u ' much', ; (tho other, fuTho t'oiidiUoii "of ttlfaiiaiu Jour State.' ' . -They corrupted tho Ijcgiolaluie, " uuing aucb willing tools as J. II. llarrij tu gut tho negru lucmbcra to voto for; nit of their llailroadscheinia. Harris wu; by them paid the uioucy with which ho purchnMsd lis farm, la fact he would do nothing uo lum he waa paid for it. Ho ma A have received not lcs thau $15.UU0 fur his in fluence and h'u Vote. Abbott g'.t At least t HiO.OOO (jr hh share. You all know how much your State was swindled out of; tho liieiiihers themselves received but littlo Sain t.'arruw wa paid $3.5UI for trying to influence lUtlman'a opinion w the legality of the bunds iuod tho lUilroad ooinj:.ny. Coleman, who waa the C11 liitorticy Ucueral uu cr lloldeo, was paid fbO'J and a eon.sulate tu rcigu, so that Aif; Old. tlieGoveruorOU-iu-law, vuuld,le appuini ted in his place, to he of u--e to the nug. as Coleiuau was always drunk. ' ' Dick liudgor and Tim Ioe oucb cot their f:H.UK of State bmid.i out of the iUlnuiic k Ohio, lUihoad tJouiyany' jpprjiutit.n. Iu favt. Hut uno of thu-o KuJical eitapsthat are now hounding uic, did a licit ut work ; but they got their pay, aud your State had tu pay them. Tho stealing extended frvui One end f State tu Hie o'-bcr, and was coi.Gued putirciy to tho lieubliou party. More tfcuu one mn now 1.1 eamt ami plenty ti vimr K:ai stole ahat Le is dsilr estin i " - t sr I and if the UepttUiean u;y i to bo con-! t'.uucd in power, you will get just tour years mure uf it. TIiom mou may howl at me as much as they want. In .supporting t Tildeu and II on J ricks I kuuw lam itiUug to'gct rid uf a lot of leacbvs aud thieves. I am aouio to blame for having put them On jou. ' ' lho uegroea, if let alouo by thuso ioauhct would soon .rnako good iind , inttffeiwive citii sns. but they, by their fears "being cou rtantly worked Jn. are kept ' in dread of llie l)iuoerey. le kind and patient with tbout end they will tee who re' their friends and come U their old inadeta fr advice instead of Tim ad Cebe : Let tuc say In euncluMun, thai tho. above is only a sample of aien who mw waul to control the destiiiy cf a Smte. 1 They are fit followers of such a tbiovtng government aa'Srsnt has given us fur tho past four years', which, if tho iJcpuhlieau party is successful . we will have lor the next fur years. Theu it is for the free man of youf State to rally around the pulls at the Novembca election, aud by your otos get rid of these ibievos for thieves they am ; iud got bonot-l uieu in tbeir places. Tbcy are i disgrace to the people of your Smte, , and , I am glad ,1 parted eompauf with thoiui a ad gut uuce uioro iu boneat company. , TliOji, as ficemcn , rally and djfi'iil them at (he November election. Cive one dsy's work for Uod fend your country. John T. Di;w w:si:., ' s"a . A aimplo majority in Indiana for tho Pnmortatio ticket in Octobor will render the result in , November throughout the oountry generally 00 longer doubtful. A majority, however, of ten thousand would end tbo rvfiftwt it phce. ,' O, for tha tort thoiiHiiid and then. OrstitV prater would be annwored and we would ' have peiico," -' " ' ' Kiclimuud Whig. , Mi-s. ptowesays wo , never ' known bow tiueh we love ontil we try to tinlote. To a tnnn who lias trim tu quit smoking' " this noc da uo argument. Nemly every man lellx bis wife '.litre is anoihcr man in town who closely ro.mWo him. and who is fico'tuouily secu ooiuin out uf salootis. Tliv niwt f hunrsily Is n grvat, we lnvc If I'V. 11 lit .in t in 111 V. Jow lie. ims Clutched a whole )unh of j ,.j ifFriini thoNyw Ywk W'r;L VVamiiipkitus, Hrirtemlwr 8.-Wlion iicr olda I w;y anything jorlimilHrly niMit irity niittrl Wfiiisw' la ' tlioso "&'yi llu KUi wtlKUit. fBtit ;lf In gigantic .jvil(l)IU:, nud ut. this Juter iluy, Miit hum "L-oul riaeu,! Si truUifuJIy,.'! Jmu the .Uiiitfd Hlntea why. then., -tiivtc, WuuhV 1 W'fionwtlilns.'rcay.S'Ml HititTJir'e 1 HAuih'd Jihaii,'-'ttikl his tiiuiio ' h 'ilicli C:tttlkir.A M it &uv-v t -v :l ooenshia to cull on Mr, CIihiuUit uiid went to thp Dopurt wut. of Un Inte rmr"' Mr. Chandler wnu iiol In, :uiil the clerk told ine ho Imd jut Hleiiimii over to tho' War Deburlmoiitj .1 'followed blui there. A 1 '"J ' t 'He-w engaged An n nioiuont'wHh the (lenvraj of Lho wniy,' anid yiie of the VilicLiI:), 'but uill bu uul diivctly. 1'iu uoHeaUMi.' ' " .0 . 1 1 took a neat. Tho door w:w pnrtly omiii niul a cmiveisulloii waa going , 011 in tho In lief jrMut lu tones ut Hint 8U.prtnnoil aud oariRtit; tlieu Jud- Finally -I licnrd jt uoiind us it'wHii. oie liad r brought his liril dimn yt lniiRHilly oii tlie Ublo; ' "Til hi everlastuigly ,'d d hevtii I itin ITii'if Hri J roHy-tl vc di'mircfit' Vrayu' if 111 du it. When I wus beforo the3 i-lu1iiitten 1 i;iv". a plain i-nougli hiut uImkiI I thought or moving tnkik d.iwu SnutU, Miid I timUgfit . you'd take .U .YiMii'mid Juttcrsii, juud , Somjr,( junt go and lo your o-ii(iiiy work , luyour, itwu dirty way, ami rdu''t esjiocl rioldieis to do it. VVuo's lunnlog Ui id ttrmy, anylmw V f" Thon f "r.t ionized liiovnUo of Mr Clinudlur. .'1 uui. - ' ' . . ' ' ' ; 'KM I litouirut Uon Cumcron wack.-c tvtary f War 7 -;" 'OBilnally lio in I've got o time to waste, f Will you or will you not ? If you will, nil. i ltfht, If you w on't Jiyi uaps you can got a j oli txMHiii) MbU ei'l lailnmd iu Bt. Iiriuin.ttgnin; Fr.l Criiulor Uabcuck'll take your plucoauy day ut half ttio pay know It ln't ait ttgrot'ttble sort f trork for you; In it It's got tu 1h done. Yea of No?' Tho ""t'i'-l of tho army groaned. 1 f ; DiMt'l t:ku eu so. ' my ' dour yning ful low. I'll picprtro the go'icnd orders and Bend Ihcm over aud you can bign llieiii, ami aru-r mat ymt cau ko 011 wriiiiiL' iu nioiw and enjoying .younelfaud I'll run tho army. - ; ; .Some ini vernation in a lowor one fol iowed, and Mien ilr. Ctiaudler wuSktl out, aayioj tiKirJy : . lluaiiyduiufy, Zadiary Chuudh r's liossod Tmnusob ! Mr; fcni'iVlajy I'lati! I.' -All, 'Mr. l'VrjjusiHi !' lien-pliod. "Want ioHverao? Awfii'ly liHy, hut inei-l me M 'he iKp irtni-iil of Justico iu ' lialf nil a '"'!"iv " iiouf ; Ill half mii hour I wns tit thcPcpRi-tiDciit of Jtuti , and aiinouu'ciug luy engage incut was ushered into the Interior wJU Ing-rooiii. There wait notimly Hide tut the keyhole, to which I aildrewH-d myself, us; w illi llie iye nud at'twu arila with the osr, ,Mi. 'l'4f!t kii ..sir. CuaudU-r were watud dy tlm Jahle, and the foraivr agita ted nud tliidliud, the latter ciiiin itml tiu ildeuL. Chandler vastHiking: . 'HoW abiHit that o';Wnlo:i V lie aitid. . I rah', w rito It; 'jclwxry, 'aunwored tho - Attorney -tWieral; 'Tvo luought it AVH;aiHl pruyed-to 'Our Father, vliirh Is iu the l'bti!t!tal heaven if 'vourse fir guidance; ami read all tlientitUorlUt; and Ciu't wrllolU ' To' do so would bring down tny grey liafre with llh'galit'y Ut tho grave.' ' 'And not tmlow will bring dowitywir grey hairs' with ; regret, ' as Orant t:iit to Uvlktiap iiinh r yliullar (.-ircunmt.tin-f, to prlvuto life. Why wm't you write It i' 'Itlsi'i't cotisliliitlonal. ' It Uu't legal. It Jeti't right Imk at Evuita' opinion; yiat can't got round . that. Look at the Supri ino Court's dt-chdou; you can't get round that. Look at the rourtli plunk in tho Riiuhl ii'au platform of ISiii); j ou vau't get rwnid Ihut f , .V 'My thai!' fXtialnieil Mr. CliimdUr, 'ultdlutve w thrown away Willhuiwand Munooti for a man . 11 ko this; a mail w Uo doesn't know that tlto . whole duty d an Altoiiiiy-tioimnd .ls tutt tin nililons. Why WesH your stupid mhiI, If llioK. hi tit er 11 hii.dnejn was ooiiulltutiuiinl, k'gal or lixht, What Wuuhl I vmit ymir otiinion for? ' ' "1 ! s r.'r I . 'I don't know; I don't know,' sobbed Mr.Taa,'elttf4n)f 'hiM tvenitdhitf liainfc round hUold, ray IiWkI, and Wrmlhif In to ttant lut. fjr; 1 do rfch t had hevcr left my pi'tH.tfrullioriiofii Miujlhiiatr. ! " Ho' dil.?llut W will tip the opinion Ifyou prefer It, ) will wd ty coachman over to w rite It , for you, and save j on any wear and tear of your con flnw.' ' ' ' ' " Mr. TolII win tltl moaning tnnitfrm lately, when Mr KoIhwhi came drink ly into tho loom thnnili another door, ami uihlivK-dng Mr. Cliiiinlier, wild: !Svo Iu iv. '.nil, I've got tul ilueiT'iH.vt f-'n vmi atluad i f my ill iut:iwnl, tmt ain't tin- sit of ru" S 11 iui" l".!v.....g tl- im.U. ma,!vi ..rtiu iivU. gri)uilttltiMsj f luan? '.The House litis only given mano much money for M thries am. u ages fo)' Uie; whole yenri and if, 11 yon, wjiyt 1110 toibj I , KKMid It all lu tho drt three liionllm, what Uil wu do then? r.ihlcH, (IiIh Inn " cumw' where, wo can't Ver uj out -tVitulM m ei(slly; ' , ) 'lkla.vtliro, f;orgo M.' Ilohewin, ro Mr. Chaucllcf . aU'ruly; 'JuhI you go h a I tell yn; 1 f.yull "H'ttl nil the iiiiproiii hitlo whj; tbero will fliig h'H bills ; in , jX':eu)her, fnnd that will A'ow'lfmt tfie l-onffiTale '(.'ongrtsHM's pre tHpnovftiioljiy werorfaJso.r.If Uifiil i II ay in, f mean, is HivMl,' you'roO, K; if lie.lHn't yon are gone up auy way; and if tlm fX-Co.'ifetleraUi brigadiera pntwyou hard Just rcnlgn,aiid -our fellow n iu the tieiiiilo haw decided, you can't bo 'Impeached.',.' " ..1. ; - At HiIh nniinOnt theio was 'a perfect irruption of fuuctinnariofl, ' but it wus du tighlful to how Mr Chandler ivceivcd thepi nl(and d html -Hod each w illi a profier awnwer-ij,-;,,,;. i ,-- r- The lirut inau wad Mr. Tyuer, tho acting PMtni4HteMuncrul, Mr. Chaudlor being, of ciluivit', tl 'eal head of (ho departinout, Mr.t1iandlti,'ho wiid, ' '.hero are those coiiiuihsHions for Louisiana mgrues aa sjiecial agents to iuvvtjg.ito the work iugof tho ; I'oMtoBico IXjimrtuioiit iu In diana aud Ohio ou tho second Tuesday hi October.' . . , (, . r j ,j , ' " Mr Chandler' read onu'coinmisston aiu replied ' wilt, nil v angry' fi-uwn. Why, theho niggers are to receive-1 & a day and travelling pxiuiisoa from iho1 timu they leave Loiiixiuua (ill they got bin;!; !'. . Mr. Ty tier's knein smote toitiicr and ho thniilty KdU.' 'Wli why. wh what's wrong r . . , 1 Wjlr,' sai J Sir." Chandler sternly, 'you have projKised to "piiy theno men aaa!.u"y ami .vxpeiKM?' fcoiu tin; : liinu they leave Loul liana tillthuy got Lack, lnutead of till the day after tho OctoUir elN:tiiin.' ' 'I tliougltt it would make 110 'liUbrciice-' stumuieivd Mr. Tyuer. " r! Nodiirereiic?' ivtoitod Mr. Chaudlor angrily. 'To take those nlggcra back. witu tlieir ptiy. would cost fc!W,500; and ibis money would in) wasted at a time when the khiIo urgently demand reform and woiioiny. Ko. Oct yoar ?,5tKl ecial agents U)U liulianOjandlet thvm vote ! eaily ami otteu; liici'i my them,, with the j cudtomary ueuucttou for caini'iugn jnir- poses, and ;uiu thoal Iikwc-' Hut thought we would want voles agaiu in Iuieiaim in November,' said Mr. Tyuer. 'With a returning board in Louisiana, sir.' ui'i Mr. Ctmudler, il is moro blessed to fount ou. than to vote iu.' Next came a clerk with a telegram. Mr. Chandler read it and said instantly .' 'Toil-graph Mr. lirtMow toplti h iut' tin. inn,e wrongly. Hclorni li Hi leading issue uf this cantt..ili,ir Tho auiue to rn-liutz I will Mvalmutlhediaft.' Then cftiuo the i'rt?ldcni'a aecretary. who said; 'Mr. Chandler, ifyou ilcnse, pa would like l pardon the whiskey thieves.'- "' '"" "' l"uck.midilM9vretary, kindly, Mel' your father it i-un't bo dane at le;ifl till alter t'.io elections. Then, 110 matter how thinks go, 'thu giMwo hangs nlillu.lilum,' as wo nm-d H sayi Xinl let' hiiu under -stand that I;m riinniug thU nduiiuUtra lion, ami that If there la any tnnilili the Seiiale won't bu troubled by any (iitu.tloiia WJm ivtholon when be U Imjierichud. ;Aiid, 1 Mr, Cbaiidhr, Mr. Hayes wants to know If ho can come aud ceo pa.' . .f.i- a .. . . . -MHiuiauer lite eieviiou, ami (hell bo won't want to," no matter bow urns. Tell tho man who has Hayes In clinrgo lo hivpa it. twliveat the rallro ul Miir.M.1 Htnthtit. audifHaye.. triea l. buy UvkH fcr Liuigs Itram l, .Mwt him 0.1 the iKt'ad say thuCnlholicn did It.' ' I have never seen a man ofi such gnl exe utivo capacity aa Mr. i Chandler. . i WHICH I3THK KINO OF r.KA$TS?j Manyyearsagna Fieiicligclilleitmnbad a inula no vicious that bis groom ami tut- rants cmiM hardly' apprisicd It without reix-lvlng A kick or a bite. Iu niatdcr, af ter employing In vain every imnmito render It imw tractable,' resolved toex so the ereulnrotn the wild owed lit tin iMiiiMKei I uf Um grauil duke. A lion was aeeoidingly M kajo. whose roaring wmtld huvo frighten.! any Uhur aiilms!; but the mule, wily rvt tteil, v Ithout show ln-renv alglHoffear; to;t corner of :he nmrt. In which he wnild only U nttm keV frui U bind, where He great stwnrth 1W. ami there awaited the alt. bf its rneitiv, nb sw vlrtg him all ih while fmni tl comer of lu eye, no. I presenting us ernpir. The lam.aeiuitiio tolhoiilillcolty ofthe aacault enqJoyiNl all his addn to tih his ft at a disadvantage. At length the mule flllltatt Mil IiIiIm.1 lm..l, ... ..... . . vioMnn xiek that nine or ten of hbi teeth were broken, thu fiaments tlylite In all nrei-iiiMiM. The btici ofl r;;i d a tlvli ;il mid r fr.-.l li, I.i , .!. i. U)r. H. Y. A'edlield. the '"weUnilirih.l -Southern oomspondent of the Cincinnati Cuiuhicrciiil, writing under data of Sep tomher Jhh frmu Greenville. S..0fsays: I um uhmibt reaJy .to bslibve that Soutli Carolina will f go Deiuocratio. At present, cli.tixci art about even, the doubt' is iu favor of the Hciimcrui. The State U aroused ,11s it has iii't n'eii ainco tb9 war. It may-fairly be said to bo ' ablaze', from' tho uiojuliiius to the coa.- Tho twhite's snr llirttod s.i they lievui-huvo been. '' There i abvolutely iio division '.in ranks. White KopuldiciiDs who are not office-holders arn ns sesreo as aTialfs in tho Ohio river. In. nearly o.ery pnper I pick up I find a card" from Homo heretofore white ' 1'epuhlicim, who announces himself for ' Hsmjitoii. say- . ing, in effect, or directly so, that Alrienn govern men t hero bus been a failure j that the State is drifting to destruction, "'! that tho only . relief is the election of a straight out white -ticket. Mr. W,' E. Rose, vf Columbia, whom know, and who has heretofore been unwavering in bis Ilepuhlhwnishr, is out in a card, with bis live sons, renouncing Iho South Carolina llepubhenn party as a failure. tihd joining the Hi mptou ' Oov.; Ilendricks and ' the Oolorei Con servatives. The following, I etter'' fr.:u 6ov. Hendricks, the Democratic enmlidalo for,.y'c President, wns written in fepuuso to a notification from a New Orlesa Con-. ervative colored club, informing him of hw election as au houorary member of tho club ! ' .''.-. j Your Tory kind lctlcr of tho l?th in stant a-ns-duly received.' and I 'embrace the car!icstaleiHura at my command to re spond. I thank you, genth uieu. for tho courtesy displayed iu electing ine an him. orary niemhcr of your club, and I rejuico to find the colored pooplo of tho South di viding in Rontimeut on questions of polities as they wuuld upon any other subject tint' very nearly concerned them in the a flairs of life."' What tin colored people of the South (and the North too) require is to identify themselves with the interests of the' uf their : residence, and 01 tho nut ion at large, and not to be guided in pol tical nimtTS by a blind prejudice, promoted by Fclfish politicnl leaders, who seek to make the colored race tho Jnstrn tunnts of their rmronal advancement. It will Lo a glad day for all tbe people of this republic, white and black alike. when our relations as citizeus shall be adjudged by an enlightened reason aod not by senti ments of passion. Tho most nmiwins Incident of the can va.R Is Orakt's delight at tho slundcroua charge brought agniimt Oov. Tildes iu" relation to bis income tax, which baa sinco been Ihorotighly -xhxled. Now, the-' idea cf Gmiil'e virtuous liulignatlou attlur more Kiispicioii or moral delinquency u hiii the K.rt of a Icadluj Dcima:rat, nrofany oiietlH, wihrMtilly tffrtnthing. Orant,- Iwl.oso . wealth w n coin Dilation of cifts.. who liasqiurterwl hh entire connection;, from, hU rnriro , connection, from hh father down, without rcyirdto their ca ;i:clty, ujion the country, whose boon com pan ions have laasil tho disgraced1 Schenc"r,' ltelknap,1 llubcock, llobeM.ii & Co; gnmliltn., Ihlo vea ami phmders of Iho Uovernment, aniointwl by blui b high" potiU of lumor ami Irunt, leA him i-lenr hU skills '(his more than qucntioDable acta orimpnq.iiety iierore he commences le throw stoliii. rVo wimld like' to nee hi llsd of property for ' the list ten years, sworn to by hlui.Hclf. ' Anuv Joim sr Iwk.ihe have Ut-Mt the aKwlgiw, wuuld have rvq'uicd aoiue oUier voucher. KirhiULoud VVhig ,. , . ; , ' 'A Mhs roHtNthJ Wt'gnrng' fnotyat Newt:, mh! all iha Sta.i ,1. '. Y '.r ' r-"T 3t7.-l!t " . . y . awo' ' 1 J "uw ",m "M IM u-,v,,co ilixen of Savannah. Genncia, bavo. lurdiaml Imiiilmmie-. cane of onuise oral with gold bead, whh h wilt be . sent to Gov. Tihleu aa a tcbliuiouhd of pout hern esteem. . 11 , Tho young lady who always wanted her . swwlheart viono at hand expbilira U mi the ground that 'twaa wiy a night dear of her own, . . - - ! ' 1 . .. . i , ! , .- , Why don't ynur father take'anew;t. r?,'snl.c. i.llviiniu l a little urch 11 ' w!m he tonight in the ml of pilfering .mo from hUduofstep. t'u4i. he actida me lo take IfV -. 4i , i .J, .-. : ... : (Iralittide fa tL fairest ' blossom wlitcli fpring from Uw 9i;ani the heatt of mini kitowvlinioiieratH fraifiMiit. WhllolJia, Opisnieiit, IngitHiHkv 1 diwlty 1 Weed, lint only p..ltiltig In M.f, ,ul nq!rw.; outing the very atiu.phvre hi which It. grow w illi fdid Vupwris Has the Jury agnl askisl Hit Judge of a tiborllf whom he mvt mi , ti,e abdia. with a bucket In his IihihP Y'w,' irpW, la:rli'k; 'tiiey have agiwcd tw-sundoul fuc A half gallon.' A U icoiisiii f.litor blows about lliot la CroKm hotels, and the mii .f that eitjt akbim wlut bu could lit about an l...tft! bill of f.r.. I Iu.k,.. Ii L.... t . !be siJvwlL. Jau