Democratic Statc-rickcte JFW Governor ZKIJULON . VANCE. ; Of Meckle nburg. ' .For UtHiemmt Governor. THOMAS J. J AKVI8, Of Pitt. .V . ' ' M,W. For Suae Trentnrtr 1 ; aJ or itnudoipb. -A , M) ,. Fwr Secretary of State. . , (j ' ' JEPII A.'ENUELIIAHD, ' Of Nw llauuver. H U ft 5- Fe Sofr 'mffory 4 , ,? - ;' ':'') i-IU. Of llaywood. ? ' : .For Attorney Geneml, .. ? 0 THOMAS 8 KENAN, Fur Sep'1. ' JVV Urtrvdton, ;! s j: j. c. scaubouough. Of Johnston. or Cvmjrtt4th Diatrlci, . - 'r" JOSEPH J. DAVIS, ' ': Of Krnk!ia.- jCOUNTYJICKEr.:-. t v rOtt SKNATA, Y MAJ. JOHN W, UUA1IAM, ; . i , Of Orange. COL. JOHN W. CUNNINGHAM, i i .. Of Person. liovas or KruK5KSTATivea. , CALVIN E,PAItIeII, , JOHN K. HL'UHES. ,. , ron mYMirr, THOMAH If. HUGHES. ro TMtASL'KKK. ' DAVID C. PA ukh. rOM RKOIHTKB. . ...'. , JOHN LAWri. C'OKoN'Elt. " .THOMAS J. W1LSOX - ." ... ' STBVKYOU. ,,, ..A.M. LXATIIKU3. J, rOO COX MtaslOX ICRS. Jaoes Wstson, ; John F. Lyon, ttslsoa P. Hall, i ' D, F. Morrow. '..m .tC Willie Patterson. ? - . NOTICE. fpRKMIewiut: ivtwim lw nnpatntad J. Kt and laprrtors I buJ Iba litre ttna. a lha various I'mliM in mnr (.'aunty Tnaiaay Ihe7ia Joy of sjovamber Kt UtUHmw lrmri-4 C. TTter. K-(Mrar. IM T. t'krk. I'H Jon. Jok ttinnwnd M4 Arek'd H walar. lnfrtni. auf' trmmrt-C, K. f mft. J. P. UonrtnTatr. AniM(br (HuHnt Wlnoa Hrown 4 Umrr tir. imwfmttnn. CrJ. Urv IK W. JsHan. J. P. Ijl4 TnonipMMi Hrjr U Mcliwk, Lnel rtiytin, AWrwl Vtsrd, lntwtir. , , UaU' NMH H. Jardan, J. T. JSWU U WHm, lr. Hobert M. Null, r. J(M W. McKiw. tLxhmrX Y. Walkif. lnjwrtor. ikmjitmfk. lm HMiWm. 4. P. Ltwli WiUM,jMiitt II iMlhrn, Imuw llol HJw' Parkr, Inwrtnra. W W XKUfnt I'm Howltng. Utt XMf WlUiMI Cilia, Inpnrtnr. ' W Uita, itn I'nliiiM, C r Wmra, TIMmmm Ufwrowih, nprtir. , - Hwnt-I. I,', fnrtob. $ Tf " ' " JJn K Walker, W II Ktnllwe, JoUn S lck- "". WW Hlk, Bprtrii. tUfr$ II Tnrnnlln. J r. ' Htnljr Hwrt.A U Marwtt, Job IJuUhin, pirrw, facnratora. 7fcrt-ilrirt A IWW. J T. A Onrtw, W U Mum, Ltrfi AUUn. ftuf. ntClMric. lnwvor. . - , . ,. . r,r,HlrTrt tWk. I P, j - AM X.i,lrr. John K UiiUbtm. 4mm B Xa M, Tnmr K Int. lnprctnr, , , . Ci fnrr C W Jnkmmn. J P. J Kl 'Ml. Win Mobwn, Morrki king, Tboim - Wktu Vnmti V rhirhm. i P, . &ltMW Alnratrr. Alvto UutIumb tUdnty ftaf. JwMNfh "k, Inprmtioni. Cl'l !or tb.im4i 0 Oldham, J P. ' plaialrl r TWfttnn, W. O. Koft)r4, anN4 Crftrtt,TVm II OtUHi, laMTlnra. ttf rWf a( U HoM, 7tk .) Wfl. , ; John laws, ium, tittl I4b . Banff CnmmUaiuaf. Tax Notice." ;' I "TIALL MUml m fc.tW In nwHtn th atntn mmI I'mintf ln for Ihl rar. In win , irfifn rannry, MiMMMjr mn nc itrfnwr Manmiat'a Hnn, Tinwdar HHh lirt. Hatl'a Ww, WmtiMMhv I If h IKt, , lilltahnr, Tburxlnf lJtn(k-t.. v , wiilinw i Wk'a, lUy IHh rw. '4nr irnv NiliwiUjr lit a Del, CaW , Mnmlav tnlVt. , mn4 ri,rniHyJ4thOrt.' J' 1 1wt W, WiMlnc-Uv S-Mk IV-I. Paurann'a MMI, Thnrilay alAU IMirhaja. rrltln tTih f k.l Tlman am ilphf. hull hpn IbnTni'Pnrrr will ramnilar l hut 1 11 due n4 f nw I am rnwprlM In aMt Wtth Hi Trnwiirpr on f I" l nf Ihwwlw, and I d hof all will Urnitaml prnniptlr, ami rrllrte m f the Uf) iltilr nl hirvtni mllHlfn. lnihrt4H will lm HiM-nl ami ml1rr l (i-iijiiv m iwn IHiMT. TH03IAH II. IM'CHKX. wl.J0lli4w. tUurlffolUianmi NNOPNUKMKXT. On the ICib da j of Nortmber, 187C, nJ in tin citj of Kalciffb, Uie undoiKite l will eoinnienoQ tb'e yallioat ion W tint OimKU- vkb, Jailjr uJ week I j PoiiMHsrtUoiiewx papuf. .-i.iu; t vi Of long exnetirnco1 in their profemiun at editora, ronpectivelv of th Faettevilln Obaerver and th Wilmingtyn Jounial, tbej do nut a flout to doubt tbe Mundne of iba general judgment which aigu them ability; W furuu4 a itewapapur auited to the need and adapted to tbo taatw of the pop ple vf Nurtb Carolina. Differing in jo!i IK in tie olicn time.' there wae herer a diflereuce beteenrrtlie' Otwerrer , 'aud ' tbe Jvunial jn ceal for the) interest and honor of North Carolina, ' To promote U one, a'ud to npboU an J add to the t)tber will be the objoct of the Olwrrer now. ; , , . Of er decided ppioiooi on onmttioM of publie interent, and apt to give tbone opin ion plain cxpreMton, tLej deem it the Ire) duty of a newspaper to faruiab ite render witb tbo iuformati'H rC their oiiokwa to publlab all ibe new;' and thir pirpwe U to wake Tbe Obaerver now, a of old, a trnthful, aoenrate. eondenaed bUtorj of tbe lime in which we lire. It waa thu that tbe old Obaenrer Woo 1u buld Upon tbe people of North Carolina, enjoying tbe af feetioh of ite part' friend, reeeifiug tbe reipect and, evbSJence of it bitureat toli- tical foea, and wmtaandisg ia it eonipnra Uvelj iaolated location a eiroaiatiou larger than baa ever been attained bj An other North Carollua newapaper, and it i thu. hj like dignity, aud fairuea that tbe edi tor of Ihe Observer, tramtferred to tbe Suu Capital , it will deserve, and uoa equal , and than aorpan, iu former eirenUtiou and prosperity. It will bo their high aim to deecrve tbe pablte oouldeno by earn eat etTort to ro atot tbe pnblie welfare, firat and foreuiont of North Carolina, nest of all the Southern State, and finally, and throng h these, of tbe whole Union, . , They think that tbi can only b effected by tbe prevalence of De mocrat le principle and tba dimnisaal of I be Itadical party (torn the placea and power which they bare o greatly abused, and an- der wbM baleful rule the Booth ha been outraged and the wbolo eouutry baa been impoverished aud disgraced. I'&IKKN. IIAI.U . W. L.SAUNDK1S. . IVBSCBirTION itATU, Daily Observer, oue tear. H 00 Daily Obaerver, aii niooth 4 VU eekly Ounervcr, one year . ,2 00 Weekly Observer, sis anoolb ' t 00 All comuiuiiicatwo should be adaretsoJ, until further notice, to ' W. L gAUNDEHS, . Wilwiogion, N. 0. Holland's Warehouse. ' DANVILLE, I'A. FOU TI1X8ALK OPUIAV TOUACCO. II HOLLAND, t nCTKtt . LAW. W' S wan 14 rstrwrt fully Infnmi nf frimda nkJ lim mttiw nenaraMt. that era nave en avMe, aae atacr ntnen lai(iwva nwt WAKE-IIOUSE 1 by aiUillnnal I.KillTT. and Imts errrtri onmfnr Ul.biBl AI IJrUorw. and kmiMH tut prr nn wnb Waxiw. m that we are MUT prrimr 4 than rvrr in atvamnaMbite our numannia tmna. and we amir tlifm that nn effort will lie rnrail In prm-itre tbe vrry la4 rks. and In giT arm-ral aii(aftion in evarv ianS'4iiar. VTAIMIJI will I aacurch; licked up liiftha Warabvuar at nlnht In a word. plrdi. nut prompt pcraonsl attention in the iuUre4 all who mf bvor us wiusaau. , . an e a , at GRAVES' ;WAHEHOUSE. P0,R TU K ,8 ALE OF' LEAF-TOBACCO1. Sut5WK,3 17.5 ".BT70 trtir Antnmmndatnnw are nnanrpvd. ? yiiidneaa l'rom4ly and AsrnraUly Irananrtrtl. t do ant bilT tohwnn mvarn nnf M I IntereaU d whh any onalwbn linaranieeineuiHiiri siarin rriea, bh me a tall. WM. IMJItAVK. Orb i. am ,, . s t John aiticrrARii, v n wilkim, , Auction etr. Poor MimtQfr ; no t. walk, curi, ' Pace Bros & Co, Proprietors. Danville, Vn. Daily Capacity 700 J'srvcUTobsctw. Uel42u n i nn n WAREHOUSE 1U Mlt. DAILISY'S CAUD. ' 1 1. . fie On-roboratct the, Main Point It flftu in fbyeUcvilM -After ,.Tea-That. VttU qf Jtqp.e Who killed fiUphmif r,,iv,i, i, In the Daily i.Newsnf tli80tv jjltf iaii Article was fHibllnhed which purptirta to give tlienutMitoiioe f ' a tat e merit iijatle by me to certain gentlemen --at Cai'" on tlio iilgtit i tl 2Htir- A a matter nf JiiHtlceto myself and nil Hie mrtirt,ciH cerued It Incomes nevemiary forme toaiute the followlne fkcUiVt r:!ijti!n(t i v-ii lion In rnjfetteville, I wuh HitrtNiuooa toez-Oov. Holtleu. During the netMiou of the C'oiiveiiTUtii "I ww Invited totliite with him unU ; accepted the iuvltalioii. sjKtut tho ufiefuooiiy. wHh hiiu'ieturn tiitCtnUio Baptist churt-U after ten. Our Intercourse wan . free and ngroelle. lie gnve iuenn aoootmt t of bU religious ex. ivrk!e and of hi Nilitical trouble. He stated to me thnt the Un of the "Kirk war" wrlgi tinted with the Executive Com mittee of the Republican' jmrty kt VVnh lugton, iu the Interent of, the party; that Ui wus 0)HMed U, , but was alio wed uo discretion In the matter; thnt It wua de cided by that committee to Inaugurate mid prowecute the ejimpalgii as he did it; that if lie did not carry out the wishes of the mrty he m Sle tate were to be crushed, and thnt If he wuiil auccessful In the exe cution of their pbtim ho would probably rouelve a Cablnui njiioiuUiient, the Seore Uryshlp of the Interior. " ' In hrreiioe Ui the dentil of 6tehens I understood from him thnt the Uejmbli can luul, much o do wiUi Hint erliue; that the pnwecut Jon of 11 tone who went char ged with It ww dbtcoiitluued bevnuno ten tiniony waa either elicited or likely to be elicited which" Would Implicate or criioiunte proiuinent member of the lie piiblioiii mrtyj lliat' these fear were awakened in Hirt by Uie discovery of the coil from which the rope wan cut which was found ou the iitclt of ' the murdered ' The atateineuts of Governor Holden left ou lue Ute clear ninidisllnct luipreasioii that lie had been the unwilling Jualrife tueiit for the accouitliahuieiit of tbo pur pose of bis parly ami that he' 'did hot merit Uie odium whlcfi attached U his Dame all over the titate' '''' During the aessiou of the late coiistt tutkiual convention I called ou Governor Uoideu iu hi office at hi own rviiet. In very tleasaut Interview reference was made to the removal of political disa bilities by congress aud also tu tlie reiooval of his own disabiUtie by tbe cwuveiilloii then In session' tio favorably was I nnprunod w ith atalenicbta made by him that I railed on Kev J. N. Bll ling, cf Duplin, anda few Other members, and requested them to two tlielr inilueuce to have Governor Uotden' disabllltlea re moved. I ntatud these fact or some of them in the Conversation referred to In the New an mentioned above. 1 1 have' also given them In other inula, of the state, where Gov. Holden bapniied to be the aubject of conversation. It was done' In thv free and easy atyle of uncial Intercourse, aud though I auted nothing .which waa hot true, I did not expect to tee it la Uie newspaper or In print. , , ; In any statement which I may have made concerning Judge Bond or. the hanging of Judge Kerr, I gave or meant to give my own oplnkma, based nn In formation received from other sources; not from anything said ( to me by Oov llokleik Bo far a I ran recollect Im has never spoken to me in reference to either of those gentlemen. n ,. I - , 1 have mad this statement In the In terest of truth mid hot of any; political wrty; also a a matter of Jiisltatf to myself And all the person luciitioned In the New of theSUth. ENDORSEMENT OP THE KIIIK ' WAR. The rpm11lcari part ha all along alond by thn, HoMen-Klrk wai, pd to day ttoWM'ttHirnughly 'and 'enmptetely com mitted to the fullest endorsement . of that movement against tho liberties of the peaceful cltlten of North '-arollna. ' A the Hol.len-Kirs: war Is about to re ceive new significance In the light of nine t scent revelation It may not be Inap propriate In quote finrri the molntlons of the republican slate convention, April 17th .sttaMMmvkn. vranri ltesolved, Thnt W. W- Holden deserves from the republican arty of North Cn ro ll n a, the kindest airmhtn aud dcriwot gratitude for hi manful and hard defence of them In IHC0-70 from the assault nf the kuktux democracy; for his universal mid cmiMtstciit defence nf the poor ami humble when he wan governor, and hi fail h fill and wawilwrn advocacy of republican prin ciple wlien'lio wm with U4, and now that b I A in'iui) r In exile At Wnshlugloii. Um lived, Thnlwe nidornvhlin In the pnst and shnll ever clierl-li our hive for bltil In tlm fitttirc, and we have confident hope nil trust that the time I not far dis tant when ii shall , return to hi native ptnte again to battle for the Union, for the euunfity before the Inw and for the pro gressiv principles of republicanism.'' y ..- ii OCTOlSEIt KLKCTtONS. The indications Ire that 'the 1 Democrats will sweep Ohio and Indiana by overwhelm, ing rpsjoritie. At first it,- ws .eoppvsnd that in consequence of lh. incorrupt iblo moral character of (jov. Haves, he, would cucceshfullj override all oppositioti" to the party of whose view lie is the " reeognid exponent, but every facility having leeu uttered biiu to rebuke the ; extravnganco and corruption vf Uie present adiuinUtra tion, we are nol sware that in oue solitary itiiitsnce, be baa yet lifted op his voice in favor of reform, t Hi conduct afford a striking eontrast with the; eourse of Gov. Tildeu, whose efforts have been successfully exerted on every occasion, for the convic tion of official thieve. ' Reliable report lately received from the West all wammt the belief that the re-setion which ha I'M ly taken place there, unmistakably point to the election of the Demosratie ticket The people of tbe West, where no mueb bone , sinew, muscle, and honesty, are re presented are disgusted witb the dishonesty which now prevail in bijzh places of civic trust 4 and we re ssticfied that Ohio and Indian will so express thcmselve in Oo tuber It, J. Sentinel. " v' " WHAT A DEMOCItATIC CONGRESS " ' "HAS DONE. '. A careful statement, prepared by Mr. Bpriiiger, of Illinois, give Uie estimate for each appropriation bill, the amouuts appropriated by tho House for Uie fiscal year ending June 30, 1877, the reduction made in each bill below the estimate and the reductions umde by the IhsrmJ below Uie amount appropriated for the year en ding June M), 187. , , The total reduction below the estima te of Uie Department are $64,36:1,1 10.90. Tbe 1 total ' redinJloiw of AppioprlaUoim tnde below the last fiscal year Are $38, 61612.02. , . . - , Tlie Innt total may . be reduced three or four million ihy the conference report, but Uie grand bital of Actual saving to the Treasury by the Democratic House will reach fully $35,000,000, while the amount appropriated to $60,000,000 loss Uiaii was asked for by the lleaiblioati aduiluintia liou. , . DO YOU? Tlie Ansonian put tbe pertinent qncrie : Do yon want to reduce yonr tsxea? ; Vote for tbe amendments. Do you want separate sclioo! for the white and colored children iu our State? Vote for the amendments. Do you want to save $22,500 per annum to the State? Vote for the ameodmeut reducing the number of Judges. v Would you have saved from $."0,000 te $1 00.000 per annum in the legislative expenses? sr .. . . Vote for the Amendment restricting tbe session to sixty dsy and the per diem of tbe member to fonr dollars. If you want good, economical govern ment in N. C, tote for all the Aweud-meat.- ,, ti ;.;t , , it 4.- ,. , THE AMENDMENTS. . . FayrttevllleGaxette.J Thecnnnfrvnilvin against the protest of the rmlicAW cut down the fee of oftlceni, nmrt cost and all that. And br the amend ment bare provided that he legislature shall mwt mily every other year. This was a great saving. . It Is now promsed to require that the penitentiary convict shall not Is supported In idleness, but hall work on ourpublio roads. ; It In also proposed to fix , the per diem en that no kfglslature shall cost more for It erdieut than $11,(100. Thla will be a great saving. Tlie radical legislature for twn years oust ttw.OOO About ten times a much. If the Amendment ere adopted the running expense of the state government will be for every two. years About ae fol low: Legislature mileage and per diem, ''' 60,000 Pllntlng, ' ' 12,1100 Contingencies' . - i 40,000 Other ordinary excumts . . ... , , $ai2,ooo Or for one year, 141, WW Tlie rmlicnln oppose a II Hits; they opinme the amcndmeiibi; they oppose economy; they want to get back Into mwer and do like they did when they spent $usl.0tW in two yearn. That Is Just four tlmee a much an I necessary . A m!nitpr sxked a Imiv ail at a'xI.k.V ii was. About twelrn sir ," was the reply. Well.' quoth the minister, I thought it hd been more It' iirtrr any nuire here,' said the bey j It just begin at one gain " ". MOHK.. ABOUT THAT LKTTKU. Whg U. S. Grant Ud wi Itecume uh' Of "Acer in the ConfalenUe Army. ,: .i ' " 1 ' '' n .! in from the Cbicsgo Time, "" St, Louis, Sept. JSC -Jeff. ' Chandler, heretofore, one vf the leading Kepubliemm of this Suto, ba been called uku by the Uepublieaii of the Third District to ac cept the nomination fur Congress.'" lie hue written a letter, which will be published to-morrow, in wbicb be decliucs to bo a candidate, and any t 'I m not in sympa thy with the vmeiiiuaU platform, and cau uot support its nomiuees.' ' ' , Chandler is from Miohigan. and 1 a rela tive of the notorious Ztoh, - He isagradu ate of Michigan University, aud served with the ylivhigstt troops during the Isto war, ruing from tho rank to be Colonel of bis regiment." ' lie settled in Missouri after the war, bnd up to tbinjtime ha beeu a lead'uig man in the llepubliean party. : lie was ou the ticket a Attorney Jsueral, whioh Ueu John II. lleudcrsou beaded four years ago. The district m'wbieb ho is asked to run 1 thnt in which K. J. Frost UJtbe Democrat ie candidal. ' Frost i the sod of Gen. D. M. Frost, who eummauded tie State troops here at the out-break of the war, and was captured at Camp Jackson by Dlwir aud Lyou at tho head of tbo borne guards, on the ground that Frost inieudod to take tbe troops into tho Confederate service. Proat now has the original letter written to himself and (Jen. Sterliug Price when the Missouri troops were organising, before tbo attack on Fort Sumter, from Ulysses 8. Grant, thou at Galena, asking for a com miittiou ju the force going south, and offr ing to esjKiuso the Souther cause. ' Gen, Frost deiliu to make publie Uie letter, claiming that it would uot be bouomblo. If, however, au attack is made upon young Frost by reason of bia father's Confederate record , tho letter will be produced.' ' Tho existence of this letter is au iudUputable fact, - and neither . tbe President nor bis friends dare deny it. , Grant' personal habits during Ills resi witb the Dent had been so bad that bis offer was not accepted, and about five month afterward be went to Springfield and offered bis service le Yates for the Fe dtraj army, Washington. 8ept. 80. The New York Uerall makes the following inM.ule I We spoke severely tho other day of Ex-Gov. Vance, of North Carolina, in the belief that he bad really uttered some brutal words which were imputed to him local newspaper, and we were led to trust in these report by soma passage in Judge Settle's rply to Mr. Vance which seemed to refer to tbe language imputed to Mr. Vance. A dispatch, which we print else where this morning, show on the tbe tes timony of Judge Settle. Mr. Venoe' op ponent, that Mr. Vance did not use tbe language imputed to him, bat that' he quoted from one of tho bloody-shirt speeches of Mr Ingersoll, a llepubliean speaker who is doing a good deal to make sensible men voto tbe Democratic ticket all aver the eouutry. Mr. Vance and Mr. Settle are stumping North Caroliua togeth er. ., They art rival candidate , for the Governorship, Judge Settle beard and replied to Mr' Vance's speech , and be at mice, en being asked if the report was cor rect, said it was not. That i sufficient, and the best evidence. Mr. Vauee did not say what was imputed to him, and of course our remarks bad no cause, and fall te the ground. $... i . . , f , s . . f . . FORMATION OF CHAKACTEK. Have you ever watched the Icicle a It formed ? Have you noticed how It frow, one drop at a time, until It was a foot long or more ? If the water was clear, the icicle remained clear, and sparkled brightly In the sun; but If the water waa only slightly muddy, the Icicle looked foul, and it beauty wanspjiilvd. Justsoourihamctrm Are formed. One little thought or fed Ing at A time add Its influence If each thought be pure and right the son) will be fcinrly, end will sparkle with hajpliH?m; but If Impure and wrong, there will be de formity aud wretchedness. A RACE ON CnUTCHES. A foot race on crutches look itlne v ra te rduy at liishop'n tmlimg course, Her ring jtun, between 1 nomas Lambert and John Sicgel. lfcuti men Were lame and used crutch. The stakes, $50 a side, were deposited with H' Dewhr- Theme extended four mile without Any stop page, Attn a start was mado punctually at 4.10 P. M; both men getting off At a hrisk gnlt. The time wan a follows: First mile, Lambert IV minute-, Hhgilll minute 30 seconds; second mile. Lamtiest 15 minutes 31 seconds, Hh-gvl 14 minute 43 seconds; fourth mile, UmWrt 1 1 mln Mte 4". eco,bt, Hli-gel 13 tniutre 41 dec ondfi., LamUrtOO minutnt. Khtrul 67 minute .J swoiid-i,;i.wr Vanit 2!tll. A quack ibs aiiverliM hi Sia rflii-t Coiijh when yon eso. for after you have tski'ii mio bottle of my medicine yu can't. CUllIOUS ADVERTISEMENT Jk'low will lie found some of the od dilh! in advertising Two yirtlng momen Want washing.' 'Teeth extracted with great niins.' 'ihiliien tnke aud finished III ten minute by n country photn;rHplier.' : VimI mid cmd spllu' ' : . . . The next npiered In a Ijoudon paper Under the hvud of "For Hole;' 'Piano forte cottage, ' seven octaves the pro perty of n Imly i lenvlng Engtnijd in a re markably elegant C'lise on beautifully cai ved supiHir'ts.' .l J And whHt dor this mean 7 ""Business) Clinuce To be dlsuoeed of A genuine fried tttdi bwtineH lit the West End.' Doe the genuineness Apply to the tish, thn business, or to the e ny In which tliy are fried ? ' , ' ' '. And one's mind gets hopelessly dn&il over the advertiseinet ; oftering a reward fiA- 'A large Hmtiih blue gentleman 'a cloak lost In the neiglibufltood of the mar h. There are ' others dellclously Inconse quent, like the AdveitiHeiiir lit , of a run away, which furnished this valuable hint for identidCRthhi : 'Age not precisely known, but looks older than he is.' Or the notice n sITbemaker' put on Ma door ; 'Shnll be bm-k iu ten day from thn time you see this splngle' Some, However, lenve fie hmplmle for doubt.- Ihibiee After having taken one bottle of my soothing syrup will never cry anymore,'. ' ' -."''' ';"' . And all editor fluffing air tight coffins, said 'No person having once tried oue of these air tight colons will ever tmeauy oUier, . . - , - . " . riioVKiius of aljTnatioxs. A deceitful nmn is mure Imrtful iban open sr, A fox should not le ou the jury at A gooso's trial. , Justice will not eondemneven the devil wrongfully. A uod from A lord is a breakfast for a fool. A good word for 'a bad one is worth much and costs little, An old dog csnnut alter bis way of bark ing ' An idle brain is the detil's workshop. A penny worth of mirth is worth a pound of sorrow. Grieving for misfortunes is Adding gall to wormwood. He is idle that might be better employ ed. lie who would stop every man's mouth, must have a great deal of meal. ; . He that know not wbcu to bo silent, knows not when to speak. He that fears you present will bate you absent. ; ' ' "" ! . If an ass goes traveling la will not eome back a horse. . , , . , If belter were within belter wonld come out. It i better te .praise poverty than to bear it. ; , . . ' siswsssnnapinainntnMniele Henrr Wattersow sava! "Sometime t fancy the bloody hirt will turn col hirt of Nessos Iu the Republican party. Yon remember the fable? Nessua' birt was A bloody shirt and proved tbe death of llerealon. , Torn over tbe pages of your bealhca mythohigy not , snore . heathen thsn the reward of Uie Presidential canvas and when found stick A pin I Ye will discover there several iocccstive snalo. gies' . jr ;Whal bmnght yow le Visoo, my colored friend 7 said a visiting elergywsn to a ne gro. 'Two constables, saV.' 'Yes bet t mean bad drinking Anything to do with itf Yes, sab j dcy was bof of 'em drunk.' Wherever you find many men, yon find many minds, exclaimed a pnblie sjeaker. Tain't an. k n I M ..r .L. auditors. ff you'd only ask this whole erowa out to take a driuk, you d find 'sin sll of one iniud." , Mother, why doe na call jo bnoetf Reesuse. my dear, be love . Nn, ma. that isn't it ' What la itr 'VL it's because yea have so much tvmA in jeer uaau, iuat a wny. Cleorce,' said mablrti. As she smlwxf archly In her brvcr's face what In there In A grand achievement that remind m of your Ocorwe's err lit with idcMum and there wn a gin nee with which he plMl,' lnni'l k now, oarllng, pkane r mc. llll frnt, replied the maiden. Kb how flattens her me against the window ne And wonder whether George he com UliUed sulehlf, or go4ie lo fhliiA. In a Iowa in Massnrhasetl there are three rhun hes, the iniuismr of rath of which iriices in the name of Wright. One live in the upper prl of the town, en in the lower, and the third st tbe mill.; the (irople have duld rd ihem n Upright' DvAeright snd Millright A traveller in the East onee saw s man Who bad l.4 bis toga .y PprIM.y monntrd wi the shoulder of one wm kid ht kit arms by the snm.. dw.iMthn fireman turned sowing giai,,, m,t4 l-4fr (he hanMiiviiou.

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