ShfSrmisbpcfl 0afctJQt i.RF.KNsnoRo, i:AYiit i si J. Try "loveV Tnie Turf Oil.' ' It i no tiiinibiig. Mr. iN?jmonr Steele, a well known citizen of this place, Is sink ui vrry rapidly, ami is reported t U lyiti. I ( II iil. Saturday. The 'stones, iUmt the size of bullets, fell thick . a a .iii.i irawmit uui tua no ii .im;ijr. i It wast wet" or utlry in the Ui'li Point election, and tbo dry -.iiim ut n top, reflecting Capt. . II. Snow wavor. T. A. LyCm was elected mayor ..f Krrnersville, J, C. Iiaxton may ..r..f Wimtoii, and J, II. Johnston iii.ix ir f .l.uncstowu. Tin railroad men here to-day .ill tliatfinenborobasa brizbt tti'im. if nr eoplo will only turn ,Iiir attention to manufacturing. , .nd tlii U (ircenaboroaaid Siuim t tin morning. "Pretty town. It looks' comfortable. If I i i ruioxr tu North Carolina, I shall in iltifiiAlmro. Tin commissioner electetl Mon thly b id a uuvtinj yesterday after ti.;i at which there was a partial urbanization. K. M. I lees was rltt-trd day iHiliceman and W. J. hrrly night policeman. The m'IhmiI and street committees were ii t Iio.i-ii. A proposition-to pnt an t:tra ptiliceninn at the depot w. agreed to provided the railroad a otnp.inv woiiM co operate. We don't intend to be railed to tin Held about so small a matter as rbu Len fight, and if Col. Tom Holt U really aggrieved, as a friend in timates, at the allnsion to him in ihV I'atkiot everul days ago. anent tin? cock fight in llaleigh. we Ug to withdraw the offensive re marks and to leg pardon of the public for attempting to perpetrate a joke at Col. Holt's expense. The high' character of Col.TIolt, is a snf t'x H-ut guarantee that be would not aid r countenance the bsirbar imi" and demeralizing practice of public cock fighting, and we hardly know whether to le indignant or :inintl at the intimation made to us that Col-Holt is really aggriev ed at what everybodj- else under td a .i mere pleasantry. We feel that this explanation does Col. Holt great injustice, and certainly it is very mortifying to our reputation as a humorist. lUvti.LK; New Kivku Uail Boad. Capt. A. It. Fortune, who has the contract for building the Danville & New Hirer Ilailroad, from Martinsville to Patrick Court lloiw, Va.. was in town this morn ing. Wrk is progressing finely on the extension, about 10 miles of the road from Martinsville being graded. Capt. Fortune is a push ing and energetic man, and has a valuable exerience in railroad building in Western North Caro lina. He was a large contractor on the Abbeville & Spartanburg Ilail 11 tad, and the Western North Caro lina Uailroad. Maj. Sutberlin has got tbeiiht man to build his road. A force of Li) hands is employed, and Capt. Fortune expects to com plete the road by the first of Jan . nary next. - , . Tow.v F.lectiox. The town election resulted as follows: Foil Mayou Ii. U. King 237; S. C. Dodsou Gil. King's majority The vote for commissioners was as follows: W. i:. He v ill, -JLC; W. It. Bogart, II. II. Tate, 217; W. T. Ser geant. :M7; L. M. Scott, 213; G. W. Alley. LSI; Peter Hubbard, 1X5; :. W. Armfield, SttJ C Y. Keist l.rr, N;' W. L. Callum, 77; T. B. Ktngli. 7, J. W. loak, 7C. The vote ou the issuing of bonds for street improvements was very light; there being but little interest felt in the matter. The votes cast I13- noii freeholders were, approved, :7: not approved, U.S. Majority against issuing, 81 vote. In the rreelmMerV lox were, approved, 14, not approvedr2. Majority against Uuids ."IS votes. Total majority against the isning of the lionds !!.. " J Tiu: Capk Feak & Yadkix Valley 11. II. The syndicate was engaged throughout the day yes terday in private conference, and m"f aiii trv-tlat- nt 10 ft'rlnrt. Questions of a private business character, in wiiich the public has 110 concern, were considered. Defi nite action touching the matters under consideration was deferred until today to await the arrival f a meuilter of the syndicate from New York. We are pleased to learft I list a tine spirit characterized the drlil-erations of the syndicate, and that ierfect nnderstanding artd harmony obtains. A common pur pose, enthusiastically expressed by every roemWr of the syndicate present, was that the road shall be built with tbo utmost expedition. The money necessary to build the mid is at command. That's all we want to know, and we shall not intrude by inquiring into or dis cussing the private affairs of the syndicate.' What this section and town wants, is the road and as soon as we cau get it. Once be gun the work will lie energetically pushed. -Alio county couiui;oncrs and magistrates met Monday and talked over the matter of ralaing and as- r. o. o. r. m - : -- 1 " 1 iei. 1:1 riiiiii: . 11. propeny ior taxation. It Grand Mar n 11 winii r,. was agreeil that when ieople got V his gavel and called the It. W. to be , honest tho ilimmUv "rand Iodre of Odd Fellows of as be ; honest tho difScnlty about 1,ran I-otlge of Odd Fellows of sessing property at iU true value XrJU Cu,ina to owlcr In anunal seasion. Then a prayer was offer esl by lU;r. M. Jurney.i .The at tendance is considered very good f,a 1 . tt I i v.uu(c-u 111 iinrniuom ir-iav 1 1.1 1...: ... t tm. - HI determine to build Drettr ofScers nrexent were: J ronld bo removed. If the railroad men who have and commodious union depot and locate repair shops for the differ ent roads at this place they will manifest excellent judgment and their praises will be sung by gen erations yet unborn." Greensboro is a great railroad centre. M. W. G. M. B. II. Woodell. It. W. D. G. M-J. F. Payne. It. W. G. WV-John E. Woodard. II. W. O. 8 J. J. Litchford. , 1L AV. O. T -1L-J. Jone. ! W. G. M. U. G. Hates. . W (I. C W ZL CrowelL V. O. G John II. Masten. W. G. Herald John U.Pugh. A committee on credentials was apointed, consisting of J. T. Sugg, J. A. Kobinsori and tt. lu atts- 10 It. & D. Ajkbxxqcco you North WWTB.X COECTT05& Col. A. Il.i Andrews came in lnxt ntrht on i worth hi .r.;,i tr .mi- The Grand Ixxlge degree was . . . : I conferred uion twentr-ono Past Aennessee. Ue was accompanied 0raotU for the first time. They oy uol. llurord and 3Ieaars. Gould, were: 1. C. Itagwell, J. T. Lowry, Rutherfonl, AVells and Meyera, of W. A- Bobbitt, J. K. I4ve, J. A. Vew Vnrlr Tl, Mfv h,u lwt. Saunders, J. G. M. Cordon, W. G. ? S: , Tbe,Party h"1 heru Fere bee, C IJ. Burgess. P.Nash, to Knoxrille to negotiate arrange- II w. McCius, Edward Gerock, M. menta for Northwestern eounec-1 PreUfelder, J. I Tavis,' W. II, Lions by war of the Weatern N. C. Cole, J. L. Johnson, T. A. Crowell, t?'i? t 1. tK. . Bunch, K. T. 8tephenson, " " - A. Barefoot and J. 3L Sherwood. rangemenU will lie consummated Grand Master Woodell read his in a very short time. The Western I report, which was quite lengthy. rrvni thjn will Iiomkik mthmncrh The reiwrt was referred to the e .:!. t t;- I committee o I Secretary Litchford read his ville, Chicago, Cincinnati and other twelfth annual report. Referred to lo in Is in the Northwest. The New Yorkers expressed themselves de lighted with their trip and perfect ly saUsfiesl with what they saw of the It. & D. system, believing that it must inevitably constitute the great artery of the Southern rail road system. Messrs. Gould and Kotherford are director of the rand, and Messrs. Wells and finance committee ' . ' Iteport of the Grand Treasurer was also referred to the finance committee. Various other reports were referred without reading. The hour of 9 o'clock this even ing waa appointed for the exempli fication of the nn written work, and 3 30 this afternoon was made the special hour for the election of oCl cers. , An invitation was tendered the have simply made a tour of inspec- institution to visit it. The Invita tion. AH. damage to the! Western tion was accepted, and C o'clock I f 1 !. l . 1 t .1 road is renorted to hate beenre- lu, evening is uie uour nppoiuieu paired. It was greatly exaggerat ed in the first instance. The It. & D. system is reported to be in a highly prosperous condition with a most hopeful outlook. I klUrta la IIbmIb. A great many people .have an idea that Russia is the abode of bar barians, and that laws and modes of life that obtain in Civilized conn tries' have 110 foothold there. Ko doubt some of the great manufac turers of New England who employ little children to work for a mere pittance fourteen hours a day in dates have sooken under its snreaii- ing branches for several genera tions, and there are few, citizens of Davidson county who do not know this time-honored forest growth. The tree has been known to bear as high as CO bushels of acorns a year. Danbury Reporter: There was at least 23 per cent, more wheat sown in Stokes county this year urannriiLD isotss. their factories share in this view of than last,' and the prospects for a .uussia, bdu yet a iaw uus just gone 1 urvesi are verv promising, v into operation in that benighted h Gastonia' Gazette : Esq J li country that might put to theblush Kntledire of StanW infniW n- it - . . : . 1 . . - .n... lue owners ana managurs 01 great mere was a chicken hatched out workshops not only in Sew Eng. sometime since at hi ni 1 1 4t.i m,i. t . c iuu uui i.uia cuuio wuuuj. . Auia uiiu iuur legs, two natural onesaud iaw regulates .wo empiojineflfc vi i two tnai grew on top of the back, minors in 'factories by providing They were all well 1avp1,wi ,..a that vchildrem under twelve must I had the rhiftun ii-rwi I uui vu iiiicu . uimcr u vct-AJ'0 I nieu va Cimer Set Of lprra Anrl and that children between the ages now just as we get readv tnmfh ui mcno uu uiiccu uiusti uut wui. 1 in sir. o. xj. omitn stent to oar livi iuu cijuw uuun , pjj, iuu nua anoioer four leed it fmther provides that these child- chicken. But this one gets away repj tuust, atfend schooh at lhia$t with any other chicken-monstrosity three hours a day. There are thou- that we have ever seen. It ha two eauUfl OI llliic CUllUTcU CVcU IU LUI8 I (t i t.i l w miu wuuiu 1'iaiiiT r ki.tiiiiirn 1 w . 1 r i zi . " uu ,r-T-- . 7- 'xiieigu yoterter r A corres- ,-wf " '"4. Y - i londent. writing from Itingwood. iiussia, e are regaleil every day luiifax eountv, savs: Much dW. wirn atones 01 me norrors 01 it as-1. 1 v . . . . , . . .;kh rj,, feoimin.Tiiiwuc'in tnis section jian exis ence, most of them written by the rt9heU to order to suit the English market; bridges. Old men say we have but a government that has such a nofc bad Inch n freshet in this sec watchful eye for the welfare of the tinri f th f, a( children of the ' working 1 classes Th fim.. 1 k.i,iJ -i.Y. cannot be tho worst in the world. thir Wort , ti. iri..T...r.n.jn..t.. I week played havoc with cam nonda All tliA rwvtnlA biVA not Ipiimnl in ; Franklin county. Mr. Geo. 8. the art of leaving a place in an ap- Baker los several Jiundred large propriate mauner. vhen you are uuu . uiousana smau ones.' ready to depart do , so at tonce- i-ne nsii in tbe ponds of Messrs. ' - . I II.. m. k t Til 12- VTT 9 A. gracefully' and politely, and with ru miams, v msion anu no dallying. .Don't say. "it's about others were all swept away. : time I was rolnr.,, and settle back ! Fayetteville Obtcrter i Doctor and talk ou aimlessly for another Charles Dabney, State Chemist! has ten miuuies. oome peoiue nave 1 kwuo x-uiiu to cA-amiue me museum just such a tiresome habit They siecijEjen8 jofj ores,' timbers, stones; wui even rise anu stanu aoout ine tu eucuru1 uia necessary space room in various attitudes,' keeping in the Boston Institute for the State tneirnost standing, and tucn oy an exmuit, anu to pnrcnase ine neces- effort succeed In getting ns far as I sary drills for exploring the coal the ball, wben a new thoucnt strikes aud pnosphate beds or tbe State. them. Theythen brighten up visi- We know nothing of our coal fields blv. and stand some minutes long- or phosphate deposits except what er. saying nothing of importance, the out cros sliow r What extent out Keeping everjoouy in a resuess, 1 " """w irsourew mere is ; iu nervous state. ' After the door is the State is utterly unknown to ua. opened the prolonged leave-taking and we will remain In this marvel berins.nnd everybody in general of ignorance unil there is a prac- and particular is invited to call, tical test mado j to determine iheir very likely a last thought strikes exieut uy means 01 tne drill. tbe departincr visitor, wbicn bis friend must risk a cold to hear iu ww a it . me end. wuata reuei wuen uio ahia tha mnaf nrA.nom.,. door is fiually closed. There is no ored Inen in Rfchmond tho follow- The Key. Prcwerlpttoa. , roar prwripticm emnpotinded t Gl All work is thw lin carefully mod iiroBpUy t all bori 1U7 mm! sibt. Glenn'. dune. A Mineral wtr ' The Cunooii 8ren Fprimni Iron and Alum Mam v bo patent medicine bo quark Bortnun, bo "rura all." bat ia tho eoodeMatitm by atrons heat of tba Mdical propertiea of eevea dioerent kinds nt min eral waters which flow from Be von uprine in Watih inirtoB eoanty, Va.. and ia mannfartared by Lan drani A Litehneld. Abingdon. Va. For aale by dranirt leaerally. Larce bottle, ilM, anaU bot tia 60 cent. Try it." : Frtmtm Ckai. .. lUrina bonaht ont the entire atock and bar Iz tarea of Air. J. K. Moore. I will eonUnne the bai- ?" T."r- 'LrtT Tyy7 !rf Winea, Liqiiora, Bran diea, W hirkie and Mult LlotKim. .. O. NKWOUilH. MoAdoo tlooae. ,. nnyS 3f. C Mtrrrimg. Xorth Carolina Roe herrimr. &t mackeraL clip Hemmc. cod&h, breakfast atripea. haaaa, plekle eaeunbara, rinecar. enowflake erackera. lard, extra (reen tea. eat-loaf aw. powdered ancar. rioe Lone Jack amoluna; tobaeeo, Ac at iw) JS. At. Caldclbpsm Bro. EmsIhm, B41cra J4 Saw XaadrtU. Sereral H. P. Retarn Tubular Boaera. Larre lot 8a w Maadraia. aa hlf tlx ml nrina. flmnl 25 ? boca-power fur aale at the Sooibeni -head bom Machine fehope. SpUrlsc BeUi apnl 17 dawtf . Eaagime. "I; We have employed reliable manMnmti and boiler rnansotei MAcisilM at. J for remurinc work ia the eonntrr. and pausacuon. Apply at I Bhopa.tlremiihora.K.a at the Sontbern Bom laprii-uawa ( HetL, Va. Board at the St. Jamea Hotel. Richmond. Va!. b Tory rnaanaalile. . Try it.. , S-21 dew tf Drlmluk ' ;' Carbonated lemonade icel a 'moat elegant and t(reahinc eprinc drink. Ginger Ale nad lee Cold Soda, on draught at Glenn 'f drug ttora. r , . ! ,. SeMyaalta, , . , Cartland ia Urning oat aome Bobby aniW Call aaa get yoer meaaare taken, lieet quality ef good) and lateet atytee to aeleet from. Satiamrtkm gnar aateed. t -. 1 u Why Deathly The secret In Doughty aneeem b ia giving iiiih im, man vmm worut of yew money.. - mayl-2w . . . . JKtmwral WaAr mm DimmsmC. Vichr and Deen Rock ea dranrht at Glann'a drag atore. Litbia Water on draught and by the gauua. - -- Heat, Kew am4 If aafcy. ' - Don't bar vtwmnfbrtahkL anawlttlT. annrn'ti ble ready-made Shoea, when yoa eaa get aontethimr from Doughty that ia Keat, New and Nobby, for about the same pries. mayl-2wj : . Vara Jfew Bllllara Parlar. Come down and try a game of Billiard on the lalke Monarch Billiard Table. Branewiek A Ball tbe prettiest and aobbiet in town, in Moore' New Duiara iiau. unoer cenoow nau. - may iw -Ir. Thomas Case tips the beam decl s Grand Patriarch at 2S0 lbs, ami is clever all the way n. Masten, Winston ; Grand through. He is one of the best High Priest II. G. Bates. 'ew m... r. finii fr. r,i n.i i.itM i iKTu 1 urauti tremor v aruen A. . . ... ... I L. Love, Italeigh; Grand Junior OM"'m I Warden A. Lehman, Uoldsboro ; hates holy water. Grand Scribe and Treasurer E. t . 4 i-4 41 1 rr 11 m 1 1 great tieairucnuii ui tiugs i vwntr, x it wiu. t - is rexrtel in this neighborhood. oiru atTheirniaaWa, A mad dog passed through the Did yoa ever see two girls get iltlemmt and bit .boat fifty other "? V' to visit the institution. ; The lodge then adjourned nntil 0 o'clock this morning. ; ; The Grand Encampmeut pf the I. O. O. F met in annual session yesterday afternooq at 3 o'clock in win p a nwa iiai I v a arw nnr. 9i.i . m . i ot wmg onens ve y aorupu j be instanced .;iw ;; i7r.7i ,T! UHl vnen 3 n are w James Holmes, said to be wurth dogs, and the people are now kill ing all the dogs running at large. Quite an effectual dog law. ! Farmers are making ap for lost time. Last week's work shows, and with, another week of such weather the farmers will be mas ters of the situation. this "In 1C73 Marquette discovered the Mississippi. In 1C73 Marquette dis . What did you say, lue T You had ever so much rather -see the hair coiled than braided f Ye, so had I. It's much more stylish, and then it looks classical, too ; but . . rl . ,t; uun iu J 4, v, UV..4 4 m. uv . secuoaoaiuru.3. u"uut fayette discoveml the Wisconsin place, was covered with hail, but Iu 1SCJ Lafoyette discoveretl the- no material uamage was uour. i People are yet talking the flood, and all agree that it was the birrest thing ever seen In this country. I Tbe stock law is growing in popularity here, and in a little while its most vehement opponents will be singing its praise, a. Lafaj-ette disco vered the Velll what's the matter with me anyhow! In 1C73 Marquette dis covered the Mississippi. I don't care if ho did. I suppose tbe Mis sissippi would have got aloug just as well if Marquettte had never looked at it, Now, see here, Ide, is there auything about my looks to give yon to understand that I know when Columbus discovered Mpetho op the Guilford I Jamestown, and how George ah- CorxTY Bible Society. Tbe ington won the battle of Shtloh T Guilford County Bible Society held Of course there isn't. History is a its annual meeting Sunday night, horrible study anyhow. No use, . . . I . a m.e . Mar tiin. in me A'resuvierian i euuer. row. rrencii is ever so church in this place, I much nicer. I can introduce French The President being absent, Itev. pbrasea very often, and oue must L. W. Crawford, vice-president, know I have studied tho lauguage. presided. " J What is the lessou to-morrow T Oh, The devotional exercises were I yos; conjugation ot pane, ixrs see; coudnctetl by Itev. W. B. Tidball how does it commence I Je parle, and Mr. T. Walker White. tu parle, il par il pa II well, ir. Tbe secretary read the proceed-1 then F ings of last meeting. ;.;," "Conjugation don't amount to The treasurer read his annual 1 auything: I know some phrases renort as follows : that are appropriate here and Money on hand last report. sold. by "Ilaro I got my geometry f Xo, 124131 rm just going toatudy it. - Thirty- a rvn T l- T 4. Key. Dr. SMiTH.Itev. J. nen- T ':VV"iUUaTA'vr f ,urrHr' AnnVi rv Smith, D. D., pastor of the uu" . ' ,.ra,Ar.u VMDK.-a...onM,n..i infiMan.Wn master builder, 3,000: the Rev. l'resbytenan church in Greensboso, . xviio ai'rwJ it AelVUUt Va W V ttOf LVW IIIV 4W 0 : fr. nrrirA! in nurritv Yflrpnlnv. I and is the guest f Mr. George ?,UuW. Allen. Dr. Smith has recently f C 2iftS?Vrf tr. t. .i4.i. r - J. Turiierf& Sona,' $0,000; Mr. Hill, dear little boy; and being some- ' ""A what broken in health also by re- mliV cent arduous labors iu his pastoral "Jg.W K tAXrliei charge, his congregation has gen- 14,000; William Wilkeson, $5,000; ,500, Willis truest East: $2,- 500; William II. Lyons, barber. AIM) llUL t TT IT1 I. I A Ai.4T Jr . 000. Most of this money is invest- t. a '.vo.i.,.. I rJot. it a vrto ed in real estate. In J.acksou ward ,.iv there are more than one hundred rhnrrh for fA VMm. and hn dnn n wiorai jmupio wuo oath prowr fine work there for the Itedeemer'a Jffii,?ZT7 W9T' Tvlnrdom. .Orange PreslrrierV baa OOOjlrtd ttbont twenty inlManches .wni. ffynm in apebinr; il5a ter, a HUbflrb :or JUchmond. uAPiriiAa v4 a n irliila . a IIiaIi iiinti. v i,. r is owned by Dr. Ferguson, assist hAnrino- thia .livi.uv ft"1 lerintendaut of the Central on two occiisions during the war, f ' while he was visiting in tiu army vr-s. rMrr,nrPr u. iniH. ltieh me ee a I a . I m- " A T or nortncrti v irguiia and rememoer K,,n!i v r. r-. nmwn' Iron impression His eloquent jj,tter8 has restored i Paal. For a aniet game of Pool and Billiard, and I iuot eomfortable ainoke. drop in at Moore's New cuitara ttuu - - . may iw . Plra laaara roar property with R. O. Glenn, who the beat raitfl Ub and Americaa eom- Inaare repreaenta paoiea. ' ' " - Taa Fiaeat Ctaava. Fourteen different brand of Cigars, embracing aome or tne nnet eigare and, ed at Glenn's drug store. Call and sample one. Taa Htary Wit Again, its great monetary ralne seems almost monotonous. Tbe l.Yrth Grand Monthly Drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, at New Orleans, on Aunl 10th. has this record : Ticket No. 62.887 drew the Brxt Uraad Frlae of 75,00Q. of wblQ li , Adrlcta31taera. ; r Am Vntl .lltlfKdwl . i hiirKt .ni tm.lran ftfwinf'wtrf by B sick child sufl'erina and enrine with uain of cut ting teeth? If so. send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup fir-: children teeth ing. Its ralne is incaleuUbte. It will retiere the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend; upon it, mothers, there is no mintake about it. It euros dys entery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind eulie, softens the guinA, reduces inflammation, and gires tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Window's Soothing yrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and bext female physicians and nurses in tbe United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price cents a bottle. i tarry vour torjacco ?to farmers' Warehouse, Danville, Va., Redd & Jor dan, proprietors, situated on that ld pop ular site which has become oace more for fine tobacco. headquarters Mar9wtt. j Loo out for Hugh P. jWharton, of Rockingham and Guilford, who is doing the the thing up O. K. for his old friends. " j March 6-w-tf. ' ' ! j - 1 ' Farniers' Warehouse.! of Danville. Va., Redd & Jordan. proDrie torsi is now leading the Danville market, having sold one-seventh of the whole sales for Feb ruary, with nine warehouses' on the mar ' et." ; March 9-wtf. T . .. I j -OF- ! ' VALUABLE REAL ESTATr; HIGH POINT. ; , NOTICE, j TTAVISO aaalified as Exeeator on the last will S-r.r? "" w ransn, aereaseo. on the 7th day of May. 18X3. 1 hereby notify all persons karac eUums against the estate of my intestate to preaent them for payment on or before the 7th day of May. la4 or thin notice will b pleaded ia bar of their recovering said claims or any part thereof, and all persons indebted to the estate of my intestate are aereoy aouoea so eome lorwara at once and settle the same as further indulgence cannot be eirm. - ' , THOMAS CASE. may 11 4w , . - Executor of John Parish,, dee'd. POK SALE. t StcanFlcur : CornllilL T OFFER for sale my valuable iSteam Flour and iA. Cora Mill, now ia. operation one square East of tbe market boose in Greensboro. ; The Engine a a thirty horse-Dower, twesetta f Hum. with Gin and Two Circular Saws atUched.: and with power and shafting enough to ran another sett of barrs, ail in running order and In fond condition. Terms, low. Address j J. M. Ill Oil KS, saaj la I ' ! Greensboro. J(. C. rMPoHTE .MHJHTE l - --or 1-ur ' Bi Virtue of fcrtain juUnnents of theSuKrir Court of Gulfoni county, remlered nf .iriri term. JN-s-v. in sundry cases, wnerein ilimw H. Mendenhall is plaintiff and Cmmv Williams and others are defenusutts, numbered repectiYely oil I he docket of said cunrt 87. . W. VO, PA, ts .ldi 1M, lk ami us. i snail le-oveeu u sen a cann, at the murt hmie dur in the city of Orwiubmii. en .HO.K. lowing property j ! S One-half acre lot in the town of (likh IU l. L. m w:n: i . .1 , - I'U . HK U 11 I4M4V rW4CF. ' - On half aWe lot ia the town nf IiKb 1'i.iilt. on wniea Aioert jsuter rewueo. i r i ' nr Forty acres near the town of ltiicbt l'.4ut now in pnwessHttt of James Day. je : 3 Fwir acrel near the town U High 1' u- occupieii by lbokias beebnst. i AS- Onc-halfacrelot in the town f jliKhl'.Mt on wnicn n in. rawyer reshtes. ! - One-halfacre lot in the bwn Klih IWfiJ i - One acre in the town of High Pf.iut. knw as tho lmg llue, ami now occupied by A up iTsroacrwin the town of High.P.nt, uoaj uwupieu oy iwf arrow. Forty-B vl acres near tbe town uf lligbt Point wiiw wvuiiu u i i utwtas iiuuver. I i j j : In the tow a. of Ukbt Point, m ' occupio.1 by A If. I Hanrrave. ! I t ;1 JAMES T: M0REHEAD. tnay3 Mx 1 Commissioner, SALEM JUNCTION, (near Grocnsli.ri.) JM' IOURlCil,. SO ORALSn IS l i ! i AXUFACTURERS SUPPtlECJ ASiUrACTl KEKo gUPPMKOe HO.1307 CAKT PfSKKT. saavl-Sm . Vii-iiiiosD, Va. 1 OiNK mil.a.lON FJIU1T TREES, VINES, i Southern rare Fruit. IK Endless variety, selected to suit the and btinler State. All th im biuT n eonsuung l Apple. Peach. Pear. Plum, fheifr. Grape. ApncutL Nectarine, Quimv. Fipt. Mulber ries, Ktrawbertje. Gotwelierriea, t'urrtnK Blark- uvmeaAJswrafUK, rier i-ianu bnaie 4 reex, r.yerJ green, bhrubery. Raises, Ac. Derritive caUUH tree to an applicant. nin rive snecuu rates in. uose wanung u inant urgei) . t j l f" CurrespptMlence solHited. anteea. . . : j apr21 Salisfaction 0sr- 1 I IVIkl ! 44.4. I , Propriet J. VAN LINDLKVJ etor. ANOTHER LARGE SUPPL rhHenry. onville. La., belli Kiesslinc. of N'o. 188 Oearbora and A. Garnier Tricot. Vermillionrille. each one-ftMr. Ticket TtGUt worn the second capital of f'i.OU) collected ia one whole lump through the Manufacturers' National Dank of Tror, for M. Connolly, of Troy, N. Y. Ticket NO.S2J69 woo tho third eanitJH. tlO.Ouu, and was sold in fifths one to KUwln T. fclsetibarg. Jr. (eolleeted toroura the Central Net tonal Hank oPhiiadelnhiah anoth. cr to li. li. Harper, of Hi. George's, Oolletn con sty. 8. Ct another to Wm. It. Hamptoa. of Tracy City. Franklin county. Tennj another to R. F. Kruger. N'o. 211 Fourth street. Milwaukee. Wis. The two fourth capital prises of f&,Uu0 each were sold to holders of tickets N o. M.-W and 5,.VJ2.two-fiahi were! add to James K. Day. Mstta Bend, haltneeo., Mik, and to parties ia Fort Wayne. lad.. New llaren. Conn. For further information apply to M.fA.I Daupma. Aew urlesns. IA, beiore tne next draw ing on June 12th. wben the grand capital prise will be i.'iO,uuo. j j Gelebra Qrssatbsrs fwdmem Harkrl. well tho inj- strength iul logical Mimons made on the aml givei; Tne a ,ie.,rty n,)Ietite. men of Cook bricratle. We think he in eminently fitted fur the work of nn evangelist, and hope to have 1 Mi . Mr. Iftbnui Bridgford, Warren - ton, X. CI, says : "I had the dropsy the pleasure of hearing him in this and was benefited by using Brown's city. Xetclem Journal. STATE NEWS, - Newbem Journal: Garden Haa are selling on the streets for 30 cents per peck. Good cabbage are bringing ten cents per head Ilaleigh Farmer and Mechanic : Nearly all of the sheriffs have pnb- lished long lists of delinquent tax payers. The total for the SUite mnst be above 10,000. Washington Gasetta: The Washington Itice mill is still busy Money received donations, Total il i fl 1 it I 111 a tA A tail I am mAftf a a"sa l 1 1 W0 lift I ' and how's anybody going to knowT'i: v, - 85.71 but what I have the t conjugations 'T" V! "r;; " IT 1Sil .11 k. . t. - -. i jiuiuiiiciiaiuiosumviimcoBiiiw, 4AI1 I 414 U ? UH4 t, I Paid Am. Bible Society for books, - ' -Paid Am. Bible Society donation, Paid freights. &c Oath on Hand to-day,: Vol. of books in depository at beginning of year, VaL received, ninthis it not t i b "Let the triangle A O. triangle $127.50 A B-i-say Ide. have yoa read about the Jersey Ulv and Freddie! I 40.00 think it is just too utterly ut, and fl 0.1 1 Fredrlie is simnlv trorireoitA. I'm ' 70.78 completely crushed on him J n.w 1 4 BS4r m Tstocf tMltlt ' t StatesrDle Laadmark.1 A second public meeting in tho tobacco manufactnring interest was $ 1X50 held at the Cash Tobacco Ware- 14G.80 bouse last Saturday afternoon. A number of persons I were present I1C0.30 and much interest in the snbjwt I aras manifested. .IteiiorU werv TaX, of books; solil. t$ 82.714 beard from the Statesville Maim , ' to life meat 1 facturing Company, with regard to bfrx, - - . 20.00 1 putting up n factory building for VaL of books donated. 1.50 I rent, and froiu Mr. John Wilson in VaL of books now ou hand, , . 53.09 regard to the rent of his building I t: l nn.. 4 r IUU AklUgO 4tl CUUC lUQ BlUUUUt VI the matter is that we have now one To our credit on book nc ' factory ready for occupancy and count at New York, - 29.82 can have another by the 1st of July. Itev. C IL iley. District So- Tbe committees of the former meet- perintendeut for Korth and South I ing were continued and the com Carolina, then addreas the society, mittee to' secure renters" waa in a beautiful and impressive man- structed to proceed with its corres ner. I pondence. A number of gehtle- A collection was then taken up, I men made remarks, and the opin- amounting to 20. I ion ,was unanimous that we must Tbe following omcers were then have ' tobacco factories and that elected: I early. We hope to have a good President Kev.J. Henry Smith, report to make before long from D. D. this new and determined move- Vice Presidents lie vs. Thos M. ment on the part cf the live busi Jones, I). 1) W. II. Bobbitt, D. D- ness men of Statesville. J. L, Michaux, J. R. Ball, L. W. Tfc ,..7. Iron IJittpra." 71 ml as al I be Prrshyteriaa Haassf ; , . j . Sclsaal. .'! . tSaggsisBoKO, X. C Sunday Morning. J May tith. S The Sunday School ittneers, teachers and pupil of the (Irenslaro Presb) tcriiin Sunda School, dair Uig to fire a united expression to thtlr sorrow In the sal proridenees that have surely afflictal them. gathered together around the table of t!ie superin temlent and railed Mr. JeMse II. Lind.ay to the chair antl appointed J. W. Scott secretary, a motion ' Messrs. Samnel C. Smith and W. S. Moore were requested to prepare a suitable : minute for the eonsideratioo of the Sunday School. They presented the following which was read and received Alul itt rtlllllinrr most of the time I the cordial approval of the whole school, and an or- nightand day. They have still w" "T1 ntT flUnf X fMMI lmaLala f mnl. Hoa . tb Carol U le0) Kna to puuitn lilv same. , ' .-..4,.. I Tuu-hL sn-l ling rciuark were wado by uiero- OII lllMUl. . , . . f tK. a-lwwJ ,l..n kilamnitT Dorvaded Weldoil NeiCt : The Southern I the bom and a sincere cn-e of oar loss oppreed every heart. Tbe Heavens do rule MuUl not tbe Judge of all the earth do right ?" The Sabbath school of the Presbyterian church of jUreonsboro within six months bin been called to lose two of its moot earnest and faithful workers. In both cases death came with a suddenneas to alarm and shock gOUe OU ahead preparing the Way. the community, and whilst our citUen so univer- ' I ... .a I 4.1 Lla al- f!..M-l 1f-.- . fr- sally iaanirtel their sjmpainy ana ue.rgri.M.- rrucaers wear r.tiuer gloomy iaces . . ,VMr; rir,.u lUuiiiy. sueiai end public, va over the recent decline in the price Mn..i..McrVated never to UfiUed. To us.fraU Of IMa.H at the North. Mr. Jesse and short righted, not knowing what a moment of BroWII, late member Of the XsegLS- time may bring lorth.Uie-e pruriUenoware moerui- lature from Johnson county, died rw. wk through . glass v u from milk-leg after; many wecksM SL ClTi UliZ 80 GTe fl ng. OU the 2d inst. j,, wbslt emeth unto Him right.". Charies a. Wilmhl STton fttar : Dr. Por- Yates, superintendent, and Dr. R. W. tilenn. teach- ter, Of Pcilder, informs US that far- er. were both inthefunvuroroflire, of pUveand rv,:- ,..trr n r Ibrcible traits of character, devoted to the work of IMtsi vjvi titivsss aaa asswa wa-w i They have secured an . office in the Davis House. The mauager has BUYIXH PRICE. Baeon bog nmiwl. : : . Pork. : . : : : : Beeswax. : : : - i : Butter. z : : Beef. : : : : ! : Chickens. : : : ' s : r laxseeO. : : Tallow. : : Weol-washal. : r" unwasb(sl. eataerm i t . fcwr Famtlj. i Super, : Corn. s Corn Meal. Mbeet. : : Oats. : : Peas. : : Rags cotton. Potatoes Irish, : Sweet, Eirgs. : : Oniuus, : : Apples green. : The FULL Each Plow is war ran f x have, to South Bend Y OF THI-4 Chill 1 cr Flmanfl "-444.14V4 Constantly Inereasin Y U'TF e shr-l-T H; ed o grvc entire Satis tor these Plows EIR M E Rl action or no sale. also a CAR LOAD to arrive in a few days, of McCoiimickfReapers and Mowers. ) Atirrt ! f tJ i i.l 1 Call an 0DELL& RETAIL PRICES,' RiKon-ldoSf i " hams. shoulders. Cheese. : Candles. : : Coffee Rio, : " IjMroyara. Java. Soda. : : Lard. i i Molasses. . Syrup. : Rica. : Kerosene Oil, Salt. : fine. : Surar yellow. " crushed. white. Leather sole. t 1312W . otalO 2Tr35 aAiimw , 9061.0$ 75SJ-9U 1.0Xl.hl OUtSiO M $ltXtl5 f Ml 13017 ! la 15 12fel5 IU 15 10 . 9095 1J0 1(X11 - V2.K 11A12JI apri3 Examine Hefore Purchasihjr Klsewhere. CO. - Wholesale Hardware Dealers. - - CAILIL ANP (DDDIEILIL c& (DdD iav? Jijst Received tlicirS Spring Second. Stock of Goods and Notion ! - . i !! . . 111. We would call specl attention to our very large and well sclcctc ADVERTISEMENTS. Capital Prize 8150,000. Mr An cortifv that wo suoervise the ar rangetnents for all the Monthly and Semi-Annua! 1 rawing or 1 be ltouuaana siaie uootit ymnpiy. and in person manage and control the lrawiiuts themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairnom. and in good faith towards aH par ties, and we authorise tne company ui iwmj'iw tifitate. with tac-similes tf our signatures attache!. in its advertisements. , progressing finely, and that more vim and determination seems to be displayed by the farmers than here tofore. Among those who will lie graduated at the Naval Acad t'lny at Annapolis in June are W. S. Gray and James E. Palmer of North Carolina. v v mm Asheville Citizen: Mr. Da the Sabbath pchoolwith a mind and heart tr every good work and thing In our midst, as Christian men ever ready to give a reason for the hope tliat in them: but we mourn to know that the pbves hich know tbem will know them no more forever. What a lesson to the living. "In such aa hour as ra think not the summons comes. The one a mer chant, honorable. trwUed. full of business, and sue cesrful. The other a physician, skillful and enthu siastic in hi profession, with a large and increasing practice; both useful as men, as citixens. as enns- Lrrawioru anu r. r. Ataiawiu. i i rR-w nurt.ri Treasurer Jesse II. Lindsay. I Mr. John C. Scarborough, Super Secretary Jas. w. Aloiight. I intendent or iTiblic Instruction, in Depository C D. Yates. I forms us that a few weeks since he Ex. CommltU-e Jas. Sloan. 3. received 12,100 from the Tcabody PA Ilowanl, It. L. Vernon, J. A. fond, $2,000 to be applied in aid of Odell and S. C. Smith. graded schools In the State, and K3t MraWiler announced tho the 1100 in aid of the Educational death of Mr. O. O. Yates, a member Journal at Chapel Hill. Yesterday of the executive committee for a I he received the second instalment number of years, and snggested I due the graded schools from the that Ilex. L. Yv. Crawford and Jaa. rami, amounting to f 1V0" making W. Albright be directed to prepare a total of $4,500. All this has been some suitable expression of the distributed among . the various society and place the same on oar school. In a few weeks, he tells mi nn to book. us, he will receive 91,400 from the Closed with the benediction by PeaiXHly. fund . lot normal school Hev. VV. 11. Tidball. work, and this sum will be divided Jar. W. ALBRianT. among the various normal achools SccrrUuj. I of the State. VidsOU has indnstriposly , pursued tUrns beautiful in their lives and in death not long his purpose to obtain an 'accurate efr,tod- . J . . -ware cen sas of this iilacej until ihei has I . , , : ... nrrwiiis uiiuuii iruuiii.1 tnu ciiii. ue uun wftei- are In the sea," His ways are past inding reiX)rt8 2,400 nanie8 Of Whites, and e err-let us bow before him and with 1,400 of blacks, with enough yet D,,Tid y : I "l kBOW' a LorJ' that thy iu1,,,ent,' Unrecorded tO bring - the Whole are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted amount Ul tO the former estimate me. Let, I pray theethy merciful kindness be for of the Citizen giving Asheville a -r -l u "TZl n,tl,t!n 7;ahnnft--arl.r.r, ! a Tanf May we so l.v, each and all of as, that F - i irxi- ' 41 I whea the inevitable summons eomes . cam of nearlv 1.400 since the cen- 1 11 . , 8O8Ofl8S0 Z I SrSl to h and mv-lM . , . i fin I lJy an anialtenng uai. anron w s RaUlfrri OWtti1' In tliA mn- l.fkaotMi who wraos the drapery of bis eouch nicinal eiectfontheDemoeratic ticket was elected. The Indepena- . ,:.k-.,i th. minutes of the sab- a .., pom ;day. Aue i l'nder the personal supervisioa ; and management of ! - - - r . - About him, and lies w, to pleasant dreams. j 4, EX. fl, T. PIKBaVA fW. or Iuoaaa. x.. vr w movad that the proceedings (4 , i.r,.. ji . ... - - sQIi a ' - . saisalaarrsU 1 TTX PREl'EUEXTED ATTitATI03f I U OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBITT5D . ' - ' i il. Louisiana State Lottery Comitt Ineorporated in 18C8 for J5 years by tbe Legislatore for Educational and Charitable piirposee with a capital of 1.0UU,OUO to which a reserve fund of over fcVAOUO has since been added. ' i By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part 01 tne preseoi owe vun.-ui.i. iuOrand. Single Number Draarinc win take pLace monthly, it never scaie or ij-. Look at the lolktwing listributioa : j URAKD PROMRXABE 03rrEIlT. during which will take place (. Tlse IS?ta Uraad Maettaly. aaa ta EXTHAOHDINAHT 8EJC1-AHTSTTJAIj KXTBAOaDlNABY 8E1U.ANNUAI. DUiWlXG ; j A I Xw Orleaaa,Taeaaay, smmm iaaaa and If: Am I Vi------ T1' bath a boot. - - Mr. R M. Sloan requested on behalf of tne ban il.t. ..twwJ th.t thm chairman lead in prayer ktr our behmsl pastor, now absent from home for his health. ! After nraver and singing afe in the Arms of Je- , tne ting liourned. II. LINDSAY, chairman. J, W. Scott, secretary. ents Touni board will be composed of 11 Dem ocrats, G Republicans; 9 members are members of the retiring board. Twelve are white,. colored. Wake county is ' to have a new jaiL The Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. is Iu session here. The attend- When you suffer from dyspepsia, auce is very fall. The delegates heartburn, malarial affections, kid will Iva anrrfninoJ nt tt liana net iia4no. lirer comidaint and at the YarborD house Thursday other wasting diseases. When you night - '. ; ' wUh to eprich the blood and purify Winetnti ..f.'.w . TliA rrrlvfll the svutem generally. Wheiiyod wih to removo all feeling ot weak Tuesday. Eighteen persons joined ness,,wfMviMes lck of energy, try the church' and thirty odd have a bottle of Browns Iron Bitters made a profession of faith. and see how greatly it will benefit There is an old oak tree on 'the you. It surpasses all kuowit ren.e nMnaw. tt w af Hip nn an euricher of the Mood nnu Clemmonsville, which, it is claim- a ierfect regulator of the Isorift hnmlMl and fortv veara bodily functions. Ask your drug- 7 " IT " 1 . . - old. County and district candi-1 gist. CAPITAL I'llIZK, 15O,O0O. a, -Notice. Ticket are Ten Dollars only. Haivea, 5. Fifth. $2. Tenttta. at. I list or raizic. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF imOrtJ. . iiRAXb PRIZE OF 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 2 LARUE PRIZES OF 4 LARUE PRIZES OF 3) PRIZES OK t 50 PRIZES OF j l. PKIZKS OF aw PRIZES OF &ll PRIZES OF 10UI PRIZES OF 3U.OW, lu.UA 5,J0, 1.0U0. N.U. am. H). 6U. J.' fl.Vl.OOO i 60.0UO 9J.0UO : a.uuo : j.u . auiio ; ii,imo , SUMO o.ono : eu.ou) 60.UOO 130,000 - 10.000 88200 irraosiHATiox rHK- 100 Approximation Priaea of rJOO. US) Approximation Prises of 100, -1U0 Apprnxuuatioa Priaes f 75, 1279 Priaes, amwaating to - - - Application for mtes to clubs shoaldonly be made to tbe office of the Company ia New Orleans. : j. Forinfonnatio.applyjto jAFFHI3f. . Haw Orteaaa, Mm. a7 Meveatk t., Waaalaartaa. may-5 . ) taa. P. C. Hats, Fur, Wool and Straw i : M TTiey also have a spilcndid assortment of Slip KS which they oiTcj- at very low prices, ji inesc uoods arc tiareii stnciiy to ti If J Wlinlesale Trfulei Greensboro,! N. U., April I2th, 1883. j Sergearlt Manufact'g SKKKNHnolSO, N. - : if i Farrar turbine Water 11 It-! I - I - in . i , " j ' ' " iihk : 1 Saw Nim, CANK MIU-S, MOKSi: I'tm'MRK, Plows, Straw Cutters. Andirons- Maic 1 1 7- Reason oJ 183. WlfflSSft rip' ion. G CO., Wilmingi C. R. 11. BR11X DOXALD MACIiLVE,fTreas. L. (iltAFM.V, sip?t. U'jinKito.ssirr, W. B PIULMP.I, I'll. IS. VAu u.iM, hp- of X. T. An. lfit. f O i - A TVTT For rv tli HavassaSn 1ACID PHOSPHAT Tobacco, Wheat , Oolloii Aft. We 1h: to .call' the attention of IMantH-ssto the alHve ii KNOWN PKHIUIZKRS; Which have stood in the Front Rank for the p i-Jt 12 years. We manutacluie the HIGHEST GRAUKS OF KKKTIL1ZKKS, and 11. in the Tit. Iht-ir bility and Uniformity1 have pecn tested in the so msiaciion hite, of ( Carolina : IT Prot South Carolina'and Georgi.1, to the satisfaction of all who haye used them. We append analysis ri)ade by Frol. White, of Geof. an - - 1 1 a GUAR0: Prof White, of Georgia, StAto Chemist. Phosphoric Acid Solutle " Kevenea " " Available " ' Undecom posed Ammonia j Potash Commercial value Prices as low as any standard goods. March z-vr'-m. 2 CO 9 co 11 16 156 $45 9 States of Noillji C. haye used them. nd Profw Shepant, dl ACIIKPHOSPHATE : ! Shepard, of S. 0., Sute OlUiial. -. I'hosplaoric Acid Soluble '. Available " Undecompcsed Potash Commercial value For sale v lb- jtlina, South 5 J4 i r? "- 13 06 37 89 $i3 71 S. 1). McLEAN & CO! Greensboro, 'T-l N,C.