THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, APRIL 24, 1913. PAGE 5. SUEOFVAUJAUEIAHD. tnP of authority and power By vl Irsisned, vested by a de the u!Uler' .rinr oourt of Gull- Superior court of Guil cr6 .,ntv -in the special pi :ord Z Sed Minnie V. Miles, M eu Miles, et als, vs. Dei proceed Wil- Dewey T. liOItl I' v Miles, et ai, me ommissioner will sell at irnr or uuniuru. t&e v in the city of GreensDOro, on ' ..r-enAV. MAY 21. 1913. ,1, at t.n the highest bid i'l-ot V, the trart nr ;er- :, If i:iml. known as the lands rari .Miles deceased, and more of Jf.iyesl-rib-d' as" follows: 'Vn-i ,i - at a white oak tree in Fe:.'. ; h: r Dick line. -which' is uii corner jl -u Liivu, .,,.n';n ; sou-h 3 depress 10 Ui,.T vit.i the sa;d line mI!lult .... ..lra in n marsh. :M-''"' .l, t onvnpr nf Georse r to ti,.-. uu: ,.rH-.!:.'- -. , leet to a pine soiuh 1 degree west "00. ..,,. fnrmrl v mark- f !i..r..' ; .t ,-tviar stake, thence north , " ' 4-, minutes west 1790 feet JJ Vie of Hint and pointers; Lm-e north degrees 28 minutes -aelu . .-.ot m a stone in Phebb's j. J . 4 Kne: 156").o feet to a thence north 6 de- ; g 4(i miniues east wim nieupa u e 40 feet to a on Sam Rich nrori': outhwes: corner; thence iuthVo degrees 27 minutes east 1,-4 5 feet to a stone, Moses Whit "4tts sou -h west corner; thence south 4 decrees 27 minutes east 136 feet a sione: thence south 85 degrees 10 minutes east crossing the public -oad and one branch, 1854,4 feet to the beginning, and , containing 251.7 Said lands are well timbered, good farming lands, and very valuable. TERMS OF SALE One-Ujird cash payable on the day of sale, and the remaining; two-thirds on a credit c? six months. Purchasers to give bends for the remaining two-thirds and pav interest thereon from date 0f sale' at the rate of six per cent, per annum. These lands are near the railroad and about eight or ten miles northeast of Greensboro. For further information apply to the undersigned. Map of premises mav be seen at his office. , This April 19. 1913- G. S. BRADSHAW, Commissioner. 109 Court Square. Notice of Dissolution. State of North Carolina, Department of State. Tc All ;o Whom These Presents May Come- Greeting: Whereas. It appears to my satis taction. by duly authenticated re cord of the proceedings for the vol untary d ssolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited in my, that 1. 1 l. T ""V-k nl i-ae ureensuoro kb auu corporation " of -th s state, whose prin cipal ofrice is s tinted at No. street. inThe city of Greensboro, coun tj of Guilford, state of North Caro lina. tM. w. Thompson being the agent tht rein and in charge thereof, pon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements o Chapter 21, Revisal of 1-605; en titled "Corporations," preliminary to 'he issuing cf this Certificatebf Dis solution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that he said corporation did on the 12h ra of April. 1913, file in. my office duly executed and attested . con sen; in writ'ng to the dissolution of sa'-ci corporation, executed by all f the. stockholders, thereof, which aid consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on -ie in my said office as provided ty Jaw. in testimony whereof, I have here To set my hand and affixed my chciai seal at Raleigh, this 12th of April, a. D. 1913. 17-4t. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. - i NOTICE Thf l'nite;l States of America. J" h Dis rict Court of the United StaVs tor the Western District of . North Carolina.. thn ii,ntter 0f xcmi Falls Store, Inc., Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy. i editors of the Naomi Falls Inc.. of Randleman in the 'J tr. co'.i t of Randolph, and District r'K.,i(1 Bankrupts: t i ' f . s hereby given that on e I'th din- of April, A. D., 1913, e ' J -Naomi Falls Store. Inc.. 'is "rrs 'uly adjudicated bankrupts; ;i' -t!ie first meeting of its cred be held kt the office cf in Greensboro. N. C dry of May, A. D., 1913, -ck in the fcrehoon at " and place the said cred ii t. end; prove their claims trustee, examine the bank transact such other, busi- '' I'! I.' : ti: ;'R';i,t r'1. ai:! ...c-s ;ui s la ay properly come before I 'in r Tn April 18. 1913. S. FERGUSON, JR., Fief eree in Bankruptcy. Auction Sale of Rial Estate iwth" 'dence of the late David ''"between Guilford College ll::k Kid?e, we will sell the farm ''ti to said Davii Huffines Hoi. Joining the lands of W. F. T:f'- M- F. Nelson heirs, C. B. , .gtln arul others; containing about - acrs ( d 01','1 arm iying on the waters ff y Fcrk adjoining tne lands oihi Donne11. W. H. Bunch and . 7rs- ontaining 104 acl-es. Sale ue on "THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1913, A- Al. Terms of sale cash, Neighborhood News. Matters Interest Reported by Our Corps V Correspondents. WHITSETT. The Whitsett band spent MOnday and Monday night at Liberty where they furnished music Xoi tire Liberty commencement. -They had a fine trip they report. Rev. Robert E., Redding preached Sunday morning on the tex; "Come unto me all ye who are heavy laden, j and I wil give you rest.'' On Sun day afternoon Rev. W. S. Hales preached" from the text: "No man can serve two masters." Her many friends were glad to see Miss Mary M. Foust out again the. first of the week, she has not been well or ; some weeks. Saturday last the baseball team played a Very fine game in Wns-ton-Salem against the strongest team in the state, the Twin-City league. The league won five to three, but it was an unusually fine game, and the Whftsett team was given credit for playing them the hardest game they have yet had this year. A crowd of six hundred isaw the game. Horner school cancelled the games - they had promised for the home ; grounds. The season for the first , tune closes this week. They have Played in all ten match games, and lof fon'd parents! hearts.. She was re have hart other teams to cancel marka.bly bright, and thoughtful toe four of the fourteen that were on yoml heT years lways cf a sUnny the schedule. These ten have all dispositIoil she nver fiiled to greet been good games, and the boys have ber friends with a Dright smile and made an unusual record against a pJeasant wora an4 untimely some of the strongest teams in the ; death brines sorrow to thA hearts of state. Every body is now busy making preparation. for commencement which comes May 17, 18 and 19 this fyear. All the speakers have been eleoted, and a most interest' ng time is prom ised. It is the twenty-fifth year of the school under the present man-" i ...... agemens which adds consmeraDie in- terest to the event. - The boys went up in automobiles last Wednesday afternoon for the gome the Greensboro league -earn, leaving yvn-e- at x and returning about 8. They enjoy- ( efc the game very mucn, ana me ride as well ELON COLLEGE. Last Thursday evening the faculty heard the members of the graduat- ing class of this year deliver ora tiens and present essays and from the entire class selected six 3oy will speak on commencement day, June 4. The other members of the class will have large part in the class day exercises, which occur on The evening of ay 61. The following were the represen- tatives chosen: Miss Virgie Beale, Windsor, Va., subject, "The Living Structure.'- Miss Pearl Tuck, Virgilina, Va., subject, "He Can Who Thinks He Can-' ' 1 Mr. D. T. Surratt, . Jackson Hill, N. C, subject, "Scholarship a Train- mg For Service Miss Pearl Fogleman, Burlington, N. C, subject, "The Badge of Infe riority." Mico Vinlo TfniJ-rior RlktOn Va.. .li-"Lv...: ,i4 ' a ' suwieco., ine sity.' Mr. A. L. Hook, Winchester, Va., subject, "Hidden Powers." , Dr. W. S. Long, of Chapel HU1, first president and founder of Elon College, last Thursday morning be- , gan a course or lejtures to uixms. terial students on "Systematic Theol ogy.'' These lectures represent many years of research and are the ripe product of a life of ministerial la- K-n- nv,1- ctiirlv T'hoir will Yt Trint" . . , . -rrUct.r f t ed m bock form immediately after they are delivered here. Noh'ng Doing. No large . looking glasses at Les "sor'.c ctni- oturd' 1 1 r fanrv nanPr and no iancy prices; we aon sen on -Ei II 11 time, therefore we don't ask those big, long profits. We must turn our goods over and over, and small profits does the work. You 11 ap- preciate our low prices more the more you try to match them else- where. 1 it is shoes, cloth ng, hats, dress goods,, you 11 find that you can save money ty trading a Les ser s star store. adv. An unexpected development in the Declamatron land recitation con state rate cases, which have been l.est- "'! pending before he Supreme court Sunday, April 27, 2.30 P. M. for more than a year, occurred afew Annual sermon fcy Rev. Air. Walker, days ago when the department of of Greensboro. justice obtained the permission of Monday, April 128, 8 P. M. Enter- the court to if ilea brief as a "friend tainment by gramjnr grades, of the court." The contention of the Tuesday, April; 29. 10.45 A. M.- m.nt in thA brief was that Annual address by Mr. W. H. Swift, the interstate commerce commission is supreme over state rate making bodies and may annul stata regula- tions in the disguise of state rates when interstate commerce is affect-, ed substantially thereby. ' DEEP RIVER "CHURCH- Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Gossett have recently taken in a new 'mem bers to their family, it is a boy. Mrs.' Rush Pegratn, of near Oak Ridge, visitetjher 'parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. v. W. Gossett, last week. April 15 at 1 7.30 P. M., at the home of Mr. J. S. Welborn, on East Washington street, High Po'.nt, Miss Mary Estelle. Williams was united in marriage to Mr. William Thorn ton, Rev. J. H. Barnhardt offciat ingj Miss Williams is the daughter o Mr. and Ms. Williams, of th' place. The groom is assistant .game keeper at he Alamance lodge, where they will make their home. The best wishes of many friends go with them. Messrs. N. ,j L. Gossett and Will Wheeler are on the sick list. We hope for them a speedy recovery.! Many farmers around here are mak ins prepaiations for their first crop o tobacco In many years. Plants are looking and every thing seems to be moving along favorably for a large crop of the weed this year. Miss Ruth White, the 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verge White, rassed away last Friday, "af ter a lingering illness of several weeks. The deceased was. the only daughter o' the family. A shadow of deepest sorrow has fallen over a home. There is an oppressive si- len ' t littl hll Rutn's merry laughter and cherry dis poSiti& 'were -the sunshine and joy many friends, for all loved Ruth. The deceased was a student at Jamestown high school, but was forced to give up her studies by the sickness that cut short her 'beau tiful young life. Interment w?s at Deep River cemetery. Funeral ser- vjces was conducted by Rv. George Wood. PROVIDENCE. Wheat . and oats are looking f 'ne, ed Jn tWa neighbornood H c GreiSOn Dreached at Trov idence Sunday. Mr. . C. A. Pugh and fam-ly, of New Salem, visited his fa'her, F. K. Pugh, Sunday. conf jned" lth measles and , one w. k. iNeeces lamuy nave ueeu daughter now has pneumonia. Mrs. Mary Osborne 'Lamb, of New yislti friends and rela- tives here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Routh, of Orange county, are visiting Stanton king's fam ly Qur community boasts of one of th& smartegt en we know off he hag been reported as doing good wcrk opQTSitLnr a complete sawmill alone Providence school closes 'April 25 with exercises Mrs. S. Wi Whita is very ill, at writing ' s51 . t hom from a visit to rela ives at Randleman. Mcther Gray's Sweet Powders For Children. Relieve feverishne&s, bad stomach, teething d'-sorders. move and regula.e the bowels and are a pleasant rem- edy for worms. Used by mothers 'or 22 years. They never fail At A(J(e AU'en s olmstdf Le Roy, y. adv-14-4t. ; FRIEDENSCHURCH. The people in th's community have planted but very 1 ttle corn, owing to the wet weather. There was no preaching at Frie- dens on the third Sunday in this J - . month owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. C. J. Sox. We hope for his speedy recovery. The memorial services will be at Friedens church tha first Sunday in Come and bring your dinner " and stay all day. Bring all the flow- Q at llf aDA follow- iag cnlng wiil be tlie'4iStribut:on Qf lowers Qn tfle cf the loyed Tfaere h& in Pleasant Gardten High School Pro- gram. Saturday nigiit, April 26, 8 o'clock of Greensboro, anVl presenting of aipiomas to feven-iu grade. 2.35 P. M., address I to graduating class by , . . n . it, . " "pecror or high schools. 8 P. Si Because I T y-v "VT -vn " A mlQir YiT iKl o-V i XT itt WroTIrA of oft s xvu" "J scn001- HOWARD GARDNER DRUGGIST, Greeensbofo. N. C. mbmbi Schedule in Efist December 8, 1912. Leave Wjnston-Salem. ,7 A. M., daily for Roanoke and In termediate stations. Connect with main line train north, east and west with Pullman sleeper. Dining cars. 2.05 P. M., daily for Martinsville, Roanoke, ttie north and east. Pull man steel electric lighted sleeper. Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Phila delphia, New York. 4.15 P. M., daily except Sunday, for Martinsville and local stations. Trains arrive Winston-Salen 9.15 A. M., 1.55 P. M., 9.35 P. M. W. B. BEVILL, W. C. SAUNDERS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pa. A, RoaDK. V PIEDMONT PRODUCE CO. 329 S. Davie St. GREENSBORO, N. C. Wholes le Commission Merchants Poultry, Eggs and Butter, wanted. This market is just about as high as Eastern mar kets, and nearer home. Try us with your shipments. We also sell Fruit and Produce as low as any one here. Reference: Greensboro Loan & Trust Company and Elon Banking & Trust Co., Elon College, N. C. J. E. BRITTON, Mgr. 23 Years' Experience Waterloo Boy Gas Engine for all purposes. Guaranteed for five years. M. G. NEWELL 'Southern Anfa "MSY" IMPROVED Have only a fewt left, .and you'll have to hurry if you get one. Bought more and sold more "Daisy" Planters than ever before. "There's a reason" several of them in fact why we sell so many "Daisy" Planters.- Don' want to see one before they are all sold. : . Plenty of Spike Tooth and Disc Harrows, Weeders, 4 Shovel Cultivators Single and Double Plows and the prices are right, too. ALL MIWTOEII & flMCHT WE Our line of Spring and Summer Foot wear is complete in every respect, and we we're never so ready to serve you as RIGHT NOW. Come and let us fit you and save you money. CoMe & THE CASH vis SPRING 'MIIXINERY MISS LEANNA CURTIS Extends a cordial invitation toner friends, and all women in Guilford and surrounding coun ties to call and see her usvlaeji -they come to Greensboro, and look at her large and care fully selected stock of the LATEST and PRETTIEST things in Spring and Summer rilillinery Maybe you are not ready to buy just yet, but you want to know what is Good Style and where to go when the time comes to make the purchase. At this store you will see nothing but good styles, as the stock is all new. No left-overs from last season. Remember the Place and Call to See Me 121 N. Elm St. Next to Uanner Building GRELNSBORO, N. C If you want to be successful in the shortest possible time, study Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Touch Typewriting and Penmanship in the Greensboro Commercial School. We've started hundreds on their upward climb to success. We teach an education that is marketable and one that can be turned directly into money. If you are ambitious, and are seeking a way to better your condition, take a course in our school. Address the School at Greensboro, N. C, for full information. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator o the estate of James W. Forbis, de ceased, late of Guilford county, N. C tit is is tc notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to me as said LAST CALL FOR Gem TDQE (SZ0S MeBaun'e, SHOE STORE administrator on or before the 1st. day of April, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re--covery. All persons Indebted to said, estate please make immediate pay ment l4-6t. his April 1. 1913. v r R. M. REES, Admr,, t - of James W. Forbis, Deceased. PLANTERS II W',! urmefl- tOT any otner in J'm apply to the undersigned,. lUl April 15, 1913. . . - L. C. HUFFINES, D. F. HUFFINES. Executors. ( Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S G A: S T O R l A 1 1 ON THE CORNER" 1 UBr;R,BE TQ THE pATfllOT. tr k V Oliildren Qry FOR FLETCHER'S CSTORJA

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