CJjc (C a u tier. A Democratic Newspaper. published every Friday in Loubburg Clj c C ouvicr. mm KATES OF ADVERTISING. ' (10 mroK LE'sc sfnrnn f(jr.n One fi'.reonelncrti'n ?I Q One Hack tuWijiiMit i .-.ill .n.. 5. Cue Cnrnon:h 2a IIATI-S OF SUIWCnir'TION, Copy 1 year 2.00 6 Month'. ............ ...I 0' 3 Mo .ilis...... 73 , TEKMS pASH IN aDVANCfe Devoted to politics, literature, science and art. Cue Two month .. Cnc " Three nvnilU-...... J. a Ci ,Fix moiitli; ..J .jo Ore TwcheuHnt!w &oi tent VOL. 3. LOTJISB rjRG, N. 0., NOVEMBER, 28, 1873. NO. 5. ' o in Professional Cards. DENTIST. Oflci tm Professional bervtces to the prbhc in Every department of Dentistry. OFFICE-, Loaisburg at WarreDton ovtr Dent. Hotel, 1 Parker & Watsons Store, C. lLCOOtef , W. H. Sucncer CaOKIS !& S?EKOEm Ani SsUcAtois in. BANKRUPTCY L0U1SBURG N. C. , i Will attend the Courtaof Nns!.,Frar.k tin, Granville, Warrennd Wak; Coun -tics, idso the Supn m Court of North Carolina and the U. S, Circuit and bW 1 c Couits. Nj. 7 -tf 55. rJP. atI!ECIEEM. ; ATlOItNEY AT LAW, L 'tricuno N C. Will practice 'in the courts of the 6ilt judicial district. . . J Io.npt mtehtiou dven to the 'colic c tionof claiu.s. No oO tf J JOS. J. DAVIS, . ATT'Y and COUNSELLOR at LAW Louisiiur.a, fi;ankli co. n g Wilbprsctice in the eevera.! Coorta of Grin Franklin, Nnah, Warren ami Waku. a. Prompt aiti-ntion paid to the collec tion mid n-nut'.aLCo ol niouey. - July 15, 1871. 1 Wi. K. Barton, I RoVt M. Barton, Loubbu j,iN. Fo.cjiv-il e. N. e ahiiam & Kami am Ally's ani Couusellors at Law, 1 At LohUuu-Y, F nk i Co, N. C, and at For-tv l, WAp, Co. XV C, 14 fllcea miles from l nle'gli b; Itad. VTill practice lu the Srp rior Conrta or the 6tU Judteat Diaiiic", in th Siipr ma. Cuur f the State, nd m Fed rl onrtu. Pronip1 aiteitii n ep ldti Co11pc lnp, tSecuiiog. Veixiriaiaini aud Sct hug Claims," -. Dr. J.B. C If ft on, PHYSICIAN ail SURGEON. Dec. 20, 1372 -tf, , it D r, W. J. Cooke, 'PHYSICIAN ail SURGEON. Off rs hU pr. f h ion.l se viws to the citi aena rif Fni! Win rotmtv e lhVc at his mot h, era reMdetue o miles south of kou sburg. ' So. 10-ly. Death-Sei of "dtoaewall" Jactson This is the title "f a fine engraving of the DeatL-Ded of 'Stouewall 1 Jack son, 14 x 18 inches in size, and printed on heavy plate paper. Orficers ut the Confederate army are grouped sorrow fully around the- couch of this great and good man,, this christian soldier, whose lili-b'.ood ha3 been given lor his country. In the distance is the encamping army, the weary sentinel on hisbent, & It is a picture that will toufi evtry SuutL tro hear', and should have a pi see in tvery Southern home. Sent by mai mounted on ro ler, securtly wrnppedt and post paid, lor 20 cts each or three Jo- iu cent?. Address W. M. Bcbkow. 200 Main street JJri.M Tenn. Agen'8 wentcd f. r this and a vtnety cd oihir fine ecraviegs. From 5 to $10 a day cup easily be nifidi . No 1 4w. GREEN & ALLEN, . , Grocers And COMMISSION MERCHANTS Solicit CcnslxcmeQta of 1 Co ttoii, TolMlcvo, "V Iicsit. : ITIotiis Corn, (likl Produce Generally. ! Agi'ii.it for ibu Excelleuza Cotton. FeiUhzer Hud Gullctts iinpiove.t feted Urul) Cotton Oils. No. 1-0 Svraaj.e d.ieet Petersburg, a. .No. I ly r ; ,''r .Agent Wnt.-i! AH J0 XO ilU of working pfcople,of:Kier.er.you. or old, make more money at Y.ura for iu in their ap momenta, or ail (he time, than at anything else. iartic lara&ee. Addrcu C. Stinsou & Co., FortlaiwJ . jj. Te KammaiM & Dealers In HATS, CA?S, FURS, STRAW GOODS, CANES & UMBRELLAS, No. 20Sycaroore Br., Petersburg, Va. Parculor nttentioa paid to Or I dtraa . sep26 3m, T, A. ST. CLAIR- , Ka ufae.uror of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, EXPRESS, SPRING & FARM WAGONS. CRRTS AND D8AYS. ;oimr vf L nibatd & Second Streets PETERSBLRG, Vj. A co d isortment a w y on ban ind will make to order evtry de ciip- tu n ot work in bis line. Kep-siritigid'evciy le cription heavy and ligut such as painting, wood-woik black-smithinj, done - f liihtully and promptly. Ail woik.wrrantetL I r S;eeitLii!y ask a caUt as-I am snip that t..tli in pi-ii-'ea and Wcrknmn9lip I can gi e saUs-lncti n, s-.p 26 3u GROCERIES 1 GROCERIES!! Extra C, Deinerara and orto Rico fu gai : Javr, LaiiU gia aot Rto CoU ia- : LJae.or, 8Hle8 aud shout., der-: Ctio'ice Demfrnri -. M 'lapses: Family Ex tra, and Super, L Flour ; new Rice, Just receive King. White k Shaw P, A ILLIAMSOX, W. B. WILLIAMS N. . T. Williiiuson & Bro.5 We most re?rect'u'Iy announce to he ciliz ns of . Franklin-. Ceunty, that we h-ivu commenced he mcreaniite I U; ir.ess in L 'Uldnug. a ul wi'll keep. Ctn g antly on h$n-l a good se'tc.io.n of Staple Dry Good?, Groceriff, Hardware, Crocktry wan , C. filling. Hate, Bos, &ho8, Contecti oneries &c. We pledge ourb -Iv s t.i ell aschpas ary other house iu the i-Iace, Give -usjatiial, The highest market price paid for pro duce iu exchpge for goods. be 10 12m.' J. P. Wi.i i.iams N & Bro. ! ' Louisburg, N C, JOSEPH CAFtRJ (Successor to Jordan & Carr Wholesale and Betail Pealer io Drugs & PatentMedicines Paints, Oils, Glass, Dyes, Tarnishes, Brushes, ! Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &e. Corcer Sjcmoie aud Washington t? sep20 3m, Petersburg, Y. llli Jil ! nm T I "lp f X X Jri; J2j , ' . v jxt-u is Hint -! I 500 cords oak wood, $2.75 icr cord. 600 cords pi o do 2 do Delivered anywhere in 1 ouisburg at shortest notice. apply to Terrell & Harri. ORIGINAL, STORY. BY CHARLES SOUTH. enf PTER VI. I A very quiet party were they on the road, that late afternoon. "Willie Ioor was unusually Bilent and abstracted ; Marion half conscious and quiie peni tent. He adored his sister as little less than a divinity ; and while he liked Willie Ioor very much better than any other young gentleman on the island : and admired his beauty, versatility and spirit, he yet kept a jealous dragon like eye on any presumptuous adven turer who seemed desirous of plucking his golden, Hesperian apple, -t But the fear that he might have compromised his sister's dignit', and stainci his own reputation for courtesy, nay wor.-e, ijur hospitality made him uncomfortable and quiet-. For Marion, as far as the lightotfourtcen summer's went, was a very Clievalier Bayard, Meanwhile Grace, behindthe fragrant burden she would carry herself, was grateful for being left to unbi oken reverie, and very ready to bury herniate embarrass ment in pleasant musing. X The sunshine slept upon the treeless road in the dreamy haunting wayof early autumn ; and over the hedges on, each hand trailed long sprays of crim son vines, mingled with the various shades of green and j bronze. These hedges were full of busy birds, bul finches, old thrushers,red and mocking birds, picking theripeniDg berries ; and every thicket on the wayside made its vicinity vocal with" their melodies. An occasional gun report evidenced that the hunting soason was yet at its height, and startled vast flocks of whirring kild6es from the long bay marshes. At the rush of wngs, Marion would stait forward with the eagle faca and gesture of an excited huntsman, and the little r.arsh tackcy would 'prick up his ears in sympathy ; but the next moment, his rider would sink back with the blank consciousness of no ammunition and sighing heavily for the absent gun, pass on- ; When they reached the Three Trees, all stopped, with one impulse, to enjoyj the prospect. Threb immense pines thot.up straight and tall by the road side. l ho absenca of intercepting shrubbery and thicket extended the view forward to the Martello Towt.r, a mile acroes the white terraces of well blown cotton fields and palmetto crown ed bluffs ; and to the harbor, a broadl gleaming zone under th piled cloud .masses, with the picturesque city i in the background. The boom of a can non broke the stillness, and Grace in voluntarily glanced back at the sun, certainly not setting. Another and yet another low thundering, at short intervals. ! They are targetting at Moultrie, said Fohn answering her glance ' Maj. iVndersou got a fresh supply of ammu nition from the United States steimer that was in last Tuesday.' 4 1 hope he'll get well rid of it soon, said Willie, - I don't, cried Marion ; I want to see a little lively shooting match be tween them and us before th?y leave ; and they wouldn't try j wihout long odds in their favor. I believe we can beat them, with all their target-prac- : Marion, my little brother! said his sister softly ; You speak of jeop ardizing human life aa you would of hunting deer, Dou't look grave, sister, J can't help it. I certainly shall be .sorry if they carry that old striped rag out of our harbor witho .t giving ua a chance of sending a ball through it. j You ougbt to hear Col. Ioor talk about c ... I. their turning our own guss upon' our city, when old Gen. Jackson and Scott I I bragged what they would ! do if we i d-da.t gubm'it hke a kked cur ! 1 I don't care about killing them; particu larly : but I should like mightily to give them a scare. It would do their insolence good. ' They would hardly make force nee essary to eject them, in case we assert our independence, remarked John. The amount of United State's proper- ty, in South Carolina, is so sniall,coni pared with her claims on the general Government, or rather, I should say, her share of the public and common possession, there could be no pretext tor disputing her action. withany show of justice V And when did the general Govarn menfc wait for show of justice ; that is, since it has been under Northern control ?' asked Willie Ioor hotly. It has hcird that ages ago, a divine being Justify fled from earth to Hcav en, and returned no more. In this lit has full and practical faith in. her flight, I mean. It iikes to apostrophize her in uiaudlin rhyme, and flourishing July and Thanksgiving orations ; which has a fine rhetorical effect, especially about Boston. But the North prides itself on being niuchj too sensible to go maun- dering about in search of a mythical personage, a creature of quixotic imag- inations; and wasting working days and money making opportunities in holiday talk. Believe me, if the North .ets us have these forts without dig- pute, it will be because it is afraid to fight, not from any latent instinct tf justice.' ( 'You think secession imminent? t asked Miss Hazlehurst constraiued x I do indeed. Father does not ad- mit any other adjustment of our difii I culties as possible ; and he represents ninc-tenthsV the people who have talked of it before me. He is so fired by the opportunity he thinks will be given in the approaching election, he can think of nothing clscsEvery thing is lipe for it. The North sees it, and in sheer helple? sness has raised the taunt that the South cannot be kicked out of the Uuion The two sections wero utterly unlike in the beginning, and are drifting apart every day. Sc cession is the mere lormal recognition of the chasm that yawned between them thirty years ago.' ' That is so,' assented Marion cm. phatically. 1 Itis natural theys'iouldn't want us. They are as different from us as Arabs or Hottentots. 1 sold mv old horse Pinkie you knew hini Wil lie, to that Massachusetts manJ Jona than Hanks, who has & truck farm on the Main, He is good enough, and honest, a? far as I know. When I sent Pinkie over he didn't have the mo ey ready, and sent me a note by Peter, saying he h:.d most of it and would watch for me at the city. He sent what he called his bond. I didn't know what it meant, and of course took no account of it. I had never seen a note given for less than an estate. A week afterward, sure enough, he found me in the market looking at some pine apples, and handed mc the money. It lacked twenty dollars and he had an oth er note ready fcr that and my re ceipt. I told him that gent emen didn't act toward each other in that way, here ; they give their word instead of their bond : that I had lost the other paper und didu't want one, but J would sign it or him, and he might give me ttie rest when he saw me. He oasn t been here long. He looked at me in astonishment, and said : Wa'aluow young gentleman, I don't see how you c .lc'late to make a living at that rate. But I guess I can get it by next Saturday.' And ha did. Oh ! they are honest enough iu their ;wav individually, I suppose, said Willie. But their way is not oun and I want to get loosed from them. Think of the insolence of that Down Easter, who said he was ashamed to name his country in the O d World because of this plague e pot of the South on its white garments ! As if a lank whining yankee I beg your pardon Miss Grace, but my Southern blood fires up when I thiuk f it and in truth, his face was crimson and bis oyes flashed wouldn't betray, I pay his fatherland at firsst view anywhere. And our namcj ranking with the first in Europe, and our auctitry the cream cf Engl bh and Frencn nobility .1' 4I know you are right, she answered, I know that both sections chafe in the collisions of sympathies and interests. I know that the one bond that holds them together is, with us, the embers of our old love for that flag and its association with our great names; and with them, the tide of commercial life that flows t them through our rice and cotton fields. Yet she sighed as she ceased, and turned a pale and changed face back to the far-away water, In the silence that fell, a sound grew more nd more audible, voices shouting and cheering to the steady accompaniment of a clicking noise, the play of oar3 in their rowlocks". 'It is a boat "raco," said Marion, af ter listening intently a half-minute. 1"11 wa2cr a dozen Principes that its our boat and yours. Willie Ioor ; and that ours wins ! 'Agreed,' said Willie, with a laugh, They were yet resting on their' horses at the ThreQ Trees ; the harbor was but a mile away and he air very still. The cheering and the cries o the helmsman indicated an exciting struggle. 'They are just opposite Mt. IlinsonV er'ed Marion breathlessly. 'There! Didu't you recognize Peter's shout? if wc can reach the MartelloTowcr in time we may witch them clear to the bridge. Sister will you go?' Yes, lam willing,' she answered indifferently, but smiling at his eager. ncss. i They galloppcd past the field on theil lcft autl luo marsh beyond, and struck the shore just two hundred yards west of the old tower, 'Q two boats, fine ten oared barges were just.coming clearly into view : the negroes in each strain ng every nerve aud beudmg their stalwart frames to the oars as if their lives depended upon the issue. The helmsmen and strokes wera especially enthusiastic and voluble, tin former sometimes springing to their feet with a ringing cheer of encouragement or a spurring objurgation or entreaty to put forth all reserved muscle as the boat promised success or failure. A rapid volley poured forth .in a contionuous stream. ' Ua 'c Tony ! mck 'r bile. 'O, boys steady. Gieittoher. If you no mind she get ahead. 4 Pull dere Bob. You Harry, move dem hand faster ; you lazy ellow ! - Col. Ioor's boat got ahead one clear length, and the rowers seemed content jvitli their victory, and inclined to take some respite, but the leader rose in the stern and with a shout that made the shores ring, bade them redouble their efforts. You good for noin tings you, gic it to her. Wo got to be five lengths ahead, at least, wen we reach de bridge. Don' you sei Moss Jnilie. dere?' But Peter, looking out along the line of spectators, who had gathered from varions points, e aw Aw party.and with a 3 ell of mingled desperation and resolve appealed to his men to make one more effort to retrieve their falling fortuneSf an(i . not iei Mos3 john aud Miss Grace see 'em beat.' Under the sudden impetus of the answering "strokes, his boat shot forward, bump- ing the other ; which t uccess was cele brated wilh a prolonged cheer. The strugsls was rcucveJ and the excite cent sustained. The sweep of t he oats through the rui-hiug water, t'ie play of the Ihck muscular arms, eclipsing in their rapd rie and lall the white gleam of the khicicg eyes aad tteth ot the roacr?, had a certain wild lascination. Our party fohojrcd a'oag te sWorr, and gained the wharf where spectators l.ai gathered to await tho ieu, as Col. Ioor' a loat truck the Lead vf ite bridge bat a half-leng b io trout ot its riva'. A long loud shcut from bi'men and lookt n- n iaateuM Sumter revcrlera'e .and wake the ethoei from the aljceLt bluff aad breakwater. x.lanatton acd rip'oacaia mde coniusioo Wurx co- It uade I , thts un.ucccssfol crew, ri9cg in tatu might to give reason j ior filurr, the ot reaos ia their blind hers deal to all ltnd exaltation. John an-! Craco turufd homeward from the clamor. Willie and Mtrioa went down to tue wharf, or aa tutj called it, the bridge j lbe lirmcr to ditptcse congratulations and sjUtaa tial bounty, the Utter, partly at JoW sfr-gis'ioD, to al:en defeat bj prain: ol th fiae and almost fccctsi'ul iflV rt at retrieve'. It must oat appeal to them in their present mntinc!hD, h U their young people wcr running away Irom the Toai'a disgrace , that were addirjg insult to injury. . . The master of the cearcst house bad hurried down with decanter and glass, aa.i an i ooiu pain ana pleasure were now dnwned tqutlly ia the care Jis" pelting 4bowi Thei'ass passed around Irom cue brown, aching haml to nothtr, leavirg a ahiuing wake of glittering tteth and rare good fellowship. All exhibitions ot bitterness and triumph- teg were washed away together and ivuut.tua I'l LIUiitCilJ IUTC (! ID cd pride set flawing. The latter ele ment was further strengthened by the t.ic that an EJUto Idand boat hd pass.'el at the very best possib'e mo ment to receive, gratis, a lesson ob tie bery best rowiu dy eber seed ia dere born livct.1 The negroes of tuat island were supposed to be in a very btniyht ed conditiou compared wi:hthjm re favored James Islanders ; and yet, like other ignorant peop'e, presumed t airs ot fcuperiority, 1 his bjit in particular had mi e itkdf especially obnuxious, by makii g audible remans, at a recent period when passdi.g the boal-housea at the Bluff, ab: ut James Islanders prompted doubtlc, by envy, and had indulged in obscure allusions to black berric?, as their ouly sustenance. The brother and sitter going slowly down the village street tad a fair view of the targettitg irom Moultrie ; tnc target being set in the nearer tdge o! Crsdj Bmk.. Th-y . saw the gun fltb and smoke, the water dull up as the ball struck and riciche;te be to re reach ing thtf goal; thca hiari slowly iullow inp, the heavy jeverb.-rating boom of the cannon across the tranquil bay. They wa'.ciud the scene in silence, both hearts filled with the shadows ot coming evtnts ; and turned Irom it at the gate without a word. 1 Grace lingered on the veianda aloue, and stretching out h:r arms to the sea trie I softly, with a halt"s b, ti herse'f: 'O Loybl, Lojal, come back to us (TO BE mXTIXCED.) Tlie Ilei'oie orOurTlmcN . We msy fi-id herois.n, even now, wherever we find the tl-jmen. ol do'.y at work. It is -n the foMjo roisiion tit 1 '- it u abroad on tLe pra'rie, where the home missionary, the coN porteur, the lble praying band are striving to build up Christian institc tioriF, and to mould tociety by the power ol thegofpel. We may trace it along the path of stl.'-Jenying jbi!ar lhrop;ea. ; We may find it in bum'dc b mes where laith triumphs over ob.tacUa eil surrounding, temptation, and want. We mtj discover it, tc, where it is rarely credited with Iwing tcund. In home of ifiljencr, wherti luxurious induT-encc am! coLformity to tasliioo give place t C trU:isa smp .thy and colscientio'js fi lel'.ty t) saend trusts, lie that would be heroic now need not complain of the agr. The age m-rey modifies the c;ndili :s under wh'ch lienls n a'-.all be dcvtl pe Thedil ficulties and tssks io which it is car lured abound t'1j, n?tthe h.M tha: to the world's view ttiey are common J p'.scc, and seemingly jgnoblc. To l-e a true di.-ciplc of Curut to adorn nt' pr f. s on by a con Utent lif; to stem ti.e tide ot Irivolity and Uhir, livirg in that in p!ic:ty which is atcoidiog to godliness to do and give and pray for ths triumph of the k'ngdoa ol cur b'.ci'e! Is rd to stand stcadfut amid the worldliritss tf the sge to witceu oo! c-infijaion in th; lec of lad if r- ence or of .scorn ill this poitlble .ven oor, and ail th s is called Ir -. i neter perhaps more than it is to-day. A By Mhs displayed a I'jtj, darg lirg watch chaic, was asked : iVbii' the tice ol dar, Jim I' The lad drew out Lis watch very ceremoniously, and atur exjusiciag it for a whi r, referrel li another boy, an! s&id : Ia this the figure nine or the figure xvtn. 4 iVei', then.' svd th gtciu-, i: tacks just abj.il half aa icch of ergh. . - - , - . " A. drunkard who lad rue through property re urncd me rijht to hi u- -turaUl cd liomau He crrt e l his eror ty hlU Anni. u(i.1? it ,n heart s'lings and l-nucea ind. qute ti ixprv h ry s been tercd his ifi'j ip.Mi.tv, nVI,er beheld the tictima of U np-j-.-ti", I loving wile anl a d. r i g ii!d. M.. rose and lullen, he sca'c I b:mi!f wi h out a wrrd ; he coul ! r ot pak ; he could nut look up thn. Tienvtht said to the little one av h T a d . Come my dear, it i time tu to bed ; and that little I1 y, as .lie went,, kntlt by htr mothei Uj , and'azirj' wxstlully into tlie f..c: ot her t uffcring. parent like a pucs ot chl le t atft'uayv slowly rrpcted her ri g'uly orl-on. When she had f!ui Ik he ch I ! 0ut four ytars old) sid t.i Urr m-tlu Doar mother, may I nr ..ff r u( o e more prayer i " Ye?, my swett pe, pra. And she lifted u icr tny hu- , closed her eye, ami prityd : Ob, God, spar , .U prc my dear papal That prayer wt htttd wuU electric rapidity to the throne of 0il. It was heard on h'g'i; it vu herd oa earth. The r&ty 'A ne l burit irom the lathe ' I p , and h:s heart of atone bec-mc a hestt ot flh, Wife and child werj both cU'ped t his boson, and in pe-dtente he atid : My child, you have saved y t fa ther from afcdrunktrui gave, IMVgs the pledge.' Ttll us net in idle jlrglr. jjarriao is an empty dr. atr, fr tie si ri is d ad tua.'i f ingle, an 1 things arJ not what th-y seerr. L.ic la earn' '. iiir w I to b aedcess a fib; Mm 4il.u arr, to rnn. returns ,' has been spoken of the rib. Not ecjiynuir, 'd o t tor o t is our destined end jor viay, bt i rtthat each t -ni-arf fi ..l ua m-- rr marriage day. Lie ia lo:g and yuu;li i flee in , and our hearts mou-h lij;l.t ni gay,. 6 ill tike pleaiit drums are Uatin wedding mntchcH all the war. In tie woiUV broal field of battb, in the. bivouac? of t if , be not like dumb, drivea c-itlle be a heroine a wife. Trust no lu'.u e, h iwevcr pV siot ; Ut the dead pst bu'y its aeidl ic', act in tUe liviog pr iit ! hart lthiu sud hrpe ahead. I ives ol married folks remind us e can live our iives as Te'.l, ard dja'ti- leive txhind ua such ixamphs hs ahnll Mrll- S ch ex amples tint acK'ier, wastio timo ia idlopr, a t-.rl.m. n-m rrlrd-l r thtr fitting, thili ttk- he tit ahl coutt Lr,t us ther, 'c p aad d..ng. ih a l.eirt on trtunip't m-, a ill CM.tnviop, . still j) Jtui'o, at d C3 oi.o a hrabud . g.L Excnaxci:. lCIll4 The man wi b gKl, firm health i. rich. 5. is the parent ,f rigor n, happy childnn. J ' ' So is the r'rajoo be cost tb litt'e cLiTdr. a Iu- k, a he ptastt thexa in their ply. fro ts that wife who hat the whole, heart of a l hus'nl. S is ti.e n a ! Abto horizon Is not boun I l y the cu ing ta,, but, who baa a pi'j e Io ;ife, whetluf she tvtr me.t h ax ur sot. So is il yun m n b , lsyicLis haad u hi hear, can j, 'I have treated tv r wo.'. 1 ever aaav as I should w.rii mi i.ttr ; reared by other, me-' 6. is the lt'ferhlM lhtgei to . s'ep wi'h k;i ou it lip , and lut. hta.-wk ;M Wjwi,f. So is the us i w , 4t withstanding his m.ny terfptaiiub , can resist thai'- . tcXCatia h'Hi. Mktnta ror ta lur. crird m ii'lle cir'. ;n Ur . .: lr. it U slat lie bis wa'l. 1 butti...' Her mother, si irg 1 tr itrr. r ca nity r 'u-d. i'eii, what . R-d id thai tlu L.r V fcaid the little c d a. ri'j'r. Not any good aa ! r- , un!trt )tu tliow$ a buttoa b r I' FivV - t yorg taaf, wa'kinj . op Si-e 'ctri i'l i hicg' toe o Ltr . dyt afi.r ! a ecii g to his oidrr:ul , s'.on,. y-u Vbo by 30a are like sharp srutk-iy lihtou g 1' X 3 Vm' ; 1 -ire it np. C.-cause T harpaiu.-V lj lightning U sbisUU t Ijte. i