if V GEORGE S. BAKER,. Editoi: and PitorniTOK. ''. MfTCHELL, Associate Editor. - r i. AH1 letter? addressed to 1 : O'ko. 5. Bakhi Fkiday. December 5. 1873. 1 , , 1 : IV Q Was.-, - . .1 The agony is over We -are to l ave no war. There lias been much 1 blunter, Many of 1 the newspapers in the land took the infection voluntarily, uid endeavored to infuse it with the people. Rut so far as 'our observation cxtcmlr, very few indeed, compared to the bulk of our pppulation wanted any-war, and fewer still proposed 'to jxhf it it should cohie. W'e noticed that soiuc of our State exchanges, which seemed warm for it in the be ginning; Jbcgan to cool off in a' very large measure before the news of the s:ttlc::icnt of the difficulty reached thorn. . ' Wq have not "yet believed there was any necessity for tho war, as we have lid''ery serious doubts, whether there has been any violation of the Iai of nations. m It is by no means certain, that tho Virginius, was a bona fide United. States report, as our govern ment uclf has tacitly conned, in jlefcrriiig tlio day for the.'uaiute to' be made to the flog, ' in order that the character of the Virginius may be en uircd uto. ' . . 'e incline to bo;oDinion expreas6d by thViristian Unio)i of Hew York, that tta Capture p.nd speedy execution of tho. 'fait of "tha Yirginius. was a inost revolting violation of the hws of miiunity, but' that it wa3"a violation of international law, as Wore said' we (lave vcry serious doubts. - U is however, all over, and we are to live no war, but that peace, for the time Wing at least, is to reign. " And for this wo should bo 'thankful to the great ltulcr of nations as well as'lndividuals. It is a very easy. matter to ug'et up a war, and those Who usually brfag it en have very little' regard or feeling C"i the Buflering tliat is entailed there by. It is usually gottoo up by "Selfish, lrinccs or men calling themselves" nt-itcsmen, in order that their own scl .ftsJi cnJs uiay be promoted. Theiu Hiigurators rarely 'do the fighting,' but that generally falls upon a" class of people tliat know and' care" nothing til out the quarrel. "yVe do not Del ievc that a nation should resort speediiy to nuns for every imagining 'insult or misunderstanding with another nation. Every means possible should be resort o'd to, to prevent such a dir'e calamity. Wc hope now that thofoiebodiDesare about river, that we may have a long era, of peice and prosperity in the land. A lid that 'there maybe Lovmorevofwar with' its" desolation und misery iii this wild for ages ' to " come.' " We are for eace, first, last and all the liaie. Hlnulav Coincidence. Everybody has heard of 'those singu lar coincidences of thought that somc t,acs happen . in great minds. Jf thcy ;are indubitable evidence of iu tellcitual greatness, no one will here after have the "hardihood to deny that our esteemed, contemporary of the Warreutou Gazette and ourselt,' are wuaict.i(in the last usue -of tha UtvetiA an tditonal paragraph appears i I , .-'" tUA BUWBIKU9C, wun crtc contained in our la8tfrom-which ; . :t seems tfirit the Editor ofilie Guzette l as in his nossessmn a wtor t, r T. (5.' Kbblcto Capt.: J. J. Davis of V m (am m. Zh . . r' "..isiivuu, Yug an account 01 the ( . VyMcrfol ,fivo balos to the acre', fia a a Mr. Warthen of Georgia. Foos fetter must be a perfect copy of ours, ;; ours of his ; but, for this fact and the circumstance that each is nddrr- sed to ft vCaptV J. J. Davis ,V one of Lduuburg, and the other of Warren. Un, neither of us is enti led to any ticuiu auu grouna, irretragable ground, upon which we foote and uuiBcii ) uaso our claims 10 greatness is the remarkable and felicitous coin cideace in our timpressions derived xrom our several letters, 'and the ex- .Ak.aam J. m.. i - 1 . v v vi crjnjuueun;o oi our language in givinq utterance to' them !, If our paper containing taid; article, bad not Vccn issued several days before thp Gazette in which it occurs, all of our reader who' bail Won the latte'r would liave expected to find the paragraph fn khe Cousieii credited to the Warren t'on Gazette. ' I It rejoices our farmers, to eeo that -Iie cotton market Ins at last reacted nd is now ruin. Business in our town lias received a new imj ctus, and it steal of the dismal aprejrance t our streets a week or so jince, all 14 now bustle and activity. We pre sume this is the case throughout the pott p 11 producing region, and hoje taat the staple may continue to ad vance in price till the producers may derive a god profit for the making. Money seems tp be getting eaiei. We observe tjiafc many of ilp business houses that suspanded in the North, are resuming business, and an air of animation seems to be infi sing itself, throughout the business of the country liut a few clays since the forebodings were cf a gloomy character. Now, houses we think that everything be tokens a decidedly more cheerful state of things in the future, tjian the most, sanguine, dare4 to hope for two weeks ago. Iet the people be encouraged, persevere, use economy, and all thing will yet be well. ITiIciia ol Temperance, We notice thiit the State council of this. order, which recently assembled in Tarloro, was 'argely attended, and the Reports of the oflBeers showed an unprecedented success for the past year. This is indeed gratifiying to those who, like ourselves, are so thoroughly persuaded of the evil consequences re sulting from the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and of the vast benefit that these societies are to the communities in which they exist. Wc hope that this order, as well as all others, baying for their object the adnionshing of want, mhjery and woo, arrisirig from the -use of srimu lants may continue to prosper, until the eyii is entirely eradicated, and shall be no more known as a curee in our land. Leg-islci ti v Summary, Vtry little has btea doDe since our last report, of gtncral interest, and nothiogol peculiar iottrest to our im, mediate coramuDity, The Legislature seems to have betn cbiefiy occupied wun private bills, and such as are of a merely local character, On Thursday (Thanksgiving dav ) a quorum of both Houses attended the Charlotte Fair. Saturday, Nov, 29, The Senate receded Irom its amendments to the bill or the relief of Sheriff , and concerned in the bill as it came In m tne House, Considerable discu-siui took place in tne Senate on a motion to table the House resolutio ia regar 1 to the pub- We are glad to ste 8 me signs of prac tical interest manifested bv the Senate in the support of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Nothing was perlecttc, ot coure ; but we trust the Legislature will act liberally towards that noble charity, 6ur representatives may rely upon the cortlisl approyal of their" conn stituents in such action. Mr; Browr of Davidson, introduced a resolution to pay' 25 per teut ot the' ante war deb', and to irpudiate the debt contracted sii ce the war. Calendar. ' M.dat, D c . sr, More amend mentsto 'rJattlt Kevuai proposed Mr. Craudy introduced in the Senate a bid to alter the constitution. We are not informed f its character, but i coms Iroma vcrj'rlieal bourcr, an its author (iT we remember aright j was! strong'y, aid eveu lactiousl oppaacd to all the amendments ratified'by the peo ple Inst tuminer. Tho j nut select com jmittte to i tquire and report whether iuw vueci v mo amenuments to the cocstitutioa was to impair or destro the legality ol'ilfe present session ct the t GeLeral Aasemblv. TnwU iuw ,m substance, that, "after careful' bot' ..v.i.wuu iuc comtiiitiee are of the 'ili lhf t,ie amendmenu optiate pfWpec ively only,4 anii in DO way at ecitbe present session. fheT rennrt I the Ci.ncfrrrcow "of Atforntry Genii a! f, V V pMoi . luertport tli. ited muc, and (it is raid, ab'e discussion in the svn.it.. r ... . ter ia both IIonsef. resolution to adjourn 'AM difc', on D. cenitxr 2' 1 Under suspension of the rules, and after much dtbati, a bill passed all its reaaing8 lu the House, makin it I. 1 1 o ? m sdemeanor for any person who has civen a chattel mor'e-irr . defd in (,et lien & to d inn f k nen to d epose of the property with intent to deleat the murtga-e or litl". ' t t EUGipvs.Rev. George W. Jewell has Uken charge of th Bartist ChnwK I in thispiace, and will Qd services two oundays in the month, coe.men cing with next Sunday. " Cotton H(iw to 3?jro1iiro F,I- X?ales oT Ootton to One Acre of Xuiicl. WaRTHEXS STOR tL ria. I Washington Cftimty Georgi Editors Saudersville Herald : -Ac cording! to promise and for the benefit of the farming publjc J hereby appecd a brief and porreot account of the pre paring, manuring and cultivation of my at rj of cotton grwn t,his season .lbe sou is sandy witclay subsoil. Has been iii cultivation for 60 to 80 years, I suppose. !A,bout hall"! of tho ere was an old dung hill, the other half very poqr before manuring, The uuano I u?ed was iettlewell's A. A., or Phosphate Peruvian, 1,400 pounds ; Raw pine straw, from the woods, 60 ox cart loads ; green cotton seed, 60 bushels ; stable manure well rotten 400 bushels. The rine straw, cotton soed and Rta- 3 ble manure I hauled out in January and strewed broadcast over the land, theu turned under with a two horse plow, breaking eight inches deep.-r-T.li in the two horse furrow, breaking from ve to seven inches . in the whole. , ' thirteen to fifteen inches deen. I then followed in the ' scooter farrow with the guano, or stbsoil frrqw, so on, till completed. In February T re. peatedthe breakirig ip. the sainc man- uer, icaviug qu manuring. n luarcil the same aeain. , breakincr each timo cross-wise, or in opposite directions. In April. I harrowed the land twice, to level the soil and deatrov the vminc vegetation. Then I checked, ' off my rows 3 feet ach way, with a small bull-toncrue plow, and oh the 13th dav of May, I planted my cotfpn s.ied in the hill, 6 or 8 seed dropped by band and covered with the foot. The seed when covered being on a level. The seed were the 'Cluster Cotton' variety. -I purchased them from David Dickson Esq., Oxiord, G. , to whom I must confess I am indebted for my succe?, to a certain extent. The seed, I am confident were half the battle. The cotton was th'nned to one stalk to the hill in June with exception ef outsido rows, in which I left two stalks. Then J plowed with 24 inch sweep, 'UtcKson s, very shallow, one Furrow to the row, just scraping the earth on' ugh tp destroy the young weeds and grass. Did not use ahoe in it, in order to avoid skinning the cotton, in tact, bad n.q use tor any, as the cotton grew so fast the shade thereof prevented all vegetatiem from grow ing underneath. 1 cry Respectfully, ' T. C. Waiitiien, j . j M.ke money fast and honorably 12,- 50 per clay, or $75 per week, by at once applying t ir. a tenitorial right, (which are given free to agents,) to sell the txsr, 8trnngpsr, most US' tul, and ' rapid selling Seeing Machine a-td patent But ton Hole Worker, ever used or r com mended by families, or buy one tor your own us;itisonly $5, srntfrce everj- here by 1 x press . Address tor partic uUr?, ;Jerje B IIpnsoN & Co., cor. Gre- nwich and Corilandt streetf New Yoik. HE BIuGhT MASON ONLY ONE DOLLAR. ; I WILL tO MENCUJ! THE publichion on the 1st of becem ber nx at Conc'rd,' N. C, a Mcntdv ly Mas Kic Journal with the i iiinv liile. It will be devoted to theDwsem- inati)r. ot Mtonic Li erature, Masonic Ju:iprude c , and ti the fostering ami kt-epit g alive ot Maso nic Trad tiona n and wi 1 be intended us a II lb ' in ihe WOHK in every Lodk. A corps of Contributors, will be 'engaged, who. Ir m their long experitice ii citeriDg for Mnso'dc tagtt w. will iive. Imm im. I to time, a clear rcfl. x ot the Work ot l our Aneient Institution, (OF ALL THIKOS fKOPER TO BE WB1TTBV. it The price fixed for its nnMiotir.n ia t so lo, (nrly f 1,00 per annum,) ' hat 00 iaon 111 tne ia uatry can aft- ! to be without it, In addaion to the Mason ic matter ctfn'ai d in its colutn, pace wil be reserved for Q nerai Nkp,! Po lite Literature. Market Heportu, Wi, Humor and the Fashion?. PolitiAa wilt b s carefully ig mred iu 'the columns OI 1KCWQHTUA805M it 18 io tie Lolgv.- Kooiii and nothing abatl h pi er io iti pagg that will leuUrj it unfit, as a suiUble com Dan ion fur the ViAiU p Fireside. A timited number of nnhii. j-tti-jnatrle adveiti&tmtnta will I r.. F teived- I TERM Finglecopy $1.00 per aonum Twenty or moie copien, 75'cts per aiibcm alwuys in a I vane-. Sarnp'e copit tree. The officers ot all Lxlj?e are THiivTi. fully rtqueted to x ceive8ulcrip:ioos, , and forward the amount, by Regutered ' Letter, or Fot Office Ordtr. TO ADVERTISERS. Piv thnnaansl Pnni 1 ,1 1 , -r o ' iuc urn kDtl ' r0 d thms ol the Bright Masou bc lt piepaid to various Masons ' ouumera a-iianiic Gtatca. Car-! be- i g taken that' the. fficeas in eachXnW shall nceive (prepaUi) c.pies for dis- trtbuiiou aim.iiirAt itn A . n.ii. io Southern Atlantic State. tnbuiiou ami nst its itiaikr. rarties deairinsr to avail h I " fc" uiuir:ie meuiuru 1. r advtr inX will plia .end iD Seir o.py tx ol this admirable medium f- r advr i once. Ttrms: 1 oer Knrirp it'm tor each tditim., and it "continued ibroughanUequeut eilitinn, the regu lar discf unt alio ed. Add's. I Cha. F. Harris "Ed. and TrtJtr ! 1 of The Bright Mason,', Concord, k. C. Y US EMIT k. . ' - If O S E M 1 T E. The. aboyc ia wpod put pf the Famous Yosemite. j We will give this beautiful Oil Chromo, in colors, si?e Hx?9 inches. togother with QQ T$ Ilouscliold Magazine, AND THE "C0UR11R1W for twelve months, for the small sura of $2,75. DIPLOMA, AW BDED BY THE American Institute, To J. "W- McHEE, FOR 4 EmDroiderini ani mm Machines- Jt i, i genipu, u d uiClr.h w-uiio cverj m ho lutlie'laiU, ExaiBi:r s'hr lb7- Jol.n K G Tit , e cy u a1 .ir .trd Pjes. bum ID r.l limn Ci.e.. n 11.' y..-' . i . v ioik, oembe. 2j 1872. This uinpie hn t n,g .Li .M, Aiaclm e i s u-cfu. q tie t-evr.tiK Man. in . t :H f;ISjt beconi W 1 H'UUr w.th lad e in tin , laco ui xyeuoiveN e le worn its n kb 11 e m ich more ha . fe0in .eqi:nm 0lW t me - u . not o t th i$!rt the is.-tn e So (1 y's t II t is n .w euiuplete wi h u 4 a Uh-fu e ith U list atvo cirailar at d I'll I inftr.ictton, e.it $2 7"' 1 2 Uf finiUl t! ,u si Vr 1 1 tef r Adcliesa 'J ho McKce Ma uia ti'ii g Co., 3. q- LrondW-y - Y lork. j AGENTS WAN'IED I DR. GARVIN'S ELIXIR OF TAR, Is ice -mimnJed by rejfhl.r M di. al p a ti ti -loueisi i.d B txt. vu e Kiwra: ted for Cold-, cotigli-, cv.arrl., A hu.a Ur ,11. hius bpuUng Bl o i. CoLHimp Vou and 1 Pulmo rrVu KU ?T d,se affections of thp U; inal Orva, a-perfectly h mles f ee from Aim ra. or aI oholie p2opce u b plisat ti t k an-1 iifvr' knowift. f 1 1 r.ce?l 00 Per bo tie Full arti Var. with nie..i al testimoii. and ctr inctr sent on i pi tUi audrca-; L V ' Hjce & Co , 196 ooveuth Av ru' ew York. ; Darts from the Dteil; or enpia Almseft am i iliHi.veappere. in tli New Yoik Nrw ipt,rs: heir i.iorr .rd te sou s v. lwh Yd ans fuU. exp -se 1. dv rtIemuU frorn l Seaj eratrf meu to r uxifu. wouie : tla d ttove m etlu; 0w' fru-tr.b-d. The Htetory f thj. Go. dnc Tr ged, the rwiUt of , era ual" De. crn tit u of 1 ivlue Ur .ad wrttatues tx: hR8a.ilcorruUw n beut tn.ript ' Addnr. Unique Print- W H u e 3Se y itre t, X k TH" til A WITH tM i'OuTAlLK AH1LV bVw- io Macbi.ic, on 3 J Uaxs Tiia: nuny adra. tver all. 8ati-fcUi KaiaJ- ii.0' f reiande r 8nt comjletr, wrh faU direcuoni B- cwith S.wmjr kaadte 1 ! 862 Broadway. X. Y. Br, - - tuicuwuu pom uy i ni l lAttie lruw CoXo.d;3 bndw y, N. J. 1 1 ur. II rettiii nintu tw !. 1- i ? j&Ld cottfo.t.iiis'.tftnitUy.atal tm.e.. a d , under a I c rctimstin with; nt any excep ' Kn h,tever n CAMan . bould 1 ever be take.i off Uu. in- iLe ah . Hqia req iU ite v Jr"' "t"1" ruxc rem n mail vucui irr a- j U.Uit or Pi y.iej-i, wi.l ordtr tu. ikw ira. a f jr joa wtthoat ch r.e A. ue w lot ot Uuiily and auptrrfiTTt: Fl-.o? just receive'. 8- T- WILDER i . , Application will be made to the Lez- ' milfn'S rlnn'. N 1 ... 0 " "iiu- im present aesaioc. to p iss an act declaring Tar River a law tul f f nr hftu K. 1 - --t uc (wimi wuce aaiu Kiver is crossed by the lines ot Orar- ..... iimu l-UUUUCf, . Nor 1873. 4w. TIIE AMERICAN FARMER Begns a new volume January 1. Thia is an old tstabbshed standard Farmer' paper, devoted to agriculture and it iutert-Ua. Special attention is paid betides that given to the staple, arti- Gcial and home-made manurpJbd , to Live Stock, Fruit Grc-iug, the Dairy, &c S me'ot the ablest ot American ?ricultnriata write tor It Tr LPm.. chI, Substantial, Reliable- $ 1.56 a year. To clubs of five or more only f 1 ;acb, Very liberal and" haudsome premium forciuDa. Ligt three pumpers of 73 tree to al new names received before Dec. Sptqmep. Numbers free. Agtnt wanted everywhere. bAJiL. SA?ip-i & Soi?f Publisherr, Bdtimore, Md. We will send the Courier and the above Journal 12 months for the small urn of $00 FAIRBANKS 1 Standard Scales. Orders lor the Genuine Fairbanks scabs, (all hz) promptly at euded to at me AianuiMCturt-rs prices.' Orders rekpecttully solicited. Et H. I'LCMMfR & Co. 121 Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. oct 10 3m TERRELL & HARRIS. We have received our New Stock of Fall and wiutor Q?ods, which is com plete and full. We ask an examination and ttel satipfiWl, that we can sell goods as iow a auy one. Uur stock consiRta in part of the following goods, viz; Sta ple Dry G dFt Vrint. JSbawlf, Nubias, Lauks and Gents Hatp. &c. Terrell & Harris. " Our sicck t f B niIS aud Shots islKrn and selected with great care. Terrell & Harris. A very"! uir aud comolete sttk ol Boy and Gents Ueariy made clothtng Terrell & Harris. At all times may be found. Lard, Figb, salt suer. , 9 '1V.VU, Cheeae& -." at 1 T-rreil & Harria. vvucu . a.ai- A Tare stock ofJt idles saddles, HalU-rs aud harness, which are ve:y cheap. at Terrell & Harris. Pure Rje nn.f t.mVVhiSKey, and Old Nash Brandy, varying in piice from $1 75 to $3 per gallon. Terrell & Harri-. J0 JflB Gr4t Wg5lem In., Co NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA. West Se,v r, R. T. Beauregard, president ecrctrj. Cast. Assets $310,05887 J. B. l ARTINt Man ager, ATLANTIC DEPRTiiT. tOQ Main Street Norfolk, Va. GKQf . Bar, Agt, ac LoubburgNC. This Company makes a speciality ol country dwtllinge, and all spcies of farm property, at' fai and tquitable rates. Read the list of losses paid io North Carolina, herewith, appended; Lts ks i Nokth Carolina; Kader B'gg & Co., Cain & Baum, Baijd, Roper, & Co. W. B. Allen & Uo., Wm.'A Uravep, Chaj. T D?i 3b Co. M.. McMahon, W. U. Manley. Norfolk, y. M it 4A Halifax, N. C. Newbern, J. C. & T. M Johnston, Plymouth 1 James ti. uyatt, fefrquimans, J. M. Morriaett. " Camden. Marshall M. WUet Murlretsloro. teo. T. Howeiitou, Ba'tleboro. XT I . UI . ' mm ' t M t 4 Dr. J liiat.ch, Ewficld, Wm. M Morc, &dilUro, Laivin T Hick, TimiaonsTile 8. C. For Sale I wish to sell a trsct oi land contain- f irg 190 acres adj inirg ths lands of B. uimrr rxuw t. uuurruii I OClong- iug to J. W. ChamblW, ol Arkansas. Also a tract ot 420 arris on Sandy creek, known as ihe Andiews tract. One or two other smsll tracts conve niently located. r.T WILDER- . lUn White & Shav," We wish o sar to, our. frknd and the public geuerallj'Vthat vie have, as usual, a very large and well assorted . . - - . - STO.C ftF Q00DS, whicli we tril sell at prices to suit the tlm s. t all and see us. Kixo, White & Siixvr. - " A Csr Load 1 1 Liverpool Salt for sab ftiuwcat uguicr. a. 1. WILDER. mm V UlJDi UEO. C ; SJARKE. G. J. TpOMAS. STARVE & TH0HAS, Wholesale and Retail 105 Sycamore at,? Petersburg, Va, We are now rrce;vingrr Fall stock of good purrhaml Irom Importers and Manuraci urers. We are prepared to of fer inducements in price ana quality, to Physicians, merchants and farmer whose trade we solicit, A large stock: Kerosene Oil at reduced prices. We are Ag-nts tor Wilson's remedy for Con sumption, fep 2G 3m A rAMILY ARTICLE. Aocxra xikc $12 60 r. a dat, f75 raa waxx AN EJTittJO.Y W SEWING MACfllME F a Domestic U.-r, 0LY FIVE DOLLAR) W h the New Talent BUTTON HOLE WORKER, PteateJ Ju 27ih 1S71. AWVADED IHE FlBST PaXMICX AT THX AXXSICAN btfeTlTCTX And Maktlasd Ijwtitvtx Pars, 1871. A uioit wonde.tul andl.Kntl. co.isuuc ted Sewing MachiLe for Family ork. Com pete mat im part, U s ti.e st.a ghtaje to ntel eedle Se i .lYre.di g uLe t up right poait v SI iou. Nw TeuMioa e:t Ftfr-d aua Clotii Uuidur. Operate, by Ahotl aud on a I able i.i ht buuuin, jsinuoth and noikclecs, lik 1 ah 00 1 h gh priced m ch ne ha pue-.he :k 10 prtTent Uie wtil teag turned th - Wf-n way. Uaea the tUread u teet from the kxo1. afaka tteeliio lock tiUlJ (tliie-. atl atrui t ;C. IcoiWl;) tifui.dur-Llj cl sd ana rakl w.U dual. kinJa f w rk, flue aud con-ae, frotu lam tilo to heavy C dS cr Leather, and use all derptl 11 oftbte1. ii.u aiacliiie u Le-v uy co-t.uctcdto giTe It t.t.e g h: all ihe pat ts c fta.h Mactune being tuade a iae by luaculae.y, ai.d be t fully tin sVCd ai-d o uaiueuUu 1 I very e.ay to ie.n, lupic, mi oih and e .tl op rauun lu-d ble at a!l liaie. aL.da pr.p K-a', c e. t fl: uuchan. icl inve' tu-u at kiu try iwju et pnve A Oo'dcboAf, Fami y ewog Aia.hin at lt v T e first aui only succe iq ptoiu ci gaval.,aMe subatait al ana ic) be I ,w yri e 1 bev.ug Mat h n lie x r. tue Io v price rtacha ill coud lion La aimli It anJ strength aoapts n 10 all cap c ties, wh le ita mauy uieii 1 n akj ii a umveiaai f .v. ri e w-ercter u-e", am ce tes iajia ceuiiid. . Il l ALLlPIsKECXJUilEND. Ie ncheeifaly ad confidently rtC iumend itsu etjtho e hone wanting a ieu L guod i?c iag Aiach, ue at a loiv pi iw Hka U 15 Jaiusox, reoiOLC, Wi.Koai.ty, 111 rri-ecfencli Mac.iue Class a Mi.e (airute l f r tiye -ara by spid 1 ceit.fi caew.th,ul t e fixture ij4 Very.h;iig complete bel gi: g U it Ududing aelf ILre diug Ne.de lacked lu a i run wood en box. and d liva ed tj a y rri of Uie . oun try. by e.i)re.-a free of Tu.th r cha ges on re ctiptofp kj Mil v l)oUr safe d liv ery g.i.raii d it 1 eat h uchii e v w.U .e d qu leceipt cf lex ra, ihe new en , UrlON II LK Wtl. Ktfil', One of the m s.iuijWit. t ani i eful I yen i 11- 01 the age s -siiupe rud t-C ta 11, th.t a ill Id a 1 work the n. e-t Luo hole w th legal iity and a.e 811011 -imI Us .tiful. l ele.un aid x ra iuduceimuui'io Ma)e aud leln le agent) sto: fe.-ic. Jtc.. wh' wi leta 1 h aejc.ea turi ugh ibe c-.iin tr. ai d kitpour N.w lua h n m. exh bi lio.j and sa e. Cou ty Hig ts kiv" t aniatt ag-i t- fr Axenfa cumk-te vu fit furn.b d wi h .tit nnr (v ia rh.rp- m i.'L. . - j - f ' v. . . iiu ie rlt ve ciiCJiars c'fi taing tertn teti u ouia,. eng avicg tc, te.t fr.e, VS'u lo sup. 1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I atest Patent's a Impr vm- nt lor th Farm and O rden 31o-er-, r tajwrs, Cul ' va or Fttd Cu tets banoa larm Mi U l'lanteis UaiyecUni 7hrt aatr and '"U ar t clss netde I for Fim w -i k. Itaie Sjd iu largt Ttrieiy All mooe s -nt iu Post . ffl , i.ouey crdn'rs, Bat.k Draft', vr bT ex ri-."s ai l b-atourri k arid are perfectly iuart. aafa dl very cf all our o-h1- g iarauieed. An old Kud rcapoua IU ti m th .t a- I the be-t g kJs t the low iut p ice "a- d co tm reiied upon by our reader, -Fabxkas Jocb RALNtWYokt. 4 Not Responsible, fey Registered letters. Apnax&a Osdkrs JEROME F. BUDSOV Jt CO.. Cjr Qrewnw'ut . & C'.rilandt S s, Xew Yo.kl tpX6m E, Us rLUMMEK $ CO. l Sycamore Street, " a PLTEItSBUKU Ta Dealers in Iron SteeUnd AGRICULTURAL s IMPLEMENTS. Orders will rectlve prompt and cart ful attention, and 'are respectlollv so licited. General Agents for the Farmers Friend Plow, has met with universal commendation. Highest price allowed for scrap iron, sep 26 r NEW AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF FALL 1 WINTER GOODS Ia Fraoklfatoo. I would respect folly inform my cos tomers at d the public generally, that I am now receiving my FAU. AHD- tylUTEB STOCKlF 3tQ6rsT Seleced with great care and purchased r n the best terms ia the Eastern markets. I have sow a very fall and varied ttock consisting of Dry Good Notion Gro ceries, Qpeixrarr. liardwsre. Glass ware. r.eavijMnade clntbiog. lists. Boots' tod fihott. Tinware IIollow,waret Lea ther, and in fact almost everytbiig sniv el to the waou wf the people, I nvite all to come and examine for themselves, as DT ITlwriMM in innnl.i.. V - 1 mf j m"ft"J uicir I wants in the psst and continued fair ucun in " future, together with be ing content with very small profit will enable me to give uniform satufactior, I will take sll kinds r.f U.rrhintable pro-lnce in excLange for Goods. And will allow the . highest Market Price for the stme. I cn offer exUWrdinsry indacemenU in several classes of goodf. to those wishing jb Lts, PV F. II. JAR MAN. TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE aOURIEIi, To Ihe peonle of Frank lin we make an earnest To Subscribe For Tlio COURIER, Every family iu tho Couuty oughl to talio our paper, bccawo it costs vry little, and every one will find in it something to intercut, and perhaps benefit them. If you will givo ns your patronages we promise to make our acr wo; th Every Cent Asked For It. But to insure your becoming a sab scribcr, we offer the following induce ments, daring this month oiily : VJr Tjc. vr il send the Coynpa; and Wood's Household Juoxuinera beautiful fifty paged periodical ; or The Farmers Advocate, one f the best Ariqultral Journals in the Uni ted States, Car pjoe. year. When you Lave seen this-please show it to your neighbor, that La mnj - a know how much gool reading Le can pet (or 3 small amount of m.oney. .... " ... BROTHER JONATHAN, A Lrqb Family pAran Is rcuLuiu ed meekly atl.U a year. It has bctrn enlargtd to $2 louculuon, ani is now the cheapest paper ol the kind in ths worlt Ten Dollars in greenbacks givm to ot.e out il'eacb fixity new lubecnbtrs. Specimen copies eut free. Our Rook UaUh-gne sent free. Bend cash orders to B HUTU KB JtiXATUAH FCBLlSAlS Ctt. 43 Bcekman street, X. Y. sp29 Sot. FALL PHIIITSI Jut recti red a supply of Bleached, and u i-bleached cotton goods, bought since the decline, fo sale cheap. King, While & Shaw ...... n S. Furman El Co. DRUGGISTS a, APQKIECARS, FranWvtfgn. H. C. f'ffertotlie poblie a well astorled tock cf Drug-, Metlicinea, Cheoilcals which axe sold at reasonable prices. Also Vrnibea Window Glass Futty Sweat oil Machine oil Lamp biack Kmaeo .il Linseed til Cantor ol', Lnmp Oovk1, Faint Sosps Braibtf, Ppicef. 8pocge Trussef, S ationarj, ir. Win, Tbhkeis and Brandies Lr Urdicin! ur, COO pounds of CRYSTAL F lLArE White Lead left, which will be scld Very low. Special attention paid to order. r rsaucjurrnoxs cinoTXLTCoMr.caoco