! I ' ' ' ' ' ljcL Co finer A Cljr (Cnnricr. A Democratic Ne wspaper. published every Friday in Loui.sLurg RATES OF ADVEUTlilXG. (10 UXU OH Lt8C XSriTCTK A SO, IK One Sqinre one Insertion.... fl CO On - Each wWpwil luM-rliou.. Id One Cneruon.h . 2.ro tc Tff( nvnth Oiw Three iuontI 5.-u Ctie Fix month; .1 Oic Twelvemonth... 1501 I ontr-ct .h brgrr uct uekm on l.brn term PATES OF PITDSCKIITIOX, Copy l ypar ; C Months.. j " 3 Moitlw." . I .2.00 ,.l Of) DEVOTED TO POLITICS. LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART. VOL. 3. ti:iims CA.n IN aDVAXCE LOUISB L7RG-, N. 1 DECEMBER, 12, 1873. NO. 7. m T I Professional Cards. DENTIST. Oflets ma rroteaaional hervices to the public in livery department or i Jntistry. ' ' OFFICE K- - ': ' LouM.urg at . , Warrenton .oy. t Dents Hotel, Parker & Watsuis Store. GREEN & ALLEN, G-rooers And COMMISSION MERCHANT .. . Solicit Com si ments of -' 1 Col ton, Tobacco, Wlaeiit. Xlii Oovsi, miel Produce Generally. Ants fot tit.; Excellerzi C.tto-i Feitilizr and Uulletts impiove 1 Uruh Cotton G.r.s. Stetl C. M. Cook W. H. S5GHCCT No. 110 Sycamore direct, P-tcrsbnrg, a No. 1 ly - , Sr- , (Oft Vw ly f AjrerL Wanted ! .ill -VMx J TO iiU of workiug p.jle,cf cither z.yJSr oroM, make more money at work fur uoia their momenta, or all the time, than at anything else. Parties iaraftee. Addxesa O. Stuiwa 4c Co i'ortlaw) -aUm- ; , Dealers In HATS, CA?S, FURS, STRAW ATTORNEYS AP COUUELLOEs GOODS, CANES &, UMBRELLAS A.T L AWj And SeHeito in, BANKRUPTCY '. LOUISBURG N. C. v Will attend the Courts of NHsh,Frark- lio, Granville, Warien,nd Wake Omn. t'es. also the Supn-m Court of Nr'h J No. 20 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va ttcntion tST" Pivr'icuar ill rs.-a paid to Or sept 6 3m,1 Caroli nn antLtbe U S. c Couits. Circuit anil ni- N' 7-tf ATTOllNEY AT LAW, L uiiiiuua N. C. Will practice in the courts of the Ch juditiaUltrict. - rrompt atlmtiou given tthp qolhC". tionf claiUiS. Isv oU u A ' 1 - . -. : V JOS. J. DAVIS. ATT'Y aui COUNSELLOR at LAW iLOUISLUTvG, FHANKLI CO. N O Will prtcMcc in thn few il' Tonrtu .-f Gr m Tillt: F at'kliii, Nafh, VVanicn and VVk1 rntupt tt iiiiou iiiii-l to the co.Uc tion amJ r' nit:a.c't of mon-y, July 15. 1371. ' 1- Win, K. Bartain, I Ml I. Bariiaiii, Lou g, N. l . t o. Citv 1 f. N. RAJilTA.I & H A,3III4,1E T, k. ST. CLAIR. Ma lifricuuvr of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, EXPRESS, SPRING & FAR?i VAGQNS. 1 CRSTS AND Di'-AYS. , Corner ' f L JnbJrd-& Sec md Streets' PETEnSBLRG. V.A. ! ' A good a-s(rttnent a'ways on hati a ul wli make tf ord. t t-ytry de-ctip ti( n nt work in his line llv p !triD: if evt ry de ription he iv DIPLOMA, AW visDf tt IIV TI-.E American Institute, j To J. V. IcKEE, : . , luif -' i Emtoiaerim aai Flutmi Mines. iti-i iiiou - a d vi amt .It. w u c o verv hi t .... ,uth-; l u.d. 1 Kxa;i;I;i n of 1S7 Joi n f G vii it;.: tcy tA liar : rd Pie. S.um 1 1 r.l ijt;f. C-ue'-n ti .-.i' . M-w iorkt NoU'mbc- 2 1ST 2. This imi 1- mi r ln-' iiii- ijjich-i ei s U CtU' a.the (W .li ft s.in -, 11 1 ,s fast bt-c..m n p u: tt th l.ul e ' in t"r . lac : fx.xti .ve X c ie wrs its o k b m ; in l) more ha 1 a n , itqihriy t ine ti. '. not o f. tj tli irt Uie txpin e Ao lu y's til 1 is n ,vv couij-Iftte wi li u it a Ma .'.i e itii il us1; at u irUttla ai d fu'.l iisi tn ct on e t ou lect i.t o 2 W Cni,ln.d nl si v.r 1 1 tt f r 12.75 r I Aad.e3"l li3 McKee ;Ma uti tu-it gCo.. 3 il i;rjadtt'y Nw ioik. AGDtj WAN ED DR. GARVIN'S -ELIXIR OF TAR, Is tec nisu. 11 ed by re.jul.ir Jlfdi-iU p a t. ti ioue.s -d . ced tu. e piiuni ;te d for Coida, t onjrh-1, (;-:arri., A hia Jbr .11 Inns Sjpi.ting LI o . coinimp ."H ana 1 ii.luo 1 ar ronipl nti r e otulu Kry e a-, J y p nu (J nt i j.se t: y," b-olt'ia ino. bi:,Ch It-ra a ii I1 iver iud; io el otn-Llmit-. Kil ry discf es and' ali "affection' i-ftlie U inal (n, a s jh th clly htiUiIts f t from iiin rai or aI obolic piopcei. 8 l,Uaa 1 1 t k'.nl nev. r kn iwn t fi 1 i rfce-!fl 00 ,..-f b. tie Full . arti. u a. with niv i'ai testhiion and ct r ificit; s 11. ou i plfati .n i.artj ; iu F Hytiei: o, VJb 8r eutli Av u Ne v Yjjk. Darts from fte Dsyil; or enpii Alnsei A Book jfust teamed ' xpo-in tuo p nL-sox-als tt.at titvc appeure m tiic New Yd. k Nt-iV siaprx: hvir 1 .i-iory ai.d 1: Hm. S v lis 1 Vil uins lull, exp kg-., .ndv lthenisiiN from Jea, emt,'- 1110.1 10 b siitifu. wome ; Cla d s ie m cti . ; c v iVu f ttti, Hie History .tf t!- Go-i 10 Tr ged- the result of 1 ers jial.'. Le tr.; I., u of i iviu bt ad vMv Matues Kx;os s eo.-rit.. n sent oa itctipt v i 50 c v Ad liVoS, Lndqii;1 lin;- 1 11 i u;e 3t us v tre t, a 1 pilIGINAL ST0HY. BY CIIAULES SOUTH. CHAriKU VIII. When descends on the Atlantic, " The g'gantic Stormwind ol the Equinox, Landward in his wrath, ne scourges The toiling su-ge5, Laden with seaweeds trom the rocks.' Tie Next daT brought a clear morn ing, a fitful afternoon and an evening of gustful wintU and flying clouds ; n He gave no heed to the question Rising nnd walking to the window,- Le drew aside tlie curtafn and looked out. 1 Fleeces ot white cloud were fccuddinz rnWly across tie sky frora the South cast. Little foam wreaths fienr nn aLovo the Uattcry into the light, 'then into the darkness, and were lost shreds of the surf below. Presently he turned and met her anxious eves and returned to his seat. My drar mother, the'Annzou fro:a Liverpool, cjtisigucd to me, is expect ed daily. True, re do not know that she bus left port, but it is possible the may be on bcr way. Everi iu - that case, there is hardly real ground for evening to make the light and comfort of the home room, shut in by heavy apprehension. Captain Juhu's is ex- curtains and closed doors, seem, by permced, knows the times of storms iu contrast, a paradise of peace and re- their latitude and al possible methods of meeting sudden and dangerous emer gencies. The Cyclone is gradual in its approach, and he can run' out of its course to the Xorth-west, if it find him 'I'llfci OillK.UmaJ i 0:.TBLii rA.-VIILY fcr.V- JL 1 a 1u.cui.k,' .nI3) Uy- Tki 1: many ailya tar - t.v.-r niii .au i..eu-u gn-iia -t'.ed, f33-rclunde tj . B tv compleu , wi u t&2 !; (!.' ay. N. Y. S'WiUii A-acaii.e and lig'it hui h biack-sm: tiling, jus painting. wood-Cvnrk done friiihmlly and: prcmptly. At. voi'K,warrnte'i. 1 ro.' sptctfally ask a calf as I am sure thnt b. tli in juices and w.rkm diship I cao "1 c-satlidiictl u. s.p 26 3o i ili. N l. ivtuiiY FtKi cLl' lliiii nios: "1t:i or ant .Intention cl 1 by lh; 1 .;tio iiibo Co., No, 0-3 Ar adw y N. if, v is A ret n ! iiiu el. bs hit ly in eas- a d com fo r, 1 i t . n 1 (ijsy. at al tn e. a d in dei a I c r unt n - t,: with nt a y etcep :ion v. h tever in n. ease, an -tiould i.ever betuke li' ijiy 1. -12 rh t tiuis req .icitt .ottfecta i-jUia en-, ne ent l int-d Ci eui. r ties A y I u;j;i to. "liy-e.L V 1 ord-.r t;i.?i 11 W i'l'u S fjl' JOll VitllO;4 eh r, e 1 t O S E M I T li GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! Kxtra C, Den erara and orto Rico ?i fZNr: le- Javsi, I : Btcio tier : CI fi'jii gra ami Ho COt , sides and shoul noicp Demrnrt i M- Ulst-s: Fami'.y Ex tra, F Atty's ani Counsellors at Lav, Co, N. C, C. 14 (Fo t Loriisbu'-f:. Frn'; t and at tfrtV 1 ' , S like, G, N. Iiiileo from 1 al -iyh b Rid. ami Super, our : new H 1 c e , Just re -eive i ff ;' 'P " " t- "- - 1 Will pr.eieo tn tho Svp ri .r Courts -of the Sth Ju l eai lUitic , 1" th Siipn iiiJ Ciic, of tlie S a'e, in 1 in red rl ' nur.n. riotup' iittt-. ti n wi'l ep il t Co'.leci Ipjj, Securing, Coinpr nr.saii s.nd K't l.ng CUirns. : Dr. J. B..C lift 011, PHYSICIAN anii SURGE011, Dec. 20, tf. King. hit3 & 3ha,v .-1 1, '; I J P. WILLIAMSON. W. B. WHXIAMS JN. J. 1 Willamsoii & Bro.j yve most r-.'TWt'uUy . announce to the ciiiz ns of; Fiankiin Ceunty, t int we liHve commenced h nu-rca utile bu Ilubs in L nitjiurg. and will k-p. Cuii s- ntly on ban I a good sekcoo n s Maple Dry Good?, Grociries, Hardware. Croekery ware!, CloihiDg. II tf, B o 8, bhove, Uonft-ctiontrries &c. We pledge ourfetivs t hieit aschuipai any other house in the placefc Give us a rtial, -Toe highest maiket price paid for pro, duce iu exehirge for goods Cl0 12(U. J. P. Wr. T.IAMS. Nfc Bro. V . 4 if 1 YDS EM IT E. pose. Elliott Girardeau put down bis tea cup, pushed a ay his chair ; and, rest ingbis bead against its cushioned back, closed bis eyes with a figh. His uioiher looked anxiously toward bis averted fice, but said nothing till the tea service was removed. But when the servants bad gone out sbe walked noiselesly to bis side, and stood silently stroking back the hair from bis temples with a caressing, touchy He smiled without looking up; and, impvisioning the band, kissed it, say iag softly as if to himself : Dear mother ! How could life ever look dark to a man with mother-love to illumine it V Does it look dark to you, my son? ti eared the path you now tread would prove very barren and level to your feet the feet I watch. d mounting to ward Apine heights, I thought, so many happy years.' j Happy vears indeed have they been to me, mother, and happy will, they ever be, wheiever my path may lie, if youJbut walk it with me. We aresud ficient to each other, are we not? and -bout the same age 1 He drew ber to his knee and smooth ed the bands of brown hair away from her temples, fc May time deal as lightly with me as with you.' She smiled, though voice and smile were both unsteady, a she said : Ah I Elliott, my heart pulses in unison with yours, be it swift or slow, grave or gay, see that no wrinkles gather here,' she added passing her band over bis forehead, if you would hsee uone in me: nor anv-silver thread in these brown masses, to bo reflected in mine.' lie answered lightly, but with ef fort. She detected a want of the ring of genuine cheerfulness in bis tone,' and asked again : twenty-four bourn inco looking forth on the night as St. .icbacr chimed two be !:a observed those ominous hite fleeces scudding acrsthe moon. By morning the wind was still high but indicating nothing unusual, nd he bad sen the llazleburst party on its way to Columbia. It was impossible that Mr. llazleburst should return be. fore next evening; and hi3 daughter was alone, save tht housekeeper, and servants African women too. these 1 &t, excitable and belplesi in times of imminent peril And the storm was upon them ! la two hi urs the wird hid remaned its ratir.ff, aod K lioit awakicg Ugn giin hi rea'.l si I, eager, iwtrisb, t hatKig iike a ctcd lu.o, He thoogat ol the tCiicate 1 anu ah I eiqni&ite spirit as ho hd seen them last night io iilit ad ptace; and ttiiuking ao, cler.c ed h s lnnd in hia impotence and iu.patitnce Qaiil the Hull. pei.e tra-ettle j a'm. How ccuM he watt for dajliht to oflr litr 1 ia itrong protection and help io hir tearfut He endcu with a cleared brow, and 'gil; lor surely , die could noislcp her apprehensions were quieted by this apparent explanation of his anxiety on mm ocean. yet wait he mus , pe.-lorco. The tld and of its relief. After some further desultory conversation, he proposed an early bnrial of their fears in oblivion,' that they might begin the morrow with calm nerves. He raug for lights, and as man and mj.i.1 entered with them handed his mother o ber chamber aud iissed ber fingers at parting. . An hour later, he knocked "lightly at her dressing room door. I may be gone very early in tha morning,' and may not return during the day, possibly night. An affair of much importance and requiring Imme diate attention has suddenly recurred to me. I must transact it to-morrow. Don't look troubled , I will have to seek the party concerned out of town, but will return to you as soon as pos sible. 'I feel much better in the pros- j he w a-is'Acred with a blanic udcooi- was ia by Cre and the gale hgh and steady. K-i boat c-'tild poibiy pat lorwitd at tiob! in such a tea; and it sbirc!y posib'e that tome respite m'ght come with the clay. ' In the crc-ydiwn Lc wis down at Morland'i whirl ieking a Uat, ILs first thought had been the jach, but he fct t'.iat aa'uo. when he remem bered that his ruotlu-r would diCuVer it. Hi leading principle ia lite waa to spsre her troubl-. Few pedestrians wlf reou the atrett and the went close u'ider tho s'i. 1 crol blocks ol building. It was but ha'f tide, bu: the wiud ti blowingc-tnti.iousiy and so strong that he could wi.u dtficulty preserve his iquliiiium. lie !ocnd a t w lot, fishing and smacks tied Uf tl ie wubia thedoik. Wlien hi uWe l it there was any po Eibi'.i y . f I eicg carried to J mt I;aud pect of work. Good night !' 5 He was gone before she could ques tion him. His own advice regarding repose was not taken. He paced rest lessly back and forth in bis room.shod ia slippered silence, and listening to the fitful gusts that larept bowling over the Battery, and spent their force against bis window. Abou mid night they became loss frequent and violent ; though be could both hear and see that the tida was not runniug out, as it should be, when on the ebb. This last truce in the fury of the storm, be fore gathering all its forces to the but tle, he seized to get seme siretth of nerve and muscle for his purpose ; and taking a glass of Madeira to gain self control, he fell asleep. The Equinoctial gals sweeping over ocean ami main, and threatening do- Something troubles you Elliott. struction to everything exposed to its The above is a wood cut of the Famous Yosemite. Dr. W. J. Cooke, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Off rsuU pr f-frhi n-d .e.vioeto the eitl sen c Fra klin ouutr t fiVe at hi moth ers re-qdence b nrffes aouth oI'LOU sburg. Xo. lC-ly Deatn-Bel of "iJlonewall5' Jactson This is the title ( a fine engraving of the Dcatl-Bed of Stonewall'' Jck ton, 14 x IS inches in siz -, and printed on heavy plate paper. Officers ol the ConleiU'rate aimy are grouped et.rrow fully around the couch of this great and gooa man, this christian sotviier, wUme ldv.-b"ooa ha beeu given ibr hi Couiury In therlistarjce is ttie encamping ruiy, the weary scntint-l on his bent, & -. It is a pkturc that will tt u every CHiutt. trn hear, and fchvuld have a place in tctj 8ou:hcrr. Lome, bent by mai', iiioutited ou "roiler, secuuly wraj.pvc, und p bt paid, lor 20 ca each or ihue lo- 50 cents. . Ad Iresi W. M, Bcrko v. 200 Main su'ett B.i.t 1 1'enn. . tzsf Agenis wnteu f.r tni-i and a viriwty ol oih.rriie ejgriifiiig3 From L'.uisbmg, N $5 to 10 a day can e isily 1 4. be made. JOSEPH CARR. (Sassessor to Jordan &. Carr . Wholesale and Retail D'-aler ia Drugs & PatenlMedicines Paints. Oils, Glass, Dyes, Yarnislies. Brushes, Teri'iiniery, Fancy Articles, &c. 'i1 , Corner Sycamore aud Washington tots., We will give 'this beautiful Oil Chromo, in colors, size 14x26 iuches. with , . - tog.-ther Jf we share our almond-blossoms, we must our cares also. I will wear no colors, I have not donned witting ly.' ' May you nover wear them mother. The Merciful 1 God grant that none come to you through me. I confess I am a little restless ; perhaps moody to night. The wi id has been blowing in fitful gusts all day, and I think.it has affected my nervous system. Your tea and to night's rest will set me right, I think. I was a little overreached to day by an astute customer, and my vanity is inclined to raise the cry of persecution. See what a very Her cules your son is, and got him thorob and distafif. ' 4 Elliott you are not well she feit- fury is cf almost yearly occurreu;e on the South Atlantic coast. The Cyclone which begins its gyratiausattbo Equa tor, as the sun in his annual path crosei it, circles rapidly northward with ever incieasiug radii, and usually reaches its maximum of intensity and rapidity of motion at about ;he paral lel of 30. Fort Johnson is at a foint in regard to the Ocean to "receive the hardest blows fro uif the blind giaut, in bis mad career of resolution and ruin. Uusually its approaches are gradual. For one or two days ,tbc wind rbes with the Flood and subsides with the Ebb tide,' increasini; lu violence with each successive iucuning of the waters. Thus dwellers on the Coast have time to make the preparation? possible to j erated more earnestly. You are not ,mcet tbc impending crisis. The in- AV O O D'S Ilouseliolil Magazine, AND TIIU Petersbu g, Va. Our Living and Our Dead. "COURIER, A weekly Wr rceoid. Newspaper, devoted to the. Subcrii ti.m price $2.00, Adurea, is. D. lo L, Ntwotruv, N. C. Ss 1 for twelve months, for the ;Siuali sum of $2,75. ' 'I V- used to care for the wind, or to yield to nervousness. I assure joa anI well. Listen to t,he gale, and see if it raving does not affect you. Hark ! how the win dows shake, and you can hear distinct ly the roar of waters against the Bat tery. God help all sailors out at sea. It will be a stormy night.' Yes, I had forgotten ahe said, af ter listening ; it b the Equinoctial (iale. . He turned pals. Vbat! It is the last of September thft they should have forgotten T Who? my sou habitants of Fot Johnson on the beach flee to points of safety some taking refuge with friends on ' the Hill," as as the continuation of the village along the inner bay ws called others find - ing safe retreat in the unused govern t'ent building, the Ga-rUon and Bar racks. Xow the fctora promised to be more swift and terrible in its deiceat than it bad been since that of three, years bcfiie.when several houses were washed away and carried out to sea ; and otAers, among them Mr. Hazlchurst'a under mined. Instead ot three day warn ing of griiduil approach it was now but prelun'.iug fct:e frm the nier. One great m-iseu'ar rejro enlarging the whi'es ol bit eye pointed out to the watir, K: ! in-is i'e riiwr pitch and fosm s , no I o .t liii in nui,' No amopnt r klod cf reward could induce a venture, aad indeed be qarH i ned h's right to tempt them as lot a mom nt he 'urncd io bitter dis- appoiTtnic ii ai.d Io. ked away to the va cr.' IMot boats and a. a craft of all kids wire d ting teture the faU; at times b st to view lehind tin? mooter U: lof, tl-en m untir.g os if about to Itap over at .i ( t; the u xt a are. Al! wire txtkiuiT rtfuge in the land locked buy, t ir aove th tity on the A-hlty side, Ir -m t'10' trmpst which whs every n.om'-nt gaining iu intensity ai.'I fearlub e. llesvy tto'riu cluda yet m.de day-light dubiou", and the light m'sfy rain tht I; 11 was driven in to the face aa c ne looked ote toward. The tea vv covereI wih white (oam, ami tl.c tt apray was dbcd up high Iri-m the breakers at they stranded on the biob. The tide bad two and a hlf hour yet to ri, and the watir w. as Sdg'i as ordinary high tide. L"t-rly toilc1, Elliott torned borne- ward. The r-ia was pece'ratirg his water pro X suit, and aa nn.brrl!a was a! inipos:bi!;ty. ile was looking oat for a ttreet cr or omn'bu when be b-rved x lirery aia'de jaat at band. Th -rv mtht be time yet. It con'd not be rsorc ibn tevea, aad he would try the route by the Depot Bridge, and the ferry. In fire minutes he ws gal ! -j pTrg toAat l tb! Cbadenn ui r-ur inrnih Hi!raJ! derxt. Tli's was m t oa the Charleston side, but oa the mair.Iacd, ncnij Afh!ey River, there ftUut three quarters of a mile wide, and vit r-uLM dt t Lrid-. n o he bad g iir.ed it ami tamed south into th- I r a 1 ral 'ed cg to Wappoo Frrj h- fond the wind cut off by the Otnte w.od,and'in c-mparative caloa he prrtaetl Lit gallop along the level oad extea liag tevea mi'es to the Ftrry. , He rear led It by eigh, one haar DCt I hit the arch af MathevV Livery S aMea. Now area- a difSculty in teccri'g the aid ot the ferryman a'-nvr jouk afrd oa the farther b rrt Hr h 'tied till ixhau-tett, b?l tia t ire wm 1. ia tha ahrieaioff of the g.Iear .l tl e arge af wi'en at.d co in of lite a'saered tr.m tl e old man or LU qi:et eab'n are the b t of smdte that watcut 1T tun whirl.d away the u.'mer.t it 10 e cbimr.ey. No pstMcgrr watxp.cvd I i s jcIi w.athfr as thi, and iadeed the o'd cegro'a cfSce was alxost a tiocar, m st Jaroes-Llandcts timing their pa sgeat low water when the roo was nearly dry an 1 fordab'e. . Now a-ream thirty yr la wide sad ten fret deep rolled rapidly tlrongh. To Eili.Mt an hoar Kcnieil exhausted in fru.tleis ETjrtsere Le was i brre '. Ooce he pi ao zed ia Vsperttly but the current thongh at hall tide bue and cMldUb by play to the tiagedy entctfpg oa the bar, waa too strong. The gener.raB horse made a strong effort to em it, snd iwtm acrota, let le waa wearied by hii eight mile race and after a briet struggle turned back. At length Cue door, scrtened by a rude sled, cpeoed, and a dog came firth f-alUrcd by an rid woman. 8ha stooped to pick up vrne sticks of wood that were piled coder the ahel cr. E -lio t filing bis hacck. rchlef to hia rid irg whip, began riding up and down the shore, waviog it Tiolcotly. For tunttelj, this attracted tbed.-gs attev tion, and hia violent barking brought the old woman slowlr unnsht and turned ber around, feeing the horse-, roar, sbe called bcr husband, who In t kw minutes had Elliott orr, aod bad. jiocketed lare f.; llu girer Stipu lating tua- I lie umu and Ut g should hare sabkta.tttal share ot it. Ilia hour's delay proved to be bat fitteen nitaatc. wi.eu Le touod shtlur lrom wind sou ritn sufScieat to cun suit his wstch. There was yet an bocu and a quarttr .before him, aod hi trotter 11 vs :otn bad made b s mil? ia four mtuutes. To reach Hi own stable, exchange tho hired sniraal for his bu:gy and buggy horse, and regalu the raaiu roa-1 was the work of twenty minute.' Thence all' was smooth till he should reach hisg ial in time 1 . Meanwhile a group, of auxious fct w-re gaibrtd in the hooe of llaotu' Itina, rhe old nurse of the IIax!el.urst children. B s'ule l.er room in the mat siuu lu Q't she alao poae-e I a tatm from which her children bad all marv ried, and which remained ready, for nished, and known a Maum Hina's houae, a place of retreat tor them, all or ot I ami It teunlfto. It was usually the gathering point, when comfort or consolation was sought, 01 account both of btr deep piety, aud of the poai tion of rcp?ct and affection she had so long held at the bouse. It had been a night of fearful omens and dreams to many of thm. An owl, driven frtmi home by the f!l and ruin ol bis ho!!ew oak ha 1. alighted at DcUUV window and delivered bis minora screeth Whippowils bad en tered one buc, and old Daniel had ialle.n idUj another trance from which the storm bad failed to arouse hiss. The st- rm its-!, siterrib!? and Io. suddto, had excited their imagioatioss, an t it.deed dreams of brrora io which. -flKKlsand tbjndtrbohs wtie the chief agents of deftructioo. Tbee portents were not to be disregarded. Tbey secmol t poin, especially the owl's adrent, to immediate death in tho family, and all thoughts fixed oa E'sle. ilaum-r's advio) wis that a com mute', herself iuclua) 1 should go to Elsie's bouse to report on her condition while the rest prepared to meet the threatening trouble fiitirg'y ia prsjer meetiog. . They gathered close around the broad stone hearth, wber? a light-wood fire crack ed and bUi d; and sect fitful flashes over their nut-brown excite4 faces aod male curioas moving shad ows of thfrru on the walls as they swayed b ek sad for'.h. Aod thus, with bands clap-d an 1 ters dropping otr tl.iir seining chek, tbsy prayed and arg of 'Way ober la de Piomiscd Land -(TO BE CWVTIXtTED.) When a man thtr ks nobody cares tor him, an 1 be is a'ooe in a cc!J aid sel-fi-h world, ha would do well to ask Limsclf this qaestion: Wbat have . I done to taaktf anyl-o !y cars for aad love me, and to warm the wwr'.d with faith and gencrositr 1' Il Is generally tha case tLatthoae woo complain tie. moat have done the tea. A drunken fellow wandered ioto a Sabday school and took a scat wih the 1 rimer scholar, when tbe teacher thus accosted Lioi : Why, Jam-, do yon koo what cond.t'on yon sre ia V Yrf, m'rn ; in the gall of bL'orss ah bonis of oiq'ii'y. Ask ma soue hard ab re the great rock qucaL-'.s. t