Oar Poeltet Calendar for 1876. U1S.UIV 16,17 119 3,ilK 3n,31 ......... ...k.V, 1 1! 4 -a X 31 7 8' 9-11 11 121 M Ml; 13U.1V 16 17ilft.1V 13 1(1 17 20 22 23 24 27- jo i sr I. J-ftl-fth' ... II 1 38 . a! 7 . Si 9'UMl! U U H irjmi7!!ii!! i a ji'B-WStiiis;1 . .1.-!. J...M Sept ziMlMjia 17, .t-mB. Oct I 1; as 4i ft, el 7! it i n 12 u i 15 I I7'W 19 ai -.'i 2J 23 21 21,26. 272S 9-10 11 12 ,14-1S" 1., 17 IK l 21 B I U24 2S2filSj?4i ,31 . ... .., ... li. .. I 21 31 4 7 ft 9 HI 1 1 ... 1, J S 4 ft 6 7 ft. 9 10 11 14 1MHI7 I" nrj-Ji 12'13 14, IS -f I7I1H 19 20121 22 Zl to.lA Zl Ti 23 24 2.'.,227 .-3M;3IJ,.. ... 3U,.'..f... 1 2 Jim 3 .11 4 ft' l 7 SI I0'll!12 13 14'IVIB 17 IH I9;ai!21 22 M ' 71 W :l 1112 13 141ft KHI7 It 19 i 2122 V, 34 2i iWS .'... b'l-ijiJ 31 '...i.-' -! FARM, UAKIIE3 AM) nuustuv. H . - . , ..nr,rrSV Tt "New mid lieed Krripcs 1. m 41...... Ollk.H VNS , 1 UDpING. J. wo cmm Jii, 'on -. -lliilf cnp butter, olio cup oi; moian ikm in;, Mir. raisins, one and one-hftjf cup I lnikv oiw tiiiftoiiful BivlfcratuH . 1.sh Ivtul'iu rniik : boil two hours in tin : boil-r. Sorvb with wnoc. i I.wian IVddiko. Soald pound of lnili m mA ; tli.it in, pour boiling water oii it.'ftiriiiK till still ; have ready ono pou i1 clK'Hiwl auct ; stir it in ami aVliloiielpi.it New" Orleans inolnsws and onu uuuV! ground ginger 'i, bake m -greased tin by kIow ovon ; takes about two hour to bake. . t " -: Weusu Rauebit. i-Melt over a hot fire . a pioco of Imtti r, size of an egg. Cat of njild ches.4 Aftor melting for five or Um minutes ponr into it half a glass . of milk. SoftfHiu to taste. Aftor this lias boon ou tbo tire, for about fifteen iiiinutos pour it on sopie hot toast. . 'Mjhok Pies. Tw pounds of boiled tHH'.f hf-a, choppetl' when old ; two pounds boot hw,, chopped line ; two .pounds of pippin apples, chopped ; two pounds "raisins, stoned and chopped ; two pounds currants, picked,, washed, rind dried ; two pounds of powdered , w i n to s ugar ; half a pound of citron, cut iik suiiiil strips ; one teivspoonful of K.dfc, fix grated nutmegs, half on ounce powdnred clovs, liulf an ounce powder .! ni:wMi, an ounco pf cinnamon, (not gi "id measure). After mixing well, taste iiud judge for yourself." ' ' ' Ecios and Minced Vsau Take some rc iijTiuuUof roastrvoal, trim off airbrown- d'Darts.'tand mince it very finely : fry a ihalloti chopned: small, in plenty of butter; when it is a light straw color; mid a itriro pinch of flour land a little i-t'i:k ' then add tho minced meat, with chopped paisley, iwppor, salt, , and llIHinog t ftranM ; mix twoll, ulU aora nt'R if necessary, and lot the mine gkulnally get hot by the side of the fire; l.istly, mm a lew drops oi lemon luice, .'Servo with sippets of bread fried in but ter round, mid poached oggs on the top. ' Draft Hornr. . o st.irt out with tho proposition that ,f';r'nt sizo isnot a necessary point in ifiivor, of a drurt horse, and is often an j ;''!jeOtiou. Next wo state that a drift ' lintse, is not to h& judged by his ability - to trot fast, line action, in the sense ' in wlsieh thir witrds are armlied to rond- sters, is. not to be expected of horses de- sitrned for heavwsork. Ac-ain. an un iiMiiul dispoi-itioiTffii lay on-flesh or fat, 4iwver desirable in an animal designed . tVtr fooor is not espixjially to be oom- iiieudcd m au animal designed for labor. j Especially for use in America, sonnd , fie.ss is a very important point in any ! (iiorso, and as much so among draft " lioiifes as among thcSo for other pur- pnspM. "There; should lx no predisposi (i ii to diseitso of any kind. There Hliould bii suel a tionstitntiou that rea ' Konalilo cxertivin to which a working horse is subject slinll not produce sick ' lui.-ts nor unsoundness of any kind. Per- :reateNti!olinm( Vig mct' V.rfa'fV'fiBtA'iS tin! feet.- Anioiiir tho first thiucs at ,vliie,h wo'slioiiM look if -about pur fli:ising ji htiillion, would lie his feet. ..It. if to bo hoped .that importers and hr.rivlers of draft horses may pay twpct'ial iittention to tins matter. ' .. end eyes lire another essential. It r a not ; v!iicommon fault with many V draft; lii'sert .that: their eyes aro i small, , i'uH, fyiiiken or vicious" looking. Good trumpet- i'i specjally to be dtwired. A dull, '.-.' .lid brute, without any raani- . ( Jiitimi of energy or spirit, is to he itvtiiidl .,ti Jho ono hand,.iw is a bad tdiupj ied. vkio'uii bruto -ou tho other lina). . ! . Among' tho '! fimlts of lesser oonse: P'.0:iee, Imt ono we think worthy of no ( i e, and one we think u which a breed of iliofmis -with very many excellencies, Jlii I Clydesdale, could be improved, is in ilniving -long hair on the legs, i We . se no good in Jiliis hair if it certainly fluids nothing to the beauty of the am- ' Juiiil, and it holdfj mud, wet show, ice, etc.t to au uuplcasant amount. , If this trait wero . brd out we think a gain wojuuroe niaoo. Western Rural. To ftlake Cood Bread. . - he following recipe will ' make two good -sized loaves:!' Boil three large potatoes,-; mash -thorn .perfectly smooth while hot, add a pjoce of butter half the jfrizo of an egg, ouejteaspoonful of sugar, uuiT half a teaspoonful of salt Then ;t"d0 a pint of warm water; half of this "I pour over th'e'pojatoes; with the other lull I raiston one' and a half teacups of ulrtrr, Bout tho flour well to remove all tb'i lumps, andjadd to the potatoes; put in Imlf a teacup of yeast, and, last, of allj a half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in I half a cup 'of warm . water. ..This makes a very thin batter, which must be Swell beaten and set jn a' warni place with bottom heat at first over night. Latterly WI have used "compressed yest " to sayo trouble. One-third., of a little cake dissolved in a .cup of warm watep(ia sufficient for this amount of bread. - - . I'd tho morning sift into your bread trajr three pints of flour and half a tea spoonful of salt. Make a cavity in ' the middle, and pour in the risen sponge, which sluiiil j be full of bubbles, or it is :uot good. Knead well with both hands. jTho dough should he very soft, and only mueu nour rubbtnlon the hands as is absolutely necessiry. Knead forfive or ten minutes tho loneer the better. Afterward spriuklo ti little flour over and uuder, and- set away, -eovored with a . cloth, in a warm place. It Should rise l . 1 1.1- ;i. ; A. . to HuuuiB iis size, vvuonit nas risen this much, over an hourknead it aerain .PmdO into two; loaves set tho pau in a . w;irui plaoo Jintil tlulqaves have risen to the top.- .Bakoii a quick oven, for about dialf an hour. If it is desired atter the iirst kneading, take about half , the djugh, aud roll iuto biscuits. Let -1 liem rise a ti w minutes m a warm place, a id IwkeXu a quick oven. Potato bread I lwlitiyo is' far more wholesome than any otherand I can confidently recommend tins bread as the best I ever made. ' It will keep f rei . f;r a week. ' ; . j At an-English Execution. . 1 Jf . A - 1- - . . -. . ,yieiriiig to oungimg execuuons, a r .urespoiHlent tells .us of the case of li-Vislivhl, tho wife murderer, who was liiinged in Loudon some years since. Ho not only succeeded in getting Ms hands .tud arms loose, bat actually climbed to tho top of tho scaffold. Taking off his bl ick cap he then commenced to unfasten himself so that ho could jump down :im6ng the crowd; but old Calcraft, with ruo agility ot a monkey, went after him, pulled the okek cap over his eyes agaiu, .grabliod h n by too legs, and down they wobs, cat-i.;u suoKing on uue grim death, ami I groaiis,-cat calls, yells, and Idssos for half au hour, till Bouaford was deid. When Calcraft m3de his appear ance to cut down the body ho was re ceived witn a dreadful storm of shrieks, aud abuse. ."He politely bowed to the audience three timos and then cut down the body and disappeared. : A Virginia- girl took aim and pulled thoxngger of her fathers double-bar- reled shot gun. Her truant lover fell. She! slipped quietly into the house. stated the fact and was composedly eat ing her dinner when arrested. She is now, in jad awaiting the result of the young man's injuries. ( frlJlPu'lS.W.V t 10 11 1J.I.VI4 IS 116 17 IMi IV 31 Zl H I 3U 31 .-.-..-.-! M. ... ... -H a"o- II ".?. 1 T FBI II IZ.l I IV ETESTS OF 1875. JANUABf. : 1. Six thousand ininers strike in ;South w l-" A maioritv'of the New England mill, .i.rtnn fall' time and a reduc- WtMll lion of tep per cent, in' wages. 4. Conservative members of the Louisiana Legislature expelled by United States troops; Gen.. Sheridan vauraej command enthe army of tie 0ulf.-Th5 TiUon Beecher caite called. 6 Don Alfonso left Parm for Spain. .. ; 7. The Senate passed the-Specie Kesamp- tion bill. ... V '13. The rresident's' Louisiana message cnt to Congress.-!'. B. S. l'inchbacMKp.; ot Iuiiana electe.l Uniteii ntaies oenawr i.. -ii.o WoIKut7 I frixUtiire. ' 14 In mMHHire to Conjrress the Frew- dent nrged an increatied revenue to aid in returning to specie payment. , ' 15. (Uadntone esigna s leader of the 5J0. Francis Kernan (Dem.) of New York, Henry IVllawes (Kep.) t Mascnueiui, Wm. A. Wallace (Iem.) of Pennsylvania. ti......,- v ltMT!irl i Iteni.l of Delaware, and Joseph E; McDonald (Dem.) of Indiana, elected United States Senators. Montene srro said to have . declared war again! Tnrlrov . ' . oi Tl. "Little larifl' bill passes the HoUHe Judire iH'aac 1'. Cln-intiancy (Kep.) ..r Mkimn vtUhI United States benator. 22. Thedovernor of Dakota apjieals for aid for the Hufl'erers by famine. Ex-Oov. A. S. 1'addock (Kep.) of Nebraska elected I Tnitwl StntMi Senator. 25. The House agreed to the repeal of the additional Pacific Alail suDsiay. r h-, Mi talfPii Liu seat in the Italian Seuate. 9 ( Jpn. A mbrose E. Burnside IKep.) OI ,Khd Inland and Andrew Johnson I Dem.) .t iiiwium piecieu uniieu nuuc """- ...lwfwt nf ht ioint resolution fixing the 1'ri Jontiul term at hix years. , 27. Er-iov. Theodore F. Randolph .Vof Now J" - tHl United fctales nuuir. 30. The Senate Renublican caucus de cided U uphold the Kellogg government, ix)ck-outin the South waies mines oegu ; . . . r. . 1T I ! I . 125,000 miners idle. , . FEBRUARY. . 2. ' King Kalakaua sails from San Fran cim:o for Honolulu. , Is 3. The Senate rejects the Canadian re ciorocitv trety. Annus Cameron irvep.i of Wisconsin elected United States Senator. Th Marouia of Hartington made, leader oi tne njigusn ljioejais. 5. The IIouHe passts the Civil Rights bill, OiHMHntr ol tlie Jintish I'ariisment. tie iiort of the accension of Tsaetien to the Chinese throne. . (5. RejKirts on Arkansas affairs made to the House. - . i 8. The President's Arkansas message sent to the Senate.The Senate election com mittee reports in favor of admitting ,P. B. S. Pinch hack (Ken.) tI louwiana to a seat. 'J. The first train runs through the Hoosac tunnel. 10. The-Republican joint caucus;- perfect ed the " Force bill." . ' 11. Charles W. Jones (Dem.) of Florida eloctmd - United &tati-H Seimtiir -A fire d stroTB $2,000,000 worth of l.roporty a' Port au-Prince. . , R 13. The House passes a bounty bill, in volving the naynient ot about 20,000,lKXl. 15. Withdrawal of the Morrill District bill in the Senate and the discussion of the Pinehback case. Cape Cod bay -frozen over. 16. Election: of John Mitchel, National ist, to British Parliament from Tipperary. 17. Allen T. Caperton (Dem.) elected United States Senator from West Virginia, 18. 1 he Pinehback resolution laid on. the table by the Senate after twenty-nine hours' debate.- The President calls an extra seiwioii of the "enate to meet March 5. l'J. Sainfiel J. K. McMillan (Itep.) chief- justice of Minnesota, elected United States Senator. 23, Tl,e United States House 'passed a substitute lor the Tax an.l Tariff bill. 24. The Ohio Prohibitionists nominated State 'officers. The French Assembly passed the Senate bill. - 25.. The Gueen and France arid other vessels run ashore near-New York in a fog, Five iersons killed and over thirty wounded by the crushing in of the roof of St. Andrew's church, New York 26. Dnniages by floods in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, anil Tennessee. Report of the '.rf?'r. "f f ateamer Honir Konir in the' iiiiiiaii oeeun ; weniy-iotir (cnxWuiFiniiig. 27. .The House passes the "Force bill" and recommits the reinirt on the Pacific: Mail inventii;ation. The Senate passes the Civil Ivights bill ; it goes to the President. - MARCH 1. The House recognizes the Kelloirir cov- eminent in Liouisiami.Ai. linnet re-eiecteu ... . .:..r ! j- r tr . ' . . president of the French Assembly. 2. 1 he Senate passes the Tax and Tariff bilK The lloiie passes Judce Poland's Arkansas resolution,' and agrees to the Franking clause iii the Post-office bill. The Bounty bill passed in the Senate Ifv the vice-rresiiient s vote. 3. ilie flouse decides the Louisiana Representative contested cases. The bill admitting' Colorado passed in the. House; the New Mexico bill lost. - 4. The Fortv-third tVinreRS adiniirnn tin. die. Wreck of the Gothenburg in Bass' strait, ana loss ot .about lib lives reported a. Meeting of -the Senate in special ses sion. 9. The President informs '-the- cabinet of hi$ intention to abandon civil service re form. The New Hampshire election7 re sults in a Republican plurality, but no ehoice of governor by the people. Thomas W. rerry (Kep.) of Michigan, elected nrei. 1. . -. . . . " i ueni pro tern, oi the Senate. . 10. 1 he Senate ratified the treaty with Belgium.".- - . ... 11.-Announcement of the settlement of the V lrginius aflair. 12. Disastrous-lire at MontpelierTVt, 16, End of the Fall River (Mass.) strike, 11. ..Damage on the Delaware river by 1 1 : , 1 I. r . . me ureuKiiiK oi tne jrort jervis ice gorge.-r-Suspension .of Siordet & Co., merchants lAiiiuuii ; iiaoiimes, 2,UOU,0UU. Is.JThe Senate ratifies the Hawaiian treaty. b allure of the General South Ameri can Banking Co., London; liabilities. $1. 500,000. " ' ' 19. Damage at Port Deposit, Md.,. and in L,ancasier county, ra., Dy the Susquehanna 1IOOU. 20. Destructive " tornado in Georgia Oxford wins the university boat race. AS. lhe Senate' adopts Mr. Anthony's resolution approving tne Tesident's action 24. The United States Senate adjourns. 3. Resignation of Gen. F. E. Spinner. United States treasurer, to take effect Jnn 30: . . . . SlThe governor of Texas' asks goverri liient aid against Mexican raiders. H '' ' ' , APRIL. ;. 1. Breaking of the Delaware and Susque hanna ice gorges. -' ' 3. Gov. Hartranft orders tbe rioting miners of Luzerne and Schiiylkjll to dis perse. ' - b. The Democrats carry Connecticut ; ' the Republicans carry Michigan. 6. The civil suit against Wm. M.Tweed renewed.- . 7. The Republicans have a plurality in Rhode Island; lto election-of go vepo3 by the people. ' 9. Michael .Sullivan hanged' at New Brunswick, N. J., for the murder of Edward Talmadge.Pirst passenger train through the Hoosac tunnel. HeavY storm in Ar- 10. Paul Boyton crossed the English 11," Forty dwellings ..burned' at idillers town, Penn. ; loss about $100,000. 14 W reek of the Stuart Hahneman, from Ixmdon to Bombay ; thirty-eight lives lost. . 16. Three aeronauts suffocated to death during a balloon ascension at Paris. j 17. Destructive . flood on Mill river, Mass. . ,- . 19. Centennial celebration of the Concord and Lexington fights. i 22. Attomey-Gneral George H. Wil liams resigns, to take effect May 25. - 23. Three- steamboats burned at New Orleans ; large loss of life. ' 27. The'beretta of the Cardinalateconfer red on Cardinal McCloskey. 4 " j 28. Oshkosh, Wis., nearly destroyed by fire; loss about $2,500,000. Busimss part of Hermon, N. Y., destroyetl ; los 100, 000. The Prince of Wales installed Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Ma- : v i j r ; nwiio 111 .CjllglHIlu.. . 29. Large fire at Detroit- loss. $350,000. 30. Explosion in Bunker's Hill tpolliery. nulla oiauoruBioxe, xngianu ; over tnirty lives lost. . ' . 5 - - , ' MAY. 2. Revolution at Port-au-Prince, Hsyti ; forty .foreigners killed. The steamer St. ljuxe sunK at ot. louis and nine lives lout the schooner Consuello loint off Marblebead Lake Erie, and five lives lost;" the steamer' Ainamnra tost on uape Sable island. 7.1 Wreck of the Schiller off the Scilly islands Eng. ; 342 lives lost. - ' 101 The Western wMky ring exposed. Centennial celebration of the captore of Fort Ticonderoga. The czar of Bossia visits Berlin. 15. Large fire at Kutland, Vt.; loss over $100,000. Peshawur, India, nearly destroy- i.. 4; w "J -.t r,. V.;- 18. Lhsastroos eanuquwc snd Venexuela ; Cucuta, San Cristobal, and Urcua destroyed. " . 20. Large fires in Pennsylvtia ; loss at Ovweola, $2,000,000. The Mecklenburg cen- tennial celebrated at tnanoiie, kj. 21. The forest fires in new xora, ew Jersey, and Pennsylvania continue. ; 24. Strike of the Lowell, (Mass.) mule 2b; uver twenty persons amcu uj w tiLinn mt Rrwtnn. ... t i j.ii. ,i 27. Seventy persons oumeu vj uem intv.tn lnmred in .rrencn vatnoiu. Kulpal at Holroke. Mass. V. ..v.... J - ' 1 1 29. Report of the loss oi Z.uuu lives ana uwnl wit I uwa in Asia Minor by eartn- nn.W Th Alert ana uiscevery Tv.Hmmith. Enp.. for the Artie reeions. - 1 - r . . , - , 30. Large, fire at Spnngneia, mam ; iosh, ooo.uuu. . JUNE. ' , Loss of steamer Vicksburg, 120 miles off Kosfonndl&nd : over forty lives lost. 2. Dedication of the Masonic tempie in New York. The United States treasury robbed of $47,000. . . ; , . 10. IL B. Clanin Vo., new xorx, in dicted on a charge of receiving smugglea silks. ' i IS. Heavy frosU in New York:, Pennsyl vania, New Jersey", and New England. 15. The Tseed decision reversea dv me New York court of appeals. ' . . it 1 I - I T : 1 1 . : .1 tfw.lAKi.la.l 18. A slight earthquake shock feltin sev eral States north of the Ohio. The United States steamer Saranac lost in Seymour nar rows. .. - " ' ' 21. Destructive thunder .storm in the West.. 22. Tweed removed from the penitentiary to Ludlow street jail. by the overflow, of the Garonne, France. 20 The American team successful in the international match , at Dollymount by thirty-nine points. JULY. :. - i .2. The Tilton-Beecher jury fails to sgree and is discharged. - ' 3. Centennial ot Washington's taiting a, a II . 1 i y " command ol. the a.rmy ceieurateu, at Cam bridge, Mass. 0. Seven persons Killed ana several wounded in a railway- collision on Long Island. Washington's ' headquarters at Morristown, N. J., opened. 6. Steamboat collision near fortress Monroe; ten lives lost. The Spanish con stitutional commission finishes its labors. : 7. Plymouth Church raises Mr. Beecher sr salary to $100,oW lor 180. "8. Failure ot Jacob Kubine, JNew lork gold speculator. Disappearance of r. A. Eccles. New York broker, after overdraw ing his accounts $136,926. Destructive floods in r ranee and Switzerland. 12., Five villages in Herzegovina raise the Austrian flag and refuse to pay Turkish taxes. 13. The Cornell crew wins the freshman raoe at Saratoga. 11. Comoll wma tKo ' tuuvoaoity ua At Saratoga. 15, Destructive floods in England and Wales. 23. Trial of the alleged Mountain Meadow murderers begun at Beaver, Utah. Audi tor Clinton of Louisiana resigns. The na tional bank of Winthrop, Me., robbed of $50,000. Explosions: an Iowa City 'paper mill, live men -killed; an Erie railway engine three men Killed. lurkisli troops attack the Herzegovina insurgents. 27. r ailure ot Duncan, Sherman Co bankers, New York reliabilities about $6,000,000. - AUGUST. . ' ' ' 2. Heavy overflows reported in Ohio, In diana, Illinois, and'Missouri. and a severe worm at li.g J The IJemocrato storm at Long Branch and Ocean Grove.- carry Kentucky. 3. About 15,000 operatives locked out at Fall River. . . 5. Inundation of Kiru, Prussia: disas trous Hoods in British India reported. , lhe Mountain Meadow niry disagrees. Arrest of liersons charged with robbing tne united States treasury oi $47,000. Cardinal McCloskey sails for Europe. lb. lhe Mistletoe sunk by the. royal yacht Alberta ; tour lives lost. VJ ' linuw 1 1 . IMoo. muri-liant tf Now I orK, lataliy injured by a burglar. Zi. ryeception lhJNew lork ol the Amen can rifle team. 24.. Captain Mathew Webb swims from Dover to Calais. . ' . 26. Suspension of the Bank of California. oan rraucisco. iiriinsr, Anrens S Uo.. Baltimore sucar refiners, fail for $2,000,000. -First shipment of peaches to Eurojie, ou tne sieaiuer uiuo iroiu l niiadelpnia. Z). Arrest at Fhiladelphia of State Treasurer Sooy of New Jersey for embezzle- uient oi oUjOvo. . , j 31. The Panama railroad and Pacific Mail agreement ratified. Burning of Bax ter. Bell & Co. s paint works. .Brooklyn loss, $150,000. . SEPTEMBER. y 1. The Democrats carry California.- The association for the codification'of in ternational law met at The Hague. 2. lhe Vanguard sunk by thelron Duke in the English channel.A Montreal mob prevents the burial ot Uuibord s remains. 4. JLhree white men and ten negroes kill ed, and as many wounded in a political quarrel at UUnton, Miss; - b. lhe Alabama and North Carolina constitutional conventions meet. 8; lhe NewJersey constitutional amend ments carried. Gov. Ames of Mississippi asks for troops. Explosion in the Cellu loid Co.'s building, Newark ; large loss of me and property. t ; . ' 9. 1 he steam barge Mendota sunk in L.ake Michigan : thirteen lives lost. 10. Heavy storm in the Northwest : thA jr . . , - propeller rquinox goes down in lake Michigan and twenty-two lives lost 1 12. Violent gales in the Mediterranean and at the Windward islands. 13. The Republicans carry Maine. 14. Three. New York firemen killed and four ' wounded by the breaking of an aerial ladder. 16. Departure from New York of the fast mail trains for the West. 17. ' A severe cyclone in the eulf of Mexico destroys property, hundreds of lives and several towns in Texas." 24. A plot to massacre the Black Hills commissioners at Red Cfoud fails. ! 29. Solar eclipse. The Crow Butte coun cil breaks up without result. Eleven per sons k i I Fed and twenty-five wounded in a railway accident near Sorrel, Canada. OCTOBER. 1. President Grant's Des Moines speech on non-sectarian schools published. Failure Of Sheperd," Hall -& Co.- of Boston, lu fitter dealers, for $1,500,000. v '1 I. Reojieningof the Bank of -California. 4. Burnine of the I.. J. Raper on fhp Rnl- tic, and loss of thirtyMive lives. 8. V availing of the John A. Andrew Btatue at Benton. 9. Sentence of ' Will iam H. "Westervelt in the Ross abduction case, Philadelphia. lz. lhe .republicans carry Ohio. Iowa and Nebraska. 16. Return of the Black Hills expedition to Clievenne. " 17. Return of the Pandora to ISoithead. England, from the Arctic regions. la. iix-tenator Uhandler accepts the secretaryship of the interior. v 21. Eight of the -whisky 'ring pleaded fuilty at St. Louis ; ,$500,000 recovered. 21. Entries of nolle vrostaux in the lihpl indictments against Theo. Tilton and F. D. Moulton. z 23. Conviction of Col. John A. Joyce in the St. Louis whisky trials. 2o. lhe Kepublicans carry Colorado. 26. Ten blocks burned at Virginia Citv. Nevada; loss, $7,500,000. The "Stone wall" Jackson statue unvailed at Rich mond. . , ''' 29. Failure of Katteneell & Camnholl London merchanU, for $2,000,000. v50. Missouri constitution adonte 1. TIip French jronclad Magenta 'explodes at Toulon. . NOVEMBER. 1. Snow and ice in southern New York and northern Pennsylvania Suspension nf the National Gold Bank, San Francisco. i. At the state elections the Democrats carry New York, Virginia, Mississippi, and wisconiua vwun, exception oi governor) the Republicans carry Massachusetts Pennsylvania, Kansas, and Missouri. o. rrussia annexes a part of Khokand. 7. The Prince of Wales reaches Bom bay. 9. Announcement of the' loss of th cific off Cape Flattery ; over two hundred persons missing. - 1U. Vice-JPremdent Wilson suddenly t1r on ill at Washington. 16. Minister Cushing receives Spain's re ply to the American note. Tweed's annli. cation for a bill of particulars dismissedCy the court of appeals. Aabama's new, con stitution adopted. 1 7 Publication of Don Carlos' proposi tion for a truee with King Alfonso in case t ;l. tk TTnitMl States. 26. The Sunshine overturnea on umuu- bia river ; .forty lives . lost tonnrmMion of England's purchase of the khedives Sues- canal share". Keturn oi varoinu Mcdoskey from Europe. ' DEGESfBER.' 1. The ' Sunnvside mink by ice near Poughkeepsie ; eleven lives lost. 2. Gen. U. Eu uaococs aemaiius mili tary court of inquiry because of the charges connecting him with the whisky ring. The miiaaeipoia ohj j -The 3. The lluason river ciww "j Reading Coal and Iron company orders the I each other' arms. They had taken strych closing of all its mis, throwing over 10,- I q" Another man bad claimed the woman 000 people out of work. . 4. Wm. M. Tweed escapes from his keep- m. whi,-1,JJililing ZfSl miner, killed by an explosion in , Uie Powell eMeeting of the Forty-fourth Congress, to ur.w.ir th I lotitsuiiinnrf nn tn Keni- i V IC,aV. OI a 11 M-' " -r v w 1 ish Knock sands, ofl England; loss oi over fifty lives. Over 130 persons killed by an explosion in the Suaithe colliery, near Bamsley, England. 7. The President's message read before Congress. Ex-Congressman J. Q. Smith, of Ohio, appointed commissioner of Indian aflairg. 8. Congress asked for $1,500,000 by the Centennial commissions ine inaictnient iiomiu m) i vreu O. E. Babcock in the St. Louis whisky cases presented in court. - 10. Wm. C Ueianey nangea at norxn Iempstead, L. L, for the' murder of Capt. Lawrence. - 11. Splosion of dynamite at Bremer- haven; Upwards of one hundred persons killeslndf wounded. 14 Burning of .the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine works at Bridgeport ; loss $500,000. lo. Pesach JNathan rvuoenstein, oi JJiew York, arrested for the murder of Sarah A.ta.atntcr mt rtant rtcir jivib. xxrv. 16. Over one hundred miners killed by an explosion at Framieres, Belgium. 17. Three negro murderers hanged at the Tombs, New York. Two- thousand people demand relief at Montreal. !-' 18. ' The President, .Congressmen, and government officers visit the Centennial grounds. Intense cold weather throughout the country. ' 20. Duncan, Sherman & Co. declared in voluntary bankrupts. The Louisiane'sunk in the river Gironde; sixteen lives lost. 21. Yale College withdraws from the rowing association. .trench senatorial elections (began Dec: 9) ended. , 22. Earthquake at Richmond. A gas ex plosion at Boston kills and wounds several persons. ' 25. Lighty. persons killed by an accident in a church at Helliken, Switzerland. 2b. lhe royal palace at Barcelona nearly destroyed by fire. , . 28. F. D. Moulton sues Mr. Beecher for malicious prosecution. HEALTH IX WINTER. Seme Hn-aUiia Coacerninjr Popular Opin ionsTimely Uinta In Krcard t Ventila tion of .Srhaal-raoma. -x na ofimoj nnsrinmofir or winter this year was, as our readers will recollect, remarkably near its nominal .commence Thi ajitruO. humnninff of -win tor thin ment. The great alteration in tempera ture which occurred about that time, though a little in advance of the change in' season as indicated by the. almanac, corresponded to the latter with uncom mon exactness, the diT?rence in time being scarcely more than twenty-four hours. A great many people consider winter a peculiarly healthful part of the year. Some persons, we are aware, have a very different impression. The ideas of most individuals in regard to questions of hygiene are a good deal regulated by their own feelings and experience. A man, for instance, who is especially liable to pulmonary complaints, or whose family is subject t.o them, commonly looks upon these 'questions in a very dif ferent light from one who never takes- cold himself, and rarely has occasion for anxiety on account of his wife or chil dren doing so. But the general popular impression is, we think, decidedly in favor of the hoalthfulneas of winter, par-' ticularly if the- season be a very cold one. " Sharp morning tliis, MrA." ho has just met on tho stroet, and who", with his arms and elbows in tie position of tho wings of a chickeil descending from a fence, haa temporarily removed the palms of his hands a quarter of an inch from his ears to enable him to hear what is said. ' 'Yes, sir; pretty cold," replies his friend ; " mercury at my house two degrees and a quarter below zero when I started from home. Hejiltby weather, though." "Vory healthy, in deed," returns tho other. The expres sion of opinions like theso in regard to the salubrity of tho atmosphere is ccr- tainlv not at all limiminl in linrl- ? KiniT wnnf liai n ti ,1 Ic, f i. ly heard than remarks of an opposite kind. Biit there is a great deal of weather in our Winters which is not of the sort we have just mentioned, and which nobody imagines to be peculiarly healthful A driving, northeast rain coming after a fall of snow, or the mild, drizzling days oi rwnicn in some yoars wo have so many between tne beerinninc of December and i I uu duu, ui xouiuary, are seiuom con- siaea advantageous in their hygienic tendencies. In regard to the very cold weatner oi wnicn we nave sooKen; it undoubtedly, if -the air be free from dampness as it frequently is at such times, produces upon 'most people a temporarily bracing and invigorating effect, which is often highly promotive of permanent health. But, on the other hand, there are cases where the effect is evidently anything but favorable.? A long continuance of such weather is not by'any means always accompanied by a material decrease in tho weekly number of deaths. -And, besides the evidence of the bills of mortality, ordinary ob servation shows that the influence of very low atmospheric temperature upon some diseases, among, which mav be particularly mentioned that class of af fections so prominent, for the amount of acute suffering they occasion, neuralgic disorders, it is often far from beneficial. But whatever may be said about the direct effects of winter upon health, there is at least one indirect operation of it that cannot but be regarded as highly detrimental. We mean the want of fresh auyto ; which so many people are subjected, or to which they subject themselves. We shall not stop to speak of anything, in this connection, but school-rooms. r . How many pupils have their health impaired from this cause we do not know ; but we are convinced that it would require much less paper and ink to give a list of those who are not thus affected than of those who are. Kind-hearted people, on a .windy, stinging day, . frequently commiserate those useful members of society who from a lofty position direct the move ments of the horses attached to omni buses or hacks. Wo have assuredly nothing to say against this feeling; for the work, undoubtedly, ia often very hard upon nose and fingers. At the same time, the benevolent individuals in aues- tion might sometimes find, in the case of their own children shut up several hours i . . i 1 1 . ., . . . . ta-uity m a uauiy ventilated scnooir-oom, a neid lor their 'sympathy quite as ap propriate as that afforded by men whose business exposes them to the full severity of cold and storm. - It is certain, at all events, that any healthful tendencies that may pertain to winter weather must, for the time, be of little value to a child sitting with fifty or a hundred others in a room from which the external air is as carefully excluded as from a hermetically sealed can of tomatoes. . It is perhaps not inappropriate to the subject of this article to say a word in regard to tho influence of winter upon tho health of those who are too poor to provide for themselves sufficient protec tion against the cold. ; However con ducive, to health the present season of the year may or may not be to people who have plenty of wrappings when they go out of the house, and plenty of fuel when they are. in it, the effect upon a poor woman or a little child whose homo is a room with jio fire at all, or not half enough to warm it, and whose dothing is entirely unstated to theses son, can scarcely by any possibility be otherwise than decidedly injurious. The amount of sickness and death that is in this manner every year occasioned among the poor is very great, And con stitutes of itself an exceedingly earnest and affecting appeal to the benevolent and charitable. New York Times. SLTKHABTOF 9IWS. jL nght took place between the state troops id revolutionists in Sonera, Mexico, twenty-. i miles sooth of the boundary line, and the former were defeated, with ten kflled. .-..The revenue eollector at Jackson, Miae., has ap plied for and obtained military assistance from the government for the protection of his deputy, who has been driven from town to town by armed foroea while discharging his duties. . . ... .. O. Foster and Celia Toole, who . - . . were mamea recently, were ioubu awn w a public street in Los Angeles, CaL. clasped in as his wife, and it is supposed that this was of the Kt British aothori- tie. have Issued a circular to naval officer, Mk. j,, a British man-of-war when in the territorial wuarfl or a ioraiim .auibe uuu uuij w nutted if their Uvea are endangered, and most not be kept on board after the danger is nuad.- bat no demand for the surrender of a - w . . slave i. to be entertained by a British ' officer. Nathaniel Carr, a Boston merchant, took a box containing $50,000 worth of bonds and paper, from a safe deposit vault, and, while examining the contents, Lad his attention diverted by a stranger. In tne meantime a confederate stole the box. All but f7,000 of tbe bonds can be replaood. Sight distil leries have been seized by revenue authorities in Chicago. . . . . .The bouse of David Morrison, at Green City, Pa., caught fire from gas con veyed from a neighboring well, and was com "pletely destroyed. Mrs. Morrison and a daugh ter were burned to death A Jew named Minster,. residing in a New York tenement, shot and killed his three-year-old daughter, fatally wounded hia reputed wife, and then blew hisypwn brains oat' The 'fii lived anVaypjly tngother aud were ex tremely poor A dispaoh from Eastport, Me., says that the winter fishing there is almost entirely a failure. Over sixty vessels are there, bat none of them has a cargo. There are no herring. between this port and Back bay The national rifle association of Great Britain has aooepted the challenge of the New York association to take part in tbe match for small-bores to be held in the United States during the Centennial celebration. . . . . . The Nez Perces Indians, a tribe of about eighty warriors, having threatened to drive the settlers from the Walla Walla valley in Oregon, Gen. Howard has ordered his cavalry to protect the settlers. . . .. Joseph Bork, treas urer of the city of Buffalo, is a defaulter to the extent of $300,000, and has fled to Canada..., Oostave Onski, a New York German, after a discussion about the recent hanging of the three negroes, evidently experimented, as a rope was found about his neck fastened over a book in a batcher shop where he was em ployed. . He carried his experiment' to far, however, and being unable to call for help, strangled to death. ; : ' Col. Mines, with Sonora (Mexican) state troops, attacked the main Dody of the Yaqui Indians at PirtohallO. o& tha thin? nvtnm ber, and routed them, with a loss of. about 200 killed and wounded Charles B. Beck with, formerly confidential clerk and cashier for B". T. B&bbitt, the extensive soap man of New York city, has been arrested charged with. em bezzling $600,000 from his .employer Several bands of Khokand insurgents are pre paring to resume hostilities. French Russian troops will be dispatched to the scene of opera tions this month..... .Heavy rains have oc curred in the northern part of ScoUaiidf The rivers have been swollen and large tracts of land In undated. Tho Loch Earn river has overflowed to au alarming extent, and the mills on Us banks have all been compelled to stop. At Whitehall, N. Y., a man named Buzell, in a fit of temporary insanity, ' attempted to assault his wife, when She stabbed him in the stomach, from the effects of which he died shortly aftor. The grand vizier of Turkey requested the Pope to nse his ' good offices with the Catholic insurgents in Herzegoviiiia with a view to peace. The Pope has accordingly instructed Cardinal Fianchi to inquire into the. condition of affairs ...... Archbishop Ledochowski's ap proaching release is to be celebrated by c-huiiva In -oenuauy . . . , . Ti.o national dobt.increased $1,915,062.70 during December. ...... Charles L. Hnbbard," a prominent citi- zou ami tax 'collector of Bellows Falls, Vt., committed fsuicido by banging himself in a barn at Baxtou's river village. Financial em barrassments were probably the, cause. . A Vienna dissatch reports that the Archduke Rudoiphe, prince imperial of Austria will be crowned king of Hungary in July The alleged ombezzlcmont of Isaac II. Frothing ham, chief clork ill the stamp department' at tho Boston pewtoffice, amounts to 4,000. Hotel Charges.. The York (Pa.) Democrat tells the following story : Not long since two York men visited Kansas. They stop ped at a hotel one forenoon, and after dinner one of them walked down to the barber's shop to get shaved. " The shop was shut, the barber having gone of to take his after-dinner . nap. Then the York man walked back to the landlord . 'w.in DiVl . T f 1UU JUIU iiiaUUiVCllU country, which is 'tke garden of the world, you ought to be tbe most prosper 6us people on earth. That you are not is due to the fact that yon don't attend to business. You don't look out for coppers. Here's your barber now, shut up and gone when he might have earned ten cents by shaving me. Now he don't get it, for I'm going to shave my self, and save my cents. J nave a razor in my valise, and if you will" show me a mirror, I will shave myself." The" land lord said the barber was a shiftless man, who, like most Western men, couldn t compare with Pennsylvanians for atten tion to business, and patience in scoop ing in the dimes ; but he hoped they would all improve in time, and then he showed our friend into a room where he found a good-sized mirror, and shaved himself. Soon after, he joined his com panion and congratulated himself on the' success he had had in saving ten cents, and teaching Western men' financiering. After tea the i pair paid their bills and went to the depot to take the train. On their way the man who hadn't shaven said : " Pretty reasonable house, that ; only a dollar-for dinner and supper. Only a dollar 1" said the other, ' why, I paid a dollar and a half 1" and a little further explanation showed that he hgd been charged fifty per cent.' more jtiian his companion. So back ho wen4, and demanded of ! tho landlord au explana tion, and got it iu these words : "The fifty cents extra is for the xwol a room. iou don t suppose we tpm have our rooms turned into barber shops for nothing, do yon?" and the man who shaved himself went . -to the depot a sad der if not a better raan. He don't brag much of his adventure since his return to York, and it -will bo some time before he attempts,, to give another Western man a lessoo in nnancienng. Weights nd Measures, 1.' " - 'e following weights and measnrea nro rooognized by the 'United States. A. iiushel of wheat weighs 60 pounds shelled corn, 56; corn in the ear, 70; rye, 56; oats, 32: barley 48; white beans, 60; Irish potatoes, 60; sweet potatoes, 55; castor beans, 4t; clover seed, 60; timothy seed," 45; flax seed,. 56; hemp Beed, 40; millet seed, 50; peas, bU; blue grass seed, 14; buckwheat, 52; dried peaches, 33; dried apples, 24;' onions, 57; salt,' 65; stone coal, 80: malt, 38s bran, 20: plaster ing hair, 8; turuips, 55; .unslaked lime, o0; corn meal, 48; fine salt, 55; Hun garian grass seed, 54; ground peas, 20; a bushel of African peanuts weighs 61; Tennessee, 28; Virginia, 22. A box 24 by 16 inches, 22 deep, contains 1 barrel. A box 16 by 16$ inches, 8 deep, contains 1 bushel. A box 8 by 8J inches, 8 deep; contains 1 peck. A box 4 by 4 inches. 41 deep, contains one-half peck. A box 4 by 4 inches. 410 deep, contains 1 quart. - ' "Tho standard bushel of the United States contains 2.150.4 cubic inches. Any box or measure, the contents of which are equal to 2.150.4 cubic incV. will hold a bushel of groin. In'ro :v--i ing unit, vegetables, coal, ana tainr substances, one-fifth must be added. In other words, a peck measure five " times .even lull makes one . bushel, xne-usual practice is to heap the measure. The hens of Fianoe earn J80,000,OCa a year for their owners it is md, A Story f tie Sea. 1 . " ml Sitting before s blazing woodgrate in farmhouse in Bridgehampton, Li. 1 aa old gentleman told this story: Many years ago, our fathers tell -us a strange woman dwelt alone in a uvue cottage uu the headlands of this coast upon the out skirts of the village. jShe was not ex actly insane, but she bad curious ways, and people wondered that she should build her house on the very the stormy ocean. It was and snug little cottage, and over crept arreen vines and lyies, ana flowers varied, and beautiful filled the garden in the summer time. She was a curious soul and she had nothing what ever to do with the village people, but kerit close to her home and spent ner time-in adorning its walls, in reading, and in talking to herself. Bat she had one strange habit that no one oould ex plain. It was this: Every afternoon fust as the village clock struck three, she might be seen standing, with streaming looks, on the edge of tne neaa, looKing straight out at sea and making faces at and wildly taunting the roaring billows that tossed tangled sea wreaths at her feet. She would stand in this way for several minutes and then she would re turn to her home. Poopl saicL but with what truth no one ever knew, that this woman had Onco boon a comely maiden, the belle of a Connecticut vil-i luge on the sea coast ; that she plighted her troth to a sailor ont a headland of the sea one afternoon "on the day of hi? de parture for a long ocean Voyage. They were to be wedded, on the day at his re turn. Three years passed and the sailor had not returned ; and the Connecticut maiden did not see her lover again until his lifeless body was rolled up at ner feet in the surf, waves in a terrible tem pest that shook the coast. She was made J by the hMk and eoon tutor wgM to wander np and down the ocean Deacn at the hour at which her lover's body had been washed in upon the shore, stretching out her hands and mouthing at the -waves. She at length came over to Long Island and here she died a withered old -woman. Ou the day fixed for her burial a stranger came to the village and. stopped the funeral rites, saying that , he was the brother of the dead woman. He took tho body to Con necticut and it was buried by the side of that of her betrothed, and the two graves look out to-day upon the sound from the crest of gnarly hilltop on tne tjonn ecu- cut shore. : Centenarians in New York State. A list of centenarians, . living in the State of New York last June, is extract ed carefully from the census tables, pre pared by Secretary oi atate w liters, out mav possibly yet be subjected to revis ion. The total number of those one hun dred years old and upward is one hun dred and nine, a gain of nineteen over the census of 1865. whonthere were ninety-one centenarians in . the State. The natural increase of the population, and posmbiy rtRnjjimii spirit engen dered by the timemay account for this train, which onkht at least to- indicate that the race is not degenerating. In an analysis of the table it is shown that forty of the one hundred and nine were born in Ireland1, six in Canada, two ia England, two in; the West Indies, one each in Scotland, bpain, ana at sea, while thirty-five are natives of j the Uni ted States, and twenty remain unrecord ed, either through errors of the enumera tors, or possibly because it was! too long ago to remember. Twenty-nine of these venerable people live, in New York city, twenty -two of these having been born in . -. -, . . - wr i . -1. Ireland and oniy two in new xoris city. The oldest one mentioned is Sarah Hicks, of Brooklyn, who is 114, while a resi dent of the same city, Isabella Simpson, and several others, reach 110. , Brook lyn, indeed, seems, to ba much healthier to old people than New , York citv. There the oldest one mentioned reaches tmly the comparatively youthful term of 109. The gentler sex snow tne greatest degree of longevity, not only counting the very oldest on their side, but num bering twenty-seven more than the ruder and stronger sex. Mitchell owearmgen or rrransiin ounntr. -who in 101. has t wife who lacks only four years of the ago necessary to secure the record of - her name in this list. There are twelve colored persons and two Indians in the list. "' . ; Tho Kev. ..Dr. Cnylcr says: "The United States is spending mord money for intoxicating drinks than for all the bread it eats, and all the clothes it wears, and all the books it roads. At our request Cragiu & Co., Phik., Pa.; have, promised to send any of our readers, gratis (on receipt of 15 cents te pay postage), a sample of Dobbins Electric Soap, to try. Send at once, They make no charge for the! soap, the money exactly pays the postage. We would like to have all who test the soap jvrite us their' honest opinion of it for publication in these boltrmns free. Here is what One of our friends writes Dear Mr. Editor i I have been very slow in giving you my opinion of the estimable Dobbins Electric) Soap (a sample of which; I received some time ago), but have not by, any means been so long discovering its very remarkably good and helpful qualities, j My pen is too feeble for its well deserved praise; suffice it to say that 1 think it a perfect success, and an indispensable article in housekeeping, and hereafter I shall never think of using any other soap but Dobbins Juectnc X have introduced it to a number of our friends, both home and abroad, and I think in all proba bility that all the inhabitants of Sauger ties will soon desire to purchase. Maky ,J. Emeeick. Saugerties, N. Y. I " ' " "For the Wood." j ' Bee Deuteronomy, xii. 23 The blood being the source from which the a.vctom in built up, and from which we deriro our mental aa well aa physical capabilities, how important that it should bo kept pure ! If it contains vile, fes tering poisons, all organic functions become enfeebled. Settling upon important organs, as the lungs, liver and kidney, the effect is mort disastrous..' Hence it behooves all to keep their blood in a perfectly healthy condition. and more especially does tliir apply at this particular senium of the year than at any other, no matter wnat iLe exciting canse may be, the QBal canse of a large proportion of all diseases is bad blood. Now, I)r. Pieice does not wish to place his Gordon Medical Discovery ia the catalogue of quack patent D'ostmrae, by recommending it lo cure every disease, nor does he so recommend it : on the contrary, there are hundreds of diseases that he acknowledges it will not care : but what he does claim is this, that there is but one form of blood disease that it ""HiiiP cure, and that disease is cancer. lie does not recommend his Discovery for that disease', yet he knows it to be the most searching blood-oleanser yet dis covered, and that if will free the "blood and system of all other blood poisons,' be they animal, vegetable, or miutntl. The Golden Medical Discovery is warranted by him to enrj the worst forms of skin diseases, an all forms of blotches, pimples and eruptions ; also a)L glandular bWblluigr and the-worst form of scrofulous aud ulcerated i-ores of the neck. legs, or other parts, and all scrofulous dis eases, of the lone,.aa white swelling, fever sofee, hip-joint and spinal diseases all of which Ik loug to scrofulous diseases. CONFIBMED HIP JOINT DISEASE CURED. W. Gbove Rtatiox. Iowa, Dr. IS. V. Tierce, Buffalo. N. Y.: Dear ir aly wife first became lame nine years ao. swellings would appear aud disap pear ou her tip, aud eh e wa- gradually becom ing reluct;' V and her whole system rotten with aiseae. iu ion, a sweinug Drone out ou tier hip, dixebargmg large quxiitities, and since that time there are several openings. Have had fire doctors, at au expense of S125. who say nothing will tlo any good but a surgical, July 16, 1S73, ho writes 'lius : My Wife has certainly received a great benefit from the use of your Discovery, for she was not able to get off tue boa ana was not expected to live a week when she commenced using it, a year ago. (sue nas ueen aomg m- sc or ner work for over six months. Has ued twenty! bottles. and still using it. Her recovery is considered as almost a miracle, and we attribute it all to the nse of your valuable medicine. I can cheer fully recommend it as a blood uutifier and strength restorer. i Golden Medical Discovery ia sold by drug gists. Com. i Ditson & Co., our constant a4vt rtisera. oommence tbe new year with a large ateeaion of valuable music They have purchased the entire ttocit of Lee ds Walker in rinladelphia. and will continue the bodiness there under a new title. The stock thus purchased oompn ea a quarter of a mile (500,000 pieces) of sheet music 10.000 music book pistes, belonging to 250 different books, V& pianos aud organs, etc, etc ' As the original stock of O. D. & Co. include aboHt twicj tne quantity above named, it will be s.eu that they have literally "muaio choope to veree of a warm ttsTwalls for the tuiJJiQn." Stwi avdvertiaement. Th wit thfrr built a church at CTareB- don, biCaiiaaa,' was that the gentlemen paid for the building, the young , men. for the painting and furnishing, the ladies for the carpets, and the young ladies for the lamps. . ic- 1 Pimples: on. the laoe tough .skin,, f -l 1 I 1- --1.S.- -a .11 ilanaima I ' . L 1 I 1 I ia 1 UMua aaiiia irowa van mm vu.n , . affeeuons onrea, tne axm asaae soit ana amooth, brthe use of Wkipk-Tab Boa That made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New, York, is the only kind that can be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from oobuboo tar, which are worthless Corn. - . , Tired Nature's Sweet-Restorer, Ual-1 my Bleep." But there are times when Una " renew er of strength" ia denied us, times whan oar minds aad bodies have been so over worked and are so worn out that we woo the drowsv cod in vain. The Peruvian Byrnp (an iron tonic) renew, our strength, and makes our rest sweet and reireexung. wia, , r . . cJxolu S anl herbs. It is very pleasant to take ; every child likes itv Yegetine porifies the blood, re novates and invigorates the whole sTatem. Ita medical properties are alterative, touio, solvent and diuretic Com. , j - - . I l . Burnett's Cocoaine is the best" and cheapest hair dressing in the world. Com. SCHENl'K'S PTJIJUONIC SYRUP.; HXA WEED TUNIC aad MANDRAKE PIUJ. These deeerredl celebrated and popular medicine nara effected a revolution In tho haaltn.art, aad ptoeaa tba fallaof olaaroral maxim which bar for manj jeari obstrooted the precna of medlael aclenoa. The tales euppoettioa that " OoasnmpUoa ti Inearablo "deterred phyaielans from attempting to Bad remedies lor tba dltoaaa, and patients afflicted with It reconciled taara-' aire to death without maUnc aa effort te eaoap from a doom walob they aopposed to ba unavoidable. It Is now prored. however, that Ceeaprqa can cared, and that it Aa tera snred in a Terr (real 'number ot (some of them apparently desperate ones) by Scbeook1 Paimonlo Srrup aiona ; and In other case by DWdtonre fai eeaneeUon With Sekeaaka Bee Weed Toaio and Handrak Pill, on or both,eooard hc to the requirements of the ease. . Dr. Seheoek hlmeelf, who enjoyed uninterrupted eood XirJ barinc pronoonoea nil oaso nopoiess, ana aajuvuni h.vtne n kin 4 Mi i .t He ni snred b tba aforesaid medl elnes, and since bai rooororr, atanr thousands similarly affected bare need Dr. Sohsnck's preparation with the same remarKabie neoee. Full dii ntkin accompany each, mat las It not abeo mtely neoeesary to personally see Dr. Schenck anleas noee ha la Drofeaionaliy at hia principal office. Corner Sixth and Aran street, rnusawpnia, every .jammer, where ail letters for advice must be addressed. Sebonck'S medicine are oiu dj au amnaia The Marietssr . KXW TOKS Beef Oattlo-Priaie to Extra Bullocks 09)- t OommoD to Good Texana.... ....... 07 (4 W MUch Oows-. . .36 no taau ou Hogs Live. . lressea... 09 (4 Bhepp Lsmb....'... Ootton MiddltH(.. 04 1" Flour Extra Western. . . . . ? 8Uts Extra .... ... Wheat Red Western. , No, 1 Spring Rye State. Barhj State , Barley Malt Oats Mixed Western...., Corn Mixed Western...., Hsyi per cwt..... Straw, per cwt ........ Hops 12 1 a oo w 0 9 1 21 , t (4 1 U ; i 1 40 ' 9 4 64 . 0 1 is l as 07 ... ...'.olds Pork Mee . Lard......i Fiabr-Hackerel, No. 1, new.... No. 2, new.... .19 as so . 129 12X .2S 00 s2 00 .13 00 17 00 Dry Cod, per cwt.. i.... Herring, Scaled, per box Petroleum Crude 07), 107 X Wool CalUorfia Fleece.. ........ ., rTa-rwM - 6 00 (4 6 00 05 f 26 Beflnnd, . 2S (4 31 37 4 r 30 45 (4 ' 48 34 (a) - 34 ' 30 i 32 16 (4 22 Texas - Australian " - Slitter SUte.. . . .: . Western Dairy , Western Yellow Western Ordinary... Pennsylvania Fine. Cheese SUte Factory. ....... ...... State Skimmed. ........... .Western....... Eggs State.. " - ALBANY. V' wneat. ...... . . .mm ......... v'. ...... Rye Siste J..' Corn Mixed.... Barley State.... Osta State ...... - BUFFALO. Flour............ Wheat No. 1 Spring. Corn Mixed................ Oati". I .....'...... ...... Rye i .fc Barley.... J - - i . . sti.Tmosa, .. '. Ootton Low Middlings Flour Extra.... .... Wheat Bed Weetern. Rye C4 07 03 06X 80 S 00 8 60 1 36 1 88 87 t. 6 37 (4 8T 79 791 9S vt 96 " 124 ' 1V 8 7(5 (4 S 73 1S2.C4 13S HO- (4 S6 55 d 55 43 (a)' 3 " 07 (4 ,07). Corn Yellow ....... 55 Oats Mixed........ V. 43 Petroleum...-, 07 ! . PHIT.ADKLPniA. Floni" Perinnylvania Kxtr. , & 76 wi. xtii rrm-. ....... ....... i io Rye j HO Corn Yonow. ....... s 68 Mixrl... (18 ca co 1 70 (.4' 01 68 ( r2 68 (4 62 G (4 46 Refined, 12H Oats Mlxn.1 Petroleuin-rJrHde.. . ,....10iK10)i Throngb tbe loDdb and breavrlth of the land the celebrated VEK TIPI'KU B.K,t and 8ho are aold by the mlliioa, (or fiare nts know thy lrst twice aa ong aa-thoaa without Tips Abo try Wire Quilted tjoh-. , Have yoa seen the CABLE SCREW WIRE Boota and 8hoeR f Millions aro being worn ; ail say they are the ennieatand best Shoe ever made. Also try Wire Quilted Holes. 20 FANCY CARDS, 7 Styles. wi.'4i Nine, lOc. Address J. B. Hog-run, Raau,Jltns. Oo . N Y. rtflT.Ti Watobea given awsy. 8jd 1 0c. for terms, VI J Li LI explaipinn alL O. B. Sanborn, Bristol, N. H XrtrT12' At Home. Either Sex. 1 20 a month. II VlAilV AteDta'BnpplyCo.,aoi Bowery.N.Y. 1 IOO FAItlilK FOR HALK in Del,, Bid.. Vs., and Fa. Send for OataloKue. .J. POLK. Wllminittop. Del. 4 CTI l-l TVl" A and Catarrh Sore On re. Trial free. lUlllfV AdiiraW.K.BeUn.Udin4oa,Ind. "books Kxchanced. Fcrnlsh all new. Want eld. Write. Jj Name this paper. American Book KxchapcS. N. Y. $5 to $20? X borne. Samples wort h 1 sent BTINSON & OOl, Portland. Me. WANTK0 AfJENTH. Samplft mnt Outfit fi M BiHI-t ,7um Gold. A. OOULTKR A OO., Ohlca rrtw CI 9 n dty at home. Arents wanted. Outfit and terms' '-fre. Address TRUE A OO., Angnsta, Mains. $102525; Sead for Ckromo Catalernt rmoBp's Bona. Bo ten. Mass ARPNT W IkJefrnnt Oil Chronani, mounted, "utn, sire Mil, for 8 1. Novelties and Chronic oj every artenpnon. rt atienai yjeromo uo., r-niia.,r-a. DITOKCK Itaally Obtained for InoompaUbiU ty, etc. Residence not required : scandal avoided Foe after decree. Address P. O. Box 2H4- Chieno. ill- MflNFY arf' rapid' with Stencil and Key Ofceck, IIIUI1UI Ontflt llitilnsnaa .nH fnll nutinni.n FRKE. 8. M. Spenceh, 347 Wathinaton bt., Boston. RICH Books, Kurlon CSoods, Sporting- Articles, etc. 64 P-e Book for two 3c. stamps. BALDWIN A OO.. Ill Nassau St.. N. V. & f DaUy to Acents. 8S new article and the beat iSmmiVJ Family Paper la America, with two K3 Uhro mc. free. AMF.R. M'FO OQ.. gg Broadway, M. T. $350 ? IHaatb. Aaenta Wanted. 84 best sell- is articles In tbe world. One sample free. Address JAY BRONHIIN, Detrolt.Mlob. $42 A WKRK. Ac-ants Wanted. Business per manent. No solicltlns; required. For further particulars address - - J. KKNNKDY A CO., Richmond, Ind. $250 A MONTH AirenU wanted everr where. Business honorable and first da. Particulars sent free. Address WORTH A Oi 8t Louis. Mo. , AGENTS All Wait It thousand, of live and millions of property saved by it-fortunes made with it particular free;' O. M. Lininotow A Bbo. Jf aw York A Chicago. opioai od .Morphlnr Habit b)latly and iii oarvxk wwxnvm : no DDbnottr. d ittfflD for Oavrticalarm. Ir. Ua. HIL TON, XHT WMbiDcton M.. OhlcAo, I1L $77 PKR WRRK Ul.;AriAfvTKEDto Agents Mala ami Female, In their own locality. Term and OUTmT KUKE. Address P. O. V1CKKKY A UU.. August,Mama T Arm Iceiiinair. Ch romo.. bt-el Fncravfnits. Photo- 9 craphs, Scrap book Plctoree, felt., etc Krr;ant aumple snd catalogue nnt pot-ir Id for I O ct. Apent vvsntea. O. U ratten A Uo., IB55 rruiamt.,Iiiew York. REVOLVERS!!; I SCVKa SHOT Knr $3.00 HuU. if. .! Hm.lrw L Kr.t .ft- I'd 1 ,t Mm fh. tfl. 'ffu fff-Kn. P, ' - RtUimfmrtiam ni,.wt (Mlwa rut Mn vfUiTtN HVM iii,fTO. MKN t t-rel sn sell our oo,n to DF.AlJtKS. No Veddllnc front fa n-e t honae. paiu. Addreea KUSB i OO. . . . . I n . 1. 1. tel ad trave'lnir cxaensee vi-.nrinitaii. Tlfi VflTT Male or Fsnule JJyJ XJJ .nd somalhlnl Send yonr address and ret somethtnr that will lirmar rod WANT i. in honorably over l 50 a month (are. in.UXliX lTg Greenwich Street, New Vork. OPIDtl f Habit flared rtt Heme. No pnb- llcitr. Time short. Term moderate. tainy lamnoDita - om yar oi nn- paralleled nooea. Ueacnhe case F. B. MAHHH, Qninry. JHrcsi Address Dr. It find Kettdlna. lvehomev. Pajwlnn t ion ill Knul Oharminsr.- MeenierisTn. anl LovrV I nM. sbowina; how either sex may fasclnfe and sjaia lhe love and affection of any person they ehooee instantly. 4 1 HI page. By mall .Wc. Haul A DO.. I3 B. 7 te M .fpiU Year Name Elerantly Print ed ea 11 TllllrillliT ViaiTtwa s eras whwa M not vouble uaal -held tewarn the light, fiotfiinr. like tkem ever befereoffered in Amerjca. Bicindnee- Dnu to jtrrnta. nvvitir rumia Vv.Auuaa.ass. Every render ei thin rnner afioalil aend IO rent for a reov at the MVP, MTOCK JULKNl.ad tke arretit lndacrment efter ed tar srenrtne; aabaeribera. The JeBraal la prenoanrrd the BUST i it-, class. A drfs l.lve Htoelt Joqrnnl, KntfHlo, . Y.- 50 Finely Printed Brletol Visit li: a; Cards seat poet-sold tor 2 rtt. Send stsmo for samrdee of 41ttaa f-nrda. aiarble, Hnawflafcra, Krroll, Da. miuli. Kir. We have ovar IOO etrle. agem ffenterf. A; H. 11't.LVR a-.x.', BfncfcKm. M FRINTHRS' ROLIeHHS lide from the Patent M Kxceleiar" f 'aamnltlaB. will recant ., not affected by the weather ; price, 30 centa pea pouua. is usea in prmuas; this paper. J. R. '!, K. Aal.. )0 Ana rtt.. N. V. ANTED IMMEDIATLElf 57 More Ye Mp te Leara TKLK eitaaUorin mranti-ed. ORAPUY. G Address, with tamo. SUPKRLN 1'KN I ie-i r BWflN TKLK6RAPH X)M. PANY. (I R G K L I N , OHIO. .ROei. 50 white or tinted Bristol, 20C. ; ,i bnownake. Marble. Ren. or Damaak. 3A eta. -. ml OU, 411 eta.; with your name beautlfuily printed oa taso, and 6tt ssmples of tjpe. as.uta' prioa-llt, tc, cent by return mall, on receipt of prios. Oiaoount to Globe. Beetefwork. W. O. OANNON, 4 Koeeland Btreet, Boston. Keier to . i. nrtrnwoiiJ. m vo. The chescest snd beat seeda in th market. 8ad twoS- Seat tUniiia tor Illustrated catalogue, to as and oosapars r at. irvvAWi jto.ioa, suss. DAQIiLTS For Um aOat bath M ka aoaqa-L It ia wan plaaS TTiaa any umin. v.. . . Water ar HaiMtkaroblaf Ka- ORAUGE traot. Iu port-BM la ar laai. inc. alwajra asraaaon w torn panoa oan It, and to tboea anwnauiat . It aUa tho row with a plaant odor. It has aoaqoal. ; Um. T. Ba.raey Ac t o.. Baataa. ALaaa. III IIITI II II LU W fill aW W a M WATI Tltlo Tri mf 1 t rm HI, A iOM 9 BO a Vlrk and Kipaaam, or SUM1 fyL f orfaltad. All tba Daw aad ataadara no-aiuaa. Ohruawa. etc. Valaablamplaa frea wiwi utreniara. R. L..yLBTOHKlC 1 1 Chamber Strnat. Waw York. SAY, If na want to bar th Stock aad Baal- m At - anad dudu JwotrvHtare la a tawa ot arer lOOU lahakt- Uae la tke JTIare wma to, or ooi ana tea me. IS. "IIIK tijij BTirairraiH - nvi. -in h.- a i &4Y. - An ohliawd to oolt the bulnaaa on aeoooat ol baalta. ll I aaaa get I bar mado ittM nara in tna tat mraa yaaia. Beat of All Joo Caaaaaay. THE D ANBURY NEWS UAKUUALKD AS A HO UK PAPKR. Tarma. wow; .10 par rear. . After Jan. I. 1870, Aft. i-.il.aii naid. and stamp far bpoolmen Onpr. Dura "j au .. i. .. . , Cnr. BAII.KY dtlMINt Q?AN, Paabary, Conn. MARK TWAIN'S BOOK. TRIUMPHANT! ! SO.IMIO oopier aoM ia 8 . Now, book. AOBSTS, what1! the dm of wastinc tirna on other book I Tbw M tk.- k-l 1U and filla anaketa. This is the book oeoole want. OuOUt frtt. "tiet ticket" and o o anrk. Address. AMRHlOAlf fUBblSrllNU uw.. H AST-TV) iu Or., and, OHicaoo. Iu- BRIDE cb CO., Ht alien D, New York, want ajreala for the BUrer-Dollar Prise Stationer Paokaae. It lain X,. SDeia 01 oni m.iie z4 flrstlass envelopes, eaarareii ailror-platod penholder, rnldea pen, peaoll, and a valu able prise. Sample paokase, with elecant prl.o, post paid, lor SO oenta; peoaacea. post-paid. S.i.AO-a silver dollar iraaraateed as one of the nine Pjuy sliver dollars and a a coia piece u evwrr vu agesArents' clrolar free. ,. taiateitaw Ssmw ! ! 4Q .OOP afli lvwirie alrsorfv jwld. The thriUtna- story o a noble Hie In tna, rarUd-land of tba Mile aMtarr, Opbtre Uold. the UOM Lair, and millions nf supersllUon bnlncs. Graphic de scriptions, splendid illustration. Mil'Kin it. w want jrenia qnicKr, pront iiiit.Beou hi w,,,. 11 0 HtiAH.l pKUB.1 mot. I IS J pawaom Qt.,rm.i agents l y j yin G S T 0 N E ' S Uf A UTCn I l-w- .s .i-'W-w-rrfi- T- Only coilrtm u4 mthntie tditltm, with MFB AND 144 n.airDn rvurtet iMatvnio. A macnttt oent Tolunie. A complete; HUtory of AraiOaN1 KXPLO aaTtons ruoM putaT to last. AVwar. enioioe nmiiiv cmlK a portt'on-o' I, .ubjmrt. ri. omly wort" of iu Jtin.1. Aildree for aaency, UOLUHBIAN BOOK CO., Habtfobu, Ot., or Obtcaoo. Ill SAVE EUaONET By .ending J4.7S for any U 4 Maaaxin and THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE (recalar prioo ). or 5.76 for the Masaslne and THH 8KMI WEEKLY TRI BJUHKXtaxular prios 8. Address ' THE TRIBI'NB. New-Yark. Great Jentral HOTEL, r TTTf1 inn Msrknt, lietween Wash. inKion & Madiaon-sta tJ.r.O PEK I1A1. TANSifiniru f KI.K.VATOR. J. A. Wilsom, Propt Tnts new Trass is worn with perfect comfort nUtbt end day. Adapt ltaelf to every motion of toe body, retatnln Rnp. tare ander the hardest e;rcie orfevereet itrain until permanently enrad. Sold oheap by the Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 II roadway, N. Y. City, and sent by majl. Pallor send for Circular, a d be cored . . , . . .OUR OWN PRINTING JLaj petnting peess. For Professional stnd Amalrar Printers, Srhaulu, Norletlvs, Man. far'tiirers. Merrhunt. and othn 'tip the BEST ever invented. lll.OOO in use. .Ten styles. Price from $5.00 to $160.00 BEN J. O. WOODS dt CO. Manefnand I dealer in sll kind of Printing Material. ao ..nDfnr rtalogue Vflrtoral St Bo.tea A Great Offer ! We will durinK lhe Ilolidnya divpuae of IOO P1A"NS and ttlfCJAN.H nf flrat-rinaa niakent, InclndinK WATKIil', " iowrr prlr-ea ikaa ever befiire eflVred. Ilanlhly InnlRllinenla rannliiar from I nioiunx rrerni-u. vvu m r.r II v.'n rM. Mi-re na.li n nil In-. HlruiiK-iilN at rxlrruif ly lo prlrrs for -'. Broad wny, New York. " aCENTSsnoal write lor nrrc-y lor new o 'J JlnnEtliza CENTS shoal write for Armry for nf book Vy 'PS wipe JL V l&UZl. No. 19; en;.... ih.. ..f i nriri .w,li. Full -pwi or nnrn- tie 4.H1 ..f PJriy. TIliiMrM.-.l Citcalw, with l"H.ete h.fornuui,. fr- t all. Air. n lHrftl , J of pustln, Cllman dt Co., iiww.fi. ' ",''' 't-'. '- "A4JENTH WA.NTKO FOR THE CENTENNIAL HISTORY of the TJ. S. The (treat Intnrwet in the tb-lllliH history of uur end .try nialfno tblR Ihefantest tellln; book ever publlnlied. It fjinl.hi. H I line histuriciii encrravinE P(i !l'i oaves, with a fall account of the approacli'nr rrsnd Oenteonlal exhibition. Sf"i i for full description and eltra terms te Agents. NATIONAl, rUltl.lHHINfl UO.. l'hlladelolila. I". . DOMESTIC fi SEWINd MACHINES. - T.i tiers! Terms of "Er- ' changefor Second-hand Machines of every dee- criptton. DOMESTIC PAPER FASHIONS. TtBt Patterns made. Send Set: for Catalogue. Aiiress DOMESTIC SEWIN3 IsJLCmTE CO. ' Acnm Waiited. - HEW YOItK. SliHTH ORGAN CO. Boston, IWIrvaisj, - . IAr. e Standard lnntrutncnta Jold by Music Dealers Everywhere. Afti Wanted in Erery Town ti. irthroaichout the United States on to. ! ITSTAl.l4"rIKJT FI.AN l ba at on a Systsnt of Monthly, Payment. . i-unitnMM ... f..rth SUITS AwniOAW Oiail aad foil parti on lax on application. 7X r 'wtxboz'I oaaauED or PTTEE COD LITER VkTT TTT. T TT5T17 U-I1hr'. I H Uver Oil nnd I .line. Perm hn h... hMe t.liln. Iliwl I.Ivor III will be oV -ed to learn 1bat,Dr. W'lbor ua enccwdo i. from dtrer.Vons of several professional K.ntlemoe. In oomblnlns tl.e pare oil. and lime in uch a manner that It i. j.leaant to trie tat, ano ita effectk In Lao Coinpilut are truly won derfnl. Very many peraoo wboe caawe were pronounc ed havrtie., and who haa t-4k"i the clour ri for a lonsj time without marsea enect.uv oeen enii"ij enr-n ny usiDC ib: preparation. He ure and KPtthe ;e.nuln. Mannfacmred only liy . A. a. VI LHO K , ih-mim, Boston eloid i.y all drnesiM. 1 rt -. 1' HALE'S Honey of Horehound and Tar' ''lOl TBI 0UR1 Of Cotjohs, Colds, antltjenza, Hoabsk- KXSS, DlTTICULT BREATHINa, AND ' am. affkc?non of thb throat,. .- Bronchial Tcbe9,"and Ltjnos, ' , , lead iso to conacmption. .. This ui fallible remedy is composed of . - thfj Hon it of the plant Horehound, In . cbemicalunionwitb.TAB-BALM,extract-' ed from, the Lrva Pkinciplk of tho i forest tree Amsa Bat-samba, or Balm of Gilead. ..The Honey of Horehound soothis. and scatters all irritations and inflam mations, aud the Tar-Balm cleanse' and hkalb the throat aud air-passagea leading to the lungs. Fivk additional lngredienta keep the organs cool, moist, - - and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from .trying thia great ' medicine of a famous doctor, who haa saved thousands of Uvea by it ia hia large private practice. N. R The Tar Balm has no bad TABTSortmelL i FBICBA, 50 CENT! AND $1 PER BOTTLE. " Orsat taring to bay large size. ' Sold by all Druggists. : PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS Cure in On Minute. i ,iiii-'':.,..iin ffllAITIO n Two Grand Successes ! Itott'S vHfiw Hit FOR THE PIAN0F0BTE. rm mlM mtirm of Pianoforte InetrecUne TW,k. Oaanot be exoelled. or seen approecbed by IU ooaotlen eesapetrtera. Stand, far above them all. IJaed by thne. saads of tba beet Masle Taaabers, and sold by all Book aad Masio Dealers. Hnadreds ol thonssnds said, sad aeasaad as treat a ever. . - PrfrS S3.75, for which It wiU be mailed, postrn to any address. Clarke's New Method FOR REED ORGANS.- This, for Rl Instruments. 1 Jrrat what the nthar i a iiu KM. it haa wttbeasod extensive revt. eomparvSODS. and ia pTmoaooed bv Teacber and Kul elan to be the best InatraeUoa Book ol it kind m, pubuabed. or sale evevywuere. t . - Prrrc ttlf.SO. for wbioh it will be mailed, post ! iW. to any addrers. OI.IVEIt DITfONdi 'CO.. Boston. ' CIIAM. II. U1THON aV CO., 711 Broadway, New Yerti. J. E. DITSON dV CO., , . 8ncmor to In A Walxxr. lhllidcl.VIa. . Blactd French Btxrr Mill Stones i air-iixn, sum .11 p wirkmiinlii I'oiijil.l,. 4;rindlC Nllla; 1:1, , , uiKl.-r runii-!., l-r tnrru. or Tlrn-h! Hurt. Vnln llillrli In. kr sterlllaa ltl, M.ii ltrlta. Corn HiMii. H, . Clf-aiK-rs.Oeeriiiii. Chfnt... rnlll. lltuKi.. i-1- . V kind of Mill Mm hiiirrv ,. Millors' supplii-s. -Vii.l 1 r I'amplilot. ,. Mrrnili . Mill Ciihiiuint. - Itos l'tae, 4'tsM-tasuttl. talo. A tai mrth: McgW Diamoid worth Stq! 8 AVE YOUR JSYESJ i- nnATiTi OTnTTT .. IL- JaJtlOXAJIUl TOUT OlUUl) .Jk ,IHB0I llil Ml SPICtACLEX 1 OsATl ANATOMY of tko KIR. J SIGHT. , Tells how to He- f r 4 taialainBlndVliieaaBd ,1 Overworked Eyes alow to, core Uesk. YVatary. IttHaimed, and Aear-Slshtrd Eyes, a aid all other Diseases r tbr h.y. WASTK NO MORM UOSKT BT AIJVstii) was OLASSKS O.W TOUM KOSg ASH I'Uri,;. I'KIXQ TQUH fJLVS. x-ampnirt oi u paKra Mailed 1 rrte. aei sfcd your atddrra to u Agents Want 6 fl GMtleaiea ar Ladles. $3 to f 10 a day raariatmi. Fall particalart seat free. Hrlu Immedislelj, tit DR. J. BALXi & CO., P o-iHs:) Is. 91 Librty BtrosW Hw York City, H. Yv ' " bl. SAWFOKO'f . " LIVER mVIGORATOR, Coinuounded entirely fro ut Guius. These 4. CMS re- .01 Pe raons usln move all morbid I . sO ishouldadaptthi or bad matter I . done to their In. from the system,! a. jdlvldual eonsU applying 1st r-i fJ tut 1-ost, from a their place a J - f. teaspoeifrull v, healthy flow of bile 1 lnvtrorte lrag the stomach, eauslnsr food to direst well PC- iiiVyinu THE BLOOD, fTl tone and nealth (0 the whole ma chinery. remoV KBBvaj ;at Mtoirspooniall . aceonllus; to ef. ajfjj (feet. For all a. WJ fe rtlon of Ute fV LIVKH, Irrefa. psaf larltlrs ofbtosa. arh and Bowel, r , !llaeaedepBd saj eut on or eaased- by surhdrraaf. s3 Imrnt as Illlloa 1 h"i altaetts, CokUve- Ing- the cause efj cite cuaeaaes, ex. awetlnar st-ravdleml care. As a l'sM neaa, 4 hroule 1H- arrtirra.lrv e ia, Jaumlireaad Female Wrak lirr. I table- - poonfuil taken . IL.Y MKDICINK It Is ClYKtkCAle. Kl- and Is AL- Wi fS) SAFE, at ommrneement t attarU of SICK - HI ADAC HE"rarM In liimlnntr. l l.,. . . M iV or NA i LLUW SKI! MA UK 1 OI Tfl. Ft -I,Ky 1 battle. TRY 1T1 For .ani.h. t co 1 tain in f nsefnl Information and all abnt the Liver, atlrlress IK. Si ! h till ft. New York. hOLI BY ALL. IUCr.IsTa. The Wonders of Modern Chemistry." Sarsaparlan ai Its Associates," Chaste ma Keen anil Felt na Tln-y Itullv Occur uftrr Celns a Few Done ol - --' 4 - Dr. Rad way's Sarsaparillian Resolvent, ? THE (JKEAT BLOOD ITRIFIEK. I. Cood splrll, dlnaprxuir'"' of wakn, lnnnn-'i. melftncholy ; inoriano and liartlnoe of nnnh ami nm" cle.eto. m. Strnirth In4.raa)4. npiw(lle lmim, rttlieJl f-r ffMKf, no more ,itfr i!H:tJllon-or watorlirnerl, r'i"l KHMti Mi, calm and umllaturlmd tluep, awakou imnh mul via;fi-n.ii. 7 . -, S. llN-ippearance of srKttn. Iilotchea, plmiilf.; tlien.lt!. ki citwr nn-t la.Allliy, lint ui imi .-liaiiK,'il Iriiui ll. t i;r bid and clotuly aMi.rtiiie l. a cl.r -.inriy. .r .rnl.r color; wator aiw!i li.'Iy from 1hi blmiilt.r ll.ir0iiKl Ht imittya withont-p.-iin or buulJtiift ; litllo or no Ktxliuint . . uo pinnr woakiine. 4, MurkHd diniintitlon of ianntHy mid I n-i"i.-ii-r IriTniuniary wonkenliix dlnclinrK'Sd! .alVHrUul tli.-tl uij. Willi certainty of perniannul i-nro. lucre...,,! pt-texirw ntlilllllvd lo the cretnii! itlauil, and limillo'n.v. h.-( inony restoredTo the wivt-rnl iirnnni. fc b. Ynllo- tliiKooii too wl'He ol l h y. ntl t'.l-nwn. thy, saffron apiwarancei of the kin ihann'-il to a tl. I.vi ly. and healthy color. v, and henlUiy color. i . Tlioae suflHrlnif from wnirk.or ulierslml limit" " ttiberclo will rolir.e cronl l.mielll In -xlM.,l.,mPI.,f li.-el I u V uirn puti-xiii or i.o:..u-, n." n- Ci-!U. bri.niilor windplnv. I iinml or h.jiil ; illiiitjo.),li-i- of lhe frbiiu-'miy of CiniKO; sio-ral Iikt-.' i-I. .t Ki-' - throughout the syalou ; atopiwire of niiilit ''' "' palnnand ilinK of wliirfii siouud lli Hi klaT 1-;;. , nhoulder. etc.; .ce.e.nl Iou of t-.ld end rliili.r"-uo- i utf.-llon ; itnrd liteat hini; a yd pjiroxeain. -f r,irii i'i -lylnic dowii orsrteiiiK in tne monl:iv All tliette htr.. ing eymplom rrdiilly aud surely liniiiiee r. - - f. A dv r d.y the KA it A l'A.K I III AN i. fakefn, new i'iioi of rHurnliiK4)all li will pier . a Hie v blmid improve in lrinntll ami pnrily, dleeare villi oi mlnl.b, and all foreign and linimre (liefl. n.-l . tumor, canaape, hard lumps, etc., hB-rolved -and . the tutionnd made sound snd beallhy ;, tilven, i.vr. ore, (yphliitio sore, chronic aklu dlMiuiee rauHr -diuppear. ' , r . ' ' A In ease where the y;m ha been jallvetert. an,t Mercury. Qulckailver, tnirroaive Sublimate line .nml p ecm.lltuent In the advertised Kraprlllaj..iiH' . ed in aoine cakes with 11yd. of Potaaaa) liv .,,-iiinnl cd and become deported in tite-lxuiea, j-lor., e-i-. canains: carle of tbe hone, ticket, spinal curvatur-. contortion, white awelltmra, variooae vein, ru- . II, NAItSAPAUII.I.IAN vill rolve away th-n l (HHiil and exterminate the virus ol the dla iroiu i.i,- ",5.'Hhoewhoareijiklnt-tlieemedleineaforltli.eri'-. of Obroiiio, Kcpifuloua or Syphllitlo diaeliaeit. ho-v r. slow may be the cure, ' foel belter," and tinijtlie'r (im erl health impmvln-. their lleah and iilit increamuic or even keepinK It own, 'It 1 a sure itn that lhe cur. w -proirresain;. la theae di.ae the pa.IU.nt enhnr better or worse the vlru of tbe diaeaae u not- liia.lv if iiotaiTHSted and driven from tbebloMl,lt will ,ra l and continue to undermine tlie conetitullon. A a the NAKSAPAKII.I.1AN makee the pau-" ' feel better," every hour you will fruw Ixftur and lr. crease In health, strength aud fb-ah. . The (Treat power of tiile remeily Kin dlaoaaot Ih' lh,eateu death a in ConanmpMon of lhe l.ii.iara a" l Tuberculous Phthlsi,- Scrofula. ..Syphiloid lna.-a.r-. -Waatin;, JJeRenenition, and Ulceration i4 the Mduey. Diabetes, Klpae of Water (InatantAiieoua ml let a forded wbere caUieter. have to be used. I boa ilnlnc w with the painful operation of oln these tuatrmiie-,ij. i1.aolinr atone In the bladder. and in .11 eae..r l- ll.iininalioa of the BUdder-aiid Ktdne), ln.Cbriu.: caaea of loucorrlie and Uterine die-aae. - In tumor, node hard lump and ypldlold n ren ;jii dropsy ; In venoreal Bore throat. olra, and in tutN.ro m of the Innra: in aoiit. dv.pep.1, rlieoiuti.oi. tw in mercuilal depoait It is in Ulna terrible fonos ol disRaae.wliurethehnmaaliody ha become a coini.leia wreck, an J where every hour of eiialence W tort nr.. wherein thia rr-at remedy challenges tlie a,tonlj.hin-,t and adini.'al ..'.a fi the sick. It 1 in-sneh-ceae. wlier" " ail tlie pir.ouroa of exi.lenre appear cut olf Irorn unCortuniite.and by it wonderful, almost a-iiwrnatuMi-ageiicv, 't rtwOoreathe bowli-a to a m-w life and n.w eiiattnce Wbere thi ernat remedy stands -akiiie In i' ; night and "power. - - - In the ordinary akin dswaaeeAhat every ono ia more er leaa tronliled with, few deae will In miatt cnr. an'l a lev boMles In tile wore aaa-ravaled forma, work a manentcure. . ". i , . Those atillcterl with chronic d.iseaee ehould pnrcliaaj a packae-o contsinln; one dor.en bottle. 'Price I per doien. or ." Ier half doxen bottle, or. i 1. per hot-, lie. Sold by droggiaU. , RADWAY'S WILL AFFORD INMTANT EASE ' - - - inflammation of the kthIneys, inflammation ok 1 uk bladnkr. ini'lammation op tub bowels, oonokktion f the lungs, soek throat, uifkhjult bkeatjiinu, palpitation of the heart, 1 hv8tkrics, f:roitp. iuphtheria. CATARRH. INKI.UKNZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHAi:HK, MUMK), NKURALGIA, RHEUMATISM., , COLD CtllLLS, AGUE C1JILLS. ,.Tne aprrlleatlon of the READ Y ltEI-IEF'to the , part or part wbere tbe pain or difficulty eilats afford ease and comfort. . Twenty drops in half tumbler of wafer will. In a few moment, cure CRAMPS, HPANM.H, HOI'R KI"M : Af'H, HRAKTBIIRN. stf'K HEA ilAI IIK. 1I aK; RHF.A. DYSENTKRY. CiiMi:. WI.NI IN Till. BOWEL8. and sll INTERN A I- PAIN'S. Travelers should slway carry a bottle of RAI WAY'M RKLIKKwith them. A fewroiialn w.tr, will prevent sickness or pains from cuan of- water. rr? IS BETTER THAN FRENCH PRANHY OR, BITTERS AS A KTIMULA.M'.V " Price 60 C'enU. old by Druli j drVradway's; REGULATING PILLS Bilious Kever.Hnflin,- lion or the uowels. Pllos.and all llorangemem Internal Viscera. Warranted-to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, eontainins no mercury, mineral , n deleterious dm. ' tST Observe tbe following symptoms resolting from DiaordeTsot the Digest Ire Organ: ... i Constipation, Inward Pile, lu lines of the IiloM. lu tbe Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart i'". Dijut ef Koodj Fullness or Weight In tlie filomacn. Sour Erhetatlon. Sinking or KlutterUg t tLe 1 i l u th Stomach, Swimming of the Had. Hurried and l" flenlt- Breathing, FlutteHns; at the Heart, fry"; ?r Buffooatlns; Kensations when la a Lying Posture, Li Bess of Vision, lota or Web before tlie Surht, and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency ofrPeraiilraii. Yellowness of the Skin and Kyei, Pain, in the hide, Cheet, Limbs, aad uddsn Flushes of Heat, Bumh-C if the Flesh. - , ' ', V A few does. of RAI WAY'S PII.I.S will free tj system from sll the above named disorder. Price XO Cents per' Ilex. SOLD B Y DRUGGISTS. V Reaul S" FALSE AND TRUE." . - - .' - ---i RendeoeUttertamp to HAD WAY cV. CO., Ne. S8 Warren fstreet. New Yarlk Inlomuulos, worth thooaands will be sent yon.' - ' - N JC ' N... I ttthen vn.'.j:ua xb .vsztr-i-.z'-'- ea sjy that yoa saw the alvsrtiscnif11'' in thit paper. to Ci o3 fa READY RELIEF Petfectly tasteless, -elegantly coated with sweet t"; Purge, regulate, purify, oleauae and trenglhen. ll I' XVAY'rJ PII.LJ. lortuecoreof all diaoroera of 1ri Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, ervr.vj Ilao.ara Headaelia naflo.li.,n r!oailvMnea. In-ng-