uaCa neon -.nm.M). MLTivoae, ttrr. t. , Th fist Sailing 'l.lp l ff V'ilt, l'il4ill Gtahim, ariivrd here IjI Mhl In fjity 1 one dtyt fiom Liverpool, whence hr sailed on the Sl'.h of July. To the polite attention of Cpiin-rham,jhe tailor - of the Ameiicn are indebted fu" London ppere to the evening of this SCth of July. 'Inclusive. , 4 .., Intended Evacuation fiJifnin. Tb !ndon Courier of July 96 mure Jhi readers that they may rely on tf eu 1 ihenticitf pf the following Intelligence i 'The h'rench Govemiiehi'have "ft 'In' '' contemplation to retire ecroMthe Ebro, and to Uke up their line of defence along , tha river. . I he, heavy artillery has been ordered up, to invcr.i the strong positions , on that line " It it tbe intention of the Duke de An r (oulcroe to withdraw ibe truopt from be--' fore Cadiz. unless there should- arise a tnore favorable prospect of being success- ful ia accommodating the differences be ' twecn the contending parties in Spln. , ' The distentions, in fact, between the roy alists themselves' form almost at strong an impediment lo the adjustment of mat ter, at the dittentlont between the Hoy . - ailsta and the Cortet. The letter which we published on , " Thursday from M adi id, written as we sta ted, M by a person well qualified to form a , jutt and impartial estimate of the present and future prospect of bpain," corrobo rates what we have said. The following , passages from that letter discloses impor- tant facts i "The French are not masters here The violent party which continues to urge the Regency to actt of arbitrary power, findt no support in the Duke d'Angoule " Trie or hit adherents. They are anxious '"T to negociate with the more moderate par ty of the Cortes, and to endeaf or to tare the King's life, by giving favorable term to tbe former. The tupportert of arbi trary power are decidedly averse to any " 1 treat v with the rebels in Cadiz. It re- mains to be seen whether the t rench par- , . , ty will have power enough to oppose auc cesslully tbcir more violent triendt an - allies. M The fact is, that this delay bears most heavily on tbe r ranch finances, and ne cestarily must, in a short time, force tha 'Power either to join the advocate! of ar bitrary despotism, or to leave tbe contend : -lnxpartieitcr sente matters with the Cor '" ler if they may. "i fight of Corunna. "-TTtt-'-folidwwa; baa- been -potted, up .at ":TUoyd'tt UKtsToti July 85th Arrived L Atreveda, Cortieno, from Corunna sailed on the morning of the 18th infant with despatches. Up to that period the attempts of the French upon Corunna - ' had been repulsed with considerable lost, and their advanced troops were retreat ang. . The 'London Globe of July 25th, siys t nlfe just seen a gentleman who JeftCuiMumlhaU8tJLUiJi)iejjrjt:v Tha French were repulsed with great Tost. Our informant states that they left upon the field one hundred and thirty waggon loads of dead. On the 19th, the Atreveda was still jn eight ol corunna and the Constitutional flair was flying. -- No immediate communication from our brave countryman Sir Robert Wilson has been received, but as he received on ly a flesh woond in the thigh it it hoped that he may toon bo enabled to renew bit useful services.' ; The London Globe of July 26 says : "It has been ascertained by the Spanish Legislature that Cadiz it amply provis ioned for three months." There has been a misunderttanding between tbe blockading Squadron and a Britith frigate, respecting the attempted wassaee of some British ships into Cadiz. - The Irfgate 4ully aucceededJn obtaining wlhf m: -t passage inrcr me port, i wwijjpis. "1 wnesseisjLWBnj3ji5iccKi" -v . "s -j ;.i.t ik ,-iaaawa)(ii ;-Tlease.M-: -,-.-.,.:-.T::: ; rtTMOVTK, iflt 22. 5 The 'Augusta, of and from, Corunna, ' - -yrrived here this evening with sundry- passengers, who appeared to have quilted that place in great haste, in consequence of a sudden attack, made on the 15th and I6ih Inst, by about S.QOO French. - , It is said that in this attack 7 of 800 French fell ; that the lots on the part of the Spanish was comparatively trifling, (the number not stated,) but that five or six ' SpanTsTinSce and -one killed Mhat Sit' Bort AVitson had been wounded in bis thigh, and a CneLLight (one of hU aides-de-camp) MTtttlyt wounded. . , important Patriot Victory, v gLTIMOKB, StrT. 5. . The brig Greek, captain Smith, arri ved here last evening in 18 days from Curraroa, brings the following important intelligence of the success of the Colom bian arms: .? .; ' bn thet7th of August the Spanish Fri gate Constitution and Corvette Ceres ar rived at Curracoa from Maracaibo -ihcj communicated tbe following iotelligence : ?)) on th 2t!h July, CcmimJore 1VMU at.. I llrluthc, commanding the ( "( I'liii'.l-it 'l .'iron, consisting of bli lri!frftf!er)tia and Mars, and tch)ncr Sputiu and Coni'lujiion, with aeerl smaller ttstels, attjf krd tha Spanish fta tinder the command of Comniodiire lborde, conU(ing of one trig, three schooners and tenty-five gun boat t. I he action was Kvere and ended in almost the total destruction of the Spanish tquad rynj the ltij and schoonir were blown up, and the rest captured or destroyed with the exception of the schooner tpe culadora, in which Comrriodore laboHr made his escape to his ship lying outiide the bar. The Spanish confess the losi of 1500 nien, among whom they count 160 otneen; otjf tjf 100 men landed from fbe commodore's ship, onlycleten returned. . Patriot. Surrender Gen. Morale t and Afaracaibo, . IlUTiMoax, sefT. 8r-We have our power to communicate the highly gra tifying intelligence of the brilliant success which has alt -cxUd tha-arms ol ihe Co lombian Republic, in obtaining possession of the city of Maracaibo, and effecting the capitulation of its most active and dreaded enemy, the Royal General MoaaLft, and the forces under hit command. The pleating Information was received here yesterday morning by the fast sailing schooner Arabella, Capt. towards, irom La Guayra, which port she left on the 23d Augu!. To the polite attention of J. O.Gill, the editors ol the American are indebted (or a file of the Colombiano ofCaraccaa to the 13th August, and of the Ctraccas to the 18th inclusive. In the Iris-extraordinary of the lat date we have the official treaty nf the eaiiiula Hon, together with other oflVial docu ments. The capitulation waaelTected on the 3d August, and formally approved on the following day by the Colombian Gene rals MAwaiqux and Papula., Its prin cipal provisions are, that Morales and all those attached to him are to leave the country, and that they are lobe considered prisoners of war until exchanged. Mo rales had been sent to Cuba, and the rest are to be taken at the expense of the Co lombian Government. - Gen. Pa ex -had gone- from Carareet to summon Porto Cavelle, now the last hold of the Royalists, to surrender. In consequence of this decisive intelli gence, illuminations at La Guayra and Caraccas had uken place, and were to con tinue three days. BUENOS AYRE8. By the arrival at New-York, of the brig Dick, In 48 days from Buoi Ayret, the important inforn.tion has been received, tliat a prcliroina- .TXJUXttXJjIpea.ceJb Arret and the gotemmeM of Spain, svas lot mally signed on the 4th of July. The following r tbe preamble and articles of tbe treaty PrtHmimi'-g ctwvmtitn, agreed vfum between ike gtremmettt f nurnn .lyrei and M ctmmti tititert tfhi Catholic ,lv'V- The government of Buenos Ayret hav ing: recognued and caused to be recopni ted, by virtue of credentials presented and leeafised in "due form, et commissioners of hit Catholic majesty, Metaieurs Anto nio Luis Pe reyra, and i.uis ae ia kodh, and the minister of foreign relations of the state of Duenot Ayres, having propo sed to those gentlemen, the formation of a convention preliminary to a definite treaty of peace between hit Catholic ma iesty and the United Provincea, on the fundamental principles.established by the law of the 19th of June of the present vein after mutual conferences and ex- pianauons oi wnai mcj cuusiucrcu iuu- ductive to the best arrangement i tne re lationa between the ttates before rrtention ed making use of the faculties with which they are invested and of the powert by which they are authorized, they have ad justed the said preliminary convention in the terms expressed in tne wiiowing ar ticles. . Art.' I. After 60 days, to be counted from the ratification of this convention by thrgOTernineftf n them and the panisl . nation tiiaii cease. ning me iorceu u w.unv hhjhij iu Peru, will keen the positions he may oc- cupy at the time he shall be informed of mis convention, saviiiK tuc oi oi. ulations that by mUlual conrcnience therrtst 4, under the auspices of England'-s adjoining governments may propose or accept for the improvement ol the respec tive lines of occupation during the sus pension of hostilities. 3. The'relations of commerce, with the only exception of contraband articles of wart shall be luliy re-csiaousnea ounng the m of thisauspensionToetween these provinces and ih,Spnish. roonarcihy the provinces occupied, in Pery by the arms of hit Catholic majesty and the states that raiifylhfs treaTyV " ' X 'TKe' relationV brmarittaft tow merce withthe Spanish nation and the state ratify this convention, shall be adjus ted by special convention, to be entered into immediately after the present. 6. Neither the authorities that govern the province of Pern in the name of his Catholic majesty, nor the adjoining states, shall impose on the commerce of either greater contributions than those existing at the time of tbe ratification of this trea ty. . ' 7. The tmjientif.n f hoiuiiuct shall cm tlriue f-jf the term of 18 months. 8. Within the tild term, the r,oitr n merit of the state of Ruenos Ayret shall iCKCH.iate by meant of a plenipotentiary f the United Pf0inces of the Riode la Plata, and conformably to the law of the I9lh of June, the celebration of a definite treaty of peace sod friendship between bis Catholic rosjetty and the atatea of the American continent to which said law re fers. . ; 9. In the event of a renewal of hottili ties, these thU not take place, nor shall the relations of commerce cease until four months after such Intermission. 10. The law etUllng in the Spanish monarch r. at well as in the sute of Due- wrs Ay rcsjrreUtii the lnvMjb''"7 property, although that of enemies, tball have full effect, in the event mentioned in the preceding article, in the tenioriei of the governments that ratify thit treaty and reciprocally , ... . 1 1 , At soon at the government of Due net Arret may be authorised by the re- ireMfitativesof thestate io-raiify this convention, It shall negociate- with the government of Chili, Peru, and the other provinces of the Rio de la Plata for their toinli'g in the same J and tbe commission era of his Catholic majesty shall take at the same time all, the means conducive to its havinr the promptest and fullest effect on the part ol the authorities of his Catholic maietty 13. For the due effect and validity of this convention, the necetsary number shall be sealed by tbe commissioners of hit catholic majesty with their seals, and by the government of Duenot Ayret with the seal of foreign relations. flurnot Ayrtt, July Hh, Bernardino Rivadaria, Antonio Luis Pc reyra, Luis de la Robla. NEWS FROM AFRICA. Letters have been received by the Re sident Agent to the Colonfution Society in this city, the Rev. R. R. GvaLtf,frorn the Society's Principal Agent (Dr. A tats) at the Colony, of a very late date, and sa tisfactory nature. The intelligence, up to the 2 1 st of July, it as favorable as could have been reasonably expected. Only eight deaths by -fever have -occurred du ring the rains five aduks, and three c hi I dren ; and these deaths were occasioned rather through the unavoidable exposures of the patient, than through the violence of the disease. The affairs of the colony may now be considered as prosperous, in stead of adverse. - It becomes highly necessary for the Boston editors to ascertain how it happen ed that they were gulled into the belief of such an abominable pack of stories as a a ! iney tent i. broad as Jtw Irom Mesuiauo. luch as all the people being dead and me rett dying, and the Fort being carried off in a whirlwind. Sat. Intel. Dr. Ayret under dale July 21, 1823, tayt, that hit confidence in the success of the Colony is no wise abatedthe Colo nists, he observes, will in two or three weeks, be placed on their own lots, and go to work for themselves. Conniiracy at Havana. Dy an arrival t Battimorefthe Editoa of the lUliimorcl Patriot hat received iniormation tnat a tern Carolinian, an article from a northern p?. pretty formidable conspiracy among the per, making mention that a son of Col. AU xan natives (blflckt and mulattoes) had been der Hamilton, and a son of Col. A.ron Burr are suppressed by the energetic measures of both enip, d ; writi in he . the Governor, Gen. Vives. The plot , MlMouri. R Mem, t,,u i was discovered to the Governor by a mu-, . ... lattoonly a short time before it wartoi-" "I" have broken out. The object of the con- T T7' W' ,hat spirators was to rid the island of European CfcoL ""7 ntvtr harda l9n- And U 11 ruined and white population. It is said that a J ih" " lhe n' of Co1 "nilton have oJSY , General holding a command among the soldiers, was privy to the plot. kiw-toke, avo. 4. Fourhorned Ramt. The brig Ameri can, from Rio Grande, has brought out thee four horned rams, too horns on the head elevated, and the others bending downwards, with the usual crooks in them. No animal could be better4 prepared for ------ ---- - , -r selHefenee, -an onWwe-:c! Mrr.Hf.-.U 13 WUlt Ulfll an application has teen made hjho. Por4 tuguese Government to the Dutch itch Consul, at Lisbon, for a copy of the Constitution of'the Netherlands granted in the year The Consul not having a copy in. his pos session nor contemplating, perhaps, the possibility of such a requests-lias written to his Court to obtain one perfectly cor rect, and well authenticated Meteoric 4ow. A Mr. Uirrsmpre, in Maine, states thatr aa -he waa at work in hjs.fie.14 w.ihMrnnoii of theJth of August, he heard an unusual noise direct ly over his head, like the firing of many guns ' hi repeated -succession, which con - tinned 4 or 5 minutes. About 5 minute's after this sound had ceased, be heard a rustling kind of noise, and looked up to discover the cause, when he saw what looked like a thick cloud'in rapid motion, and at that instant heard something strike the ground hear him. On examining, he found that a stone bad entered the ground about 6 inches, and on atriking another stone, had burst into tmalTpiecet. The stone was of an oAry grey color, and Was covered with a oat of oxytf of ron. a f SALitavav, kowaa couhtv, .c. Srptfmbcr 23, 1823. tiEN. FA IX An Intereatinf letter U iubr.lied n the 'Co. lombiano,' a South American pipr r, written by 14. Col Yowng.-of the Clml army, goring aa Interview with the Prrudrnt of the United Sutra, forth purpoaa of getting his perniia fu tha ntraace of two anna of the brave ff palriulia'tW.'' Tiei, Vkiff of 4lii" army of Colombia, into tha United Sutva military acade. Bly at Wett Point. The to young gentlrmen were admitted lliitart of li(j)iuliy on the pari of the United ttacV govrrnment, to- wardi Cen. Paei, will appear tha mora flitter, ing and cnmplimrntarv, hrn it it known that there are now.oa.jjir lt of appjirtionaJwf id- miwion to the ItiliUry Academy, the.namei of more that) a thousand young gentlemen, some of horn applied two or litre year since. It mut b aj flattering to our na'inntl feeling, to tee distinguished foreigner giving th pr ferrnce to our Institution over thove of any other country, at it i to them to receive from our government that hospitality and national comity.which is du from on aorercign atat to another, more especially tltoae- nation, be tween who inhabitant there U u great a com. munity of principle and inter ft, a between the citiient of the United States, and thoae of our titer Republic of Colombia. How toperlatively mortified rmit those red hot reformiat be, ho fretted their giuarda alrnont to ttranguUtion, during the two laat e sions of Congrcsa, to abolish the United Stat Military Arnlemy at West Point, now to tee that institution in so flourishing and prmperou a itate, that it hat juitly become the hnaat and ornament of our country, and the ail nintion of furei)fner. How itifiui'rly Uu'.e thry m'it p. pear, on a r(aminaiinnf to -e tlicnMlvn tliwtrtc il in all tbt ir eirorti t a rwbral annilii lation of tlie moat ulniirnl mrairr of our gov ernment, and the overthrow of tht lyitem, on the prrwmtion of which, the very cxiitnitc of our Representative Republican fonn of gf)vern ment vitally ilrpendi. It mut be a source of unpleasant reflection to the hero of Orleans, and to hit patriotic fallow citizen of Tennessee, that the delegation in ConjrrcM from that State, should be tbe first to Coc e a Cannon at the Military Academy, and to keep up an inveterate, fire from llicu Uaigt at tbe friends of I be institution, with a view of frightening them into an abandonment of it. But.Uiciolrepkl defend rt of thai Imil ,f Jrremtn, have always gallantly beaten off their enemies; and are now to safely entrenched in the heart of their country men, that the fire of the radical force cannot harm them. Indeed, it it problematical whether hottilitit t wilt apun be commenced ; for it it know n that some heavy pieces of Cannon w ill not be brought into the field the ensuing campaign. AKRON Bl'KU. . We. published, .afiMn wtiki aiucc, in tbe IVu. ""ftr sirn,. m wnica .10 cmpiov JUicQuelve. It lhe mention of the name of Aaron Burr, w cannot but recall to memory the scene of 1801, 2, and 3, when that wicked man attempted to raise the standard of treason in our country's but as hi political career has long time aince pasted by, and he now peaceably practises hii profession in the city of New-York, unhonorcd and almost unknown by the rising generation. isiuiijivuuij miu vumiiiiucnuion snouiu ,u. rttiWmrrazz feelings of charity and commiaserstion should ruptedly into the grave. A 1act A UT 1.1 a!a- al. . p-r-, Msnfzi- vAmz . . . A . ber of the Cabinet, except the Secretary of War, were absent, taking their summer recrea- tiona. Mr, f?flM"fl alnnc re"t"'d at hi p",f. ' Accounts have been received "from Mexico as late as the 24th June,.by way of New Orleans. The new Congren was to meet on the 31st October; xht form of government will then be fixed upon. ' It us nan y .of . the: province s. have declared for that, or death ! - A'fiW PAPER. Tlie Georgetown Guxetie, ! proposed to be printed in Georgetown, South-Carolina, by TT. Fat. Mr. Fay tayt he intends to T publish hi paper on as large a sheet as that on w hich the Charleston Mercury i printed ( that he will publish twice a week at fint, in order the soon er to coraplettiheiblicatio'v of the whole of Count jLa Cases Journal! Hi paper will be commenced in a few week. ' It will probafily be an interesting and useful journal. Price g5 per year. ' - &r.lLY.1XD SQVTlUtMr.MCJl. ' Our Ut intrllK'iw from fpsin wttrs vj fl!terinf cinijdnitin. lh event tl t t trsntpirrd in the Peninsula fur tbrr or I, J ni'tutht pt,hav been of a Cast to f.ll th D J of every frirfwl to literty and luimanity, dciponding fears but if w wty pW any tunc on th eounttiitiUind in t !nj Courier, he reavn, to hoji ihat the ri uf freedom will ultimately triumph in fljin 1 1)4 priestcraft and bigotry itl evtntually b Otrr, thrown am) a beautiful aytteia of rtiai TtUf ty b permanently established, alierclntott ane ami monkish tyranny have long reprcsttj VnT iiJvcd the in'i Ib tt tr BianT " From ft'mtli Amrrics,'our Intttligence Uaf the moot pleating nature. The indrpendcttrtef Huen" Avrr irlfmwVdjji Jyth motL countrjrj a in vmt r 1 eurumscrrtted t 1 weak, inulat d post in Colombl. Vf refer our reid -rs to th di tails in the preceding tab umni of Uii wetl'i Carolinian. . Errata Tli realcr will pleat to mat tU following typographical eorrectioni In the "Od (tf lU itb of July, 1 321," publUhcd in oui papef of the Shh lnt f Insttfl of " Her rsdiant m infoldt," read, filer radiant fam infolla." Arvl instead of " F.neUted with gem her du. aling son," read, fjukmrd with gemt kef danling lone," ac. , , Aniidat tli various (aret and perjdeiuliei la dent to our business. It is morally impoib1 iL ay to pay that attention to the fraf ttet of the pper, which the literary character of a it, pcctable j'Hinial demand. 11i varied ds, Uct required in a country printing establishment, will not warrant aa exduuve devotion to tb editorial department THE RRV. MR. GREF.N', Who waa appointed Lylhe Convention of th ProtcOiiit llp'tacopal Church an agent to mail collection for th Episcopal Funds of this Di. cese, will viit and preach at the fallowing ph. ceti At Iainglon, on Sunday, the 21 t f Sep,, teniher al C'bril' Church, llowsn, on 11iwv lay, the 2j(h i at Ral'sburj-, the 28ih t at St. Mi. dial's, Iredell, tbe ."Otli , at Morjjanton, Hn-li county, on Sunday, the 5ih t( Octoljerj at I J cohitun.on the 9th 1 at Whitehaven, on the ljtk, at rliarloMe, Mecklenburg, on the Uth j and at Wadusburu', on lit the lrth. roYrmriTta. We are requested to Hate, that the Rev. LeJl Skidmnrr, of the lt lhoit p rviinsion, wiS preach at the t'mtrt-Hmise m Salihury, o - rhursilay evening, the 2d of October next, at early candle-light. lnfrmat,m, has been rfeeirrd, thaf tbe Ref. Dr. Wanl, of the KjisI -India miasion, died onthe 7th of larch, iast. at Scramporc. Dr. Ward . waS'onr riftrp ablmt and ni'var ite Voted of th"" missionaries in India. It will be reconVcted that he, about two year since, by hi activity and zeal in tbe cao? of missions, collected on. tribulion in the United States, for the further-' nee of missions in the Oriental countries, totb " amount off-M thoutand tlottiirt. ffmlth of the tenmn. Kvrry n jTTment whfc which Heaven favor ns, is rendered doubly grateful by being placed in contrast with the fflf rfTictdc nt to - our- mbmary'-r'tiisTrnrr-; rroia hence it i that the ritiens of Snlithurv, thi season, frl am so generally erpreti their grsti tudc to the God of nature, for the continuance of " health, peace and competence." Pcrhap it may be aafcly aid, that not a town in the United States, of equal population! has beta freer of disease during the summer months, than has Salisbury thi season. -Out of a populatioa of about 1200 souls, there i not, at this time, one ainglc case of endemic fever; and but t tcT person slightly selected with tlie ague. North-Cartlina Currency. We are pleased t observe, that our State Bank notes have ritea in value, in the New -York market, from 10 per. cent below par, to 5j. As the trade of the State it beginning to seek its proper market, we have no doubt but our note will toon be re- eeived in tbe ttmlwt towns-at r"" i ginia Jhenrf wilj soon have thle'iniiaau'ts? swpthsthejgrwt,!(wnwMi''t' aKsT"ffierrXWo1ihDa Ur dissi pated like fog, and" themselve wmalii tbe ntt lviuflcrers, by the loss of their former valuable trade from thi State. ' . Col. John Patttn, of Buncombe county, H been appointed by Gov. Holmes, Commissioner to superintend the sub? of Chtrokee lands,' advertised In this paper, to tike place st Wajncsville, Haywood county, on tlie 22d insf. Dr. Hamilton, who married a young lady it Vermont, and then basely deserted her; ani ; jnafriql auotl.iftew Jersey, and iveffi;. the same trick, has been 'arretted in Reading, Pennsj lvia. where he had " sunk the doctor. an3 7u7eT""hlroi9e if oitt'a a jM7rnej inahoe"" maker,' prooably Vith a view of "raising th" wind," to enable him to marry a third wife. - i hoped he may now suffer a consideijabl)' u the law will allow of, for having so wantonly sported with female innocence and happiness. SAGE. i It u said that the Dutch, on their econd voy age to Cliina, carried dried aage, which they exch,nged for tea ; they received three or RW ; pound of te-a for one of sage.

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