rr.r.CTnr,!, lat.!.,, a WUu a deiet-stes iUyidm tousrt V M )nU,rm4tm fut.rt the east, hcMj ihe rvr T ''ff put h their votes! An Election wiil be heU on Surjajr, ,coinmuulate 1 n a m.nner thst Wirrsntsi fr rr srVinst a Conuntioni in o c r 1 1 3 Jih day of October, Icing the ut ii noiui'i It, that some of the ftitnds sf Mr. Crefr rasping r end etr the Koanoke, have It in contemplation to make an attempt in the next Legislature to repial the present electoral law of thi Cute, in thai the Electors rnsy be appointed by tho UgMtture. Tide pl It predicated oti the fallacious sup position lhr mjorlif tf th Members tf tht Legislature will bo favorable to the pre tension! of Mr., Crawford. Although ome of our Mends are rather a pprehcn stive on this point, wo feel assured there I ... ..i.a In fe ika Win if tha rdan : fnr in the first place there la no danger that majority of the nf mbert of the legis lature tll be frvorsble to the election o the Tressory candidate end ia the net! place, were they so inclined, we are ccr taia thejf would net dare thus to usurp the rights f the profile ! But we feel Wound I the public's sentinel, to apprite our fellow dtliens of ever ache ma that may to aet afloat to curtail the rights of the people with view of advancing radica doctrines. Why ia it, permit til to stk, that the Treaaury candidate, and hia adherents, are ao suspicious of trusting the election with the people, to whom, in a republican government, it justly belongs f As one of the people, we claim for them and oar selves, what every free born American citizen ia entitled to claim aa hia birth right, the election of our Presidential Eleciora by popular tote. We proteat against thii riht being taken away, either by the Leulaturee a Caucut. m CONVENTION DELEGATES. We have heretofore publiihed the names of gentlemen elected delegstcs from the acveral western countiea to the sneeting which ia to be held in Raleigh the rat Monday in November next, to conaider on the mot advisable courae to be puraued in bringing about a Conven tion of the people of North Carolina, to emend the Constitution of the State t but a the remits of the election were pub liihod aa they reached ua, at irregular and 'distant Intervals, we hare thought that, aa the bearta of our. fellow -cuixena are pal pitating for the accomplishment of thii great and righteous object, re-publica-' tion of the names of Delegates, in an embodied form, would be uaeful to our readera and ouraclvea, to refer to occa aiomlly. Jiamtt tf Dtlegafty and the ctuntiet they refiretent. Buncomhe' - Philip Brittain, Samuel Chunn. Burke - Isaac T. Avery, ' William Dickson. Kutherford - James Graham, Joseph M'D. Canon. Lincoln - - Robert Williamson, Robert II. fiurtod, John F. Brevard. Michael M'Leary, Thomas C Polk. John F. Phifer. George L. Davidson, Robert Simon ton. Montfort Stokes, John Martin. Charles Fisher, John H. Freeling, John Beard, jr. Thomas Hearn. Francis A. Cash, lien. W. Harrington . ...,. JinhMtJi..,. ..- Alexander Grav, Jonii u. I roy. ..-Wiilia mi inton, - - Matt hew K . M oore'r ' Thomas Ruffin, Michael Holt, Wilie P, Mangntn, JahleJS. Smttir: ifecklenbwrg CuJxirru Iredell - - Wilket -Rowan . - Montgomery An$on Orange whthnin mijmily voted fwr convemion 't Saturday In the mottth,! in the c un!y but the erir waa discovered, when too (of David, fr the purpose of electing two Delrgttet to represent us la gene ral Meeting wMch la to be held in RaM;h on the lecond Monday In November next, to consult on matters relative to calling a Convention. The polls will be opened at the regular Ute, that no delegate was elected. rs Til witrta ciMMiuf. o?s the fitr.tmr.NCT. Mr. r.ditart It la row several moatbi alnce I made a call, through the medium of your columns, on the friends of Mr. CrawfoH. for some evidence of Ms cUims ,Uc,loi ,Un, w, Llngtont Da to the Presidency. A have waited with nicl's, Hampton's, Ward's, and IlaocsV great, patience, to jeeeite the desired in. 1 . J! da $ tU CmtmptUf fmann, lurmation. I can assure advocates of that gentleman, that this call or mine was The Rer. Mr. Sparks, recentli nst.r us niu fiujiMii.vuiicautus r ortlie Unitarian cfcurch in Daliimre, and eIV mcM ro f eortiestr - Befog wrtly formerly "naplaln "(o CongrtsC lie be a back country farmer, my means of ac- come the Editor of the North-American quirwjr, political intormatn are rather Review. The extensive Iherary acqstre limited j I hsve nothing to draw from, but ments of Mr. Sparkn are guawaee the public hewspapera, and tltcae hereto- ;kn the hit! renute which this able work fore have very atrangelf neglected to in- baa gained, both at home and abroad, wfcj lorm ua wnat It ia that .ir. crawler haa be austa ntd undar hia mimrtnitM. ever done to entitle him to the high office J of chitf Magistrate. Aa the newsp.pera Sinc Oiioia, Esq. well known at L... iL.l r.LJ L Li J..i !a I ... iiita ii.u. laucu in iir uuit, u was rca a fuel, and an asIa do ic. writer, haatn. aonable to auppose that some of those who .gf d in the editorial management of the are holding f.rth Mr. C. oan give us a Ma- New-York Patriot, in couocxion with tory of bu deeds and chMvements. Un- Col. G-rdner. This oantr.thl. h hatal r llits impression I mce my first call ; I readr acouired resnectahU rh.nriar. j i " i .1 - . r ' ana as i sun narc an noncst cunosny io must become a highly valuable and Inter learn what great thnK this Mr. Crawford eating journal, with the additional edvan has done to entitle him to the first honor tlge of surh ulenta aa Mr. Usbome's oi me repuouc, i musi uere agun repeat M , ki,,, j, i,0f ,h, Muinc Repeb it. Hi these tutu I am not without piece- jicn llMnf , jt Ml enli.ted in support of c.eni. u nasoeen usual in uengress, ior Crawford, of Radical doctrines, or of the the past lour years, aa I sae liom my iprf ro,cy Congressional Caucua. newspapers, ior me panicuur irienas oil &iUm Mr titter. a I at mr. i.rawioru. whenever mey suprcteei that they could embarrass either Mr. Cal- The Court of MagUtratee and Free noun or. .m. nojms, io maae ra., on holdera. has decided that the Negro Fel their Uepartmenie tor inlurmation, which h, Seirio. ahall be confined until Ms calls were always promptly answered oririnal sentenoe is complied with out ii i nave examples uciore me oi ma- ,riln.torlat on bevond the lim its of the king calls, so it mu-t bo admitted, on the United States Lht. Ctv Ctx oiner nana, .mat tne persons on wiiom I call, have a precedent in neKl-cunir to I TheKentucks- Monitor, atdtes a reoort .nswero cif : In the session of 1818. thM tol. Le-venworth and gen. Ashley, me nouse oi nepreseniaues pae to who had oined their f)rces, to the num resolutions, both in the same word one bcr 0f ,bout 400 Uniied States' troops calling on Mr. Calhoun, snd the other on Lnj hun'ers, with a considerable number Mr. Crawford, for reports on the subject f fri.r.dl. Indi ns had met the Kieare,. of internal improvement. At the epn- Lnj dcUtfid idem with itimetise loss, , Ir. Calhoun (,om- ne rep0ri, however, wants confirmation. ing of the next session municated to Cong ess his report, which will speak lor Itscli; but Mr. I rawlord w. leant that Mr. W. II. Crawford has not to this day condeacended to an- has been ill wiih the a bilious fever, for awer the call of Congress. Now pei haps ,m days, at the house of Mr. James ms paruxani may pieaa up mis example Bbour, in Orange county. Mr. C. was as n excuse for silence ; but it is rot a , hj, return t the ci,- 0f Washington. sutncicni one. xiy me oy, wnai is mei Rich. Una reason that Mr. Crawford haa in ibis man-1 . - f Jk . I . ' . M .V. I '4 . . . . I ' ner rciuscuiu guc mo v-uiiRiHsmtii mc j bo(t hrojec:.-A proposition Has been information they want, and no doubt mwj to the Colombian government, by atana in great neeo oi i uan h oe mat ne B foreigner, to unite the AUanlie and.P was unwiiungtw gtv-ioe sniuirc m wp I cihe Oceans, by means ol a canal Irom portunity of comparing his performance ,he river Atrato, which empties into the on that subject with Mr. Calhoun'a ? Or (9Tmtr witi) the San Juan which runa in- perhaps he could not determine In hn to the latter ocean. The canal will be own mind whether to como out for or lhort tr tj,g projectors estimate the agatntt internal improvement, i mi was eiPense at only 8300,000. i he Presi rendered more difficult, inasmuch as in Nent 0fth, Colombian government was some ot the states the puouc sentiment l,hoUt t0 ,i5it the spot. was in tavor, while in otnera n was oppo sed to internal tmnrovement. Thai annual commencement of Yale But to recur. I now again, in behall Pollere. New Haven, waa held on the of my brother Farmers, call upon the ,0th inst. After the usual religious and fnenda of this Mr. Crawford, to answer, .r.demicsl exercises of the dar, sevente- rntcr.1, t?r?. ?. CoMon, lid, H f f, 5ft sij 'n,6 Ufa'. KJ S ')) l.urv 4)a 4 J r Il l.ft.l, Ja C.'JS..I,1.,. 4Jtn4J earn, 41 n Jl t -,l Ja U butlirltt m,Imm, 4-J to 4i i irsr, mosroi S'l'S 9 to I J i eofite, tinuf, grarn, 2'i lo 31 1 2.1 and W qtuniy,24to?;, lea. h son, I 3J flashed TSi tstttw, Ia9 b? r,nt 3Ji rite, 3 fjla 4 per 1 AJ run, Rs7J la J 2J,r. JU lb. l.trro les f Jl a 3 J j inanufiftured, I to 70 ft. ewt. . ; cnrjtjnr rjticcs, a.2i. Cotton, t9 iIJ et. Hour, new per barrrl, 9 a oj nfci o to a 1 1 torn, bwh, iJ to W eta. Oaia, H to 40 rta. i rcaa, 6S to H r ia. i M h.s. kry, gsJ. 40 to 4 J eta, Apple llmtvly, iOto 41 1 Tobacrn. 3 to 4 1 Ilceaa ax. lb. 00 eta. t 1 all.Hr. tr cte.T Bacon, f to 13 da. t lard, T t 10 eia, llulier, 10 to 30 eta. i lUnring, 32 (o S3 rta. i Iron, to 6 dot, i Halt, b.t Jt , 1 d.J. t Otttr. T Io 1 i 6oh t Dfretf,Him to 30 clirT Hie. lb. U f U. 4t!aa, 441 to 40. t tf--8(jme nnnia ltaof oewcrott. fm the ne igliborWxI, batfl sold tb a at 14 1 let eta Old ernti 'at-ir at tier uuuiaUuas abort . . . . swasaasswaas Cn.tHLETiX PRtCEt, Xrt. n.' Cotn. ft. IslamL 34 to 30. stainrd do. 13 to 18 1 Btntee. 19 to 2Ji abort stanle. 14 to 16 1 Hire, yrirtte, 3j i inf. rior to good, 3 to 3 i w b.akv, (I'enn.) 3J to 3J cis. N. K. Hum, 37 to 31 1 Apple litWy, ij to 34 eta. i 1'ohae CO, Kfttotky, CeorgU, f aytttcville, ke. 31 to. 4 1 Ilrriwal, 31 to Si crttts TalW, 8 trs 9 j Kref, Rton rta, 1 1 j No. 1, 9 1 prime fc No. 3. 6 to rj i Maekarel, No. 3. J( No. 3, 3i liacon, 8 la 9 rta. i Hants, 8 to 9 1 Urd, 9 to 10 ni?tin;. Dundee k Inremraa, (42 inch) 32 to 31 rts. i Cogniac Hrandy, 1 15 to 1 23 per ral. i Holland Gin, 100 to 110 cts. per gallon t Iron, Russia ftwfrirt, 4 to 4J 100 lls. , KnK1!sh 3 i Ut. IJvemoot coarar. C24 rta. orr btuhrli Torkl Ut.iul. 51 a CO, 8uKr,TI.vini Wblie, It to 13 1 llrown,Hjto8 i Mua-a4,7t to9i Ut. Croix (prime) 10 i N. Orleans, prime, 9 to 9 i Inf. rior, 7 to 8 i Kifinrd loaf Husr, 16 to 2U CofTcr.brst rrren,23a23i inrirMirt"r"l. 23 to 24 1 lltsnn Tea, 95 to 105 eia. per ll. Hum, Jam. 87 J rts. , Wrst India, 6J Mataawa, (W. .) 28 lo 2'i eta. UUck I'cppcr, SO to 21 j rimento, 28 a JO. N. LVfotina Ilink ItUla, J a 4 per cdtt dia. t Gcorgia,1 a 4 do. i,';atijvUplin.U f the nrw crot ro off aa lltey am.,j hich ia only in small . prcrlvit 15 to 17 cents, rinriaUv for Northern iiismifac. Uires. The retynjiiii of Uie olJ ciup are beasy at 13 to liceiiti. 4 f 4W11.Y i.f LVrty cmUjf of t A rusnan I m.n, a tluil f-ftr )tmo mtm tao yrsrs el.t, insr lf 1 if rmtrs he;iU stile In the Mte ri l.i.r una r '.- r.!t, lite man iss tol( r!)!t sluten .Iff, s.l tht t. man KNUltnmrd to ItuilM-VOlk, S.I..I , he, Apple at ilna iffico.' ' , s-'pt. inj. ritf xiTw AHfioirfMi;.T. Tir. aibnbrr l s ery rreiiily rrrtireal fro'n I'hiU Klili.a, sn a4ctnntnt iff , Dry (J t6tl , 1 1 a rtl w n re, . Cutlery m4 Dmritlct f lilrh, with the aMiiriitK'nt he espt't to rv. Um io a btf! lime, o.U thaUo tun to aril at " antitory pries. I le ptibl-cai rtapecifuli invited lo call, and euniin li.r Iheinsrlvrs. . , rmt'ibii rut-it.. The ConpemnMiMnr, ami H I'taf bTta?nettL " heretofore tranaaded bv D. Crtaa. aen. ill in futtir b conducted hr ote, at tb Same place, 1 hoar srho for m )lh tltrir t ualnm. anas' ! - etid on hasinr their work don with nestnraa, durability and slt(stch, ( ' ,. EDnD. CUtSS. 1st. What valuable public aervKea "didtlwo vou.r renflemen. alumniot the Cot- he perform before he went intb Congress? I.--, were nJrnitted to the decree of Ba ld. Of what important meaaures was chelur of . Arts, and twenty-three, also he the author, or able advocate, while iu 0Mm,- 0f,he College, to tho degree of Congreanf Master of Arts. The decree of Doctor 3d. Whit Treaties did ho negotiate, Dr Medicine was conferred, on examina- and In what diplomatic correspondence ,ion, UDon twentr-six vouner eentlemen, .... . .. . r . ( I r . - . did he sustain the cnaracter oi nis coun- ,w,; Dr the Medical Institution. 1 he try, while he waa in France f honorarr dezree of Doctor of Lawa was 4th. What has be done since he n conferred on the Hon. James iiiilbouse, been in the Treasury Department to inj N0,h Webster, Esq. of Ne w llaven ; economize and save the public money, or the Hon. S. T. Hosmer, Chief Justice of to simplify the transaction of public bust- Connecticut, and 1'rofeasor Hedge, of nessf lias he brought to light one audi- HiVard Universitv, Massacbuaetts. All tional aource of revenue, or has he even ,ni exercises were performed, it is said, collected the accruing revenue oi tne na- wjtn remarkable decorum, and gave much tion with as email expenae as any of his I satisfaction to the numerous audience aa- predecessors f . aembled on the occasion. Besides these, there are a few other rCAbrero Cturicr points tht; I wish information on, which j . illnrPoft a aoo -8 tbe--re'wti'i' "BllBl3SHSit"lsESS. WsrtA,',"".".' ,",T Ty'iawjCJUaayaxix-auieffeel. Catieell -Cumberland Chatham- Rockingham Bartlett Yancey, Romulua S. Saunders. John A. Cameron, John Armstrong. Winship Stedman, , Richard Freeman. Thomas Settle, jonn uetnel.' from Davidson btrt we learn that '"inen; ures are in train to hold..n Winn l the course of two or three weeks, so that there is no doubt but the county will be represented in tbe meetinij at Raleigh,' It has been announced in pur paper, that the Ret, H. Posey had been elected in Haywood but we are sorry to have to contradict it. Owing to some mitotan- Wheyerat'empt4ifM INI is-may-w uuuot.; ii,4'i,aus.4aiui&4,.iaMTi ucamuf prr to n piiiivb unpisvv- guape and that fK not .fljfronti beJderueddej;tee fo furnished for prooU. around us, the city, continues pei lectly i burkk FARMiit. healthv. We attribute our exemption from, the Calamity thua r, to-taftov General Ilenrv Lallemand, General of I lence of tbe blowy weather, from the the artillery of the late Imperial Guard southward and eastward accompanied with of France, died the day before yesterday a healthful temperature of the if,aid our at Bordenlown, and waa ' interred this anxious hope is that these blesVihgs may morning, in this city. Hit demise was be continued to us, until the season for occasioned by a disease of. the. stomach, bilious fevers prevailing, haa passed over, under which he labored for some time. The mortality in Ohio and Kentucky, o. Gazr Seftt. 17. I (in districts of so healthy repute, that na- inyoi our citizens nau ucu itin,r iui v, . Bishop HobJt, of $V!!.JlHlpBk helter)i really timing, and. tr.ym taking a Toy'arojTor the benet toms ahd appearances are-unequivocally of hia health- those of the yellow fever' - bibIyHEtemed in hi diocese if we are -ry-m tojuge fromjlie regret that is manifest-. , ;AtJBergen i. Point, Jersey Shore, hear ed for. bis 3recttd absence , " Addl'elSes the Quarantine G round, a Mrt.'.Vanbornd are presented to him from both Jew and lately died of yellow fever, caught from Gentiles, - wishing bim a prosperous feather bed, which she found .floating voyage and speedy return. - near "that place, and which without doubt, ill. ' V had -been thrown -overboard fiom some The celebrated Carkot lately died at vessel at Quarantine. She washed the Magdeburg,' where be had taken refuge featbera pf this bed on Saturday week, sinee the year. 1115. He was born 1 3th sickened on Sunday, and died last Wed May 1753. ' . f- nedaof blicktomit, v: In Mecklenburg county, Virg-lnis, on the 2d of Oct. inst. Jivn It. .VerqurfT, F.sq. of Cahsr rus cHiiitv, N". C. to Mtsav.nrjr Janr .Vrrmtdrr; daughter of Col. Mark Alexander; of the former place. In thia county, on the ?5tbult. Mr. JK Camphttt, of Davidson county, to Miss .Miry lludrn, daughter of Mr. II. D. iladrn, of Uotsan. nrEn, At Philadelphia, on Wednesday evening, 17th instant, after s severe attack of djr sent cry. Cam. modor Jaa Sasw, of the t'niud States' Navy, aged 50. Estate qP Thomas Hinsliawv fpiIE subscriber having qualified at admin X istrator to the estate of 1 homas Hinsltaw, dee'd. of Randolph ct-uiity, takes this method to call upon all those who are indebted to the es tate of aald Hintha, to- make payment also notifies all inch aa have cluima upon said estate, to present them for payment, within the time prescribed by Uu, oilier iaa iiy will bdcsar red of recovery. JESSE HLN5HAW,,m, &pt. 30, 1821. 3t76 Valuable Sale of GOODS, AT AUCTION', rpiir. sfnek of Uooilsof the late lrrnecr)!C. I OVtU v S..II baoM at Ancti tt -- the hitiest tM, r, ( reaerse) in tho " Town of Chrrasr, on the oth day of Ko en.ber nest, cwMtsrlnr of as eboiee a ei llrction aa aa ever cihibited for aale in litis aiaUi amen, im it rw Huperfine CbKhasnd Caaslmeres, Hftttiita, M bi'e and lllus flams, riantttls and DUokcta, A... . Ihn.estie f h'.rtinjj, at d power loom do. Irish Linens, D (trs, - Calico, (iinKhams, ' ' - Itlk. and llg. illis and Seersuckers, . . tmoreiias, sierino Fhl,-, ; Itlk. ami eol'd Canton Crapes, kilk and Cott.ui IMlfi, of every deacHptWu t'srribrirks and f airbnt k Hohcai F.le(fant orke! flounces, . . A lurpt aw)rtment of HtbHnns, ColM and Nun's 1 bread and Cotton SaSi, . ltesianr of ftrv dearriniinn. . - -.1 l . !., ttrwmtt re an., rtging, 7 7 ,T Torioi trhtll and Common Comhs, A larje and ,leratit awtrtment of lUItD.WAHi:, . t consisting of every article iii tbe-1 rsde. -Seine Twine, . 3Vj pair Ladies best rj.iIity yoroaco and Sa tin Jean Boi and fcltocs. , - 6 pr. Neg fboes, i- i- - ' 20 do. r.-ntt. men's Hmtta. French Brandy, HoHarvl (ijn, ,- 1 Jamaica Kum, Irish tVhi.k i v, ' ' . x Madeira, Colmanar and Italaga Wines, 25 Itlila. Country tin. Hum ai d H'hises 3 Hhda. and 3J DM. Muscovado Sugar, " 900 lbs. l.ta Sugar, . t 28 keira assorted sires Cot Nails, - " 13 E. its Heat Amtrk-an Powrter, " - r 8 do. 23 canister each Rnv lish JjuubleBaUlp - -VkJXH Beat rinaliU RMHa(;ea( ' 4000 do. do, Amertrau d'." . . -T" 1 ' -3 Tona Stsedea and Knjflish Iron,- . ' " A larre assiirl'iipnt nf-'-'- Togvtlier wHb every other article oauaJly found in a ioiniry more. - - . l ERMof Kale approved endorsed Notes, 1 payable 1st February next or 2 per cent ilia. , count on the bills for Cash.' ' HARVEY WILLIAM1?. Sept. 11.1811. 6i78 . . RAN awav from the subscriber's plantation, in the fork of the Yadkin, Itowan county, North-Carolina, about the first of July last, o V(yre Bvy by the name of J.iCOB. about 18 years of ajre j 5 feet J or 6 inches hiirh, some what on tba yellow iith order, smooth round face. on close examination one cheek appears to be somen lutt hrger than the other, when surprized he assumes a wild look, he ttonoa a little when walking or standing;, is very artful and cunning. Also, about the first of .September, two other negro men made their elopement j one by the name of Patttn, the other Xeplune, each about 22 years of age i Payton Is about 3 feet 7 or 8 inches high, keen made, very stout and active to his size, very black smooth face, and has a sly look, and very plausible In his conversation, and puts on a quizzical smile when he is appre. hensive of being detected of a fault,' Neptune is a stout, strong made fellow, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, black rough face, a down look, and a small impediment in his speech when re troved. Clothes unknown. They have been urkinr tome weeks past through the "different Wrtrrjf the? Trki of tTs Taulin ITaMH l"con- jecJUiml that they have been with a tellow boy of tbiejns m-MmifaThamiif Modest vdlevtmiLiyt In the neighborhood oT SaKaburv: As I have not heard of tbjta for aevend UhJjtejbapa thejt. have left these ! parts, to get to some place where they can be better concealed i and perhaps may ' to pass for tree men, or go on wit a. some lite uewon. I wiH eive the abuve re Sard fbft Uieir apprehension, or pay in proportion to that sum for each of them that are delivered to me at my residence in the Fork of the Yadkin, or lodred in some jail to that I con ret them, and all reasonable charges paid. . Oct, 11, 1823. : , 75tf Houses and Lots. 1 TITOTICE (irMonday, the first day of out A s, , supe,nar Court, in Meet lentu.rg county, at the court-house in Charlotte, will be oflered for ta'Si SJI M rnffntasxredit, one of the moat vIu- autc Luis in satu town, uctng ine corner 101 east 6f thfi'tJtiiirtoWeV avinK i store botiieTn good repair now occupied y prigj Dinkins awl C.w'dwpmr bbrse, kitcben, 8tc. Also, a yahiabie plantation on M'Michael's creek, 7 or 8 miles from Charlotte, containing aq excellent mill seat j also, one sixth part of an undivided tract, on tbe Camden road. Similes from town, a good atand for public business. All belonging to the estate of Capt John Springs, dee'd, and sold by virtue of a decree from the Court of Equity. Bond, and approved security, will be required, and tklei made, by v. it. vwkAr, v. jn. is. 3Iccklcnbur"AgricuIturhl"T"1 80CIEIY. ' TUF. annual meeting of the Mecklenhntg Ag. ricultiiral Societv still tske pc at . the . Court-llouse in Charlotte, on the last Monday its October, at eleven O'clock. Members of tho eociet r, . and others- frieadU ta.ah caus, ar eamestly solicited to attend. Ibrre will b several premiums swarded, and tit President -will deliver a discourse on Agriculture. ' . J. mmi rtl. - October It, 1823.- ' ;2i78 ' " List of Letters ' ' ; BemaMtif in the r-t ftfe at I hnrhtte, .V. C. i., n tk 1. daf if (h-hifr, 18:3. - .- - ' PAUIS ALEXAStUKIt, Mr. Aleiamlev William AlexasuUr, tttbeoea Alliimn, Jr,e B. Alexander, F.phra'.m Alexander, Uwson II. 1 Alexander, Wm. 1). Alevander, Eiekiel Alexan der. H Joseph l Clack, Matthew Itain 2 Abner Drooks, James K Black, John Bigham, -Robert Bamhill, Wm. Bigham, Bcra us ortlooks, Zekiai W. Beaty. C Alexander Crocket- John Capps, Mrs. Jane t'aklwell, Wm. T, Crow, " ell, Nathaniel Cunnmgliam,.KUazcr Cochran 11 Lewis Dinkma, Gen. E. DavHlajn, Mobert Davidson, Mrs. Martha Darnell, David Ji..ughervl J tyr Wm,7 Dwtrlasa, Frederick Dii.Vina. s.ira,:;;f- llulin,-Jota link ins 3r Wicha'rl I Wtrk. Fs.''w Jlctu-y roaletvohn Frtddle", Rtifitrt Fain a, 1 ho- ,( mS Finnev. Samuel Fair, 'fi Tru'mh ' ' ",' ''B(in;f;imiireiV "wn vu nuiitcr, artriiKcnan front, Alexander Hogan 2, James II. Howie, E11, .JJ 1IugbcfcJ-ohnehkinv3arbari Johnston," Wm. Jones, Julius Jones, Robert Jamison, lira. Rebecca Jones, John M. James, 1 homas J. Je. ' romi-MisauMart-JLakrj Karr 2, John Kendrick, Hugh Kirkpatrick, Ro bert Kirkpatrick. tBenimin Lindsay, Wm. i ' Lee, James Latta, Henry Lewis. M Atexan.' ' der M'Clarta, David Molton, Benjamin Morrow,'. . cuzaonn asonjgomery, Joseph M'Kum J. at 9. M'Runt, James M'Rauen, John MCullah, Smith Miller 2, Master Charlee Mason. Eli VCall. Jaa. ' and Wm. Miller, Thomas M'Cippin, John M. , Cord, Wn M'Craw. John M'Leod. N Josenh .Nicholson, Jaa. Nowellr WimH. Neel.-WRdi win J, Osborne. rVYm. Parks 2. Elizabeth. Prkf Edrmrtid Ptlmer, Elizabeth Pbtta, Tho-' mas Parke and Robert Caldwell, Doct. Wm. J, ' Polk, Wm. 8. Porter Wm Pottv- Q Wm. X?r Query. RJoseplj, Reed, Capt. Peter Bap, v Isaac Rosaer, John Bred, Charles Uichmond, '. Jan-BxibtoYVni; Bkuturd. - 8Whn Stew- " art, John Springs 2, John Sing, Garner 8anders ' 3, Thomas B. hmith, Wm. bcott, IlughMncll, ' John Smith, Adam' A. Springs, Alexander or Jas. Scott, Andrew Fprstt, Sarah 8tephen,Tho- ' v maa Spratt. T Jaa, O. Torrence 2, Abraham, raylor. V-David Vane. W-Codfrey WiU liam John Weaver, Thotrias tyilliamaon, Wm. W. Walker, Abner Wires, Robert Wilson, John ' Williamson, John Wol4 Miss Jane Wallace, Jobo, -Wallace, Borijamitt Waathera. ' , ' " 3t77 WM. SM1TIJ, Jljr .