It 11 MollUliltl, TIU5 AMI I.OVr An rt!it Vni'-4 lime an j tor( Him with iltuwn rvkikbofft Ani Ixne without fci!irr Sir lUrtj patwiil the pUn, Ao4 tuo fc.r 1111 ea4 t4y Anne In wedlock cam togntlitr, Ctjie of tck tbt dam Ui;xkc i The aniat ere he drew a auxke, Iltvcmd hit oU opinion, , And avaigUway to Oie Ult one brings Tun ia its tura devoid1 of whip, AM Cupid wit tvt piniona. ... . "TfluiX IW ttie lte enr v7 No MutxW Madam," barrpticij " - ! bop I'm net 10' stupid. ' Tch 1m Mi piniona, in lis day, Time before marriage fliei away, ' ' Aid after invruje, Cupid.' at Wauaa. Were na m dull they could sot see That Lycy painted should tbey.flee Xika tlmpU bird into a act, , So groealy woven and IB-act ller ova teeth would aado the knot. And let all p that eho had got. Theae teeth, my Ltcy ntut aot show. If abo would bite i ber lovera thought like birde they Hoop at eeeaainf rapes. Art ditaboj'd wbea (.rat abo fapee i The rot ton bones doeorer'd there, Show Hi a painted sepulchre. no, tii aiaceca oasim. A printer was kadinf a bacbtlor! Ue, taoae U could aot or would aot procure blma wife i Xftduatrioua, prudent, be cut but few eapere, Mated pamphlet blaak Greeting,' tri-weck. h .aewtpapere, . Oa a Bewvpaper day. a friend happened to call, While creak went the preaa, and thump, thump, went the ball Oa the part of the sheet he wu carting hit eje, Which telle oi who marry and alao who die Thea aaya to the printer, tnleai my eyea fail, Tour impreaaion Juet hereabout look i rather pale. JJ-jn-0 "o' look pale,' replies type la thii caae, face! Men nurriafe and death ttart it full io the r,f c;r licro. . - m - l , I il.a OLD ACE. Old je U honorable. Tha eplrit seen Already oa iU flight to brlrhter workla And that atranp cbarp which men aiiacall decay U renovated Lie. c!0 lie ! Jfi ik j j.;r prtliinirut ici were aouu lettun, Lut before the knot touM Lc ticJ, butinett of importincc called bimti Naihville. On tin return home, he unliiclily toj)j)c J at Florence to viiit thoie kind (rienji, by whote advice he had made hii foriuotf. Whiltt dioiog at l'lor ence Inn. a man from Kentucky took hit teat tt tho table, who ioiUaUy re cognized Dr. uedford, to be hit old friend. Mr. Wn, Talbot, of Lexioz ton, Kir, i proftitor of the Art and rnya tcry of corjwainer. jTbc Keotuckian trai delighted to meet bim, inquired trTyat)ltcttou!jr"ifteT hti'heahh, and obaerved, that but wetkaiocer he had the picture of callioff on hit wife and family, at Lexington j who he a lured him were all well. The doctor was confounded, protciud the geotle maa wai miitakco in the peraon, and declared vebcmeatlr that h would firoiecute him if he dared to utter aucb aliehoodi. The Kentuckian wn not eaiily mored by euch threats, aid con ; tinucd to reiterate what he had pre viouily stated. The eoofuiiofl of the doctor waa so great, he could pot fin Uh his dinner, but hastily deputed to institute a suit a rain it the raaa who had uttered such outrigeou libels and that was the last seen of him by the citizens of r lorence. In the mean time Dr. Bedford re paired to Dig Spring, where he bor rowed a carriage with horses, and negro servant of a gentleman, into whose rood traces he had initiated himself, telling him that a person i Tennesiee bad sent for him, to operate to a case of Iithatomv, which rendered it important that he should depart poite hsste. oince then, the inhabitants o Biff, Spring have not been honored by a risit from Dr. Bedford, nor has the gentleman heard of his carnage, hor ses or negro The Keotuckian stated, that he and Bedford, who had a wife and two chil dren, Were employed in the aame shop more than a . year, when the former was discharged, in consequence of his ignorance of the trade, and conse j quent inability to perform the duties assigned him i and that since his de parture he had frequently heard of his practising medicine, by authority of a patent right which he had purchsaed ClecV tea every sprcarancc t fill! Mivct Ir.ia a senu-cirtlf, march sreun 1 du'tr the Biournen, sdJ then halt snj pue humour in Jour ctuuren. 1 oitt out three yells at before. Afur marching to them the Utalceaiequeticts c! yield round la this wav three return to the r.rive snd leave it. men Dcrform monies as the srenlnz previous. Thcv Cod. If remonstrance fail of its de I''1t"" "T" It srncars ty the tnicctts tf m m a a a to them U.s UtalcCBieQuetiCts cf Yield- IMcthodut Lruccpal Uhurth in After. timeirthty leg to thsir puiioni. Convince them ics, for the year 1 623, that there hV the female that It will render them uacomforuble been lb) new preachers admitted ca The next rooming, the old ti thcroielvei, odious to cthen, and trial a 52 admitted in full txiiocxlcnj rm the same round tf cere chjecis of punishment to-Almighty 197 deacons 39 ordained elders 4 h.a.eBlnffDrevioua. Thw Cod." If remonstrance fail of its de locsted 1 47 supernumeraries! 39 worn then puU u? the poles and walk off. sired effect 1(U be received with oU out preachers i and It also sppcars ihij The young men after breakfait hive a stinate surliness, thail'uement then be America is divided into 12 conferttw ball plsy. Previous to' their having comes necessary, and then -offending ces, and these conferences into fadJu any Intercourse with the whit'ei, the AW oust be whipped out of them, tricts, with a prtyiding elder In each. ChockUws did not bury their dead, I am fully sensible that this doctrine is In the tecspitulation, the whole nuts, but placed them upon" the ecaffold in not popular. But when waa truth ever ber of members In each conlcreccs the ooen air. After the iflesh wss con. Donular I Whera exhortation and ad stands as follows t ... . - r m I 'j'- J..I i. I- I 1 I sumed, toe tones were careiuiir cou vica are uuregarucu, wmi ubuu; lected by aTersotr-taHcdbonr picker, have Ton bur hastis,etotI.'Tha puU i I i f' . t r .. t. .k.. .v.... I a.nfn'V Ait ana ftnMiita in uauin ici BDari lor riaLwua iciuiti ivi pi'iit i mi iuuii thai burnoae.' ' " J I indiioensablv necessary, voluntarily I 'MUaourl ""do 10, . f,i;rhnTnt io t&vt-r minnerlDromotra.the ruin of his child. Alii Teanetaee &o .V. Isl... .1:. I f Uimet'.nKt tn It mrm riHiriilnna anrl fii.l Miaaiatippi do 6, fK.irltilf thouththev make a conaoicuoual P.varouna J Tha feebla roiea finn. WA wVIch tBetouIitt la, Cke the tk jUrk'i noUi, heard tainteat when IU wlnga aoar hifheat j and those hoary aipa, .TlKlK.wyia sad fauad JucH whkh more J:.. tha atawnr.-;: Of thougtitlcaa ribalda, aeem to me Lke mow TJpoaaa AlpiM wmmit-Hmljprortni; How near it it to Heaven. (aaita. -04 EPIGRA.t, f tU mm f Trtbk ieinF npprrAm dtdfir (Uckinj JVlrf.. TrtbU with London pickpocketa, they aay, Haa long htld tho Imar of hit away i , If thia bo true, and eao be proved tho case, Thea TrtUt'r tent has bees tKtnugh ban. MISCELLANEOUS. . . -,7 ujjj, rillATC. Dr. UamhtnsTbe IProridence Journal fur. tuahei uS with the foDowing sarratire of thia ma, who haa atlength run hit race, and ii likely to rccciva tha puniahment due to hia vile conduct. ."1;", : l:z la the year 1820, a man answering the .description of. Doctor Hamilton, made, hia appearance in the town of Florence, Alabama, calling himself Dr. John K. Bedford, and announced himself in the Gazette, as a practition er of medicine and surgery,- There was at the time four regular physicians - at Tloreoce, all in- good;repute,-nd -as they-wrej-ejconsidcred aufEcieat for .heplriIry BfordiraadvisedJiyJ me gooa citizens to remove io mrwi aettkmefAIedlhe-rBrgSprini which was destitote of a medical man, V nd, aometimea. very, sickly, lUnder these circumsTances. Dr. thought the village might be capable of affording some advantages to the era " icrant, and accordingly he sopn located himself at the place in question. His . entrance waa made welcome, by the inhabitants of the village, who, being ftnxioua to retain ao valuable s member of society,' failed not to extend to him every courtesy and attention due to a ctwto m'- ytnffe"'T4ievDoctorhaetot been at Biff Spring long before he eonclu- , - ilea to make a permanent seuietncnc. 10 order to do which he took it into his head that he must needs marry. -There . was n the village a beautiful young lady of rare accomplishments, and re .' fined education, who soon ensnared the w illin g healrt ' of the doctor I thi ' : possessed an estate worthabout twenty thousand dollars, which, of all things. statement at the time was considered doubtful by many, and there being some anxiety manifested on the -sub. ject, an examination was entered into, when it was ascertained that Bedford came to Lexington in the year 1818, assuming the name of Talbot, bring ing with him his wife and her mother, Mrs. Jackson, who was formerly of Alexandria. District of -Columbia t that Mrs. Jackson brought him an es tate at the time of her marriage, in negroes and other property,' amounting to about thirty thousand dollars, which he had squandered . away, and then abandoned her in a lod of strangers. From the description of the man and me Boioriciy oi nis cnaractcr, mere can be'no doubt, that Dr. Jamea Hamil ton, alias John Randolph' Bedford, alias C. Gallop, is the same Dr. Bed ford who flourished at Big Spring, and the same Wm. -Talbot, cordwaraer, who fled from Kentucky. CUOCKTAW INDIANS. Funeral Ceremoniet. They bury their dead immediately at the doors of their dwelliags. Over the graves they erect several long poles ornamented with 8 or 10 rings made of grape vines. At the. rising and setting of ihe!sunth arcundlFepoles, and covering the face with a blanket, commence a m;t dole 'fiihowllni keen up- for threevi months; At the expiration of this period all the peo ple in the vicinity collect, and the poles Bedfordn ifrFUllfd w Hfctlherlcncts mourn. . AH the femalea belonging to the bereaved family take their seat at the poles early in the afternoon. " The neighbors and distant friends, as they arrive at the place, take their aeat on the ground in the rear of the relatives and join them in their Uraetitable cry. Alter a few minutes, those, w ho ajre not, related to the deceased retire unto ihe-grnveywhiohis at it 4ittle distanK But the female relations keep their se.ats . A Tittle before sunset several old men walk up to the grave in a single' file, and when they come to withip a few rods of the grave they halt, and all its one give a short sono rous yell three times. After a short interval they repeat the yell as before. After repeating it the third time, they march to the grave and foim them FcrVntlin darkAeaS haa enveloned I mods as it respects a future state. figure io'thatailly and atrocious phN Ne one, I am persuaded, whose breait losophy iaventsd by knaves, to play on is warmed with the heart of a Chris- the credulity oi loois, ana to wnicn tian, could refrain from dropping the the world is at present indebted for compassionate tear en beholding the more than half the evils it now cxpe cAiieioc iguoiacvc vi iitia iouj ivaii muv. people. The phrase "heathenish darkness, had often sounded in my esrs, and my imagination had fre quently painted the situations of im mortal beings, unenlightened by God'i Clio Coafcrenca ,iM03. :1T9 21,228 W UKJ 418 - 294 'lOiT 121 13,891 19,931 J.902 2921 9.103 Cd,tU3 Mfi 26,946 IU 20.6W 277 2748 Virrinia do Baltimore do Philadelphia do New York . do N. Eoc,Uim1 do Ccneaaee do on .37,019. 1 38,4:4 27r457j , 2151 Total, "54r27,i 207,611 44,922 31249 raan tii coaaiCTicrv Longevity. The following instance of toe longevity of a lamily, the ma 93 95 word but of the import of this phraie jorl7 f which are D0W livioS may be I had no adequate conception until I smongit the most remarkable in this conversed with these sons of the foreat. tate - It seems never to have entered their The father died about !0 years sgo minds, that they were amenable to any in the 93d year of his age, - being above human. Mr a. Perry, a The mother died about 18 years hopeful convert in the neighbourhood ago, in the 95th year of hrr age, of Elliot, says, she never so much as They lived together in a roarri- thought there waa a Supreme Being ed state upwards of 70 yean, and till the missionary told her. And as had 9 children, they have been altogether ignorant of The eldeit ton is a healthy, iotelli- the punishment due to the wicked, bo gent old gentleman, in his 92d they had no knowledge of those soul year, - - expanding hopes which the grace of The eldest daughter died in her God inspires. 88th yesr, I he second son di?d in his 87th SWEARING. year, Of all the crimes that ever disgraced The 3d son died in hia 75th year, society, that of swearing admits of the of the 15th attack of Pneumo least palliation. Nothing can be offeT- nia, - - - ed to justify an impious oath j and yet The 4th son is living, aged 82, - it is the most common thing. Visit I he Jtn son is ta his 80th year, - -what class of people you may, from The 2d daughter is io her 78th the votaries of the midnight stew to the year, - most elevated walk in life, you hear The 6th son is in his 76th year, -imprecationa that would astound the The 7th son, a respectable phyai- 'r . i ... r I . I. . xJ .... ears oi a stoic, anu wounei me icc-l u.n, lumjuTur. lings of the least reflecting mind. No possible benebt can arise from profa nity i nothing is held forth as a temp. The above facta can he aubstantiated Mu7:.r . 7 :tn ,ne u.le 00 oao" 01 w V0D Manfeuas, Who Is said to have - --fc.&v-"-inecucuc river, wno arc mc aoua vi we such ajthing as this crime t yet such is yth aoo and physician. NASHVILLE, Tmntttr. Tbe aggrepte of population in KaehviDe, 3443 aoula. There are in. the city 1 Wholesale Dry Good Store, 29 Whole. ile and Retail Stores, 2 Auction Stores, 4 Boot snd Shoe Stores, 8 Commission Houses, snd 2 Iron Stores. i 3 Banks 3 Taverns 1 Poet Of lice 4 Churches 3 Clergymen 1 Masonic Hall 1 Theatre 2 Brokers 3 Drug and Paint Stores 26 Law ycra 13 Doctors J School Masters 2 School Mistresses 12 Msster 92 Carpenters 5 Master Brick Layers p Master Stone Masons 2 Muter 88 Stone Cutters 5 Shoe and Boot Ma kers 8 Blacksmiths 1 Xngineer4 67 Taylora 3 Hatters 4 Ssddlcrs-4 Coach Makers 3 Cabinet Makers 2 Plasterers 3 Paiaters 2 Silver PU- 15 ters 5 Silver-Smithsl Brass Founi" 82 der 4 Turners J Copper-Smiths- 80 I Gun-Smith 1 CooDcr 3 Warron Makers 1 Chair Maker 3 Milliner! 1& 2 Confectioners 3 Grocery Stores 761 i Candle Factory 3 Bikeri Barbers 3 Printing Offices I Book 73 1 Binderv .2 Book Stores 1 Comb factory 9 (NINE ) TtpMe Iloum -i nope vaia i iierop raciory. Amount of their ages, Average age, - - - - 919 83 1-2 written a history of India of uadispu ted veracity, mentions a native of Ben gal, of the name of Numa De Cugns, , who lived to the age of three hundrti and cventy. He had four new sets MAUOGONY. I of teeth. Hia hair had freoueadr The difficulty of procuring mahogo- changed from black to grey, and from ny, and other costly woods, and the grey to black lie possessed an as- its prevalence, that by many it is mis taken for a fashionable acquirement, and considered as indicative of energy aad decision of character. Fatal de- usion ! Reflect young man ! Has not the. same imperious mandate, which -. I Kt. .K.I. bill ' ' . . . .1 . 91 I UUH IUIII UVI .VII!. BI1U 111 I .. 1 I ! 1 . 1' terms as atrornr. Thou .ha t not take exorbitant prices demao- toni.hingly retentive memory, and ss 'V . , ded lor the ordinary articles ct tamuy serted that dunnc his lite he had pos- inF nimp ni inp i .ore mviioninvim'-i . . . . i " - convenience, has occasioned the art of sessed seven hundred wtvet ; some of had the name of the Lord thy God in vain 1 b.f.r. ,A. ..J 'L Pcularlr calculated to promote .0. pat .w.y. , ' r I m.itip .mhrlliihm.nt at a InHintr Vt. Ii AH Oktm -a, mm An t a 0m t 1A WMMti Mlt m a . T " f "a I LV U3C c- AS Ucl UW.U WVUUIFU S I vil rw rnrnnirrp iiip ariiirnrr aa Tjniiinir - w w a wmm wwv tw m waaa .aaa a wnrlri . Varment flrrettr I . rioK tri ciiatarroa reraixa. DUTY OF MOTHERS. The following extract from a aermon of the Rev. Dr. Gaaotvaa, of Boston, it ia hoped will be acceptable to the readers of the Courier. It Vhn Dr. Framki tm harlancroacho any- species of wood of a close ed ta the erv dm of hi. lif.h rea. grain so nearly to resemble mahogony ,oned thus coollr" with a friends in the texture, density, and polish, Death is as necessary ta the con.' that the most accurate judges are in- ltituuon as sleep: we shall rise re capable of distinguishing between this frhcd ia the morning. The course happy imitation and the native pro- 0f nature must soon put a period to mf duce. The first Operation, as now Breaenr mod of Miarenci Thia I . u ... - . I ntti..l in 7aft i. a Tsl on. K. 1111 . ... .t.i . tra rlrliTfiwI hifnr thai lulmnf h n.M I F-vnav ..i wv " I anall ftlinfiiie To wltn trie liaa retrrri. 9J. FrmaU Aitlum," and published by thalr particu- surface, so is to render it perfectly having seen, during a long 'life, a good lar repeat.' mooth , the wood is then to be rubbed deai Df thU world, I feel a growing " Having implanted sound principles w - ,0l.ut,?n mtrous c!ar wh,cn curiosity to become acquainted -with 1 a I triraano vtci s n marafi a la ankaa I . i a a it .t alfsiut LeMtem, see,, as "Jar i YMmM imtmMmmiZ possible; only agreeaUe obje'etson- 'MTOP1-0. thaaswt,7of an31vho ceal from them those of a contrary na rarbcMte f f lohe mixed to- and : preieryeii me from my btrthlff: torer-Agreeable smpresaiona-may.he "i lthe present hour." made, at a very early period, that are I811 stte t0 redrjfatp " 77" natuTairy-TJroduTtiverTJtheeTl I tt laid on ih-wood-w ith a-aoft brushr j ry object,'- aays a periodical writer, val ,te that attracts our notice, has its bright "V5.. heilthind happiocu. Almost m- "Wp"i i. . ,nort ',""r- w77 V " 1' ...f ... .... ..1 - r. I- .L . 1 .' .l . I an arftrl nitl.H 'an arraiiint At " tl appearance we-have descri- ma wno swallowed a numoer n ft .. ' . 1 ,1M.. V m A, a! AT Oil. aH tArV a-ul. He that hirm,,! &td. When this application IMS been A "iiop oi page. a himself to look at the dark aide, will properly made, the surface wdlresem- nd 18J, we have the llornt. sour his disposition, andbhseownuy ' w wifidtTmswi but if the guUrcroas-reading:,. Accomtofamn impaif his tiappl constantly beholds the bright aide, in- e of a little cold-drawn linseed oil, This, we think, could hm i bta t none .. . ' .. . . . - . ik. L. M.n..I a . r.... other than the editor of a dailv new"- Miui-meIiatcs-Jw temper, Juuku4r: " : consequence increase his own happi- briHancyv .paper. mp .... fiess, and thii of all around him. . . . ... r . . ,.. " Some children are blessed by na- Two young lawyera were riding into f Mkncst is the most patolul sensation ture With a mild and amiable disposi-lthe country, and passed by some farm-1 of the mind, as, according to Calenf t tion, while others are born with violent erssowinjr, seed. One of the lawyers, atandma t!n i of the bodr.. When- passions, which require the strong hsnd Vf way o? boasting, said to them t- Bi$ho Cumberland waa told he would . of authority to restrain them. Butas u Well old codgers, you sow, -but we . . . : ,. . t....i the most barren soil maybe aubdued lawVera wiU reap the benefit thereof." wear .himself put by appicatioa, he re. by labor, so may the most unhappy " t have no doubt of it,w. eaid'ane of Ped i Tie better to wear out, tnaf ; tamni km tmftmiirrl hv raft mrtA I tritm fr or om gmrtmt Amma" ' I A L,m as W -a . miijwvi b UiWWVw wi . w , o. swui I wMi w nBBt,M evniUj - WJ tMt Vfcfct

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