- mm 1 ! VOL. V. fiALISlUJItV, N. aTUK8I)AV, AtGUST 10, 1b21 MM . I mm. rxn ita rTSUlsiS ht mi lo. white, ftinUr it IW if UiUUd SlAlr$. Ill tffuat WT MM .iiM I,, rrit t a sVlowti ' !lm WTjrw a jtar, table III ada. . . fr ppt UtrtJiit4, (rn.pl at tS Of (Tint butori mull an tirtirvsrrt snr txuL per square (MM AJI visions of this act, shallot allowed the right of redemption, io the same man ocr, ima according to the like reittlc- lions; c'nicd laths act to which ttl is supplement. f- r.7;,.4nJi! H further fueled. iw poena, utic oi toe, time and Ilea for tfc't debt, until tuck tine ti the rent accruing shall hartdithargtd the iimei and the laid tcnaatahall be eo. .1.1 . i . . . Ci uuaq io tnarge twenty-averrer Centura tgaloat the landlord, oi tbiamejof of the uiei is bald or enforced leaiost him. extept where he piy hate beeo have been Inhabited, eultivited, and poiscste.. to be p.hj by the respectivt claimants and, to toon aa the taid term ahaU have expired, he ahaU far. a we surveyor f.Ar.l hk . i:.. of the loii to proved to have been in. habited, rejtivated, or possessed,, to serve ai hie guide in distinguishing them from tht vacant-Iota to be -art apart as above described; and ahaU tranimlt I copy of auch list to ' the Comraiitioocr ef the Ccoeral Land :.u '.t. it ... " i ...... .'I. . f T wuh. A4i-el "f H'h,i"w,u,f lhJ " WtaWinton." r ' ?" u eewngiag i u.c united atatee, it shall Yhat the provisions of thia act. end of iMciKiutfl iiHeaT.nrtfi-irti ',,": ' Fpnyi previously ia arrearl lolbia rert. MtkRMiMfnMH,anJiwiif r iMJgeawe wun taxes, ueorgetowo or . Sec, .14 And be if further ented ortlty.UMbfiiiMk4to4 v "ft"','UHW wc,Ki icdmr, m the .pinion lofihe Doaronf u j. . ... i . ) """" r ' one pcwt-iiieajifi, tne bcaltbincil althe itt ef VMTKD KTATKSMiWfl.; . PP pripied h.each of atld olacei.l W,.,;rift tweeo towBihipa' numbered fiftrwo' and Cfiy-thrcc thence writ to the range line between rangee thirteen and fourteen j thence north to the northern bouodarjr live of the Suteof MUaou ri thence eau hh the Sfte II.. rhe rirer Draioo(aa i Uieare iti t,- rirer Dei mot'net and the Staia liar. t the - MUtUiippj river j thence,' with end down the Miitipp rirer to th. place of begloainff, ao at to Include all the Ulaoda within the llm!t. n .V- Siate of MUioori, ihil be formed W r" i . i 7 I . . ' 'kvtow - ... , r.. . iuiiumiu w iiwiui iv oar aanc removeo, if atorcta d act of the ih nith f v - -4 w " wiai vm w vi womb ibwh triiib we uiw rnia 1 mrym Birn em 1 nna . a. .a m a nje, . -.1. t t . I. . I 7 ) . it enacted h the $enaie and husel ZT'i T lu Mn1 ' rul" fod rrguUtiooa, that a in jhe iaoie manner, and under the JW, w.e thouitnd eight hundred and rrprftentet'tvci of the Unite, Tbataomucnor the act, entiileJ Ap .;..j,..rr...!i .1. . ...t . . ( ! .. rt tucaaialoreiaid, the owner, hutjr uii.ltvrtve. be. and the tame are hrrebv. ancfa on nrivat Bri.nfrtv r rriH. I....li-j .l. .mi r . .. 71 Src. a. 1 A. -.1. .. j .i: I' III' "L ' village 01 mine a uur. - - - w -w . - w ... r (i . 1 w a 1 cu 1 .Eau inn m nmnmm it mum im . I ... . . i . i I . - . . - ' I v 1 '1 PM man in. riKTni HI lili i.f. L.N L. J f 1 .1 I . " " " w torrcnion anaii oc acirerca UI ol I with the g?i"tnr rooneyi in the hanJf ol the city off their cUimi Itfcordrr. ntTofWaahioirtoii n.ltrrni..i;ilarti . m"UTBCT nl ?J wnount commmioaer, Tor. the tale or pit c u a,. . , u rZ ; icd JTiy fifteentb, one tboaaod eight lufEcient to diechanre the aarae. ahaU "lpU(frftl'Ho.liftoFi((iw iir:,,.., , , hundred end twentr,u la incooihUoi bftd" iV - JOUS CAtlltKii, IJ ij"1edh9 the mate and home with provhionaofthUact.be. and the f u ' W ah, nd to the b gheit - lh, " ef rrmmtathn cf the UruUJ JL":; ' ' bidder paying ihercfori cert.ficate reeVvM, hum. Stau.cfmrricainnnrenoneUJ, ThM public notice el. the t me and ,h, k.. ksm .-i"r '..l Art PPn Matter cjtwa. io the Court, -f .iv.rir;...i .Ian of the a.le .f all real r,roirtr S V 1 nd Jff " lhe T1 ,hirt",,fc J' StJ,f ' "4t O0W "C 0F crcl,fter my puce ol trie tale el all real propertv, f ,,,,,,.0 ef twelre month, frem tbe 0.4 igtt LumIrel we b etUb'.i,hed in the state of Uuiaia- for talei due Corporation Of the City AzvntiA,. the r..n,r .ha1l ,.a.. d An act m.k.nr fuHher worlioM fur .L.111. f .kt. .. .k. 1 1 j " e p ay.f van 1 at.aai: i . . . y . 1 fiat, an an ur rouiui iiiauic &u tut leiTva of Waahiogton, alull.be. giKn Jo ail caaea ncreuiier. 07 auvtrtiaemeni. in- .1,- m.... .u. , ' ...... , iiuii ui mo uurcniacr. Krted in aome oewapaper puU.hed 1 in lhc amotiet of the purchase tnoney. and die aaid City, once in rMk week, for c,u aD(J taM, ,ccrujng lubtequent to KMia .L .1 ... . a . . . I n1. ' . ww mm BFiiiaiiiariiiei rill maa w latni aa. a o.. . r oy. najfUO the cflicer bo -eold the itiV " "'" w dirrctint he mode of practice ia the lame, the Mayori or the Durehaar. I FIE it enurtrAhuil,. m.t J I n;i.. 1 rA,irn nfiK. aaid atate ! Pro. a 1 - j . . m wm I" - . - - d V repmentathei tf tht VnitedWided. That the Jildte of any auch - m - - - I ' accruing subsequent to Mate e.4rnVa ri rc of the United States may alter the sale, and ten per centum interest That it shall be the duty of the indi the times limited vr allowed for differ- I l?r anaiiifn nn lh nnrrli... MAn ! I ailnol i r . I . I ' '. . U.. C . r1...... ..J aiL. U-Ir. ..... iuum.;. 11 ...... v.iici., vi claimants, 01 rqi provecumg. mnn uui w, auu of the square or " shall and may be .lawful for a tide, in or village lou, and common Mi lota, make, by rule, such other provisions of the lot Or lots, (if the f-, ..mn, .i,. -.;r!1.jfiri .r ! .:T: I.k.i : ' ... k. -j.! .k- 0. .. . I I J f " m.bwm v. ..iu '"l uiviuiUI, UI UllVIIIII'L V U( 1(V I"'! IKVIIIIIJ IV IU.UI III. ..IH . iviaea into lots, ) me tft h. ...j,. . ,K niwk . .names of the person or per- vr:.Kj tv.. 1. .r I..! c:.- c. r-k..i 2. 'f .. c I r L V . ti;.rj o . "l"""i iti.iuv hk ui real eaiaic I uiu, ui, wnariri. oi. ioun. p. 4 tr. 01 SUCO k-uri 01 ir,e VQUCU aiaici, tneaamemaV be asaeSf. kM k J.t.sL.::-.tr:r:-r.-:'.l.i! .J--irrrnA:J ':v:'j'i' ";'...V. .. ... -r hontr f.k r i - i mi ws uiiuf uui wiicrc mc owner oriumanu, viuaeiionen, waroeacici,i.iaoa to avwj any uiacrrpancy, u any oooaa oi tne worporatlofi at teoant of the property has net aufficl. Genevieve. New Madrid, New Dour, auch ahould exist, between such ataie and Little Praeir, io Mistouri. laws and the laws of the United at leas: twelve successive week. In ai.h advertisement 'thill be stated th number number aauaxc haa.be name or sona to whom scd on the ujc .ui v, aui.il auvcruicmcQi. ine ... n...nn,i ... .r uv:.k . k a j . I w vtia vcaiv vu VI w II 1VU J CU 1 wa . " "-'cnaq Jare forte cgUcc,ioo 0f the debt due. and and the vUliaire of Arkansas, in the States. or wt, ine pcriou lor wnicn Uie same ,t,.L-k... i :. r art. w... i I o tj l. t. .... l ..j iiuli oe Que, and the arrTceate amount I k i,r.i ,ii.,, ,nM ... ' u ,..( .v.. r r rl 11,., -. 1 ..,.. r . .u- 01 taxea doe otr all real property as- treiB lnj !ethrreof. the thirtieth of June, one thousand as well civil as criminal, shall be dc hundred and twelve, entitled sicnatcd, summoned, and returned in act making further provision I the manocr that now is directed by the ..-. ku.w. -. . .1.. .-i . .i.t. .n. it. .i.im. ta i.Mff in in.ii.t.. ..i mi ... w..i. . . . wos, although divided oto lots, t may ter-each of theofjierationi of Wash- territory ! iMissouri," on the ground rors, to serve in the district Court 01 be assessed and advertised, as if the ington, Georgetown, and Alexandria, of inhabitatioa, cultivation, or povsea- the aaid awe of Louisiana, and that all lame was divided. And do sale of .v call Aftliaal kra aa.an.rlaklM i aa. I. I I llin nVlrtW . a tKa tiaTOAVlt. l aaat f l - I i U ' nl ill !aa A mmW m LkaJ attataW luaawai d 01 taxes aoe otr all real property aa- tre an j ,e thrreof ' he thirtii Z J. ?,mtk m P",0n Scc- 9' Andb' il firtkn enacted, right hu, orper.oo.,but h.r..wboU.q,,are Tv.,, before the first day o "An act is Msessrd to the tame peraon or per- April next,.nd ,errv ti.. J.S'l.rl r- ..iu ...I r . L r. I ia properiy, -iBraKSr-nerewicr .er,,,. lownajcember. one. thousand eiKhl bundxedJto be performed by the Sheriffs an made, shall be impaired, or avoid, by respectively, being previously sworn j and three, to proceed, within eighteen Clerks, In relation 10 the designation, reason of tuch property not being as- Q atet a0d vkfae. end m.ke return I montha after the oaaaairr of thia act. to laummoned bv the Alanhjl of the Uni- " The District of Salt Jliver,. and, for the sJe of the public Isnds wid.in the District hereby constituted, there hall be a land office e-ttahlithcd at such place, within the said District, aa the Preaidcnt of the Uaited Sulci may designate. Sec. l. 'Aid be it further enacted. That thrre snail be a Hesiiter and He ceiver appointed to laid "Hire to super . 1 a a . . . . intcna the sairs ol public unds ti the aaid District, and who ahl reside at i the place where said office iscsiaMitb ed. give security in the same manner sad auma, and whoac compensation, ralf,"tn7veryVe?cf,poe',ti tiki, in relation to the lands to be disposed of, at their offices, as are or may be, by aw, provided, in relation to the Re gisters and Receivers of public moo- a a t a 1 eys, in the sever! omces eaiaouanca lor the sale of the public land. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted. That all such public lands, embraced within the District created by this act, which shall have been effircd for sale to the highest bidder, at St. Louis, pursuant to any prlamatioo ef th -President of the United! Siatttv and which laadi remain unsold at the tak ing effect of this act, ahaU be subject to be entered and sold, at private sale, by the proper officer or bfficers of the land office hereby crested, In the same maa- -ncr, and suljext to the same terms, and upow the like conditions, as the sale! of said lands would have been subject to, in the lnd office t Str Louiff had they remained attached to that of fice. Approved : Watfunjtn, Mlg 35, 1834. lessed,' or advertised, q the name or 0 all aad every species of property by designate their aaid lou, by proving, ted States and the Clerk of the Court Bmcsoi me lawiui owner or owners law taxable, in said Corporations i and, belore the Recorder of Uod titles for ol the United States, in the District thereof," provided the aamV shall; be u making thcifaild valuations, they said atite' and :ttrritorrpthe fact of where auch Court of the United States advertised as above directed," or by ahaU determine it agreeably to what such inhabitation, cultif attam, or pos- shall ait, and that the petit jurora to aJOnflf.tfBj&ounU wonhyia taahf at aeision, and the bu.odariea aqd extenf serve in such Court of .the U. Staets thereon not being correctly stated. ihe time of the valuation. of each claim, ao aa to enable the Sur- ehall be taken from the parish in Which Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, veyor General to distinguish the pri. said Court holds its sessions, but, that That, in all cases of sale of real pro- That, where any taxes have fallen due, vate from the vacant lots, appertaining the grand jurors may come from any ptrty, for taxea due the aaid Corpora- and yet remain unpaid, or where any to the aaid towns and villages. part of the District, snd may be the tioo, where such sale shall not have real estate has been sold by the Cor- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, Marshal, in the., manner now prescri- t' a. a.. ' -STt r . L.J 1.1 at . B t i occn made according to law, nod void, poration ol Georgetown or ol Alcxan it shall be lawful for the aaid mirchas- dria. which sale, from any defect of er,or other peraon entitled under him, jpfcxeedJOK ut7 of the tatc the namet of all persona liable to to relundaod pay to such persons or been declared, or ia considered void, surveyor uenerai, witnin wnose ui- serve assurors, irora tne list made oy persons, the amount paid by him or said Corporation may . proceed, and trict such lots lie, to ptoceed, under the Sheriff, for the purpose of drawing them, on account, of such purchase : are herby amharized, to collect said the instructions of the Commissioner jurofa for the District Court the state i and, also, the aubsequent taxea accru- taxes by aale of the real eataie; liable, I of the General Land Office, to aurvey, and auch rumber , of juror .hJl U ed and paid on the said nronerty. and acreeably to the provisions of this act, j designate, and tet apart to the aaid drawn for each term of auch Court of . i r ..... ... .1. . j !ii .k. tt:...i c... . fn. ..,.k 'o re-gsbess toe imouot or taxes so re- in relation to oiner cases oi collecting wwm hhu vungri, rcpckvii;, un uumu win, .um piuuu funded, on the property on which ehall taxes hereafter to fall due : Provided, many of the aaid vacant town or vil- of each term, as the Court may, by its Have accrued, which shall be collected That, where any person, on outstanding lage lots, out lots, and "common field rules, direct : Provided, That nothing ' - t. .. . , ' r T ' I . .1. L .... . I .t-ll L.. J the from n the manner as provided by law for taxes, has made a bona bde purchase lots, tor the support oi acnoois in me ncrein contamcu, anau uc so constn the collection nf ntW a at in from tht lcpal owner of anv real es- said towns and villaeel.' respectively, as to prevent the Judge of any of time after the first day of January next, tate, previous to the fifteenth dy of as the President of tbe Uaited States aaid Courts of the United States after the same lima he rf..aesed. Mar. one thousand eiebt hundred and shall hot. before that time, have reser- directing a jury to be summoned from . . ... ' 1 . k .:.U! . 1 TV..'.. ao ac- ved tor tne military purposes, ana ooi any oiner parn wumu wic wisiriti, quired,' shall not be liaoie lor tne taxes I exceeding one-iwcnutmpari ui urc wiktkci iu) ntkBrjr u c- Corporauoo, where there shall be a due and owing prcvioua to aaid pur- whole lands included in the general cure sn impjrtul trial j but that, in all rScc 4. And be it further enacted, twenty-four, said real estate, (That it ahull be lawful for the aaid quired,' shall not be liable for tr 2numhef of Iota assessed to the aame eraon or persons j to sell onefOMnoref chase. survey f auch town, or village, accor. soch cssesfthe itamea of the jury 'hall be also StcrUAndMit further enactedA second I be also designated, by lot, in tbe man- - " - - y- "'t;;-; f 'lUchiotl forthrtaXcr andTeXDen. That all titlea-to property--onveyedf aecuoaotWLabbvementioncd act of nrr d.rectedty tltclawa of the state, " flSr 7 es due on the whole i and, also, to as aforesaid, on sales for taxea, made Congress of, and also, to -survey Or designating jurorsjo aerye in the rovide for , the tale of anv natt of a n either of said placei,. shall be by and designate, so soon alter tne pa-:uismci uouns: Ana provtaea, aiso, . . . I. . . . ' I . .1 U- .k. I me luur i jlot, for the taxes and expenses due on deed from the mayor, under the seal aage of thia act aa may be the said lot,-or other lots, assessed t,o of the corporation ; which said coo- mons belonging to saidlov towns and vl "nmnliril w r . - i . . .i. prescribed 1 ' ' " '" I S. 12 'And be it further enacted, has not been already done "uwm, , - j , 1 . t .. j aec. S. And be it further enacted, That, on any lot, or. lots, or part of a 1 hat IbU relinquished to tne unuea Thatln ra nr h ,!..), ....lUn Int. liahU f,tr taxes, at aforesaid, beine States on . account, of , damages done rwabiliry td ierve, of any Cdmm nerol Election, it ahall be lawful tax, cost and cHafges, due upon tne 01 wmcn tanas nave oeeo wm fl the Mayor, ori in case of hir ab. same, shall be paid over, on application, where, shall neither be so designated wt ova CALMi uvi (.caaa-wsa lutr of the tjuantity to which aoy,Jtowa pr village js entitled. V 7 uch vacancy, which appointment shall shall be made or enforced against any Sec. 3. And be if further, enacted, lV"tT"4 a Rgaten wlththe tenant, it shall not be lawful for the That the Register ahall issue a certih iura of such election. - ownerofaatd brooertv.eo made liable cate of confirmation for auch chum eon v??,orinaoinxa periorm tnai aurj raine owner 01 sio property flhrcglllcFf f XitytS: Sic? HfiirVtirt enacted, appoiiitmett1'in:;'WrtHnriJ' ts-filt-anV' That; where the pavment of anf taxes 6. And be h father-enacted, for the ta'xesi to recover of, the tenant finned, and shall -receive for.tae seryi aat the proprietor or proprietors of anyrent for the property; but the ces required of him by this acfhe sum ws whlcI may be sold under the pro- same shall remain in hi posessio,d 1. 6f one dollar for each lot ao pro ved to Tli at apecial juries may be directed for tne trial ol any particular civil cause, by the consent of parties, but not otnerwise. . Approved : - WaiUnpm, May 26, lff24. An Act jrrsntina; to the Cyuntica or Prilc of each kur ana lemtory of lhe I nited Htates, in wliich the public Lamfa are aituated, tb rigit of prejnpuon to quarter sccbona of land, for seats of justice in the aune. I J it enacted by tht tenate and house f reprenentativei f the United Statet of America in concrete autmlttd. 1 hat there be granted to the several counties or parishes of each State and Territory of the United Sutes, where thrre are public lands, at the minimum price for which public lands of tht Uni ted States are sold, the right of pre emption to one quarter acctioo of laod, in each of the counties or parishes, of said states and territories, in trust far said count'us or parishes, respectively, for the establishment of scats of justice therein ! Provided, The preceeda ,of the sale Tcach of said quarter sections shall be appropriated f.ir the purpose of erecting public buildings in the county er parish for which it ia located, after deducting therefrom the amount ori ginally paid for the same : And provu ding further, That the aeat of justice for said counties or parishes,- respec tively, ahall be fixed previously to a sale of the adjoining lands within the county or parish for which the same it.lote.:rrs Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, passed," granting to States rights of pre emption for county er parish purpos es, as require said seats of justice to he-continued tcnearnrirrotre-of - An Act to establish an additional Land Office in the State of Missouri. BE it enacted by the tenate and home of rtbrettntamet of the United a r Stales of Amerieay in tyngw tuttmblcd, That so much of thcpublic lands of the ,Uttited..States included in the pre aenJ.DJsArjst.01 of Missouri, as lies within the follow ing boundaries, to wit : Beginning on the Mississippi .fiver, between town ships numbered forty-eight and forty nine, and thence west to tbe range line between ranges ten and eleven j thence north to the township line be- each of aaid counties or parishes, be, and the aame is hereby, repealed. Approved: - JVtuhinfloH, May 25, 1824. To Journeymen fihocraafcers. I WISH to employ a few Jountetnen Shoe, makers, immediately t goad waeea and atea. dy emplovtneut ill be given.. ASA THOMPSON. CmcrdMai2l, 1824. 00 : V Z tTniform (J6at Z ; IJWill w)e, a mm ami elent Uniform Coat, trrmi, Inquire of the Printer. ' Forte Piano, for Sale. 4 A FIRST rate secondhand Piano, is olTereel w lor siJo, very low. . For terms. Ax. apply ' to MICUAEL USOWN. . ij6tr, Fit. 16, 1824. . P i r v .3 7 Js