f i I J 1 i ! 1 t 1 VOL V.l HAIJBIHJHY, N.C TlJi:snAVvi)K(f::.iniUM J, 1821. NO. 230. - ti. svssv TtriiMt, L'? irUlO CwMtf. ...a. The terms of the Western CsroIInisn will KrefterbeaafoUosi rAr Zfoa, a year, ay-able la advance. , No paper discontinued, (except at the e-ptwa. a&l Ents for etch subsequent one. t - ' All letter! tddrcMea Wllii tUitor, must put paid, or they will sot be attended to. Central afiscmfcljp. M Tkunday, AW25 The bill to eman cipate certain slaves the property of John Bird of JJurke, vss read the third time, ana on motion or Mr. Montgomery) or- , Tkunday An. SS On motion, the dered to lie on the table, y - , ; , f,u (0 repe.i ibe set enccmrettna Atcrkal A menage was received from the tgre ,0d. Domestio Manufactures In tbia iiouso oi commons, stating tliev MKnif. nrrfrd to II on th laid passea tne resolution relative to denning It f.- 1 . . . MM. toe aaianet ana ices oi state utliceriiKC. ana nsa srocnatu the" same ,b adding the JolIOWinff VOrdS. "and SIM the IOCS Olltn,t.r,nIi. nn.fnnn.mfnl. .Mrh mw r,. pracming Attorneys," and aaalng the concurrence of the Senate to the amend- I ment. which wss aereed to. . Mr. M'Leod presented the Tallowing resolution, which was sgreea to t . n SJtelirJ4 !hi? 4 Wel' rf . ...... w-. K-kinofdetTo pknicauainf aepouttona to Ble their lotenr. atoriet la the court in which the action may be pending, trpon bie (rivlny due notice thereof to the other party, , parUcuhrly wbea they are to . . . T .1 . . . I ZrrVKllT' I r i .?i ;,Ln ,K L a . rwTB resolution which was read and referred to committee of the whole House i MHlvtL That it m eipedient to alter the p,ent Supreme Court 8.tem, in auch war u to uvwe ute Mate Into three dirtricta, and that the Supreme Court be bohlen in each of the t!itricle, ith the tune powers u the oreient hwipreme Court poaaeaaw. . Mr. Jorner reiented a hill ennraminsl company musters and to repeil part of an act passed in 1 806, to rev se the mill- ... . . ..... . , m i rcuuT. io inianxry. iicciiicu uio petition Of John Allion, on the subject of a road therein mcniiqned. I RJr.'HirgraVt presented the petition of JohoJarrett-Referred to the committee of Claims. I Friday, UthMr. Pe.rs.U from the ballotUng committee for Briiradier Gen- . ... I eri! of the 10th brigade, reported that Richard 0. Spaigbt M'Leao, was duly elected. Mr. Britain presented the petition of Joseph Mng and others ot Buncombe, on the subject of a bridge therein mentioned. Saturday, n th.. .Mr. Speight presen ted a bill, fixing the salary hereafter to be paid to the Civil Engineer, at 2300 dollars per annum a. a . ; taa 1 Mr. SeawcH from the ssme committee, to whom was referred a resolution of the Senate of the 23d intf. instructing, them to inquire into the expediency of restrict- ing the power of the Governor to grant pardons, he. returned the same and beg ged leave tA be discharged from the fur ther consideration thereof Agreed to. Monday, 29tA. The following resolu tion was presented : Jteflved, by the Senate and House of Com: mons, that this present General Assembly will adjourn tine die, on ibe 20th day of December i ensuing. The resolution, on motion of Mr. Car son, was postponed indefinitely. The following resolution was presen ted, which was agreed to : Jleiohtd. that the committee on the Judici ary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of extending the power of Courts of Equity on Di)lictiou in behalf of orohana to sell the land. ot their ancestor, lor the purpose of discharging is exhausted. ....ui. upline uib jciiviibi fiivjJE.i vi iue c.uiic I Turtday, SOA. Mr. Shober presented the petition of Isaac Barr, of Stokes coun ty, praying to be divorced from his wife Llizabeth ; and Mr. rcsrsall, the petition of Ann Bunn, praying to be divorced from her husband Nathaniel Bunn; which were referred to the committee of Di vorce and Alimony. Mr. Brittaiu presented the petition of James Allen, of Buncombe county, on the subject of a turnpike road and Mr. Car son, the petition of sundry inhabitants of BtirxeTonntfTpraylngforanappropflanon to complete a road therein mentioned. air. Davidson, from the committee of Claims, to whom was referred the peti tion of Col. John Jarrett, of Davidson county, reported a Resolution,, directing the Treasurer to psy to him fifty dollars, the amount of a fine recovered of him by the 'State, and which had been paid by the petitioner t Mr. Bamneer presented a bill to smend the act establishing a college in the.weste rn part of the state The bill to emancipate certain slaves therein named, the property of Jonathan I Bird, of DoM county, was, on It U.I reading, rejected. 1 The (engrossed bill to divorce Mary Wilson, of Buncomp county, from ber husband J-mei Hawkins, wss read ths I second atut third timet, passed, and or dered to b enrolled. lUdntiday, Dec, 1,-Tha Spe.ierl.td th Public Treasurer, on th. subject of tha seisaiary oi inc uivu engineer i wmcn wn referred to the committee of Interns! In provements. The bill to author!. Charles C. Cop pedgt to collect Ibe arrears of tales due liHn, wss read the second lime, passed, bnd ordered to lit on the table. ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. TV- Tk Kin m rti.riv th mvU r airw I -w mwuiU. tk conj jme. Mr. Oaham moved far If rud. The veas and navs, were called for I by Mr. Underwood, and were yeas 16 nays 37. FrMau SGlA. Mr. Carson presented (he pe tii ion of Charles Lci nd Ueni. .... . r.L..r,.J ika .1 u public road patMnththrougn thrtr t..H. ' The Mo.ing bill, were presenud and " By Mr. Dodenhammer, a bill to com pel the clerks of the County and Sunt ri or Courtage Clerk end M.aier in Cqui ...J k. (..I tl.. . tyend th. HeRi..er of D-vW,ot, cunty, t. ik..:. .: .tr. .1 . Coart Houte in said county. By Mr. Smith, a bill eiting exclusive juriadiction to the Superior Court of An r fct... L r ... - u " . ... Ir' Graham presented the following resolution, which pasted ita first reading t fThtrta. dkeaae and death are acattered Ihrouirti man itartaof thii itate. bv the rr, e. tion DnnJ loodinf oflanU covered with T S'e l,w"r . . Htfhxtl. That the Judtcury committee be jnrtructed to impure into the eiprdiewy of iwuiDeUinraUcrM no BuvliercaRer erect dam to aee and remove all reretable matter off tD '""" i'nuci to be flooded, anterior to the f1'0" V tUt wPbr uwr.,' ... . Ir am ,rom ,ne select committee S,. '.C..P"--Jn:re?0"el, ! . " J-, . ,u",,,c,,u "V H"'" .n g IS. nrearriliinir thd manner in whirh ,h. Saturday, 27A. On motion of Mr. Alston of Halifax, the committee of Fi nance were instructed to prepare and bring in a bill to change the mode of 'ax ini; pedlars, so aa to compel them to take out licence from the Comptroller for the whole state, instead of the present avi tern; and on the further motion of Mr. siatviii s itv avas m srwissmii avw vsw aie llructcd ,0 inquire jmo the expediency Alston, the same committee were in of lowering the tax on Hthose who retail on ,he niK4ble" streams in thi ,. late. Mr. Nealey presented a resolution di recting the military committee to inquire into the expediency of altering or amend ing the militia laws of this stale,' relative to the Cavalry. Mr. Gordon presented the petition of Joseph Medley of Anson. 1 he following bills were presented and read the first time- A bill for the better regulation of the third regiment of the Burke militia. Re ferred to the military commiiteeT"" ' A bill to amend an act passed in 1819, to provide for the payment of witnesses in certain cases. Referred to the Judici ary committee. The balloting committee for Cavalry olncers oi the 1 1 th Drigaae, reported tn.t .vines j. ixouinson Wll CICblCll uiunn, James A. Means Lieut. Colonel, and Wilson N. Parks Major. .. The bill to repeal an act passed in 1820, limiting the time within which Judg ments before a Justice of the 1'eace'may be revived, was rejected on the second reading. The Committee of Internal Improve ments, made a report, unfavorable to the petition of Charles Lewis and others of Rutherford concurred in. On motion, the Judiciary Committee were instructed to inquire what amend-1 niens were uctcssaiy i existing law regulating the time and place of selling lands and slaves under execution,. ' " i Monday, 29fA. The select committee to whom was referred the communication of the Governor, relative to the expected visit of Gen. La Fayette, reported that the committee had had the saiwfe under consideration, and directed him jio report the followingiresolutions, and Ho recom mend their, adoption s Sm'nrnuW, Thai the Governor Be authorised auxleciuested to make aiich arrange- mcnte for ibFiff J-'ption of Gen. La FayeUet ahotild be viit iM tutr, a mj eomott jhh lite tlirnity tf the atat, and Ui Wpert Iue te . in . ... ...I .... i in uutvinouf fur Of nm uw I win uv aaure the Cnnl of lU deep an.1 fttrU entertainrd by the paupta of tlW rJe tt the value and importance t bia nrvkea ut aftai. lug the ImUtpamknct) Uny enjoy, JthJ, lk.t tli tvtmr of tla atle he aotlMmaed to draw on the Treatrrf for fbe nm Mcctaary to carry Vt prdBf raaututiv W CReot, ; ; ... ? The report was concurred in, and the resolutions passed their rstt accood and third readings. On motion, , ITrWwd that the Ommlttee of Finance be inetrueted to inquir whether th monks char rt, i .h. rrr..r1. u t,.Li i u. bit rait, Htate Knrineer. for salary durir. a . . . . a . r. u iK year, were for tw aerrae aa Zngwr, or wneuier pan, or )ut part of tbe aame, m for aanfica- readcrfd anterior to 1B23 1 and, fur. Uter. that they inquire wbrtbe tb mm paid Mr. Fulton tJte but year was fbestat vear. or i nr. wnai ouier purpoae. r .. .. - . . Tutxlay 30e.Mr. Skinner, from tha select lonimittee on the road laws, re ported that He committee bad had the subject under consideration, and directed htm to report a bill prescribing1 the mode of turning or altering a public road, and lor other purposes. Which bill wss read the firl lime and passed. Mr. Swain presented a bill to authorise the making a turnpike road from the Saluda Gap in Buncombe county, by way of tJmhfcV Murray aville, Asheville, and tna Warm Su-tnes, to the Tennessee me- HeL the first time and pawed. The bill giving exclusive Jurisdiction to the Superior Courts of Anson ( pleas and prosecutions of the state was, on its second reading, indefinitely postponed. . i ne Dili to compel the clerks of the county and superior courts, the clerk and master in Equity, and the Register, of Davidson county, to keep their respec tive oftVes at the court house in said county, wai referred to the committee on the judiciary. rdnetday, Vet. I M r. Ldmonston pre- st-med the petition of aevaroL citizen f laywood county, praying lor the estab lishment of a road, as described in their petition. Kelcrrcd to tne commiitee on roads. On motion, RettlniL That the Judiciary committee be instructed to inquire into the expediency of re pealing the 3th and 6th section of aa act passed in the year 18i0, entitled "An act concerning the marriage of female infanti," and report by bill or oilier wue. The bill prescribing the mode of tur ning or altering a public road, was, on its second reading, postponed indefinitely. A Dublin paper states, that three Biahoprirks have recently been erected in the United States by the Pope, and that priests -will be shortly, if they have not been already, consecrated foi them. The Sets are first, St. Lou is in the State of Missouri. For this See, th? Kev. Rosatti, superior of the Lazaritrs, in the Diocess of the Iiish. op Uubourgb, has been nominated, lie is an Italian, and a man of great virtue. Second, Detroit, in the Ter ritory of Michigan. To fill this, choue has been made of the Rev. Mr. RicharJs, who is also a member of Congress ; he has laboured constantly on that mission, with the fortitude a- d spirit of an Apostle. The third is Vu.cennes, in the State of Indiana j the choice of a person for this See is not yet determined by the American pre Ltes. Nat. Journal. Lord Mansfield was desirous of long life, and whenever he had an old man to examine, he generally asked what his habits of living had been. To this interrogatory an aged person. replied, that he had never been drunk in his life. "See, gentlemen,' said his lordship, turning to a young barrister, "what temperance will do. inc next of equally venerable appearance, eive a very different account ot him self, he had not gone to bed sober for 40vears. See my lord, said the young barrister, what a social glass will do. Well, gentlemen, replied his lord ship, " it only proves that aotfie sorts of timber keep better when they are wetr and otbers-w hen-they JtxcUry. A gentleman in Edinburgh is in pbs session of the cap which the Eat I of Argyll, who was beheaded in 1685, wore upon the scaffold. It is of white satin, lined with linen, and haying- a border beautifully wrought. It is also much stained with the blood which flowed from the veins of the noble martyr. The gentleman is h tory, but feels -a protoutid vjd. becomiog vener ation for this sad relic d one of Scot land's greatest patriots. t Ve-w (I otitis fl f i ft FACKACM of Itr.-. I-4J4 td U4J4J dtmmkt Urg t;U, rtceUfd by the Ut arrivala, and are offered at whUmk and rf4 at a ainsll franca from coat, AUu, Cottoa and WomI Carda SJ caata Bteaw tUnnata -100 Mtts a band and par king We I trunks CtU.iw;,lft4 Slid twixrmw Wool Hata, .c. The above articles hare been aelected for this market, and worthy-the attrition of country Bwrtbinis, sho are respertfuUa' intiud to call and aurtune tii gooda and prices. I , Cm c i.r.wis. J. Fa tV John Liprsctt, :. naoLE.ui.e aaocES.i FAT-ITttEKT, I'ayaUev'dla, NoeiMka, M l oiler fur mU', tur casfa or produce, IS Hhds Ihtgar UU.Is do. lObtUloado. 41 Us ColTce 30 bags pepper, allvpice and ginger 30 hhiU molava 35 bbli N. K. Hum 19 do. Northern Gin 5 do. Malaga Win 200 kegs cut imils and bruk sssorUd, 4d to 40d 30 tons ntt Iron, aaMirtcd MX) Us German Steel lJiOdo, blistered Siccl 3W do. cart Steel 33UO do. share m-mlds 1500 do. Imiup Iron 3 XX) do. shrrt Iron 1500 bushels laverpocd 8.1t 700 (to. Kmiml Suit 40 botes No. 10 cotton Csrda 10 do. do. 6 wool Cards 50 do, 8 by 10 and 1 ) by 13 Window Class . 100 reams Wrapping paper 35 do. Writing do. 50 kegs FFF Ihipont's Fowder 3do. Shut, assorted 3 do. bar Lesd 10 bbls tanner's Oil 30 do. Mackerel 30h.lfbbJr do. 8 crates Stone Jugs, assorted 1500 Ihs Ksltpctre 500 do. Alum 500 do. Ilriinstone tlaggging. Bale Hope arnl twine Wrtb an aMuetment of PAINTS, Oil. and DVK-STt'FFS. Ahm, a constant supply of wflmarum Card. Octobcf 39, 1834. mt . U. Xescm n.9 just received, by the lara arrivals from New.York and PLiUmWWlu, tne hundred pacta jet Boots and Shoes, well selected for this market. Also. 100 dm. focketeBoitka and Walleta 30 do. (oal akins 15 do. coloured Morocco Skint 13 do. lining skins 50 reams Writing Paper 10 cases wool Hats 20 dot. morocco Hats 40 boxes Muscatel Rafalns, be. A II of which are offered at w holesale, at a small advance from coat. Country Merchants are re, pectfully invited to call awl cimii)e the above goods ami prices. - ruvnteviUr, tkt. 1824. 6t3fl Hardware and Cuttlcry. AVID B. CHANR c CO. luvX i.irt ree'd their tall importation of HARDWARE and Cuttlcry, direct from F.ngland. 1 "beir prea- ent aaaortment consists ot alnioat every article usually kept in a country store, and is much larger fhsrt usual i which they offer at whalruUe to retoiiible country dealers, on a liberal credit. faytitexiPe, Oct. 28, 1824. 9t39 FAYETTEVILLK. nA VE received their fall importation of DRY i i- - - - .. i , i . . York. Their aasortment includes almost every article needed in a country sture. They invite all responsible dealers to come and buyon aa liberal terms of credit as are given by any importer in the United Stalea. Other houses in this townAavc Imported so largely this season, that the amount of goods here at present, far exceeds that of any former time in our experience. The stock of Groctrie is equally extensive. Country dealers, uicreior, nae many nnm advantages now tlisn lieretoiorc, in mis martct Fayettnwe ttct. .'3, 104. 9(39 New Supply of Fresh Goods. rilllE subscriber is receiving and opening a 1 larire and treneral assortment of all kinda of G'oorf,, at his store in Salisbury, from Phila delphia and New-tori; i ana lias made arrange, ments to receive from said places, monthly, anv further supply that may be necessary selected with csre, and laid in at prices that will enable him to sell very low. Ilia customers, and the public at large, are respectfully invited to cal, examine, and judge for themselves. " w at m. rfnnitif i. siturin. SaUibury, &pt. 124. 6mt48 N. B, Country Froduceof all kinda, received In exchsnge: 1 TIF. subscribers, hare just received, from Mr. Charles C. Watson, of I'liiladelplua, the latest funhions ol mat city i ana ukj u themselves of the earliest opponunnyoi imorn ing their custonrers, and all others whoVib fashionable clothes made, that they are" well prepared, as usu;U, to execute: all orders in their line of business, in a style of workmanship which, they believe, will besr a comparison with any in the slate. Orders from a distance will be punctually executed, and garments tor wanlrit to any part of the country that may ba required. CANON k TKMPLETON. -AWw, Ot J. 9; 1824, 2T. - Aft p-Twia.lnJrbiedloihe ae ffChrHi fl'lrs, decM, are hereby eWitVd to tm forward ImmedU'rlr, ami nka payment, aa i a dred to artite tt a estate m au aa pwJ bta i and aU persjna baring tUtme asiatt Mid will prar t Vnm, properly Mtbcatka- c(i, mr KturaseM, siu't t rwrr. . . At.r.x';i. nu n, 53 , ah. it, ii:4 01 fiies.!ay, the 21st uf IWember ant, till be aold, at the kte reai.lraee of Mrat.ark rinkaUm.aea.dec'd. th CdlmingvalaaLW prop, cry, bcbioglng to laid estsle. Via t Fourteen likely nrfr eona'stSng of men, worn a ami chibtren , two tract ef bind, tmm tract lylnr oa) the waUr4 of tUTm efr;k.l. Joining avid Craige, Was. Coaoft, al oihara. containing one auivlmt tml ctgbieea arrest tb otlwr tract lying on the auia roa, kaliiig ttm ftabdxiry to autre ilia, aii miles from the fw- mer pUre, adjoining AUrtd atcay, and others, eontainiiig aevrntva Serra, above Unde wiH w ahwa to anv neioii drttrous to purchase, by application M rithr of tli Mihwrribera, prevbMM to the day of sale. Terms of credit will be made koowa on the) day of sale. jmr hnmtov, ) r . MEIIIACK FI.KSON,cr'1' 13, 1934. 5:37 Kstate of Jos. namiUon, dee'd. r I V.IIK aubwribers having qualified, oa tb 2lt 1 day of Octubrr. 1124, at the eieeutoe of thctaat will and testament of tlw Mud Jownli ti i. . , . . . . ..... ..mi ofw km a, ao ixriny MMiiy kll ptrwmS having Irval dewianda arainat iW raiatt t tl said tratator, to presrnt the same tor pajnn nt ithin tjk time prescribed by lav, or other U they aliSU be forever barnd i and all thw lUt are indebted to the said ettmle, arc requi atcd to ma inwnediaie payment. At Di.r.r iiAstii.Tov, NANCY lUMil.lOV, JOHN MclHlVtCL Rmhtrfrd r. X. C. ti. 32, 18J4. 7t3i m tnken 5s, ON the 15th day of November, 1824, and com mitted to the jail of Conconl, (Jabamis county. North- aroliiia, a rwiuiwu, who wvsbaw bt lfings to William Brown, living in tieorgia. 15 miles fro-n Petersburg! be call himarH 7Vas trtrri he is part liKliaa. fire feet J i inchee high i and on the. 17th int. wm tried before 3 Juatices of the Peace, on a cbarre of killing hog in the wood, and as committed again for trial at our nest Huperior-( ourt in May rn.it, where his owner is renuested to attend to tb same, pay charges, and take him aiay i or b may take him out by paving charges at any timet prevKNis, oy giving secunty, or oihi, lor aia appearance at court for trial. INO. . MAIIVN.oirr. 29. 1824. ' 3ti$ Boet. 3. M. ftt(igktt. n A VINO settled himself in On. ctrit, A. C. gflrrs his at rvicra to the inhabitants of the t own ami its vicinity, in the various brsnrl.es of his profession. He may br found at his shop, one door north of the Pom Oflice, evceptji hen absent on profcsaioiial business. Oct 4, IS.1. i6 ' Yadkin Navigation Coin i;t uj. .4 CENF.KAI. meeting of the .itockh'ildrra I ot this company will be held at tli- Ihmiho of William II. Slaughter, in the town f Salia. bury, Rowan cramty, N. C. on Saturday the 25tb day of December next. A. D. MI RPHEV, I'rtHdent. Oti. 25, 1824. 5t37 Yadkin Navigation Company. AM EE UNO of the President and Directors of this company w ill be In Id at the house of William II. Maugliter.in Uictow n of Kabsbury, Rowan counti, on Friday, the 24lh day of De cember next. ,. Jf Ml'RI'HEY, Prtmdmt. Boot and Shoe Establishment REMOVED. EBF.NF.ZEK DICK.SON Ukes this metluKlto inform bis customers, snd the pubbV at UrsT. that he baa removed hia hhvp trons the house be formerly occupied, and has takca the house owned by Mr. Thomas Todd, m arly opposite Vwi. II. Slaughter's house of emer. tainnient; H Main-street, Salisbury i where he will Carry on, as usual, the Boot and Shoe ma king biiHiiicss, in all its various branches, in a stylo of neatness and durability which, he be lieve, cannot be eurpasstd by any in the state. All orders from a distance, for work in his line, will be faithfully attended to. SnUthury, 8 ft. IT, 1824. it 100 Dottats HevrnrA.. RAN A WAV, on the J6t of October, 1824. a negro man name-'Mnm, aped '27 years. II was lodged in the Jail of Randolph county on the 19th or 30th ju5t. and was taken out of said jail oil the 8th of November, 1824, by the subscriber, and taken on home. witITanpaTr7nuindunTonJOn arriving aTTtur hTwss left in a room with a smell boy . whilst the family was at supper in another room,, by some minus Adam ahpt out of the door, and made his escape. At the time lie was taken up, he had several free papers in bis possession. The said bov Adam has a scar on his righe hand, occasioned by a wagon wheel, lie haft on, when he went sway, a snuff-colored aurtout coat, with hand-cuffs, well rivetted. He ha heretofore passed as a brickmaker, and as a free, man when last taken up. One hundred dollar reward will be given for the apprehension andl delivery of said negru. , ' '2t44 MAKCltUMP. Davidon timtii, X. C. Xv. 9, 1824. v i -f . i t 4 1 1 I t i - ' A w' I l. v t n s i : II1 Hi t' V n a .- s i. ! IV .1 Hi feat ? mm' A

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