V,r'i tt.f m.rtwho ''""'' lUtJ tba Un1;1'" l VufM the scroll sod write Us n.mr, I m ill tU f a !.. Wbera It who seels rV glJt Cil kt nought annoy h bet fc s-rieftUya m ulJ -fCa mtrt can ht f)y H bsrs'l the uo sws Ur J with , ! 1 would not Tor dsatls UI twine Wbcra'a th. o f!fa,ur knt ' Pour double iMur lleslta ami Kf ttm speut, UM wkil b treasure. WD ma'suspkloa shake it Mi tell may Clarinda's spou h Jealous, Whea tl dew wanton takes to bad llcr very sAr-bccaM they art W jtterat an 1U Upton ros via wwrsas esaousua. .Vr. W'aVe ' r?tl m WUCB P,eMMr w part of your psper oWed mor1 ,n4 reEfious Improvement of jour readers. Mca my be well Informed poBucal and historical subjectoC-fheymaybaVe freatly tfstinfulihed ' theroseif ea by their literary ami stientific U tainmebU, and yet thia infornutionbe eitreme 1 Imperfect oa swert, and that, too, the nut interesting ercr addressed to msm tha subject cuortccted with bU esistence in a future v rU iir m,ra cat ion of "tha Prw'enlial wmmhtre of-tbe lmrm Board of Commissioners fur Foreifn Missions." Tba csusa uf miona and that of cbrUtUty.or genuino Klifion, are btKeted, by tbouuoda, to be inditiolubly connected. I haO only add, tliat what Dr. Johnson suid on aaotber occasion can, with tha sti iciest proprie ty, be spplied to the subsequent eatracti at "l be critic ouirbt to read It fur It elo.ueace, the pUlotojibcr for iu argurocnta, and the aunt for iu pittj." Your, fcc. 1. Chriitiacity U deiigncd for the relicton of the whole human race. . f tka This ii maoileit oo every page w New Teatanaent j ncl there U not ylUble which heart a contrary import. The anirit of the Goopel Is uoivefial love. It makta no tlistinction of age or set, of rank or condition, of nation 2. The character and circumstances of the heathen prove their need of the Gospel. Their general character, as it was 1800 years ago, is drawn with frightful accuracy, and in all its shades of guilt by the great Missionary to the Gentiles, in the first chapter of his epistle to the Romans. And toe pop. ulous nations of the pagan world main tain substantially the same character now. They as really need the gospel as the Greeks and Romans did 1800 'ars ago. The commission given to Paul by Const himself, (Acts 26, 18) implies beyond all possibility of denial, or evasion, that, without the Gospel, the nations of the earth would remain graded, oppressed, rendered noor MA wretched by their vices, and auhiert.rf ta the ,lr.m;n,,u r . r..i J. but their temporal suffering ...i. v.. biiiiui Dassion . harHltf . . . jM'.Lj.r t . . "v" ly forebodinn with re.nt r th. ture state, for which 4e onlv arm.l preparation is a continually descend progress in guilt and turpitude. 3. Wh.... l.. t. introduceH. it h. ' .", able benefit, Thewte of .otv h t - - v viwiiu nil unnnra ir . i been immed;at,.lv f.. .u. l" . tcr. An elevated standard f mnr.1; . J c uci- ty has been framed. . Multitudes have been actuated by a principle of enlar ged benevolence. ' The female ses has ueen raised Irom us previous degrada- IffbiY fow?rRSa,Sfn?y.leye been been established j equitable laws hav been Marr! 1a:-:. .1 eauitab e lawa h9. u'-a "c "V;," rr -ci tne wi vjuicnco uas oeen restrained : industry bis prevailed, and l'n ' n.s greatly improvetf the condition of L .. . . ..a3vit v. tDmmunity. Uod 1 has been worshipped a. a holy, gra ciousi, and merciful being. Intercourse has been established between earth and heaven 1 and the in the grossest moral darkness, in a the men deceived? Are their public of the wSfikVSf fefr lo rt' aM d"M 8tatemf nt8 ? be di7ed rani in i-mnnro! ,k; .u ' .. . uponnblc men. who reuil heara.v'K. O .w.. uiuiv). U1CV ! b prcped for hJ" S " te. .he mhm of the WeLd. .LLf Iti'LT'T. "L '"'l ' oiyiiii, jta to heathm t .u.. in iiiUierw wy ic only I imri. there T .1,- lime experimcntt, rtainmj of Chri.t's sKension to the ?re.cn d ; J. Gratitude for th Goiptl rcCeiv. ed by our barbarous ancestor., ..v -i i..Unar ei. urees that tne nanuav. .,i.lf " -i i iK moat suitable 1C v-t,H.Bt a our power, by ieoa ing th uf glorious Inheritance to thi '.to havr. It 'r - P' 6. The people of the United States ire more ib!e thsn those of enr other country, to male great ana t igoruu. exertWi in this cause. They sustaia fewer Public burdens i they poUesi i mere ekndant country theyVitnesi aiore clearly the purifying and most rw.wfrful eUcdS 01 tne woapei l -wu they pesseis, at least, equal facilities with any other people, ior niimgii ma t the roost distsot natiwni. The possession of these great and peculiar public blessiogs imposes correspondent obligations. We know the sweets of liberty, of good govercment, of well regulated society, of Industry, and so cial intercourse, and mental cultivation. All these things have been conferred upon us bl that religion which will infallibly iirlpart tne same tning wnw vrr it ta reuaiYcu m u uuntj. f . lhe iffecess of modern missions should excite to increased activity. witinn a it years uui, we wium' f the croae have been sicoal. T1ey have proved the prescoce na wvor oi . - - .t God as rully as any miraciet couu u. In India, proud and bigoted Brahmins have yielded to the power of divine truth i many converted Hindoos are now. oreachiog the Gospel to their countrymen and Christian churches have been formed in the heart of the heatlTen world. The transformed Hot- tentota and Dushmen of southern Af rtrm. an A the christianized negtoee -f Sierra Leone, have convinced hun dreds of intelligent witnesses, tha the simple preaching of Christ and htm crucified, can accomplish wonders in the moral renovation of man in the most hopetess circumstances. .Iothe islands of the South Sea a change has been effected, which far surpasses an short a period. Among the Indians of our own wilderness, the same glo rious process has been commenced, and the most happy results have been experienced. The proofs of all this and much more are irresistible. For nearly 30 years, men of -great intelli gence, probity, public and privata vir. tue, and general benevolence, have gratuitously, cheerfully, perse veringly, and at the expense of many sacrifices, attended frequent meetings to conduct the missionary concerns of large soci ettes, and have felt themselves cheered, invigorated, and abundantly rewarded for au their care and responsibility, by I wnat appeared to-themahe unques- tionabk success of their labors. Are IT" n""dredth rumour from ine. . g,.Da'. wh,ch w very prooaoiyitseilatalsehood? Wh M. i in n f . . .V UQ,e "or" .,Wnd UP he metropo- 1 US 01 trie UriUStl emmre. an.t i.l.k. presence ot aamh!fl tt,....i. a - - snujiiuyif . "e convers.o of whole communi- . '.?e?.hf concerning a sub Ka" '.7-.? ne. ,s e.Dt,re Y 'gnontnt? ,UUSl.r,ou'. benefactor of his r . -vo-t iruiuesscn. inc n,8l0rV of the slave C ; ",B '8ce rsi j . a, . a ... T" juuK",ct quesuonea r Look at nis innuence with the Rri,;.k ..m:- IfstMs m t m la 1 1 a ..vaia I'UUIIL, It tar a t ft a. J S s ed? Dons any man suspect his integ ray, or his piety? Not an individual a 11 acquirea ana hnw mttiin. to whom his character ia known , i who is ignorant of it, either in Europe or America ? ... .ivu ri, wiirrcr innnr a . I .uu i! . - ... .uun, now a member of the Bri Pa"raenr, and af the Court f uirectorsof the JEasMndia " Z' bears a raunkt. . "r""V ?5L?.& !?,e tC8i!mony the i.muicilbBn mission of 11 1 f hi , irom ration,-when Col. Sandvs. aft.r r.L" ty year, residence in India, declare t a vast contourse in London, that not rneinou " I rr.unu-ym.M.rsuw - . .. - - - itf mitirM ' y GaUuit, J'"M ' . t t.a i-iin i ft iji i" ,1.1a ki a rff 'i " " there is Srt MnCrr.e " inrrr.. .filla'." A" such uun to be believed tr t f . - . . ami n 8. Within al w years pan, mere has been a vast rcae 10 me numue r of futJs alrtsir open for mus.onary tiUor. The ourie'ol things seems changed in ihi respect. 1-ormcriyii iu difficult ti sbtaia hearing from my triUofhtuhrnsioow rainv tribes .tretch out their mplorbg hinds, end utter the import"" cry tenJ us leacn. LiThere no doubt, that good men can Cn heathen as W " bJ ,enVr.: School. -uffV"Sac? ih"i,rhn can be furnished. U dleX school ks, nd tract, caa U r printed ,6d?dMe'J. " fMt M lV a.,Blied- There need be no iptheosiont tbat too abundant re Jurce. will bj Placed the di.posa -jm;...nnaraiicietiei. Ilsreitsnouiu Km .,i,ivl that the variety of opera tiom U .o great, that bo benevolent m.n can he b ending ome ooject with wbkh he will De peculiarly grau fied. ' Doet he delight to behold the messenger of God, having burst through the barrier, of a strange Un- -7 ....... - i- l. Ruaee, wave nis nanu iw heathen auditors, and make known t .k.m. in ihe r own tongue, that proc lamation of mercy, which brought the antrela dn from their celestial habi. tattoos r L,einmiurnniays.w hav. to Tevlnnj to the Sandwich III forrcsts. Does he contemplate with pleasure, nulti tudea of children rescued lrrm heredl tarv iiraorance. olaeed in achool. where the auhlime truths d the gospel are taught, and the r" ,nd '!dicu!c'u, fiction, of their mythology exploded? Let him visit U..bay and Ceylon. Or doe. he imagine to himself, as a delightful picturricould it be realized, .k. 7nf mt .uvaL-e wkcD bv the hand Ictulcnce, and rearcu lm the in dustrious citizen, the intelligent friend, the enlightened patriot, the well in structed Cbrist'an ! This process he will fad to be giing on as a matter of fact,nd his ow contribution may ea aily help it forwsrd. I. he fond of reading i and dot he regard the press tts a mighty enge, by which, under mc favor of God,he face of the world is to be changed lie is reminded that mission presses at Bombay, the Sand wich Islands, aid Malta, arc issuing school book, am tracts, and may con tinue to issue then, till all the children in the countries vjth which their mis sions hold intercourse, shall possess ample means of ifjellectual and moral improvement. , Exertions for tie benefit of the hea then have a powerful tendency to pro mote religion aming ourselves. This has been most riplv proved in the course ol uivirt frovideuce, ,aud needs no illustraupn. We have sent abroad some of our most beloved coun trymen aud countryyomen, who have ?Kiii.rffrlKrtitwlertak tahrar ih. l.nr.ldegrees north latitude; that indications den and heat of thedy Shall the v s.- j a W ' . . uc ucsci icu ...v uu uuunu our- selves b y tr most lacred pledces to sustain t heminthfirLhor J Shall these pledges be forgotten f Shall we not ra- ther r,l; 11 6 . tner rekindle tht zeal of our absent -"-.uicn oymealscntvnf nurown ar. T,c.e: and enahU ,h.M . 1 ..... .1 iiaitHC tneir tfforts bv mr,,!; 'tt..M-i3ri Olteo:repeatcd-reinforcemenls ? W e pray thu k,nn, peat this prayeii and withhold connteJ , ,ro the only means by Which the kingdom of God will be niiu. .-J J r . I Generally established amnno-mn ,norn,nS anu men, women and cUrin L m . me? 18 afchildren were seated or stretched in the pecxed to provoke L AiZlL. ' 'c ourVeavenlw Fafh r WI wn . ---..v.. , wiiu iiarc nnished their eours Itk joy ipe .to action. What ald' S wno narrc nnished their emir. t,U . . . r - avuiirs. the arlv -ir lmi 1 . . tne aavicef tHl0t an(J Braincrd of ' ' - oy actual res den re among pagansow awful, a calamity it 1. to be withott r,r,i a uty it thout X IStVU.!,VI- : inC,r. COI"" spdeenhe-iahguaEeof the r he:,rrs " I hev thoimhr .k:... . "i"" .J f .k..i- . . . r - r" wu vuilll vi ms fipur rn ame conclusion Not a sint& n . . for the r , ?"u "anSers w I ample of one who was greater than I K'orious eno. "k. r. US tis tne reason can be ass urnerl U hav ...k j T v mi auuuiu an me party could nbt induce her m . ann- " crc( uy tn court uist uniesa have aubmmed-to so many toil, and speak. They were of ' rnZ A endard in thi, suit appear before the dangers, for the Stke of malinff known Ta n ?u 7t V . "f d,8m'8- Court of Flea, and Quarter Sessions to be held the will 0f his Lord JkiX V0 8Led- 0" the following dav, however, fr the county of Iredell at the court-house in obtlp-e tne ... V;u ' not ,hey presented themselves atrain t the s,atMviIle. on the third Monday in November set w ii'.s'.rt i' ;t 1 ,1 ai-uiiui.n. ih - forte t.l !Uhij - , II, LWi; duimjl.u pet io.mi uiu. - 4 tin try. krre iriyic b 1 miionary m me ouie of Hracl, anu its un. '--v - a ' . ,. .nml anil manl- he went tuut minis tu, - felling his glory to the people. JV hen the same divine personage had lniih ed thr.work of redemption, and had a a a a Li. r Un from the dead, tie ev ting Injunction to his followers, C yt inl$ all Int xvorki, ana rrm t,t la tvtru crtaturtl a commanu nui limiti-ri tn anv are or nauow. " log till U shall have hcn absolutely A B a ajaaaiasiBi How lovely U the Sabbath! how ji.u ... .v,. hmira of this hallowed day. IIVH .IU"."- J it,- k.tm ef industry brean. not u .,in ita neaceful moments, for man cease, from hi. labor to enjoy retire. raeot and re.t. r 1 he cnnsiian, uau v tetl from the labyrinth, of business and worldly feuitle and contention, nJy amid these holy hour., ao unspeakable feiiritvi hm awakes in wt ""j wfth new view, aod fceliogs, he look, .hmud and aees nature .miling in un disturbed repose, he .ee. God around him, he i. sensible oi nis mn.pre he behold, him in the gendy rustling leaf, in the radiant beams which usher with such effulgent beau u frnm the oiient horifon i and while m I w,b. ,!. nature aft to YtturCI CwO. his affectio... become enkiucTd, awj those emotions are excited, which qualify him, for the devotions, the du tie. and the enjoyment, of thi. con accrued day t he goes to the aanctua rv with that holy lervour, that pious zeal, which should characterize a sol. dier rf Christ, anu prove nis aiiatn ment to hi. cause j he lakes his seat and r hia secret ejaculation t he tealizes that the Lord is in his holy temnlet he joins in the prayer, and praises which are borue to heaven on devoiion'a breath, with emotion, cor respondent to those important servi ces j he listens to the instructions which are founded upon, and drawn from the sacred scriptures, with under- standing and with profit j he returns to his habitation and finds himself advan. cing in die holy and divine life 1 he car- ries thiostructions of this holy day, 1 V r f 1 with his piOUS leclisgs, through the week, winch contribute a salutary in- fluence amid the din of business, by f . ...,, ,l. imposing a powerful restraint on the propensities ol his nature, and by ci- titinchim to the discharge of even- incumbent duty. It i. thus the chris. tian spends his Sabbaths, which are like mile-stones reminding him that he ia conrtantlv drawing nearer his jour. ney's end the heaven of glorious rest. CERMAKT. Professor Grinthauen, of Munich has published the Third Part of an Es say on the luhabitams ot the Moon. Me undertakes to show, that the vece tation on the Mooua surface extends to 55 Pfou.th latitude, aud 63 1 the tcnce oMivingJ)tung-aret'hs','cs liahon, one of the defendant in found from 50deirreea north btitnW.Ul;!t'fthl diedi amlit appearing to uvt.t , .? , . V . IO " ocSree9 ouin "tuue j anu mat lncre ,r appearances of artificial cau - sr" "''"ing the surface. The author i.i... ,uD,i,.,. ..,r: . , . ner that there are artificul roads in v"r,uu uirccwuus 1 anu ne aiso ae. cribes a creat colossal edifice, reaem. ... v . , . oline our cities on the roost fertile nan pBhltelifequstoiriZIZ. Z. f Amfioa Obtrrxer, Sept. 1824. . - WAST Or I rlCITBr. n,,--!,,. : c:i..;. a 1. c . (BunzIa.u ,n Silcstai.) It was Sun- 8un beforc iht" doors. M Why don't you go to church ?" I dlled to a vnuntr iwnne nrai rri rnmin uhn w .. 1. : 1 - , .-, .'TO nimaell. aiMnr.ntl h,lf .t. ..f " 1 . I. : "a,lcF , ' , . -"vvf ii'TS' 1.1 have "? 3 "c rrpiy : anu ne lurneu nimscll I . , ' u,,,cu n,mscn 7cr f Germany. A circumstance of a novel kind or- enffcl . nu u a4-!i,9.tourf& Bir- nghamt wA"," .'A vou hfu-l con ni. t"MHrm "'livrs at me altar to rA m ' 1 l a s v wi. ine Driuetrroom rr ed .iw ,L w "v I'crsuasion Oil speech, and after a ...itahU .J-.:.:- ried C'er5ymaD they were mar- s . . ivuuiuii V..vJU. CV ItiiuW and ln f'av, i' " 1'iti ami liili f ,1., of l)'rn,l,cf l.rxl, iU I l 1 1 .Ulitotion f William C. l4e, (M CB Ittilfl fMt r.im R.lMiry. on ttie VnSkin rivtr, lrg limib IS!ir tk-'d. ditd...b terii 50 tnd 60,(KX) pwimli of led Cutluo i 4 or SSi buU'rli of Cira i . 6 or poumU of prima corn fed Tori j the oik of ltK, lih l efi'u!, if aot ip. rmr, to any In Uia county ( notwi, wuie, vif. ona, and sundry otUr property belonging to tb tttaia of Hruiih Illair, d6c'd.at a crrdit of twttif mihi i bonui aud approred Kcuritv iQ be required fw ilia purcliers. ii . i i..- .Mi.ii ... tatt, ara rrpueattd to pmfirt tltem sinl ikot .11 nerain. ii.viiib ii.hh w . it 1 n v m.i 11 c ap itidabted to the euie, are uercuy requeto-a to make pivim-nt.s the f tecitf sre drtermiM m mhii n.a 'turns at m iiu-iy a piriou u pracUcable. - . . . a M ......... 8,Ji$hi, JV. C. Oct. 13, 1824. k 93 Cotton Ginning. B rpllR subscribar respeetrully mrorms th mru X cbanU of lb town of Hallnbtiry, kml iht eitlzen fanners of his nairbborhood, that be hi just GiiUed i large buibiirif ,J by 32, for tr- aiNjr vmih, w ran 07 wnnr 1 mi max o m klM well Used ibr packing cotton, 1n the neslr aaanner, fir market. tl assures hia frWinli, who may tavor bim with their eustom, that b will has their cotton packed snd put tip in tlx neatest manner, and la the shorUst time pomi. ble, and oa the lowest terms at vhkb It Is don by others. 1 1 also assures thoso who send ea. ton to bis Gin, that it will ba kept separata, from others, so that they will be aura to get the um cotton they send, tie baa located and built this establishment, at his UiB, Plantation, two mika from mlisbwrv. iXt I Mmi. House and Sign Tainting, Jjc. GEOliGE W. CRIMES infanas lis frirnds mm4 tha putilic, lli.l tia still eonlinuri to eiecute all kinds of llousr, Sigw, Coach, Wind, sot Chair, and Ornamental i'(udg, in a tty of workmanship aofal to any in tha counirr. Gentlemen having Work to do within 50 or & miles of Salisbury, can engage tha subscribcr'i services on very short notice. The subscriber takes this opportunity to re. tnm his sineera thanks to all tbos who bare Knerously extended their favors1 to him 1 irxl bisfaitlifulncsssnd imhiatry.in future, htjxt sUU to merit their friendship and patronsre. Suliburv, July 5,1H:4. '14 N. B. The subscriber will keep on hand, Air sale, all manitt r of ptiitUs and colors, prci-irr l for tli accommodstion of thoso who may iii to do small Jobs of painting, but wko may tU have the paints, or experience to prepare tVni. Storc-IIouso at Mocksville, TO REXT. f HUE subscriber wishes to rent the folio it - - - 1 property, during one year, or ibr a term d years, to wit : A lot at Mocksvil.v, Uowmi turn I v. on which a ansaious atore house, w ith cuod cellar, ami a large two-etory house, diiidcd iit eonventent and useful apartme are erected. .VbcXmTe ia near about in the centre of tliut .cctnof Rowan, known as the Porks. Asthat part of country, bothaa to fertility of soil ml population, is not inferior to any, a profitshle result mirht be anticipated from a mercantile erttbJyHnt at pW Gentlemen in tha business, and wishing a situation, arc incited to call and view th iremic. and judge for them- "! J" S MocitviUf, Mag 72, 1834. a Tanner, wanted. ONE of sober, industrious bsbi's, who eti come well recommended, will meet iU encoursirumcnl from the subscribers. Apply suon. THOMPSON & HUNT. Concord, Cabarrus county, 27 N.C.Oct 4. 1824. ? State of North-Carolinu, sroiri j covvrr. (tOUfff of Equity, October term, A. I). ISM J Joha Evans and others r. Charles Dateit bill. It hsvinir heretui4weirsuireTsted to ut. heirs at law do nut reside within the limit 0f this stste, it is therrfure ordered, tbst pub. licatinn' b made in the Western Carolinian, P""1. in M'V, torux weeks wcccuirch, that the heirs at law of the said Chsrles Dalton, deces.d,spjear at the next Court of Equity to be holilen for the county of fttokes, at thr ciNirt-house in Gcrmanton, on tlitauVMonJav aAer the 4th Mondain-tarcir next, and slie r eSuieTifany iher have, why thry should not bi" rruulo partita to U10 suit 1 otltrwi tha bill wiii be taken, pro conftsso, as to them, and the cause set down for hearing ei parte against thorn. W itnets Jo.'m c. Blum, clerk and master of tlm d court, at office, the th Monday after 4th Mondav i ,eplember. A. I). 1824. Copy from the minutes. 6t57 Price g2 T5. . JOHN C. BLUM, r. . State of North-Carolinn, iKSDSlLJOVHTr. IB . - -v.,,-..-,... V term, 1SJ4 1 ifobert Simonton t. Edward v icrm,ia.s tfooert simonton t. Eduara 1 rT!:'- "" "l"tlv" i-uun, u publication be mtula for three mouths in the publication be mtula for three mouths in the V estern Carolinian, that unless the delcndnnt appear before the next term of the said court, to be held for the county aforesaid, st the court l!.ouse ,in s',"vi,,' ! W,rd Monday in November nest, and plead, the plaintiff will be hoarJ.,p...,HjJavejUdKrot;,tpr,fca1. Price adv. g4. State of North-Carolina, irk veil covsrr. "I OUHT of Pleas and Quarter Se unions, Aupist " "" 1 "iiKiiiiiaciinient,rcwncaicviea notice thereof be published three months in Ijie western Carolinian. Ttt't R, SIMONTOX,. ClTt. ' Price adv, 4, Slnit'jr r"M.xwa va a -sii- Hiiiiir ca, um iu astns nv