Id fl l. . u, vti k rr-w ct '.. , 'urtlfc, honorf rf. Is flW alia, ptotl th, r!eaf tdri SB,. Ui r,a Com tre s dtL to- tfU of rr TV baft Hike trf hkk ptt tme i: wh ' lib it of rhrf tor S. fl eer wot Kill sr. Tbf IT srr At tt, it. 10 rt- ir ' ' a k.M, lUliJ f-H.J.t f.f tWll j, , UnJ, t!.J f-f It ll B Ul of talc!. irrDr.r. Thl dcrc e( Doctor of iledlclna til tnnfrrred upon rw Ih than an kunHrtt mtittrern iungt:er,,'tfBrT,k l'' ' veni'y ef renntylvenli, on the 3th Inst. Am aumber wi End the following from N'rlb Carolina," wllo the aubjccti t of their Mfiw Dissertsilnfjsl , . jiofut Haywood, Cynanche Trschei f Ssmutl JUrf, Urine In Disease ., Was. A. Sbaw, Mod. Op. of Medicine . Mht WeWn Military Fever Ma R. llkks AnMtrcpr Willie. Jones, Atute Hbettmatiem M F Ward, llydroce , bhalui Acutui t RY Yancey, Pneorne TrpWJ"! JeH Martin, I! ""A4 lb anno! commfKWert f Iht vl!eJk.i;aiJeti ffJIarylsnd, H !.' flalJanort en lha 4th In.tsnt.tbe urn ' !drr,rtt vii conferred on Tl itudente. ; "." tJfn. U ftyttti trAni t Mifn' : fmt Haklp Ceorflwi th 39ih ul ' 1 Urnoi brt k recflted n' miilM ipoolmed for h parpoM and the - Commliftioncrt ef K town, tlaliH bf tbe reemberi of Macon Ixnf f ar4 in. lemlned Jib public dinner. Afr fa- . nalnint la town about fvo houri t and a f kilf, b dapirted for lb Creak A(cnf , , vkert b expected to lodjjt that igkt miklny; the Hole diitant tnelled du- : rlnr thi Ut aNout 60 rollei. From tbt , r4ditf iih whlcb the General propria- aei alih Mi journey, It rnij be presumed , that ba bjr this lime, pawed nearl , Jhrough Alibi ma. HaMgk Star, ioa Tea aittaaa wm raaavKii. Hfri. CMli, to Ceo. Jiekon,'and the , CaneralV rrplfi on praaemlnic him the rtntr conuminp hair ol the liawrlfcui ' VaMnjrion. The preaentation of w ' ucred i rttlck ii ttiit McTr lormi tlie tohjeft bf tbe present correspondence, bovld Indeed be preserved with relijrfoui eneraihni'iDd especUHf It ai pre erited throMRh La Fayrlif, tbe iteneroui -ompeertf the sir of Mount Vernon. - A anon valuable pmenteouU ot have trta mode- to Oeor- Jackaon, nor could , tbe precipui token of MrvCostia reapeet ind esteem bavsv beeo beatowaifopon ooo inort worthy t'ear that which had one graced the locks of the father of bit country. r r--r-r Wethinp, Ftk, 22, J 8 2i ' ' Tbt blnb dar of WasmaOTOii ia the ' fh 'rime for a tribute of respect to nim, whose florious achievements place bim . next the father of our country. jQn thisdayrl present to Ceiw Jacksom ' ' frinf tf the fftr'$ kuiri of the colour it " 'rrt-wheii he led r aoldiara to U ory i 'it wa made, io thUctjr4 ifd.A?!" can gold.. .,, . . ' '"Weir if In remembrance 6f Mm who """ "irf first In the heana of his counttrroen, "' tnd of her who fWei it to you, with her ' " beat wjshei forioor hrshhand hanpipess. ELIZA W. CL'STIS. , Ta Ccn. Jicasoa. ITathiitgttn City, Feb. 23, 1815. t,-My Dear Madams Uy the hands of W'Ynutual friend, Gen. L Fatittk, 1 -r- kstt-htf tbsv extmne saiiafaction of-re. :."r,criini aTrJiitt tontflipinr.the haU of Ceo. ilir3VASitrVQTP' 'wfjich-.jroja iwid done rne -rTjtbo ihonor ; o. lre jeht . ' lVfie ve m'e, I ; shall retain, and wear' l with" ihe jpreit-' erst pleisureV .1 , will wear , It in jemem trance, of yonr kind opinions expresicd '' towards me, end of tbe retired man the recollection' of -whose virtues and disin- teristed patriotism none can un: r mindful of. Could tbe presenryoa ten der. me, be at all increased in value, it ' -would by the consideration,. that its. ' presentatioh ftai been thrmrjironwho devoted himaelf Jo early life to the ier ice of our happy country," and who was ' the' Mend and wsociate of our beloved " Washington. ANDREW JACKSON. To Mrs. E. W. CrtTia. v This kuly ia the wife of Geo. Washington ' r. Cuatii, tq. a nephew of Gen. Washington. -.-w."-yw,w theCharteon Citv Caiette. . - -.The-' following Kxtract of a letter from ' en intelligent gentleman in New' York, to tti Irieittf-hinMt'cttyyeslitoitt.ot;. . .ltertog itement, ' of what ii t present T the flottrishins: vconcfitibn of "thir great' tbe course of lew yean. '' To Vive Vou an idea of the increase of business in this place I will merely say, that from the press of businesi at the Custom HouserH' baibeen. found n?ce-. tarf within the Uft'ieeliTipMW.''?: idditidnal inspectors f'-e pretiy good in- afhat ia vojnff JorwJra. 1" air vu w r " - j yfalimTWBRt wbichare in.agiiation, r rentier it mpoasioie wr jnpsc rt ceuatornd4o:5iIcvtinit J;bSJ?I agei'to,be derived from the source -whtcninei opeh, to form an. adequate f ih heWM'and efattdeur tawfcteh lihls me.iroHUMIn 'tbi. couraTof-fl lew yeara arrive. . - -id'f j an old sayirig, and it seems to be tlit 8 f t u i r proverb, f r t?it riTi t( 1, it j. .;...Uu is th!r to le t j i-!l J by I hit of our (!', h anl I r t. i hrrt U n ( a vie ml spot of rrvtitnl ii iinni I rot vlth!r the limits of ih !, e whic h an IfOprotentnt or rtiil lm Is p'A fonum pitted, S'tJ It Is cdcuUiad that during lit! tmuln year there will he between fwur and Ave thousand new UiiMhs erected. Ilundradi liae already Utl corain cad, ind notwithstanding all this, renii are immoderately high, lo tbe course of l few years, the wealth of nearly the whole rommcrtUI part of the) yr.lon wll) be coMintrsted in thil plan, end there ii no other place under the heavens, hardly ficepiing Ivondon, which will in (he oure of no' very distant , period, be CQuat la roagniQcenee te tbe bid Dutch port Aft Jmttrrdam, which cne'hon' dred tcari sinci, wi hardJj mirkid od a , r.i port of Cotton and iUce front Cbarlcs1 ion to foreigti pons, ;curtnt; tneweek ending the 3d Inst. ". ? COTTOX. ' Sm AW. Uverpot 12) Otanock. 143 Hordratii, West IndUl, ' Tool, " TVS 13 PICE. 100 13 577 6 TC6 Cbr!co City CaMtte. ' From an Tj Rh fa per. COT10.1 TUADK. The increase h '.he consumption of Cotton in France is very great i Used ia the nauutactoriea of Franca. 1124 1823 243.95S bag! 172.312 Increase, 71,646 bags. l aMauLtlA. rtei in Liiguino, 1124 weekly 11,600 tags, -112 J ... 10JOQ ..... "Tbe greit df mind for the woolleo jnanufsctures of England, both for Welgo and pome consumption, which has been gradually inercaslng for the last two yean, has caused a rise of 25 to 30 per cent, oo the various woollen goods, the produce of Yorkshire and other manufacturing dis tricts.' Wool, which ise very abundant source of profit to our gratters, has ex periencad a rise of 50 . per cent. .For parcels which' brought 16s 0d per none in June fait, we bear 33a have teen' paid by English purchasera, within-, the 4aat few days. There has been -also, an ad vance of 40 per cent, on beaver halter's wool-)-Aiaconseauence of the advance, blanketa, and indeed ail goods made from the coarser kinds of our native fleeces, have already ri.en fully ten per cent, while cloths, the product of combed wool experienced an advance of very nearly double the amount. a"aaBjeaa .. The second trial of Dctba, of Kentucky for the murder of Baker, which com manced on Monday the 14th oil.- was postponed on the ITtb until June next, io consequence of being able to obtsin but one jurvraan. Jidge Djvidge, who will preside on the bncht U said to be a firm, upright magistrate. A joint Committee of the New-York Legislature hare reported a bill appro priaijng five hundred thousand dolUrs towards making a state road rrom the Hudson; tef Lk Krie, ibruvicpjhf south ern counties of the state, 'i he length of tho-roadili . be about jbree. hundred milei. A'o. Journal. .r.t l uur, 14, r-t"t,, t;j f, . , . l i-.ff., 4 J 10 J I h't,fllJi'..l i,3.' $n prh hfinly, H a JJi i'f! 41 ta 1 torn, 11 to i)t L.' n, I 6 i !, 1 rM UUrvt. Cjyjprr bjh,t bi !... .la .'i t-tr, mi,. aljji f.itfr, f,e,m, fv'.a2l( 31 n34illty,l(Jat't'a.hroa,rl Jfj 2J( tliiU,JV a frJ) i a 7 31 3 ) j rke 3 t l rr u6 IU. i Uv, i u a f uv io. i iMcce tcu, e a a 1 1 nM.iurtj, 1 1 tjpr. at , ITmi U'0 fcreigw awr l iPVcUd M eHr. nlntrj ,t,itw (4 tt.a pra$ lA Crttu, tV yrtna t.te s'ouU Maf 3Im. nm Mt of lint OtjUitr, Mvtnr StH mM tm Tmwi fuf 3J caata. Vary Lttle ll aw bfwukht to pwtrt, awwever, MaHy the Mf crop, wa , 1 aoaaco, aim, eoetlmwi te rH, Oitr, ciLinir.rrtkYrtcr.pHiv Cotton, I. IiW 1, 39 to 4, rHWd do. 17 la 77 1 M1m and iontM, 2 to chort R8 i ijum. ia. i Lant, a, l,Ue and tovcrwr (42 inch.) 2a 24 1 CJ rctrrimeCreii,tla2f Io. ftV, 14 a II. honh4;anbna nt o.nt, 7 a aver eH dii. Georgia Bank BJU, 1 a I peroot. dn, ' CWMUykftde emitinoe anltnaViL and have alAi4 fully one ceat por poorsj i ibo 14 slfM days particlvl im the atcont quali ties 9i cnU hav fcft gtvee in one or te Ifiauoce for extra 14, , ur Umwb. v .iiurtay iU3it. U I'f't !nt uT (lit I, lull 4 hUUt, mumAtt j.n!f niUrf l bri kl flriuifl, t, K lir! tuh, Utt t; ( (HMitUd lttrvtrj of ll.a Tun. 1 1 1 U il .n I', I, h iUt U 11 r, In th!i eoonfr, oo the 14th by WTiov Wi llama, EX. Mr. aaVM nte te Maa aaiab garnhaH, ' , i In Porhe county, oe the fib by tbe tev. mr, Wotbcr, air. youa uom w mmo jaiv gilian. - - D(r, I On the 15th of tprU, at John It. Wood ward's. rUq. near iatwvlU- rroddl ew. 9. C. flaory DitU, Unorr, a SMive of Phikddphia, apd hoot SO. Mr.a vbroatt;afcrfrotihf 15th ef March, la a V7 feeble s'i of hcahh, to Mr. Woodward's, by a aa to oavsa ht aM ltn.M.htMMl, Iheaieii OOO kick ks am red, he bweaaM toork Woror. aito ,J to grew weaker and wra of, till ht eipirtU -j1 It asay h IntrreaUng So k4 tnr oda, ko, he said, aww lire ia Turk county, fa. to Irara, that al though he a as enure hfii gim'i of inony and property, he waa, wktk at Mr. Woodw.MTa, UeaUrd wiUi great . ho maoity md kiada, and vu buried la a very decent annner. caaavictria. Some piquant notes bive passed be tween Mr. John H. Eaton, Senator from Tennessee, and Mr. Clay, occasioned by an insinuation In Mr- Clay S Circular, that Mr. Ea'.on was probably the writer vers but it is presumed the matter will proceed no further Raleigk togitter. The Legislature of Penniytvania has finally passed, and the Governor has ap proved, the bill authoYixing the People of that state to vote for or against a Con vention, ii. Miss Ann Renolds was killed it Che-rjw,-5v O on the. 3Qtb ultimo, by . light niog. . ' "Mr.'TJanlel Neely, son of Mr.-Henry Keely, deceased, of Frankin township, Pennsylvania, bled to death at tbe nose on the S)it lnsti'''-j'''ij"-i-"'4- 'Vf4.W-;VWJ4(MJ?il,iVi' rf. Flnancti iTHg1and.lttp)tnf from the annual report bf the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the House of Commons, that the Finances of the country are in a flourishing condition. : The lorplw at t he conunencement of he wesent-year, is stated at nearly a Tnlllioii 1 and a half RtSPEXI Tl'IXT aaire to the puhhV, that ihey klrt rtil4 4bo i i H. JUathieu'a houe. lately IcoopWd by Mr. Kandotph k VMgt oo4win.Urreparri to. opeatbeir l. . Spring Asiortment on to extmaiVo aoak io tbo) atand, about the Uth of May.' Ae the tore will be very wtuch enlarged, and the wareJtouae Is fpaciour , they will be enoblod to keep a aaere general aaaort. mcnt than heretofore 1 tbev thtrrtoro reaorit thoae who now wUli to purch their Sfrhj Git, to delay till tbev are their new aaaort. meat, m It will eontii of werv article (in their fine) that bM,oMMMwaiMl ik-pl aad w'dl aworvery taersipo So eaawasbi ortrooafo of a dMcenung publtc. . ' ' I j thU ily'i Uum were rts'J. la Iowa from Chs'Ue, of the 4tb U. vhkh auteJ tUt awto aellifig at 30 sent. ftfnt uta, however, thai it Ul U 3u caata, about the Ida Ut A dliutef mmt keio eitao U Alesindria tfxt Cot. lo the rrtstdtM of the V. 1. ike oa-at ilant, ae. Mont, Mooroo, CaOMMO, CUy uA lurvoor, were oos prtorw. 1 A avH deetroettve Rro broke out la Jfc o the eight uf tba f tla InH. la Hum arret 1 Ue fullowiag ks a condMe4 Vta of Ue io sp ovoe 1 .f, ... L .four Btorrs m f la14treet ware ioroeJ- Kuat of the OMiUingtM i. wJ of DoaJW-OV AD Ue Ktorei va lUrhyet. T Mm frvm Vwf alky U libfrty-wjUre, atopping u the Coot. arciJ Cwttce ISoooe Hvi ea Kroad-et. W. sm1, (. of UNtreUt.) atotiping at liberty sa4 on both aulaa of c'aotraHt, h'onW of boiUbag burnt, 4J. , It r atippoeed by some that fbe nre vu either an leatance cf apontaoeous aombtMion or cao ed by ae inccoJUry. No eerrect eiotaie eaa be asada of the lo till the aterUiaJKliM not buroed ia collected. We bare aot beard wlul amoom; vm inmrod. A loner from Madrul atatrt, that the rwero. eat of Bpaia had received fioea the Hlf Jit eaert ftotibcatioa tha the three hlrh Allied Pooees were nut Jn a naaiuoe te aid lOaia to ro-a qoer her UMHnanne prot iocca. Ctttm, ) LjeerpouL KoaUivL 8U March. wm at l?l io 151 pence fut Amenc I'ptand. aw vaae. . The dila Cadmua, arrived laat eveoine, kaa ;,! d"-l ncw Mlui iT!l?4n. ' ,w, ii Ii 1 1 ii Ml lipteo of expectation reeperting a great horat ree obich waa to take plat oo the 1 ef Marclu fur o 0WmiwI rrsncs, oetweeo iw tlHrwjr b kred f.nrl"h hor-es. 1 ha papers or the Bret and aeeond are lel aa to the eeun. X letier of the date atatea, that ferdi- aaad had despatched a wteacnger to SLPetett v.... 1 Jmml tk aeecutioa of a aeeret treaty "a : r.. :. . , ....1 with Kuawa, hy aliKh Attiao"' w pTC-,. bioiselfto rurmJi HpaiA wrfb a ao-iauVoo and 12,000 troopa, for the recoeeryoi im otwi Amerkaa poaaeaakw forvorrhr WWrtging to anaia. in the eent of Great Britaio acknowl- olTMKr tbe- kulepeodtoce of. thee colonic. Uuieia, it M aMk'i, i 10 oe iwiminw i - etpenae by a transfer of the Kalcaran Islaiida, or the California. Tbe Fope ia raid to bare adJreoaed a circu lar to all the archtiklioje and birbope of Ameri ea, COmmandlnr thrni vnceaoantly to preach the BerMtv ml Mibmittinff to tbe mother country. Crrtfr. The coenWto' oerthrow t Coh tAtmnS ! eonfirmnl b the utrian ObacNcr, anil tlie extenaive eipeditkm to victual the foe tveea of Patrai. 00 much boe4edf by the Turke, had dwindled Into a single tiwMport, wkUk aw.lW U.lail jm MbpraatJuut. e Ure. ..; laantl f or Rne. milE robirriber wiahel to a n a small tree of n4 V f 1 t fc.lvl av -Tiw"ouae.d t the town i J w in the Forkaof the Yadkin, about fv if L Faliihory, efpoa Mr.ltm. IL lbwt. ,boe IJocktine. near the rtmd JJ J SUofMera boie of rntertaiiunent, T jeaKjjnaf from tbenre to Wilkesbonwgb, adjoin a friendly Mighhorhood. Ind good society t the ; jnf, ,,,e jj, Tmion Cheshire, ArchibaW houae is two woriee Wrh, with fcur fire pUcea Cmrter ,a olheni cootaiiiKig 207 1 acree. u, lli luwor atory, and two in the upper : the Thert trt ,prjnp of witer on thi land, houee la large and coovenjeot with a kitrhin, aoj mu waitredi on which an esrellet amoke-huuM, comJiooae, and atahU. an ltee f unimproved meadowppoond t the Und excellent garde and barf lot, alt ia rood re- , unimproved 1 it i believed to be a pair. I will tliapoae of tbe aame on the moat j,f jj- titualitm. A particular doacription u rf6mnwdatiiig ttfuutwtke pa)whacr, aa 1 am Vtimiglil uiiinixiaaw,ait4pmiinird.aDy per,-dcterroiued-to reoieve te tne Oeuntry oest bJl. imom y,lt to nirrrhaar, will view he prtmi- KS. Apply to the aibcriber, living near Ton 1U, anaJl - Stork or GOODS OnbeiiAwhke,lamot sell for reM, .iat .reduced prceatbe ! eoat oTaome flrj W awo, vowjw w"i and (iua Po'drrr-and Wilr by the gallon 1 and a number c other ancenc aeceuary to oe ...nrated. CCURCE MIIXfcR. ; Arfarv. .Ml Sow 182. . 35 ner mill, o third crrekr1 ISAAC lJNRTER. 2156 N.R I alao rentieatant that Mr. fca'.on wai prooaoiy me writer 4pmdi u io and r !v. unrfr .Bftrcllremer'i Card, and of, his letter Jp nA tbuae whe owee,by book account which appeared Rf the ColurtHuirir Obaerrt or otberwiao. w&ldo mri favory eailiof m rsom who hare any, m" I and fSv. Uwrfr -ftiiwrn, AMTr.RIOH iack ai a foal-grtter, will stand the erauing 'apBn'g irawn (to end on the I at rJ Anrurf) at btv atah). on Bunr Creek. acvea mile aooth-wrat froaa Charlotte; and will rreaato lt"a .li.'it uu.Ur 11 l,l ul lha Hf,l,. " teeia's 'rri, .ifcioae, ' rf7'. 1 1-J. tr ht ll.e p !aire ! f rt ,t ta tba pub' le the rfiH KtL,m of ti.e . fttaU lmtttT fiteUrjUnAo Ttie moile 4 drag ae eVetw,lr new pUn aprrtri by ttie f,'evwft' lttirit efKnr J bf the Oeeiaaaa t'rHt f at.le, and arvutfU ovt bbder St-itul AC. of tbe Leg eUture. Uiglirit Vne SO.ddd I)D!lari tsiftrjir.t ' 1 frlaa f Sivj a. 2).no jv,f?rm, I Prir. of l'W l U.tJtrj liofWa, 1rre of J"0 la INX) Ik-.-.m : PrVe, of is J;fW lial'ar. . drMMiof A'XJia 9vj Wllwa, " 90fflieof , Ii h) 2JMMlWm flU foaei of , 3'i hi 1 Jrj lv,l.ra, gjrmeaof 2Ji l.(XWr.JW lriis tf T 10 hi'l.ViO nortarw-" X frie of . J k 100 Iteflara. . ';iQjD0g J'looa uf . J i 20JW liHar, . " 1013 frua7", 70 XXX) fJotliXt. . aoMl Tickvta ,W aoe a friar iVi AWr a-rri CjISIf. titi t nf Ae oVeana cf M a aWoriiaa a r. irT .'r"v Itvtt The ffiwen win hw put into one wheel aaoejial and in u oher wWtl will be PHl UVe priae am th drnon.! nation of Two IMlars, and the bating to pro greta in tb huI Oiinnrr. The f CjM yu of 1 will be evardVd the odd or rer Kunibrra of the Lotterv (a the rae wsv t J drpendrnt on the drawing of the CafMtal I'mo of Tweaa JmtHtani W'.nr- that ia fo ri if IlkO 3J,0UU dollar prise ahnuU eme e l J( U-U Numher, then rfrrf mU Xk in " Stkrm willle entitled toe K2 ohae. Irthe iOJMO dollar prire aJunild coonc ort to an If in limner, men an in a -.vna ,,awere n SeKrmt witl be each entillrd to a piuaW ffl Cnr OoW natlwt mrf tt wVrt 1, 9, J, Hi eVede. ofdratrr nnf nai' rnahW tt.o In (K UtttVttNtl, but ho the great advan tagr- of ditnbnting tbe mall pmra MrilaHy to ervry iturmUf mmkrr in W k(, ht th. hoLirror too harttof tirkrt 0w nd.1 and v one even nun hrt oill be ceruin of ohlninii g at leaat one prise, aad kn the aaete ra(o tor any greater quantity. . A Iiokitdrawingaaiiperoepnea4' nhcmf , is sot aitrarrvao froiodniaug an i- r f . I icnor one ai-. . , . , . . ii . . . ...... . . 1 he drAwiar wm taae piare miae i nyov - j Bahimore on tVednrwUt tlie llh U MAY, and ' wilt ftniah Ml ibe mr day. A rerr jliort pe riod, therefore, interreniiia; before the tin of drawtiif 'fc'iM arrfvt-denlMrere at tJiataore ahouLi arad tliemaeiveaoi me eij ,.11, Kt. vantarea .n"errd by tMe n-hrmr, ami fond ns tbeir onlert without deUy-Hey reark the Uw rate of Ikketa-tU very tnfl.rfg Mk to ran, Clhert not t"f" i"a" " ' l2UJ ,mi tUt tba capital priie of TWSVTT Tnoreow DoLiaeOs of a lutheru? "l'rtce derrtrd loe ao ama a aim lnveaed-wboe ail, however, la tbe caeTirrt o ""ataa a taaar aaa rais by the pureie 01 io ortwo Area-(oi etddandone eves Mad U.U aaadi ratio of Crta.nty ilr pUr chaee of a greal o.ibr of tKlrti c ahor. , The jifciU ol an adertiment do a-1 pt rvtUt of a detail of the various and snany drsnaeea in thin imnrored mode of fxitterr ihey wfl natorelly present 'UiroiacTvel'tw the re r on eiaminatinei of the arhemc, so a aeruliny of which we invite their attention. "'TT! ' vtaeLaTicarra, 4 Hatvkl, J 2 Qi'iariae, t . t 1 Te be had iif the greatee. variety ef iVuBV bcr (Odd and Even) at COll EX'S Ltttery U txthung "re, j. ll4,.tfartrt. ntUing their accauntt. CM. trm doltare to in-ure a mare with foal, Great care will b taken to prevent accidents or cscapeabut 1 will not ho ftaol4oritkr.r - - JAS, DINKlxr." fJOrerw, Jpril 3. 1821. fi Ten DoUttts IUwatA J "t flf.t. be given for the apprehension and dc Iff liver to therubecribcr, at Waterloo post FAYETTEYILLK. Ho)ttt 3altr &Cq. YMPOn iT.RS of Drv Good, ire now reeeir- B . ". . r V..hml afut 1 WW lifr 04 Wking h. anhiher.., the .wl Ji,,tm,a. A liberal credit win he m , to Mai. E. Aarhrough, SaliJiur), N- C. a !F.GKO toWonsible dealer, whom they Invite tl make I FRLLO W bv the name , but v. ... prone- their purchases in this market. 4tS6 A hew Boot hdhoe Hiop. IH H ,bemer!etW'"'leave..4o inWm n the hichesrriffpoTtatrer by the , peoplft of ihat-touwris-UnS jXtrodJrjiij jeduc tion or Huttei and taaea propoiea ojrtne Ch'anlellor'" In Frederick County, Maryland, Catha rine - Staley, has obtained - a verdict of ZfiOO against Charles Burkhart, for a breach pf premise of fnirrie. ' 1 frirnila. ami the bublic ie ewneral that he ha Tmened Boot and Sbooabop, la e honae immediately opposite tne nana:, wor "c tende ewiryirfg ew the hovo. huninen Ii, various branchei 1 hia work ahull be ecu execu tt, amt ti'n mptf"fJLhJl9uility' J2l hopes by hia application to busmeaa. Ifid dciire to pleaae, to gain apart of tlie pubic patronage. WILUAU T.WDr'IKLD. aAtty, farr 21, 1823, -j. W mm aV mm J . a . -.17 thai a a an away irom me auaacnocr, n. 11 bly fUnge hie name; he i quite black, 22 or 23 Ver of are $ fret 5 or 6 inchea lush, a little enwa-eyed, hara amall car on one aida of hia fact, orie of nia nnhle-boiiea prnjecU out comioVrably, speaki plain, and i quite intelli gent. A rciarfof ten dotlarav a above otfered, wTlt n given for hia apbrehenaion aiid confine-muit.-ajid Information Ftven, aa abote atated. W. wftw. Mite at iBtmtr. . : H. C. Jturth 1 1, 183. - 4ti7" tate of Nmh-Cnrolina, ' ubB'jH covnrr. GOt'RT of fiquity, pring term 182 J. Jaines lnr ta. Jacob Fwher and hi children and folrlyrfl-rboeHrti'fneH George Kabout 45 or 5) yean vwre, ahnot At ...a .' d. W av ..l:l. a!.M tu. itate r .tatresaerowrw,- mm piiwiFfMP' made in the Western Carotmiaft for Si weeaa, Where in the fcmFlaiTState LnfTerterwer8 aiikl the Great Canitah) of 100.000 Dollr.ra- 40.- W dollafw-2 of S000-a of laOUC Uatdea. . no lea than'Tsa Chtu of 50O-doJkcaJif . Iua..- And.-WMaa os8..rrrru avs ait 0tJt tia iT bt wToae oma jOniair: ' ' . 03" OftoiM from any part of the; t'mted frtafc or Tarrrtorie, encloaiiit. ibe rah,; of '" priaet in any i the Lotteries ipo't paid) will meet our aocuatomed nrompt atte'itio.i. Ad- J. I. COH KN, 4a. jip ttiu r. twit ' . r3W letters RrttATNLXa fcrthe Fort OflO tt CouccrtU. N. C. on the 1st of Itu-ch, IS?".? Ruaan R. Alliann lainl Alexander Nathaniel Alciamleft Abner Brook Rev.Jeorg Brtger llarrrv Bnd hsw Jacob Rottian John Damhart Joalah Dradatisw. Hugb Campbell Moae I Corzine Thomaa V. (Tinon tfilttam Crahm. , . Jamei Hi C lark. Ann Rdmonaton, Alliaoh Fleming v" Alexander Fcrniron. UwiaJ'rhr.''':i::., Xanmel thiuyn Jamek.Gardner. - Tioman n i llama 8trh A. Harm A. K. lime l;wis llonevcilt Jacob, iiilemab. -' rb-mJt Ira in. Henry Uriker. Enocn Morgan William M'tiraw Janica K. Slorgidt Janiei M't lain Jamea S. klcik - David Myres George Miller Chriatopher Mcfctttr l lioiraa Molly. . George Nortlirfn. .JIenryG.!)wtnt . ( amual I'Crkina , Walter 1. 1'harr. Jacob 6ttwalt Klj Saiith J-Z JJanicI Statifth,. ftamford G. SlaJghtoo - I'.lijah Spearv. i:riaSnclU - John White, L- oialTTXrfe" James i). white 3tJ5 ' k. -. I . Ilk.l..n .twl HA. 1 i 1 1 . , , , m.. i I, 1 aon-tH-iaw orin '"", r. i .f ,jlm -w . , . . O.V ,rl ihanilria wtor lhlMM GFMKUiz, peannjr w m r I B EtEW ot 'rfie Sermon !reacnd before tho JajiWradJierry iaon IK Uible. rVktyof Nofth-rarohna, hv tho r- ri -,-rz -.- r ..... r !... 1 toes- oiMJ inehea togt acuu , -sxv r.. AStMtut mm r-eHhe: IT 1 lliir4tr' tnk iJUfci.iiBnMil 'll 11. llil.i TV - ot t,i iipc te ot nonn.t.arnunaior aaic at ma oflieis of the ''Weatfcrii Cftrofiiiiaiiprioe C5"cta.--"Tlie vwjeft(l of thi work, after -defraying' For sisaalt and 'jatterj-, fur sale at this DiTwei

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