I - i i, ;4 th t "71 ' it i t IS1" 7. ,'l HI lid 'jm 1 r f ,', ' .,4-. av j" "a il." 1L;4 mm mi 1. s JOHN UILI'IS, Kq. 'rePr.e4 Ihie iOtfc) rktamflv( U eouauet U How, Ui.nJ", sUnuVph and cuo-am. wvthe m cur trtJ MAT! The M"i kaawtlr rJ ! ,w it ne utv wad of tk kUt appear W wrffhtM a ".- kk" iti k(ek aI drearf t t '.' 't - '--- aSW S4t4M tW Am tho taurine growth of the gV- kingdom," we Inhale I a gvatrAd tWgrwee-. rich UMHt ta 0 Jfirftefjr ho. 1 CM WW fcftiUy lpttM M Hb hit Up- dcnce en, tiul cbr.gatSont to, kit Almighty Ma ker, than the riWr haot'e and bowwtiei Wka&duhkhyUallaW WotLlng ctrulnl nothing! vol rti inta cum. , Jlfr. &JUei l fcfrith nd y two titrwu, (hUb I Ub BuUitbcdbr ! bMlitof ikf Mb1w Mr. Crfor in4 Ce. Jekion,rfrw iht editoHl N nmk ff lb A'iW Journal i ptper kich It lo kno lo oHHk- fileceef ikMwdnlnbtrilTn. "Sirawii" l U !!, ibow blch 7 th ind blown" nd lheiecomuf how tit icl of ib cotillion id tn'mUimion. Thti ki commenced tfcetr operation! ejrjrki J'tJP!!, kJR vnwiora j qui ii ii mt uurit on urn. Jtkt Plem to citend tbclr clicu- Iilloo, by giving them flwe in your piper. a iviiciiBtn. . P.S. If yoa ikoald herrifier pubHth Mr. Cly' Mdreii to hit eonitiisentt, I hope yoa IU be impartial enough alio to gift room to Mr. Ctorfee X Miner V to - whkh Mr. tlay't It i irptf. Common jgtk mjh M let both aide U beard, or neither." . ... - a (Wa had inlrivled to publwb both the tA&rtn of Mr. Kramer aitd Mr. Ctay, u aooa at ve bad dUburthcned our bamfa of lb Laa- and fuck .a ... . 1 tffen ad-lrvaaef are of too anoeb national concern w - - ere too nearly connected with the Skorj of our ywrcrnnient, and intoJra too deeply princi ple vital to the itabinty and permanence of our national compact, to be petard over with a Uat- c-'.laar vwwtTttiJajUatter ofjOrd manr evenC ' Al ln tbe Cttafbrmaiion of ha 'natural "elel ali.inaTi eatn-JiTTTlim lucceeJi to funoua tempeat, eo m the fvbticai tltwmti there Ji loo f, gryat a tehdrBcy to tupiaenen when the atom of paaoon incident ti violent contetti for porcr or principle, hu eubaided. It ia important to a fret people, that auch a tendency ihoukl be gtiarded apjnt fik the natural pronenen of human nature to do evil, it till, if e are not tif ilant in dteckina; aJvancet, ai certainly . and at fatally pin and keep the ascend over ourft farainclinationa, at tin hat done over our wtral dertinifa.-4tlien, we vahie rirTtcjiybT Kcan- hiirUnitiona--IT we' taje 'two, upon which the whole fkbrkk of our libcrtiei retta- . we ahoukl vt aufTer a polucalfirtteienew'td'ateal upon our aena ( but ihotiM be -matthful of ev ery movement of thoae in power and out of power, that inrolvet important principles, or arema to indicate a departure from republican measure. aairaiu " "rnajr rat rational jovtvat. Some of tbe warm friends pfJJeneral Jxkton are so eager to vindictte him, that ther attribute, to kim umt. which, it is to be hoped, he- doei not en tertain I although it it certainly not for us to determine how far they were uttered by binv One of the Editors of the Nssh ville Republican hat repreented thai the General, at Washington, es pressed him- ...self jJtutJ Berdie.e;.wuW .. anv forrof, he, would Mnk lh awat ina nimscii wim it. This ii a eery vrWrf declaration, and one whii h we should doubt at oriinatinff wih General" Jack son, If TiitT friend at Nashville did not vouch for. the trnth. of i, "MnijAe nation !r.;Ahd:Tathat7 Bectuse he would not come to any ami blcjttrana emenUa bere-a-mMable- rangement might be iodispensble. What is a comfiromiK ?" : U it "a mutual promise of pariiea at difference, to refer j theit controverskt to arbitrator! i an ad Jasfment of i'$.rTenci.of parUei by toix i tnal concession!.' And be lore he would do ibisrhewould'llMit theiftim'. What' kind of a temper is 'thW ?" We Ihould never bave had a national consti tution, if it had not been for a cpmpro' ;, iniKe , : CoramunitU-a and.- ftovernmenis touldjn , Ij (vaeYtsw Isj,- comrTOtttf ' 1 aet dailf lake place " If it were otherwise there would be endlesailtercttions. We lo nomcollecr mr To" have.jnef with a . morelffatiohal sentiment in print, except that which it ascribed to an enthusiast at Papis, who, in the fry of the Revolution, exclaimed, IM every Frenchman trrwA,' ao Liberty reigns !M The ideals not only outngeous, but alfsurd. To uink the Wn.r w,.rr aa -wwa aumn o, oeray , aia umt .dmlnillration. Mr. CreeorcTa the wiefdonbf K auWilber hatfei i Jo,, 0f health wav, poallly, to he ettrl thc period of our commencier tbem. Du(k oT knt.il. In Aoo(Mrrem.rl otbi .r,l?i a!" ur, ilCUl.r. " ray ml h Uto l" t-nfl. fl ' .. .. t tvf...k It mi( and turn Ju- Why - I Where , .W nrc.ul.y o ikia enyitrn I-1M lOfTnuion w . Mt It fflr. iht cowernt tfce peoplo. t. I. .r. IffiHonant thit tkey itwild ko U W liiolMoal.if rt I'J romnoM fitlnct. Why, then, tvtnl tht tact f Th onl; lntnce oi mynery (bat fce0 MeN of l oneUtP ki. i. t.k.hAikiLjJaiiJudU&J&iDiitcr f lsrta;-lu. belnr iWIt of the RMt ki rf ui kT.V. kT. rfiTf Un"nA fdTff, tintire of the clrcomitance. ito brate and RiHant eoWIer like Ceneral Jick w, a ihould epect more fnokneij oo aU occulont. - ' . raait Taa atsa. rr.DZKKsnco UTTflv- , lathe ConulMitonil WhU'of tbt lib Intiant, there epneered aneUract or a letter, from pentleman of hgh wind. Ihff, dated Kredeftckibuf , III April, In which, apeaklnn cf Mr. Crawraf, the titer tayti M I lure utjn no one who tw Mr. CVerorrfat Frederitkurjr, who hat not pronounced him Imbecile In body 60 1 mind both." 1 hero cn be no longer toy reiion for ..W.nf a notice of that reotleman a .,t...t MtiitMi. ciceot ocb reUea . M. nrl.ata feelinrt. A rcinect for tnr e oiM Mce to aUtaln from id; iiU Aot iurnihfl, lojhot who are Ir.i mtcal lo the adminiMration, topic i of ani Riadvrrtlon. It hat been aald. thai ma Preilo'ent offered him the Department of tba Tr..urr. .Mrh U . r.i... .i health vaa competent to Ike dUcharre of itt tluitei and that Mr. Day hat align ed, at ore i.f the reaaona for not anpport injc him H PreUJebL hia iifccarlftaa title of health i hence it hu tern armed Km! there Ik a contradiction between the Pio- !1ent anJ Secretary of Stale on p ratief of Utm that reill"il,i" caVe f The Preiiueot found Mr. Crmi,rd in the Treirary Department. 1 her kat been. during eight yeara, fellow Ijtwurert in the i biiiiip wf wajii v -! till ties. I hey had lccn competitor! fur the time office, and Mr. Adam had prevail ed. 1 he question, then, which be had to decide, waa,. whether he would torn our Mr. Crttvford front the Treasury De Pnrneot.TTl w'oold havehecn a meainrt of extreme hirthnest,irh6i orinfcumani tjr -tat i Jc4J of all magnanimity,, if. not vind7clirecooiid(rlng hit condition, end their previous relatione, to have expelled him. It It well known here that the bus! new of that Department has, for about eiRhteen month Kone on ,ery well an- der the direction of tubordinates, without much actual participation on the part of j Itt nominal bead. -It miht -have still continued in tht time way tome lime i lonKer, until it wat teen whether the re-1 totrfMr.ravutd-mM-r 5npleJJhe,n(rcoI Mvw, them to Mr. Cravbrd i to be regarded, not in tbe nature of an origtoal appointment, but 'as an. acquicecfiKe in one - already made. The question with Mr. Cay was not whether he should turn a irrntleman out t If Ll.L L . I J I . I I I .... i . - v.,.., w..,vn .u ,uuK 4 wnci uc i iic aiiouiu aiti in uuiunz nim into tbe Erst office of tht nation', Tof .hich b hadhevef bee'r the mcnmtenr. Uhe miv be very, competent 4o perform tie dutict of Secretary of the Trcaauryy and at the. lame limeJ inrompetcct to dia charfte the hixher dutici otPrtaideW of the United Statett or rather, the De partment of the Treasury,1 from (he structure of machinery, ma? move on very well, for a time, without a healthy head, whilst it would be impossible for tb execmije,ivernincuto flh'the erf stob recti of .its inautuilbn -on ten h chief should le in the possession cf vig our both of b'Hv and mind. The view of the Secretary of -the- Treasury is chiefly directed to the arTairt of one De partment t that of the President, embraces all the Departments, and the whole cir cle of our attain at home and abroad U-weropeaMblethat all thele of the United States could tee and converse with Mr. Cnvtord, there would not be any difference of opinion, between them arid . the writer of, 'the Fredcticksburg IcUcr, al to. hit, real conditwn :-'- We perceive by a communication in the Ca tawba Journal, tliat the. citizens of LincoJntbn gave a Dinner tt W. Calhoun, at he arrived at ,that9w"OThia;;;t Cithon wa"e he:edW . -...,k.4--t i.-.i5 LTl"ll'ri'i tii- unique ui iuo ciuxcua, anft ctcorteii w fir, McBee's, where one of the most aumptuout.i dinner ewpf eparttf Tn that ptace, was served up to a large and resectable company. All seemed to join, with a harmonious cordiafity, in honoring the distinguished statesman whd holds the second office in this Republic, and who was elevated to that station by the pnplt the iehe$f." . I '. "' L.-t.v ''I "7" : .Tr T . """"e'oudaof HraiKt rf.KOMent that aevmrd After ike sf tM U4 r"!' ',flr JWe .IhJ- tolerated Vy t!. .. it. kafl H. ew uUHJ r wm i'' , 'Catl i-imy rVt .! mr th rmm """r .':.. .i.,. J- ' P" ... . t- l,t;.lu- that iW U the hritULal tUjiWa ef the aimuinib rv ,imrf,A.it ii iar----r" Ihie lal. K COM lo" 'i ,. i . .i..i f . t:i. witi cenr tewtneo i it re-ecM P,UnK tmphoaJopf pplautei pon hkh Mr.unooun roac, obkntlr tht prtiwrt r deep emortoo; Mered hit thmkt for tht kind fceUnftfHpmeo: rn M toe,to - (tiro AnVrcd I anked M emjU .ad NerM, M7 h'J . r.it..imr iiuiii. aibaennemir aeeaentcd, erd to fan the Ire of patrf "... r-.ii . .kLrh Bcrtaded the corona- Jlfr. Utoea of the rwola. Jlfr. X JlrrlrJ-TU pKt; rf Jalca fj the hriA ft tho erfititiHi U U tUtia of cwr bH?"1 ,b? iWmi uctt to U aura a4 proiparky to ibadvocataa. . . A vanin had retired, By MqUr lUft Jtf. Frwty, PreaiorfH The ng U itemJl.rteM May it 6nd an aJ rata ia lUvt of erery tna AowneM. y .fr. 71.1 W. irs-lletirj Oay, a J 0" mefeoi., o-ir nol.ucal atmoftticr a moment tJlun itt ItMire, have bean ditU paled before thWMiieafna of truth. B Jfr. J. AiWj.ri!lH.Kiy tbe perlnd fft Jmi.&um, ,b -vorU ahall refard monarcliv only MjWnfiiicll aiiperatition. It b. JfJrri WW-laaniel Webber. oaeauW brirhlt fwntrwH of iwr eonntry "V. n7rcxl. . rcwaAl hm aa itaHlr nMrnta. . .. It wa pccu'.iJy gratifying to vWh the one lamjiltd, unanimity that charac terized the proceedingi on thlt occasion t ell the petty auimoahiet, enc;erdered by recent poiitictl erent, eemed to have been ewallowed up in one (;rand, over whelming bum of grateful attachment. Tito pomp exhibited might have been iurp;ifvcd but the Uilcnaitf of feelint;, twrllcd at it waa to i't trcittat nitrh. admitted of no UKmen!atinn. Above all, tbe'en JtXU,f e'tnss of tn ilWeriiViSfc unrcferved afrjbfJitjr, nl tho hiirhly tivtted eollo(joil powert of.lhe Ruett, imparted additional aett to the convivial board. -J....... A rBTicirawT. ' . . K " . . " J'P'"nf muruer - m"tneti .n the "",mor FPer' r- PPritnat a younR iv HhM f-'I'rVa bouac, aUontamile nnda I.alf fr0fB CUrlet4, Cecil county, Mrj land, on tht U'" "I, tccowrnnird by her fittjnjiatcv go to lier pnnlfather'i, bout a mile dirtant k on her tJrJHmmrt bjr "abljr ugly awin. as-tlie little girl after wards, expreaaed hmlP--aftertreplirt)r,rr ravnii uer,"the monster dragged' her 'ihto the woods, and murdered her. Tbe young lady was only 16 cr 17 years of age, of uncommon beauty and aecompluhmentti and, aa Mated by bcr-ea abv was under matrimonial . .,i,:,.: ,i ... . . tf T. ?TI5? wrawnj im nnp w rmieanni; emoieoi or plitrhud lore, wat taken from her finger by the ruffian murderer. The young lady was mining three or four days, before her dead bixly waa liMMHl i ber throat was cut, and her head nearly severed in the act i tur or five other deep cuts and stabs appeared on different parts of her body. A man who had been atjarork on the Cherapesk and Delaware canal, waa believed to heuthe perpetrator of the foul and bloodrleed t and T- ' r35inenf anif-iwiigjuuioii amont; the people of the neighborhood on the occasion, that Wee kimdrtd Mar wit raised in a ftw minutes, among the br-etandere, to offer a a reward fur the apprehension of the' bloody monster in human shape, who perpetrated the ruuileas anu appalling deed. . . - '"'Ic'awasi M"? -&Wrte sea-ion in tbe town of Waahington, during tbe first week of April. , Ber. S. K. Kollock, of the University, wat chosen moderator i and Itcvi L. I. Hatch preached the" IntroJutorr. crmon. 1 Fourteen Minister of the tWiipeT,Bejcs sever- al Elders, were present. A new Presbvterian igmatHRI 1llilledc"dicirteijo the aorsliip of AlmigTrf'GddT lVa. The ffikigV1? ;ftat a ?e"w tfayt ci- t. "" uyi'nww mm Jiw uiuy ; me mother and children are all likely to do well. The "poverty "of "tbe parenta"li said to lay a claim to the charitable feelingi of thoe who i n Ls .. . .. . . ..." are blessed with an abundance of the rood things of this -orld snd if these parent are ttlffered towant the comforta of life, we very Biucji mistake the character of the good people of JStaleigh, arid Ha vicinity. ' , ... . Mim. Jt. tst) o tr a rrr.hnr.n. (V.r raa.1" ataadya-Mle ;frF . . i k 1 - L j m !.! !.( era i; fcatpf " " ' Mr. tUn.Wh, a VUin-.a, id Mr. W Wr. of f)H, kHh IM.bn 4 tKfTf whWI, ikwufiit, at the l'. iU Hi flo rin Urw't Hni from Wtf to iua r tor of the KWle Amerk, (ahkk Wr tbe eCior of that naparatyi ry m 7 rtCd oa) g aatyctory erpWaaUoa ot U hola affair i , - - m It h.a lern talJ. thM clIlcfie M tent. Another tenlon tf Iht tor y, idmlti tht Uct of tht xhallenge, end iKflStt lo the htertentlon or mutttil fri.ta.,A f atoodlLiWn. . Another ..rUilon trill Hrifritti to Mr. Webtter tht reply, thit Mr. Ilandolph teharaclee at U k$.WVv 10 wW blra n i ha ttrltllera of t nun of honor. Tk- fta art. that challenrt apc ami to Mr. Webster or Mr. nindolnh, kr...k Mr. ronton, of tht Dcnatt. No further eommunkitloti tool plact, till In t thort time, tht cMJIengo twit drawn Thrrt vet no tttitrfcrrnct o th. fUndt of tbt pinlet, 1" k t Mr. Wcbtter wit concerned. There waa m mIHI for It. lit, whbovt doubt, retarded tho chatlcnrt at hatrr been nremwed br feellnit highly tith ed. tod further diaordered by ill health lie wat pertuaded, that on due reflection tbt rnctugt would be recaiico. in cent proved, that hie opinion wn cor rect one. Tht inir termtnttea nere Mr. NVebtter'e conduct wit mirked.by forbearance and delicacy, which woo for him, here, cMi'Sonal honor and eneem. ltd which called forth from Mr. Benton ftlMUr aiJ nquaiUa4 tf dmiration." . Tkt N, York Gaxettr, of Thondajr last, )- t the r fleet rf the newt from harope occaitonrd operation! in tn city, rw the preterlingdayrto ap extent heretofore unknown. The i peculation! in ottt look the; ltcl. and thootandt ofbalrt, in the cpurse of butinett hoUri,' changed: ' handa ' three llmrl Many. individnaU have made larg foritiner by thlmrttcle alonfiant! the coun'v haaljeen immensely benefitted by the adrance In Europe of thit great American ample. Athcna Journal. . Xow wa ara not very certain that "the coon try" hit been o vatlly benefitted by the. U fctcmli rise in tbe prke of cotton. Tit true. certain imLtidualt hart made great pectila- tioni but thoae who compose the must mate rial pat of " the country,1 tbe Farmm, had modly it'poard uf their crept before the riae i2?k rb?lJ,Jl.JHJaUCeiUBaKlb.k pay fur eoiTee. i(far and Other articlea of Ln U nreeritt , tbe J'h prices incident to the high price of cotton.' Cotton iadowa aain, to, or bebw, cents, , . . . aa. eaa. We percen-e by an adverfisement "bt the " Clieraw tnteirigencer," that that etabfihment is for ralethe Editor's other duties demandine too much of his time, to admit of bit dcrotinr a lue altcnt;on to the paper. He la not a p'rin ter i a1"!, no doubt, l dinppointrd in finding l-cjnTrtitenrhdTmluat ry neceaary for tbe auccrfu! management of a Newspaper much greater 4kan ha-had any sonaeption of, before entering intn the buainesa. Mr. Conorer ha dolihtlcW I foiind lhat "VerjuKn.aJUiiiat mucn irw tiaveh, more easy, and more pro fitable, than retailing pttitici f taaw tbb aoT.iTrif aiTTlw. Kxtnrt from a Ucview of rrofeisor Everett's Oftioriav--5'-'T"rZr". To a clttzen of the United Staitt ii it in the highest degree amuting,to observe the spctijationt intA which our brethren, on the other side of the water, allow themselves tn be drawn, when they touch nn the politics of America. Sixteen veart only- have putted awiy, ithci the EcinburK Reviewers, prolesiinr a kindly interest in oorafTaira,- lamented, in termt truly bewailing, the anlfdjestrajinK ten dencf what tbeaKt'pied-tJxoAi aider our ill contrived and disjointed poll tical fabric, and ventured most logubti out predictions of -its premimre tfssotu tion. 1'hey were constrained to call it n ' absurdity and, hernonninj; its inher ent aptness lor tllsmembejiment and ruin, they f in ' a ' very solemn "msnher, advised the Ameriran reformers, to rhlnk nf gradually dissolving their state govern ments, tend, really incorporating them selvc "Into one people, and one name.' La time of peace they thought it mliht be tf keert the Mverntnent :.iod;eth er, but war they aasurcd us 1 would give a trcmendgutMiQCk"-; prKe rame of tho constitution' would be- In danger of falling to pieces.' A pitiable prospect truly 1 -And-how hare these ominpus predictions been verified ? , We bivilgonfr day? ve ttates'have been taken inttrthtr Union, our numbers have increased with rapidity unexampled, and the most sanguine-patriot of he revottttion, ir the briRhtest. visions of Ijit country a rising glory, could never have anticipated a iuc- cett .so decided, or a prosperity to un checked, as ihit whoe nation bat enjoyed up to the present moment. We have had a war, under circumttancet of high party excitement and peculiar disadyan- ... M a i . a kie trt tallara i;nrrmrni mod In the eligMrt c'g'at. So Ut ftont ahakina: kt frm of lle C6at!(a. tlm, lUt war tonmUutrfl, mort th.n in hl ele hat done, flt ttifM;ii, and conaotMaie lit pm tht poWU mUj at l.roueh ! t " f ommofl e i a ntilonal fueling wit killed, md M PHtUtlilea were - allowed op In tt. irtitcr intrreatiot me noi. iitenr dcnnf t?ent thttrfully Urh end, In tMt, tbt entire Watery i,f irovemment of tht United niairi kit proved ike tppreheniloni of In Itt W formed Mere abroad, and tht ei,y peopkaUaf Uteoewjlet, to he't bcrff lally wHhout iunoauoo. - ta tsi vtmif Ciaaufuf," JlrifJitsrt.MfJtmttU thuiLr have related mort pirjlcularly to er Hcprescntiilvti la the Natiooal L. jislaturt f and now t wdb. lodnw tht attention of tht pcorde twtrdi our membera of iht Ccocral Aticmlljr U North Carolina. It wKl Oct be trceu tary to coniume much tlrfit with tlilt branch of my iubjtcf, alht Impro priety of electing tht moat atupid tad ignorant persona to legltlatl for it it too mmifcit not to U obscrred by tht raoit lupcrficlal. ' lo aelectlrtr men to represent oa the General AwmUy, it ie.our.llirty to Soquitt into their Qulificar4oni, and aicertiia Vtcir views ond opinlona upon all iro portatrt tneaaurea' calculated to eult tht character of the atate, and wbiA tend to the hitio j benefit of its eld zent - From the it premitrt the con clusion ia plain and euITy undenitood. ybe .perQr, to be selected hoiU. b well acquainted with all tht ttatc aif-faim-They should b advWatetTof f nternsl Improve meoti,,and not, op.. posed to tht Supreme Court, or any other Important institvrtio'ocalculatcct to benefit our citizens aad be hon orable to the mate, These thinn cie- not be two strongly Impressed upon the m'tnda of our citizen', aa they ait of the utmost importance " to eve. ry community, and therefore ihonM claim the paramount.coniideratloo cf treTrtfgiiirrrrKniTji i .L. ...... .f v. t.- - fiuiautu vj tiiv Mi vi ,(W SO,C, in relation to Internal Improvement. . and. the benefit ' which have ariien ' therefrom should be all-sttfiiclcnt to stimulate us to similaTexenions. It ia true, that this great work !s commenced in North-Carolina i but ie hat met with much opposition, 'and it isTabccafedThat it will cooTTnue to be opposed, unless wt send to the' Le . gislature-rnen of Jplargtcl itpd liberal views t such, Inean, wh'will hot fear to have their rotea recorded in fa vor of wise and liberal meatures. It may be affirmed, that hitherto many of nurrnraberafih " illlr"!''1 their votet in oppo. ... aitiwn tcf ihe? best rnretestf of the srarr merely for the purpose, of insuring their ir-elect1od."This1miserabie, nig gardly policy, cannot be too aevcrely censured byrevery NorthCaroliniiin, , who looks with anxiety to the future glory of the state, " . " -- N ... xlt haa beaaid.-thA.j('mHtt.cT!Uhe eDiuatIfy:3he:jme it may, it may be laid, down as a cor- rect maxim, that in all things of pub ic concernment, ; private interest and malice . should be - laid - aside rnTh.- Uiingt, I am aorry- to-iayj'bave of ten u- had considerable influenceJn-OUtilcCa - tiona and when . I reflect on some ot the transactions I would willingly, " bU.aolriolCfifJhezkitm and 'therbflitetcHheWTroiH mjr; r me mory... Knowing, .at.?.wotJkdOtf r evti of private malice, particularly when It has influence "In ;"our "election?, it ahould be Smothered on auch occa- aiont then w wouiu snow our pairi- ptjjBDuVroagoatitmitt, pretence but art reality; A voTM. 1 JprU20,lB2X v ... t Dv a letter frevm Colombia, informa- tiou haa been received that Mr, Ander- ton, our Minister to the Republic,, is. in consequence of the lamented tleatti of hia excellent ladv,s about to return? immediately to the United iStaf.es. lajfi, tut rn lu&c " ' tbJ k U Ion Ibtt K to lav! n tht k Th con fur. aK hi. cr tke i ten en dor par list Pa' J rh; of tf. lu tic I Pe Hni bat Ian C iki kr of th. wi vn frt Bi ce hi g br a th wi IS tb I' ei pi:

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