tnr tost Y hive seen Utter from New. York, vMch states thit such srs the tinbrriC(!flrt(l demini fr houses, en lh lit Inmot, la thatch, eesr JOQ fimiliei assembled h the i4fk, hv Jog do home la which the couhl dc their furniture, and shelter themieltet. The Utter further states that I the ctenloc, the prison don trert thrown open for the reception of the houseless, and msnjr availed lhem selves cf the privilege of night's Vde fherc Some of the most re ipccutle InJutitaota seers tied U get eossestios of houses which wert .so unfinished ss not even to'hsvs the sathes fitted or chimney pieces tied. ttU ats.a black ,fdlowfrm 'KsVYsesi htt vA s eicellcnt plan for fillinir sis iikUi si lbs ssme time relieving lbs ansiely of thoss colored people is this citf whose friends hsd smlgrsred to Hijrtl. Havlne; ascertain 4 lbs Dimes tf those wbo dm) emigra ted, end tbows of Ibe friends they u4 left behind, he hid s Dumber of Inters writ ten, snd duly .lifted, folded, sesled and directed. The poor blacks seized on tftftn with avidity, snd cheerfully paid the sum of 37) cents, Lien was dcrrund cd for potgf. It was a gdnfel trade, for four letters could be distributed a day, td tbess produvert one dollar and fill y cents, or fifty cents more than the fellow could bife esrncd by cerrying the bod, sr bjr working oo the whsrves. thiladelfihit Gazrttr. Drttdjul Ml Sitrm, A seettos of this county oa ths NX side of Litils River, In eitent about half a mile wide, end or 10 miles id length, was visited by ibe moat alarming hail and rain storm ever ciperieoced In Ibis counts. Much injury bas been dons to tbs crop of wheat, (wbicb was eared osl In bloom,) coin and cotton the Stock morb bruised, and the poul'ty silled beaidrs much other dam age In broken windows, ate. One of nor informal 'a saya, tbs kali where it drifted along the fences, was nearly half leg deep, and that wooae ol s' ne were literally ss largs i eommoi use man's fit. MJambeU, Cili (X. L) Slr,2l'K. inim , , -., . ,. mmmim - ... At a fate court of Over ed Terniner, held at Buffalo, N. Y. thtt broth', nam cd Thayer, were convicted of the murder sf Jobn Love, and were all ordered fur execution aon ibe 1 7c It June. Since "be trial they have made a full coniession of their guilt. The father of the Thayera was also arretted, and though no proof appeared that he Dad participated in the atrocious deed, he it still detained in pris on as an accessary after the murder. Love and the Thayer, had been , long; in timate. Recent aceounta from Fort Atkinaon, Council BlufTi, s(a'.e that an expedition waa fitting out there to ascend the Mia souri, comiiting of 500 men, four com panies of ths first regimer.t and six of the sixth regiment United States In fin try, undei the command of Gen. Atkin son, provided with six months rations It 'was 10 start about the Ht of May, and to proceed as lar t the Falls, near 2000 mile above-the Fort r where it was proposed to make treaties with the differ ent tubes of Indians. A public, dinner was given toCommo dote Riit0!,at Philadelphia, on the 17th intt. on th'tf occasion uf his departure to take command of the Norfolk station. ...Sucla.IusJbtcen. the-.demand- for .Gpuoiv ced In. the neighborhood of Cheraw, S C frr the porjrose ef plinrirrg-an increased quantity, that it la selling at five dollars per bushel- " . A man lately died at Salisbury, Eng knd, who ttesih occasioned by caucer on his tongue, enured by playing 00 a brass jewaharp, ...... , The wife of the F.x-Emperor Iturbide snd family, of Mexico, are dally expected at the citV of New York, where they pur pose cstabfchiitg their permanent resi dence." An accidental discovery has lately been mader of the properties of the cotDl-nul In Cumana, ajd communkated by-s 4ady-te the Koyal Patriotic Society 0 Cuba. A marble mortar bad. bVen by accident left in a tub of cocoahut juke, which had been extracted from the fruit, and was found as soft as 'wriia'a its shape Changed. Oh 6eTnjr exposed to the str, it was restored eoitr orlglnsl-ststersndj regained us original hardness.. An ex penmen! wss then msde sn s piece of "'llhkirhad 'been:' dufiRUCed "with rtntlfie drrwas left'ih cocoaiiut juice Tof ten days, and taken out perfectly cleansed." - -: v - m - - .z J ' raoN 'Ts kw aavtv acaiaTsi. Afr. Burhtr i Please send me, until fur ther .orders, six papers 'weekly, so shat.I may be able to serve Bpfmj'Me nghbwfilfa'"a1f eKce.'and have one naner Or mvselfakd famile.- - Ajpfen&t Ihe printer Of the 51:h sf Afirll, a ortpt f stt armed ilusens Set mil from Mount ater lln j, (Unlucky, and proceeded ts the (imp sf a dcm of counierfritirs, eVwl JO rrVilcs from that plae e, h a miuniaU' ouspsit of ike country. Tbese wretches bad s small paper mill ts gs by wsier, snd bad made erU rVT dollars, princi pally on lbs banks of Tenaeisae, txjutV Carollni,' )J H w Orleans, Tosf the party were lakes, snd tUes made their cKsps lbs to ringleaders biordtVaot and Allen, slto made tbeir stop', but It Is expected tbey will ts taken. Tbs mney is so well executed as lo U can ildcred (toulos. . A work bss recently teas psUisbsd In rraAcesfpetlag-ths. eoernetlos sf a company sf swimming soldiers lo every retlmewti and sVsertbinw wwndry very Ins partaol. duties' sftrhkh ihij wMi U cipaWe Cumber Green, a colored woman, sged 107 years. In good health snd of sound intellect, wssbiptiud a few d.ys eince in (ha Catholic Church, York, Pcna. Ths Palladium of Triday last ststes a Ixonardi da Vinci, the celebrated pain ier, had violin made of liver' to hirh might have been added, the late Uxte)r I'Urg, of Uosloit, bad s vlolia made of truthrr, Ptma'kaklt Vi7. .The Daltlmsre Momi.irf I hiooicle mentn that the wife of Mr. Uvia, who reUli sear that flty. hat had, by two huanda, ttr iyrumt children ill Mfy yreri her youngeat i bat 7 tniia old. brh breeders ss Mra. Uavi a rare In any . I t A A country. irwiann iinnui pruuuvo ner eqial. The lua it road f'oin llrrtown lo UoonV, v'f hj a lib nf c t'l leu luilra, cotnectin wil the reat nationjl rod lo the Wi it. Iu been done accorll'i; to decideuU ti.e r-d in lb. UoHerf .ies-j; .rot .aiui ftoa.w iur ie whole ii '(! c, and ii ia said already ni vides 'd'ce or four per cent 10 tle pro f..--.. -- Major Andrews, of Ihs War-Depart nieiti, a rived in town on I uedy morn iiig. on his wjy to Grorgia. Ii is suppos ed, from the high stanoing of Maj- An drews afWiikhinR'uii, end his connection with the War L)i parlnient, that be has been deputed to visit the Indian territory, to asititin the causes and extent of ihe late disturbances there, lie was detained here during 1 uesday, as ths atages for Georgia lesve here but thrice a week, os Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Fvyftttvilit Obirmrr. - - awawa At s meeting of the Ohio Canal Board of Commissioner?, it wn resolved that th ceremony of bmling ground, be fixed for the 4th of July next, and that the Pres ident of the Board be instructed to invite by letter, His Exccllcnet De Witt Clin ton to be present snd deliver sn address on ihe occasion. Jtfirrfru-, In David on count v, on the 5th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Potts, Mr. 1 bortu llalL of thit county. to Miss Angelina' TJlemrrxina of Davidaon. " T la 4UU coujiiy. on. the lith.ulL by. John Clement, rq. Mr. Richard William, to Miss Nancy gmnot. fjitely, at Halifax, England, Mr. D. Farm, of Klland aged, V3, who had been a disconsolate widow er trven taaaia. to Mis, Macbei. of Pulley, sbloomiiigwidow of 25, aArra tedious court tliip of one hour and fifty-nina oiiinutea fV . ... 33UV... In Guilford county, on the 4th ipttant, Mrs. HatM CaldweU, contort gf the Her. David Cald well, deceased, aged eighty-rix years. Ia - Waslungtoa-Citjr, on. Tuesday, the 31st Ult LUai Bomltntf CaUwrlL, Eaq. Clerk of the bunreme twin ot the 1,'nitec states, and a practitioner of law. He was one of the earliest residents of the city of Washington 1 be wai originally from New York. 3Jr Stiturtag's fUafl. A treaty of peace, amity, navigation and com. tnerce; between the t'nited States of America, and the Republic of Colombia, is published in the Nat. Intel, of the, 10th inst. : it occupies nearly the barf of the Intelligencer of the above date t but, as publishers of the Laws of the Uai fed States, we must publish it entire, as won as we can make space. - J IhcUCenerslJUsemblyj)tthePresbyterianl Church in the U. 8. roue at Philadelphia, on the ttli inst after a session of 13 days. This body consisted of about 150 members, from every section of the U. States. Among the many res olution, passed, was one aporovinsr of the ob jects of the African Colonization Society, and recommeniUiur to tbe c&unsurouirhout tne Union to take up contributions on the 4th of juiy, or on me sauDaio unmeaweiy preceuing, w.-ri ':' 1 tit .-t .I? - 1 - 1-1 tbrthe benefit of the society. The General Assembly also resolved to e- Ubliah another Tbcolorical deminarv, to be lo ckted ia tha West 1 tbey appointed, a committee, of w-lucb Geit: Jackson w i roeniibenito: report on the most suitable site. .1 aff fses The Cane Fear Navis-ation Comnanv held a meeting in Fayetteyillo oiUhe 5th int. ; at which a dividend of 4 per cent, on the-capital stock-. was declared; twice that amount might have beej decla erlt tbeserve a portion to meet contingent ex penses. Ja. Mebsne was elected President of the company, in place of Robert Strange, re signed. -V,. TitvTt errztrzet. TVs titfM tA rfWii!-i. u uif cttlt r'ct I t) rtlm.l UlM al JU, (4 ikfiut of km r."U m lt W ,t cMn, (as a f'ml ts tkal tf) fra Urn a mi m 8.if.l, tha 4 b Urf. w9g IM aw; drk sa ike aMkaUa, sa tle Maawg tW tvrr lbs lather sf Iks tnoel dUrttUbed Putlk Improeemeots Ths grsutaJe sf ao r nation shsuid be bis tnsrii4 ressrd. (Three cheers, Standing) (To tbls compliment lbs Csvemor mads an appeoprUts reply, e&4 gsvs a ssauusent in return J WW frm-TU SmIU betwstn MJa. UlpU 4 Si Tk erf baiWf W is IrammiUtd hdi s efaysos si J s'(k k lie tnorjilni; sad ssothtr la ths erenipgew7t ss Bwsdays, sbes H k ts gs bst sc a say, hmof"(K. Tkjs W. the M Uataoee Is tie V. Italaa, f ihaT mi-It' being traaaciitted es tbc aoM route tateawr tkas omcs S day. VtSws'M it$rm t The late atont, aeewa in have baea) aaoat awfully deatnKtive la mm aac. Iua of I Ha IVxm. Tha ! of IWrtapan, in (Ho, wm Cterally wrpt froaa lh, grnd, an4 toUtly daatfwyed Owl w bat art a anrvc. brat, la, that only three prrvmt were kifrd. Alm4 evwry aaimal la the iottHrj aaoV(ry. ed i wn many farna two awl tbrae btind4 i acee, not S etaJtdinf tree wm left they were all proatraied with the ground. Faticwkuw to oor eeit. The Philadelphia Freeman's Journal siyv, that during the storm on Saturde night, the 4th Juur, int. ibe ground 4n . l(m tonrtd suw ! ! ' Might it not have been bail t At the lte CMnmeneeiwetit sf our taireraity, the ftrgrrr v( Uuclur u( Lava waa entwm-d on Ihe IImi. Natbanicl Macon, en of Uai bcaatora in Cngraa frwaa thia eUtw. Sir. Noah, Alitor of the New-Yort National A'lxx-ate, hiii.ittf a Jew, haa Marebil Grand Vt vStlt'lJ . rtate of hew.iork i where be tnteata inviting K,.i,,MkN,rMLiraD.uiclr Hi brethren frwas Europe, 1 (urmaif a cotuwy of litem on Grand liajd. Thit Nrp ha, no douSt en taken by Mr. Noah a a tind of et oir :if 0 e gtat snorts ma4e ov a aocty in New. York to ,Arjiij'ho Jewa,by cokaiiaing them in 'liia toon' s An auxiliary w'rty to the ab c. wi it wiil he recoHrcud. rmcd it tli Uce, i ') years alius 1 at. J Mia'iptMMti taken up ami kr.d4 ea to Sew-otk. The Murkrtt Our Fyerevil' and Charleston mailt failed to r 1 e lost week ; we are consequent! v t4'iged 10 omit tbe prices current st those places. An arrival at New Orleans from Al- veredo, brings Information met e bo-1 v of I Mexican .troops,, atsttoned sf ins Island I nf Satraflcios, mutinied on the 30th of April, and put all their dicers lo death. The Mexican General, in the neighbor hood vi Vera Cruz, lost no lime in marching against the mutineers, who hsd boisted lbs Spanish flag ; they were compelled to surrender 20 of the ring leaders were executed the first day, and other executions had followed. Iook IWndmg Wuslntas. rillK aubacriber bep lesve to inform his JL friends, and the public in general, that he hu com-iienced the Bk Binding Bmmnni in Kalem, North Caeuliast- where snay be bad, on the shortest notice, all kinds of sserclianta ac count Books, and Blaak-Work of every detcrip lion, and old books rebound. . . DAVID CLEVF.L. Sdtem, June 10 A, 1 W J. . Icnt75 Tot Sole MY House snd Lot in the town of Statewille, on the nortn-east corw, n-nt the Court Houae, with bearinr trees of diflerent kinds. spple, pear, and plumb : It lathe bt lot in town. Likewise, I offer for sale several other Lots, in diflerent parts of tbe town, witk two good orchards of apple, pear and peach trees. Likewise, one thousand acres of Land, in differ ent parts of the county. I will di'pose of the same on the meet accom modating terms to the purchaser, as I am deter mined to move out of town. GEORGE RbCI.NS.0V. Jwae 13,1825. , 5t6J-... SVraxeA ot Stolen, afaN the 5th inst. from the subscriber in Salis- j bury, a chesntit colored Hortt, tolerably lanre, 7 or 8 years okL blind of one eye, all of his teet white, and is branded on tre left shoul der with an S, and something else not recollec ted. Any person who will return said horse to the suhecriber in Salisbury, or give information where, lie can tie foUndTihallbe weB reclimpciP" sed for bis trouble and expenses. STEPHEN COWAN. Salitbury, May 20, 1825.. '63 State of North-Carolina, fXQVKXM Jim and Quarter Jcaipos,tA.priJ J session, 1825. Henry Dcla.noth 11. Ann C. Smith, Willis Nail, Jane, P. Nad, and Caroline F- Wall 1 wrigioaJ attachment, levied n lands. It appearing that the defemUaU aie lohabitanti of anotbeiJate QrdmdJMk.M madlriheJVeaum.Cr Salisbury, for three months, that unless the de fendants appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Montgomery, at the. court-house in Iswrence vdle, on the brat Monday in July next, replevy and plead to issue, judgment will be entered against tfrewfore'Wtfflntof 'tbe-flslTititt'l demand, and the property levied oh will be condemned and sold to his recovery. Test t JOHN B. llAnl lN, c. c c. Printer's fee, g4, - 3it6a AU In ont ilata flit') La iliawa U tKa Hrorri.ii.rr.fV n t! 1, . r fMtti If Utun paiaat andar Um m) a! ue tiHif4 Cotirji i oi iter, fiu.m-, Am Ml.). 5 CT fmrtJ Mk T drtAf kairf saivamlly & m trtlrlly atrna4 ky U pultw-, a rihret by ISe enptrtlrltl Ua m the iaie Stae ttrry, the Uuiwi.r im pf(4 by ik (Uriaaaa aJ Cati have agaia Sdoptird the tka in ike fufloar Sg etWa, Wk we bae Ibe plraaare m lo pret,4i eaaeaitave urraaeae iMtirjUnde eVo. &. , lligleit Priw 40,000 tlolbri, Srffrtrt.&hrinr. ..lirus.)f E40,cwals EiOAW. 1 prtw of -10,000 li-iow- . J pi Its of 10 prUeS of ' " JO prises sf t. 10 ptlxes sf' 300 pritrs of 3)0 pritta of 300 prlies of 10JOOQ prises of JIUtI prises IrOOOil tOfiOO - " luols m t..M is 30 It I.SOO 4fiU0 3.JO0 3 XX) B0.000 10 U 6 is Sis Rlft'J.O'') SOXJ I nk.. Jr, rriM HUaka. (JT fen C.VA ri . U.w.r-,.,A ( a J:u,,f imtfrtm. tt7"K Of DM1VING. The !uebr will bWput into une ahrl aa uul snd In the other fl'Ctl will be (Mil ibe pnta aSnth At WMii Siun of I our JulUr and the draaing to pri;itu m Ot uaual n ajincr. 1 b 0,0iAl pr,. sr, 1 fti will Im- sasrtUd to t laid or een N.r of tlw ttii-ry (a, lb ratr may be) lr4iat on tbe drin( of tbe capital pri of tfip lmfunl ..Vur that 11 loaay, if ihe VJOO d'ilUr pnae sImmiM coma oit In OU awmber, tkea n-rp ItJ-l .WmUr in il StKrme wdlbeea'.ittedloaftlbrUc. If the (W lar prtve ahould come mti Im an Fvn aurebcr. then all tbe f.rm in tkt StUm iD be each enti'lrd to a prua of Four dollar. Ij 'fOdJ .S ttmUrt art ii ttukng msA 1, 3, 5, 7.arV. CTves ,yart flrf Maw fining woi 2. 4. 6. 0, ar U. Ilui mode of dnalng not only enables Ibe Coaimi-aioneri to cofnplete the whole Lottery in ON r. OK A WING, but haa the great adan tage of be4riiMtUg Ihe wwall prixe regMlsaly to rrenr mUrmaU m.,arr in thi HKrme, an that Ike hoklerof Ikc e two artara of tick ets (one odd and one eirn nunibrr) will be cer tain of obtaining at leaM one prise, and in the same ratio for anv greater rjnantity. C7A Ikkct drssing a auplriur prlic ia Oil ark, IS NOT H K I RICTF.D from drawuig an itilrrior one ahoi (many lirLet tbrrefcre 1 a ill h'rcaarUv oOtain I n'l TKIZF.S KALII ) CTIHK I'M AM NCi wiUtake place ia Ihe City i-f na'tiitiore on Winelay, ibe 27th JULY, an J wtll miK an the lame itij. The Brilliance of this rcheme is ALTO. CFTIItk LNrKKCF.DtNrFD. Adventurer Will remark be low rt of ticke'erthe very triflma; tnik incured, ( thert net brmf ene Monk la a fnxf J and that ll caj ilt pne of Flt I V TIMU SAM) DOl.t.Aft, ia of s n.Sgnitilde hitherto unpmedented fur ao Mnall a auaa aawea led abova all, however, is the CERTAIN I'Y OF OltrAIMNO AT I. LAST ONE- I'KIZE I . il I f . .-a. or me pnrctiaae iwo tic act, or two thxrrf (one old and one even number) and in the aamc ratio of certainty in tbe purchase of a rrtater number of ticket, or aharea. Hhcle Txiet; gi.00 I Q-mrtrtt, g.?5 lluli: '1 id I .AH. ft 1 To be had. in the rreatoei variety of Not. ft hid and Even, at ... - " k PnilPVa IxllrryanJ Exc',anf.Ofir, 114 Market-ttrrei, IiALIIUOHK. Where in the late Hint Lotteries, were sold tbe Great Capilala of MtfX) doUars I0.OU0 IlUUAWaw gafcaV Um jliiaJU "-- a 1 IS lll doKara, beside, no lew than twelve eapiula of J.000 dolLirs, kc. and wAere aware npital trite kaxt been Uluined than at any aW Ofiie in (0"Ordrs from any part of the United States or Territories encloainr Ibe taah or nriitain' sny of the lotteries, (poat paid) w ill meet our accustomed prompt sUemiou. . Iddrtueit l J. I. COHEN, JtBalti BbHmtrt, June 2d, l2S: ' 2t64 SoU Yadkin liridge. FflilE undersifrned, commissioners appointed A by tbe County Court to inspect, and reject ar accept, the new Ilridge across the South Yad-' kin, having yesterday visited the Oridge, feci . ' r 1 .1 if .1 ... '11 gratified in announcing to the public that it will be completed bv the 2nd day of Julv. On that day, the Commissioners will again! meet tor tne purpose ot receiving tne Bridge from Mr. lmtt, the contractor! when, it i hoped, that as many of the eitisers of the coon ty as can sware timc from Uieir accuaiowed vo-i cations, will ssnemble there to ree whether their monev hasbeen scjuamleredin erecting another' J"eph Sater: judicial attachment, levied on uaeleis skeleton of a Ilridge, or judiciously ex-1 ,fltl &c- spp aring to the satinficrlon of tbe pended on a fabric that will adorn-the county, J c"lrt, that the defendant in tlii ca-e is not with fsciritste the immense intercourse between the 'he Hmita of this state, it ilierefore ordered, fertile section of country above, and that below that publication be made for three months, sue. the riven and tong Stand a monument of tlielces-ively, in the Y ertcrn Carr hiiisn, giving no. . nublic anirit that caused its erection, and of the 1 fatrhtulntaairTdLliror built it. Allen C. Harbin, John MTTlelland, David M'Guii-e, John Linn, - - - Vve9,l2 W- John Bcsrd, jun. Kobt. Macnamara, John Scott, Uan'l. Heifer, Comnaananerav Statcrth-CanrlmaT5' cabakhvs couxrr. ftOURT of I'leaa and Quarter Sesaiona, April y-Tetm.- lr AtexsnUer FrHnsael te. Mar. M Jltggs x Iwi&.iSr. ht,ht,'fcyie4,ri land. tt apearinp ta the xourt, thai the ddendant i' not an inhabitant ot this state, it is tfrtiirrtd, therefore, that puhlicaliou be made in the We tern Carolinian three months, giving notire to said defendant to appear uf our next court of Pleas and Quarter sessions, to be held for the county of CaburrTi v a.t the Coiirt-Roufe in Con C6rTIie3d"Wo7rday iifJiiry'hCXt," tJTVpl vy, plead or . demur, otherwise judgment, will be entered against him, snd execution awarded accordingly. D A VL, COLEMAN, e c. c. .Printer's fee, g4. .. , smtos To liomTf r it mvr conff rn. VI I. are tmnl Irving f S ayxe thtivl tt,Hr Ly 14 11 S ,rr"! I..' MS r UVe .. Svniy oV'W J W.t n.a jensaf rfilnr U stfil fcy fiur ( Uoiswitw. ltd p-rjkfilsf a La nwl ev daf atav d'tr, at I aW J.tipmWM 4 ff nU nW, e ay f t'l itwfnf, H katrng k HaWl from Ke iraJjt'ittf, end witWwil rJ. we rttr.vf4 r,iMe UAP". ,Jm rWyt r VA. a.,1, jS I Fut Haef r Itimae anl !a lt tie lowS ill. SaUViry, .ote Mr. Wm. II, a frcily MiJtUWlKnit. a-l foi wWr i lb biKiae U two t-rt kwH, whs fmi Sre (Me lo ta Wwer mf, t iw m the sf pr i t'tw kowaw la Urge aAd cmvemewt, wl'h a kr!rhen ttrxiltbrtr. tnrhrmr, ami afaMe, wkb SS WtUut Jtr!8 w4Vt l gwM pair. I will dnyriae U 114 aano M the - niui ajiiaie U,w tw tls fh,m Iwi ute rWt J to rcOMrtS to Ue Cowntry aU ItZ. Alao, a amaV " . r r - Htork of TJOODR . . Oe ha.!, ebick I aiw detemined IS aB fjr rmti, at rtiwrl pr era 1 ike eka'a ronwat of wum JTra f7J ; alo, Mr llla, fltina, lrf.eaw. tm(tn fowJrf al Wine by the fIVx, i ami a n,imKrr nf other arrlr, nnl twmrr to to nunwrJcJ. t.COUCK HMi.r.R. t.Aa, ,fWM, 192J. SJ N. II I alo wirat atl pmnfM h bae any drtnamla againM mc, ! call iik rrraive ihrtr 1 11 ' 'f ? y D aeeejusl i1" will An ma a faor by ealltng ana 't tlinae wIm, nee me. by bunk aceouflt rtthiig lb, ir arfourttt. tt. St. CtmcA .MaWv Uuisntni. fllir euWribrrs bf Irate loihfoira the eiu I f rns nf Salil,urv, and Ihe pillc st larre. that tly have rooiwirnced the above biilia in tbe town of Kli-hg-y, on Main strtrt, im st houac north-, St of Ihe iail 1 where tbey Sill bn preperrd lo eseetitf airy Job in their fine of bwai. new, on the abnrtest notawe and m4 rratwoblai teron. Ibey have on band, and will keep, Fan ntland 8tirk (sijft, Kulkeji. jc. of aa neat qiahty aa any ever a1e in the place. Any kind of Carriage can be bad by appl) ing Sn the eubactiben: and they hope by atrwrt alien i too to business, to receive a aluuc of pubbs palmntge. Repairs of sny kind wilt be done In a Seat and banleme etyle. Orders from ditUnco will be thankfully received, and faithfully eic. CulcJ, by Ibe public's hurnble tertants, WEST k BROWN. SaUAury, Junt 9fA, 1535.. . 62 . Ten UoWftrft Uewnrd, "1 iriU he giveo liw tbe rHons 1 r. to my plantation, 15 miles . it, from Rali'Miry, on Ihe rued to Hrs- ja, J.tie s fori, 04 two tny Ihrmn the one a white mare, una rd of nPrrn hands high, long mane and tail, heavy with frnit, about eleven yesn oUl, a lofty carriage when rode s the other s Mark griding, w ith a gtaat eye, abimt fiAees hands hiyh, sis rear old, drooM-d nimp. Moth horses will work, and are both niarkrd iih tho gerr. I lie above reward wul be givin. wilbaut my being accountable fur ntker espenaea. JAMEH MAKT1S. HfirU.1825. 3tf4 TJnow the twbacribf r on the 4th of December last, 'an apprentice bov bound to me bv hit ' f,,hr ,0 tn he T '"r,, lrJr f"M,t ' w 20 vr,r hT ,,,e nm franklin Alex- wirrj oe nui ataui waiur, ioihi ui piavinc" hiiscl-cap, drinking drams and idler ( making peny traaet raner man attenu to his bUMneaai ,h-'' ' ,0 ""''O Ax Alexander, " the father of a . : . r t.i , . r 1 ikki apprrniicr, o, 111a ciopcmrnf, ai. i.d the pub. (be alto, and otter a reward ol two dollara, and I all reaonablc eipenv, if lodged in the jail of 'Concord, i that I may get him arsii at Ihe aame time I fiirewarn all person from hsrboring him, giving him meat or dnnk, or employ ing bim eithrr at his trade - H. S, m ai.naaakt ..h a. In Ti'al ' 'm. i-.f I ,i f. ..' T" a ' ar the law.. . CEOKGE KM'Tr?. J ! CeniW. June 2. 1M5. 2t63 . . TJSROM the aubacriber, on the 24th ult. two . spprrntice boys, bv the name of Nathan Wade, ami Charles Earnhardt j the former was between T3 and 19 years of age rand thelsner about 0 years : they w ere both It-anting the batting abwainenafanq sway probably atlcwit to-, get work. All persons nre forliieidt-n to tnist either of them ou my account, as I will not pay any debla of their-contracting. About $40 worth of gold w a iniwiing fhmi the aubneriber'a ; house afterthe abovf lada leftranil sTiouM rbcy attempt to trade it, the peroni to whom they give it, will please give information. v " w . ... . .. . JOHN AREA. June 6, 1R25. 3t64r State if North-Carolina, i 1 PL7HT .of Piea and Quarter sewioi 5fay sevwn, A. D. 1S.! Nathsn Cliallm sw. tice to the deff-ndant to aiiprsr at tliv cmirt. August next, and plead or detmirto said attach. mrnt, otherwim: judgment will he rendered against him for aaid plaintiff's demand. Wit. nr,a Jnaeph Williams, clerk of said court, at ofTicej the second Monday of May, A.'T). 1835, -3m.iri - JO. W1LUAM ev 8tatCT)f NorrlprelrnaT COCTIT of Fleas and Quarter Sessions. May 4erm, 1 835. West ley IfeyfinUs and Cor. ' Wnbt. : Weitniorebwid t. ?. rwieinal- attachment. In. . -ttLpnJand.anffKatniniel-lows summoned at ; - . ... . . . . - -. V . . - garnishee in this cae. It appearing la the sat. (faction of the court, that Robert Westmoreland, the defendant, has absconded, and ia not in this ' state, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for three months 111 the Western Caroli nian, that unless the defendant appear at ths nexrc'fitirt teUe -hetd' tt ifie 'CoYrttettW inr SUtesville, on the 3d Monday in Augtnt next snd plead or demur, or the Llaintifl w ill have judgment chteu-d according to his demand. .n ' urni' tiit'i,t3 fit. . . Iff Sa.

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