on ll t; t, t - tt r,f Mi rf ! j Cf.r i:vr. tl t .I t fifty i i i j ... r 13. , r,,m m itl If t . It" r i li Cu.lt 1 l.rmiitrr t f If J I rt U r. Vt t ... . t-- 4 .) 1' yVa U M't" U'. It, a r4 iU li U W JJlf ' t rfaVaiV. i v if . aa' , yr mA uf ' rV ft iWp I Aa4 la-a 4 M aw. - a a t a A , Aad a, lUf-. b)lf fT,tVJL. , lately (Jr. r tfcW YrfMtlMW. arf v4U IM aa !). U juUt p dW, Tba fobaj fci ibaveWj , Far tmUUm of tba it-flaw a. . A4W4 Mk lawm tbat " Ma I Va. kigH aaa4irt J a aerity. "WHl"f tvtfc i , Tare 0 UiIimmm 'B 1' U ft9 U'l Starr kfl bart MC. COMMUNICATION.). ra Tit wawnaa Maeujua ,. Thai part of the Cor. croofV Mag vbicb rutri tne t ni..laiioot frm the Sn of Ohio. propoing ibt ifdoal cmnt!pitiot f culi ei to txtiw ottfiTIfo3 nixfat ViU )a pcrmU me tobytcfore rour rtwicr irif otk i h J lodd co I I wk tht, oot xy if I im wtloj In reipm lo Mi ExtfllfDcy, cr lo Weh tod import ini documr ot ; nor dj I K iotrude your rci dert by igitlog ibe giml qtmikm 00 Emtocipitioo, Colonization, &ct 1 only wih Ut ioiiit tbtt the Krlo. tiom of Ohio meni t more rtiprciiui t,n mjt i! ii tuy firtiiltinty, httwrta Cuff i;nJnl Uf p4ftfifn? fcf tlifffil HHcl, Aft! it li crt'tftly brtch f RoI win. etrH H lrl u;rintic ffpuU CiMt t( oHSr U(c itS liiff pct. Il uo!J, ! Iciif, fx (o mip j t i 1 1 t dttWrt ad cSrU itr, ' " " Ur, ISltril httt htn i lubwrt. br o, ! m ttteoilo pcruirrof, your uufutpfptr. from It eU!l.tfit to 1K4 prtMl time aoi btvt be !tir. litt!fdi(cd mJ Uitwud.' I hi? f obterved wiih later t tl oar wA(ki knd comncrcl&l hUo6 with othtr tiotu, isj in amrttbta conpuiion of our dome tle nltioof u dcllaetcd iht i' fin f jKclr t lectin frtnchitr, y; ,n ay ti ;f ny ; ;K,ntmfbl U Jff tH jittrBmenf, ho wcruJi BO i?ov bimicmritndfy t J rrinclf!ci if their -Utt f4 j!cJ? himitlfii ioj,portibrm-4!ch oJlJ, from lb iitiJictivaftA ipjroiton that rf te4 gvx rich coUnancff kil Ucn ltd lo by icclnt t(rft but for Ool boi hreir wn ttm kid iih timi and k JU eti (&d to hit known character for df 4 fr dtlie(v m aUuU jotnr J thm Uri ihf h;'tf doiag ri "'nbtlof fully ic- qjitntcJ ua tnctf jrtaciptc, i U tsuch emUkca U dor Btf in tort dn, rtturm to 11 track of fair df alior'aad hoaiit lrdilaUoi to iffcd political tbai)jt)b( by ibt ioflacoce of hi character and pcraooal Inyouffai.hul priai. At om time,! turtle, ,,irf 614 Indutibf th patriotic rt frction thai lf r llnoetrt,H, ,n oar FedrraJ Union wai the moil pr- MiHf af the rtaolutwn, tal cvovlncf d ft lyitem ihat bu tt cr been tie to WM ,to far ibeir the world, for iht ewmrntot lad hv prtacat alnuuoo. It aeemod Iwwtm pinetiof mankind at another, UuU. Tet Uut ibe obji$l ef lit reolj. lor the mbil.iy of a!! goytrmeoi, nod tlon miht U iffKted by n caucui, left to lameui the frailty of human ex. aiarmiog ibe puUii at loo r, iV.lmrv,rf,r;nnftf .tIKum.n early a trod. I waiicd aonc time Institution!. The !t rtaectionof ihe rtt' arm and uto the latter kind, am called op by rtadin organne a black tuihua ihanuhricationofafneetinroftheftlafu the lubject aa not brought up umUloa Society t Nonb-CaroltnaJ I , '.. aodiheaddrtndcnrertdonthatocca. -The dicuMoa of thu meeting I thai Mil arnvff a! 100, II 1 nomaaung . to rt fleet, w 7 7"' - that hilee are cnloriosonenmpled Notth Orrfia Manomuaino S. proapertty and bappincM, twh fortip tir, eulleri ai mtub from lh nJ ilnmrai'ir. th reitleta and amhi. fund Jmeotaj priocipica f tho Amcicaa tioot spirit of draining men cannot Colooiiati la Society, and the other bettti.fifd witH thai portion -whieb aockUeil Jthc jonUoitioq p( jbeH thtir rank and nurlt entitle them to, coodiuon f tUvti, eataUuhed in ton .land otbrajcauotriei. vbicb bare re lilt! mnra thaa thrmtrlvn. 1 have I CmH t rHl 114 rk.U.lti.t.- I4mwn Utt r j ( rt t,t' U C Htu I ltA. triift MMtl lM Vmtrf pl tiJt k rclfl U am f r M4 ka lU tltuf, t It ia (m UouH tuA M ui't.i4 M lU M (MMMW4 let MaMW(4 W a IxM tn ik tmwatjr U Um rr.wf twl pWU. w Hr" M twr4 (M(iU 14 C Ui.0 ' 4ftl. Trt i ISO. f.i, ' rr4eMa"k pull mm n.i. JiUb.tLuau h1mI li tO lmtj Mil fnilE IU art fr4tifuBf llrt4. tUt 1 MmtJkt.akmlVlkUk.u tDU MC4 It tUl tMtMMM, U k tftliMM) 0tffdi at 3 ftf U tU Lm KH-aT tWa mI tftaruv iUaMC K- iik WMf UtrVl rilMM drWy, f. ItatfT lUltVf, a4 dtr- auut l mU I'm uUuUtrY m fur mW. 4 MniiMfit iMml iVtitWI lUkbf, Wc'iL . It ia fTaifi, Xmtt-f. al XWtwr coftiiittf f,nrf l I 1m MAftloti 4 rt Court. Oot mJ g k H' . krj, jrU ThSci UkJ UJmLiUmI f fU au, it ft tW nWrt4. rbfi, rvt.U4 ft. vr,fMi m4 nbatj an aottxattc U txW la tU WtUf Cr ebiHS kffs I ftr r( bnmf, ml inU pui4 U ttldwj. mtexidnty aatl ttt cs tkaU ic Mil awn, tart iIm 4twlMt arrr al mr IkWXm KTOTT. aril em f ta m4 ratftr tm ft N. H. CUU W.UU4, m4 r4-fWw. W fe ftBaltUe-rU rrtfyenfiMtwU rtpwfj. J tw. aNRAurr, tiMttufa HW.7 b r.brwfr -- -" - r - ar - . a a. i a .a i i . . i jwt tl twf rti wort af alt al Mfirf . Wat U m MU fc iW tvMffr af twtt M tw U ftkraary m tl. ta "4 tWra la rtplrw If la Um fkluf aVM4 tmii ma. uLKt, era. f rke adr. ! Ut, . t9 t9tf been,' Mrr Editor, a apectator of one of their BIG meeting, wben tb rrprr. tentative f all the branchea of the mother aocirty met together, for the the and i ThU. Mi patrat and aid of th good, ai ticc from ytrtoe. Editor, ia the BIG black demagorjei will attempt to St,i:'.M'H rt y ut fin un, iwji CtiUnnv lrrfl Cba CuwIam'i far km of tW eotfM, iW ibe UcfrixLiM ia m( m a dkt p(itiai vIQ be Uwkc a pea utfctM, i I UmJ eipartt a t ak. Tea-1 a tlLJ-N cr. r rva aI. R1 3J. . JatTT C.Bri'a e legitlature upon in fu- m . purpoae I .'iflBuencin puDHc win-1 r D.,, which iher prafen ti be their ' hone, ride into cure. I have ! era thlivkerxb f the pro- otteniibie obtect. Htpoenine to satt ceedinjiif thu aocitty, that the public by the place appointed U their meet. "' Hfl ore.wrrecdy of iu object I , ,, than that which appaira in the I g I called in, out of idle curinity t and natOe, than from me partial Mtiee, than that which appaar I ntiA they hare made i Oecaaae muk of Keligioo and univerial phUao- i-e f cuaenuoo 10 inn aic thropy, employed to gain acceiiloo lo ty, whic - ia acaturwg iu firt their nombert, power being their real brandi wherever it eiteoda tt influ- A'tw l JCnUXJ'mU, JtnM fiaar 1 10L IT of rUf a4 oaafirr anaU i , .. rr.i. " .?. Jll r It TboM Calaf nd Ur leifat ta art wi aww vwwr iMfrw mm aa iaaa aaawi "iin v-wf vi . 0 t - 1 a u If '. . -it 'A ". ' n - 8-ya lior. Burton 1 Although we cannot but ackoowlege, with fcelioga tt lively gratitude, ihe orrrweening iourcat which' the non-Slave -huldiag . State haveuken in our internal policr, toll mult M unaeratooa ironic4uy, 1 - oppmr, by what Mowi yet.we in dulge the hope that they will shortly learn aod practite what haa familiarlr kren termed the Eleventh Command- ment" . Thia ia a great deal to aay lo 1 a litter State, especially the rctpecu- hi Statu of Ohio, when ahe waa not MrmMinc todicute'our coufie of pol Icr. but merely adviaing ua to do that which be enttXveq.wpuiaennvio; Jka'oM aafctf and happioear. -. Whoever ' ixamioea ihe Keiolutiona without pre liiflire: mnat admit that Emancipation f I " . ! M,.MMftilfl Ift una Loionizau"" c itv"""""" l" .... re - J ' r,ihr-r atv e Dan.tnat 01 irienoiv au- MAni'iinn ! "and aurclv. ttatea and indi. viduala" ougTsMomAe thai frre with A another. We shair probably Sad "inucV dilu ahy tir teachtog the eUve aih rammandment to the noo-slive-holding St4te. nmirwTper i(Blrth-A frican.ltt "aiteoo to ms own viivtiu. .The MesV'cohtiiraefr'nd-ihat - -r " - !W m (thinVinn they wiu concur uj iu ..'g, t,at if our nciehborhive a natural dr. formityriti, at Uatt, a breach of good pnntinuallr to remind bioi of . liis mibfortune." Slavery here cal- c led a natural defcrmity i'ljneaning, l presume, a dtfof mi.tywhich cannot be rectified. Hear the patriot Jfferton "The hour K mancipation is advanciog in th? march of time. It will come j aml Vhethr Tirpunf on,by.thgeDcr' .tnerpiea of our own rninas, or uy , n lp4fior Courl of Uv U hU fcf the ma. T? " f. "TrTr ' IV iff CaSamia, ai lb Court llm JaJConwd, 7 T, . 1 t 7 "T m lb 6(li MfMU, aftrr tka 4 ia Mrh eii. f H and t,lH anfr, or dramrta aakl fxiitio. 0IceT;, ta iT MrL.tV kir.,'ai UUltn tfim bin f Uinr. eVrlwa J" . - - . -1 j aaa it Ul t aearc parte. IT" . . . ".J .'. T court -Hoa ia taStlMfy, et tb thinj Itandif itt rtbmary aasl, tlx awl Ur la thaw caaaw Sluh fXrlk-Crti,ml, "twl r I f tj tbc? Uv, wbf M ml talato afaramxl. 101 KT of pW-u nJ q iarlef , Ko-lfixiuU aot ba aotd or JurfffWMflt viO M eotff- Vy trtabrf rMo4 iK.i. Jma uorwail ta. I ta wr im ptajuua arawwnr wwcwr aoa. PrWa a4v. gt Frit adv. RJ. ftfttj&acuxs.oi', Ikufik. (Urdnar and oihrri c'tAt i l acO rtaJrataiCuf JohnluMArK dre. It appcarinf to th aitKacium ot Uic court, dial llennr 1 act and vtf tam ll ftrlmdaiMt U ttb i are nut Wtabrtai'i of ! tai. it ia Ihcrvfura I gOVU t fcfpVu and cmsrlrr enMs fforrftv. anUrrd that tNihRratioa be madrfraJ wttkillj btr arfwona, IKS, Jtha C. likim W. M, I V(JU"raa4W JTawM rwrarjr I " the bloody process of Sr. JJommgo, excited and conducted by the power of an enemy, if once stationed per manentlv jwithin our country, offering . liivlum and arms to the oppressed, is a leaf of our hittory not yet turned over. 1 ?,The let'rr from which this is ah ex tlonallf quahSed to tote for memheri wickrd, to o future gof-I. ... to ine Kgitianirr, iTnrri,yTrrWa- : --j -t '.r.m,..' wrfr.la tar W rrm C.rin'W prhnH TWha. CanlaaralUbrf.. Self., ta rail rrat and embraced U 1 leHow-labOurefjn wi ni. ipn T . , f fa rTahUitV, iSal Ihe dren.Uj,n.Hftart lb rMataof Joha Gardner, dW It arpcannfw the"cauie"of humanity j and as soon as ,K " the aobject, to luture kgiaia- ? rt tut kuwrn. to b ib aat taction of tht eowt, thai Henry Ruatl he la initiated into the mysteries -of tures, in one passing remark, by tt.itUiiht cnr4 afJiwaofibaofciKbnttiatb.araare ne II tniliatea into inc roysienei vi miP nlt-hbora to learn and ia Sn4Hirr, on the third Mood. in February ik iababiunfi of UU. rule, it k tbrtfora rdm the aociety,' his bosom glows with the qu ating our ne irbnt . ,Un irIf 0 w w y tJ t,, ba frr ais weela aue. most generous feeling of benevolence practitt the tlevrnlt Ltmmanameni. j 9 Ur ,he nii rWt k-urr,j jjj , c,..;,,!, the tietiera Carofiajan, printed ka and natriotiam When the nertinz a 0ie raoat T aotml. or judniKt ffl be cntmd bribe plain. nibury, tbtt the defcwdanH appear al lk eit . . 1 t . 6 t. k r ik. .k.. t;r .1-mr.iini. to hciaa. roort af hlea and rmartcr Ktwona to be bcU for . . thaw nnvMHari In I ilia antii uiv f iwii'ivi - w . " . I . . , - businc. m . rVgabra'nd aystem.tic eomaie .bring fal?aw.j ,r"'""-"J' x j ...1.1 k-.,- .k....V. tarr Barboura addrei to aa agncdtural aociety stai t AWVCitW.Vr CuaTf manner i iuu uus wvm.u 1 . ' . . , k. i ..f'o-r .r .. .t.-. . r -.i .i- r. l? r a , j? J lit. limnii. nu Vt ill! airraur phwwku. a i-iwui wi i' w-i"" - i i wnr vnw rci rn wunuiu iromwe sumecis iney.oiscuiaea, wail- - -7 ' . vtmvr a IJ.-TboaaCnuliaM laolj-c Mamiit wfll ba eotmd forth therwere CommtHIOOcd by a power .,,TZ1r..r' .. w. TboiBa.-fJardrwrand othm." fccifarHaell auuntiffaccordhigloacwefcctaa." . auDeriftfld anv civd rer lnown-in rlrdr. to publiA w,e. if ofvreaimabi jutunluef drc. U appearing V TMtt JKO. cil.r.s. C& !?P I f. -T T. aft rV a -fc'-rK''""'-) toftra.ctitUcourVUerf W- ftkeadv. Sid:;. t. the aute. ta: cnliffnternremancipatei " - . .i-a.-i.-..t- . and regenerate the world. Their first I aw iwi1idr4tiaMf ihUaate,it h thrrfor. Object was, a bill to organize courts Of A surgeon nimed Pulo Timan, who ordrttd that publicatk.n be made i for ki a ttU p0URT of pleta and miarter aerioM, Ka- object was, a bill to organize courts of A surgeon nimed Pulo Timan, who ordrttd that pubiicatU be made fcv judicature for the.soniof Africa next, PCslJcJ in the HtUe f illagt of Vende - j JJ'" btt tlut Vdcf, .Hl.n..l lv, .r at the to eatablUh achowls, to enlighten them, moot, in JLoralne, France, died lately, Mx eoirt of pltu and quarter tcakiona, to be aod raise up lawyer and judges toad- . the i of i40. Tfiia" man never j he'd nr the ertr-rf Howan a; ottrUoua . . . 1 1. .1 . .. .. . - . r 'I. l.n.Ki.nrti lliml UiwilM ID Irhfllinl .1 . i r i .ui. min trr the laws MeV snouia enact I lr kl.iiaiitf nlar. The ClaV DClnre I " .' . . .71 w w in w.nu u "N"--- T. . i , -I V. M for their covcrnment. Thus icparate T h;ra;;thrhTberfora and independent courts of judicature j nHh a steadv band, and with profes. rri r:rrr--. . ..u:.lJ I . ... .1 1. .: -.r .... WOUI3 SO" -ivc wecu nmnatuTmi UCXtet Ityynaparwww m am within the limits of North-Carolina, for the cancer. "He never mar- (and we should,-, iu aH probability, fied, was never bled, ne?er underwent have experienced the great evil and in- any course of medicine, having had no convenience of the Kentucky new PCcaiion for it aa he waa never ill, court system)had not one of the mem- though he passed no day without get- bers, whowasoot quite deprived of tjnj tipsv at tupper, a mealwhich he his' reason by the enthusiasm ihai :ndul?ed into the very last. seeme4 trpmadethemeeUn . -- tSrrirrirrr1?? ectcd that very few slaves were , . I . K' anl-irtv.-and aa their maatera . A man named William wuaaieston, A m littl BiitKnritv and rontTol over i aired 24. a native of Duuhesa county, xhtm-ve f, that perhap it. would be has beeaexhlbited. near the New Fer better for their proceedioga to' gd: oul. ry:in tlje village of ;.Bwklynr:onac-nT-thc-form-of-recommendatinns to count of his extrordeiary fey. Five lavr-holders t when the bill, by mo- yea,rs ago his right leg began to grow, tion. was modi&ed to tnat eitcci. a ne aim naa vuunuw t next sub ect that occupied tne attention ana is now w yrrt ... - of the . meetinir while . I ataid. waa a cumference I . His kit leg is just oegiri resblutiorf presented by a - very-coo-l tj vember aeaiion, I8U1. Robert Horn i-a. neit coirt of p!a am! nnarttr tcakiona, to be ...,. ii. ft!. Ae It mnnnnr ta be'd nr the eobrtrrf HtaH a:4wrUoua th mtif9etm f ,h emM Henrv Biuael a & a a. .1. v:.i i. 1 " - - - 1 . . . in naiiwiiF7 on me nnn wmmT i- rcunaij tmj ,v0 1h rfelewaanti latWa tae, ar nt-iK tbea nd Uicrw la aliew ce if artr ther I ik.i.;i.ni. r tl,;. at.i. k k thrrrfore or- LavcVly ttr n-t rTMt- -afwrr !iV ltW wM f-rrtrfieatiai, mU uix.wecU be told or udgiuent will ba entered accord- IWHj,err i tb Vfeatem Carolinian, printed inrto iciie laciaa. . . s .r,d.tip. that tha dtifendanta appear at tlta 6tM- T ryV-jtlgtt Ci)uitif ultaeaaJ H"rtrr.cCflrtt.toJC ftOVnroL plea, jnd loj So. . if Z?S$ w. AleiandtrM.ll.r. onrl . Uchrnent, ten- , , ffl eotemlfor Uko ed on land, fce. It apnearinr o tb aatinfae- rT!T7 -.., ... tion of tl court, that th-djiend. ia not a F?'H! ?tr t" jxo nrr r r 1 1 1' . . 1 .L!. ... a. I. !. .MH.tit I ' " . - - - v innauram w i a-e. i. IJ"-' , ' . 'jT Z 1 .Price adr. SU." J . wtJ by tne oourt, m' iiyi.ru"n uo -maw thi Micrw.'t:lv 11 llic fl'f m Carolinian, I .,.,. .r -,tj Una trnimtv i prinled in Salisbury, UiaV'he defendant rPrer jntQUBT of pWu tnd quarter .eresnriCKo at our next cmirt of Iaa and q'lrVref.aMaipna 1 1 j -nii,4,r ,iiion S25. Jilaon Derrvtnan w. to bebtUfiH-lbeco'intyorHianaUIiecirt. Jmrs Dowcll and John Powtltr original at- house in SaVnbun, on be third Monday in Feb- ttcj,ment, lCTied on land, fcc. ' It appearing to rw&ry ntxt, thrn and "here to n.'plcr and (Jie M,-IJfctioi of the court, that th dTendanU plead. acl'dgment be entercdaccf rdjngto n inbannirrWtUtetothCTelbi the plaintiiT 'a denuuiiLs.. . , . 7"" ordered by thOfmrt; that pnWicatitm be made i eat i ju. uii.ri vr. . m.-.ki ,ucce-. Te v in the Wnlern Caroimi- Pnce adv. " 6wl9 1 His (M'A'.:?!;!3.y. nil; . - ' . an Vol. :v. p. 46, taken from the im- .--r--.--.--....-..IJjave.been written ty,iMr. jencraou w : ' v.twnrd Coles. Es'ar. , Governor of 'V-Tr i--tfcv"f of llKnoiy--JrrL:.x.-. ww. Have : not tne non-iaviiaiujug spicuous- member, who seemed to be body does potparttcipate in thisgrowih, y, iuii. ad the reach ol New. York paper, v a . , -a--' I . u.taaat a tflMlffraH tV IF ; .nnrara at lencth in the Ge- nearly w0rn oul,n .' ou.T on wtT""" 7" 7 ;ir 111113 " " " ... I a. states some reason tn think that our deformity is moral, not " riaturall" ' If so, they are our best friends who remind us of our faults,' and advise us howao correct them. The state of Ohio Has not only done this, but more : She has magnanimously t tiered to con tribute her, proportion orettpciwo to- and. with all the elegance of diction faculty. of JCicero,and ,y.ehemence ard elo- -v. J .... ' O -.. views to. ' his enraptured; "aumence acwuntr4oaxepjppjuiur .wr, IfJIItoildiltfjthe of the day f and so, our sinttemg dead whrn we should no longer conceal our before ouriilves, we shall have nothing rial object fromubiic view let Til else to do at the hour of our. death, ah.ike of this false timidness, imposed butto die 6n us by necessity, and approach our y- , ; purpose with determination the time j ufrTEirs DECLARATION. for temporizing has passed by j our jpee aflanda aimple Feer" ; forces are already lormiaaoie, went Ahd all .he reet in tan, disciplined, and daily acquiring new accessifiDi of strength." He then went Katate of David Wilfong, dec. mHf! Mibacribcr haiW obtained lettera ,f ad- 1 miii?ftration at' the '0vetnber aemiiftn f IredtU Hinr Cotii'V.on the eatate of JJund ffitfiiif, dee'd. infimna iUame to ny any ae roanda against aaid es'fcle, either by note of book account. io prrVrnt tlHrrty"iu1y a)thenticated, within the jime prencrihed by law', ehe tbii no tice will be plt;(il.in.btir of recovery."1 " All oeoni Indebted .'to the drrraaed aro re- mSSfll, ! - . DA11 HAMSOVTiv.-, c.22, J825. - . - 3f. , Ar noUi,.' when compared to thee, - Thau belt of Fea Fa-aiale. Estate of exrliong, teci. FflHE atibscriber having quaSified aa execu X tor of the fat-wilt of AlexarVlcr Long, late of Rowan county, dee'd. at the court ot pleaa and quarter aeuiona for the t,id county, held on the third Monday of November latt 3Wlce i hereby given, that all perabnt having eroands giik lh sa:d ettate, are reqtiired to present them for payment, with m the lime pre- acribed by law. ..Mr I. i..!au, .arr. iih.' bntctTn1ibflrr;that theoVfcwdewia pear at the next court of pitas and quarter lions lo be held for tha county of Rowan tha court-house in Salisbury, on Uie third Monday in February next, then and there to replevy and pleatj, or judsrment will ba entered accord big to the plainuil'a demand. . ... ... ', r; Tertt JNO. CUES, Cr. Price adv. two dok s .,u 'i 6wtW &at tJVu th-CanUnih Ktwan twntf r flQURT of aa and quarter, aewiont, Ko i vember aeKTona. 1835; Jof oh Ilanrt tr. . JameiuriQWJtld; Jobw.Dowcll t,4Wginal .at. the tWi95 PI M CQUrtJumJtM etejiOania.,w 'iw- mi ' in!iiiTt-iit of ihia state: It i therewK ordered by the cwrt, that pldrcaipa..W:a' x week tucceuivcly in tha Weatern Carohrn-, . 4 SoV.Jmrv, ht ttia lefendanta f ppear at our next eourt of pleti and qmrter esiona,to be held for the county of Rowan t , tlie eourt-boute in Salisbury, pn the third Mon davia February next, Iben aadtlr to repier and plead, or jiigment will be entered accoM ing to the--planti(T'r demand. ' V Test: JOUK CILEi. C Price Ar. two slot.' : 3 . ... .. ;. Y- ' " :. J : A