I I ' It f. 1,1' 1 t 4 i V t . A ... 1 ' 4 . .... . . fc".-: i .ft 'I ra-r v; . : r 11 a. a 1' -It .V M. r .-.-.-.ui-i-AU: til ' J m M 1 rrrr Bw..ia 4 I . . a.L.'. AWnTU p.-'. Vill it .ea t- Wee,l en. B-t-al a- . w . ,,,-tM -T --. ' l..lt4 !, Vf-innn pbM. nap a n"n 1 Tv L. . V.M. INi'vVtJ awtal . l'H-" Cir-tr. llUn I a la the estate u uu4 bi-w r - aa. dee 4. li M fW MMM, iW W TH0MA1 CUAMfir.ni roniTtvV for f rAiiTAu It luoill til AM 6 WIT :.!'. INM. rtJl.TKT. l I ' - - I A'n rr at thh hiijt, it la jtturtt ihnr I.UfUn. 0'LA Wn.ZWlUgntM tW k(Mt fMMHVa tr ftulklp('i. fmm. Or. mU Out IW k( ww! Bor ' rtrfih W6tt " wr-nf -UUy rtiUit CwMiry cloth tB W tt 10 m . AitmlmdlrtMlkiifrnlif luloreM M if r ' irrT 11 ' " w w CM mvy' x ? A, f4- woulJ 11 ok tittle el forrvtiinf her fto. m v&vU U Tjuiu pf JoU4 for iombttmt. mi Wfitf tuck dalf twmt Vftk4f KtMi ! Uto I?.-! U.I o4 netted to ttpIli, At "ft r.N,liMiWalcfvu4rWf.frWi. i- WiUwitmi deitb, bad bfttht far 4ffu4 Umi; 4 fWf iW W f lomiog. iWikHtriTtWraMWIM. Al ihf en!t ib.t Cojeord, (W. (iJiNMiMM 1 lit prrmiomi wrr iwiroca iwim H. B. 0m f tt r fro 13 UlJjrn f m, lM CM C(M tIJ rKoaMmftdrdi vtO M tut m tpprtBUrt I tM IM WMW - - tILAt TEMPUTON. 'jut, rxiip W Ul. mi 4M ik. V 4 www. w.rfA : ii4 an, rv.u.uu uk u? n- , t;x iu. rnf, 1 vwum . fcn w " " T? 1 . 1 u -.11.; 11.1 at w4Cwt4i at" rni ktt lck. Afc. I m ng pni . the lelog cojhue in their tepon, M4 rf7 U fc ' !!"' I M k. I nl lit fallow lot ftWirkl I lib t eit cre, nd Bucb jood )udj. tnrot ioiticu!turr I but the commit tcf ire el piaKTfl, thai tft oscr u to fiult to one etMntial pirticulir. and they boy tbir la iBdiirct alluina-to it ill be utbctett for Mm 10 correct tb error, IbereUoocomaaoditjf 00 a farm ao eeeful atxTao plcutt g to the farmer Rotbtof in ibia life. 00 which be caa in a-ftry mt hie hpct of o m tUm ia future ye.r&u a core par 7 of heaiuy, rotmt aoa pnomioj ooye. A former rarely iUCCeeJj MieU vtliiut a Irift ! A aoiiiary iouracy la aJaravi a in i to cat aod cbccrlcu 00 c.'! ... If k A. bfoa NmbMU, 1 - - ; . tm4uhe ibt kr 4r 7 aw ia ptwvr la Umk alack froia tidd la Umk ainca rra u ' h.tark 1 iJ fy lke l-4Kawa are faf4 tW NiiUan la cfl at tbe. rkrVM. w. JO, im Jaxfl YprttW iiaf ftaran aawty. X C aw iWa J "Tflta ef Ar. Ja-A a ik pa hi, aa am dHMMarf; n rrar aM, rr 1 lacll ir l ki left kk wmMtr kboot 0 vk( akee.tatkiet c Oarci vaaboorttt lT m JahnMM. Wat feratr. f Mattkrv HitTmrn aofL-kt Charlott fourt-Hooaf. VinpitU. The awaer k rvanired to eoaw forward, prove ' . fir-LlMNQ SLATER, JuiUr. . s AKfelar A. C; 17, 24 tTlOUBT.af kiandourief aMaiona, Decern. ' lb timJa of Gary Mwkknd and Henry fUklea. awnHcy mmmo m UwuMbaca U appetnng ta the Mtkfadton af Ha ttfurt IlUt tba drfea cknt, Akitndrr Hr k not aa lnbbtint af tKk 8tatf. it k thertfore ardmd ay tnaeourt uiit iwbricMwia be atade for tip weckt aucenajreFy fa the Wrttrra Cwofipkn, printed iaJltlUbnry, tkat anleaj the taid Akiander Rea appear at the aeit eaaH of plea and quarter aeaiana to Df AC ad Kr UK COyniT Of .HWOTa. ! U1C CVtiri a - .a. 4 I k.a 1 ka 1. Wa la Leunpoo, an tbe 3d Moaday ia March ' r""Jo1rtienl inal wfll be entered if aim Inni imI IM amoum in nnuun aaoua Bppuvu w ui 'ctuite of 4 judgment M . Aitetti DAT1D MOCK, . e. e. 'tfote AW'areaaa, k4eU reaart 'aflOUBT of Pkaa and QiMrter fetaioo, Nov. J Term, 1826. Job a Watts Eiccutora m. Joaeph WatUi Motion to admit tbe Hill to probate. ' In tbU caat it k ordered b) the court, that publication be anada for ail week HKcra aively in die Weetem, Caro&nkn, tLat Andrew Watta,'Jamea WatU, Willkra Watuand bit wife 'Belecca, who are inbabiuntt of otber Mates, appear at tba next court of Pleat and Quarter Betaiooe of. Iredell county, on tbe 3d Monday tl rebruarv next, tbeo and there to shew cause. if any they haVe, why the paper in writing, pur. portinf to ba tba hut will and testament, of -John Watts, should not be admitted to probate -Witness. Abaaloaa.K. Bimonton, Llcrfc of ou aid court, at btatesville, tbe k! Monday of Noterobe r, A. p. 1830, and in tba 5ht year of our Independence, . . . .. , : A. K. ElMONTON, C. Price sdr.R3. , 6tS0. .. lit uxit nniT aVlUUU C.AUOUaV.l. milli brt kas ba pab4 W pijf Wtaeea f-I ttml (roTKVref rh boat k ta rootpk'fl erJrr, bs-wg ktely aadenrne a tbof. aufb repairaHe k wed eakakied tW tba aa vifsJioa of the rke. as she eary drsat about three t4 a half lr water, wUk a cargo eotal la hot bMidrtd bate t Cottoai tba egeats at Ctataw pWdgtbakatlfe.tbat ery site at oo bag be pVl la ship Ml ay tbkbat, and that at! eatt oas iaraWd to be birte4 bt bet, stull ba latea U ckarjre tad seeare ry plseed andcr I 9m abadaae aaaaua, wa of atoeagti aad I all guods reecietl, and pot ia store, a ntoj. eraUstorsfff aiO be cKarrid j frora ibe aertaiaty of tbk btjat bring able to ran st ad timet sad watoot, country sErrebat.ts ail) And it la their later ta order their shipments and consign. ateait through lbw pkca. Mr. Henry tr. Loo-: aer, otCbaHrston, 01 ba 'be sgeat of the btt , at that pkee, tad a ill take chart af any and ah eonait-natcnit to go by tbk boat, (a it U prcbable ih a insraiioef direct leChsrka- 1 Ion.) Mr. rraack King, sa eiperienced and I well ousUird agent at Georgetoa a, will attend to all eomigaments, botb frot Cberaw and Charkatan, and foraard them to eitker pkee without drk. Our cbafrs will be cuatomary and naeanable. and we bupe IS Itwrit putlc Patrotuge. l ae tgeats hare krg andooauwo. 4m warekawes, aad win eaare ry And any goods or cotton, forward 'be former aad ship the hurv y ith eery peawbk detfaieh. o. ary or goods aJraaced oa anttoae okhed lo ba abfrtped. - J. k J. II. TOWKtS. - Isapoiat oiicb k aot for sat U detide. fit (km af a'gVt aad nxrar af tbaogV, - - trVfaU'uXi.wttuw Wuugtit t aWr who sbJaM, tad I who think, Alla-1 1 dark parditUa mit 101 al the etan wtucsrgracatay trtia. To IrfHWtjteaca faB again t 8ats ot liftud Cot TuitB. ON- tU .id. Monday in Msrcb next, will be I . t t iL. . VI. .t ! f - I r sokj, ai utc vwin-iiuuac ww in uun laa, Davulaaa county, the folk) in ff tract 1 14, or so aaucb thereof a will ba sufficient to tatiaTy the Taxrt ftr the year 1821, 11, 1K4. aad IK J. wH5 eoita, to wit 1 ' ' 400 acres,. ttfatXtemrooniTille, Ihe lands of Jooea MltcbeL of Virtnniai ' 320 acres, rien in by Wml Wadtwortb, ad- tolrunK tbe landrdTnaVId Tkepfcy,"Wd olhcn this tract wul be sold tor tne tsles 01 VH amj 1825. JAMES WIST.MAN. AArn. JonyarflS,l6IT. 4ti2 liQnd for ttale. rilBB subscriber otTer for jJc a mn trsct IV J- -ofknd-iatha aatf herbad-af Moc! 1 tbeToarar TaktnVdMtt two hundred acres. 1 he soil ta of a good qual. ffr t and on n hicn t a gootf piece of umra prored meadow ground conveniently watered. Also good Rpnnga or water, and in a healthy situation. At Mochtvinc k becoming a place or importance, ii migm oc an auTamagroui ail ust'ton for an industrious farmer. A further description is thought unnecesaary, as it k pre sumed any perton wiabuig to purchase will view tbe 4a ml. For termi apply to the subscriber, two mi Irs from Henry FrsJey's, south Yadkin, Bowan county. ' ISAAC LINSTER. JatCy. 39, 1827. 5(32 a iiaiil, a iais e e wi a. tmU mmm a M Marftwrr, twaawsai $wim mnmm fataamaa wHtm mm insnalw f aat Hialn'f it, aaa S mm t ' I Stmf f Atrtk-ConUno, Unnbt rswnv 1 SUPERIOR Court of Law October, term, 1826 1 David Blalock w. Nancy Blalock 1 petition VfW divarcei : It appearing to tbe tatkfactioa of 1 tbe court, that Nancy Blalock, the defendant, k 'not an Inhabitant" w thiirSttte i kithefbnr hi4e-teAa,4Wn inrea iuifiiiia v 1 h ., 5 ,ira notice to ber that the make her personal sp -'pea-rancrf:be16 . Ccurt of tawf at the jieit Court to .be leld for . aaid county of Lincoln, at the court-house -n Lmcolnton, on tbe 4th ' Monday after the 4th ... blondkv of March next,' then" and there to an swer ordemur to the said petition, otherwise it will be taken pr ttmfein, and beard erpmie, and adjudged accordingly. .- ' . . Witness Law son Henderson, Clerk of said .' 'Court, ai Lincolnton, tbe 4th Monday after the . , 4th Monday of September, A. D. 1826; and ia the Slttyear of our Independence. . - J I AW80N IUS1DEBS0N, CFk, Frieeadr. 4, 3o02 aVotlce. ilf HEREAS, bv a deed of trust to me ex- I r ecuted by A. D. Kerr, of the county of Iredell, to secure James H. Hourtpn, deed; and George Lr Davidson t wrilh oir-Pridayrthe-Sd day of March, at the present residence of the said Kerr, on the great road between Mrs. Torrences' and Best it t Ford, proceed to tell the following property, via 1 three or four tracts of L.IKD, of as good a quality as any in this .section of country, Also, fifteen likely young tfEGBOES, fit for buaiacai. - . ...... . .. . 1 Terms will be made known on the day of Ie. &ttendancv-a-ill be given,- by - . ,4 -,. - WfLLIAM l VAWXVW, Jrvttet. Tbe Ward dcWes rbal al yaae Cjit abtat eaakk perpctaai atfbl 1 Aad that the Sim's waVWiag Ire - ahal whh Sf rnatsans wreck spw I -that t atlf-etitteal laiaa, Whkk iro4 ceketkJ artaaaions caaae, fUI tflta bulbar rt-aacend VTbew aaartbl toaeaaeaia dWcadL, But aa coadiliaaa ! I ! Maa, beware I Pnxc4 a lib casrliaat, aad prepara Ta meet li; JadgCy foe meet tbou sauitv The sooi surmee rs arnrtal data. 0! ye atupeadoue arbtaf Cgbt, Wbkb aiitae by day, adorn tbe aigbt, Bboac dktanef, dtmsasians vast, Tbe faculties af ama ttbaaat. Tour tad and kwt to comprrKead, W aate'er Astroaaajirs pretsnd, With tba satar syatasa, w Toar ekiagaka aaaual aastiswe see But &r bey tbe sular bound Superior tuna and world are found 1 What are they raaak aat, Jfaa, ta know, Thy rea ana, Jhera, aeootaes thy foa, On heava't high Majesty depend, Por there resides thy only friend. TIRO, Are. 13 en. 7 W. st aba. - IaatttBn - DOUt&lIC BUSS. ; Ravas n Naia, a AW Pmm. tvimiekmMi-aMiti TU QfT t w mm mmr m Vta 1 eilSmrts l , a iWlmi Ra : T$ Molhen-Tbe paiofuf tpertioa of drawing milk fnm the breast, in the abaeocc rf Infantine action, out be 6bviaud by tbe following procrie. Take a thick and heavy pint decanter. bit it with ht water, aa eoon aa the glaia becomes hot, pour iff the water, and apply tbe mouth of tbe decanter, at warm aa it caa be borne, cloae to the nipple, expoting the body of the decanter Jo jheatmoaphere, Ai it cooli. tbe air within be com e cr-o. dented, aad the aailk a extracted to 1 up tbe vacuum, with facility 1 I i lu.,wa J, ri, ia lr.lli lit. r r,fC fff.i B&uiH tMf,i ItrstQ t, r l it f.t.l irta a I ia iul,U 1 all vs!ua' !f L .itn tUJJ be kiM luoee ataU4i. I ana certain, trick the oiti far horses, la 1 mnUn male f-jr Out rurpoH, thai fArrf tlU di a kttt ntatly a aawA gtjivr, A horae ba ttry iweet to&tb whrobtlt eiwttj ao-1 won't drU asur miUuttt r t$am hru 1 M XOCltr I Mawin-swim lrrr)y - Tie "Ut iUJfplBf I Ixirta,,'' fcottc, U tr?t of t luppV fact, wbkaaeeattVjrTttocraft,laCs), pCed to tbl feet. " . ; ' , I bieUeabrewdby ta ijHcijlia, Hit bo b4 rlttcfl 00 Farrftiki the feeding ef cattle, Uul tht Lib. lag cheap fond will do for aU borvt, wtub wcwk 14 fj"ififfi, avd boraei f aot fof anaiUoach h.ns, te poat-hataf Koraei they moat U fj fed with oau. Half a peck of tiU bean per day oau la the atrav, oat third 1 tteo.thlrda barley or wh4 tuaw 1 the oau ia the atraw. nd ib. itrw tw U cut, la cu'tlog Bci.iaef aa abort aa poaalbte, above a Quarter s .a saai a a. - or aa locn tong. rWCTUny ao. tiv t . i .tiri wnaierer wtui tma a orceaaary. (5aikv It ia laid that the Tobaao of wbkli Cie art are meaufactured I I lava at. caa be cuhSvated to great advantage ia Florida. Die quantity ef Clf art aad T6accfllrpponrd.lDto ,th4 Uz'utl State i aappoaed to anaonot to about Lw.iallbotji of eJulUrj loouw. MistJTmMXyVRl, The Chevalier Mlaelet bat addrrtu ted a tetter to M. Maibeude Doc. baite co thit tubjttt f Ioa late floor ia ScotUod. he lnund tbcm eoa!V effective oa undy rod tiiry aoila. and that their benefit waa Icli for tbtr. m 0 O m m y yeart. 'Uanumw a&d caltureoot' aoita, they are of little oae but 00 grata laoda they are very bear actal Three ateara milla aad a bona i3 have lately bceo erected la the Deign, bourhood of Liocolo, Eog, for grind, ing booet for atriculturaJ purpoacs, Tbe ground booet are uaed at the rait of from tea to twenty butbeb tbe acre, the moat 00 poor aoita. ; The Rnyal Society of Scieacea at Copenhagen, have offered B prize of 1000 tfovDi for tlit beat euay of n plying bcoeaa a maivare, - mZ . A yootig man, who bad attendee! A rtsd Bread. A mixture : of two more to the Cullivatioo of hta Aer paiu of fl. ur, iod one f potatoi'm'atea than Via heJf finding that by teacbb an agreeable bread, which cannot be the deBteroue uae of tbe former, be diatinguiabed from wheaten bread. It could obtain much more money thai ia taid that oot leal than 300 tone of one who attempted to teach tbe brat potaloea are cooiumed for tint purpoae uae of the Ultef, Uiued tbe foUotln; ia London every weekt - - propoaal for obtaining aigneri to ea. courage mm to open a oaocing tcnooi. If aa kt mmmnmm, ma m m-mr, Tl mi m Stf mtt a ami m mi talMt. Mf to Hnkat m MISCELLANEOUS. - fr.HBtsp corral eW us A -: Never waah. jnunliot, or-; any, " kind of while cotton gooda,"with liaeo for the Tatter "depoattt or Hiacharget a gum and colouring matter every time it ia washed, which diaoloura and dyea the cotton, Wnsh'them by them. aelvea. BOSSES JUfD OXEJf. r lpetife. wjtlete-neta work, examinee the advaolagea T cul tivating Uod by the labor of horaea,' and by that of oxen. He concludea that the food of hcrtet, costa twice aa - Dali'ltld"iK01 lIiaa atir Lightfoot 'rpurpoIaeaVioe ' 0 pen a danaing skull, io witch that hellr gaunt bart will be tort, m the new weat faabuo. Lad diet and gentle mun, hoo ma tea fight toe, pat run eyea hint io hit , under take io, iD lcaa toe am tnare oaima to toia pap a.5kull ton.bee open asl lane au EWtTTT:Wir01TwTlAllWrB' Bearing up aguinat tempbtioot ani prevailing over them it the very thing much aa that of Oxen, to perform the berelo the whole We of religion cot- a . s a w 1 ai arai a w mm ina vain awaaxiwa. mtn aame work t mat noraea nave zot . wuw. - m aaaaj iiLtt's aaaitTsa. NEWSPAPERS. Newapapert are thioga that can be ispenaed with, aa coating money that ind 0f diseaaea, and oxen 4f 1 and PPn os io this world, by which wt are iciu qc uvea. &v is uic iuiwunK aL- ka Man..a wAtmA kv h.-4 io m&Ke CTiucnce 01 our inve ina ooc " . ... - "I llltll f.tJV IHHUUIt LTt UMUVVU W W UVIflw will enrich only half aa much land at dience to h,m andof our fitneit to be that furniihed by an ox. tacmbert of hit kiogdom. Orangti. Mr. White, the delegate t?rea, is Kke a looking glaw, whico to congress from Florida, states that when only sullkd by an nawbotetoaie there are annually gathered at St. Au. breath, may be wiped clean again, bit gustine 1 and in the vicinity, 1,500,000 if once it is cracked it is never to be brangeaThere'are iome'treea'aup "i;X?mjnr' posed to be 120 yeara old, which bear credit once W i. never to ha retrlev'di at this time 4000 oranges each. Mr. Uow few will trust the man who once dwiv'A VV, aaya, oranges, limes, lemons, cit- ront. and olive may be cultivated io I dbopit. BARBER W HAIR OllESSEBr INFORMS the crrlzens of Salisbury that he has taken a pleasant attd ommodious shop on the main street, opposite V, H. Slaughter's Tavern, where he may be found at all timet and wjii- pav amci . auenuon to nis ouainev, - ne flatten himself that he will be able, as be alw ays his been, to rive entire tatisfactloai to all" who may employ bim. . " r: N. B. Gentlemen ahaved by the year, month, or single time. , : " ' " - , : n ilk rstars aAarp and knttheumi t kandg, altmuk ytvrfac mtrnMrni Meaojr akno. xeoruarj, a aar. ' " . .. f our children 1 ao, indeed, are nine tentha of what it coata ua to live Almost any man might lay up money every year if he wculd live on bread and water, and cheapest manner he could. But what of that ?, who would live like a brute BnxLJieJikeuubrggVaJotjJuL pleasure of aaving money, which be cannot carry hence with him, though tke a dead weight, it may hang upon hia soul. at the bat moment of his mor tal existence ! there are few'euch five or ten in a million, and what wretched crcaiurea are xney most men sensi ble that ther must die are disposed to sakafactioolareiirement, tw a informed aid virtuous mind it gives a zet to authirica in prospefityraad ia the best 1 retource : in - advefsity Newspapen, though not"alwaya;cofl. uucica wiui taienia sou utuuimv. arc inc oett pptStotic tuauncia lur wu taining an acauainiance with tht affairs of the world, and .to implant deai res in the heart af youth for more tolid rea"- diogi u ho goci on to maturity 4 Florida, io quantities sufficient to tup. I A late Pari piper states; that i wo ply the whole U. Sutea. I man waa curtd of a compound dropsy t pt long ttanding by drinking a-glaw OrcAflrA.lt has become, prover-lof liauor three timea a dav thus nrt- bial, that where an old orchard hat pared t--three handaful of iuhiUerti- iwuu yvuuK uuc wiu noi inrive. a t m. ana lour it,htt hummm i Penntylvahian aaya the reaaoa of thia three ; ouarta of: witerv and Wducid MS iBpiiBmhfrtofafr iviaxe me son gooa ana bestow proper - - . care ansi-attenuon on-the treesirand VAt tatrdn1 - in .M? ,fcfiar there will be no difficulty in maEiniral :arifpirtf!t good-orchard on old laed. DEATB Care of the miser's wkh and coward's feert Death only sbewa us what we With courage, therefore, view seconds interfered and proposed that the combatants should shake hands. knew was near 1 To his the other second objected, f the pointed hour.l nnnraa vf.. I IJ- U-UvV,0lt Dread not Deatb'a anger, but expect iu power, CT T 7 H a ,r V" . f Nor Nature's lawt with fruitless orrawvnodrB. nand ihutnr , thS Wt wut Wi v auaaiat wan ivi iwvw mm uvm uww rf . v.; .11; (r'v 1 v r : Va7 . !. i ft .... . .1

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