Foreign.--Intelligence from England to j the 7th Nov. has been received in ew York. 1M ltue news " rougni oy mis .-!. The cause ol tie ureeRs is brightening ; England, France, and Rus till have taken active part in their behalf; nd although the Turks stubbornly refuse tn accede to any terms of reconciliation proposed bj the formeri yet the barba rians will be effectually prevented by the Hied fleet", from further making war cm the poor Creek.reece fnaf be consi dered as emancipated' from 7 Turkish thraldom. - - :, The markets for ettton have not ira moletale Rrhort. A letter is said to : . r V -1 or irom a p resoectaUe source" in London asser tag, MttQtpA&iMjffi nv Wlt)rmQVwe1oe Turkish dominions in Europe and Aftict Cgtptt fcc. to England i end the TsTarirlsT ta France ( leaving to the Sultan his do minions in Asia ! The Greeks are to have i separate government. Congrtt. e cn barely hnu room this week, for 1 list of the standing com roitteesi which were appointed on the I Oth inst. A thorough change has been made in them a majority of most of the com mittees being composed of ami adminis tration members." On the Ulh, Mr. Car ton, of this state, submitted a resolution, instructing the committee on Indian Af fairs to inquire into the expediency of re funding to the State of North-Carolina 219.96b, paid to the Cherokee Indians for reservations, by the treaty tf 1819. Mr..rf.fa'"f of this state, moved an in quiry as to the expediency of repealing the" iduty.on imported aalt, which was negatived.- Mr. P. I. Barbour, of Vir gjnivubmUtjrd a resolution for the n" ofjlhe.sevenmillions of "stock in the h S.Bank stock being now at ?3 per cent, advarrce. Mr. BV' object was to gain that flmch to government by the talc-. Were .sale to be'effected at 3a psjr cent., advance, the gain accruing to the treasury on the whole seven millions, wo-i'd be upwards of g 1,600 000 ! -Those who opposed the resolution were of the opinion, however, that throwing much stock into the market, would so seriously affect the pricet that the object of the sale would be measurably defeated. Mr. Hamilton. tAS. C.hawnirrenucsted I to be excused from serving as chairman of the military committee, a vote was ta ken, and decided in the negative ; so that Mr. H. continues chairman of the rnili tary'committee. . . Mr. iTemoAA, when it was announced . to him that he was appointed chairman of the' committee of ways and means, re .quested to be excused from setving as sncb, snd the Home granted the request. Mr. Rrb his letter, aaysv - - M Front some-acquaintance -with - the duties of that Committee, acquired during six years experience in the chair, I am thoroughly persuaded. of my inability to discharge them (in . niy preseaUfeebl state of health) with any degree of satis faction tn myself, or advance to the public. I therefore respectfully pray to be excused fronr serting:.'-- . ---Ths foiling rwitUnasi compose the Stand; Jrig Committees of the llouse A Representatives, appointed by Mr. Entaker Stevenson; underthe Standing Rules and Orders of the House : Of F.lrctiiu.eur. Slone, Anderson, Al ston, Tucker of S. C. Claiborne, Phi Ips, Slower. Jfays and -Jfennt. Mrwi. RamMph, Mc Duffie, Sprague, Verplaiick, Daight. Brent, Gilmer. Ctem.-Mr ars. Williama, M'Coy, W hittlesey, Barber of Con. Clark ot N. York Mclntyre, Bamtay. Csomerce. .Mesr. Ctmbreleng, Newton, Thompson of Geo. Gorham, Rarney, Harvey, 6utherland. Pnkhe Umdi. Mrm Ifacks, Vinton, Whip pie, Jennings, Haile, Duncan, Davia of 8. C. Put OJfice and Put Read: Meaam. Irg ham, M'hean, Yancey, Conner, Usgee, llodget, Russell JXarncf CswsiWrt. Messrs. AVxander, In gcrsoH, Bryan, Weems, Kremer, Varnum, Al len of Va. JyJiciary. Messrs. P.P. Barbour, Livingston, Buchanan. Halves, WicklifTe, Kerr, Storrt. Jteyhditnarg Claim. Messrs. Wolf, Hunt, Crtighton, Dickinson, lucker of N. J. Frej, llesW. Public Expenditure. Vlemt. Johnson of N. T. J. 8- Barbour, Bailey, Martindale, Buck; Gale, 'uchol)a. Private Txmi Cfali.Mrsrrs. - Backnrr, " Voore" of "Atabr Armstrong, EaH Sheppard. Bates of Misaonn, Stengere -w ' IWUrr ItmiKM. i Condict. Moort of Ken. Wright of N. Yttsrt,nwfwh(wat-atefre'b4v Pa. Stanbnry. Martin huhan ors. Merrs-M'Lesn, MKee, Car aon. Daniel, fwana. Lumpkin, Smith of Indiana. Freirn .tiin. Meatrs. Everett, Taylor of ?t. T." Archer, erfrant, Drayten, Owe, PoUu M&iarf Jfmrt-Vemr. Hamilton, Vsnce, Ssnyth of Va. Desha, rtoyd of Ga. Hobble, Orr. fi'aval Jfai.-MeMr. lloh"maa, Bartlett, N. IL CrewaHMthkLL. Carter of 9. C Mirier of Fa. Dorsev. Itinley. ".V Jtyitmh.-Mtmn.X. licQstelacr. BPTnr, Wilson or Md. Barlow, llalloct, aserwin, tui. pe per, - --. . 7rmn. Mer. Stronfc. Clarke of Km. Sawyer, Wright of OhnvBuoner, Lea, Coulter. MUhtry rtnmtnt.Mturx Burgr, Milch ell of Ten. Bates of Mats. Lawrence, Long, 1 compt, Forward. LrpenStwefftke I tat Deferment .Menn. Blair, Letcher, Treavant. Expenditure the Treaiurf Drpartment. Messrs. Ilsll, Mitchell of Penn. Barriugrr. Expenditure tflA H'ar Department -Heni. Ila'ynes, Woodcock, Turner. , . "Expenditure oftlieXavy Dcparlmtiit.Zlcsiil.' Litthj, Lyon, Keese, ' - Expenditure if the Pott 0J7c -Messrs. Holmes, Ufflcr, O'Brien. ' Expenditure Public BidlUnp. .Messrs. Sprigg, J. J. Wood of N. Y; Swift. , Revital and . UnSniihed Butineti. Messrs. Pesrce. Reed. Wilson of Ta. 0,tccounr.Mer9. Allen of Mass. Belden, Plant. r - -". : This being the day appoined for the election of the Standing Committees of the Senate, the Senate proceeded to their election, after the mode established last session 1 ballotine firtt fur the Chairman of the respective: Committees, 4 majority being necessary to a choice 1 and then tot the remaining four members, a plurality only being requisite to a choice The following ari pe commrwewnoswwsB , On Ftrtitrn RelatwinXvKti. Macon, (Chair, mranfonl. Tazewell. Hell and White. ; , ito .inanrr.-.Mi.-tsra, , Smith, pi Maryland, :(Chairmait)ilIcLirne, Smith of 8. CfPa'ms arid iiraivcn." f"0?mwe.-.MeS8rs7WoodbnT Lams, .,: . ' man.) Knight, Ridgely, Huggles and Barnard. 0(i Jgricultiirt.-McUtT. P.ranch, "(Chairman,) uaieman, tjoungnv, wuiey ana Barnard. - QnMilitnrw .if ain. -Messrs. Harrison, CCliair- man,) Johnson, of Ken. Benton, Chandler and Hendricks. On the Militin..-AeTtr. Chandler, (Chair man,) Harrison, Marks McKinley and Tyler. On 'ffanial .tfjfwrt .-.'Messrs. Hayne, (Chair man,) Robbing Seymour, Tazewell and Wood bury, On Public tjanh-Men. Harton, (Chair man,) King, Ellin, Raton, Kane. On Private Land (Jlaim. tm. Smith of S. C. (Chairman.) Berrien, M'Kinley, Kane Thompson. On Indian JJfain. Mesr. Benton. (Chair msn.) Foot. King, Cobb. White. On Claim: Messrs. Kugglcs. (Chairman) Cell Cobb. Chase. Rowan. On the Jtuliciitry.-Jirentira. Van Ituren (Chair man.) ReymtMir. Berrien. Rowan, Hayne. On tte Pout Office and Putt Haadt. Messrs Johnson of Kentucky, (Chairman) SiUbee, Ellis,' Johnson tt Lrfiu 1 vier. - On efTont.--Mesr. Noble, (Chairman) Chase, Marks, Cobb, Foot. ... r; ..;.7 On the ttftlricl if Chtmbi.WiHr Eaton, (Chairman) Bovtogny, V.Ynmbm, Noble, Kide Icy. i . " ' - On Ctntingent Exprniei. Vessrs. Ktne (Chairman) Hendricks. -Chambers. - - -On Rngrittrd Wi1. .Wcss.-s. Varks. (Chair un). Partus iUeyf, .. . ,, Fifrfr'na. The legislature of Virginia assembled in Richmond on the th inst. In the senate, Mr, Holt, and in. the Jocr, I house, Mr. lnki, the oht speakers', were re elected ; and all the old officers were re elected, except sergeant at arms, the election' of which oiTicer was postponed. Gov. Giles's message is long and able. ... He has been re elected for the ensuing year, without opposition. Board 0 Internal Im'ircerncri:. On Saturday, the 15th inst. Cadwallarier Jones, James McKay, and Andrew Joi:cr, rwere elected by the legislature to com pose the Board of. Internal Improvement, in this state( for the ensuing year. Council of . State On the same day, Gideon Alston. William Clackledge, Geo. W. Jeffreys, MesKack Franklin, Williim B. Lock hart, and Isasc T.-Avery, were elected Councillors of State for the ensu- Jing year -One remains to. be elected, -s Cnftr fear Bank.Ldl. The Feterv h'trg (Virginia) Intellisencer, says the Bills of the flank of Cpe Fear have de preciated in value inthat town, in-conse quence of the epcqstinh "that that insti tvuioi is about ta wind tip Its- huslncas snd surrenderits charter. Jh.'iarr.a The legislature of Alabsma convened at Tuscaloosa on the I'Hh ult. NichoUs Davis was elected President of the senate, snd Francis S. Lyon (formerly of Stokes couoty, in this state) secretary. In the house of repreentativea, Samuel W. Oliver was elected apeaker; and Thomas T. Tunstal, clerk. On the next day, Oov. Murphy sent in his message : it is a scnsiMe document. The grand jury of New. York have founl bills of indictmrnt against the par ties engaged in the duel which resulted in the death of Mr. Graham, Ute we ol the editors of the New ork Enquirer: but they have all left the state. Mrs. Pecstur, the widow of the late Com. Decatur, has again petitioned con gresa for the allowance of certain claims to which she conceives her husband was enthled. ' v Brea.- .Wt deed. The Arkansas Gazette says oeen murdered in a duel with nr. Crit tenden, is .not desd, bjt only severely wounded, and will be aide to go on to Washington in a short time, as delegate in "Congrtssr from Arkansas territory. Mr. Crittenden's ball entered Mr. Con way's side, Between the 5th and 6th ribai and Mr. Conway's ball passed throotrh the lappet . of Crittcndin's frock-cost, t'oiog him oo iajurf-u"tHi r,u ij; 7" We have seen what w filed; the proeeediefs of the friends of thS atlminWatioa in Anson roiinty, occupying eonstoenbtc apace in soma of the rtDrs but w ara informed, that only rirht or ten persona attended, and that four- fifTbs of the pcupte of that county will vote for Gen. Jackson at the next election. At tl.ia meeting, lr. Thee. D. Park was chairman, and W. F. Smith secretary, llr. Parke, and John A. McKca. were appointed delegates to the proposed convent. on in naieigti. A rneetinp of tliefrienji of Gen. Jkucson wai held in Fayetteville, on the 6th ins. at which about 300 persons attended ; Louis D. Henry, cliairman 1 Stephen Senter, and Dillon Jordan, jr. secretaries. A committee of c'rtwpondence and vigilance, composed of 35 members,- was appointed 1 and a very able address jo the pub lic, wis mopiea out we nave not rotra to mase even an extract from it. ' On the ,7th inst. meeting of thd frienda of nr. Auams wu nekl in rsyetteviiii sbout 150 persons were present j Robinson. chairmanEdward Lei at which Dr. Benj. secretary, A delegate was appointd to attend the-fionvemion inJUIeigh and i25 persons tt insiow. namea as a, committee of vigilance he. Fav. etteyille has been called a atrongjhokl of the administration 1 but from various ijdicatiom, it appra evident that Jacksw will get large majority. or VoteS therei On the Uischarjrt of the grand jury at the last county ioiirt in that A meetintr of the friends of the aJmin'urtraticti wajheldin OncbTritoli; Jt.W?wintE4:CBairma imviiiw:. iit.. I.u.-ium H.,lin iA ' PflJViWWttfV JjJrlJhJBeetinr in fa vor of the re-election 1 of IfrtAoSHs andaglams'' the clnirns of Gen. Jackson. Claries L. Tor rence, Ewj. was then nominated bj Maj. Hender son, and selected aa a delegate to fttend the pro. posttl administration convehtior in Raleigh. Ma, 1,'iwson Henderson, John Coulter, Esq. Mi. Kohert Williamson, Maxwel Wilson, Esq. and llavid Keinhardt, Esq, wen appointed a corre(onding committee, to furner the cause of Mr. Adams in this state. meeting of a number of individuals of Mecklenburg county, took placr in Charlotte, also on the 8th inst, Hugh Metnan, Eq. and Dr. nXlt. Dunlap, were appoitted to recom mend tKjbe members of assenbly from that county, to Confer with the members fron) Lin roln and Cabarrus, and others, on 'he subject of forming an electoral ticket in ths state, in fa vor of the re-election of Mr. Alams. James Cunningham, Dr.D. R. Dunlap Dr. Joseph McKnltt Alexander, Hugh Parks, Itigh Meenan, Wm. L. Davidson, Guy Maxwdl, Alexander Rr, lir1 H. Harris Isaac Caajpbell, Henrv Foster, James Dinkins,xRobert loan, James Wilson, Wis, Houston John- Stit,. Augustus Alexander, are the commiUee. of correspon-. dene. , . A meeting f tl friends of the "administration was held in Raleigh on the 15ih inst ; snd Demp Sy rowetl, "WilKam - WhiHield;1 Trtomas P. Devercaux, and I)r, John Reckwith, were depu ted to the Adams convention, which wu to have assembled In" Raleigh on Thursday last, -. ... ... An administration meeting waa held in Hills horo' on the 1 5th -inst, - Dr. James S. Smith was recommended to the Raleigh convention, as a candidate for an elector for Mr. Adams. .Vr. tthite: At a drill-muster of oflleers of the" 2d" reglnfent In IredclKcTmirryroirthe Wh4tnrtr, in plan- rif Dr; Ymtng, dee'd, -iWn, inst. the vote was taken on the Presidential question, and was as follows : Adams ...... 42 Jackson 2i As vouare in the habit of printing the signs of the times, you can put this sign among the rest. Yours, kc. A FHIEND. The day of trial will exhibit a different result from the above. Ed. Verth. Carolina Trtatury. On Tuesday, the 1 1th inst. the committee appointed .to investi gate the situation of the Treasury of this state. made a minute and elaborate report : the den- ciency is g68,d00; but the committee are enable. after the strictest investigation, in any way to account for it- it is a perfect mystery, which time may exphun.ILThe report li very l0flg,.bttt shall be given to our readers, in detached pari, hereafter- The following pcejunbJe.and resolu- tion, in reiauon io iws nuujeci, was onereu oy Sir. Speight, in the Senate, on the and adopted, to wit t W hereas. Georre W Hay woodi exreutor of John Haywood, deceased, has conveyed to the State of North-Carolina all the negroes belongm? to his testator, and so much of the real estate as he was authorised to convey by the will, ami Elizabeth E. W. Haywood, John S. Haywood, ico. W. Haywood, Pabuu L. Day wood 4nd 1 hnma B. Haywood have abo conveyed to the State of NorMi-Carotina all the real estate of Joba Hay food, deceased, whtcV wis devFaed 1o tnem respecuveiy oy me m win ami testament of said John Haywood, for the purpose of se curing lo the State of North-Carolina whatsoever sum should appear due to said State for moneys received by said John Haywood, accessed, as Public Treasurer, and not accounted lor, under the conditions mentioned in said deeds j subject to the approbation of the General Assembly, Heteived, tkertftre, I bat tue sau! conveyance be accepted b the General Assrsnbty, upon the conditions therein expressed. 3Vaiurr.--We 1ave to communicate to our readers, more unwelcome news from Halcigh j Col. yWam Ktbarats of Granville county, has been elected Treasurer of this state. We sub join the state of the several ballot inn which took, place oeiore a cnoice wu ettcctrii i he s venih balloting, on which Mr. Il mlerton re. ceivvd 93 votes, was held on Tnurnlay evening i and bad another balloting been immediately had the general belief 'n that Henderson would have been elected i the Senate, fearing such an iwtie of the contest, adjwrnrd in order to avert it, at a moment when tbe other house was preparing to ballot again. So indefatigable wiv the friends of Mr. RobcrtN during the rece;-, that at '.he balloting next da)', it appeared he had made interest sufficient overnight to secure his election. Thus has the aristocratic monopoly of office by our Lattern brethren, been again made manifest to us, in its moat odious colors. It b lade else UiaimBtemn mockery, for the H'ret to be represented at all in the General Aasrm blv. when its members sre admitted to seat only .. ...... -t. to witnea tut rnonuin -pmacie waicn ia yeaHy exhibited to their view, of their const itu cnls beintr shut out from all the emolument of . . - ,1.17 1 r. r. -, oflice, aitU, in eiiect, an me ocnen's oi H-gi'-lion,by the injustice, and the rspsrity of ttie East em mmority ntnbr.. ,!.,.. The followmg ere tUe bsllotinjs : ' ""lf; 5.1. W. 4' 5th. 6rV 7r.. Zth. H.vwood. A7'.M.tlS9 31 H Robardi. . 'M 85 B J Wl -rtr 'i - 1U7-. 31 31 61 ts; 5J 80 It t-r'hdrawe - It ' 0 3 2 1 Henderson, 41 40 fcwa.aH,:;2r:i7; Burton, IS It fire President. U appears that James Plesssnis, Iste Uov. of Virginia, is to be the administration candidate for Vice President. A roucmJt seems, has been held at Washington, to settle the matter. A corrcspondcr.t cf :h- Vew-Vrrk, C'mt merciui Advcruar, urider Jte of Wash ington, Dec 6, adds a postscript, (which doubtless was intended for the editor's eye only, but whisht the Utter, in the ex uberance of hi, feelings, suffered to be published in which he says: "1 passed the evening where the subject of thr Vice Presidency was discussed, and agreed ufion 1 Gov, P. the man.H TheNatiori" al Intelligencer, and other administration papers, chime in, and pronounce Mr. Plcassnts "the man." Now with what grace can the friends of MrAdams in North Carolina, who, in 18H, mostly op posed the caucus nomination, now unite in supporting a caucus candidate for the ViceTresJdencyr strained at a knat, can the? aow swallow ri'THmctt'-' """'lJJ-"m(a The Central Pit.Ofice,-T Post Ofllc De- rrtmttt-Mhe l-'nrtcA fartWrttmler th cmOk Dartment. fthe Hon. John" MIjiuVI, uuwiiiwn nartment. (the Hon. lohri MLeftVis Biuaiwwa beyond all example sincrihe-fomution of atir Irevernmenti-JnTnen: tht dtpartrmrs eauw into his hands, live years since, there waa a vearly ex cess of expenditure over the receipts of gV).000 but so thorough a reform has str Mclean brought about, that the receipt thit pear t Treed the rrfpmtblore by upwards of g:00,t)g0T--'lile, during this period, the number of post-office, and the distance of transporting the mall, have been increased in a greater proportion than for merly. The receiota during the last year. amoiiM to 1,473,551: the number of pot-oft)ee is increased now to seven thousand. Wert every department of our government as effi ciently aamimnrrea a tins, we suouia dc a prosperous people indeed. tW YORK. DEC- I t. Cotton. The sales for the last three days, amount to about I COO bales of all descriptions consisting of old crop Up lands and rensacolas at 9 a 9 12 centaj new Uplands. 10 a. 10 I 3; some-new crop Mobile at 10 I 4 a 10 3 4, and New Orleans ot 12 1 a 13 cents. Advices from England to 3d XoSCare still unfa vortble.-.- - . Hettn-ilie, Her- Apple bramtr, 32 to Si; V each doJJS. to 40. i Kacotv Wal'j . ging,-20to 24; CoflVe 15-a 18 T CVitton, ne'w.8 to 8 5 J; Corn,' 57 a 40 ; Iwr, 4 to 4 50 ) .Iron, 5 to tky Molasses 32 ti 35 1 Sugar 9J to j Salt, BO to 85 i Wiskty, 32 a 35 1 kat.Ji.iQiy..pjajkiwJ.'. Ktntuch't F.lrriion.'Vie at last have some thing in the shape of truib, in relation to an election lor a member ni i.ongres iiom Ken tlic Jackon rami date, it appears, received 27 votes majority ovt-r Calhoun; the Adams man; but owiii, to an irregulai-ity in opening the polls Ht one election stand, the Sheriff's would not allow the votes taken there, although riven in by qualified voters; the disallowance of these votes, left Caihoun a majority, and he received the certificate. But so rreat was the clamor against this proceeding, that both candidates have screed to refer the election back to the people. Chilton will nr be fairly elected- Fmulr Preacher. On Wednesday last, the celebrated nno Brathwaite, who, !r a few yesrs past, has acquired. so much celebrity m England, as a preacher of the Gosptl, visited this town, arid delivered a discourse to aw unu sually large audience, which the novelty- " a vtmnn'e reaching, and -the influence of the name of this gifted Quakeress, had conspired to call" together. After a short pause, she roue, ami began to discourse on Scripture, without taking any text, and continued to speak for about an hear. - She tllirstrated liereWrvation" by frequent references to Scripture, which were happy and appropriate. Her manner was marked by a modest propriety j her language critically correct s her stvle chaste snd pei-mve. uotis i her delivery unaffectedly graceful voice clear and sonorous, without being hotster. bus j" and the W hole of hrr discourse, although. rather discursive, waa sensible and evangelical. Renect for this talented tadyrmffTetfcctTati'- factmn at her "discourse, seemed to be fels by all who heard her. She was accompanied by four or five Friends male and female : who were on their way to at tend a Yearly Meeting in Charleston, 3. C. CmtXSTZsIAS. The Merchsnts of Salisbury have resolved to cease from all secular em ployments, and to set apart this day to Religious exercises; in which, all who can make it convenient, are solicited to unite. DIED. Near Kendall's post-office, Montgomery roun. tyv on the 12th "inst. Mr. James Atkins, in the 90d vear of hia ageone of the oldet, ami has been the stoutest and hardiest man, ever in the county. A correspondent informsus that Jimmy Atkins was tbe most singular man of his time i He never averted any in the hottrst weather, srI!om ever drank any atcr, and never was knvn to spit in his life." Also on lng Creek, Montgomery county, or, the 3d inst. Mr. James Cghi son of Benjamin Cle, Esq. in the 24th ) car of his aice. He has Irfi an aflectionata aire, and an infant child, to bemoan a departed husband and father. At Columbia. Ten. on the 3d inst Mai. Sar. uet FIK a native of .Mecklenburg county, in this state, in the S3h year ofWsgrr- N0TICE. TO at) those imleblcd to the ertaie oi i noma Todd, deceased, either for property bought . . . m aw-a . . . at tlie sale, or otherwise, are hertoy notinr an Come forward and make payment on me jib .j of Jsnusrv nest, at the furwer rewdence of the -aid dee'd, or rhev snav expect to pay who w i ,1ms all the Nvgroes behiging to ihe aaid es tate will be hired fortwelve months on the ame ....... ...,.uftljt J... j,, kaiitf. BIkV.II"""""!'1"""1 httember WR, X35YT' 2t9i ""mKI-N U 1' XU COMM ITTKl), rpo tbe Jail of" Burke county, N. C on the L 13th Dev a Negro man v. ho asys his name far.' h ia J leet. 10 of II Miches high. about 31 years old i aavs ht belongs to John Broom, of FairfieW di. . C. I he owner t iVaired to come and prove property, pay charrts, and take the negro away. " JOHS M-C.l IHE, Jui for. r-: n,i?: IN accordance wish a repe-a fmm tie mittee of Arr"2eme' f r!. Srf ' ensuing annirerwry of the Vf'ry4 N v leans, that the company of S.IVm'v I t fantry Blues jIiouU unit e mIi tl,c ir tt U rw . in tbe celebration, tmir sjMwer m Mk-tjtnoi va Tuenlae the St tf January mrt I ywt are ihv to assemble, in complete SHuforas, at the Cnvr-.- llouse. at 9 o'clock a. w. By or J. r of Capt. Lawtt. 'JOHtH.HArimr.VtV. DetmbrHtKltt ' "3.JJ HUNTINGTON k tt Nsn n.s'VE the ptran.-e sf bdnem i--4 and the ,mb!.c geaterallt. that they itetiyeil ihir fT-iMS!S!!,), part of the foil 'wi g nml ntte-aea'a GwlJ Patewt Lerr wvtrrii-i .sueirca.-V And a very extendi S-rtnses4 el re leaf. ere,s4 tefw taw rk$ t tatX. , t, ... Prraona tnilehte.1 1 thW4, are er4 sw call and settle their respective Mtsaawta, ay smb4 or otrterwaae aary.Me.7iKl2T. . 93 to Tim rvruv THE ub-erbev ia stew uttivwug a ka-g savJ general awrnatit as Dry Good, Cuf.Vry, n4 arstWrr, of ad dWrtfMi-MMI, sVaas) Xev-Tarw mA rtsitayVI phia, where they were lres4 trv alaawsT, C-rr, and lsMfh fee r aod wUckaee .-tattmA on the aseitt rra-onhle serwtp. Aa W h-S tw Stores, , he' win arM iw easts at the awweaC; C- es MhevwUe, mm tiswe. Oawatry kVaster ght, at the alghrst SSwrkH prirra. kreamty. nvnta are snade to rreeiee aaaartthj,saas tbe ahve nuwel plate t wImcw w1 lr a good supply 4 rrrt i;!, at law ttaeee' in WMOwry, aaxi esaanian he wsmam Jsiftn HlttPttT. N. It. r'. tXtre, alt, trass, &tssrv Rum, vs itie Frrncli Brawiy, k(. aVr. v. .ir. mi COTTOV Y AKY AM tUrfll. TaTater3lfetef fWwe Mmi(Wrtwri-g Cosnpa'u, tVf f-4 S arB:-'-re;iM...fa( aw tw ra,trs j hut ryervmr swee tVsw tvi VW fi-. Irge of ra'wing e .yBng a viir nintiai -a asr " justity. I Wt SWW wwW Ort -4 tW I4mm prices fsr Vmmki ftmtmem al timk 'fii$iiZ - t.'nMnw Y, sW-X w4 a V' rls fmt ' , 7 and mi 31 rs ln i t aM ptht Vf ftv 4i No. II at el-, pet . IJat 47 . fl mt Snv twiy H yafw sm.W 1 1a. s t. 6:77 K9. t fhwtw-wir-trf ewirfW'Jh- -I hry aln pw'pi'w eN DM wy Hm Imi, of ym Now 9, ahout. ssxt rwi (, 20 els. per ) ard. v fiswiv wwdrv a V, ?J ds. per van!, trety ? ht f rW rawj will enter!!) yrfifh a f'nmi. They likewr astir the wAif fwWt, V proiluee, ls the way at aw esctMMf. , Com iev r.u-ut, 4U eHi yjw. a . Ih.r jWil,f peeft-l rr4.Sr U.t.. 62Cts.i t lowrctav presVt sV--. s cta.pern. WVtl prr WwVt, fl t P !-. ton, first qual.'l. i. p r . t I ab 4 et s Hj. i Dacoa g eta, rr Ik. t 9ad ewtswav bat pX&yi 3 u. B- aV BirtvtmaU aey p-r-a w- talt a fc mer priers, tbev Wil aM iisiimni'sw wfinw HsLpeeRksW a4 etttoK ami 11 eta. awe kV. far nicked fiwjmiwlHrsw merly . 1 newt prrw w.afcw . VW farsaww. MAMMON IMIILU , , . S.iUHBVMT, JkltMTW C.iUUX ia -attsiitsw.------''--'' i warfwat wsSaAsMawssst. Use SMarrti eaansrv si Hat asjr I'll J.HNtse, haw Wew miwrti afwea4 as4 fitted Hp m a new md arprrKW Sfsr, Saw tfew ta. eeptiow Cwipaey. TUpuNi awnae bees) taken to Jf Vw-e f ssms esaMi kma Wsfw" WtWwvT,w JBa sassjjifs-sg-asjB '&Q9t99fP' fir. the ttoffti JjrrJV mm. mJ proe4 aetasitoWshitswlresl 4ei.' rsfei lew war sMwt watk' the stablca attewaW-l wy wUf.f e4 bottler. Tbe eswfwsis l ssms asSwaetaal ta eqeaj tw any sn the ptarw. 1W aswsat ewasM a Mstbrr wf p' aw a, art ewt kaawara. wel ealeubted w tU arn-aammasSi as? tnjsaBt n and Boarder. APwWd w S)kk. SW Dry Gooda a4 sWk wkasw. Te these w aw sway ple sw esJ est krfa V auurea tbrnr thaw a taatwa wB be render tlsear slay -Ue eM saswf Snh'harm, A. C. Srft. 17, II.T. tj- tvi:nty i ou..r r.Lw,r,u! 1 1 AM aeay fmm the psjaa-aw f IsVa. taw It. ter. wear rwhaViry. JUL a WeU to hoy, about il years d of. 4 a ate let high. He as stewi. m4 al . Vaa cast look, al a hnla sMfewrw a Mf botiUler. Tbe abe rewaew sal Wi hit apprehewsmsi and drkverv tw asw,M 1 ry, or to tl vveraeer tW atasWasasw. ma u rUL Drrrmbrr in. 18.7. 8vva tia aw re4' fufuaary aWe4.rt. tt, V. 0' llDE1tEI,fy lh 1m4 as swrctwa a paytnewt 4 a sft ae pal be erscted pnw aB amNa atTtW f etaw. al, from and after Ihe tat tlat ast Jamiai'v sws . snd that the CaWt gi aatare tWswa ta ft detJtom, 1 y alvertewA m 4 W. Carohuia an.) Cataeba i A copy frwe ihe Mi 9ti juxmi MEEn. rjt. State t,Vr(-( ', Va JOHN NEIL al other, VeifS) at b mj h'eiLdcc'd. vs. IVwrnae V4, ary Ijs, Si!as Hunter an-l IMssw kati P-V--W P sale of the real rvUU at Jaear Vrtt, 4'd. It anrteartne 10 the -tufsi i tjjpasrr; ft thd dettni!s iw Um ae srade wast saf lvav ttaev tWnlim,. iKf rr 1." . rVsW- bw' made for sis wrekt iere4vvly V VtSr It r"lfw " Carolimae, metnttd le Aaww-y,gwsf said derenlma te aptwwr at ai art tat w. 4 court, lo he h Id for the -ity saf IWvm the etHirt'-ho i :-eflr", ihw nib wi-i'iN after ll founh Mon.Uy is) M.b aw, aJ pt-ad, answer or demur said pei , sa sb urn ill be taken pew eiif,, aaJ b 1 , par4- as to thrrn. W'itntwi, ALEWNDEB It. M SEC.. i I