, . .. . ," ' ' ' r' t fN - J - r i 8ALTSBUHY, N. C...TUERT) AY, i JANUAft Y 29, .828. jy PttlLO wutTR. I Tin term of the Weatern tarftKnian ere, flJ par annum or 2 SO, ifbidJin Mrf....but paymmt In advance will be required from all ubaeriher at a d'utanee. who are Unknown to the Editor, link tome reupwulle person of cqumnct Jfiumntff pvmeni. No paper discontinued, (ex ep( at the option of the Editor) until alt rrri.rif are P;,V - Arivortiarmrnt !)! ha IillCrtrd It fifty .Cent "peraqoare for (fit rWTnacttl, mi twenryv cent tor eaeii siioteqwenj wnw. . , -' AH letter 1lreMtl to (he Editor, mutt be p-i-finid, or they mar nof of Ittenood to.-' fl EN fi AUK DEUS' ADDUE5B u." Ge. p. Hi faunae r i . Hit t Tlit commSttto of arranre merit of. fir too their raencetful eemplimenta, and ex- .a a i . ! .1 rtM trie mgn orgrte or pleasure wnicn iney It In bf'uir prrtent at Iho vary able and patri otic addrtM which you delivered on the 8tit of ' January. For the purpnee of firm circulation t sentiment to congenial with the feeling of erery American, we k a copy for publication. Tour RMMt oat. a.-nrif, T. 0. , P. HVte, J- Knmd, S, Rent, i D. JUteuon, L, MiuKtS. , - ' SuKiittnt. .fan. 1 5A, 1 8 28. Gimiiiti I am faeotcd by the receipt of yur note of thi datei and herewith furmth, .agreeably to your requeet.a copy of the add-cat delivered in celebration of the 8th J4nnary. Tou will pleaae accent tnv mpectfal acknoal. cdeeaU for the friendly approbation of the acbarg of the duty aaaijrned roe. . Very respectfully, R. M. SAUNDEH3 '.TV Tim. O. PUr, Junitet Sittett Dun'L MetnaK, I'kil liVu, Sam'L Heart, Luttt AKttMt, . .- twiHimiiill - " . Vtfotf-Ci'rzfnt : Tnirteen yert htte elapttd tince the oerurtence .f that ent, to- tnemonble in (he liUtory of 4BUtxjtoti'tiit w-coodocue-to ui. honor .anc lit cnaracitr, woicn we nave tnu iy ejaaeinbled to commemorate. It it not to pt JiOintge (o kin or !rtpots. to re- - jokt at HtexMnn oi -a aovcreiKn pnncc rot h it to hail a Ccr rturniiip in tri Lv-JBniph from (he Geld of banle, or to offer our frecunKt for the iucccm of one ' jnaster ocr the downfall of another; lbete hioj we leave to thoae whoe dra tiny lif placed them under a different orm of (jot eimment : But we have aaem Jbled in the character of freemen, on the yearly return of thit day, to exprett our lhaoki and our gratitude to thote who, on Ibe field of battle, to nobly and to gallant ... If defended ("'" country' toil, and gave victory to her arm. " "'- - The applause of the preient and of fu ture aget, I the bighrtt reward that can pe offered to Uluitriout Tnen Tor distio fjuiihed aefvicett and the noblest incen tive to tucb a are atnbidou of like hon ore IbemteJvet. It tervet 10 consecrate the bold daring and gallant achievement -of our countrymen to-excite and inspire -in (he youthful ooaom a patriotic glow. that Aiudlei ad .expn Ji. alJbejrecttjLon such deeds, and awaken the proudeu mbition of which the heart of man 4 auueptibie ittie desire of - diatinguithinir, Jbjmself in the tervice of hit country. It carrict the memory back ro thote eremt,: Cherished a acred to the fame and fl t- tering to the pride and patrioihm of the nation Is there, then, an individual so lost to gratitude or to feeling, as not to Jiail the hour, when our countrymen in arms met the rude blast of war. stayed lit fury, and gave necuniy and protection to an exposed and vulnerable city I No tbeJioaoroIlhe-American character for. bids such ingratitude, and hold in perpet ual remembrance aday thutconsectated in the heart of our countrymen, and recor ded on the brightest page of our country 'a History. - It it meet and proper, then, fellow citizens, that we should, upon the yearly return of thit day, indulge ourtelvet in all the luxury of feeling and glow of grat itude, in commemoration of the event we celebrate. For, next to the high duty of defending the liberties of our country, is that of honoring those who have pre' served them, by the wisdom of their Counsel or the valour of their arms, it wat under these laudable feelings, that incltbt republic! had Ihelr TesTivats, and J modern natioot have their dayt of jubi J lee-tnd r eioicingr W hilatr t henwe- hail the Fourth of July 76, at the birth-day of our Liberty and Independence let us hallow the 8th of January, 18 15, at a day devoted to the maintenance and preserva tion of those blessings. Memorable be the hourf and immortal (he teelings it aaalt inspire. sod Independent.' Thit resolve, to mo mentous in iu coiHefjurnrf i, they did riot adopt, until every hope for a redress of their wrongs had been banished, and even the blood of the American citiiens had been nude lofW upon (he heights nf Dm.ker't Hill.' Then it wat, that the toirtin resounded over every hill and fitted ttcrj ..valley (hat thrr e million of peopli bunt their chaim, rushed lo arms, and twore to be tvenired forlhe death of (heir brethren. llotr important -(hlivtngle enigerornt,, waged, on , pur, part py a handfull. fiflwnestlVfOnianrf ,4 ' hastily collected ft illy rmd, to the future lib: ertiet of their country T he Tife of ttii American cititro had Urn taken, t War ren had fallen, and from that period to be dated the freedom of the republic. It waa in vain to talk of a redress of griev ances, or a submission lo a power ihus capable of ucrifiring the lives of virtu out and innocent men. No, a mighty impulse wat given to (he ball of the rey olution, conrage animated every breast, and freedom was proclaimed from every tongue' ( the mountain wave of liberty began to roll, and to roll with a current not to be- resisted. The voice of free men, like the wind of heaven, wat not to b stifled by the powers of a despot. T) rants I In vain ye trace the v. hard ring t In vain ye litiit mind'a uMwearied eprinifi What ! can ye tut! the winjfmt wimia !, Arrctt the Mime orkL or chain the deep f No i the wild wave coiitemna your acepter'd hand t It roll'il not back vhen Canute gave command." Siirh were the eflVrt ij a ainfrle engage mentttthe-temmencement-ol ur rcvo'll lutiotiary struggle, which contributed to largely to widen the breach and add to the necessity tht. forced "the reprcsenta lives of the Unite cTStates of Ameilfa in getteral congrest aKmblcd,'!..tq use their o o'"ToId Tjn"KUfge'r,,'tO"'"rJenoTnire -our separation from ret Britain, and hold them a we hold the test of mankind cnemiet in war, hi ptaccirlend '', Ho pleasing then the reflection to the patriot, that he is permitted thus to look back and contempt Jte the begining of a contest, ' in lit reault so fortuuaie fur him, so hap py for his country It was i'lderd fol lowed by other engagements, that of Saratoga and Trenton, Princeton and Monmouth, to the north the Cowpcoa, Guilford, and the battle of the Eautaw Springs, perhaps the inol bloiy ol the whole, to the south tt none of them could vie in import with that when fit the American citizen met the lrltih rt dier. There ws another eccaifement. in tern borders, we were engaged with the elf of one, who conceived hit plant ucrinca inuiant, wnote innaman ruie witn Ihe progretsivenett ol the ritlng of warfare It aoofldiv.ingulsheddettruc-1 ttorm.anj executed them wlih the ra non oi ail aget, texet, and conditions "! pidity of the (huudrrboli unrufHed h f'Ui nerr, rrom the peaceful walkt or prt-J the heat or battle, accurate and coneit vate life, wat to tpring p a man, who, In hit order, forteelnr everv thinir. nr at the head of hit favorite mltltla, by the pared for every Ihing," capable: "of th ugacity of hit plans, and .(he boldneat of most dtring enterprise!, tnd lost to everv ,v,r cutiiion, wa to waro oq in caip-1 iaea ot personal Wely T; lie arnhtf Wil inB knife, huso ibe lavage yn,'anI give qualified to" lea hls 'lrobp to'-tlcfory,'!! iccurity ahd protection to our mother!, victory wis attainable. His own tronDs our wtvra, ana. our children -.let, (Mi had been hatttlf tnmght together, of the miuua oiikerr whose rutore lot it waa to most discordant-mater a a. of Infer nr cist ao bright a halo' around the" name off numberfi od wud toctmiend with hTrWdntrrrTladranheowietraDnlied toe)' an eMmt.Tliaia.itiiM.ni i k. lo.vaULtorta,;Ttr;ei fbrmidatle ai they were. ranat oi tier army t - tie aaj no court that encompassed our commander'." ifi friend, to urge hit claim ( no friendly wat in a country but recently adoDted ncniu in eppcai to in on ocuan i u was imo tne American lamlly, ot a hcteroge hi fortune to force himself into the ser neous population, and indicating strong vice oi ni country; not inrougn favor tvmptom til Cisaliectlon to his cause, or entreaty, but by the gallantry of hit But hi mighty eenius met and banished ecu. Andrew Jackion, a native or south every difficulty. He had juM been joined Carolina, for sometime a citizen of (his by the intrepid Gen. Coffee, and his place, had removed at in early period to brigade, when he received intelligence tne stare oi lennessee, wncre be had I that the enemy had succeeded in enter filled troe.of the higheai offices in civil ling the Tlavou Bienvenue. and had de life. On the firtt call for the services of barked a considerable part of his force, inr iiiniua irum ma euopicu oiac, ne, wnn wnicn ne nao advanced to the high with the assistance of others, raised a lands on the Misiissippi, and occupied a volunteer corpt, fnd by the order of the position not more than seven miles below government, descended the tfiisistippi, the City. The crisis was now approach under the expectation of meeting the ing, and Gmeral Jarkson fortceing the enemy ai em exposed point. This not danger of suffering the enemy lo attack proving the case, he wat ordered to dit him, determined l.imseir to become the band bis troops: and by sharing in all aikailunt. This bold and haurdou. hui their toils and privation, on their march necessary enterprie, a performed on home, e first gained the confidence and the niht of the 23J of December, and was a'.tacbment ol the militia, which ever attended with a tuccrsi beyond the ex anf-rlveled theff feeling! to ttronfclrtrrwctat!.on r of rhe mosr-santruine The wardaJiim. He did not long remain idle, enemy were forced to retreat, and our nciore he waa called to head an expedi rommsnder drew off hi forces wiih but tion atrainst-the most : -formidable 'aAdr a triBin lnti, ont. In ,k. ,t.,k ..f t ea . . I . . warlike 01 the Indian 'tribes. How he the brave CO onel Lauderdale.BValual.lt dichartjed this high trust, the victories officer, h fell gallantly whilat anima ... -.n.in., vi . binuuiiv, oi tne ung nit merr, ann 'leaning tnem tnto c Horse shoe, where sunk the bratre Mont- tion. Having then, by this masterly gomety, foremost in' battle, and a con-1 movement, warded off the ore sent dan tpiered foe, whose soil -now constitutes a ger, he wa. Allowed a few davs longer, prt of our extensive domain, bear witness which he pent with sleepless nights in to his prowess and tuperior capacity for preparing for that event so important to military command. About this period hit own fame, to the honor, ahd perhaps he is commissioned a Major General in the liberty of his country. The night of the regular service, marched into Florida the seventh of January came the "note in pursuit of the enemy, and finds it ne of preparation" and the movements of cessary to punish tbc perfidy and humble the enemy, gate evidence that the day of the insolence of the haughty Spaniard, battle waa at band. Our troops remained For (his act, some would fain have tar bchind.,n5r breastworks, une'er order to tiM.ed his laurels and branded ki. .,,,""" ,or ,ne brst W1' tferf on with infamv. Not ao the Rem-ni. "cd ,hc. d,wn ' .' "l,h dcf ? . e ever the assertion, that a republican form of government it too weak for belligerent operations. Whilst, then, it thll be out4 contiant prat rr to th t over ruling God, who ridet upn hf whirlwind and directs the ttOrTf, to ron'lu'ct Our belated enunlr through the Linn vru fif ' time Jo grant that the goddess of 1-iSe rtv whft has Irflf lier abode imtm tha t-ommnr at th m irnrlKWflnntf Rn'tf a) retting placd' upon the American mounfaint.: And If In ihe revolution eventa, it shell bethe) fate of our nation again lo be Involved Id e elate of war we have lo the) brlghl , anap)-,oi iao,wtM)e. Victory we thla da celebrate. hat wblchabill rfve tour age Itf despair, nertre the arm of the bravei: and leach the citizen aoldier how to ren. der hit name and hit deed ... Immortal. DurHi.iar. Clinton. In hia m r ti nn tit f Iim legielature of New-York, at iia thue bear witneas airalnat the murderous prac tice f duclliiig. Thia tettimonv should carry tnofe weijrht with it, from the circumstance of Gov. C. having onre been cnncerntxl in a duel llimtelfi hnt hat if nee bran hrmivht In mm k. folly ami wirkednett of tlic practice. a prominent and besetting evil of the imes, is the practice of dutllinr. hih frequently ship wrecks the peace of fam ilies, and destroy! the live! of useful members of society. in these cases, false notion of honor are arrayed against the dictate of mortt- ry, (he preaerlption of ,w, an() fna j. unction of religion The eatomina- tion of this moral Hydra haa been found more difficult than the physical Hydra of antiquiiy. The severity of penal inflic- . tiona ha been rendered nugatory byiaO-L. want of certainty, and chivalrte folly hit prostrated the most tacrrd consider, tions. The failure of past : preventives ought not to deter from the application. of new expedients.. If public opinion is tin ive of the people, who could net cen i'e, muc h less condemn one to whom itt consequences of a still more brini.nt l'e. Naiion a at great a debtor. From character, like that we thit i day celL-brate, thence he is directed wHt an accelerated the surrender at York town on wjiose! narch to' hasten to the defence of New rIuiadTertingto our early revoluiionary - Listory, we discover the-highftot acts of . oppre ttloo . M. ltd ,-' part of (he 'ririot he r "T counlry , and iihe 'most: n for a redress of grievance!, on that of the . coiopiet; , These repeated evklcncet of the exercise of power, and the haughty rejection of. .what they had the tight to demand, forced our fortfathert to the bold resolution of throwing off the yoke of op trcrshni ar.d prpclaiminjj themselves free heighu the ; A merican Egle .of... .Lj b erty perched, and flapping hit wings in tnumph, hallowed the freedom of thi Western World. Let it jtot then be said that the green laurel should alone- adorn theiieiraan!arQW.TTm)JiJiciHt(g. alike to the hero of the held and the ora tor of the Senate, and it is for the hand of the freemen to bind the wreath .and award the honor. r Thu commenced and thus termina led the contest, which gave liberty and independence to our country. And hav ing formed a constitution upon the pi in ciple that man is capable of self govern ment, and of administering to his own I at a napptness, our Deiovea country was about to enjoy a peaceful repose, and the patriot lo realize all those blessing our free and happy form of government was so well calculated to impart. It hud been the wisdom of her policy to cultivate friendship with all nations; br an active commerce abroad to enrich herself, and an industrious agriculture at home to tender her people happy and cnntrn'ed But whilst engaged in these laudable pur suits, and in 44 the full tide of successful experiment, it was her Tate to meet her former enemy at a rival, and after sustaining repeated acts of outrage and aggression, to gird on the armour of tie fence, and again encounter the rude shock of war. It is not my purpose to inquire into the causes, jnuch less into the policy of this contest. If belbnet to the Senators and Representatives of the na'.ion to settle its jn-7 buu uncusrm jusucc; a ney ikj, in June, 1812. nroclaim .the nation a: war, and it became the wish as well as the duty of every good citizen, to see that it wat brought to a fortunate and honorable termination, Our army was small, and our. people by their habits nuea ratner tor the arts of peace than me acieoce oi war. - Hence at (he outset mia contest was wared -vith,3.aliRnau, AH.3l:mWe"j(hougu the IT ,t s?oLtn JUjiiiaa haCfloatedlh triumph over the, briny deep, we had but ti tle to boast of victory upon land. A Brown, a Scott, and a Gainet, had indeed tustained the honor of our irns, at Chip pewa, Bridgewater and Erie yet, aad revertet iiad darkened the brilliancy of their athieremcnta. On our south-wet-, Orleans. How important the trust, how threatening the'danger, and how feeble the means to ward it off. Just befoie this period, an insulting foe bad marched over our land, under their bold leader with the sword of dcith in the one hanrt and iltttorchlofc ; The proud capital of the nation is captured with scarcely a struggle, and laid in ruins i. a monument of daring in trepidity on the part of the enemy, and of lasting-disgrace to ourtelvet, Thu flushed with success, the enemy returned under the hope ol surprising a flourish- M my, ana witn oraers to Jay that in ashes : But in this they were deceived, and themselves met nith defeat and dis comfiture, and their leader with death, at the hands of a militiaman. Foiled in this attempt, it was now their whole force was to be concentrated, and direc ted to fall with its htaviest bolt, upon that great depot of th Wettern States, the City of New-Orlean. Their iroopa had just been freed from an enemy, who for year had made King and Empcors tremble for their throne. The war of he Peninsula was at an end; and the nvincibles of Wellington were te be rsnsported to our shores, in order U put o flight our despised militia, and hand ful of regulars. Our army wat but as a vanguard in comparison to the thousands with whom these transports bad been in the habit of contending. Their officers too, the able sfof the army of the con tinentv united ill The advantages of skill. to that of experience and discipline. W K-4hi4m meoae-odda- in-their Xa von the stoutest American heart was made to cower, and those charged with the ad ministration of our government, trembled for the result. They would most wil lingly have despatched an officer of more experience, and at they thought better qualified to command and direct the ope cations f our. troops. But trhey imagine Ibe Eagle,, wat,, grappling with the Lion ... and little did they know he superTorap post T 6f oner ww proved himself able to cope with the greatest commanders of thedav; of one, who uniting wisdom in the art of war with courage, contempt of danger with untiring perseverence, dcx tent y with pretence oi mind, activity ty, nut wnn calm intrepidity, expecting ihe attack of pur enemy with hit fifteen thousand bayonets, besides his ten thou sand sailor and marines.. , , The morning of the Eighth c January, at length came, and exhibited the enemy upon the banks rf the Mississippi - Their , parole and roun'ersign. 44 Iholy and Rtauty" whilst the chivafrous motto of 44 victory or Death." was cthp'd along the American line. A congee ve rocket, like a meteor X flashedahrougb. J hcjiti .n.d RiJJL ifce sig. nal for attack. In a lew momen't, was heard, that constant rolling fire, whose tremendous noiae resembled rattling peals of thunder- Then it was, that the British officer wss seen animating his troops and urging the nr lrti to those batterie from whose fire came the vollies of(Ieath. Their commander in chief, Sir Edward Pdckenham. the cltve of the Dukeof Wel lington, fell whilst animating his troops to the first assault. In a second attempt, (irnerals Keane and (Jinbs, shared a sim ilar fate. Every effort for a third trial failed, and they were forced to shelter themselves in a ditch for the remainder of the day. Never has it been the for tune of any commander to gain so com' plete a victory against such fearful odds, and with so small a loss. The enemy repulsed at every attack, driven back and dispirited commander after commander taken from the field of battle in the arms of death whilst every attempt to renew the assault, proves unavailing victory declares in favoui of the Americans arms. Well might its hern have exclaimed in the Imcuace of the Roman General, Vtni, Vidt, Vicil Anxiety, which bad stood on tiptoe, carried the glad tidings through our land, spoke quiet to the patriot's bo som and proclaimed a day that musT ever inspire the highest ebullition of national feeling. SucbyountjymenxJijhe able (a arrest. bit IUtry!eCyjl, the stm of the law ought to be sTreichetl" forth, full of terror and replete with punt ishment. The most effectual prescrip tion heretofore applied wat the" rcnuire ment of an oath from every person titter ing into office, that he would not be con cerned in duelling, but this having been abolished by the new constitution, other measures must be pursued. As most duels take place out of the state, might it not have a preventing effect, to direct mgitratet to make Strict inuuiry into the charges, and in their discretion to im prison the offenders until notice can be (Mven to the Exetutiveof the atate in which the crime wat committed, to that -he might make the constitutional requisi tion for their being delivered up (or pun ishment And If a homicide of this char tcter, is perpetrated, may -it not bead visable to consider it so in the state wbero the person dies, as well at in that where the wound was inflicted. Most duel are brought to a fatil termination by the mil conduct ofsecopds, who, in the confidence of self security, anil in the headlong Career Of "rtemented-quixotimrcloe - the-door - against reconciliation, sod they ought therefore to be visited with exemplary' punishment, espetlally In challenget eneV ing in duels- And where homirtdei have taken place out of our jurisdiction, what is now1 adjudged only- a: misdemeanor or breach of the peace, oueht to be deemed a re Ion v, and subjected to punishment in the state prisons. And by such energetic measures, it is earnestly to be hoped that thia disgraceful evil and high handed of fence may be expelled from our country. day, such the victory we celebrate; and whilst we drop the tear of regret for the fate of such as fell in the arms of victory, e pour forth our warmest gratitude to those who survive to receive the smiles and the applause of a grateful country. I might here pause to contemplate a .fiyX glorious, in . it, re sulU-an d so Jort uoa'.ejn. it consequence, but that lam addressing aneudieuce, who have themselves nitnet sed its animating effect upon their own feelings, and the proud title it has given to the American name u closed nit war in a blaze of glory, proved the ability and efficiency of our militia for defence with the most perfect command of binvm the fiour of danger, &;id slknctd for- Morgan, again. The " Advocate" newspaper, printed in the western part of New-York, alter alluding to Hill at the murderer of Morgan) says i 44 This man has undergone another strict examination, by three attornies, in the presence of many other respectable gentlemen, which continued six hours, and resulted, as we are informed by a gentleman present, in the entire convic tion of all who attended, that he is in fact the murderer of William Morgan. Ho hat accordingly, on his own confession, been committed to prison. He stated, we are told, in the most positive and ex plicit terms, every transaction, and. par ticularly - respecting the awfuL tragedy J 'Z without the least contradiction or discre pancy. He gave (he names and number of aCtomplicesTTrhoTwe believerthrmtgli the timely notice of the Lewiston Con vention, that they were " all found out," have left the coun:iy and it is to be feared are now beyond the resell of conviction and punishment." x Louisiana Croii.T6 crops through' ou,t ;(he; whole, of tiitj. etve pi Looisianat. ., r areasseried to w rernaikably productive tthat ol Louun m jiurticuiar, is better thaahas been known for a seriea of years. The quantity ' of 'augar promiieT'i'6a'"" very great and rcmailt'ably finer The In digo crops have ttcn highly productive , but very little ol that article is now culti vated in the country, except in Vjie Wvstc bnyo'i sTtitlemet:', 1 . 1 , L L . : f .IV 12 it" v., if- It, J at Tl 4 H "4 k r I ' f is : t Ml 1 !- II: fl - V 4- 5 T7.'.' !.' ..:..J.l v .v. .. ;. . ."tv -