r ii mated r.iAi;-xc:i iigtzl. SMJSHUhV, JSViTJI C.1RQLIX. ht .a iuimosu. mm th.nt mtMilimin, iK mohIi rorilrr of the Court. ii,h,.. K.i been recently rf rircd and lafrtl up In ft ww sndxineriorityl. lor the re- reption of Company. 1 Inflate P". f n . fctm taken lo procure for this eMaoli'liment new furniture of every description, necerj (or tbe co.f.rt of Travellers! the rnoH ap proved Mrnf have been selected With grea rarei the bur stocked with choice liquor, and the stable atteroled b obliging ,k1 ttte k.i.m Tl.ii convenience of tide titufttion la cqtiml to any in tba lc. The hoe contain .,mk. fhrivata roofl.t. ami out-bouM. well calculated for lle aocommodatK of Traveller ml Boarder AtJhed to luch. tlrs Ua Dry Uood nd Book More. ,. , J9 tho who ma plaaae 19 eU on bin, lie render their stay eomfortabl sod pleaaing. . . EZRA ALLEMONG. , 'SMff.C.Srp. 17, 1837." - K?"'" Tin: jroTtir.u mhHiam:. HE tnWrihT hating rcmnvrd hi Bt re to :oncor,l, reicctfully ",v"fl ,,"e " i ... . . ' - r ..i . ,i I i are lmlHU"l It htm xo come imwani " by the fiM day of March neat. TW who fil in complying, msy rrtt aure d that ili'ir note and account will be placed forthwith in the hand of office h for collection. r.DW'AHD CHESS. finHtAur, htt'.Sth, WIT. ' 9. " Mli . , . gaud. ; ,. : wra . .ta.fl fmn ftjr 'ork. larje wpply of ' Medicine t, and ' ' . Paintu " wiich, togethtr with their fnrmer itocJt, male i their preient ftaaortnient repWu with the moat valuable Medicine told in our country. At they .' are letrtninfd to .make th'w f rtilli)imriit worthy of publio patnnaRf, they now offer for !, Wholetale and Re'ail, the ilmi Me&clntt, V i. on the noat reasonable terma. rhfritiaiu In thii aectkjn of the country, at Veil aa tho to the westward, who, heretofore, hm b en in the habit of nipplyirjr themst-Ke ' with' Medicines from the north, and ehewherr, will find it for their interrtt to encounire the ef. fbrtaofthe present proprietors, in makiny this useful and permanent stand. W. B. OreVr carefully and punctually put up, agreeably to directions i.and on' the ahortet no :. lice. Sdiilmry, Vv. 20 IVT ' ' SAfX OF LANDS FOR TAXF.3. WILL he mid. for caoh, at the conrt honse in 8aliburv, on Monday the I8ih of Feb. iiary, IH28, th follow nft Uar ts of faiul, or so much thr irof s will m'itfy the tax dus for the year W to wit t - - - - - 40 seres adjmiiinjt Sarrftirl MarRn and otlwr, . riren lit by Thomas Huhlnmn W'acrew S-'ljoininc Forrt 1otro and cthws, riven In kr John Hobley. " 47lac:4dJoiiiin)r t(wi A, Ike snd oJht, (tien hi b William M(orei "f" 350 sere adjoining Mosrs Prown and others, ' ' ;ien In by Hobrt Garner, dee'd. 350 acre attjoinins; Uoet. John Ikotl and others, 5 fat m kr Joaepbj akfonjuifhey,,, . , 340 acre af.juininrHdadhew Lock and others, (tiren In hyjoafph lcCoinsuf hey for Betsry - Locke. , 700 acres adjcKilns TVllflam Pinktion and other, riven in by John T. fhifcr. 1 House and Lot in the town of flatiftbury, ad- Joining James Martin, Jr. and others, iren in y Itom Hanes. 1 l(oue and Lot lying on Main street, adjoining Mary Gay and others, an jn by I homs llolmrt, for Fmnois Cmipie. , . . 1 HmiM and Lot lying on Main treet, adjoining Wiltiam Pinknton, Jr. and others, gifen in by Abraham Jcob. 1 Hmie and Lot lying on Water street, adjoin. Sn Iae f.arnliart and other. ren in by ltalph Krstler. F. frl.ATKK, ShtHff. .hn. rt. 18m (40ct.) 6t0t niK stum: U flf Ml- kwl, i"i m lwtti. II U.1 M.4 M m" M fi I Tkt tip UH '' H M4 mMmi J T T mm laftiat to ll a m 4mM. kt Hi fk ! mi fr, H I, lkw tk tkM"r I IkniS Om Ufitf Mr Ma, to MH M , ar rn a T , ti tomi! m4 lay HWt ni to m tto xH MMntf ttotto. 4, kr to fr H, nu. wik I r' a tan , a m tu it. w wo m a, am m r i '" FASHIONS, kc. AT WASHINGTON. TAGEzLLNK; FROM BALF.IGU TO SALlSnUnT; PHJ5 nberiber hatinr purchaacd this routo hf Up John Moreinir. Jun. Si3 rcBetfut)Y informs ': the J rirr2Sf Jolin Albright Alt x Arnhart Alex. W. Brandon tt m. C. Brandon Wm. K. Hird Wis. narber Jit Bell JeMM) B. radget Unlit. RradJiaW If nv Bard., Polly Rrwn John Cr Ballew a ' r " ' - . while tiat no exertions in his power shall be ' i!?"V . '! Wanting to render it at expeliiioua. atife and ' rmfortable M it ha hitherto been under the 2.7' ,,WJennJence:rn ...sfurthy owner. . " ' . . There will be no changes in the route. The ' ' Stare, a aaual. ill cottinue to run from Raleigh , ,' , '"V. , ' to B.n.bury.ric Pittiboroogh and Ashboroogh, jlVi.ncniP icmcy .weik. It fca.es Raleigh ejer, vA, ; JC?mU;bTr , 4 ociocs.r.ja.anu mTc. . en,.,-,-- i Dr. Jetae Carter Darid Cox Mr. Chamber Am Delozier Thoma Dickens Jumei Daniel ff illi Kllis Jame Klli Jeremiah Foreman -Maihla Frick Hv. II. Field Motet Fight Samuel Gardner M'llliam Gillion -. H'illiam Cray fTilliamioa Harris Mary flill Henry Hill Jame Hardie William D. Haden Jot. B. Ilerbet Andn-w lloltouser John. Ilvde Mr. Ilo'wel Jame liogan freroy frighfower Liar of Ltri Eus REMAINING in the Pott Office at Satitbnry, North Carolina, on the 1 January, 1828. j Monday at 10 olclock, a. m. Price of parage from Raleirh to baKtbury. 7 dollars, and at the aiM rate for any distance on the mute. All trunks snd other baggage taken into the tage, Iball be delivered at the place to which they are directed, on the reponiHifiiy of th tub Briber. The uberibr baaardi nothing in saying that this is the neareM, cheapest and - Boat arreeahle route from Kaleirh to aliabury ( sutd be, trwrs fore, with the greaUr coufldeucc .'Bp licit public patronage. . : GEORGE WILLIAMS. Jr. January 8, 1838. 3mtl4 ,-THE HORSE NORTH CAROLINIAN, IK "ITTTI LL "stand in Saliabury; IF the en?uinr Spring, the searoi: to commence about the ; 15th of March.- His pedigree, aiirt other particular, will be made known in ;)tndbi1llirrdtie time. JOSIAII TURNER. .flmm: Jan. TiA, 1828. 4t0 r1l!Tri-ww YOUNG SIR ARCHY. II YJbe. ceJebratedRacer, Ji Bir Archr, of Roanoke, 4 autfrjn;l.agje tnarej will Und the next sessoo at: tbe 8ii mntH- &t;laytoiv-t ! Bcatty ' Ford, ' part of hi time i and part at some convenient - aland about mid-way between thia and Salisbury, He ia a Horse of great power and ior; Seven yeara old the next pring, upwards of 16 hands high. Particubva will be made known fafore tbe commencement of the season, 7 Bealty't t'trd, Jan. 7th, 1828. 40 NOTICE. if RAVED rroro the auotcTibe a few days tince, a tmall crty POJVr, roached and docked. Al- S so. a oav t jlli wun him. about , eighteen month old i the filly ia large for her age, and tbe pony very small. A liberal price will be given for them if delivered, or infoi mu tton where they mav be taken up. 8TF.PIIEN L. FERRAND. . SaHibiirg, Jan. 18. A, 1828. 93 The Editor of the Catawba Journal will pub. frh the atme 3 week, and tend his account. vaVMA Rosaim ttaden Nancy Jlotlgens. JoTin Jlall.t Imbc A. Hall ff illiam Jonct Jacob Kufs Moses Kurn 3t'J5 . Samuel Long Margret Lock Francit Lnrk John Undtay Jacob Lyon - Peter Lewis Mathcw B. Lock Richard 4xck Richard Loury John I Dickie John If. Moyer TUo. A. Mera Jamr Mnll Armsiel Monfeald M. Maitt.it Peter Moury Jamr McCneken Joniah Morrirtjt'" Allen Neeihian Thoma Noah M'illiam Oak Jcmc Parka Jame H. Piclcen Alexander Pinkaton Henry Powlua Laurence Porter Jacob or Peter Itiblcn Jacob lie Iiaac N. Rerk George Rufty George Meek M illianj Robinn T homa S. Hcece John T, Reed Moreaa Ruse Jame Ruaa -Job Tfoirtbouee 2 -. John Metier : ' Joannah Smith Edwsrd Smart Samuel Sloan Archibald stokes . Elizabeth Travia Edward Taylor John S. Trucket John Turner Hiram Turner Adam Trexler "AbrgnrWrii Philip Walling , Dennia M. Winiton : ' l SaraliTTomnct" -Herirv rTeaver" A B. W'angh Ait.h Waterman " Freeman lalker. SAMT'EL REEVES. I. f. Lsttaet tfa ktttrjnm Maehinjin, is tk JUt V tfthe-rw Vsre tyatfrnr, duud Utc XcVA.'. to move. '1 here have been wready, several parties, and one or two ot tbem. tolerably celebrated ior the e- Uct Uauty - ud iathion, displayed, oo I Um; occaavo.,. jii.was aurj i opening of the ieav The Dumber office women soiooroing here during the leA too, it not to very great, but they are very choice. There are aome from the northern ita.es, of great elegance and accomplithmeuti and one in particular, trom the Green Mouotaiua, it is sui(i, whose personal beauty acd fiue figure, even wink before the supe rior attractions of her mind and intel lect. If your reader chooses he my transport bittsclf, In imagination, to the bJl room, nd there picture her a ., f . I 1 like me spirit tu love moving tnrougn , i . V f. i 4.t f;,.: t .il.is i.:' I r.-;.-.j 1 1 !W") a Co.iiinuii.li'll to the I..!. tor of tl.S h'ew- Yki V r.iii'iircr, ilatrd at VV a.l.mplon, Icc. 2Gtli, believing It will aflurd to-no nutructiun and amutemcnl to our reader i The present Congress will be one of the most practical which we have had for years. M r, tlcDuflic is the chair mau of the Ways and Means, and a more active, efficient and patriotic chairman could not have been selected. We "have a mistaken conception of McD. in the North. I know very well that , opinions unfavorable to him have been spread by the Adams men, but it has oot, on ail occasions, been t uffictently tontradicted by the Jack son tans. j ne tnuueoce ct Xalcox. cn crgyillLp.t1?iiwjH 'ifwaya be great in such an assemblage 'aslhe llouse of Kepresentativea, This ts the influence which MacD, possesses. Low in stamrc, he is yet , towering in intellect ttrtd -wsTtn in rpubUelspiritj TheJackson majoritici on all the com mittees -rir 4eter mined... txu dz vote themselves to business anddespatchlt to tbe satisfaction of the people. You have been advistd for few davi of the decision on the sale of Uifik Stock. It has been signally rejected, and many think it will give additional con. fidence to the holders of stock in the National Dank. .The United States' Bank may be useful to the country if it be well managed, but it should be ,. - j one dvv t-mLf4 1.4 l.ia Cmk kt tf)e univcr&ity of Gc'tlngrn, aJmifcJ the galleries of Uo:..c and I'lurence, uni drink co.Tce cross-lccd, with Ali Pacha, before he was bow-strui.g, lj6 is nt yet, what we call a debater. He is stilt and polpitiaeil, but hopes arc entertained, that old Roanoke will bruih him op. Cloy, I am toldf, it a delightful fellow, and is the only ono of the cabinet, that keeps up his spirits He will make a charming piece of po lit Seal ruins, anno doming 1829, heo old Hickory) planted at the west end, Adams' soon eiptcts to retreat to Quincy;tOJrjte his father's life,i JJe begin life A lecturer, and will end It i biograplier." The "people of the ITdiuI State,-iTe gtTJerrnis f they roufd ner ti think Of refusing him aa opportuoi ty of exercising his filial love ia d;t fatherS biography. This is the only hopn remaining, that hit literary iy. Jaciion, I ha ve no doubt," will subscribe ' for half a dten copies of his booV, just by way of enenrsgement. Cl will bead the Opposition to Ifickory administration. - He will be rauch wanted t for really, the intellectual force of the Adams party, io the house, is s weak, that the talent of the Jack son men, had they not all the publio business cast upon them, would, fear, get rusty for want of use. CofOTfwry. An obscure thing iq the shape of a newspaper, printed at some distance hence, which seems to serve only as a common receptacle for the nonsensical outpourings of empty noddles, contains the following subline jargon, iq an, article enuuca "tho " The recrementjcjous and'uovarle gattd attire of the schoolman, is mado narrowly watched. "The attempt of th AHima nnrlv tn make IL anrwsr .l - r.w-j ti c , uic m.c. bi in anis. cr i. , that fntre wa con0,,on between Mr. one of those magniScent forms which Barboiir and Mr. McDt.ffie, is one of fancy pictures ot the classic -ge. lt-be m0t fo,;8h and conlemptible I is full, round, and tall, and embellish- we0 Mr B a of greal ed ith all the divine attributes of ulent, puritv if character, nd above male loveliness. " Dignity has given ; al) lich imputations. McDuffie is claadty to her step,; and fancy and opcn in M his .ctlons. " Tl.reply leeling play round her beaming cud- ' hich MD. m,de to thrse imputa- tenaiHe. inc very air in w men sucn .mi.ahU lie hA hn a bcauuful pmaneathes isJuU to app, .r injieu of that pleasing di. Lacirutmg qualiues..Sht wfecta the j m,nnf Ff aod ith no parnculat oratori-' vtraification or geniua and attractitf hole atmosphere, and all seem to Catch i Cai tflf,",'f t WJirn he cme to that nnrt ta&cjRm ot manner, wbirh Is the ve mc contagion. rcnDayivaiiia is 1 nf h . tnrrch where he sjvs he ft It a uaarr oi iniruci iuai cicvauoa ana I i . a . ... k.;..t. - . . rr !! r. i IWSHv f Fi.,5c5ll ,.mf:. tuv";.-w':. .. saCtf U . Obligation, .CCC. " rnakel"uulr;',wmu' r' uaciutuc, n.g creature from " 5usquehanna a remark, on ihe imputation cast s ) .,ri " rtfiai anian m wsi.mmmwwuw a a ai a a a upon mm ov tne Adams party, ru al tered his tone, his manner, and his very personal dimensions, as I ima gined. Every word came out full, slow, and explicit. His action was ta l M I 1 . f snrivv siuc Aas crcatea a powenui sensation. Yet, many of tbe bache lor in Congress are made of whin stones. They are impenetrable j no thine can melt them. The anowiest G-towiki f Howthia-long Urni leucophlc gmatic lexicographer stradles over the "recrettifnticious mid unvi riegated substratum" of balderdash I JJosfM Emntng Bmekx. neck, the most sparkling eyes, the graCrful and commanding. He most be wiiching ancle, don't put so e(j to r-,8e ,eteral inches in si much anxiety into them as the simple taking o! the yeas and nays. There are, however, honorable exceptions. 1 1 is remarkable, but nevertheless true; that the handsomest men in Congress, are tV Delegates of the Territories. He felt himself rescuing the spotless reputation of a patriotic party, from the slander and defamation of a om blnatLn of office seekers.- Hr made a considerable impress'n on the house and sat down with the silent approha S a. . a. at fsrpt dipiomeiuqvc are the great t;on 0f the great majority. Mr. Gor leaders ot the ton. 1 bey have the jWTf Boston, followed him. He is best cookSj the best wines, and gtvetvery jarliamentarr, in his language An Abolotru. Hie following whim seem I . nore (r0ma neishborinr penile tature. 1 . I, ? . " " iiimu wiiuiitiu piuiuiacu w pit: nriii at an entertainment was received by ths inviter a dav or two ago: " Dear Sir, you may reduce' your turtle soup to quarts, and M minus a brace of ducb, Sec. as mv devhsh jaws have given ne notice, since last night, that they are not liktlv, BKio-niorfow716 ;do their duty. The fact is, that, by puttiog oa a damp out, I bi taken a severe mm mMM aaa as v m wu na j i w v vi-aks,a ajaaaia j - . - . . i at t .-..u. kt -,i i .. '- . , . cow m my icein anu irumai so mat ILLLUI 1 11 L' LUU1C UIUCI Z ailU 1IU IWlLft ' tfthiri llll.Mlto. llh.fl llr ftjtnAfAA . - . ... - i.rr.xla uill What i rif tr . t , r , . . H,r .Uvvt.vU .v. ... - (rose to sprat, u was wonuermi nat nc is not a jacason. man, ne LIST OF LF.TTh.RH UEMAINING in the Post-Oflfice at Concord, North-Carolina, on the 1st January, 1828. Ann II. Aleiandtr Franci Nrwal Mari'aret Alexander'- John- Newat a Jacrson ...man; tie IS a a rnat'i,n Ke rreated in the hnnar. Icllow of piquancy and anecdote full i X great portion of the" members" h-H of wit, humour, and taste j and never Uhcir seats and crowded down t the ahauM-fcjvcJc$naamay. Roanoke sits. Let .told we are soon to have a charmihjtbc . Adams men say whauhlFpleaTe T,1,"? iron inl !omn wno naiM of Mr. Kundolnh, there is bj one in tract ana . Lolontxation . Societies the h'iut-,. whose rising crcateisuch t aanccs ti.e an mgel, ana nas a planta yisihle sensation. His speech was lion with 300 wool heads.' Her daily j .hor. but it had all 'that literafv fire food is n .velsand scandal j and she ; cision and point, for which he is no piousiv oners tip manes every morning celebrated. Ms or Hamilton had a good deal of wit and point, and acquit ted himself well. 1 here were several mer reluse t meet ov an men and seven-eights j hit, should they relent io ijmr, you may yet expect to see me at six. R Catharine Barringer William U. Digars Jacob Cenay Joseph CroiTord Leoiisrd Caple Ilobert Cmflbrd Henry Doland John Ftirr . v Tobiat Furr John Gannon John Gillian , Staohope Harris Leonard Haphe FORTY DOLLARS REWARD AN away from the Subscriber, on the 1st of ; Leonard llartscl Mav last, mv JVtvr Boy QEOUQE. about ""l,c 26 or 27 t ears of ape, amooth black skin, plea tsnt countenance ving one of hi fingers so "Injured bya-machine a renders it aeles, snil, aa well a recollected, r,iite doubled up in hi -hand; and S feet 10 or 11 inche high. Said boy belong to the estate of Jee Wren, dee'd. Moses McRinley Oliver WcUtirdr Ljqhn Mitchler aw- in the care, of Jheub;cribcjandbv.il m gent of said etU. It is auppal he intmii making hit way to aome free atate. The above reward will be paid on hi delivery to me, in . Lancaster District, ft. C. or lodged in any jail in JNorth Carolina, Virginia or Maryland, ao as 1 feeeive him i or 2S il taken in South Carolina. ' KOBEHT STINSON. lWyer"4TlS27."" 3mtl00 - pit I M leave "ni w. hill Yard, .TTlEn! leave wort respeetruny io mforro the J.f citizens of Davidson county, that he hat jiut received aTine ar anl expects to receive within a few week?, from Philadelphia and New-York, an assortment more extensive than has ever reached thia country and hr pledges his time and talents, in future. entirely to his profession. He, hopes, from year exerience in the profession, tp meet with that pitronage which a man ahoukl, whose whole mind i devoted to it. Hi charge shall newt :. exceed those rwule by other medical It99 Nancy ltewal David J. Newal William Nichol David S Newal Robert Pirkeoa Daniel Prgratn William l'etry W. Phillip David Reeae Thomas C. Bobinson Franci Kos, Daniel Keep Robert W. Smith Hugh Smith John Strube John B. White John Welch D. STORK 1 P. M. LIST OF LETTERS 11 EMAININQ in the Post-Office at Stateville, L Norlh-Car6liniS, on the tit January; 1828. Inton Avrctt Jamea P. Alley Elizabeth Archibald Henry Baggerly John Campbell Wm. Cummins Nicholas Cloe.r John Cavin - Janiel McLaia Wm. Morow Andrew Murdoch Nicholas Norton Jamea Nance West ley Reynolds John Reynolds -Husrh Randle Matliew Roberts ThverGew, DucVworrhMiSS Cataandra Re'id , Heorge F. Davidson Jamea Smith, or fl- l-lftU-l-lJ.Tft.-. iS;.L - - that she has lived in the age of Waver ley, steamboats, and waltzing. Arc there, any tf theJL)achelorfraternity with you that would venture ( December VTth, 1828. There wis an affair of hoi or deci ded yesterday, by a couple of " small unknowns," on the banks of the Poto mac, opposite Alexandria. I have not Ic-arnrH what was the oricin nf thr ouarrpl One ftf them arts shnt inmr. t where in the neighborhood of the cero id artery. I ll warrant vou. he haa 9 ot a stiff neck. Last night Secretary Clav gave his fist drawing room. All the world wis therer The beauty of the capital i stationary, and .transitory,, shews itseifto raost advantage at the begin ning Aof- the - session. High spirits, grtaiijLpettations, novelty, and apletv hriJa.mA late Tallahassee (Flora idi) paper, says: rIn lheveiierrbe? low we shall receive a large acceasia to- our ' society,- rcapectatle - families fnm Mn land ad Virginia, and some young gentlemen, but we do not hear of any young Ladiet ( and we are much surprised at it, for this crrtinly is the best market in t? e United States. We are quite martini. I, eve ry timerweptJTipowti, at teeing tbe heavy groups of long faced, desp nding bachelors, Waiting their sweets on tbe desert sir Geivn Patterns.-Somt besutiful dor, U concur to give aest tq society. Towards the 'close, fatigue predomin ates. There were some splendid wo ladies ia the gallery, and a few travel led dandies, outside the bar ; but alas ! what interest could they find. in calm lations on stocks, fall of premium, he. Etc. They were fatigued and tired t old Kanoke rose; " the gentleman from Virginia," said the speaker, and all Gown Patterns h ive been imported in eyes were turned towards Mr.- Ra to Boston Jrom Angola, ancient Ao it:. i t . a a:. uuipu. ins personal appearance laicyra, a town in IVUOlM, ASis ivunur, eccentric, in the highest degree. He 212 miles S. E. of Constantinople, wears small clothes, white topped boots, celebrated for the manufacture of fine a poodle Benjamin, and has his h ur, wool and goat a hair. The go ds are which is a sort of iron grey, combed white ai d colored, and resemble tbe back in the neatest style His voice texture of Cashmere shawls. is just as singular iaevery thing rise men present. parenr gaiety and a great deal of ap Cyru Fleming John A. I'ltunrng -Slathew Gallaher Arnold Holland Ahruham Hill 1 homus Johnson F.noch Irwin, 3 U B. Lindsey loel Lunceford James Mitchell Solomon Mitchell Joshua M. Smith,,- Jeremiah G. Sloan Wm. Shaw Prudence Stewart Ross Simonton Mis Mary Simpson John Weber Jame Williams Thomas Watts, A.J. Worke, 2 Robert West I Wrfl.'Matajn 3tsp JAMCS M'K.NlGBT, P.f( Deer Huntinr.- A couple of vtry fine bucks were lately killed at Islip, A.on.g isisnti by a company ot in. ion sportsmen, eioht' in number, under IheT command of Mr. John Carll. One of the deer led them a thase of fifty miles!! r't THS is AID TH OUTS ; Or, ike Secret of the P Contat. Tht nt, koirn IVIIm. wwiM tkkik H ,la T. ilrltr tk. inw, ftrrtw tkrMM'Imlat will, tkr hi, (O tk. nwa, I) u ngrrr. u t Of the United States, at present eoniists of, - . Sl3,29(j,J4r 70 of 3 per cent, stock 15W64TToT4T-5perienrtoK-12,792,000 20 of 5 per cent, stock 26,831,229 07 of 6 per cent, stock SlBaWSaMBSBSaSB9SaWBaBB S68,91ff,S41 03 fTotal. tWMtWK. . 1 .The- Hebrews:-- keed -Saturday 9Mm . - 10 6out a yw C BQ, the rThc Xhrlstiao!!; Saodavs 3. -iic X will, get a whv.ietunch of XV from Africans . j . . , , i . (nc executive ucpanmcoi, io Keep mm I Friday, company. . mr, oiorra -aoea, noi.cx he calls his owk -The worthy repre. sentatives of your city, (New York) are quite busy t VcrpiancMon the Ways and M eaasndjyijamcail the hed of the Committeee of Com. merce. The latter gentleman will, probably, soon report something for the benefit of that great national in. terest. Mr. Taylor the great X of the Adams party, is closely watching speaker Stevenson, lie is iv-termin-ed trr pick : aa many flaws with him, as le. actly know, yet, what he shall do, but he will probably determine soon. . Mr. Everttt is looking after the Library of Congress so he should. He has ! been a great traveller, and has a taste A pa ent has been granted to s person in Somes Town, England, lor a m-rhine for making shoes, gloves, cps and van' ous articles of leather, from " one pwe without seam. wh the ral are wo salt f J we bav Wit wil ftrt u tic. ... a -