STATE HAN'K , . j V'e oUerve He following notice, from jfce President of the Stale flank of North Carolina, under dit of 20th u!t. in the f tgis'er of the 33 J I The President end Director! of tSl fni'iiutlon have determined lo clrrutn if rllvfl the extent of their Butlnett, by cal Jinn h Rradually portion of their out standing Debt by dec lining, for , the present, tu nuke ny new Loam on ac cotnmodtlon paper, and thut curtail the amount of Ihtir Noei In circulation . The better to cfTcct this object, and to --'Walii the credit of ihe Hani, the have determined to make no Dividend of the Trolln fo th" last six monthi, but make i,m of themrwrtnucb fiit T errTrarnteV for pro itr'wp -t, ki evsilable land at. aiulL in . wur.f i. ",U -thtm .to-JnrtL.J"rt, promptly, de - s.;;Uttt'lt'.it.i.A;.. -The Boar J ere aware that tbl deter mlnitlon will bear hardly , upon many Stockholder! j but when they are Inform! cd that the measure it de eroed necessary to insure the future protperity of the Bank, the? will generally, it ie belieed, approve of the rourae adopted Had the Board been lei Indulgent to thedebtora of the Bank, it would not now be Decenary to withhold a Dividend from the Stockholder end by hereafter requiring, regular inttalmentt from their dealer, It W hoped a like neceaiity will not Rin recur- . WM. BOYLAN, Prtt't. Mr. Clay We have heretofore advi ted our reader that Mr- CUv Utelv paid n vlalt to Philadelphia to obtain themedi cal advice of two eminent pbyticiant of that city, on the atate of hit health j On hi return to Wathinfr'on, he was invited by tome of the Baliimorean to -partake oti bubHc dinner In'tbatxitTT-ne-detli . d ;.but eootenied. to dine pftyatelf .with "Tit fo w of bTa rten3t ." A Vu'mhe r of t b'a'Vi were drank ; one of wh:rh wat : A ejreat ttatetram hat aid, What i a pub ; lic 'tltaO wort'h i who will not auffer for h'M Couptrf f e have aeen a putjitr nun "w'ffer much Jbr tH tountrr, rand rio re- iplendenily triurriphant overthe ralum nie of hi enemie " In return for ihia compliment, Mr. Cr made a abort ipeerh ; in which, aa uu l, he complains of periecution ; and take occasion to hit Gen. Jackson a rap over the knuckle. The Tariff Ja i publiahed in the National Journal of the 2 Id ult. We aball give it in our netft - We are induced to gire it a preference over other lawi. jrhtch were previowly paed, becauae of the aniietv in the public to are it. . l .Tbe TolTowin arc . the yea and jtajr on the - paamgtr of tbe.biH W the Knat- " "TTa,era;-Bantard,' Barton.- Bat etnan, Benton, - Boungwr, Chaar-, Dtckereon, I'alon. Foot, flarriaon, Hendrica, Johnson, of Kv. Kane, Kniftfit, VIcLane, Marka, Noble. Uidgcly. linw an, Rugylra, Sanford, Seymour, Thomaa, 'an Bureh, Webrter, Willey. 26. . .. .. ..Jtattf.Matra. Berrien, Branch. Chamber. -- ChmlJe. Cobb ElUa, Jlaynt, Johnaton of Lou. KinglicKinley, Vacort, Parri, Hohbins, Hils bee, Smith of Ml Smith of ji. C. 1 azewell, 1'yV let, While, -WHIiamvWoodburv 3L. -,JVarriien. The editor of the Rome lie. "pnbKeany (Oneida -eOTtry,-KewVork) who bad bee nrutralontbe subject of tbe. Preaidency, a few week since came out in favor of Gen. Jackaon : thi o ctirrcd up the old leaven in the Adams party, that they procured an old judgment against. the editor (which had been lying dormant a number of years) to be revived, took eiecution on it, and levied on the printing material, and thus produced a raapenaion of the paper. The friend of Jackaon, however, took . measure to release the office from the clutches of theae aristocrats, and enable the editor to re sume bia labor in the ctute of the people : the Adams folks then determined upon starting a paper of their ow n kidney, in the place. That hould have been their course at first, instead of attempting, by oppression, to titah dovn their opponents. Cotton Market It wiil be gratifying to our cotton growers and in fact to the whole com nunity, to learn that there is an improvement in the price of tbe great ttable of the south. A .. Kew-York paper, of the 23d ult. savs : "the aales of Cotton, from the i T7th Jo the Oth iocju; aive, amount to about 100 bales, comprising about 1200 Uplands at 10 a 13 cents, the latter price for about 200 bales of fancy Cotton, extra fins i 30QK.Orleana at 1 1 a 13 cents, and a few Alabama at lOfTl 2." : Liverpool, April 19. Our co market con tiaues animated, and the ia again extensive t the sale amount o 20.80 ba(,-v by private sale, and 1510 by auction. I'plsnds, 5 - 34 to 5 7-8d.- - American cottons eogroes large hre of the demand. t Ae Pttt-OJice. S ppst-office has been es tsblithed at the subscriber'a store, on the iimtlr ide of the Tadkin river, in Rowan county, by l,:Ja.'m.fySuiltf mail wilT lesve ' - thii orTice every Tuesday morning, for Mishii-' ry, and return in the evening. Persons in the neighbourhood, would do well to have their letters and paper directed to thi office M. I'INKSTON, P.M. ' Botton, May 13. Cottoh s During the week, 75 bale of Uplanda were sold at 11 J cents ; 50 d. Alabama, auperior 12J r. ftc. Jfif TtM( fee. Tbe A'ltr!, f .ti.'f 1 t UempM. on fie Mittip!i rirr, nf the 31 lilt. ri the river lui rleii to within indei nf in Illicit Irvrl tin, tr-awm. Tin tame paper re mark i that the rain f!l atiiit aa constantly and unceasingly, with u at preaen1, aa at any lima during the lata Ml ami winter. Our plan Ian .biffin to, entertain serums apprehension that Ihe eitreme wrtnea wil greatly prejudice the growing croM.' At the county court It Raleigh, week before last, the grand jury voted on the Presidency i a for Adam, 6 for Jackson, one declined voting . At the uper'iur court, a fw wecka before, the iarv wa all for Jack arm ascent threw. VtVT At 1 B.Mtf of Capt. Trlbbte't company of volunteer, In the v cetera part of Wilket county, on the 34 of May, a vote on the tmi JcncyTrw taken, which resulted In-- .,r,,I6 f.q lat kaoo.t. . I i Adam. J AIo,on tha amdy,toCapt.lVIWicort- Jackson f "-"? 10 fat- Atlaaae."-? The vote hat ben taken in moat of the com panic in Wilkea county 1 all of which have beco aa favourable U the above, to the good cauw. A SubKribtr. Itawta Coearv Covan ? Grand Jury Run, Muf 24, 1821.5 M Warra 1 The tiraitd Jury having thia day been diachared from arty further court butinet,, thought, in accordince with the practice of the time, they wouM exprcn their aentimenta on the auSject of the I'reaidi-ncy. flavin done ao, it appeared there war for On. Jacaaaa, Michael Raker, foreman John Short, John Trott, Dvid Call, George Kelrr, John Smitteel, Annon Jamei, Hugh llobieon, Henry Kelt, Jamea Brigjja, John Kitchie.John Gebbard, and George Kcnitick : 13. For Mr. Aavaa, WUllam Joacy. Aquillar Oar- enporti 2 At a battalion mtnter in Orange county, 24th ult. a vote on the Prraidincy atood thus : Jackaon 156, Adam 61 " ". At a battalion "rauatet in OtfurJ, Cranville 1 wtw ewnitty,' rbw rot -Wa r'' W .v Jaskaon 1 AillfTH i Al a mutt-r of Capt. M'lan'a otmpu y, in i lUibeton ohjoI AJarua rcctiktJ.i'J. JackMin 11. A11J at Capt. l'KArlan' company muater loTthmoml 'eotmry, Adam received 35,-Jack eon 16. We hiire bern fitvore.1 by tl H-m. Mr. Car - son. with Ihe rept mlr 10 th hcuae U rep- resentalivea by him, from the committee on In- dian affair, on the aubject of refunding to the f'.ate of North Carolina certain inonrja paid to; the Cherokee Indian,, and Mr. CaiW apcrcb of ohi,,, now in the V. 8. Senate, delivered in the l.oue of reprratntative. on Hut nominl,ed t0 thr by the ITe-i-subject: from which, we shall lake occaa.on tlen( a. Minttr , ,he of Colombia. .h?crA mkec"fi'- in South America. FTfcuiim. In pumuance of his sentence, The lion. John C. Calhoun, Vice President nf Wear ,ht ?e?l the LmUslStates. passed, through Saliabun.' KiaxArrtss we have heretofore artviaed our " - tritleraof. waa hing in Concord, on TihUi laatr the Wh tilt. Wtnrmng froiw Waabiogton Cny tIiT30lh Olt;: - -1 i - Nrgioe Joe and Molly, were hung at the sme Uce, on the aame day, for the nmrder of l n,. ijOfitaa ucrciui trr 'itriiiivucuiw uui (J.jiti . the .Vet? PulUnr.-ln our nest we shall pub- lib the of 'he ri pdrt of the select cnmni Col. jsrvl and voung Vohrt Adams r the report ... . V , r wm drawn up by !n.' "cnuffir, chairman of the .... -m - r- . . ... r it .. cdmrr.iTfre- irf concludes with the following , . - resolu'iorfs: v -: ni. , " ."" r h'ftotvrd,- That the assauli committed bv Kussel Jrvl on the- person ot rfohn Adam, tne I male oecreiarv i "c .idert, in the Rotundo of the Capitol, immt'liaitly after ihe-said John Adams K.,l.UI.i.rfa Mi-waot. from the I'resi dent to the House of Representative.;" and while he was in the act of retiring from it. was a viohtion of privilege, w hich merin the censure of this House. lirtalved. That if is not expedient to s...- f..h..,a In this iiu u uii y iuiuivi w-.vvvi"n" t Ca' , . r. iUr. I . I narcour irom mc mmnriiy "' the suid Committed also made a Report. in whirh ihev concur with tbe maioritv as to the nature of the evident cand also, .. - . r .u in expressing their disapprobation of the assault, in reference to the time when, and the Jilacr rvirre, but they deny the power Oi tne nuuac u puuon mc ui 1 .. II !..L k , m ' question as a breach of privilege and a contempt - Another Murder. We hsve been informed of another murder in Lincoln : Jothua My, who lived about 20 miles from Lincolnton, on the VwkviU- rxmU waa killed by bia Jiegro fellow, on the 20th inst. Mr. Irby and the fellow were in the distillery together i and it is aupposed the negro knocked his master down with a sledge hammer, .and dragged him to a situation where he let hot water ran on him till he waa dead. The negro w apprehended, and lodged in jail on Thura-lay. Rumor say that Mrs. Irby was privy to the murder of btr husband, if not ac cessary before tbe fact.! ! . The General Assembly of. the Pretbyterian Church, met in Philadelphia on Thursday, the 15th ultv-Tno UevrDr. EZRA STYLES ELY, of PhllBdelphia, waa elected Moderator : Dr. Ely received 77 vote. Rev. Nathan S. 8. Bee man, (of Troy, New-York) 45, aod the Rev. ftr. Rice, of Richmond, Virg 9. 'T"jrrry'cm, f'rj,it A j' ' , t Ela Idrtf been puhtidied In Vil.ii; " n city, which has f. it Ita til . Official Record (torn tha War Da. pirlment of the proceedings of the court-martial which IrieJ, tnd ihe order of Cen. Jar knn for aKu'.nina; lh all Militiamen, with the official let ter from the War Department (ordered to be printed by Congraat) ahowin J that theae Amer. kan citicena ware inhumanlj and illegally mi. acrad.1 Now thia pamphlet ia a inn impti. ' It U not official, ami oarer aa oriUred to be printed by Confret 1 tboae who aid and aa aiat In tlrculatinf ihil thinf, N guilty of palm. Inf upon toe public a barefaced Koaaaar. and fe tee 1 ami would be oonrUHac, nik their caae be legally eubmitted U boneat, indc. penden' jury, and receive, Ibe punitirwent da. , Bounced by Jdv.agaioattboae.wUa are guUvj ut let hai been re-printad by Uewrt, Galea a, Son, at Kaltigli.and eirtulated yuttMialy'tbrwtgi. MiUhejUllerdiJ? e"-! Toning their aund .On U aulject of the irtau Jeacy, ' In rercatoce te lbi( pampLlet, at a 3m ting ef the Jatwaon committea of VigiUtKe in ' llaUigh, on Ike 19tUult. the followinf rtilu- turn, amony other, waa pasted 1 tteiohtdt l'i4t thi meeting recan. mend the Ctmral committee of (he State of North-Carolina, appoioted lor the purpoae ot advucing the clectpn ot Gen. Andrew Jackaon to the pte sidcocy of the United State, the pro priety aod expediency ol publiahig, lor the information l the lrccme of the S'ate, and particularly of ihoe of Wake county, a true aod correct hist ry of the transaction of " tSe ex ecution ol the six militia men, 6y sen. trnce of a Court Martial, and ap proved by General Jaclton, in the late war." The Tariff lany of tbe ship-owner in New York, on hearing o( the paseag of the tariff bill hoiated the flagi of tlwir veaala lialf-maat hi(fh at ajnkrn of ihr moumf il feelinr ith which they reeeivrdlhe unwlcocar wewa. " - "Mrutirt it UnglantVU apean'in'aVtlbeTre- r.i t.v -,t. conflirttiig claim aet up by Clay aid Ifebttrr, to tbe birth of Ambaaaador te England ; and for fear oTjtflVuiilinfr thoae 4 we great ila for lb effire, 'r. A dim hi nominated to the Senate 3AMKS nRRm'lt,i)f Virginia, now Secretary of VV';,r, a Uinia'.er to Great Britain. Gen I'rtrr B. Pirter, of New-Vork, a mein- , (jer nf ,n tglatore of that atate. haa been J nominated by the President, u Secretary of j ir, in place of Mr. Barbour. m Miniiter ia Ct'ombia. Gen. H'lLLIa II. i to hi reidence in South Carolina. . ' ea i ' 'CANDID TES We are authorised to announce JKiaWftas C. .M K,- candidate to represent Rowan H'n.V in th Houae of Commons of the nrsi legislature of Ibis -state- - - ' , - - , We are authorised to announce Mat. John . .. McClelland, aa a ranUidale to represent thr .... .. people or Rowan county trt the Hnuae of Com- 1 .. .. . . "tnonsoitneneitoenerai itaemoiyot tui atate. . , . - We are authomed to anoiiee John ffment, 1 v.Sq. esndidate to represent the county of ,h ,l(14 r common of the next ; , (1(ri, ,j,if state. I -'- . iHtrrtCU, - Franklin county, on the 14th uk. Mr. I Thomai J lmav, lunior Kditor of the Italcigh ar, to Alin t.Uxa Ann eiye, daughter of Joel I Pledge. Esq. lTTr Trj Ner ,lis town, on the 29th inst! after a I'm- - prering pulmonary complaint, Mrs. Charlot'e Swink, wife of Mr. Michael Swink, aged about 40 vears Goslien, N. V. on the 7th in. Msjor John Popmo, a revolutionary officer, aged 100 v ears ; j, anJ ,0 At 8jllemi jumpter District, S. C. on the 19tli !ult. Mr. Jane Cooper, wife of Capt. toxiper AVom Furahf m An arrival at Boston brines Under, papers to the 20th 0h April. The .Eel of Ualhousie, presenf jGovernor of tbe Lanadas, is again said to be going to India as Governor. The Duke of Cumberland, Kine of Hanover, was shortly expected in Eng land. The Madras Courier says, that "the Mshah Rajah had been by dint of jntim idation, induced lo affix bis signature to ''&neondiltoh-nrrtvder0wr evuntrv to- - While the Medway, CaptrWrlKni, was in Babia, refreshings on .her vpyage to Ne w'Sou th " Walesa a tmall echooner 400 slaves. It appeared that he had originally taken on board 6Xr in all,, male and lemale, DUt Being iwcu,jBy& "'P of war, to eacape and to lighten the vet".' scl, the captain had thrown 200 of them overboard, In regard to the oft repeated reports of a Russian declaration of war having, reached OJer.j, the tcr.,!.i Couiicr if tfio 19th of April, remarks, that this does not al lude lo any fresh derivation, but lo the reply which tbe St. Pcterlurjf Oaseite, publiahed to Ihe Turkiih manifesto., I' it repeated, but under Ihe former date of March 23, that transports were taking in provision at Odessa for the Itussian rmy, and they wre svd to be hired lo proceed at far at Constantinople. An article from Berlin, Slay 9, oh serve M the private letters from Petera burgh tay that the war with Turkey I considered close at hand, and that the people bad received Ihe new with the greatest Joy. It w laid In that capital that order bad been Riven' to fit out all the . ships -of war at Scbaato all which are to joiiMhe fleet io ihe lU-ck bea.ao4 at the entrance of the Dosphoru- 31anv aeasela Are Citing out al Odwasa.o --The -Moroinfc Chronicle of- the 1 9th tyi i,ortT Prudhonrow- trr epnnarr Inople, ind wruet that the r-nHisb were treated with the UimosV klndneis end consideration, and he thinkt that the Porte is aiturrd of the support of Eng Und in the event of Ku'i invadine; her. The editor say, if the Turks count on tKe suport of Knt(lat.(l, ihey are deceiv ing theniKlvct J this government can never be to imprudent at to involve the country in a war fur any such object as ihe defence of Turkey. By far the greater put of these re ports, reaching us continually, modified, rr-written, and re-told in a htiodred differ cot thapes, sound to us, Like the thrice-told talc of an ideot. Vexing (he dull ear of a drow,y man. Later. An arrival at, New. York, brings French papert of the 19th April. Newt bad been received at Vienna that the Kimuns had crossed the Danube with 10,000 men, and de stroyed a ntim!er of m igazinrt. An other article states, that a' division of the Kuian-rmy encamped in -the neighb trhdjrf Jtrnij onjhe Uanubr, had taken possession of sever tl Turk tsh vesaer- A- hew cumtonTaI com punv has brm formrd in iloll.tnd, t- trade with South America, and e- teit'ed theiancrron of thegovtrnrrrenr. lcbile.- 'I"he Steani-ll'tai Pitts burg was lost n the 23d April, Prj'nie BlulT, on her pajge to Mo bile den the Alabama river. Shr nti tick or some obstacle at tbe lower landing where she came f, for the purpose of taking in cotton, in consequence ol which stir leaked badly and sunk as the reached the upper landing: 140 bales of cotton were lo&t. MohUe;AIrinz We learn that a barge in tow ol the steamboat Marietta, bound 10 Tuscaloosa, was sunk 00 her pasaage up near- St. Stephens, iihd a .valii tble cargo mostly tost. "I"" Inez, implicited 10 tne conspiracy ot ratner yrena, anu sentencetl oy a Cour t M a rtidl o n t h c 2 2 d M arch, w as shot on the 29th. aTlir ittuhrtfl. FdytttevMr; :.ji 'M.-CoUoo, 9 a 9 . AO ; tteef." fi eMn market, 3 centa; Itacon, 6 to 8 i peaCh briindy. 4J to-SO i apple do. 33 to 37: w- I l a a 4 to 4 r vrlriskev, fi t- ao.UwU.d Slate bank note. 6 lo 6J per rent, premium ; on ',,e North 63 laf 5 10 "'i ?er Pr North Carolina bank bill-, 10 to 12 per cent. discount; t;eor,ria, 3 to 4, lUncn 8 South Carolina. 3 , Virginia. Ho li. r,,Wi. Mnv -11. Inland cotton 9 a It uliikcv. 2J to 25 ; bagging. 42 inch, 22 lo V3 ; s.r:,r, 8 to 9; molaa-a, 2G to 27 cent; ,BCon, to 7; apple brundy. 25 to 26 ; bees- r"sx,"i5r rofiee, l. to lot hyson tes,' 100 to 105 Jamaica rum, 110 to 115 Weat India tlx to 80. 75 Cofron.-.There has been an improved demand, in, pr(.tty extciiMve aales of tJplmda, aince the advicca bv the John Jay. lloMeri have been able to realize from a J. to j a cent above last week'a prices on all descriptions. Inferior can not be obtained now tinder nine cents and e- l.rtioim from store lot command Hi for plan tern' brand" 11 are demanded and in aome in alance a i-hade higher. North Carolina bills, 7 to 10 per cent, dii j Georgia do. 1 to 1 i per wnu ditto. ''''yPeTerihHTg';Mny?l.-itMmt:9 to 10' i to bacco. g2 50--a ft refused, 1 a gl j ; corn; Ij a $2i bacon, 6) t 7 lard, 6 a 7; apple brandy, 33 a .15 i peach 55 a 6.'j cents..... North Carolina bank bills, 8 to 10 per c nt. discount ; Corgia-4iUV-A to 5 1 . SomtiL'artiLabillt. 2J to 3 per cent, diacouht. Wan wYwfty I7IROM the subscriber in Lancaster District, 8. j lsi.oa the 12th nf May .a tfegrg ,-naiu. about L.. 3 year oi age, aouui j icci iu .iiituca.iun. rather spare made, thin viaage, toieraniy dark complected, a dim scar on one of bis cheeks, appMenuy an-ouiDura.. tic-was raisea oy Mr. Marrs,of Rockingham county, N., C.r; aaul w as nett : 'bwtied fcy t iUti fmt Coterr on .rouble, some creek, in the same county. Wore away a roundabmft coat, cotton and wool, a -big coat of negro cloth, and hid considerable other clothing with hint A reasonable reward will be civen to any person who will take up aid n?grp, IT.g. confine in jail, ana give information to tne sub scriber, directed to Laricasterville, S. C. Said neirro'a name ia Jim. . 1KANCI9 INGRAM. i -a aj. iooo 3tW I.lOfND, on Kaiurd.y, 15:4,1, ,lU, lc,wffn . lb brida over tl. ooi(, -,,,,,,, J()ha Kord", an old rd mororco i'adn ,. ClJ(, value. runner imorinauoo may ja 1... . plication to the I'rinler f this faptrj or pocket book uhlained by Ihe owner, n pro;,,,. H, and appljin; to WtKOCUICK v(,,() oan. iltn. Ilia. II ' m 3on WaAtUe'ft, VaRtatc. . TIIRtubKriber having qualified, at latt Ait iruat term of Itowaii coiiuiy court, a Ad-, minialratov wq t!ta raie i hi lather, J.K Wail" iKr, late'V aaid c nimr, dre'J. rtipitata U pr- Ma, who havf ni iline so, ta irr nr aef tlement any legal tli '''v my have against wJ imi. wMitn th time prrw-rihed; bv la Marr, i82i. r.tir T I " r--ttn-rtarr a-nrrm nraiffty j sa as . a me ni name -of ftff. wis fciumiai'd inr?tei tm , tun ijJUHiT, am wn nIMttr IW a SMW, . by the name f Thomnt' Mmm. .who Het In Fairfield D'Hrict. South Carohnai the negro i yellow complected, and stammer very much lo ipraking 1 the owner ia requested to comw lor. ward, prove property. ay chargra and takd him away. JOHN fcl.OAN, sheriff . 17 f MfrHmiurf connti. UommUtd to tt Ja OV Wilke county, a negro Uu, wttnaaysbie name i Itll.l, beloni; lo Kiekirl Trot- man, of Alahawia, and ran away below Fayette ville. He i 5 fed 8 or 9 inchra hih, well made, rather light complected, betwecu 21 and 23 yean old no particular marks perceptible on him. His owner is rrouetted to orovw property, pay clurgea, and take him away. CHAXI.KS rilELi'S, Jailtr. If 'i!kr$btr M.ty 30, 1 828. 17 IjSOR Ihe balance of the year, a good femaTo COO A". None need apply who cannot come wen rrwiuun..navvt tv. iau a... and aaAnrrv. K. WILLKV at Gw. .soAaJMry. Ma9 2JV 12B. 16 F.niAatinv . , mm n . . m w v. t . 1 . m nib i iHKm ui tun iniiiiii.M'n arc. liaiJ JL jto be able lo inform the public, that they nave engaged tne iter. vv. tiAT, as an Irn " irwotoiv ho baa already nl44. urnm Um Uaf Inatnirtton will be given in all the branches uHully taught in Academies. UuarU, including familiea at fr iin ,il to aeven dollars a month. t uition i nrvinvrtionably.lnw. . .. ... . . from tl.e n'iaIifiratiomnt etpenence of tlu Instructor, thr cheapneaa f board, and the well known hralihfulnea nf the ai'ualion. il i honed that thia luiirtiition will n-ceive a liberal ha. of public patrmn . . B order of the 1'rtiateca. S. F. P I I KItsOV. Secretly. mli,hor x. v. .wi i:a, 1828. ana Ihe Kdilor of the Yad'in and CalawlA Journal, and of the Columbia 1 i, aae requested to jnaert the above in Iheir rrapec live prtpera once a week for three work, and forward firir accoonla lo Uie fol-Maater In Witkeloro, V. C. "VitttfctttaVttiVstttt;":; . THK uberiker ha rrmovrd froot the) home funnerlr owned by Capt, 'aiaJL hob W-r, dec'tt. tothe hnnr tatelf" occupied by Mr. )avi.I Porter, in the east end of the town i where he will continue hi TAT EflX. Me aincerely thank hia ft'mla antl the public for 'he patronage heretofore exten ded lo himi and he solicit a the coufinuance of their favora. - He pledge hi unremitting attention to Idl busiitess, and kmdneni to thoae whw warbw pleased to tatl upon him: -i? -- WrKKtilL' SliUrntUe, Imlell . X. C. Jpril ,4. ISJg. Witcw8, -3t2yff2rjt Sec. TflF. anbacrioer haa iual returned from the . North, wih -at good art t'sortnunt of .. Jewelry y VatcKci ; Siher-Warr, 6"c witever '.ffered fomle In this place btf Jewelry is of the' latest importstli t. ind the moat fashionable and elegant kind to be h4 in any of the Northern Cities : elcrsnt Cold and Silver Watcheii plain !). &r, Ste. Audi a few days, he will receive very eh-gant aaeort mrnt of Military (ionlt. Also, all kind of SiU'are, kept constantly on hand, or made to order on short notice All of which will be sold lower than auch goodi were ever duposed df before in this place. The public are reipecifiillv invited to tall and1 examine theae goodai their richnes, elegance, and clieapneas cannot fail of pleaaing thoae who wish to buy. All kida of IVatchtn Repaired, and warranted to keep time : the aliop i two door below tfio court-house, on Main-atreet. ROBERT WYNNE. SaKbnr, May 6, 18 . 16 . To Ue VuhUe. fflUE subscriber is now, receiving a large add I. general asaortmei.t of Dru Goods, Cutlery, and Ha'dwarC?' of all descriptions, frrim Mrw-Vo'rk ami Pfiiladel. phis, whrre thesr were selected by bimaelf, with care, and bought tor caih, and which are offered on the ni'wt reasonable terms. He will sell for rah at the lowest prices otherwise, on lime. CumarvJruuuCe LomliLallhe Lighgl bult pricea. Arrangementa are made to receivo Unocls monthly, from the above named place j which will keep op a good supply of Fresh Goods. Call at his Store In SalUburv. and rxs w :. for voursehresr- - JOtt.V-! CtrPriTr- Sugar, -onVe,-Sah,-'rrorrrMotas sale,' a above, wiii'm'i i civ raiiarea7frcsh""' from the proprietrr In Ptiiladelphia." -r F(a 8h-, Whtletute & -Retail. 8PUM COT T(kV, No. 6 to 15, inclusive, at the Factory prices, ;fiwnjej$jt 'I'. LANK RANK BONDS ; ? the new form nnw required, for sale ut tho vVUtt of rtje Wetterri CaToTrnisn, StilRtfttr. fIB -'a4jj