us i.r.Kcnh'ur. r.iyofX. cvmuwi. As the djy of eterflon li ner h m !, the fUowint ahitractof ! prinrip! pfotl J lion or the Jw providing Ihe elf ri on of Elr dor to vote' for Present end VI President of the U. S. will he useful. TbU Vutt U divided info fifteen dl.trlrts for the pbrpose of ehoo-lng elector! for President and Vlco President. iThe persons ulifiel to trite I r env We of h House of Common of hi fette ahsll meet on the Srtond jTur7iy of .Yotrwiff r very four vears, t plsre of voting for Members of the Cen tral Assembly, and there give their votes i.. k.Hai fa fifteen Mettori to tote ir President ind Yire rresideni. The poll shall H held In the tame Winner, by fhe earn) officers," ind onter ine lime mrn( n unntr 'Ml ill inT MlMl itllMIt B1 rglrMntrespthtlonteith eleef lions for Mr mbert of Atemblv. The Shrriff, or other officers, who : 'shall hive hH the THt "M1 f,,e certlflcitf stating In mrefy end not to jurei,uiejiniPru3iT5X.RiiL'JLiL -vMch errtiBfte thill be dellrr re d to tb tn .i-t. J... .jr4uteulhii.nJKLJL,m.Ki:ili2aiW aarh'esndidaie for Elector ? ropy-oTf,., . uovrrnoT w'i ni'" ' ",.; . t M U.W .. under the penelte oi two nun- dret o mod. The folhwinic ii the form of the eertifi iiet I Sheri7f county, (or de pat? thcifT, or other officer duly eutoori tod. the cite mf be,) do hereby cer tify tbil in election wei held on the day (or Qtyt, it the cite miy br) end it the place (or pltcei it the cue may be) fixed "by lew within the ld county for thii pur , ote, end that the number of votei here n ipeclfied oppovite the namea or the ev eral perioni following, wa Riven iy voter qaaliBed to vote for this purpote, for uch pervine ea Elector for the State of K C. of. Prr aldent end Vke President of the .JUnited Sute, namely l For A. B. 'here state the number or vote given fr A. B.) Jtot C. D. (here ittte the number of vote tiven lor v.) ana io on uaiu uic ui oi 1rurh trereone -to voted - tbrr-end of -the dumber of votet shall be complete. Oir- tn. under mr lor pur), hand (or hand the caae may be,) thit dy of in The yeroiour L.ora einieen nunarca nd The fifteen pertont who shall be choien TfJeciort shall aurmble in the city r( Rlaiirh An the firH WeJneulav of Ic ember, and then and there give their votes for President and Vice Presi dent. Electors failing to attend, and vote as foresaid, (eicepting in coasequeoce of iicknes or other unavoidable accident,) to forleit 800 pounds. Any Sheriff, or other person dulv au tboriveH for that purpose, refusing to take . . ... . th noil, iraniminmii a iifi return ui :ne ekction, makintr anv alteration in the poll books, kc. shall forfeit 100 pounds. "In tae aiir fitectflr shnutt,"ny side ties or 4i)v other cause, not attend, the Other Electors 'hen present shall appoint tome other person or persons to supply " jach vacancy or vacancies. . . A correspondent of the Philadelphia Gatette IJnder date of 26tl Sept. lays: Messrs. Editors : I think the adminis "frition men will now eease to charge the j '.a.. ... I Jackson party jrun me cut tnroat sys tem when it ia.a fact which can be pro ven, that the son of the lion. II. Clay - - t w a 1 w JJIU failiv usf iwwr rawn iniwviy wnu wut W kaklVhM faLAW4 .kA..U La - President - of - United 'StateV'-heTwouid - . j . i j i t : e mil iv iiiai ivtuio vivniuti tiriviuiu uc Dinw tnr aamrteo oi rassai a orama oul lilmaeir. and that h flt warm and snnkn - ------ - i warm and twore warm and would fight warm, and he would be damned if he did not whip some' eight or ten of those dam ned Editors. These are facts which can be proved. Tours, AvraeiKi&a. The U. S. 'frigate ' Hudson, Capt. Creighton, bound to Brazil, and the Vtoop of war Erie, Capt. Turner, lor the v est India station, went to Sea from New York, on the 27th ult. vith a fine N. V. wind. In the last contest, Gen. Jackson ob tained a majority of white people's votes, including those of free negroes and mu lattoes, who, in New England, are quali fied voter; and strange to tell, in a re public, where popular will is the source of. ill power, Mr. Adams was made Presi: :denti"by Cdngrf your votes, of 47 ,649. It we surrender our rights, and tamely j i .. .is .a rtT At e l tMTWea . e ewe- etlawl lees tki av-ikfliimart - vill be a surrender of the very principles afsf . W Kt.n..i hjavjtaitijvsaw uviiiii v if w viwiiwii va mwiii9 i i -"wiia"rvwf ivvsst sr v juiiviiid power of the people' the original source of all power, shall have been yielded into the hands of the aristocrats, then farewell to liberity. - ; ' uo aunaay. evening, tne iiytnjuitva Ipao. "by Ibo name, of David llicks aged A f-V a .a a ixw--ATMino auufeg ' imfrmncraucc, I In the morning he was found dead on the 'f.,nr having fallen from the mow, dathtd tn hi tkull ! The. coroner's jury who in revigated the case returned a verdict of tdeotal deatuj. tin: rai Lis nomination. Anclrcxv Jabltson (IMIH t . - M inor end gratitude ti in msn, whobn ftll.4 tit measure of his country r' " Hit reenllect'tti of the Subtle relation U i 1,1 C-nml Jack, while Pret'u dent, end the proof given W nun, ' "'K'1 ......... . - . . - . . , . . eninution in winch he m ncii or m-, . Je MteiKie. , . .... j.i.u. f r....t Lrtiim. en.t llifl rtrnnp'e;: I riV. WrTwhile IWIent, fnrbUe my t.kinjr iny pert In the ewuin preei lentUI rleeHon "t Jl" '. ',. ' , UL.. , L. i.... u..u. UW him t.i thir Vf rewr.A-A.i Wi m- kLmm,Xu hi the pure Intention , . . . . t Dorlt4.,w , , - -ir.-;;.Ji at)lfritfie."r fortU thit die)!nruihed Centein f4n drew Jekon) Aa iW n mtth Gly en , - '.' T.ener.1 ;eck.n U c!ow-heled,rip mimieii nun. vi hn tnoe of the wmu'i to T--M Jim. 20ZV7 0. 0L2X0tJT, (or aoom tiaoLitf.) The diatiuirtiiihcd Htrfi nn. and patriotic Advocate of the I'euple't itight. (Ornat h en ThwUi, MA diy ,Vowr. J.ICl'SO V F.LKCTOH 1L riVKKT. Dit.. Robert Loe, of Mavvoori county. 21 th 3th 6th rut 9th Oh 11th Ufintfort tokea. of Wilke. - - 7 feter Forney, of Lincoln. John (ii''', of Kowan. Abraham Phillip, of Rockingham. Jolin M. Morebead, of Guilford. Sfalter V. Leake, of Richmond. Willie I', ilangum, of Orange. Joaial) Ctiditp,of Wake. John Hall, of Warren. Joerph J. William of Martiitr . -Kedtr Ballard, of Gates. l2tU 4.1wXi fuwwvP yihov,ofJP,dcwrmbur Hih Ibchard I), tpaight. or Craren. 15lU eV'MMnfry. wmm rwei ftwraw e fnw re4hed me lew iliTt i(0 t end htflti lsdwrtrn. ''rKerrneomrrAnltnheyeetno confirm In m rrr ecw e wn ITEMS - Mr. Jacob M'K'v', of Nineveh, in this iounty, Frederick, Virginia, recently open, ed a bee hive, the contents of which were as follows t I lbs. of good comb 10 u of dry" corhbi " " ' 54 of honey after it was strained, 30 " the weitcht ofthe comb, after the above 54 lbs. were drained of. 165 i n., whole amount of the hive. The weight of the comb that was good, and strained honev, was 126 lbs The hive, which was flour bjrrel, wj put up between the 5th and 10th of Mav last, and was opened on the 5! t of August. Wmthttter R'fmbtkan. Estract of i letter from a gentleman to his friend in Nortbampton- " At Salem, a young man just arrived from -Peters-burg, Kussia, gave me a piece of rock with wtitcJuthe -Emperor Ntcbnlji Js" no w j buildint; a church which he intends shall , be the Urgeat ever built. There will be ', ii stone columns, each 54 feet high, each weighiog 120 ton, each 7 feet in dia- meter; and each of one solid piece of rock. j I i desth ofthe U S. supreme Judge nm - Byrd. of Ohio, on the same day , the e is no person t e xerotic the LIJS. judicial functiqrjs in the State of Ohid ' The rer cent deltb of the district Judge Peters, of of Pennsylvania, is also recollected. Thus, the ofTtces of one supreme and two district judges are vacant and, with the postmaster in N. Tork, will form a series of appointments to ba made, grea ter in number and importance than hs often occurred in the United States. Equivocal Language- -One calls at a grocy More ind " asks have you any coariejlnt '' " No, replies the gro cer, " but I have some vctyftne coarte tall. Crofiin Louisiana. The New Orleans Marcantile Advertiser of the I Sin August sjys, "That the crops of cotton and sugar in that state promise well." Snaket A subscriber in Lecester, Massachusetts, whose word may be relied on, informs us that teeing theaccotint of w-fy' young snakes being ufcen from' the body or an old one in Northampton pub lished as an extraordinary event, remind ed ninTTfavingr-takerrT3ToinigT5nes from the body of a snake on the 4th of Julf last, in presence of several witnesses." 1 hey were from two and a half to three inches long. . . . . The English quarter of Wheat weighs J6Q pounds, being a quarter of a toptliis is equal to English bush els of 70 pounds each, or 4 1-2 Ame rican bushels of 60 pounds each. This to to bringing' the" EbgrisF'eraifter of ...i . . . ... .. . . ... . . wncai imo American Dusncis. Ihe English s.rk .f Fl -ur weighs 280 pounds 7 s-cks equal to 10 Amc riean barrels, lp6G ponncjs y OCT011I.U 14, j Ttcxr.T.i. Any quantity of Jttk$n f.Utitrat Tl(kn$, can bi had at the office of th Wester Carolinian, an var to term....uv Si ernti tier hundred. . or f,1 per fiouaand. Committer a tht ecveral counties. eJ individual, would do well to apply . . .L -- - . I . ' f ' ioon, o inert may Bin v ny aiaappotni. meni tn eappiymu inemwiTei in uni, u ! , ' f w ' ' , W. Wen renamed to gUe the MfowUf eUrwt. fnnn kttef, written, M w.U he -en, b, M mnC the re-p.ble rruUrnua kt Tenncuee. to friend oure in V, Cl"".nc u . td eoUerU eonen.U, hereboute, wvl mi mem rncm, M to npen Of uw jwny Temt,'w"' Toum of tin S9th July, oilj it per to; RMfT-Trtfptf T-r . mtrJ prohibly e?er Hed, wUei - , , . . ...... ... puuilCR inn priTiiecnerecierneioccn more t mii represented by his relentless penera tort, than has Qtn Jackson's. I speak from a candid comparison of all that has been so industriously published, wih an in timate and unreserved acquaintance with that distinguished individual, for near for ty years i and I hesitate not to declare, lht though I rm now an old man, in the decline of life, and have seen and heard much oi the worm, i never vet saw or t heaH of an individual who hat met-eo much unmet ted reproach and abuse, or one whose reputation hssbeen to cruelly . ton ured, br both political and personal enemes,-iurely those whose vocation it i has been, lor the last two or three yeart, lodetl oujchargeiafcaintt him, must la ! bour undej Jhe impression that nothing bu7 an atlciation of crimes and vices 4 the raoM.litrant and derrtdin.-can. at- ' 5(V that nh.-hirt an-vllfa nf tliar nnriinn t( I r ri their oppu ition to hit election ; otherwise they -cert inly ... might i have contented themselvei with half the unfounded re ports they lire given currency to. It hat k 'en remarked, that there is scarcely o earth erman of whom tome good may not be laid and yet if we ere io beTi ve what Is told of Gen. Jackson, it would iitm thst he stands a solitsry eicep'ion among millions I What vice in the long catalogue of crimes, has not been ' charged to him? The noblest deeds of his life, In praise of which this whole re ' public hs echoed, end for which, in bet- ter timet, and other days, theif author would have been canoniied, -are now declared to have been violent and unnc- cessary asaaults upon the constitution and lawiofbucountry. r, whi st leading an army to rescue the Mlplesslohabuant. of -- r - .- - . - - v f ' ' j a our.rui.ucr. irom tn. ru..c -r. , . the ."rriN .o' QUiiv9 . iiiv inu iui nit; rcscrva-.. lion ot nis ramp, ne pumsoere insuoorui - . ... . . . . , nation, and put down rnujnj and disobe j:. i dience of authority, he solemn military punishment, we are now told thii in so doing he rommit'ed t morder and as if the mass of mankind are too ignorant to he "convinced of his guilt by a fair stite mrnt of facts, and candid appeal to their iudirmrnt.-thercoontrv is fl'MxJed with leatfe.' fwhen drivtng back the tide of ry ana oooty oi our .ana iron, orciKn in- vasiom fie orew '"1! hi, camp by declsrtng-marfwfewand aka Uaam fait.AM lurkln. nlirh. I : . . . i ii as. w ii 17 ll irruflvi v Mtwti and the stoutest heart feared for the result advised as he was to this course of conduct by the ablest counsel in his reach, and the sound judgments of all around him ; he it now branded with ths epithet of Tyrant, and military chiriain !" He who loved his eoldirrs,- who in their turn required his friendship by enthusiastic k feelings of devotion, Is now charged with cruelty," and a retkless disregard of their wants and their sufferings ! Out, if posbi ble, worse than all, and as if to defy com mon decency, and to mock to degradation those maxims of life, that in the worst of times have been held sacred in all civil teed societies, the privacy of his bed chamber has been invaded, and the feel ings of an anriable, pious, and charitable matron, who has lived but to be cherished and. beloved by those who knew her ben, haye been assailed I An event In her life of -near'"- half : a "century pasli" which Ihe criticism of an open enemy ' could not then, nor therefore should not now, Tevile, ia nowpkenoriiTlermsthst were but to disgust all the witnesses presentV wd on ,w yet closed. In times like these, what may we not expect to hear? and what calumnies are not invented I Surely those wicked panders in detraction, luye fof gotten that his name was once, at " least, connected with the most favorable re memorahcesi and 'hat iti timet fjone by some of them, who are high in office, and who- then- spoke- 'witfcott' any 4nidioueJ toouvc, were tne nrsi io sauna ma pmisa. Such conduct proves the desperilion of our rulers, and of their cause, and should serve to cheer us in our animated hopes, that, in a very short time, our triumph itfU ta? f&Hi Wj) th-0 findlciiipn of or l ovcn'.row f 1.1 V rr ri. 1 6.J y tfiat It a cliira ui liili(n..ta.ity Ins I'trn lately Lllst I. it door and tentlematj of your state, whosome shorj tlnia slnre visited the Htrmitatr, hs eiven eurrencv to that chary-e Without Duttincr myself to the trouble of invesil gstlng hi particular complaint, I could have safely authorised you to correct the misrepresentation! unlnttntlontl I fiofit) of that gentleman who of course It a ttranger to me, and of whom I would noi wish to be understood at speaking harshly. ( dare affirm, that there are few men, who In privet life have ihewn to all who Isit them, without distinction of party, rank, wealth or low condition, more po litenr si or greater toftncsi of manners. I speak of What I tiv witness? barton ally. The hospitality of Otn., Jacksoo's mansion it proverbial t it wt ta in other timet, and before he wei destined, to fill so large a space In the public eye. In ate ad of diminishing' by the high distinc tion to whkhltls name hal'to justly at lalnj, UJiasJnciessed four-fold i and the "entire avails of his handsome estate are expended, at, they hsve been for the last fifteen yeart of his life, in ministering to the comforts of e constant crow, of visiters UUi I have inquired particularly Into the case of your citizen, not from Oen. Jarkson, whom I have not had it in my pow er to see since the reeeipl of your letter, but from another source, on which I can confidently rely. That gentleman it true, at the house of the Oen., and hap pened 'o arrive tt a moment when he was preparing a communication, from (he re eordt of his military office, for e friend at Washington," on the subject of the ' six militia men. The one sided and garbled report of the aecrrtary of, War, wa before the people ( and it became Orn Jackson, in defence of hit reputation, and apeedily, too, to furnish all the evidence in his pos session, in order to place that transaction lo il,lrue end proper, light before Jhe, public. Touf chlzr n was" received with hie usual politenessamj - was -requested to amuse himself with the newspapers for short time, until Oen. Jackson could go to his office, few steps from bis door, and Close (he butlneu which wit pressing; on him. As toon as he possibly could, he returned ; and not meeting hit visiter in the house. Went in pursuit of him to th gauleot-supposing . be had .walked there but not Coding him, he inquired of the servants, who informed him, that toon after he had gone into the oflke, the visiter walked up the avenue leading to his door, and opening from the woods to the house, extending some three or fou hundred yards, the extreme end being entirelv out of view from the house Gen. Jarkson then either went or sent acrvani in (Hat direction, where It ascertained, for the first time, that the lernin . , rob,bii,r, .,cd . ..j. .. .u. k... , i uwi asv a v fcvew at as .iuh. r " . iia r r aa r r a hai ni enaa nniiffr awmi f by which mean he had esCaped the notice of the servants, ho (..., itf h.u aitbled "UIU Ui" t' . w a 1 1 i h . . . " - ' . jm , . th; -!einln h.d himself left . - - -. - the Hern'iuge without ceremony.. Gen. Jackson . felt much regret at his abrupt departure, and so afterwards expressed himself he regretted St the more, be . cause his suiter wss the bearer of a let ter of introduction, from an old friend in Salisbury, towards whom he entertains the highest regard and respect. ITe did rjot - j ,Uch tre.tmenf-before !" Your . . . h conveved Gen. Jackson's KcUDg? on the occasion ihe replied with lh apoiORr7re,77oc?a' r r . n ' him av)au ; and here the matter ended Thi it a candid statement of all that occurred ; and I have to add, io conclu sion, that you may make what use you please of it. Most respectfully, vours, ROBERT C. FOSTER. 1CJ f f. Moses W. "Alexander remark On rearing nlk worm, ke. i necearily poa'poncd another week j but as we have now nearly com- Dieted Ihe publication of the Isws of the i'nited State, we shall be able to ptibtitli it next week i and, toon afterwards, attend to many other fa vor of correspondent. Election lit turn t In our last, we publiahed a list of the member of the next General Auem bly, with the exception of Hyde, from which we hsd not then beard ; but the Raleigh paper by laat Tueiday'a mail, furnished ua with the Hyde election j the two paper, however, differ materially in their report ot the remit i In the StaVti Mated that Littlejohn Pugh U elected, to the acnate i John B. Jasper, and Wallace Styron, common t While the Regiater report John Hill aa elected to the senate f Walli Styron and John Jasper, to the commons. . 7Ae ipirit Chriitianity The secretary of the Presbyterian Miaaionary Society of North raroliha, hai received the siNiuraiice of'hea geh'. tlemen, each of whom binds himielf to pay into the treasury of said society, on ot before the let of Octeber, 18-29, the sum of 50, provided 28 other piflnf wM ihe fame. .. :;r In the National lonrnal of the 30th ultimo, (which paper seem to vie with its waetAy co- worker in defamation. Joba Bum Presn, of PhildelphiT-tn- aHemptt to-sewdaRxe-Ihe strp-4 Krter ol Gen. Jackson) it is itated, that "Mi. nity:tdloi,offJiLipp her husband a a runaway, and concludes by saying he is a drunkard, and a Jackton-man ' Now we shrewdly suspect this poor fellow wa linked to such a Vixen, that he was right in run ning away : doubtless she.had IiuJ-vd rather of trner than any retffionuhle rnttn coQld ptlt up witn! , '"ii iir,- .i,.r .n. ' . I I 1 'Irn II .l.uUU!,,.!.,,!,.,. " Triiii. ... i .,a1 S. lately Lontf,, y f th.a atait, ind7 he family, uT; h W lliiam. , firmcHy ai.Vakiilail m. a,'!i..ltui be generaltv kno-n, iW th h,,l, iH have a personal, family grn.lg, irainHr Jackson, Butauch IsthefLt. n.a t might b eprcted,tfrm weekly 1 virulent an,! bitter stxiae of tu. iththalZ liia auntxMie rli imonf mu t. . ""- ted, and reiterated the aaaertion, tUt Mr tZ' ton, the Aitame elector ean.lidate. wimIu f elected In that di rkt ami from the grr t raiaed, and tht circun.tanc lltat tharC two ackaoit candidate up, ama people tkj were Induced to think that ther T Waaa kii;,. .i i . ... P". ,t j wwm m lenneMi But from Ihe result pf virious bniitmtt, at m. ter. ke. I tkat eleetoml A.A-, li . Ind In the laat KniilU lUgiater, tt would pear morally impewble that an Adama fJ date eould be eUeted, even were th j,, ateawfrtb t a Mi4 mtmg there wr hutul diU(e, TU aggveiratw wwnber of entci Ui tn ""'"nil Uf infM ' Oen. Jackaoa received 4094 vT.;tfr.Adeite-.; 193 ' ... a ai iLtrWa4. Prwt of the nMaiKi ... i fa1UH)t fa. m tmt - ; r t .... ...K ,.,r, ,,11- n . suan. man, wae eleftej to Tonre. m Im aummtatratioii, m. The St. rrsncSwille CrZ ntalna the result of tl n-w. of the nth uh. coi rate ballotinf. In Mr. Uurtev' atne . a. aggref e f h 0tr rive) was 9$J, of aki-k lulu. nn,, ' AdaiM S3 A mad doff waa killed in Charleatoa. m un. ii aiirnipieu mi oiiat several put they fortunately escaped. llennet Poaier waa cawnkted ai Mhm, . perior court, of hone stealing, and aenttncnl t receive 35 Ushe, and be ioipriaoaed 60 dfU Arw.rerr. The Han. Marti Tom Aumk. been nominated a the Jackaon candidate fv Governor of New Vpk i and Juda-e t Thrp, of Caga eoonty. for Lieut. Gov. The convention, which made the nowination, waa among tht reaneetabl delegated u. aemoiare eer convenea lit mat state. Aa iki. addretv and ireoivtiwae were tdoptad.r .Tie ticket is t strong one, and cannot tail of uc eecfitng. It hi been unuinaJly healtbr 'lhi aeaann tnd about Fliiabeth City, in this ttte.....'b mra the paper of llkat plare. - It Kaa- bee eomevhit more atckly thia than id ordinary aeaaoni, io Kowan county. I-ernuel Tarlor, of Currituck county, put him. elf out of ibSatroubleaomw wwrhl, on the I9ti nit. by shooting bimaelf. It'a hard time, Hhf true i ouf we can't make them better in thii ij. At the fall term of the superior court f Rowan county, held in this town lait week, 'U lion Thomaa Ruffin prciiding, Sottmtn I'icHe wa tried and convicted of paaaing rountrrfrk money, Cdoflart, and Virginia R5 bill;) On-ge ttir waa alto convicted, a an accomplice tf Pickle'. Tliey Were aentenced to receive Z) laa.Sc on the bare back, and pay all cost. jiw .Yufwr.... About threw week aince, the wife of Mr. Nathan Allman, living In th'r ty, about ten mile eatt of thia town, wu dttir. e'red of a male child, with neither har.da nor feet. The arms are perfect Tar as the wriat join which terminate in a blunt cloven end. not un. like a goat's foot; the 1 r are. .wantinr belot vnere me Knce-joinianouii oet near tne end of the righL lcp, are. two. knot, on .oppotite idr of the limb, reirmbtinr. deformed toe The child i" healthy, and bids fair to grow up. - Samuel theatref of Nashville, on the 16th ult. without having pt vioualy experienced anv iilneac --The famno lArrnrt fhrr, t m Tetmetfrr, aj frenched in Naahville o the 30th 'Ult. Tai a4eaiT.T .fJtim ''(t'jNe. retorni i thanka to God that ht it alive and well tlil miimingi 'arer "having ;"fr?" led ten year through cightren itate of Amrr ifn, God mnA b'f- eMileew KavM kttm ai ( till now : and would inform all iii frirnds nat tered abroad on tfie face of the earth. lbt he preached in the town of Paliabury. N. Caroliw, this morning, at 8 o'clock, from Isaiah, H'! Cliapt. 15th verae. September 30A, 1828. .7 lAe Edittr tfiht Wtttcrn Cartlima. Sia i I 4tered ia the Cat a b Journal of iLa 2d Sept. a piece copird from 'he Cincinnati G. aette, concerning the birth-place of Gen. Jack aon which een atmtawha 4w amuae the edi tor. Had not Mr. Bingham been acquainted with me when he lived in Charlotte, and well knew where Findleyvi!Ie pout-office was, I conki have pasted by his anecrs on the lubject i but it is, I cannot be ailent. Sometime back, I wrote a few line to the Edi. tore of the U. 8. Telegraph, at Washington city, for some copiea of their Extra paper, and made some remark concerning Gen. Jackton : any let ter waa publUhrd, although I had no expectation it would be. Remarking on thi letter, Mr. Ringham'a ppef sneeringly mrs we give Ges. Jackson a new biiih-place. . Now . I will infbna the gentleman, (although I believe he lack can dor more lhan lie doc iufirnr.ation)Jthat .Sir. Ea-.. ton If nearly correct,' as rrgard distHnce from Camden, 8 C. and I am also correct, corra ponding pretty nearly with Mr F.tton. Gen. Jackson7 lather ettTed.'snd died, on lliF Twelve Mile Creek, in the county of Mecklen burg, N.1X and was biirred In the Wttaw gntrer" yard, Ijincaster district, 8. C. j ' and 1 can prwIttM a living witness, of respectability, to prove the fa.-! a. From undoubted Information, Mrs. Jck son wss delivered of Andrew (the Generl) l th house of :fieoTge M'Camri liis uncle, inv IvTCamv rbe1ng"Brstertt lb benenrs nwth' The, plantation ia now owned by Jeremiah Cut? ton,, whose bouxe- is on the main od kt&K fro4hnrloHr,:NrrLt C mail ia lli- I'm- hl'Mll,.lJla.w'tt(.'AI,- sresmy Tiwruwtrtjw aronrttwiwrniroi-apn.--- in North Carolina, Mecklenburg county. 1 wldi'Mr.' Bingham' -wmitil -ndigMef oa a.Ub. tie, bv telling how far Findl ville W from the Waxaw Settlement r Left he sliould be pw zlnrl in the attempt, 1 will brine; the questt within the grasp of hi geographical animt'n,b: infoTiTiins hit, WpVeri'tTj the dMjftct U to "' r . !t i-( nam-, In Trtni(i