: 3 .pkiiiuim mux v. ... h. aWs buainrttk In all .TI' "T" " . ""J.; heretofore OCCU 7 iarancnrs,ai i " " . h. Kim. on Main Ureal. ' ""TV? l... ....,. T.rer. it lh tow" M ' II. r;V, I. reerie. SViR .j ,K!f..i.,i,.i.i. . rrctilari u Uiey iTll. Vi.iii will enable Mm to ntommo. 5.f I .ri: .l nrittmit with the mot tae fcl end elegant hinds of Gnrmenie, mad op wnb la nur.H -ikitt," he hop. as hie neighbors V cW tow.f Mcf hoer, be la .o dupoied lo boast overmuch, leaving 1K AwJ laa of hK customer 10 00 mem "PCIVr-l ID JUOgf B W WO' IF As be Vmr.tovi th tx-f of isuraevinrn. and hu no aVawrrabe thinks ha liae'n tfnrt" ray; bis . v.vfc-wiU b WU ttW H be WW' " It well. Owing to the great acarcity of money. netynrm of rnrrtnin eW h W orL.Jnr Ih.a any other ilor In this pert of tin Country, .-.I.v.b wiU iaufd be " ' " ""rrr-XWtillt OOVof SB kmdrof GwatlV-4M tja th shortest notice. ., " He still iflVrt to Inch Ward's FaUnl frolrtC- ft arstem of Tailoring, which !'"' 7 11 the fashionable tkitott 1a the Umted States.. , He rcepectfulty so5cits a chafa of the pnbne . pmtroMfe. and hopes to mrrii U by aw, rather than by tstravngml frtfttmnt, . ; - ix) run pvnuc. . COWAN & IlKEVKS nt?B Jum rtceiVtd, from Neo-Tork and PkiiM!lphit, at their 8oct Wo.d ffr we, Hovai eouoty, tla mi lea weft of til- . , - (2aryt 4 MraJ norUBcni n ima .. Dry Goodly "Cutlery . ' Hurfaare, 'Grocerltt Ve. bybkh they ara ddemioeJ to bell amwuatTy iw for. t VI 39 or COTTOX, or on a abort cttdit to ftiarrii7cuatoaMr. Ai tbey fill ra cnb tkeir atock at abort imamla. frofl tba unbar oartru, tad kaeo tba newt tad moot approtod kiadi of Cooda. thr feel t eon. Aieaea la Inrltinf their frWmU and lha pubRa B cB, txasiae, and htft for thcntaelrca. . COWA!f It Itr.EVB. TUt etdkata of two aharrt li tiie tapltal Stock of th Mate Bank of North Caro. Cnaj bt the rcaewal of which, appbca.ion will Pa made tbe DtrecUry of aaid Butk at the rpropdaTt timer- ) W L MBVpRltMlM. , - Anput tJa, in. r, - THE .fawmcanrat Iciwm, in ihia Inati. lotion will commence on (ha aecond Mon ,fUj "otr mber en it. ' Oa Anatumy. by John Hdaard Ilolbrook,M. D. On urvr nr --Br Jamra Itamaay, M. D. O obrtrtca and diaeaaea wf worn and JrraBy Tbomaa G. I'nolcau, U. D. . , Ou natittrs and Practice of Medicine By .nmuri tienry itcaaon, M. u. , On f.'hemiitry and Pharmacy By Edmuad On Ma'erk MedieaB llrnrv Frart. M. D. On Natural Hiatory ami Botany By Stephen BHott,L.L.D, Z On Ntholofical and Sergieal Anatomy By Mia -vragitcT in. tK IhmonatTfttm of 4natoniT.JohnWaanar.tI.0L .-I..'. Tb Faculty tak pleaaure in etatinr that tba ' . . r t m . a T s - busuiumh of an nmrroary lor surgical catea, U Ciiieilna) with the Collere, hu been atten - Bed with the dvantarea anUct'aattd." it aSor- .. iled in the atodenlt duHnr tbe Uat coure4 of h- - Mrodion. tha opporttinitr of whneminf a vnrio- ty of operation! amog theaa wer moat of ,Um capital operaUona in SoTery i ' r:-To enable th Smdenta to profit br the facil- ilet which our aitiutiAfl affbrda for the etudy of rracdea Analomr, new and erennre room -a ..... Jam beet erected ana provided wita every Lhicir neeeemryfoe tb. pvrpaee. -'.The valuable Anatomical Mttaenm of the Col, jAge, baa been improved by new preparationa iloeiwd from Fmaoo and lulv. Uat iumroer. ' V If aflbrda tte faculty additional' aatis&etioa to Mate that by an vrwriMiaita tha tiur- arr end rhilowphical Society of Sooth Canrfuia, f " rrenlre -and vthjible eollectlom) in Natoral Jliatory, have been placed in the College, and Catvfully arranged, ao aa to afford to lhoe inter e cd in the aody of Nature, ample opportunity Jgf acquirinf information, not only in the deport isenti connected with Medicine, but througc the VhuK range of Natural Hitlory. u The rirli collection of minerab particnlarly, fOUft be oonaidered very important totbelniti tw. EDMUND BAVENEL, D, X,-pmbl,l2B. it4Q A.niimstrator'ft .VottcfA. THB Mbareibers having onaUfied aa Adminia tralon on theestate of Andrew Baird, dee'd. ate of Burke eountv, desire a'l persons indehi ejd to aaid estate to make payment with aa little Uelay to possible i and all persons baring claims Ajraimt the estate, will prcsn thrm legally au thenticate.!, within thetim. limited by act of Vtan-mMr. o?h:-rwi- this notice will he plead in 15p.r of their recovery. . ' M. B At ui J, Idmrt. j 4SommllU.d..t Q 3 a yjiLa?i'b'jrv. S. C. on 'he 6th inst. a negro M. ron?wha mv s 6lITitnevTV'W-4hat havxan. awav tVn hir maaterj John Peo, about two Werks eii.ee, in Columbia 8. C. ,aj s he fo-mrr- ly neionre4 to tne estate oi 0n. ai. Criie, w autarz ciuntv. v inr. i ne is bdout o icrrm - years old. straight built, black complected, 'with a small scar above tne r.gnt eye. me owner is desired to prove property, pav charges, : Mdik him away. F. SLATER, -"kff. .-&sjf.gtarita. ;; 31 , l!ommUe& to th3a V WJlkea rownty, a negro Boy, who saya hia n.me is BILL, belones to Etckiel Trot. JkM Alabi odjh away below Fayette- ; .2? .; Ville.-- no Sa 5 fee B of weBniiiReJt:: " mnet'rathevight MmpJMte4et weeik 32 and. 25 ears old- no particular marks perceptible Hjn lii.Ti His owner is reauested to . prove "proper r, pay charges, and take biro away. N B. Si lice the shore was published, the fellow ms hie name ia Daniel, and that he be- a . idne to v uuam rowei, or lucnmona coumy, p . il.Ca-oiina. UMnijR rn curs, Joiitr. n?sW. JWnv 30. 1828 19 . SHERIFFS DEEDS. T0 land aoM by order of writs of renfiitionij UtVlVO b-en ahwnt un a d.fnt Wt tltat pMl auminr, re.ctf.illy li.rorma bit old cutomer anj tba public fnrr!ly. that Uhu rcuro.l h'-ma. and retuwd buw'i Wch d.irinf bUabacnca wa ctmJuCttd by bit partacr, ThMeon'inia at lha ahop fornirHr acetipUd b , rmpleoni aewJ art fumiJ-d Hh lha rarl and lndo. fMhioi for Utta and Con i kMi btlilona hava bocQ alor t- rraHy admired and adopUd by tha .a Tn of tba HorthrBi;iti."n any mr. r... i ami .Ithwiibit r i mora tbaaual akdl ami tof to ri tbomWI . r b ,,,b acriberi pUda tlma.le thai thair rmmwo of (hrm ahaM not ha trpad U IM Union. Ladlf t tlabha and Patacei. and Ventlemaa rU-Mug, U b madcap M pHoa lort tha mmrk mm-A ara trer heretofore dn, la order to conrrm to lha' utwumpUd prctaura" of tbe flmrm; - '-. - .. "OrihrftortramaVttaa,aitahthaAk fully recW(d,and Mnctually attended It, ac eordinr to direetloM. SILAS TKMPLRrON, a a atavn 04UlbBI LwTf HI. Watches, '3 mtri &c fMl IKftibecribcrbeiJuet JL rH timed from I '.' ftp, Hb aa good an a nrtfliettof Jnvttry, IVatchtt, Sikrr1Vare,tfi. a vaaover offered fbriale Intbia places kit Jewelry M of tbe latrit importationa, and tne moat laaliionable and elegant kinds to be had in anV of the Northern C it tea i elegant Gold and Sifter iracArei plain Do., fcc kt. And in fc dam be will receive a very elegant aeeort men! of M,Htan 0-k. Alto, all kind of SI I, vrr fftrr, kept constantly on hand, or made to order on abort notice AO of which will b soil lower than such goods were ovef tfispoivd of bcrwe in this place. 1 he pobKe ara rMpeetfutly Invited to call and esamlne thee rootbi their richncas elegance! and elfttpneM, caaodt tail of ptauinrtfcne who wish to benr. '- LAnjlmliifjratriWe Htfadrtd, and warrawtad 10 leep lime i ina soop is iv auwi oeivw io ctMirt-b'iuse, oa Mainwrtrret. ROBERT WTNNE. k5air.. May &, 1828. IT fSttam .V'algaton''ttiXapa I'ttK RUTH. . Tf. "utucabers basing been appointed A rent. 3M eui , -I 'be IknneUa Stmm B-U Cataayny. w to the Mcrchsnts in the interior, that tbe fcteam Bat u ia fine order, the- Lighters are g od and sufflcient, and alwaya kept ready ia cue of low vstrr, Ware-Iioiitea at Campbelton arc provided for the reception f Goods and the storage of Cotton i tbev aasura the public that every atteatlnn and facility will be afforded to render these boats worthy of their patronage. The subac ibers will attend to tbe receiving and forwarding of uooda o any part or the country, and the shipping of Cotton and other peoilue. ------ -riLi,4u avesv- royaMeWOr, A, a Oct 1 838. 4t39 --,,-.l?iihlt:JaH, fX Monday, the 10th of Nowwber nest, at f Baird Forrev Burke County, the lata rosK dencc of Andrew Baird. dee'd. oo a credit of tvrelve montha, win be sold famtrWe.YVjrrees, - Tkrr ifoftnt mwi ummuS j yt Oif, mW .Wavy t Also, J9tf$t9f eVaVeVw - - ... CmttU, Age. SXeeft, BiuteKtU and Kiuksn Funtitwr, Sc. M. BAIRD, I ., , H'M, L. BAIBD. Sj. 13M, ii. 8U9 rHE valuable Mini and' iondi formerly tbe property of Geo. aner, dee'd. are offered for sate L jy Ihe late pure base n. This land hrs on I n rU4anl creek, 4 mib-s east of Mncka ville, adjoining tbe Cilea Mumford tract, and ia equal to any land in Bo wan county, with a large froportion of wperiov meadow t the- Uilla are of superior construction, and have now a very good and Increasing run of custom tbe water power can very conveniently be made to drive any kind of Machinery. For other particulars. and terma, apply to Thomas D. Gibbe, one of the proprietory oa taf premiaea. lOtl -1 HUM AS U. GIBBS, JOEfH WASRi,--.. feter saner, jacob saner, AiViy eSd.1823. MABTIN 8ANKR, N. B. Another tract, belonging to Peter Sa ner, adjoining the above, containing 325 acres, will be sold in connexion with the above, or sep ersiely as may best suit the purchaser . which is likewise first rate land. Alt, will be sold, a lot adjoining the town of Mocksulle, containing ten acres of Isnd, with a good dwelling-house, with out-houset, and an excellent garden thie property will ha. aoid. low, on accommodating terma. Apply as above. 3otttm arii. T?OR aale. hlealt and retail, Srve Cottov, X MuiUier to 615: Inchuire, at rhe factory- pneet, from Fayetteville. Apply to SaUtton,M$i 5, 1828. H . BOOK BINDING. TIC subscriber rrspectfally informs tleit iaena of Salisbury, and the surrounding country, that he has established a Bfk BtmUry in said town, on Main street, a few floors eouth of the CourUIouse y where he will be thankful to receive anV kind of work-in his line of bualneas. From a number of years experience, in Europe and Xmerhrf to give entire satisfaction to all those who may fa vor him with any description of Binding. Blaak Bk$ made to order, after any pattern furnished, on short notice, and at prices which . . , , . no one can compuuo or. Old Bk$ Hebaund, either plain or ornamen tal, on the most moderte terma. All orders from a distance, faithfully attended to. The pat ronage of the public ia repectAilly solicited, by their obt aervt eir ooi sera juhh h. uk VAaTEHET. ui:.in,v. There Is i! cal.a an prii rnl spot Beyom Ins vorld vf gtf "d angttlkb. Where wi ry dm pests echo not, And lig and fT bmgviUO. And In ll4 11 d hippy land, apirita 7 lovt and bliM are dwaUingi Aad swes'lro'e many a seraph band. The antleml 'N debght are swelling. ind death r d.atant frowns In train ' Upon th sprits bright aad pure. And sees t rlrfioryatiU remain, . I rum all 14 ffa secure, aacoie. . ' fdk O lMiTKK. ' Mark'dre, thai ewsvoWve aurttf 1 ' Saw bow hia eyeballa roll'd f Vulttira(na Wtlie aameay heart f---i r.ailrMlh. IK.1 lha has tobll Now Ifa Iklat die be throwsi ,TwatO Vkle ril dsen kit woes e 4 hrm now the puuon quairi ... .,. ill favne with anrulak shake! s hi wildl -stsning eyes I Jr ploy waa aW Iva life at etke . And tie victor ciajma hia price, frneit pleaMra ! -emf asa psln ! ' Uamtotorl tbe enchant mcnUs o'er Fataimiand the lust of gain Give to Death one victim morel . i. sasra'e ootsaa. MISCELLANEOUS. HOCIETT l LYDLL AausemcntSn India is at best a sickly a.d languid kind ol thing. Tbe corporeal powers exhausted by the in tense hetrt of the day, during which it is a Mi ta etist, sometimes render tne in telle t too trpid and inactive even ht the pleasures of common in. tefcJurses Uncens. however, balls. vndTOcasrewatfanasqtmadea, or- ta trier- dull and lifeless imiou ns of them, relieve it their turns the muno t.ninis sxmeaeis of existence! and dramatic cnterialoments during the m onioon, whc if the cool season, in terpose - Varl:y- equally.- atimuLtio g sod agreeable! ! fhe Madras theatre. called tbe Pantheon,- is an elegant twtiding,eooVertible alio iuto apa cinos asaemblr-roOm. Of co irse the pefformers wcfemerely. amitteurs, chiefly' fromtthe civil and military establishments he sagactois polity of the Company baviog jealously shut the door updo professional iCtori. from the unextiptuishable dread f cloaU Cition that has always hau ted that sapient bolj. For it is di ult u imagine any I other reason for tne rl- 1 )isjoa vf tbec auincitiDCV Hreral a-d enlightened tuiiiiaters of pleasure, from a community doomed to a lfeof lan guid exile in a severe and cheerless cirmiler It' was, herefdre,r af matter of much fScuityto aelect plays fit ted for represen atton on a stage, where thd female parts were necessarily giv en'to half-caste lads, who spoke most execrable English, "'or - amateurs with beards that give tbe lie direct to their feminine habiliments. I shall never forget Tom Aostey'a undertaking the arduousch.racter of Lady Macbeth. Hie ifcardJ.v We thatlfotbad:h1ai to belinterprcted into a wotnio and in hot tempera ture the growth of , that, appendage Is rapid beyond conception. Tom was under the necessity, therefore, of sha ving br twee i each act to keep it ia a state of aubordination befitting a fe male. It happened to be unusually hot, in the dressing-room, when Tom, attired as jLdy Macbeth, had order ed hia abajing-apparatus to be placed upon the stage where there, was a freer circulation, of .sir, LJIe-hadacarcely begun that troublesome operation, when tome one mischievously rang the prompter's bell. .The signal was instantly obeyedj aod op rose the cur tain, displaying Lady Macbeth seated before a glass i the act of shaving. How h all I describe the roar, the houts, the' plaudits, the screams, and convulsions of female laughter, at this unexpected disclosure!. A general cry , for Lady Macbeth brought Tom to tfieTnmt soaped for the ceremony ao unexpec-tedlv-toterrMptedf Every-wherc-lihe cries redoubled, till Tom with admi rable presence of mind, roared out in the language of hia part, W)tbebusinB, - I That such a hideous trumpet calls to parley ' ... The sleepers of the house r ; an address which aucceeded in appeas-in'g- the etorm, and restoring perfect good-humor. r iv V A irf, t Recipe. The bark of a Willow tree, burnt to assies, mixed with strong vi.-egar, aod applied to the parts, wiH remove all varta, corns, or excrescen ces on ary part of the body.' Dr t.ttkenness i.a pleXHSt PQUDO, L. - ......i.iuj ivsi, a ui i-J tn a fn an,-; Tliocmj cr jr, alatcsixicn, j ImLm re V !, tica up by V t a. i : I 1 1 tSr fu riio m ; mcrchiuta and people, ire iJil isrri we drove 'm Sir K. Uaroea iorib!e j Mny of tho IcarneJ ITccl to deiplto through iht far-firarj cinnamon gar.jthe lupriliilooi wf the p j,le. anj ta dens, which cover upward uf Ir.CXX) acres of land on the c ait, the largest of which re near Colombo. The plant thrivei test. la t poor, aandjr a e a m uiit in tne wooai to tne eirt oi large apple tree, but wheo cultivated is never allowed to grow more than tea of twelve feet it) height, each plant taodinff ieprate. The leaf ii aome thin j lika that of the laurel in ehape, but of lichter color t 'when it first hoots out lit red, then changes rrad ually tiTgrteo; "'Ii Is toe our of blos som,"; but I ant told that- the flower is wbiu. and appears wbeo lo full bios- looflo tovtr the gardeo.n' A fter heatvj log ao much of Ihi iptcy gales from this islaod. I was much disappointed at not beiar able to discover any scent. at least from the plants, lo pauing through the gardens i there is a very frsgTset-smelling flower growiog utw der them which at first led us into tbe belief that we smelt the cinnamon, but we were aooo undeceived. On pulling off s leaf or a twig you perceive the spicy odour eery strongly, but I was surprised to bear that the Bower hat little or none. As cinnamon forms tbe only considerable eiport of Ceylon, it is of course preserved with great care by the old Ditch law, the penal it for Cutting o branch waa no less than the loss of a hand i. at present a fine expiates (he same offence. The neigh, bnrbood of Colombo is particularly favorable to ita growth, being ell ihcW eq'iaUe .tembe rature and aa ahowers fall yery Ire- cjuenflyTthoughTarirhiilecI-iy'r heavy rln is uncommon, the groucd is prch- ed. Bishofl Iltbcfj. LUei of ox AidVf. In the vast sarn- pas, or plains of Buenos Ayres, where no timber grows, the skins ol animals supplv the place tf almrOat' very thing. Brand, a late English traveller, says ihe inhabitants preserve their grain in ox hides. The whole skin is filledriod sewed up, lege aod all, aod the granary has the appearance of an elephant fas tened to four stakes. A child's cradle consists of a sheep skin laced to a small frame, and suspended in the bouse. Paroquets are kept in cages made of hide. Wood U so acarce that the rib bones of oxen are used. In .stretching hides to dry, and as pegg to fasten them dowa. 7,iiaf.--The followiog . txiethoda of miking y easr h a ve been recora mend ed. . ....J.,. 1st. Boil one pound of good iiourj a quarter of a pound of brown sugar, . and a little salt, ; in two galldos of ter, foront houry when milk warm, bottle it sod cork it close it ill be fit for use in tweoty.four hours. One pint of thia will make 18 pounds of bread."" - - - - - ::::TrTcf'i pound of mashed potatoes ( mealy ones are besO add two ounces a- -"-- .k- . J of brown sugar, "and two spoonfuls Tf . .... .. . . . ... i common yeast the potatoes first to be pulped through a cullender, and mix ed with warm water to a proper con sistence. Thus a pound of potatoes will make a pound of good yeast. Krcp it moderatelv warm while fermenting. This recipe is in substance, from Dr. Hunter, who observes that yeast ao made will keep well. No sugar is used by . bak ct ..when addi' -g the pulp ofj potatoes to their rising. Vitihle Magnitude aUertd by Temfteratart. M. Le Cat, in his ingenious work; on the senses, remarks, that objects! appear smaller in cold, frosty weather, and of course, larger during the warm days of summer and autumn, provided the sun does not shine bright. He accounts for this from the upil of the eye,.beinff.coniderably contracted by cold aa wen aa oy orignt itgnt, ana relaxed. by beat and diminished light. ReRgion of Chind.t)r. Milne asys that every kind of idolatry exists in China. The Chinese have: goda of the hills,of the rallies, of the woods, of. the shop, of the kitchen they adore gods who are supposed to pre side oyer the thunder, the rain, the fire, the grain, the smalt pox,' births and deaths t ihey worship ..the sun, moon and stars, and the genii of thelolder the average life Of man iaextred mountains, 'rieersr lakes -and aeas r ed. He hsa cone hack as far as the they address prayers to the spirits of departed kings, sages, heroes, and parents, and have idols of gold, wood, stone and clay. Every one possesses charms and spell, which are hung Sjgut ihe necksthched in the clothes, r'l.iML...( .tt;ui..:;.it.ll.-5C ' worthip only heaven and the earths bvJt at the hour of death, not knowing the true God, they send for the priests uf false gods to prsy for them. In health tbey laugh at the fooleries of the more Idolatious sects, but ia nek nets employ tne priests to oflVr m. ses. write charms, riotr bells, fc. Tht TWi, Tne following partic ulars are derived from Dr. W.lth'a Jofirn -frtim ' CnstanjlAhhl --tk- Turks oride tbemselvta-on bU' .' coianr sad desnise those who ara una so.' Tbey think a man degraded who unarraiauda anv other' lantmar tha. : Turkish f and a fewyesri since, there, could not be found In the empire a Turk who was capable or willing to hold a communication in a forcm language. The Turks differ from the r ranks f Europeans and Americans. even ia their moat trifliog habits. The Turkish barber, lo sh.ving, pushes the rator from bin j the carpenter dr.we the sw to him, all the teeth being set in i the mason aits while -he Ura Stones f and the scribe writes, not no a desk or table, but on hia band, and from right to left. Dr. W. observed the Turks building a house t they be gn at the top of the frame, aod all the upper rooms were finished ad inhab ited, while ail below was like a Ian tern. It is more than four ccnturice since the Turks eroaaeri from A.ia m Europe j yes while all around them ------ - w . m9mmm OT bWerkaW.sav aveaeaeawwna uwam' afkaa. . . srL. . a? . lMMAaMas' ikaief Lea, Zt a,J ' ..'11 - --w- .. , m- r k viiair vn ya and- are at jw.fXaime:puerilerrpreja.z. n- a a a T ' ei. iHvivrwiuMii vssvw. flaw StWU diced, atubbord race, that left the moontai'.a of Asia. ' Dr. Walsh says the road through tba plains,' Xrom: Corfstaotiopple to ; tbe Balkan mountains,' ia nothing more than a path over the grass, every one pursuing that he.prtfers. Ioj;he.'wio ter travellers miss their way, aod n um bers are every year found dead in the snow drifts. Tbe first trees that Dr. Wt oret, were more than 100 miles from Conatantinopte. - - -Br. The last North American" Review contains an article on the management of bees, written by a gentleman who has, for seven years,, had a colony of bees coder his imme diate rrispectroaahd who hat' devoted' much of hia time-to the observation of their, habits,; customs and -manners. tie saya the booer ; bee is a native of every part of-th globev and that it lai every where diatiDguished by the same traiu, with the alighL tariatioo pro qucedDygitmateY.i: It preseryev ths . wa-lsame aiogutar economy the hollow tree oi the lorest aou to the hive ot the bee-shed it is tbe same in aS situation and in all ages. The bee never changes its foodf it forever' paitakea j)f.tlicQUfiihmiirjextr.sctc. from : the nectary of; flowers; The 'scent of bees is so acute that every . a i n - a . m flower which has a powerful odour, can be discovered by them t a grtat die taner. They resort to the dunghill and the pig-pen, not for b ncv, but for medicine. - They sometimes car ry the juices of the peach aod of other fruits to their cells. The average number "f a hive or swarm is from 13? to 20,000 bees. If the swsrra con sists of 20.0PO, there are 1 9,499 work ing bees, 500 drones, and Mr queeivr or mother, "Oae" queen- laye all the eg;a of a hive, and .she never leaves the hive for a moment, except wheo i . ne ,onn w,in new, BWWv YneD queen oee uiea or leavca ins hive, all the bees run about in great agitation for a day or two, before they make an effort to repair their loss. Tbey then search for cells where queen gg, eggs which will poduce queens,) have been deposited they . Tohrgehyaeeeits if ecessary,antL enable the q ieen bee to grow, and she soon. comes-iiatqpcjJMiJyoimejJjjo the great pleasure of tbebeea, ,;. This writer aaa it is disgraceful to such . a country al tjurs to import wax or honey y and that we ourselves ought to export Ions of it every year, Leiih of. Ze!Mr.f0dierr of Switaerland,' has been lately eogsged in investigationa on -; t3uaafiibject the. , . feloTt iif lMth lf,"i year 1590 and 1600, the aver" age durs lion of life was eighteen yeara tie months. From 1600 to 1700, men lived, on-an average, twenty-three yeara and seven months,. From 1815 to 1826 the, average was thirty yearly