?Vv Uhrt-rMiTC. ClaAYl.ANll lOHIl t:XE. ,"?f M. CI.AYLAND and J..TORHENCF, .Ji U having formed, eoprtnsrHip In the Mercantile lW:vt, tinder the aSove firm, beg respectfully tp inform the tnhabiianti ol , Bali-bur and the enrrnunding country, thai they have just returned from fe-York and . Phila U-lphia, with a besutiful assortment of . Jfew Stykt Finft and Slnpk GOODS, VctMba ectHfrn the Htettlm. rmrtattnn. iu will ha offered at a vert mal ' advance fw PutcbatertaM ioifited t ct I Sa!lwr.JpfJ S, I'M). ..,..,.-'. y A: Wrw-e-fc ) tra-placed inthe bands .lvie thote interested, to cad o uirn -r wn . d,9 btfrn M Court. , , A. TOIUtENCE. ' , . JJip u mtt imp, is . " :Te 'Ecnntsste Snttr. TTlTAVlNa commenced manufactories- the M. ' " J H ehinet tomnywily knowri as the 7wt - tpinrtfr, the subscriber respre'filly Informs the iih!ic, thit h U trpred to mke, on Ujort no ' tice, at h Shop in the town of Salisbury, Main s'reet, opposite the Btte tank, tny number of 1 .MioUt .f llmta-hold Furniture, it I t "un'y n AunJr(t rfoffrjri com-ilcte -! rr ' i dy fur uie i whereat tbey have al wtt v heretofore 'told BteneAriarlW and tmtnijit dJlart. Any ' arrvant, with Very little instruction, cn, from ' ttin i thi teed, pick, card, and spin from thir. tv to forty cuts of yarn a day e.hef eosrn or fin, alack or hard twisted, m may be desired. . .The subscriber baa wine of thes Machines no finiibed, tal in operilion tliue deirow ' of eeeinft them re Invited to c. Ordere for Mcbine, cul from dtance, iH b-prfra4ly Mtended to. s , F. P. MITCH F.I.L. Catawba Iviation Comp'jri t Oenertl rr.eeiinKOt thettockhotdert f the N. Carolina Catawba Naviition Company 'will be held at Linoolnton, on the 19lh of July rieit. The ttof kholdert are earneatly ttquea. ted to attend, eiiher in penon, or by proiy. Tbe aettlement of the outataudinff debts of the fhe annointment fit onicer. are ........... TL. u..: '''"MO,'iofiir ffie"lwriJrttYJ ttrwrpwt tinnna IKa nhicrit til UIB BJCCfl'lii- nc'i line, it becoroet eic edingty impoitant titat vx futurw operartont of he company ahould be de ttermlned at thii meetiiy. (ear iiTDV J', Jt ? ' fWlZ lloutet and I-otn, in the town of "Irjifi M. Salitbury, owned by Peter Knder. "-'"That rang of Buildinga, on Main itreet, in part occupied by Samuel lti, at a lloute of i:nieriainment, ar to well known, thatji c!e- "axripilon would bV auperflubut. 1'ueir'Tmnie. -diate proaimity totbe Court House, render them - vahjahle (or trwy kind of public butinrJj...,,;. --, particularly for Sloret, Taverna, fibopa for Me- chardct, fce .x;:ja5aai-a D- irr -tina citst of the Coort-llouikr, lor. - .tmbi far a dwelknit, Mmg go. wame ouiu -" " '"diTT.'-trith tbe Ticceriary out Ito-ve fce.- e, .- ' 'fie'in? ffrt tbt Wreet, it Vatuitable for public utea a.il.l low. and terma rPade very eary ; or, if not m. thew "wriTbrTr.t7(6n mdnrrrtTrrw: I'or further narticulare, inuly o the tubicriber, I Jgent for the proprietor. UTZMAN. ' WKLVG. " fStllE iubicrlbef en respectftrh rnform the JL public, that he has J iU c'n"r"le ' Xeep on hand, a large tup.ly of high, balf h.gh, and low n BEDSTEADS,9 interior to n--ne in this country. . Al he intend to keep on land, a full tupply of elegant well made ""-' Windsor Chairs, Settees, &?r. Warranted to bo of good timber and 'weli made The aubucriber will ihortly have SIDEBOARDS fc? BUREAUS. Orders from a distance will mjet with punc . . job) attenUatu-and. all kiiiiipf. MepturM. line. ill tnect with due attendance, Hit terms will be accommoaatmr. country . produce will be taken in part pay lor work. The subscriber returns bis acknowledgements for Urn liberal encouragement he bat heretofore received, and booet to merit a continuance of public patronage. WM. It HUGHES. Salisbury, Jlpnl 2d, 1330. - 13 . iC2 VVtnted, i Journeyman at the above bu sinctai a good workman will meeTwitti con itant employ; and Hllwaffe.---" - nriM.LUlC. BYKU John A,'CIaffim . f v Original Attachment levied, kc. It a p. iffitg toiba laiUliMionif ttse Court, that ttir .defendant John A, ChafBu it not an inhabitant .of this State, On motion of the Plaintiff by hit attorney It ia ordered by the Court that pub lication be made for aix weeks in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, for said John A. rhaffin. t. be and annear before the Justices of 1 our neat Cdiirl ofTfeas ind fJTtarTef SeiubtMi,tS . he held for tbe county of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 3d Monday in August 1 tip XI. t'-'ititi wd tl'rpi'e twwsilf y wprtaxl, miie 1 1 :n .5WifrjYidTW? ft?l wiW l enrt against htwf "Tfr-f Sht) platntift"'t debt awl Costa. . Witneas Jkj tii.'eatHeTfcpf-owraaid urt tt bit wrrtee;- the" " third Mtfndav In May, 1330. 1 6158 . ' -. " , JOHN GILES, . r. ZL. " "1 -t ; 5ie fYtrth Carthna, Burkt fonny ; COURT of PIpas and Quarter Sessions, Aprrf term, 1830: Charles Carton vs. Jason II. Wilton, Original Attachment levied 1 Ordered by Coart, that publication be made for six weeks, in th Western Carolinian, forthe.de. fendant to appear at our next Court of pleat and quarter Setstona, to be held for Burke county, at the Court Hoote in Morgsr.ton, onthe fourth Monday of July next and plead or replevy, oth erwiae judgment by default final will be entered vp against him. ' . 6td v Test. JjLMES ERWIJI, Cffr. GOODS,; TflE nslncfiHer etill eoniinue to keep up t Urge eni hi wpply of ilmort ef ery kind of GOODS, tutted to at) teanona of the year i . And It mw receWio! and upening, at hie Sinr In Sa'ubury, eddi'ioiial rtpphe of the lufeat lm- porta'iona, elected bf rume!f, rtd care, and flight on the beat terma Cof eb, part in Fhil- alripl, but, pri'iciptll in New Vorks , Uucb re offered on the loe t lermi ftr c or oil a iho'rt ered.1 ta puar.tuil cuatumcrt. I he pub. lie a-e invited to tail, einuiif. and Judce fur - .. . mi iJ mi 'uiii V J. M. , ReMfCtfu'! l?2 feae t Tetum hi 'ttnteird 1irwki -wy liberet t 4lii i firulr.iITiatfoh'Tcllir:a4 ThjI.iv nrirrrfnrwir ' fWlfl Ecstivalof St. John tile Hapti, .ill be JL elebrited by Fulton Lmle. No. 99, ii the towu cf Salibury, on . . Tiiurtday, the Jit'i of June, inat. Sfembew of the adjoi-iiriK lwlgta, and tojmjminjr, brclhren, are invited to tt. tiripate. A Hermon and a: apprrjpr'mte Ad drett II be dchvtrd on thr.-xrfMi'fjj. . , B. ALSTI.N, .Vrrlar. A2i, n'A. ,m . A Xtai UvtWitv, III the Town of Salisbury, for nlc. !L fltlHM rroperty it pltan'iy aiia'ed ,JJf( i"1 the rriot ajrrerahly part ol the "J"Mun, and ia wry niil)le fn" a amiH faniil'. The lot it vpscious, arid nn'aim a very Kuod nrdfn, ';th murh rare ihniSberv. The trrm can be made eaiv, i the mot t( tt. pur. cha e money han be pnid by note ii tbe Hank, on the uiual trrma,of accommmUtion. I'fi'aona withiiig lipurthii',, cn apply 'o 'Mr. E. A l r?Mijj, or to iHvut i Caldwell, r.q7fWTtria au thorised to- nuke title.) and he te nr. rn be known. II. C. JONW. TII0M.1S DICKSOX, Tailor, Br.srtC rFL I.l.Y inrormn!iiicit..m. r,and the public R-net aMy, that he hat removed hi SUOr, to the hui'.l'in formerly occupied by Lowry and IVnrip'et.i", and mor; recently by Wa lis W. Hanijit in. a a Tailot'i Shhp i on Tnft"'teva'fiTew'fl Cmirtdlou'ie, n the town of Salisbury j where he is prepared to execute all deter iptiona of TAILORING, - -y-j : af.rr th "Tte arett fsbirni attd on therthortett notice i end n pn pared to mike alt kind of Clothing in the tirt rate t'we, luving jia bit employ ix or sc en firtt rate workmen, which enable! him to do work on the uliorteat notice. Al kind of Cutting Out cf Uarnienta will be done on very moderate term. All order from a dinti-ice fur work, will be moit faithftilly executed, accoidinjr. to directions, and Within the tlinrtest possible time. I'.'S He ha jttst recetfed the latest Cuhioni Iron Philadelphia and New-YtMfk t which will enabltt hi.n to miltj fine Ciuts, Uc. after the woe) approed tj le. . . . , - J.i--. :- UK subscriber offer for le "TTMrrvTrr for j thotjsind xzm v,f' rn;."7-".T,'.'i"i'i',T.r""r7i""sT.,i"!,iiT1'iu"' r inttia. ji, yyntf, a(1lj ,ie JVnrevee line cn tbe west snd north. Thi Mnl is survejed oif into tf ic'sof from HJJ to UOOjtrrcs esth, and-the fjaaKtCpT eicIv-ililJC u7cir'tlSl:Jii'L.y ' tle-autvuuYwhfl lia niadti aUt iif-hk-tarvcy which may oc een on aj'purnuon io r. mine in Sa'ibury, Mr. C. C. Ilenderstm of l.incotii ton; Mr Thf. i. Yiimry of Unrke eoMiiyj r ti subscriber in Ashevillc, Hnncombe cr-unty. A larjje portion of tlris laod as um as any in the Stsle- Ij.i'l ore In '.e.n disco tred on di fft. rent psrts ot the yurvL-y ted yqt Inn been found adjucent to it : the climate is the most jdttallhy and drtightful the world j and at no very distant day, thu mountain region nf North Carolina miiit become the favorite part of the otate j the land i well timberetl, and finely wa tered. The tracta marked 1st quality 'ul be sold at 7S cents per acre; 2tl quality', 'at iO cents j and 3d quality, 40 cent per acre. The payments may be made in four yearly instal ments with inurrn at nntil paid -, and the s'ibscri ber will ari o boud lo mak c Uti ou payfuent- d 'I the mnnsndiatertartL ,. Sa favorable an apportunity for obtaining good, and cheap fantis, wai never before offer ed in this State. I he tidtt to the land is .in disputable; varrantee deeds will be given to purchasers. Application for further informa tion, and for purchasing any part of these lands, can be ma.de to Mr. White in Salisbury, Mr. C. C. Hendenon in Lincolntoo, Mr. Thos. J, For ney of Burke county, or to the swberiberv JOHN BROWN. Ueemitr 1 4rtr tfrifr; ltf- N; R; the attbcriberalsoffersaljnnt9t,KK) acres of land in Buncombe and Haywood caun ties. Many of these land contain ome of the most valuable minerals in the Union. In a shurt time the subscriber will be prepared to lent some of these tracts to complies who might be disposed to Work the valuable mines of iron, lead, silver, and gold, which they contain. He bat already leased out some of the tracts, and a uriu mrjiip ror i"c aaic or ptiiers. Any part of these lands win be sold; very ;1bw wnrraitm titles made to purchasers. . fli-ovn. XH8 tberibepe?peetitilty Infortrft tbe cIG--e4)-of lvid9onand-the,adjsti2Tyt cttati.' tiesj,tbatbe Continues td carry On, at bis Shop in Lexington, tbe business Of Making COTTON tflNit, sjefrtat-ta any twtnufatmred m the t?nited Statetnnd' hit"W others, by those who hay e tried them; and hav fo'tnd a ready sale throughout a large ex tentof country. His prices' shall be as reason, able as at any other ahep in the Southern AlfWdera will b,o promptly attended to, and Gins finished in tbe shortest possible time. Heparins of Gint will be done on the short est notice, and in the most substantial manner. by tbe public's humble servant HENRY A. CLINGAMQJf,. Lcxivttr, May CS.' iSJOf 2i emustfjhTtta saiiMrtMi teimlw ftttierirfwMwsr RrillsTiiry Tcmalo 'Academy. A N laiiiiutiofl'. under the above title. Tor ft 1"A. nm!ee3aiely, illb,9 commenced o Monday, July 19, 18W.. Tlie court of InatrucVmn will include fipel finp, Retdirp, Writioy. Arithmetic, English (irxtnmtr, Ueofrphy nh the u at of ihe Globe, If iory, Botany, Chymiairy, Natural Pbiloaophy, Attronomy ami Betlet Lcttreii Mnaie, rocal and instrumental i Urawinff, and, fninliup, will form a tepartte department. ' Aware of the indi ipenaabte ntoeaaity of pro portioning the number of intructert to that1 of pupilt, tlieKibtrjriber,u Principal, pledget him elf to employ a competent aitatit a oon u hii ichotd etceeUl tnty, and another for ee thoea whkk bar neictofora preeatic l in thit eetion of the 6taie. r Arranrimenta' will be tnarle; iirioaifiufvi&x a m - . . . . . m . a i. a." . I m Tor irie reception .ov ooaruen vy mo rnn njra.1Tirrt t ff iaeratrte"fk.lttHC ' ' UE17. v pAKtll. RSi'KCTFULLr infurmtthe cit 'w: of Hurke county, and hii ...Is that he ha luca'ed at Maj 'o'm K I'attui.'t, on the rua.i leading rroii M rirri'on to Rutherf;rdidn, li-r. it- may at all timet be found, unlea pro. f?H.Mialtv abi:ni j ready it ti'rnd tit all who may drire Itit ajwialan' in the different branch ei i.f hia prefrawon. He hope from bt nrr-'iii-tcl n 1. 1 im to hit profgwion, io receive a ahre ol 'u!iliC patrnnagR. Pa'tnnwUt. M.w Sih, 18. ."i?4 ' An Viftlro. STRiVF.D from the aubtenoer rekldiiTr; . Liberty 'Hill Kerhaw l)itric, H. C. i-i Mircli lt, 4 tmail da'k mule lately pcrchitted i out of a drove from Viririma. tippietl to be iiuut two year told, not bn.l!t.ie,h id, when it lef' me,-e email TOtrrtd hit nee k 1 am inclined to the belief that he will endeavor to jet bck to Virginia via f. Carolina. Anv per. fin u ho may take up wid mule and give into ri'.Mi.in t'r the lnlxc'iber reairiing" at l.ileriy Mill, 3. C. will rective the thank of th? tub tcriber will be generally rewarded. 3t26 WYATT PATTERSON. "V i'lbscriber offers for sale a JL valuable tract of land in Meek- f Itrfjburgeounty.cpntaining 1 75 acre, "TrrtJt mVtiS warers or nv rfeek, oa the rosd leading from the Tuck- ailege Fold to Camden, joining land with Alex. Cathv, Francis M. Beaty, and Arch'd. Waddle. The land is of an excellent quality, and well adapted totbe culture of coin, cotton, and small grain. Alto, a goad Meadow, and some first rate bot tom land. There is s two itorv tlwellin hint', and other necessary but bouse j; which are al new and good. Also, a large frame AfacMm-hauf, with an excellent Cottun-litn aitd Strew i which will be sold uh the place, or separate, as it mny mit the purchasrr This place is also ;i xcelUitt stand for public bus. nes, and particularly Mercantile, a it is remote from any store, and in the m-ijjhu irhood of ;v taLfbWk JX!ld.tiiine r JsxjzIE.:.jfs':::r ftfmuLWttSti'M JatiKhaoullJ jt-tllL ttppfy ne trre- latwl, at a oppor. tunity ' of. geLlirig sa dsslhtb!e situatimi will not offer soon. The terms will be made easy att3JaccoremotfatIiis; jf "and wHT 'be made known to any paraua wUliing. to purchase, by .Andww (Jrier, Esq. living near the place ; or a letter a.l- Jrt'sscrd Tdmyctf,-dfTteted Niltmi"'s Mill. Lincoln county, N. t. will be promptly attended to. XJ. (i. SCOTT. .M4lV4&!i, - - ''4t?4-'sr-'-;"" "STHERF. S, sometime heretofore, a Powrr f of Attorney was given to fJen'l. James WVPborn. of the. County ot U ilke and State tf North Carolina, by Ouvi-i Campbell and June Campbell his Wile, of Wilson coiiniy, and state of Tennessee, in relation to the estate, both real and personal, which eaid Jane derived from her father Hugh Montgomery, deceaied, of Sabs, bury, N. Carolina i which s-.i l pawer gave said Wellborn full authority to convey, Sic. And whereas, sid David and Jine have transferred their interest in said eslalu to VV.liiam Mont gomery Cowan, Mary I'urnel MoSVbiittr my wife, Msrgsret Lavinia Cimybe!l, and Joseph VVarretT CampbeH, together with full power to revoke seid Power of Attorney given to sid WeHboriif Ainl- whereas; 1 am amborized by a .it'll' ... . shtiHmwMoTitmcrTeowaTrrMar Joseph UVren Campbell, to act for them in re- lation to the above busine$t: 1 hereby, for my. ( self anJ for the above named person, revoke! .i ..... ..... .... ... . i .a i r mc i utr m .iiiornt-jr jfiven ro sam eilOoi'n, And refuse to ratify or' confirm ativ net wh'uh!0 said Wellborn may heieafter do. by virtue cfitij auiiiui'iiy. SAMUT.L C. McWH'RTF.R, .f-enr, Uc. .Way r.l?r, 1 8 W. TtJSe ivnnr v piiirtpo ;r. n .1.1 m- 1 ..'v... . .nun,.. iiivi 1119 i4iiu itiiiirrs.- utunnr uuainess, near saiiaaurv. in ita ditlerent branches. He gets out and cuts rocks for grinding gold ore. of all sizes, good quality, and iniuncs uiem 011 in uie oesi style 01 worfcrfmn- ship. He now has on hand several pair of Ovid Rtckt, finished in the best style, which he will sftjtowiar.,ca,8li.- He likewise cuts Mill Stones, dresses oft rocks tor ateps, ac. on short notice, and low term; line of biNinevn, 4tW si Tvt&' Cents Uewattl. r&' BCftNUE-D front the subscriber, cn er TSL aBOut DC IKti MarWlast,: an indented apprenice to the Gtin-Smith trade, named David Moore ; about 1$ years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, stout, thick' and well made. Any person apprehending said runaway, and re turning him to his master shall rrceive the above reward. SHERROD GANT, Mountain Creek, Lincoln ce'v. ) ' ... . C. JJuy 29, 1810, oU4 CLANKS OF every description, neatly printed, and kept fcr at this Office. MISCELUXV. J C0XMCT1CUT TEDMR. Thtre 1$ nott more cUrioui ipcn men of hurr.an nawre in existence th m the genaine Connecticut pedlar. He it a cheat to- be sure hut he chcati with to much apparent honcity, that you never' know, it until he Is beyond hail a&d even than you hardly know whether ta be angry or & K1 .,,t right at your, own itupidity. Vou mentaUv reaolve. ncvet .ajin.ta hiy.e delrnCTwithrcTrtlmtl-r r . 1 . I tion and yet, ten chmces to one, nut tttat wterfTQeiTtraveittf!T?;,in tn-cnwnt from the " lan'l f.f steady habw, will -.ti!.. c-- t7d1eaTeori"ref)5errtUv4y a a t I . a . .1 . 1 .I. I . reached, than everi hu brother in tiic trade had done before htm. The genuine peJLir ha a variety of characters in which he drsjjtmes httt. self, like the maskers at a theatre . 'Ie changes oftenrr than the fabled Cham eleon, Et lett to outvrd appearance, while at hearth1: ii alwavt the same Cool, calculating, rind crafty, lie in variably adapts .himself t- the charac ter of those aroirid him; and he is seldom at a Iom t asrertJi.i tne nature of their char-tcter. la physiognomy he is affect Vlrpt ;j improvetntint up'n Livater himself. I.i acuteness and pi n'-trHtionj h- Ii s r-o eq i d. II he findi h'.rtsrif among religions crs iomefSj. i e is the very personificatiiin of'pT-tv. h:-e-hit ireat pjototype, tHe Arch I) - liver hiinsell, he cn qu ite .Scripture to his . purpose ;M and while employed ir. Murdcrinsom; pious and goodly hvmo in dcrpcrate attempt1!, he pussei off with the i!tm')'.t ease upon his credulous hc.irt-ri, his cracked tin-pail , and wooden nut megs. If he fi.uls his nex; rutoncr a boisterous son of eonvividlitv and lin.w.r." which i e ilolies. the loank I - - - - - i,l religiun is at once iiir wn oil liie whine of punt nism rivrs place iii-j bold itnd swagroriri?; manner, whii'h he find in sue) company : the jrc?t passport to fjv-jr and confidence. He bas alwiysii ha ,d, a i.itij of anecJ a; ?d n.-'wrmation. He can talk on i' s'.i'iject, wivn rqvid volu bility. H " eid om or never taks up his abode at an . in, or place of public entertainment j lor lie always cab ulate. oh exchanging his vares t, r board an:! lodgi-l-k delht8,to .-wfwWmstflf --J.-.L. .. " r -- mi - ,--t. at toe larmer s nresnir . 1 orre -ne has- aomfthing'tev- sav fortftetrrlrficattirf or amusement of all fiis auditors. To! the old gentleman he has many am. r. vclloos legend f,o. rcIicarse,.of enormo us pumpkins, of overgrown cattle, and onions a yatti in (iiameter. ir?tnv much important information f.r the good ivoirtnn r.f the IVoosT,' "respecting lhtLblsin::nfih':y management of her pnitUty,- atd -Uv best rvaicd.es Lr cdd. For the younger portion of tiu family he h a s the qutint aoe-doto and the marvel, i lous legend, D2 t:!U th : v i'juM ss j of beaux and Oinnectk-ut fashions ; and withal wins upon ti e c-n'fi.!ence i and good graces uf the whole iamdv. ! Morning arrives, and af'trr breakfast h disposed of thj pedlar tird-cks the repository of his stock in trade. The lady of the house is supplied with a pair nf spectacles,, wnose iron boWs have been plated over with siivrr ; antl puJscd offlirein tlrcly composed of the precious metal, The old gentleman iS cOitXcd into the nui'chas-i' of a ra?.or. which. Iiketh.it r i- . " was rna.h to sell ; but which could no more anwer its OStumbk purpose, than a har. Isaw, j The. picuy yuuug Miss i.. iltttefed into a bargain Uvc a oir -oixriasvluch ( -vM'l4i4.ijy...ptuv4;fJttc mxirw, trtit "a:; 13 nu -oi l un:cr..t;ie Vrencu never did so we I as wheat 1. 11 i.: . 11. .1 . ' "' 1 " ' J t,,K1 "."'"" rCU in war was weary inacy ; ! St to Call a j.on, thr part id !ivit.y. Ha had always a comic opera me lami.v. iae nuncs; lli.ieraot a?aiu takes up his line.-of m irch -rngcr to:h . r : reap another harvest of gain at'au Jiher 'unatfipcifUng li'ftfsi'd'-; ' ' ' rfnrrrf3'.rrc.rAr Life mJ fihhofi WWi hjrvF rVharis rhrs"th"nrQied Orcbadorc.. 'r'Vrft1" with the SZttiXfc': wriicn mars the lortones rd honest I men. mtsieaos ine UKJfrtn- nt nr,n 1 t 1 . -T" -- "--v, j '-"-t."." . ft. sat m ces, and occasionally eit lanper ib stability of thrones? fa tht n - w true1'' meaning of the tecias, it is a sacred thtng to which every denorr.inruion of Yorkt flHr!1glhe mui semmer. Christians lays an arrogant 'and exclu- . sivs claim,.but to which no man, no tThc Pwtdence 'Da.ly Arjfcrtiaer, fltm-mhlv nf mn .1 i- ' f horough gctng Coalition paper aay Inn,-'-1"; h? "''Mlei.., CUy nomination U ihe 0 tgef can prove yhr It tt frequeritiy tbi , Jare Jsa?e Tlbo3e hhnd from b among individuals of the same vet, coming decidedly fatkn in one ywf nothing better than self sufficiency of I from this unie . ' M t , - which each man esteems rumsell mora , righteous th n hi orighbtira'. It may, perhap, be ustfi;! in cementing whac ' is callen the alliance between Churchi and tate but if such an alliance ob struct! candi J diicussions, if it invadel the right of private judgment, If i gener-tea bigotry in the Caurchmen or intolerance in Suteimen, it not only 1 bf comes incontinent with the generaf pedea the progrejj ot the ktngdorri until ipii't" ananfi'iw.'Hiy mrtifimmi-imiii:-mn Ml-ri-liidiius 4jjayn-s. - km L'ird Bvron to Mr. Dallas. Jittd litis ? October ,1811 ; in which he i3vsj-' " it aeerns as though I were to ei. pcritocerin my .youth the greiteif misery of age.( My friends fall aroiM'i m?, and I sr.fl'l lie It tt i lonely ma-i 1 hef re I am withered. Oihcrmencaa f .tUnys take rciu;s. in their families f 1 have'00 resource but my own rtSec f tnns, aria t jcy present no prospect here vr hereafter, extip the selfish satisfaction c.f suviving my betters l am, indrrd, very wruciu d " Djr the s inte da'e f iays Mr. M iore) wit'a 1 this mehmchoiy Jef-r are the follow I ing verses, never before printed,, whic he wrote in answer to some lines re- i, ceived from a friend,, honing hint i to b: cheerful, and to banish care f j inty wm nor witn waat gloomy jfiJelttv, even while under the pressura jot recent sorrow, lie reverted to thn I disappointment of early affection, j'ts to the chirl T.irc.- of all hi BiiiTcrr linrj and errors, ;.--srt or to cojiie." .W.'a..;Ai-:,, Cel. U, m.C j f .. ! a:';-.li c.'Jc' s'ic!i cver.be flu; ino'ta (? th revclrv. 'VL . Ml I- 1 I . T""!l v ,,"se r! ,'" '"!' . Vt herewith tl.'j children of depair Loll :h: e 'bsnu'i car. Hit ma i,i m'rrii'i ri '. .-t'n .jf truur, VI,rii pre9en, -j!M',-amT ftrturr Jmrrr, . : :" lieu all 1 li'-ii in ehsfgerl is pne, sioric uiUi rich nam- the 'woes of one, Who' i terv thftuhi-'bt-.t let them puis Til. -ii kn itf's? 1 ftTi an v.-l it I was. Hut, ab.ne ad, if thi vcrlrl's bold ylurr, in a aear that ne'er was cold, lt 'l tbe powers tlftt men revere, Itv all unto thy hom desr,- 'fay jay a -low, thy hopes s';ov?, ' Spiaf: Speik jf nnything but luv.C -Twerc luaj-tj aeli, aad statu to hew 1 ... The t:Ie -l aie , s-jornl a' tear j L 4: !!'' !?.! :W 1U..U better bo o.: Ami tbe.rc i la.le in that tale -,-;, t .-. ttp-t n ... f wtrtW m r,y hriilb aiimbrTs Web j , .... ... v.. in. ii .i.tfii n 1111,11 rue yvf. -U.,nf 4T-swre1-'srrr1eT,5e' motlier wore, Wlu-n and 1 in youth have lm'.kd, .itid an lauliless as her clii'.l ; i U.- fi'tli TirTty c s,Tt"i"c oldrJIsjiiTt; lt l.lelt i.il ..ret pain; . Ai. l I Iuvp ;.teit v.-ellrby jiart, ...AxajoaJe my .tluvk ..USft my. Heart , . . . , , t? KcT it o I Ihe nvty j;ni,cc ihe gavtt " V T"!j1t T!"e Wiir-'S 'J. umiii"'? siavejT Have kisa'i, as if uiihont destji; -- Tlie o ih Li,.1i otii'ht t.i have been -wines' And sIioh'M, in each tare?, I irrit- b.ul nut ni..dc me lovs tlie less. But let thi;! j-.ft-s -wlune no more, Nor s-t k again a i tUe'-a s.mre i - -ip " I The world hi fits a busy bra',.i I'll hie ine to its bsun.s agal-i. B it it, in fme "umvieilifjf )ear. When Urilai.is's !uy it .e. ioe s?rc,' Thu h at at cf one whu-.o djepeuiug crimes Vint v.it'i -he siblest of the tim?; Of one. whiim Love nnrl'itv -.vis. Nor hope of ismr, nor men's praise : tine who hi Aa",litiim s ;tde, Perc'i in;- not ntiod 31utrTiii-!j;-(Side' ;' t trr -wnlc'rl iti'sn-nc r-cnri'mtf par'e""-" -With the wars', a lurches of the aej M'n will thou k now. vid knaning, pa'iie, I-'or with the effuc. f.."gct the cause. . It is riotonont, (y3 Mirmontti it 'his Biogr.iphv) that with much noble ncis and digoi;y of sjuI, Marshal Six waia tond ol' - mirth- and jollity. B-' .taiLe,,aa-.ttll.a3..by'im, Jhi Jqvetl . that k . . m his c&wvv t M K tk,- ,ha 1 iij ml 1 i iuv .ii i. 1 i"t - gave the order of battle j.4and on th ise occasions the principal actreis mrdtotm gen. f tltimcn to-mnrriiw theic will be oof Mattes, The Alhwny Journal sta'es, that r.nt on . General Ju-Hon, and Mr. Kan Lurtt lr- Clay will v'Uit the State of Me cpinsot, and ptiariancai prjdf, U 'e-k

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