rn"t irs! wtilcS. w'.il the t.rmt of tt, fit s It if arbitrary gnve-ntK-'it. W.x-'htr oirskas r o't lh' eonl.lio'i, let t'li a. f t1" Pf 1 er, '"tr "'" V Ument """ f f fim ' lnert Hi irt. Itr, which wat called forth by eouiimial in I VncrMinf o)irr,rtnUiiiiif of ttit Iht molWei wt.joW to a change of his vi. H'S p ewt tviimow w tlit rrtn'l of eenvfctMi that iht jdc ii'ii lio?" ptf iuml by ihe general gov. miKht Itad It a auuvri.a or m Iniou. Onee more, and fu" i wneeri'y fr Ut lim-, e mdt ebrud notice of onrwtrrt " 'tii"'i ''e f"jl)ticr" VfT3rrrel irrtheitat Cf j4y i Jwu-sat. lh rm'd'riatint) ofja l. by, on. r. the jiug.r ha. nt.t iTtr" i " ' W(4 b M,. 11.. I i rVh Hnpwd'Jittel u;mn hi character, ia ,...,u iMi tenacity u Jitetb tiul Openly IW4 ti .end', We know m l to be iht drug of I it '..Miration,' end were we of a contentions t 1 ! Yi temper we m'ght have Ihe person a So nroc'iffi'. i'e pu'ilica'iirt arretted for t 1.1. f'l. P ii' we K 'm retort lo the Uw in wb '. WluV t tuve the morel courage to do' iti iir.l. we will never call in tli aid (,) lli mo powerful m dial of, the law, to fJ , ru.ht long. M the law of libel d e. b'l we appeal to truth and r- willinf to trt Hir cvjr to her unerring decision. The pn'it Vk r i4 tha' t ifrmrn, (aid who lie may b, lei our readers onlv nuke AeewJ jwu, I'ul f i1 .'rr uxxi it, tliey will bit tlf t il n ; '.n the Lr 1) 'u 1.1 m tbr ojnnioa iff, u t-irrtnf, thi' Mr. MrMu wm nut enij err.l ?r tutor in l.i i-rution m ,.t U. r.r t . I. The ti mi-nt piirp.ini to uve trrn n,.!e by .ik t( the m.jrirutri (we B it nirml to Y which) wl"th tiikri if in. criiWii' upon u to uiifoU to our rrtdrr iii v ui Iil'Ii' the majitlrstri irMrd Inn. b ill! j-,,M jr the trial, and at the wiuUm op of the ca"' brf'ife t'-i v pir tin- fullowiifr 'act from the re eifri;zrre w'licli h'nind u over for our per t W itrrree 4hr-anwnrtiiipeivw tlmirt, !iirh u writtt-n by nie.of the mjritriet, tnd r, I to the other to which lie gave hia a. !, to n-ave tliat they bo'h viewed Mr, Mr tui 'h ti'.weentor. F.itract frirn the reeng iiiiirf. if'ino: " nJ aiiiwer lo the a'ate i. cuarjrr - f libel fur a publication in the V r'-r . Car.ii'in, where J ti. Manin Mude a-he i.n.erir Court) ii PKOSr.ClJTOH " Who Withrf to pric'ire a deception, ur or the pub-Lht-r of iht paper ' Lt wonli apeak for tl ClTtM 'f . I'-. ail. Irian we jj ve the cert flratra r,f Mr. Reevei J tr K. r w hn were prr-e'it,and brard the w i'.ic- iworn bv the rnntia'ee, who in ailnni.-rn(( every ', cnl'ed Mr. Martin the pniff-wnr.- -Wittt thee fati- whndv wt pub .. ir lurr, aiii which arc mr-w i-uirnitiiBicu . 1 . 1 ' LI' 1 1 L 1 I ni wr n ruiuiif u ei n emu 'iuciilc, a'iu - ' 1 ' uie ii.irneretert ieerali;na oi reverml oi tne mLS' re-pt cijb.it; ciUzeua of thia place, we kave-th- affair to he j'uliff d of by our renderi. We w.ll harcly add il.atall the aophintry of Mr. Mar- til. cannot make the plain and u.ivarni.Ued a. n.e rf-Hr-fwtehf.lM... that he il nut nneecutnr. and decWe l.im to be auch in the faceTf 'thewhtileworrt. - A.mT. Art. 50. -'850. . 3 .-ii i r 'billed uon tn Jier. Jonts inil r .U. f. a tiiion th .r t.H. at wh. h I w,, present a .ittuaa. I have In u that, although Juljrc Mar'in w'un t iled p.occutoi by those m:iiilem-n, said he? wh not the pms' TUtor, yet the m.iRtitrau who lo:e ihe wiineea to r..llt d himi iifiil at the concluMon of the tril, Mu mafii tratc who winie ihf reco;tiia nice iJ, ireq u to me oiher, nam. rt Judct .Manin ' I T . . . . ' . . f . at a mic urf)M.'( umr. wi.iin win in if.niin in1 rcogtiuace if r X 4iniii d Given 'fFTr mjfland'uii'S0:n ei -y.i Aunusl, t the tiial of M-itua Jonr " Cr.ie. " and concur with the bov :-temmt o A mother who wat about to burn at the atake .ltvRit- .., xmrAmM- -eM. a drink of water. The son cried " ! i.o rTei India Trade -It i, rumored that the motfi the drier you are, the better you wnl . -'tllllll. ikj mw II. t.LIK esi muia porta are lo be opened to the com- f 5LfJJle -S-'n Septeniber next, upon certain iimitinWaiibTrea aid to have been communicated by letter from he-ProviMcikT ajjeht in T.urope to a merchant tf St. Johnj, and Srurht from ihence here. ' 3he.opeTiiwg nf thg ITtnrr Iftlia tru le U much to be desired on the part of the V. 9. but we- trust that nothing may be done on the part of ur minister at the Court of St. Jam-, to pro. ure that trade which may in any shape com pfonjise the honor of thu. nation. If we with V? t;)JTur and preserve oitr atcendency oyer W.wMin ofBarepr WrWtftahW"''jve1a,c,a,' fteihch,-' "rij'- We wouW-eariieatly recommend the icommu-j he maiy Tutht it containt. None of ua who nae itudied law, but must be forciqly atrttck fb-the impropriety, and we might iadd, folly f Placing "aereral folioe of Engliah blkck ietter ' nt0 ,he b,n5 of a atudent who' deefgna to '"ke thit country of R pubVican -jimplicity the theatre. f hi practice. We agree with " Brougham" that it ia due tt tbeimpottaiiee f thjubject to make the experiment, and try f one, who it not. burdened with to much life, leaa imformiMon, will not make a better ad'ro mf? than be who thall have" maatercd -every 'rotas L-jfli, tLa Uw cf rtil estate i England. a niiuv. Theft wtrt. p.ir of on th i i.rer i oe w, r, ,,.,nS tr(urf4 oina to o c unt i-u in one or ine pif.cf or "kiry euitodi', f tund, up in eitminttinn, tn t-fcljr eecurfd Ii the oilier, i'p-m enqwy of (he C'ifWUVe wh il i'y it vie la ukt chrje of th'Mj cmfti.'d tn the (.:, he re. pin, ht ther wrre t9pt'u of ttockl, one on ith t'.Je of the t X U voaU tot look well (1 see o fl ln I and th other npty, wnl to he In I ra ight the finrt Mrennr that pae;d, Biirrly wih irthnf th JtHoJ?.indy . UtVf Sthjlitra. moat. bn Iht avMt bu-f44 Jiat U C4rnndat) if bt m U hit ijheeniie. lie wiya he Mt bwcirf noilrwn gtnittltj try tnd in Frtiee long t f r thi timt snj ht Other quirtly iourirrj in P.nUnJ. Ami ytt t. .. . i ' u iuo men n rcui;ip.i The Ricbt'Kl Vj j tt iiuei CdI- Drytn m e'uli.l' fur the Vii PreH.'eticr tu be upp'irteJ bjr the frieuJuf M. CUy. Hie one t.4Uiich frirm! of (tie coni'.iliiti'jn tnj ftlitt Hicbt the o'Ih r thir mott bitter twinv. How iarf'y pnirtil f The mijority fur Jar.kon in Wrntucky ii now err in. In Cliy'i irnt!ntric the Jckii ci ml id. if timr within 14 volet o( bnn el c'rd over Mr CUy' prticu!r friernJ, Oit eiiJcn. It i nJ the election will be conte'eJ. I V illikfw (;mii u lctecl4 in Ii in th , - " riiiig uir courier irom ie o ior oi !l)f bHjM, He cwimitted to pr.an 'rn ' b rogge inJerd who -t t - . r .. i a'rala a uewtpa, r in :1m land of newiaper. The ppearace of the ame brilliant meteor mhich watfeen between 9 and V) o'clock, in tint place on UuimJ igh', a(n week .t-.k, m oo rv-d both North aoj S ithuf u. A bright ream of liht wna left in ft track at it patted rapid'y o the South Eaat of nt. Sam Puuh An nnttn f' n ite dead. Mr Parker, a veterian of ilie Ijtt war, in pretence of about an IrmdreJ ,iefylr, ju-n-ed from the railing of the rtat tiride i'lto tbe water; the f-at would1 probjj!)' Iivc bttn fepcaied, but the a'tention i.f the troi! a dier'ed. Mr. Parker aay he w Sam Patch jump, but tliii.k. he wat f'HIiih to .".jump to Iiik'i." Mr. Parker ia to take tnu'h'-r leap thortly a)i the Provi dence Journal. Mr. Wirt't Oration brf.ire the literary tocie tiet of Kutger't ciltfe it ui l lo he a moat e'o q.ient and majterly production. It more than equalled th cipectatiom of . the audience. That ia Mytnjr all. We hope to ace il pub. Untied. - .- it ia'aatd that tbe eccaaimt of Ibe riefay"Tn ... r i. e e il d awearinjr in4he-luk of Norfolk, aa Fvy i n J , im u ct j- . Counteltor, waa the difficulty of finding; a teaia. ment tn the Palace. 'Tie not tying' much for hlKe late alrigVchfbtiamty. Tlf report that the venerable patriot of the I -",., ...r, ... w r., !ia wi,huut M The Da.t v. r.i r ' i .r i ' '1. - .1 I Amr 'rrnlM h." int: j"rin - . 1 AUwlt earned before jtice of the -oeacf, e.Jtreel wtih having etoUin two piireona , ... ,, . ? found m hit poMc. urn, rcti.onded to the charge ,,ut he ,:'mo c"rn m h" PockeUl ""1 when hc Ptned " PockeU U 't!"" ' the Krt;n '""M '" A mal in Pennsylvania, who waa confined in jil on chary f la'ceny, nil lu J namw etcape from hi confinement by crawling through tbe nt ptj lUt. Two en e:pd from pri.ninXou"ui;ana by aHeeuH, their way through the walla. The l"arl..iai ii ..tn . 1 1 I n eattutl llita cliirh mfulet cauacioti"' re," and which no nun could be . . hum " Information ha bea.r.eceivedat4lo Depart treaty between the United Jttatei and the SubliJie Porte wa mjned at Conttaiitiuopi ' May last. ' " , Xhe rcturm from MiaBOuri, give 1 majority 'P;turubc t the pretental.niVnt.ation. Every t(()n VHI mi(je b ths cray party to get the llcMMiency in tne State, but republican ism eM , j"i0riou triumph. sume men in Koaton miatook a shoal of por poises four or fke milei lonjj for a avaaejpeiit. Auihe ntiCk intelligence has been receive j at New-fork that Algiers has fallen! The Turka 'Jaavexeteeited I particulars are grveo; ;; : The aucretary 6f Uie ;n gation- wai lodged in tat watch-hoiite In Philadelphia. The complaint "againet him wai that he bad rung the bell at a citixen'a door. lie wat !icWged upon hit privilege. It may be aw, hia lover wai domiciled there and that he withed to sing her a aong, or play her a tune. The Europeans art all, romantick. The returni from Louisiana give the Jackson ticket a large majority oVer tli Chy ticket. It makes our heart leap for joy when w hear of Uie triumdi cf rejniblicBmrra. . k-k Till Wlltilf CiUUi, In our co'ii'ty, tn ir tn in i i ny other, poverntd bv ti nitir intii u' lofii. nrrviil ',b, nm, nguUr .n,nrri!,on, noii.n relative la ) m'xl of puMnia mJr of iht telenceof ihe Irt every other iiicrpendent fnvjntry , the nrnnotrinj I be matter hf thit atudy.'K lui'rdtotba e niua of tht (1 jvernm.nt. In oum it It factf greatly tu be lamented tb.t t de pend ion little U m ouMelvet 'or a dije.i oi Uwtt itlected hr their peculiar adapt lion to the liberal int'ltu'iont whim form the tummum hoium t,f qur Uoi ed H"Pu J bckaiul copa JiiO muca from th-U i(? lith iimpruilence. The writer U well ewart 4hal era r indehttd tattle KntiiH Natiop' fonrl iht maierial princpiv' of jmrrliwe, bot fit com?lln; and ciiflTnMMjnfTrirrpMn ttru;trtrom' hi remarks rllrj9 the wcll,Jioo.o tjd aTkoowUiied fat, tla)-rf-tewrni4W-aesff tirmtirwrt try " rumnf criminate and evince too little iudgmeni in oar choice of those legal regulations, under Ihe administration of which Eng land, owing to Ihe petulUr tenure of her land, ha enjoyed a much judicial inde pendence, at can he found in any quarter of the clone. But we are not irnilarly situated wi h Ihe people of tht llnd of Ureal DriMain i e do not lire under the isme form of government, and we hold our landed estate, under a different ten ure. Wh then preserve the old forms and principles of f-nlal law which ar even ami('ia'ed in England at this time -And why require rf (he student, who otands for hit elimination, tht he shall bs tftotouirhly acrjoainted (or even par tially o, if ii toe not. comport with the character erf hit genius io toil over so much nonsense, whUh lias t.outkrr in ti to attract hi attention, than the tmera lion he bears towards every thing which his been handed down to ut by our pro krnitors with to much utcless ncjtter. Sar even that weougSt and sll pre serve those firms of the law of Eiglaii.l nurhing real estate, whic H are t presrri' u4 nd-pra:iiaed ufia b-o..t is-4 cesstry that the student should or rqusl If well acquainted with ihoie wiicn are not piati-ed, as hose which are in com mon use i Cu' say the fiiendial stiirt old Coglitn lim. i it essential tu a wctt und.-rtt jndinj; of the latter, that they houMbe prypt'tlr ikiiled in the fo-mei. Is there th-ti any nitural or inseparaole connection between these arbitrary rulos of feodal deiivationf The writer has never vet been able to ili over any Tlie laws ol real.propr" j m i hia roun'.ry 'uve been very much timphfied, and e coul.t ltn to tee them tct more so. Bui will any reasonable pet son pte'etid. tha j in order to- understand pioperly 4he iuri of the action ofrjciment awi i jprose cult U ..witn i eMerctf ;;;w;.M.rwt in the ebtooleie modesy-sfho tne-preceded that action. Of what avaii is for a youni man who nsv rrt-d-oTer-ttirsenensive """barrvft field, without culling a tingle fliwcr, or disroveriri a valiuLln productwui, to ex hibit Ihe dry unfmitlul eaiin axiikingio him io toosely. the werjr Mgnt of which isaikniV):nlwiV-hafenirr land, where tbe form of loa Uw ar-a-bitrry" and compticatert, we siit admn the nrce-t'T of vigilm reenrh ino all the o&solete doctrines of rtl proper if. Lo'd Coke ttrnnl'v ico;ntn.nds it io the students of English law but can any. in this country, who mean io rc tise here, stile themselves Murlenia of English law f If not, then is Lurd Coiit'n advice bad counsel when foilowcJ bv u. and those who blindlv pursue it, are un skilful and uuilutemiutf, and employ ihe minds of young men upon studies from which, in youth, they cannot reap any ad vantage, whilst the prac'ise ol the Uw is! left unnoticed and neglectea. ny noi siritt to make practical Uwy era ol young men ab initi; and no: suffer tutm to be thrown upon the world, without any of that solid information, -which they can turn to their imoiediajc advantage, and which cannot fill to yield t nem-j-sv it h in dustry and applKa.iou, a t;ood and sufli cient -tf;)po; l W c caruiut ac count- for -t h e- bar k w ard nets and frequent failures of young men, ai the br, in any o'fter leasonable.maii per. T o thirds of t hJe who no pursue that uiiproSiaOle course ol study btiome disgusted witu the pioletsron. ami neg lect it entirely, when perhaps if rendere let drv and more tmerestinf; t the choice of the mo e essential branches of the law for study,, we could at tnis slay boast ol double the legal reputation we have. Many of our most distinguished men- have liured bting,"lou iaJ: hope to see their etertion crowftcd with success it the march oi scieoce ana im keep pace with the tnajch.of n -.. -a I -i: The plan uf formindr a'treneral digest of American Uw, has received the tunc- tion and support of soma of the most en lightened juiist of our country', 'and wie have no question it will one dy prevail over the objections which have been op posed to it.-' W.-might witn great aa vantage and propriety retain all the-great principle of the 'Uw of eoniract, without any modificatierxiLJibj-ulgenaenUa'tn the writer believe that that body of raw is entirely unexcepiionable.. The writer would not cotnpUin of the mbde of atudy preacrijitd oy preceron to ibeir U-tu Jao u, djj (key not re(,ult luck eicla aive defoiion lo the laws of real properly. The writef of tl.lt article think It due to the aubjeel to mike the experiment o rtqwr, ctyi that tht a'udent of Uw tha'l give Mi a'Wnuon to to much) of the uw of real estate lo HneUnd as It artutily pracited tnnl reeognUd lw in this cnuiirr, i.icn In hn(lpJ they are stre(gliig t this ritsment to throw d wn th nHdf mass that rudU ind rei que moir$ of the Itwt f real taiir ami ut auis'i'u't In Its stod a result r, simpli and beautiful t'em oflaws la g iHeand direct iliiLj44UJiU.rjicxJwo,jjpyn d snuted ntrwi ms reU'lTC t real estate. he hrt ntt-thetj-rleHdr-tjp-etrhem anjl uncertainly as ihn'jhtizttte In iheir the whetlof Konuiie. ' Aliho the wdjudi ration in t rountry are not quite uncertain, yet we must ay that the rules upon which they are derlJeJ have no reason end luitiri- (or their foundation, but are based en:irely upon flimsy, arbi trery tnJ assmttrd p'inripti-s. IIHOUOMAM. art .fc 9 man Declihn o CAurorfrr --U oljtI )n is omnipotent. Driermtno th 't sou iil b something in the world, and you shall be something. Aim at eicellence, and s cellence will be a'lained. This ii ihr great secret of emiti-ir? cintet do it, n-wr accomiHthtd eny th ne; v il try. hi vmughi wwdrr. um hue ai. iH-il aps, hrard of the round man w0.il a . . I having waited, In short time a Jjre aitec!, In short time a Urt patrimony in profligate revels formed a purtose, whle hsntfintr over the brow ai a precipice from which he had thrown himself, that he wtuld reg,in what he hr.' loal. Tbt purpcMlhu formed h keeps md although he begsn'bv shovrliintt a! load of roal into a teller, he proceeded! hn one step lo anothvr, till he tin" client ian racose red aea Ust-po.aes-eTre and died an invrtera'e mi-cr, worth titty thousand pounds. I mention this not as an ct imple to be iruit ued, bti' as a signal iotjnce of wbt can he iccoinpli-het bv fixrd purpose and peiteve log rfJurt. A young nun who se's ou' in life wi:h a (leterminiiio'i to etcell, ran hardly Ml of his purpose. Tnere i in this case a s'ra.linei of aima concentration ol fetli'nf and eff.n which givea ii reiti!ile enetgy, and render su- teis. io whatever he undcr'as, certain. Woiyfl'fy from a )rnvhoute. .During the rei 'n nl f'h,ces ihe I'uat, a cmintrv girl ram- to l.in-lon, in search of a place ! ls srrvanr nil(f,'bunosul(:editl,"she', aK. -.Tw-Jl. k., LfZ - brewhrrtrsc; -fhs- brewer "ftbs-rvtnir " Rood lojRing girl in hi occupation, took vr trn hisfjrmlv i serVjrir, f,t ?ort i i hf if m-'rrfrrT- her ; but he died whiUi. she w yet a voung worn m, and lef iter the bulk of his fortune The liutinessof ihe brewery ws dtopprd. trod 'he anting wnniiin was recommended io Mr, Jtrdr. - sUittful lwer In arringe nr Jiu! bund a atlatrti... irvdefwho w-a.ftw.d t-nrrr-p,Trt-nf "t'TJT eTt'drinT' fi i !Tn if 'Tie wid-'f nune ronMder;hle, married h?r Of this m.irrtage there wn ni o'her i'-U" lhan. daughter, ' who was afterward ilio wife'.f James the .Second. ind mother d Mii y and A ine, (i"ens of En 'land. A foil 1 nt h likeness of John Q-iincy Adams hss been preserved to IIrvH College, by lh a.acutrrs of the hte Mrr Bovlnnn. nf B -,ton The head wa pain'ed by S ua't, and subsequently to his d -sth. Mr Sully was employed to .ftiih tune, figure,. ' jtfioinivtfnt bu the Vr.i'oVnr. ame W; III p'.ev to he Collector of the Cuom for the District, and Iinpoctor of the Re venue, for the port of Pasmm ifi'io-ldy, in theetf-Moej re.signen. Wwnr ?tl. Married, in Mon'tfnmerv iiouiiNrC.'m th-e 58'h uh. hr Wm, Harrit, Eq. Mr. Jamea8mith lo Sliaa'd'ia-abetb Freemw,. In Davidiwir eouttty, "c. TJ. en rhrT"T3Ttl lltf. Peter Sniilh, Jr. aged 40 years 3 monthe and 12 dava. . . . On the 23d ult. in thia eotintv, o Roekv River. ofaf.rver, Mr. Peer Winft-ld, aged abmit V7 vearti'and haa left a widow and S small chi - drea to bemoan their bereaved !'. .. olai.iaw.M nnaijuniai SaHtfiurv Price. iSrfit. 4 Cotton in. seed CAa' Vaor;, Jlusfutt 23..;.......r.,Mon 90 a 11J flour 51 a iir-wbinkey 2a 2S. bocon 7a 8 him 8 a 10, bet kind of ba'mg 18.U 20, aa!t 41 a 5.r6rn 56 a 57, eoffea II a If J.....ortt Caroliua hank bill 2 per cent di-COOnt "X Oior gia 2j per cent premium. .-. . , Fayuiittt!, nyfr2J.,,....,.Cotton J?J 9J t bacon 6 a 7, apple brandy 3j, com 55, fi ixr 75 a H4I, flour, new 4 a 4J, molasiea 23 a gar 8i a 11, salt 70 a 75, whiskey 24 t, v.;i,-' a 6da fJ.- - - - ToWe tiywfi 23.-Gottnn 9 a 10, flour R ' a 5J, out of tbe wagon, CaimW Mills.' J",G a 7 wheat 85 a 93. core 75; of of, asdt 624, whi key3035,acoi8tai2 ; RWn orn U4rAmxMAl.M ca iiJ-iXtguwmjp, fl, -. KIIKNTa'faU DICKS' sj. ttt ww )htc .N.iUcr ri'l'MZ H D.OinX ra' Jl J t:.rc'lii'iv informt t'ia mi kataa (r-J i.iii'aiS uf .J!.a'..nt fiow IX. ir'SJioorhOml ei! ' !), Iliat lit lias puei: iaca .n I'm bIhhi m. kr' wwihmI ly l ot 'nv M it!, it an I th.it';' It will carry ti Hit b t-i i. m aa omial in ilio tame fiix, where he will be g'ad to scrMiimo date lb ok! cU'to-ners and aicli others a my ntioos M rait on him, Ilia work aiiad bo whm - -gantlfajjti'iail, ra.cg-el. ffl malarial are of iht firgt or ;cr and li wk oe a tbe Very beat that cat b . pi rd an .atirr-, Ida w ) 1 't 'ltJ i lli J H " M j,utnttj;t.:l.. . ami dueaUllw,f..,- ; . ...... It- keephr.eajifa'l a t- and ijiali'iri on hZntwfiei'e t'ranK rs p,In'g tl u who m) - w'nh 6 be aupjiTTeU'wIlh lioei tJOti't ate7tai"" """ ' ' tnatc'j in irjit 'crnon in jne cotinirv... ... t air. Off. v ffwrwri-Tnctr elifii of thia jtae foe a wipptjr of Norther toal leather .if ihi, fl-ai cj-iality. 3Jtf jYeio Goods. 1 ir.XSDe.HCt i:0iV.y.heg leave tolit'f ;u. form their frin'ld h puhhe In f,rn eral that tHev ae S) iw reCeivii g and opening at their stor i i S tteavil.e, tthe Mure formerly occupiid bt Mcaari. Mirplitrd at hiio a inds) gimral aaaortiiMtnt of . Fresh an I Senon-ibfe Coo ls, Counting' of a'm Ml every ( licle ijauJly kept in S.urr, whif;ll wf re a 'l-i-l,d with g-eat Csrei bv W. y i Pn of Ilia afine 6-m, ant pur. c!is-d fir Can, t;rioi , l,at w i-tiiKiftaiiaina in ,,Nw Vori, Pma I. tplna ai d New.Arki all of wlncn tT.-V are.il.tcirfi i. il i itell at !W lt Ca) am foods of lh m.ih- q 14'i! Can U. pur . o il.e.ate. Pllh ha .avM rat aaa-aa .. ... t .1-. .,.., t ,-H a rul IJ ..'TI ' 'Tl. " . vi, F,f..r. I...I prii.vw jy'Jtl- , ir III! V9t Cnlio.'i ai l other merciitn aolri p-odiieo taketl iii i icha iga " -" Ti-y a-a-t r-virr'futiv prtf .it their t'mcere ihmkt in tin ir de-ult an I I lie pilblick fir.ih- Utieml f'ia'e cf un juae .tlicy I'tve... harclufwr r t -u-a J f hu, Uup byclota ath-miuii, candid ., tir, d- ahng, tu ruerit a contimunc' ol tl.e ti n AI-i;XAMI)F.R U row AX. ..ti. iL.l:.riiwwna,.b iM--tViwW'iWf -Ra Coan It Ho. will .lraM call a d arftle th aamr t,v ea-h or note, in onler that they may b euaiikd to chine that concern. A. k C. Sep. 7ih, IH.1.J. r,intf Jtmrnvj'me'.i V;xntt. . T'ltl aaacriber wilt give g'i waget and constant eii(loyiu-'it to 'wo govl work men at the ftont and !hoe making boaincta, whd rai coine well rt:" nrnd tl l. aoSrieiv, in duatry .,d ready ha -'a. JOHN ltt.NHON. ( tnrtrd. .Urutl !, I3"m) 4 Jo N. B I he tuiiaur t r ha on hand egood ai aortmeot Ol'lealNer, and e;eM more froliie Norb, in a fe da. a. He ha a gjj ai iHmenf of r"nihanMr ., ol all irct J. B. lui tVie VUitcCl fhH "l5ht ,h9 w,h ,rK'mu1' ' ,h.v - '' - VhmMJMX.mtjUrJr irrtn mjr nd atnle lt.vK-a articlea of cha -". ton g. I puraoei, Mm, and rhm at him, but -. wirhrurt mr 6Iht ttf l Wi that -of "ir,aki:igV'7t- Titih drop tjit"kn' i-lc, wiiioi, c.miairf H a Uf ge q iaivi v of Udiw r. nn, a id right dollars and - ' nme five cr nta, wh th nay be had il properly , pi nved, by anphcaii'in ,o the ailisaribtr, living eight mitc .1. W. of.Sa Unnr on 'lie RratUcf Kant eoad- -. .....t-rjX .IlL'DDSttrT. ff-wtur. ijrii i ,OLid....;;"T.li,ir ' -'- ' - i ' - '-'V .SOt, I II ('MI )l.liA. T 'IK l-,ctur a -l 'li. I'll noiion tri'l be re im. d n.e -.n I Viondav in November, an. I c.. i' ri te u itii 1rcll. ,1.:u jiv, Ji'im F.. It il.'ir ink. v. I), .Vn'.if'-i', JiiilS 1U ua., M L). lt.ihtn.et find f'ructtrr tf Medicine, 3. Ilenf". ' pickiui). M I). Mttfia Jledirn, llenrv R Froit, M.'O. - JHtihctff-f, and lh; dtenr hf II erne n ani 'Zl' Chi'u en, TTmh., tl. Triuf u, -T."f). " . ; Chemnlijf and t'oirnMcy, Kdiliuud Ravenel, M U '' .: Pathwptvl and JitUtfmtt,JtutaL,m DcnwntV attrof 1nti!fy, John Wagnefj M. ii k. ntosr, ien; ' Jufu.t 2.17, 18:)(l u5tf I. JS V JL J U il UK g?IOrtMF.Rl.V" of saitaburr, take thia methocT 3L- of informing his iriends and'tiie merchant! 41 f tncfLt,nt he. net conuecjei' h''rlf iiiithe WIIOLKSALK XhyXj&ODJSJt'itswess He the City of New-Ynrk, with IV. Jacot & A. & ,i .: 7 E.mbtiry, under the firm of 4 JAOOT, BuIBURT 8i YGV3(T. : Store No. 3. Durling Slip, new to the corner of feari Street where they are now receiving and ? " opening an eitenrve.asortment pt : , j " $tank ' ami Tarty .Goods; , which they fTe.r on liberal terma and at th,e 1 (v loweit rharket, prifr"vT-"'.'. SZ,L'-: -' -lti flai"iam If rejwna iau!g;$iitS5grcl it bgmv t Cambna. fof -to a number or years, tniii uieir arvortment ul be found deirab!e for tliat luiction ot'o'Untry t and tnifor for Tuxfcft ' ;'5fS?k.-"l will sell at jhe Court -llirtise m ' '&&. -or?,0,VOB -'he 4th, Monday " wcioMrnexv-wti -.'c sot Land, vr as mucrj tnere or aa vi'.i le .,fR. cirnt to .M'i-sfv 1 i,e tMe-, ihcreoo. tur the yar I82aad lSi9, " - ' LL . s,.n...-f; TiTF.,.-.w . " -. js? d. t'Ht.MBf.KsT i .wr; , Jyfut i?'h, 1. 1 3t3$ t . . " --p IllaANKS - . ' 5F eve-- d a-ription,. i'l printed, nd' M kept fru!e atiVi. WJ'? v" ' '' V ' .; .v - " "l '

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