-jimJ the reason itwr.fted it, that yon ep Tna r.i assists. Co:;imum't;itictf, phutl course pursued bfOVTH Laa- ,oli4 that that State wishes to dissolve An'iiAarv Vnfri, S-fl. 11,-fi lK-a f,ni1 ' v Tut fcr uw mmi, the uniod. lui then ever been charge .ViM-ur wt mty h fl 'y applied to the made sg.lotJ itate, tioro unfounded, or ladies' ms at to the poet or painter, th mui., Unlets stmbltnce ol truth f 1 antwer e.an or tha m litarv emman:r-e.rh. fcl.ke. none i i lh binary cf any government i. cl.an Rt. cm fci ti 7i, 11 . ir y, J to ? ! b. I f 3 to .'U,' lC"l B, Rinliiirt 4 i, lafd 8, tt I.12.aiijr.r 1 to wj, cm e if o 10. der c-jlir f that l',,wmc,, ,t,a "J'"' i4 f v.I -' (.A.ir'fil.n. ,liii J ..('ntiOo 7 e 11 1 are'f "med by Mtuic'1 own ha.vl. They mart "! I "der " ' toireioovlni may flmril a . i..kiy b.rnn Ta n hunt-fl If, let '" vf bnii'K 13 t tail ftiion," and ttu.t the rwl Mnif wf ,l)e people dicr.l- a'l it-'' who rpr.ent the -L-,,! M4.1J.-iU whom abetter t' of either of th-te orders, a'knoaledg 41 ii). com 31 a sr, ci-Hc II a 1.1 .nrtr vlves Indented .j i,f rl itk art for ihrir Mm t lni-f!f if pciitb!f, ht the Su(h himlm Ww p flrt oitwrrt f tie ot- VofUna dtctrine it.' Thit state comenrtl that thinren origini! tttticntcrrd with tomi)4ct for the mutUkl benefit cf the gia, f per cent pittt.t'im. r i Fuyiimi'hYS't'l- p-....Clton HJ I PJ 1 hacon (S a 7, api-a bran.ly 5i, rot n J J, H4Hf.I 73 a HO, rluiir, ni-w 4 4 . m.,l,tki i.m ?i, . , I at 81 a 1 1, eU 7 J a.? J. Wsky U a A wbr at C6ef3. ptn.ii never. Iid, asjuUerse lii the L'uiom Jint it U bootless to rcMjn with thorn treasons fcla vrelclie of Hartford rcir,iii't.cfitce who do- try "y "llwif 'tW W flrtuou 'i't tre'al rn'ib'e .f'itili'-ii ms ',o il 1 1 no with emit a'?,! glory in their pfc.tica'ar spheres. thre are Certain q'Ui'iib.'iont, which, are at aWwrMcly n,T.wry tti Btrport lira itne, with any il -pree of er?'iit, tbt '!kt. It U trua t.ily nlgUt'i lUil brwiRhfui tht toukcJ-fur iutelCcence ofthocoinmrncemrnt of rciiftnr.e to the Uipot rf it uf the King ft-meo, without tiller cf the utei btlng comjxilled to lecotiie memherthit In publican m lf 'nJ- orrtir v regulate commfree, nd protect f Ttltt-1 :Jvm the pMitia i ib J-j 4-1, vtH!ittcr tUttvnei tUt i ulrurtenl, tW ytc,A eomtitui'.oo, being MwVfi anj i-l. ,v, have the fim.m.Mi r St t j -t k tf lit Infractions, end HHl'J.aUtm, by Uine eftiiri.'S i 's ur.'.LoriiaJ dne un iJif !;. of psmcut 't l 'ft, Kin my rcmrk if ?nfSrtle9 XTthnf!hH to iuch il ire I jcky IMlLQ&tJXLJKFMWJi ft. f..i... iii-ml. Jr. ciUibttrd t u. few iUiw .. - . . . .. .! "f.,1 i,f 'ticI ijf the firt n'uli- i . t t,nn,iurr.l ...rn.llr by the i "'Kr t'Vc,.e Crr. tT., . e. . . ,,.,m , llie 2rac uf iuch at'ftnk th'ii.wivr.ijiHiunr tbe Un or wt Kr" w - ent (jtrU r of tn inch in tbe crUtre. Vtiitol brrn ble to dltcivef wht kin-1 of orm '.t k r ; iht .nnr it dcro) the! it,. conftitl uf il f 'iUfi; powc k, i i bel'tr retire frut Ibc h.u i Lad,; u;i l.i ,'f tunoiir I .f.t.tnmfM! mrrr.drrlni to It i riffbt i4 iuffnifr;, ml fatMiHlinr I lie I.Ueriy ol Mrtiift-tiirt.u- ibicinronircontrttFfiieTFiMi Ucpum. v-err?reftw tit " " . . . . . . . . . I . . . .L- tloirrar.l -tint UitYTcntiTC'4 tn ttir TtcWtrtnT-twnrrwf ewi-t--rw'-w DQLtxiriiUy.dduutf-lh?iJJ';5UiDa'i t4.e beewtne ntufied tbe coni'liUMon i rerfl of tbe, obnetiuut orr!innce, Mgctbcr it violj cd, it ii her right, it li tier uuty UH dimiiuUr the Mmiatry, end string t inn ( the cotnnct to taterpote her ff,in.t the illrrthtf of their ditMilu'Mi. Dut A con.ideriblc nu.ntity of, l.U whrtt ! lupp.it,. hrt. . . .t,.i Ji-rtruvrd. It blliuvr il 111? urrn frm rt in the preut tcrcily of Iff'". "c ,icblul of (heir own imerctf , tJ l"1' (!'" the fvjrei '' '",c, " ' WVi! ;i' 7" We do nyibtr .k nor wU'i lb? "mpi ibyof the tdltorof ilie Ntb..n VpcUtor. ,!7 be wibfto know l.t we think cf h n, we . il ..V K.m la fend llie .'. 1 tditOlifc ...:,u: ..nn.iDer. where we have i:okui f ln 1 to.ljmor in Chtrle.ton. We do i.ut to...u-r 'ths Ed.tor of Un Specutor on wi.U Ui'er. A pMhrtc d'.nner wti jiven to Mr. McPufRe it Mgffirld en tbe liib AoRint Iwt Vpon be 'ibr toattcd be " 3,lrtrt'i the m eting a cpech of eonai h-ribtc j ' ': ,,ink, the'tall ot convention in.tbr Va'e m crw'y, nd look! upon d...j'.M.u, t.v.l w and bloud SheJ rid1cu!o a.ndbanr'i. lie coneludt.-d ,th the folloairg wnt'.cient : L'm ' f 't- Jbl 0,,c "f ' J; fij u rritorf- Smith CarwTT i to her r.s nd toprm-ne (ho Un m i f .11 the Ma'.rv utboii;r. in checkirp the ptorren of on i ciisti'.UUOiml lcj;ily il .0. 1 bit it the ' uui'c that Sou'h C'roiioa'i no uriu iif,?, nd net i the letter wrix ripve jtlotihj a t!iir,ientbr f nit'rjt of the union. i hue it ne atate more patriotr. cr more deircu thit the union ahouhl he p'e- ... , r . . . i. vj ,KI party toother with the tmnl Uur f, or in arme, with (.en,!- rajetta at thur l-al, Uui when I apeak thit I da not withtobj ffJ up.n by tbe h,..g a gu.ro. underroofi ai M,inS ihat the South .illW iu ' ,!-e Ultr ""'J blif.dly loliew the Tariff tiijurity, righ: j powf rrd wit!, the h of f.re or t,a hundred ir wufne in their r.Iunderini excui.ioti-s. ! n.en. The K'.nff, b a f-m.l and i..a.ien IJd If ihJt n r.tcttuty tupreere ihe union, Jto Itheini or Nantu, whitli U not certain. i!'j4uniimtl.ttheSouthdoanotdethc,et i;. I.r.vi.fe, the comn-audit in chuf then .'jch otic alnne. exuta betwer 0 wolfei, 1 J the follow in; p'octiatinni A DIAUY. ntl lamh. I frthof ho are eeirching after troth..!, would recomnend them ta lituk to South Carotin and they will there ee men of such hi'i s( wndtn in favor of ttie iii;hit. ihit thty will immediately irjniradift th' aaiertiona of those who mil thorn ditunionitti." Tne racn who 4H-'ihm the lead io the etare ere no' ;juper, not ofTice lioners. not id vriKurcrt who are seeking to make their fortune but lo the. conuarv i llt are "the four'.h SiturJ.y i.i Sepmbrr, to br ojtr edaaa day of f.'in, humiiiution .cd prit r. tf the community if not mvilttied. Wrt. I nf lAwrer tmrgn, JiwUiia, lnMfub- ' Tshed ' repTv' tu i"Mrt"." "uiriivj" iTt'tttr o Gen. It i r -i'ly atiit'ir j; in t re on1 of th ft'' iffc-in J f TW n' (rd t!in c'-n-t, t'Tt hrd up, n 1 jirc't'it bim jnh' a- 1 treiiLlin,, t the (ournaincnu Im h ii.vc btc n? j ficij.ienl in our U'try of la' , rrc ) U lo poi that 'ar.c whi'li fir , uml oon.e i f the foo'ir- cl t "try, li !ii: wi'h to iimrh ilelni.y and !ibn ik, !n iVn e t" di-corcert and overthrow thr f rlil", liiiiiiii'j'.ve rin'Kiic'i', lmm tbey nu ir ti Irng't en out their hit of the vkii'Mia'-i'd. Vt wlo vij'it-i to rAine up a hcly in'tre't fjr himrrlf in the botom uf on: tf tt.o.o t'l.m U, mij-.t not fii to aupp!' the mrs-li-jine, wherein ii drpoiied h'u li-n an'l mft'';re J'upidy of k-rnmleJt 'ncVW.' .'cm with a lmtifid and hit il.au.' ib! .lore i( the n'lirin' nc-i cf the liayfch ai where the fnest aiiortmeiit of muil.ai are to be cen the mo t fa-.iionRWc hea(Mrni and a thou. aind othr-r n;r!i .tciiii;j ani attractive ttierort of cctivt'aa'.ion for th;ie charmert. 11 1 j;ep. t!4.m.vi propi'M! a mljert of if rio-, couver'a- li.-m -irf tSe TiTtrrra fif ihe Tmrrt tr?tr f-nmr I into ci-.id.ct, and ,h-,wi.h vho,.iu k.iTiud j nen i.f proju-rtf, rnrn Lo hold the hiKh- etl tin t in ti'f pit ' l 'ne tu'e, ami in (fitctmrn who hare ettry thinj to Icne nd no hinjj to ain h a fiitioUtlon of the uiii'in. Thuna men ate TCTtTCTturnjr tor what Tho JeR"tv)ii en Rltiriouily chieed in '98 Id crM 1-i 'ing, aufTr iu pii'lciiun to exhoti yon to piocctd i lit. unvfard in the good rtie you hae uui!crtjkrn, regardici t.f ihe joetful ojyfnitiou you have naet wi'ti- f or he enured that juu will 'js ably upporid. nod that the tirows hurled at you with buch a JtJ-dly aiut, Uaouf,b pit may he dipped Uv will never 1 hh!e ro rMClr"ttic !of:y pedestaf upon' which' . .GU suad on d. tb at ht J returo. ngsin. iu ihe. ctUit.'bt 5U.vity,t "insmg course ai the Vlula ol the archer. - i rtjP2i.ttr fci,cctu.r 1 1 1 intuit wat adled to injury by lhfenturor!kut rejection of their petition. After Warrrinl b.d returnwd, and declared to l a 'aytie the ill uccett of hit mWion, ihat'chanijiiim of rivil kej 3 3J, bacin flJ.J.J ... I II llll 1 11 III - I II 1 1 II -t T I It. C." YOUNG, T tOIt'ir.UI.V af i.rwhufT.lakrati.Jlir.pthnil , fa. of informing hit Iricmlt and the merchantl n gcticral, that he bat conwetrd birnacli Sn thtf WIIOLKSALR - Dry GOODS Uas'mtsi. , - . Uepubltcao liberty iaclaimed with tnthutUnn ; iSs Ciy ufNew-Vnk, with IV. Jawt k .,.8. F.nihury, unoer Hie nrm of JAOOT. ElfSUnY fit roua. tknn Sn. 1 Hurlivg Slip, nr-f to the corner of P arl Siivet here they arc now receiving and opening an estentive aaor'nirnt of thea Ihe eiil War it brgnn." The popular a CJ'iiid'T.Me d.a':uio:i of the rjUHtiQ'l ' wul Itv o'J m tr.'s'cii. a. 1. 1 tci.ie mi a HUt-.ti ul i t.ireign to tbe pne p'opuutd as The (ioveni'ir of South t'no'ina bun act apart .iIskii,,1! 4i.' lud utver heard it. ".' jn-rlr ; I churg t!)f ' tiet wronjtl li my b'' it i not their provinc: ti t' uh thotc liuiia win.. I uuaity aiia- Tiie none:.' ii.i I .pra'; t t linj iipmi iIkj aub;-- ai ah.m: I bae i to oe qu j.. .... ui Un. K..n minufiCtlired by ttiC " ' . . Ml' r. ' mention rfgentleme.. . ..i. .. . . . .. r,i ihir knventurera i r , ,. ,..,) iIkj aub' ? aii't ah.iu I bae j i,. i .. , rnl i of tne huililiiii UJ i Mlu """j , . I -.nfoim-d. if in truth a'.y art or acisi.ee can in- r.ihlv fa and th'tt q tartrrt ot an UOU. un- 5 y-' . . . i U roc ; one in the mr rv of rntrrtaimnj,- and deraatej. fixme chau-a lu a mi.kcn i",'. -TtrcWe Ub a wa ol-u. a4 J , ia n.w wrUV.ng. in tlCttsiVe tenilM ry tiw Curt.n..H' .....I:.,,. hy Vep'ritrd' fork'iri-t'rTm Trrent ew.York cn the border. of Cu ,. L. S. much y tt lLt - .-.te ...... ! a.. . 1 .ai-ia-""w'-Lj rid J ft t t I lor iae proem :tr,:ntiv.wii' .:h;.'.aiiv..v'i!s the cmidrrswn of- tmtt Hjs -M--hil lone, il i my mr Wim mi!)i tin t b in- aUii'tlcit. DariiiL:tsI.moj.'iifi irta: cijCu.rtnla.ivC f.f .11 it et to r omr a id let it be a tf ioui t FttLow.CiTiii-Yuti hate ty iinkftimoui- (ilneial. I tha'l prove 'myatll worthy f the choice of the Parisian Guard .National. Wc fight for our lawa and liberties 'uu 'inttn -" triumph ii certain. I beaeech you to obty ;hc or A.r nf the Chiefa that will be tWe n to you, and that cordially. The troop's .f the line have already Riven way. 1 he ?rda ewrfeetr W'do-twe- earne.- in tr.iton who have escited the civil war, and wlto thought to rnattacre the people with impunity, ill aopn be torced to r count before the tiituinah i folciuioii liciU of ti.C !. and H'cir languioary :ilota. Signed at fJenttal (l'nrter, l.c ttcnrral d'i Pynp. Pari, July 27. " I.AFAYF. I'T.E TI.U mninrr.''lt inttlliiience wat received i i New.Ynk on 'I h-tMay, Kept, 2d. half pat o'clock V. M. by tbe packet tin?, Hiberu'a, f.om l.iverj oul ll Ai.gutt. 1 he accounta by the aame a:ket. atate that MU ' t- -Ttwri-- in 1 jTcrpot IS t-3 i TwcbL 'hree .tbrwaanil hajra haJ-hctnoU Hour bad declined in price Stanl'' and Vanci Gon'is, which they elftroo lihtral tcrmt and at the loweH market Srir. , . lie rlatie r him If from the eirftwytanr-e of hating been rigtvd in hmi n-i in Ca.T una fo number of yet', trt.it tlu'ir nmfiiieiH y be found deairahle fnr that aecti..'i M country and bepa Irtve t aoheit a tn-e iii the patrvnaxc f lhoa bw aiU tbuii-y f 'th pupua ai kinj pt'tThum;.. O'Jf m Arm-U-k; .Ijfutl I, 1 IJ'. f nMP. auhacrihf rf 'pcc'fully int.. mt h'a eo JSJ tinirr., ii Uie pnblir, tiir In h " KZTCOVLD 1113 ST023 '. i5o ho ik.w' wi1 tp&eioua buiKVio-, J it finithej a4)d Cued ut 4'M4 wle-fawlr Wi(efiu Mkik any :n tbe town : It if Hit fand innnrrly 0114 and orrn pied bv hit untie, Pi.iicl (.Van. tei, on MaiiitrtfralVwdomi,T,. ;'n I n.tr II i.iw, etti.lrt M'hcrc the tuUitiilivr yii4')-e- -ieollt ffm'n "hit old eiimomers f l ottcri aho are diiiinai of buying chenp U)QI$. , 1 ALSO, Thi rraoiifnetttring nf jiiilla an I Ti i Plate tV tie, berrtoture conducted bv t.ttwttd Crm, ill hi'rrft'f b- ri"ried on hy ,he anhcribcr I wha will keep contlanlly ou liai d, or mauufe ture to oitirr, . Stilt?,'and Tin ll!nte Warr; , mitde rf the hot lu'.rn.U, and m tSe most tuha iniij anj fUiuiioU .yl of worl(manhipi and hoprrry a I'.'irt nntrTWlfiri !n thit hrartrh of Uutinesa, lo.ttni Mm jiatr4ii4w'4 orthipuyie. 4L2' ralladium. it ha? not rcub-'l tt. ti,w c,f t jlkt u!jout wli'-eh they know mulling. ; ' Willi Alfton, the prrmt rrprcM-ntri'- tnfnavlnK mlictrried, wt inrmtred brforr, in vv; j fnngrirt fcoio Ilalifaa "dJinci n 'ielcciloal 'nitayV 'i-nletiMta ' 'I.'lIIw-"in- thf-i - The nimei of WiTumtr, MtorrSKt ynnm-are-w-ayt y bcthmg?i!-'-vcfone;w"ifencnr, , '1 - TBentmned wnndirhnrt towipp'y thp Tsr-sr. ahkh w'at to tfireTthemitpon theirown fyronrfj ; A Nc FnglaUd paper apeaktng of the neat and to use their own weapon, of off-nee and pcidcnfy.upon whom Nc Kngland wll throw defence-hi.t how sorely I wet defied at the bcr tupporl and to on, aav. if the tfet dot not J f.N onatt, from rr.y Ifftwranee of their warl.re, mean totlick to Henry t'hiv, N. r.ngla.id will nat. my pvcacot mortif.: .lion aulTtr.cntly evinces. He wiahe. to know iu time v.L.thT-r the w.-t , Bella! horrid t belle! nty r'tr, trm of V.U "bolt," io order via-. Nc-v Luud n..y ; beatitiful aajinp were rooted and driven f,om l ie rm)ui nwrriu upon rne nm r.uaca . .... r get the atart." Col.Iarius Wilitt, the hero of l o-t 5tn wia, died lately at hia residence iu New-l'ork. The National Intelligencer sayt that Mr. Cul rtowv wtjd Mft-Van-Bnref baewad 44 bar gain that the latter ia to give way for tbe for itreratthe rext electron for President, and that Sir. Via Buren ia to be tup ported by Mr. Cal hotio'a frienda for '.be Vice Prt-fideaty ridiculout aod iucredibie atory. made, and I aa atripptd of all my anticipated triumphs and hurria by more etperienced and better inatnicted advtrurie. Wa it not a drea 1 fut and unfortunate defeat, Messrs. F.ditori? 1 am very tore whenever I bear the Mil.jeet mm tioned iu company-in a moment rr.y disgrace lUshea acroas my mind, and 1 skulk out from among my companiona like a d'uearded beau U ia j from the tight of hia cruel mimresa. Take tbe the advice of a auflerer in body, mind and et- t 1 ......... H . MAr.A?r tL'WV - - AithA Olvmnii! allv i.rtlmnbia: S. C ther tatejfiHKieAawtnev.rco.cru.u- " o0r "to eive a PIG to the man who can calchliuch redouhfable advenarics without a hott of him by the tail, and throw h.ra over bis ahoul- tinkling words lo suttain you in the hour ol S der-not lew than four men to try.-. The- W-xtroublo- lus.not iuihia eate a U mo,t othew ' .... .... 1 .... .U. Ii-. r. "hwine P.3. is added: -Tl.enS Uiil to be . -here trie cjuamny. ami ,,,cM.....7 Mrs, Barney has given notice that ahe intends to publishw ( Per'hH'licfcl in lUltiiDore. TiucU jraccew to hp.r Ijidy.Aip ; i Yoijjig Kean has arrived in Ne.YerV. .He ia said to resemble hi father, the.' ce'erated actor, tean, very auueh. The wjfe of the Marquis" of Wellesly, w ho wis Ta'sTf irtonTr Baltrijrtore, has been ms3e first lady nf the oed chamStr to the prencnt tj ietn We received tfte letter below several weeks, sine?, but had net rog'm 0r i" p'iblieatiuwtill nnw Th ?fjra?1BfWRS '-.'Ttsja JJJver tU tifiitWwuB bf ft)F the (tin J Tteeeditig commencement. -, A writer of the "ak etches of public men" in Hie National Journal aaya that " the Hon. John. Ilolmwi of Maine turned three political somer. aett in one year without breaking a biood vessel :,'' . . H. -" The great State Bights celebration at fump tervill took place on Thtireday.the 19th August i last. It, wu numerously attended, a ad e great deal of Animation prevailed among' tbe guests M-toasts are numerous. When we have room About tbe same time, we received tbe One bicb Hucreedt the fir'sf. We will submit them to public inapectioe without any coranietU iuAs. much as tbey concern ourselves. Mfciiaa; F.niToHa j V j . InVUsrd veu will find two dollars ;Ue pflce of the"st'fc?criptioJl fjrytttff-"pa rilTlUi QK QUGltt JUG. 21, 18"A 1 iid not withdra w roy - patronage trnm- ine VVe.itift . Cai-oliuuin in xoxiao- rtrttre ff eny poUtkwl'W olW;1 bee- iiuu4 . vhauyerjjirjyai .ooa4lrauorn ilone point-d out the couise bst lo be pursues, consequently in my note soon afier vnur induciiun into office (rcQuc&- .ing a discouti"Uinrc of the pper) 1 did i.ot deem it ( ential or occeisary to slate toe rcanont w'.iicti influenced me to with iltaw, believing thit u.h an net on my pirt would be gratuitous and on youis utu.'.lr.d lor. The political course gen ikiucii ?'' h yod rcirked om, and tv which ctf tfitehil t be governed, I ap uiot of i'i ) itn beanngss tbe eauic you osve i?epdetwly itd fesfclessiy espoused i a gocd cause, it is mo peo pie's who I am pu'suiitTetf jCsnrot,-nor will not do any thing wilfully or knowing ly wrong. The attempts made hy your political opponents to injure your press and character will doubtlev4)rove ibor tjvjeu .d; V(OM??' their own heads; their weapons ol attack are toe blunt ed to do much harm, and Too fev to effect ny thmtx serious et thisr r anr other juncture ol time, A will close ihi,,hafctyjrium Jen assuring you, that yeu he my best wishes for your prosperity in every point of view, and although 1 have not the pleasure of an acquaintance with you, yet . it . . . II . z.r.'-iiici). In Iredell county, on the SiU ult. Aleaamkr MTov. tired 76 veail. Mr. M'CoV n.live 7f Sr-.Ttf.n.r en.TkMtfdtn-XnttTh it H"r-yef 17T7, I'mrringthe army t a pn' Mi, near the commenceiiietil of our truce Hh Trtt Britain f" liuli'ridehce.trtrTk sr. live part in fighting many of the Hittlc sjkt both in North and South t'aroKaa. A.U those trying Sems, calculated U. f.d the in.i.M ..f .t.. f-.,r..l .n.l timid with horror nd dis may ; he stood firm to his poit, nor was he ever known io flinch when th cause ol bit country or it.. t...M.f . oldier demanded hia earnium. 1 11. . . ( I ........ I . .... I . . J... Ika ln l 1lf War IIC IH.HICM "--r tied in i'edeH cmmiv. and became a o.ember of the 1-rethvteriun Church, (at Centre) continued in full communion he cbnrcn. lie was a kTmi and iiTeciionate Titahar.d.A fund srd indul gent father, a kind and nbligtag bfigbW, has left four children with a rmmeroua eircie oi rem lia and aciwaiaUuiceai to mourn his Ion," , ymiiuyiicnira. fy f-y.i.y r-,k,rTT fferttm frf purchsii ng ' r L tne hunrlifl XF'iliOR i, f,,e with h li.ey. wot ray a liberal pi ire in roA. Arilrcati.i' " mte'fnjEoTiTfif f lr tmtrvr riiW5i"rr":" JM in Mtm s i-t.v or-ji jy xi. untzz.-. T.i S.OTiJiriU'i' v,l,o VdT uVready at all timta '."'. " U.,auj.uuod.l..ko u Uonay Jt.te , ' ceair-e ."vegrrj prrrpertv ror fhr Jtmr 2?. 13.10. JU.il AH HUB. 5 Taihmn ,iB iiBed. by tltfte tuoisiuiaue StfHi jiapf rY 4ur pb vwjsyjjwt' m parity tf Ttasoniflft, that it will ftbt U. m- arceptableiji you, .o tiave a ictawu as signed if those that aubscribe. I taw letter i.a joxtr paper tome weeks back without a ignire. As soon as 1 read it I dtrcTmined to subscribe, because your epinion correspotrds with mine, and be cause I think you are persecuieu jur sup porting a. doctrine, upon which the honor, the interest, and tbe very exigence of the Southern states depend, as sove reign states. He tells .you that it is with reluctance be withdrawi hia aubacription, you will I hope excuse the liberty I have tbus taken io tresspassing upon your time in the perusal of this cote. 1 am geiuMemen ye-ur ' obedient aerv'li ... iu.Ijil. Aii jkvii if . vlaii tn !? f are i im C Oil n t ne . 1 B. ILUWraN, of the town of .KdiiLuiy, tn 1 " - . i - .. ... i W II A?eM, aaJ iftUu-eiif uisi.8 mimi T..t."UV"f!il'tA. i-h4 UiWwW Wwti.'ll Carolina i Thoae wdthudf. are thxit-Uiie re. i tested to make payment, in Salisbury, to Mr. Hampton, aod him o'y t ta wtium ad business letteriire hereafter to be direested,; : r The following, CJentlemen will net as local ann fur rhi.setii?ment of tumW accountt in their respective couotiesn and have full power to grant discharge!: ; David Starke, Vq. P. M. Concord j David Parki, Fsf. C.har!otle i Wmf. Cvaii, Ksq Statesvillej, - U rn. .Vai en, Ksq. Wilkeiorci'; ' ' Kobt. C. Tcttrion, Esq. P; M. Morgantof) r ''" ' It. W.Ciwtt, Esq. JluntsviUei "n-TT A VR just receirerl from the Ii J. North auppty ol tretu mcui cii.es, PainU, liz. which the oiler -for talrwiimratfrfr tOTh ortpfwed credit : Atoone which are freak Lime Juice. Lemon byrup, fiulphate of Quinine, Pepe- rine, Henry'a calc. Xagnetin, Barks, I'carl aih. white and siact Miira sccj, wing., ma un ported Liquors, &c Sic. 36 SaMarf, Sept. 3A, 1830. A Steel Orcy Overcout Lost ! A bteet Grit Overcoat beioniririff to tha tub- iuL rcribi 1 w Su i'le'fflii'Cl'arlolU r tha road between tbis hd Ctifrlotte. Anv person who ran give iu)i,iwntioTj ffjisj,e.a it, orwV VvHV liave rf'fn ttiefrT'OsieMion w rtfTf1ar i4 WM. J. COWAN A. 1! A GUl3 C S IVE entered into a cupartai-nhipVand AM. taken a thp in Ihe town of L'pncwdse. w caud rliior from the Court-Hur , en M dn ttrett, Cm .V. ..... .1 . : .i . ' ' iwi wic iuij-wimt ui tfli :j inj5.0ijll4s.t , . Tailoring JiMtiifst. in all its varioui branches.7 i her trill receive quarterly the la'est Loudon, JNew-k o.k. ami' PkiladeljilW; FA)j4a.Vrit.l.i..h-wiii errthW V the.n.to'eie.-tMieirvrBiT1n the mot apprnv ' ea atyle snd they rcspeutiully request trie paU . roiiage ot the p'luuc. ,.', N. B........TH0MAS . IlAfiUE will eontimiev, . i as utual, to carry on ihe above buaincss at hie residence in Iredell county, on the Beattie'e Fe-rd Road, 21 miles from Pttitbtiry. iHe. will ' likewise -earry -err ttitr Outinris, thtoe.gt"rhe ag?hey of mrtehtv(irtih formerly occupied by W. J.'Coan, at Wood "; Grove, (Cowan k lkeves' Store) Hciftan countyi v " 1 11 .".ii , "V fflHS suhtcribera having qoaiifled at r.teev A- tori of the last Wjtj and f t4?Dei)t uf Jease : Hefff, O'-ecaert, n he f.'.i"i:si Term ur Ha- vidwn county .ruurt 1330, heieby je notice to all peniunt hvini Waim, dehtsi d'f. rr de , ipanda agalnat said ete, ta present them for' ' payment, Joty aiihntctJ .vrihin thc ttmep preaenbod by law, eihi notice wul he plead ' rn bar of their recovery. - -- - jtnrf WnifMrctr ...i... .. :n ...wi r .m . "A V'IIITji JIVIM l-P I no in!nVi nre rin hi, iiven. .'. . f jgAO the J-ail of Howati,eouhtf,"on the otkin.it. JL Negro wan wl.a says he belongs lo the ettjite of Pruncta Het ly, cice'd and waa.hired by Thomas Alfiaon.' 8aia Soy is fij or 4(1 ycara old, yellow comple ction of couoqou siite, littl affec ted in hit eyes, the owner is rr.qu kUi to prove oroDtitv pay cliarga abd take bim a away. r r nii' V si i'r. v;.'" o KLANKS P eve7 thariptlon, Veady printed, and kept for (feat tlrts VHiecV.; - Ihe Tmcn of Srdhhry, fortdki jajcLfTVHS n,rr''ty ia..pfeai"anily tlluaied jJI-J .aL !,1 the BBOi agreeably nsrt ' of the , &-town, and is very, suitable for a small family. ; 1'hc lot is spaclouv&rid contains a vry t;ono garaf, witij oitica rare btHu-wiery. l ne terms can be mada es-fy, as the most of the pur. r.baie money can be paid by note in the Hftik, Ion the usual teniis of aoonioniodaiion: Persons' wis'iiingt purrhase, eaiv apply to Mf.' K, AI1e 1 rnong, or to David P. CalJweil, Bjq. (wjio il an thoriaed lo biake titled and the tftrmacan baj known., .: - M. 0. JOJSES fy. 51810; ' ' ' v 08 , iil extract e few of theni 'i;:vi.;.'i-'7''';,'. "...4, ... - ', I K . , , ' - . -