t e- TJl Tariff" prty in the ') : f ' M I r. gmcnt n-l re''"''1':. '!'4'",ii''- tl.rlr , re pents il Jihn't mn sl inpi'i ti ihr-m iio. worthy mown In the oryitenmi't of their n;i(ii m. I fair tlwurU t!i pit'ilifl f I' fair an-l .honorable tl einl icors ut the "fret raW prri It a ituV h mis'y to be mivire l by the side he en.i-iuws In poltlicsl cintrovtrsitsf lilt not nvueal Iran tht C-ii itirirtn ofo.ir na'are al from lU bias of elicit Ton t'it wt t'miil ill Tor in -opjalnti ? We not the djiiU'irittioa of thisi JlTrlnf will n Irn t'f rpctV.r,ijr an I lnfl'ioe ' oth America Pss P U not Iht charge if (H li-iHriM of th A?r'cn Pre r from c i' t " Sull tht erimtft of i few uni prlw.intl c i lnoriof presse be charged to tht wb-iM be lt It l icit c iu'M Ibf bftl meant of clial'inif tlie trjil f ',11 is tht beat meant of nuking citiu ' 'tn opinion, No. Convince the JuJukiiI il vrdi j,'. auade la act U tht lule if !! I:'. uni) Mtil service' la"' cuii op rry. . i v not be browbeaten h the frmailto of i',. tpinlone. Denunciations of met U nut tlx ay to Bike then) givt up to erroneous opinion Vat (Hi tht contrary it will make thcta dint; It mora pertinaciously. If, then, th Aoi-ri can System" party really bt'irvt tht doctrines f"fr trad tobt doatructlvt of privet happUeat and net! .nal prosperity, and if they art good eiiisene and wish to put a r.op to tht further progrctt of such opinions, Ut them leave off their denttnciationa of tb Antl Tariff" pre!, and ffi irt to 0m wtapous of reason and truth. W lup for lb crt-dit of the cnan try,fof th retpeeability of tbo prci, the reat lever of publlo opinion, tbt thii course ill no lonfer be puttied. We are not intimid a M . 4 tea Ktr ueierrtil irom tn etnretaioii oc oar . cntimen( by apnrohrioui tpitbett bioj ap plied to M and do Not therefore vih tht prac lioe to bo diacontioued on that account but we want ft atop pat to it for (he honor an J charac ter of a profrtaion, which baa 19 larjo' a ihart of reponiMity upon it and .which can only diacbarifo dtita of that reaponttbility. with. advaotaKt to the poblic by ticitirf in tht pen alt a reapect fot thi ehirfder of etch and erery of iu mtmbera. Thla respect can only bt Ctcited by ft dignified forbearance from tht practice to which v bae alluded. t'-' . t;i ! ; (,M Ju ., '4y , vr', On n-.ii,,. i, ,y ;iu Hr errd ei;i. ,1,? nt, I i r I , f;-- a tiic r-nt li'ii :. , Mlt IIH i. R. .v, i, t', I V l'rr tmut U ttt Tii-x. rirai,), clclcd miut;trs irtpU ir. of UtU.a.t Unjtn Mid 34fTt'i- L lily. U wat arrt 1 thai tho rrmi'uln i-ff.ceri ctmiiiiue in offce f.r twtlvo tn )ntl.a. , 1 ht He. Mr. Vim trate nJ mnU eoma re. I l.r tt It Wil tofim rl fir t'itj !! nic !'' n i i in 't::.i.ifiit I'l Jl If , Ifll.r 0('t'H't Hl ill! ... There air , t - I. f i..! ci, i, ,n i i nut 1 1 f. I t .1 y i ' nf a V -I it ii Irr 9 'i Ii i l,H . -rr, the Frrnr ! in,! Hamlin ;!. ernme.tu, b.4( t y ,!, not c,nC U i i i.Tt. i.-itt! t . ... ' HtflTL i I tl Uj;i!)Ir; (he Lf ! f tlikt ll.rv ... ' ' i r iii tin uri -t'K.f ( t , Dti'l Uijtut I h n refuw.! In rnmn'lf will. Iha mirk I, In aupiJ.it t nf th n.i.n ol lrmprriic. rtqutlitJin o( tl, IVendi ';hinrt, in. I tint pub It It MrioUeil, lh thu nirfirr u( Ihi. I"ll-d in CIpUriMtiun cftha clrrmtiilinrrikl. Suci. ty, (, t ippart, ,or tote fur any Caiidi. Iteniltijf Ii, dt f a tk in our Sialt LcWta'ure, or fur' nini anVnclii rurlmiii It Ii. tint It air olhe r fidlot in the State, wh.i will trf at (m m beneatii hi A nit (0 reply t the !emanil v wiuMii, tita th4( inch df HumU could only be luieiwd to from an Amiun.Jor. He hid, hwer determined to , trf at immrdntely withrrite through tht mrdiuii of hit Allu t. nirat Allici artn idnuht the R'iliat), 4nd it TACTICS of the TAMFFITES. Whilo tho TaritTpartf art puttint; forth a'l their eiertionato ajtinVttatt oor (overnroent at much at potiiblo to that of England, knowing that it ia estreAely unpopular with the inde pendent freemen of thi country, tbey will not avow that this ia there inter.iion, my further toe better to conceal their intention, they charge tho "free trade' party with aurh an at. tempf ftift Iiift mlAlaiavelitn rtroke'jof -policy, thf wery -clitnax: of. PP'PcL?n.f? mtnt. Bat tne qtiic perwpuont oi me pco- f ( rTtfriOn tho 3d of tlt will tee the want of eanuour and-trulh it 'June, the worlrnvn in m f the iron manu. I. ia term,!) of nuko u-of tnlsnt ipirin, or oait tnem (o u4 m iflectini; liia or fhtir vem i i.. . i f T'MiSv'l'd,1 tf.t tho H-icifty bavt qnar. ter' n..!i'Ui.'il 'bat tbi n?xt nvetinjr d! bt orrrr-.ri-T-4nv f O iMtruUti f'- Ua' xUvi"Vrtx "t tbitmet tint; 'hi! 'ndVi t t W . ! uh'a pIhCo. I ,-rt.e clrtt t.M.avj"irJ-A conclu-JilwUli ' i I'Tifl r n1 ue )r Jtv eoniiifi uT HO I4KL HJtOIVN.P,fiVif. rrttMtnli, 1 -v ' I'amr . JoH V. i Ales'. Lose, ' - DIED. fn Montgomery County, on JSun J iv, tit- 1 i ulU Mra. Elmbcth Parker, in ibe 7Ab vr i her affe. In Leiinfton on the 3d inet. nf Choir ra loW turn, acd l9montha. Mirtha Octavia, lnfiit of u. u Kounsiviiie, root .Master, at that pu e. At hii retidenct in Mecklei.burr Co. on tha 3Qlh ultimo. Rev, Jj M H',Un, I). I). Pit tor of Kicky Hirer and Philadelphia Churches, int o mi year oi nit age. ! ,J V J. i I i ' ' J Mlttf II' t I N. C. . he i jy c- ,cuii . I t at tl.e ( .it llou ry (jfi FriJy, the ill i I i 1 . I Ml C,i I i i tie i .i.iUt. .r i ' . .i .. j tenth cl 7i 1i 1 1 P -sr it niScr next, at 10 o'tlotk A. . I. with tide arm for 1iiH tod alio, oo the next dy at rt -t. i . . . vuciock at tut anna puce wiih tiuir compafiiet rfly '"r role. ; j .By order of n Colmiel 3'6J -n.CUAlOE,. i..U Htii j-tjulu, trut he t . itf . ..y u.i Iha aLiviw I sj.itiinj., b;j tl. m Lin'iclus ki ' mih ii, nu4l fifit I J1 Lin iu i i'y in txtn ; it. Jf0 '' tculvcj I r,u liiiuoii aii pi.u, . prinj; ii t uum.ei l1 , lilt coi ftjiui.0tin it, r - mn llUCt) tt- lr.tiU ty.icui ol I'otiir.'if-fo. Si3, whitb tan bt bad fiuni Hit- .t.i.., . . . . - , . v m fr'' I'iiiladcl- -itiui irtjiu ilduct.il. la m ti.iHot.bf rtrf. Jrd Mner thecirrdmtineea of tht cat, '.hat their" interference w.il be of any vail. . ' ... - , i It Bi-ljfium no prbfrM hai been :madt to a trfh-i n.r.t of the-gnteriimVot." The rTigHh m n french Ambirrtdort had Jcft '.!, iu f? InUlublu liirn that tna Contrra had rrf-id M comply to the tern s which the ConfetM-ce LomIoH bad . ilictiti J. 1 We believe notwith standing that latricii'e and erplexcd as tbo question of the Belgie politics now presents it. eir, tt win tx ill be audited ,ithoat recur, renooto hestilitles. - . ' Jn Enttrkl, Psrlisment bad net ftod afain circled Mr. Manners Sutton. Speaker of the H'Mist of Commons. No other proceeding of -tanet hac been entered on, ' Judging Ht aitencc of the paper on the subject of ittimaneet In Wales, wt presume that cation I , 6. U..!rt frum , tJista'nca) . ii rV . a. av II Ik l..,,....,! .,A. . I' m .U ' k i piOUUCO 01 tV.J'V .fcrr) n ay I J,,lhr luhnrnhcr oo Ueft s... ta,.fc 4. .j M.nday tbo 6U, mat.; ,W 0. . u .li negro mio nttird ). hh 0 lllen). ! ki cu,..- - - - w FO REIGN. LJITR FROM EUROPE. By tht arrival of the fMvsnps Jenkins. Cant. Al'en, tht Editor t of tht Courier and Enquirer ...... . , ... . a . . uactturcuireo xinaoacatFa to iie.oin,.jufiet and IJverpool to thtSth inclusive. : ,' - A general battle was fought between the Ruruns ar.d Poles, nn the bsnka of tbr Nrw on the 26th Mjv, ahich lasted until 10 o'clock a' night. Tbe Kumiana were commanded by Genl. Diebitc!i and tbe Poles by Uenl. Sshry. necki.. 1 he PoUrt, by mere f wee of numbers were compelled to quit the field. The Russians' lyt lrt.000 men, while tho Polct only lost 4,000. rh neitdsy Schryuccki ld hit troops to Priga, where they can take tome repose after their great labor. In their retreat tht Poltt were nnmnlcsted, and the cannon and other munition! were brought off in tbe beat order. ; No pntnnert have been lost. The rrsin pnrpoe of Schnnecki'a ajgresive movement, which we mentioned in our last wis to throw 12.000 men into Lithuania That bb. ect being effx' td he thought it brat to retreat, inowlKjr tbe ltwMM ) to natty tuperkir to w own. " ' : . EXGL A Nf. vet qadiusted without dimcultv ' '.VneraJ of Ireland bad 1n 'I by letter that no further i taken in tht prosecu. bimjand other. - Ttie to jail fof the homecidet lieen admitted to bail es- " ; Mr. Blake. ' : Ii...' A f.inntJ Mr. ' proer edin;;i v lion pending , Policeman en' at Casttcpnlla! I cept the chief C Femah Cminarii. rniiiL exerciaft or inn iiuiauii v- jau mence on tne nrt uv oi u.u f , S"id negro U . five ftt two VjSa. lathe high i dark or hluk rtrptjr.icn , fsnt. olr hit e,vc9.tmaller than tne titherj fJef J l) itoui built j naa .5 aiteotion to tu-iirteii i'o n,Uu k cootlotj , '! A ' anro of rti; irf4n.' f j if ";-'-' i.rr jy',-Z'J coat, - no othef. ClothiP rt fiilsrteil. ' IxvuutStt aUll3ttTa rT" ' , He hat tioce been ieo ner, M 'n't 'IHJli' ouUctsier lull t'ootiuue. i $ J ? f Ferry,. Ar'mf ( J:;make ji...i,U,vc,fiJ-VhiBc fld'f. ' w' m aid bor will bethanl'ful v.rereivr! kccDi aunnlv fr.n.f.,ll, v. 4 ' . w r w r ' j w w uii- nini , i i- or s handiome 'eornpeniation'tirni brj jhicb he tii icli low lot etisk or tn uiaucioaaj person w uo win ptlivtr trruu io punctual dcalcri.ljf . like. nun mc, vuonr.c riim to ny jiu icnu to step on hjiDcl a rood' o that 1 can get him ajraio. - PohflOtlOJf. 49.Va9. and'hO ' ' V ' JAMES SIMM!, wiUi.liorrp.ir the tame laorder. Indian Land, York District,! ' 72tf f . P. Ml'i rilEI V ' aJSJBJBBBj( .9 ISlliSlilS ABJSM' Per. v; rpilL eighth aunivenaryolihciti.w- i U n1' Tc, on, ,he 'Coak A an Rihle-Ricii-tVr :v.n K.' k-ul 1 r 5 5"r rJ n'orib-wlit. : Baliftbuty, on Tuesday, the Bth of fit p. ,w0' v- r i. j T " . - t VI 8 J ?ff"ed im- ce?tiononr.yeilerModB0',,der... Tn, tilthtl ume,onaccountoftheab?ccnce at.blr. ,re uoive, roomy aDd'dr.i of tome of the Board oftnaojeerft. ersin and nrovender f th. k,.,. ri-.t r. 'i: eourKof inttruction will include SpeKing, Re. The buiinest before the aociety tviil be ful, and served by rood boitieri Thm dingt Writing, Arithmetic, English Crai.nrr.l.r.:-. ' .U .:'. nwiinri, . im Georf.nh.t.kih-UMr-Ku.K i., ,, " """"""K wurc i- ngc TT-l oq uc nat many romioriable rooms, aervea myNa-ural Pbilosophy.Chemistry.Uirtory.Khf t-j t .vauallTtffJ-TitT brihrrrnlnlbr r?wl o4-f eftbmoltd tht oricLrj'C and moral. rhiloaophy,,Neediework Lr 1 friends of the Society is therefore ProPritr and hit family will omit no- . .5 !-'- t I Drawing, Painting, and muiic. .The price of tuition per aetuon (five months) will be 10 50 Drawing, and Painting glO, Mosie SO doll, paid in advance. - 83tf BENJAMIN COTTRILU ? Principal NOTICE. rp HE Subscriber intending to rooe cartnstly requested. LxctClscs to c mmrncest 11 oMnck '. 4t8 J ' r ' ASI1C ( lNI Y N.C, ' ' THIS iot'i o i ls ajioaicd w'joui three miles froi.i AUie Court llouet in a pleasant neinoi nooa, wncrc ooarn can thing in their poter to make It most quiet and agreeable. , . ejtf 0. U. ROUNSAVIULE. ., " tnch t eonrao and their great love for thoaetwo virtuet will make them par but little attention othe absurd aaaertiontof thet political min arets. Restrictive law, we boldly make the fC'orie tumetl out in a rintoumanntr, for ws. get. The military was called out and several were killed both among the insurgents and among the military. IRFLAND. Th' ill-fa'ed country ia"tT)TTtboring undeT the effect of a long continued misrule. The Dublin Evening PoJ of ihe 3rd of June, aya there are 15',000 pertuns atarving in the awrtion, have done more to trduo the people of Grat Drittain to their pretent degrsded eond'rion, than all the Tyranny of their Kings and Lords, and yet we are told that the enemiea CoUntv Mtv0. On the 11 and 3rd of June tl of restrictive Ijtva, of the 'Americsn Syvtem" persona we're found guilty under the White are trying to reduce the people of the United Bo Act. at Ljnierick, and sentenced to trans ' . ... . . i Donation ffr hie. ffatettotheeatneoonaition. sacn imrjuencr A, Enni jn ,he County Clare, 1 4 persona rould only be brought forth in topport ot men j jj t similar sentence pronounced on them, . , .t. . .r m..mm ! .k.M.. ftflkn mm ll,lllM mia. th svatem ana ine mean w i. imh. - porting it are orf Waatfr the tyttem i ab surd, to are the mean by which it l tapper, ted Tho eyaem wat founded in corruption, It is upported by corruption i The ayatem wat f winded in error, it is tupported Wy error i Thesytem wanted ea'r for its foundation, rar.dor is wanting in the tuperatnicture The Dublin Hi-rakl of May iOth, contains an account of a coroners inquest held over the bo. diet of 9 persona killed bv the Police af the fair of Castlepollard on the Mrd Mv. Eight other persons were teriouslv wounded. It appeared on the inquest that tq'iarrel between some indi viduals occurred at the fair and the military po lice were hfought out to quell it. They fired on Such the refusal of the crowd to disperse, and their ff(t. Th iurv urr ut w..! . 1. . .. :n , l. . ore nai a rnai eiirci. meiurywero to we a iysremcanno.,-wC..-.j-.c... . . , fo . ' ' j to IVi mington. ollcn nil scrv.ces be0bt,iDed for fronlOcts. o gl. 00 per )JJ ffe w footed lo, tht 0 ' . to his friends and the public general- eek. To those who hate tiaitedthi. f- W building ofCof. ' t : ' . ly, after the 20th oCAuguat, as Com- county, ft is needle to mention, that it u"L .Tr S T rDer,6f,K,nK " , ' 'AU mlsion and Forwarding Agenti- II. HvUiu- ,.rc. in tne "u' ft ti. ' hT ,f,?,ft,,f lfr V . ' V" A wilfhafehF-useor n Wge.sWharf Stste.duHng the. warm Wibs of the iuriwaTa ,r4' 1 ' - UKlavAnenien. Warcb0U and year.'' Schdlara attending this school Prhalt n'nnrrlln tr '1 ? " - hope, by a. net -attention to pleaae jail tteT n pJ ' ' tmt in po JfjuJ ffi V Whtiabvof trtrwith'theirb4 'T iV? r ' t J I.VhTT ., , different tranche ofeducau n, t rimy t ?ZZin..9?nil solicln " . -....z I neaa . i , . ... ,.. . - . - f A harft-oUhe-DatroojD-e.aaiih-.".ti-r - t ! Boarding H r It. M.r-itt nnt. . lVAfB 'erne 5 t Atnr rvt tt v' UJV.' VEV-iL J J Crammer, Geography &c. &c. arc tiught tut v. .on, i rr,,iritCTiint, in n), tcliool. l here sre no vacations j July 26. 4t8r, daring the warm months - TT71LL be sold at m 1 m YV i thereaidenceof the late Frederick Ford,dec'd. nine miles north of Salisbury, on the South Yadkin River, on Thursday the tit day of September next, all ihe pemhahle propetty of aaid dee'd. conUf ing of ore, ffogt. Cattle, Sheeft, If ag on ana ueart Household ana 'Kitchen Furniture, Farming Utenaft, Carfieitter't Tbolt, Wheat, Hue Oatt, Corn. Wc. Wc. .Also, iVillbc rented for one two of three years to suit those disposed to rent, July 6th, 1831. 4 84 ' X- patrooiiire- so lihrli tu- ."MllClir, ' - - i. . - " Private fjmi!!iY An i JuneM - . v ., - ( - aw . - - -iW. i r Beef! I1EUBiC1BER fU ., "vuiu icapcviiui Kllv inform tbe citizen iof this town, that he will have BEEF in market, during" the present season, every Monday, , Wed nesday, and Friday mornings or at any other time which would suit the Beef! rnttd. L i?rMJlXon l,'in nA Rf- the police, that they gave in a verdict whereby t m . ' i m . 1 - f A'. .1 . . IB Of ;ne poure, including Tneir-mici, -nave been aent to prison to abide their trial. publican ton-ed Enropean policy lor its admin Utration ; O ir people are too plain and too hon Mtto br (jverned by tuch double faeeJ politi. rltPdThev want candor and troth to bethe prime ingredient in evrry one of their servants, and such ingredients ihey will have. to)lll I -; rTT Befieving as we do that the people tave s 'ifrht to know the acts, otdheir axents, we this day lav before our readers a part of the . ml correspondence between mews oernep, mair. Jnhnon. Eaton and Ineharn, toUCinff 'he- cause of the disoluion of the late cabinet. Could we. consistency with our dutv fithfu! senti nels upon the watchtower, have passed this over ... r a ft. 10 Silence, ,v HIOHIIl mv (irriirr.c.l kiwi course, but we could nor do to because we hold it the dut of every indpefdent and faithful auhlic joufldi' ' "crifii? his private feelingt to the interxyi and wiiY of the public. The correspondence i worthy of an attentive peru sal and we hope our readers' will give it one We shall continue the publication of it until finish the whcunarTesderxatrtBf-4r-their own inferences. FRANCE. (Trom the Gasette de France of 5th June.) According to the result of our inquiries with respect to the electoral interests, along with the law of monopoly of 200 franca a law which excludes the people, a,id. gives a preponder ance tn the middle clasiei make it evident that the majority from the College- will be a Casimir Perler. and not a Lafitt maiifhv. It is not difficult to perceive' the difference between S'ich a Chamber and tbe Consulate of M. La for"- - ..v.- . - - i r.iA.iuMr: ICf We will hold ourae Ive under obliga. tion to those of our friends who will be to obli ging as to tend ui a list of the election returns, in the adjoining Counf.iea. Deatby IJg hiving. Mt. Thomas Marshall, a young man about twenty two year of age was killed bv lightning, in Montgomery county, Prince fxopold haa been elected King -of Belgium by a large vote, ut save the Herald we are anured that he has made up his mind to refuse the offer of the crown of Belgium, as it was made a condition that he ahomd swear to preserve to .Belgium the province of Lim. ' , M ft. ' L . L . ft burg a pieaW. wnicn me nimsTers or ne Great Powers signified to him it was impossible be could make, as they had determined upon confirming that province to Holland." TEN DAYS LATER. The oacVet--ship President, Capt. Champlin, from London, arrived yesterday 1 she briog London dates of IheJL&thjMid l.X?.uU?e 19th June. General Diebitsch his gained no advantage by the Battle of Ostrolenka. He seems not to have dared to follow up the gallant Poles, who. gathered round their capital presented as Im posing a front, as previous to the late engage ment : whilst the great object of all their Gen eralissimo's operationa, the rising of the inhabi tant of Russian Poland, has been fully obtained. If our hopes do not deceive us, important in deed must Se the consequence of this move- on Wednesday the 13lh ult. hile walking over j trent in the Rusto-rollsn provinces. I heir his plantation, populat'top, added to thai of the kiugdoat of Po- at the time lime and nlaca the fcrtil- convenience of his friends and custom and valuable plantation of the dee'd. y.crs. Persons having BEEVES Jot ing on both sides of the South Yadkin i Ie would da well to apply to the sub- liiver. 1 he , plantation contains much senber, as he will pav the most liberal good fresh-aouoin land on which, i wthre pricei fot tbeni, in Cash, at all times. or lounecn nanus ruigti; oe woraeo witnj . JUIiN 1. SIIAYEIC , advantage. On the premises is a eooril rU. Von to,f waimui, wutiuu urn aim a nrcsoin Machine both new. In the river there is a good fih trap out of which a suffic iency of fish for a common family can be obtained The terms of the sale will be rnace known on the day of sale.-- - -. - . , ; JOHN FORD, vJ,nV. Aitgut' 6th. 1831. 3 85 LIST OK IjKTTEUS. REMAINING in the Pot Office al Lexing. itv ton N. C. July lit, .1811, which if not ta. ken out before the 1st day of October next, will be sentlo tne 'Gent rP,Ora dead letters. - mm Menu Allen W. G. Beard Casper Brinkle Thomas Cheshue John Craven" Nicholai Covet Cttharin- Day riArvi;x up ana committed t j tne j A j il of Rowan County, N. C. on the 4th inst. a negro, boy who says his I William Davis name is Uick and belongs to Dr. Tho- ' Jlh" f!, mas of Milton, N. C. and was sold to Benjamin Ferabeo said Thomas by Joseph King and Da- George F 'emr vid Jones and, was. sent to the Gold wi""'" Frmnk mines ir. Burke County, which he jbpeesor left about the". 30th July 1-ist. Said William Ferabee boy is about 17 years old, on upper Miry Hyatt tootn rotten out in front, quick spe- JjJ'jJ jjj' xerr, yetiow complexion,- com size, ine owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. 'r F. SLATER, Shf BZtf SthAuplSt, 1831 David Hederick nan Z-htihm-Hunt- Samuel Ilarrel Jonathan Haynet J. M. Inge Thomas vet William Jarret Henry Ledford lohn Lookebill CAMP lYIETINO Charles Under cimn meet iii 7 wilt he hL! t Srit-vilU I Ilntw I DnI.i ," r o - - .--- 1 " ZU.in the Iredell circuit, on the 19th August Jacob Loman. and one at Fulton, on the 28th August, in the I William Led fot d siishHry oiroait. 81 NathaiiieJLanin Elixabeth Laner Janu McDorman Boyd McCrary J ""RachenTFera George Myers ' Samuel Mitchell Thomaa Noah .' Martin Owert ' ;" Charjes Kiggins Adam Rider , ' Caleb Smoot George f!echritt John Scott ' John Spencer William Silliven William Scott Martha Smith Thomaa Stuart Michael 5ummey Jesse Seawell Stephen, Teny Oldham Tottee William homat Tinson W00)i 8amuel VVtrford William Woosley Emily Whitakcr 'Wiery Waggoner , Thomas Workman, Henry Workman f B. D. ROUNSAVILLE, P. M. 3t84 RESrrrFULLY inform, ihe, ciiitcns of W'ilksboro. ut ih? wdjacfnt, cdyniryi thai he has located "bimself la " V.ijvjoro, ftr the purpose of nracilsina th'e various hranchei of his profeisioe, vis t Pactire of Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetric!. lie t., be found at hi residioce at a. limes, escept. when on profession. I bnst-Ji ness j and he hopes by assiduous aiten- tion lo hi profession to merit a share f Iho puLite rjdironaj-r. f6tf State o XortU Carolina. - . . , ... " . MoisTtaaisv eoerTt.......i In the Court of Equity Spring - ' Temmu 4 ' . T A 5nS HOSSrJofin Mbii for biia i" J self and as guardian of Archibald Moss an infcut under the age of tWentyone years, Elizabeth Mss wid ow of Robert MossrUec. forlhersel and as guardian of Franklin Mosi. Sa rah Anne Moss, Robert Moss. Whit ftotvJIossf Eliza Moss" and 7icMoi infants undehe:iie3'C't on years, Hnshrod Lilly and hii wife Han pakiinVillis Williams and hisr wifa .i I ' . . i i ? Mary, Teti tion for the Sale of lands. It .appearing to the satisfaction of the cpurtfuhar Willis Williams aodhia wife Mary Williams' tenants in1 com- - moo in right of the laid Mary Wil liams of one share of the land prayed r to be sold in the ptiitio. and mention ed as defendants in the petition are na- inhaUitants of this State, ' It ia therefore ordered th.f publication be. made in the Western Carolintao prtn- ted atiidisbury jIqjuuj ring v'said Willis, ; Williams, and hiaT wife" Mary to appear at tbe courthouse f- in Lawrenceville on the next Term of : our court, on the first MondaV in Beo- trmber next and answer or plead to xaid petition otherwise the same will be taken pro confesso as to them abdr ; decree entered accoidioly, i&8SjlIr M : ... . 1 . ' ' ." ,'' -. ' . ? - : rp rr- s-, a, -. 'i.v:.1,.':' , ,; , '