i 4 ,i ' t" ft V 1'8-it tin ii t is iautftrM. thi; RENiToF TERROR. ' T hrmcr o.ii.nur.lctiion, we re Mrke ?, that ens methoj a,) pte l Ir tha . ih itulf r iiump piny, totiiUiinir. of wealthy cipltilisti, end diwppointed and ambitious politlc'uns, to 'luiula and ex , tend.thelr system, was, by employing the umeraqt journalists in tbeir service, to render odious, er to overswe, thota ci:l t;ni who ware ths-rawti seahus and thi roost effi.ient Jocates cf the rights and interests of thi people, who ere the victims tn the cupidity end ambition,- to the thfrt f jr wealth and thirst for power, 01 this small, but well organized aod ac '. tive body of men. " ' W are ready to admit that a vt pro? .Trtion 01 the citizens t tt middle and Western S'.atei, who hire countenanced what ft called tbe .Proteetioa System, hive ben influenced by patriotic nta lives, and that tbey will be toady to meet tne Aon 1 inn men 01 ine ooatb, and the Free Trade men of the Km tern and Mid dle States, at aome reasonable point,, In jwhlcfi. alMha grfatjectioni of jlhej jc6uot 1 -, ? 1 , f$ t t-M-., t' ;c 1 f (' al Turi.f I'.,r- ?, 1 , ' that tr I ; , I veni : , Tr. of rclJni. vnia, en J by whose exertions, aided by t ic bitithero members, that, duty was increased, J'of the truth of this statement, we woulJ refer to the piea of Mr, Jules' Register, the organ of the!' incorporated maoufacturera"rsad their allies, tSose poliiicrani who are striviogto ov, rjuriT the' Government. Iij the cootcit between the "incorpo. rated taaoufacjurefi" ahd 'thVool growe'ri, Mr. Kites,' io" complaining of k. :..M..t .!,.. -I t . I L - m' wtviMkiij, pimmy vjnceu nia tacbmeot to the Sectiooal IWty, an3 Tcruy e nai nuwe,w.am. ru;mcn . 11 r. " ii i io in Jit nwcrar.or, pcrnaps we may aay, more polite, Chao.rte maoufac turingiHiffrchf,to'me whom thev have found fit ; Jnitmmeoia to'ctreulate etatemeute'ihd doctrlnei.i wh'tch"they iuu inuuri ur.iuc lacmaeirci 10 ac Knuwicuc! mourn 100 mue tirmnei 1 w p w miii rninrim. i .1. uii rni r inn inai " rii'ikiuiv i.ibiiiiu. iiiiiu iibli L i - v c - "Tariff f'jrtwa call tha National. n?,-corrtt6ted ai tiev have belen bv V jl' 4 ' Partfand we are inoch muiaken if, at P6li aeldom realized. honest 19- l ": i-' proper explanation-of the tiewi and wUh jj ei 1 of tb JVaoi Tariff Pjrty.'ai com pared .with the Free Trade Partf, doel tiot reiuit in an amicabio arrangement, by which a reaiana'4 protection ahall be conceded' to all. branches toduitry, manutcturin( at wen as Itftjcultural, wnoouv aacna "ns anj 01 me great inier . est of tbe nation. . ,.",: Tb4 other diiaion.of the'Tariff Fartfj mir do trui termed tne Ofrjoa' fatly. 1. 1 oeir onfct nai oeen 10 eataoliin the protecting: principle, but, in that applica tion of It, ther have ever evinced a deter- minatjon to confine it to few articles, and thoso ehleflr manufactured in New En- flan and tome few counties of. the Middle an . 1 nra ... . 1 1 nig hui uennca-ine two crea ptvitiona of that party "wfrp re in fa vor of a 'Protecting PyatcTm, vii j the citizens of thi Middle nd Western Statei, who-would be?: conteht' with moderate dutica, extended to all irti. cles; ihd for the benefit of ioter. ft n . . n ranjr, ana tne tncorporated mid. ufactarera of Kew EnzUhd . and iume i . ' --o" ptaniera 01 i)utiiaha " hi-hi jrm . w W W Ul the Sectional ' Party, who demand ex y., autiea on auar; cotton and WOOlleO C.ivf anrt 1- J...t -tl oth era; we shall . proceed, ip our next Statea.-;Thia smill, but wealthy tUn of 1 f rae omeobsemtiona on ihe aplr capitalists of the E,t:ero States who H. f intolerance and bftr.pmtirtn in troth'i the principal persona beneStt! iliibited bv the Kerf!! Ta;rr P agents whom they employ to impose upon the Bflfiih. the, itrnorant. and un. (reflecting;, a ayatem of taxation more rmrdenfTme thin wia tvir endureirby an enlightened nation. . A FRIEND TO A NATIONAL TARIFF Avb As EveaiY To PraiicrTiojr. 0 1 . 1 i 1 t inlorced by the viZu planters of Louis f )Mt who though less in number than fire 4 Jiaodred estate holders, levy a tax of ce. on 'covado sugar, amount " n(ri to" near three miliions of dollara uimeu wuninia tmcient bodf of arealthr ' v, , men, which may te termed , the TluTo c t '"Cf of tha country, la that numerous ctasi 01 iaier and politicians, which w. v.u ur8 01 tne nations who ira aeesinf; to overthrow the Admlnistra kn, not with a desire to fill their pfacea , wun men 01 more eievated principle and jdisinreres'ed. tiewa, but thai they may fj um mcmseirea, and secure, b? future, acts of Congress, a stilt greater , taunty 00 the interests of the Incorpora led manufacturers of New England, by re ducing tbe .dadea on wool, oil, indieo, 5 "r lutQ tuoer aruciee as ara osed 10 tbeir fabrics, to the injury 0 tha - : Middle-and Weatotn Statei. and. ik. t aime Urae,; to raise ihe duties on cottons smd woollens, already three times as great -att.hoar-imposed for the protection of the produce of Peonsfltania, Onio. Ken----uckyr-and DtherMlddIe" ind "Weafern1 ciaies. . . ii -v..' 1 It 1! 1 if ..( .. '". r-unt'e t 1 f -v.ate 1 r.;! t ' ..IT 1 1 i ! . .t', 1 re Tr 3 woui J rc"rcc:fa!! aik Jo entmriit 1 rcarJ a4ir;it t' 5 recurrence of lach tfiis for tbe fw art and tbef mif well ba proud cf temp called the Brian tarty tj America," bv all who op pose jucq iuirnuuMe principles. faow taaaaitiAg moiiTia. . The late InsurrWdoo. K few days ancr.fhi iotelllece wts received in this City thaf tbC,lies of Southimptqn County, Vi. had men In rebellion againat the whites, so confuted were the accounts from that qmrter, that we addressed a line to ibrlWi Wnfjtter at Jerusalem, with request that he would for us wi') a pirticUjir statement of facia in elation to, the. Insurrection. In apswer( to that letter t rie following reply was returned. which contained s m )re minute detail of tbe outrage perpetrated than we have yet ee'i-4''kt ' : '' ' ., :' , Pal OJIm Jtwilem, Vt. -.Grulemtn-SLtot dated tiifrit,, Sfr, AngWi'txirae-iftiry - to ttand ;f eurt have answered: your polite enqfuiries mucn aooner, out -.waited for correct mformatotfi",':'7'T'" 'wi7"""rtr77' nratiace , vrTTj -vii.t .r. :t;;iT. 13. 1831. The Insor'rectlon commene ti rn Siin njghr, the Slslt.at Joseph T'4is'a wo 01 nis nezroes inat, cuilnir h msei Oeoral Jackon, and known in tha neiirh Iwrhjood as a Jfetb'odist Preacher, and one other named lurk, ftjrling himself Cap 1 niwiti crg mo icineri, ihtv 1 ..Li . j - y ... . . . fniicn a ucuar to tne nnuer winrin Travis's and massacred all the whit rm JjMfionsisting of 5 in number. Severa more nwj, collected or that time, and oincd the marauders. I her waited at FRIE TRADE AXT) MANUFACTURES. To th F.astcrk Altera. The grounds upon which the friend of ' free Trade and equal riehts are denounced a "(lie Britlth rartu" i. that house for aupper . broke open tod destroyed 'ever? thing btf could see, urana ireeiy, and were detained in corse quece of that (wn or ihreejiours. Th next nouje wis Litbiel rrancla'a 1 there they, murdered, t mao, and recruited neir torce. 1 he neit house w ujt. iam Reese'a 1 there ther desbateheH -wwman ana i man r at the next7Mra. Turner's, I man and 2 women ; at Henry BryantV 1 man, 2 womeo k I child j at at Catharine Whjtehesd's, I man, J Wp men and t"'chMd'rarAug6Vtua F. DoyW,s' himself alone; at Nathaniel Francis's, 1 man, I woman, aod 3 children i-at Thos. Barrowa'a, 2 men 1 at Lei Waller's 2 wo men and 9 children: at William Wit liama'a, I man, 1 women and 2 children; at Jacob Williams's, 1 man. l !om.n ana 3 children 1 at Caswell Worrell's, woman St and 1 child 1 at Robert Vn Chn'a, 3 women and 1 child makine la all M ffL - a 9 mm A - many MJiy exasperated ru mi.urj. relative It an insftrrccllun amuou the slaves, in the counties c Duplin, Eampsoo, EUdcn and. New Hanover, have cone abroad. aaJ have been most Injudiciously' PW tishtd ie aome of the papers We feel tt to be due to the cause of truth toftiatc that there has been no overt actjJf insurrection in either ot th counties named, unlesi.it be ir.ferrcd from several nrgfoca, living . been seen together in the-lwcr pjrt o Sampson cflunty, no outrage litsbeeri committed. ? That the rumour oi the burning of' Wilmington aod the rrras sicre of its inbauitants laiieeocl wholly without ant, sort .of foundi. tion Jit 'is true mat a- piot m oeen been dicoyrdr .in which j cpojld erable number of slaves are impliea- ted j many ot, wnom,' n:ive peen ar some - have - beeeverelyiHitiished; r ... . .. .t,.. ,,.. ana 1. VLI". principu., ora, have been hot. It is coni-cturrd that the plot was very eitensive, and had been -.iiiniiit.li; p "c uruttn J any. If .,1 . . n,. . ... " slmplr thi,.- Because they a.k for. that V.k'Jt'l 5' M at V,uShl" freedom of the ocean arid jhe land, for t?" ? o'clock, P. M. Monday evening. . . . . , -mi J hii hndaA writ lk !. iLl.i. .l" in. agitating for adme years" past, this we afe not yet preparea 10. credit, so iar as regarua na exreni, ts yrt we hare no evidence to justify such a be lief, we have no doubt from the cir. cumstanres detailed to Us,; tfiat ne. groea, in the counties of, Sampson, Duplin and Kew Hanover, were con. cerned as to their number in each, we are oot able from, any information we have to offer an opinion with, any sort ol accuracy; . Though whatever may have been its extent, our friends at a distance may rest assured, that the ot rnpst vigilance is exercised , by, the citizens, and every exertion used, to discover those concerned j and we can further assure the public, that at no period were our citnens better pre pared to meet any t exigency of the krod, than at present. Before we ctdie this brief notice we cannot help saying that any allusion in the public ... . - most generally have an Irnotrotn ten dencyi especially, when there rs tio other warrant for Dublieatmn than common rumours, which are mok generally viewed as synonymous with common lies a little reflection we tntok, wiil contince our brethren of the impropriety of giving too ready ad ear to such statements, especially tl.e j -t o r.fl' - t'l.',!, .-! :u llu.4 tht tVKh a this emolored in the militirv r....i ?c the frontiers, anJ in the Ltanni.. lln ficaiions daatincd'to thrl. a , "1 liu if. mi I: I 1 ' ' roads and and on vtrio The strong avmpsthy between tti.t' amlmr nstive land, has been J ' iu inai s.inJiu the pUnnina- ftfr" osiined to their d.f. liaf alio teen employed it thtr 1 ul projects relating to a general .v riml lhrnii..k..... ':'"ni rigui oiner ami. vi with miUfary eitaUishments'ia(j j1" imfirnvmnlf li- V f lit V It I Th 00 poerTuI lnctftnfnf to perform m,,i ?' to He best 6f.jijriUir,' si0, hiimSle services have repjij what I owe. to.' a great Doohf. J,., alldtras bni. hai thnmn i . "-"iOI libftralite. and-con!idence.l irloiu. that Uirtte ar.!-.. :n , win sfn mraivhonoraye place in the eatim V' or mr countrymen In France A ow, aware that tbo nnht- .. . which I bare, been associated ted. within , the atrcnev aaa!:--.T tne agenev assiDn'.. mi luuilivui inn 1 no present trie ataie of 'Europe' and the nnihu 1 .l pendence. ol my naua crf Mild ondenhe moral Obligatioii r !!. , more my bumble services ttsTraJ ! ofmyresignstion. ' 10 fhehabitsofmrfami.vl -nd of peace and fcaoa . ngs of devotion told menr hospitable friend. 1 mwukS: towards the memheraorth. tirenderthisdeterminattonl? foltomejbut hi,, McriLT " owe 10 the cause of this age of i I -, aconaolatioo in the hope that ntij? atatemao and the patriot, t0 whom 11, aremo.tre.pec.falljsubmlr h!' Be a indulgent, air, as to"accew.. thanks for the liber.l patronage you ! constantlr heir-. .. 0u hi, riv.ihi;,.;?ofS;;4;rtS "eve in the. eminent, of thTS S-BERNARD, Brig. 0 WASHINGTON, JuIf Pi .... Oxaaaat-Your letter UreceiL which, fourteen rests ago,your oS earned repa.atioo, and the frie7J the most Illustrious Jd loZ A l? f dopted on.ofa,,.,; P'Port. Tbe kL.tril' ,Were T5 iedby T0Ur loVres'"' !a. b.s uatiGed the hlh .IZ 'r"" m . . & a . . "oi out be a ran, r nation, that .j. ""PWUretio.se : ' Vce so Mfhles ris . iiuv 11 ui taiD uucaiia aiiiu inn lanri. mr rm. . . - .-. . v evatviiikuii. csnrriaiii 1 tro . . a, m m v - - I J TlIB HnntA lha last al ..LIA .1 I I . . - ' r-.-nu. 1 nat lha ... . wmcn ourjoreiathersio-prorusely pour ! Y j "V wow" ,ne' wnen o good can arise from t, and lessened hv n,. - . ;5r" is grea ir edout their blood and treasure They ' ZflT'l1 much unnecessary atarm may be ex- rea wS? rnH Ur,ft.hecfcUr iney cannot tiiscorer the justice or C j r we neigo- - erv hraBrk ,:. " "",Pa:ne uket- -w Pcr .r G;v.r,, ,.li! M.-XTrtJTiSS.'!: iNCEND.AR7praucAT.0Ns. ' -kLriiL-i!r..-r t ""a-'rspu o. ji... m. . .... . , . ' , . . api.-u we not succeed as expected; beesn 'to de.. ... i l Mir. ano4osexonn jance in each ftth.r. The however raised what force the. could that evening and camped near D Lance Blount'a in order to give bim an at- popuiaunn la to agriculture and com mree. Government should not endeavor, by any enactrnent, to drive It into manu factures. Towaaos manufactures the Between these two divisions of nartv.' end' off,reo Trs,e entertain no hos k. ..j e...i.i fi- ... n '' ilit hii.r. Th.. . ua - ... aim oecuonai taiin rartv. 1 -- - f t m t ...Lt.f j. t... j . .brr. Jt . of ., ,nd S ! floW.h .An V SEflT 1"'?.'.? " . ?! oonom mat is, wnere the wants of . 7, T ranj j or 4 consumers call tnem into existence. Let the three great branches of national in dustry remain unshackled, and the devel opments of societv will nlainlv indieai in which capital and enterprize should be employed. It would ba about as OuUm. ic an effort to attempt to regulate the eb bing and flowing Of the tides of the as it is to seek to define the channel to which the indutrr and enternrize lh. -mini.... .U.tl 0..- Tl. 1 r ''! vuu 1 .ii.ii iff. . 1 ub t.wnr n . I - - ..w ...v t.iiiii'1 . . - " - ' " 1 . . . on turn r.tfihim... .... .. l uicijccmcm, as wen as can be ascertain. mem. j let ed, to about 40. When then left Parke-'J !er 'rom 8 Kcnf,erTn Washington Ci . a . tnera ever was, the interests of the form er have been grossly sacrificed to the am- bttion and selfishness of the latter : for in !ance, the incorporated manufacturers of !sw." England, and aome few town in the -Middle States, have protecting duties yff30io J$0 percent, on cottons and uoellrn, which they supply to other pv 1 Union to the extent of Der-i hzp-y 2!. 3) noo.no-); yet they complain 0f T-ie-r ifM:mviencv, and have held a Cun Mrn:bn at'V-w Y. .-it, 'fhirioNsoiv, for the porpr.? of nmr;f for fur t lier protection. i -I'.- nurr..:tr ot pcrns interested discover? of'several conies of the nnfnri JValkcr Pamphlet, " is doubtk atill fresh in the recollection of muat nt our readers. Notwithstanding the noin ted rebukes which the nublisher nfiht f . .1 inn-traatori- proUuctianj received from many of the well disposed and refltciin part of our nothern brethren, it anne.r. that some misguided and deluded fanaiits are still bent on exciting our colored no. . . . ----- 7, 7 T" " ouron crrauon hi V tkM id,-r-A neighbors . and prepare his own neime. 10 give tBcni 1 nearly reception. The doctor was not disappointed, for tint. before day they came, received seven p.uullon ,0 scene ' which the heart fire$"from the doctor's comnanv j n-,n r"0'" on ,he bare peel. "d hi( h in- which they immediately retreated. Iev. ,tMd "improving their moral or physical ing two dead on the field and one orison. conc,,1,on' f annot " overwhelm the . . a ' " I a. T -1. . L- .1 .a ' . iriflH in fllifi. and fiiM.al(k.-: i ocean. I.. . ,niU 1 . 0 lDe apersed, and Zr .n .V. i ;"-v privileges . ' tooato tbe woods, and were killed X ' mam. i.ei mem view he . tney were met, without the ceremony ef . o aiaooncai projects in 01 atrial. Thev increased tVm ,. ,h Southampton massacre, and djii turc is the onlv atandard that can be safe- lv relied unon in either ease.. Wh.nl in mesa b-um hesof industry, and denendanW "O'emment aeeks to thwart this law rn ihm, jiuvt been reckoner) bv Me. n. vis Mr. t'Krett, Mr. Mallary, and other and dependants of this wealth v nrt rtAft S ' partaa-.js Qiass, at 100 000. "in relation to the greet branches of its indus try -it legislates upon a fatal error In Political Economy. .No better illustra tion could be asked of this proposition. 0;) the other hand, the hemp, flax tn,n the history of our own Tariff Laws 'ool, and iron-, .of the Middle gtatcs'lord' Tbo manura:turera"tbemselves, 11 is true, have asked fur increase, nrrtn. V "wool, and iron-, . of the Middle States, n which they receive a bounty from Other Statee, do not exceed in amount 510,000,000, and the protecting du tiea do not average even 50 per cenr ; while there are 3,000,000 of persons interested in their production ; 1 yet nearly the whole Delegation of Maaaa- husctt; Connecticut, Vermont, and ilhnde Island, the only States deri fog much benefit from the extreme .duties, opposed the additional duties granted by tae Acts of 1824 and 1828 to these articles, and have been da Aoring against their existence ever atince the passage of that act. With regard to the increased duty 3(1 wool, the rteWkngiand party, dur- iog the discussion of the Act of 1828. TOted agauiei tne rncreaae as it now - stands, nor could that part of the act ive carried but for the aid of the -Members, from Virgina andv.othef Southern States and when it did pass, as to eive The scouting inrties thrnnirH the have killed 2S, without law s ,h.- were determinsd to shew them no mercy. We have eentenced U to be hanged, and no doubt many more will be ties, in all inataneea where it h, i.v.n -neranea. ai our wourt is sittme dailir. . i ii . a. . - - Place, urging as a reason, that thev miirht !1' ,"a" nM not M Fet been over be .-hereby protected in their business. . ut. c,nnot cIode JustJc" m Bat whit hai heen the rrit..n;. ,onKer' " QUlet : the fnVh lf . I TffrYll ra4 Ark t k 4ft naMMK C .a. elf Tnenever tha duties nnnn eottftn anil r- kucsoi me aitterent plafltatioats, is great Indeed, from sedmr sut" numoeroi :roops, so easily 'go, lOBcmer m so nine a time. Too much prat sTTMnnsrorgtven" Jo" the E their party began to desert very f4St, and ,r: dl,cd 29lh ujt. tQ the Tostmaater at was so weakened on Tuesday morning thu place, s?ys: r over with little reiht.n it A " An incendiary tor," is circuhtrd blacks of this ritv ; it is very prohjble von paprr, enever the dudes upon cotton and woollen fabrics have been increased, thou Mnds have rushed foward, and rashly ad ventured their capital in manufacturing ot the labrtcsi on the false hone held our by Government Instead, therefore, ot the increase of duties operatinc as a firottction to tho original manufdcjuiera, who asked it, it has resulted to their in jury, by inducing capitalista from other branches of industry, 'to become their competitors Iri manufacturing. Markets would be elutted. Sales could not be tf fected, to return; the capital to the Dock et of the manufacturer, and, as the inevit able result, his properly must be knocked off under tbe Sheriffs harttnTelr? to meet tbe notes. which his business had romDf ll- ed him to put into the market. This was the origin cf those devesting scenes of L.IL. . -. A a 1? a a a . . uaunrupic?. np oisircsi wnicn mtghieri fr.cMtl tbe-crvK.of tb Kew Ntw England some three yeaw agty iarjfj v . nil iu a W aa . " Ot Virginia, lor the prompt measures tak en tn .PTif ... .. IT . r -W u. 1 it. eKienn nn grateful acknowledgment to the Volun teer Companies from Richmond," Nor folk1, Ide of Widht, Surrv. f uner on4 Narsemond, and all others who ao trallant. I . ... t .. . " iy came 10 our reuei. nothing but ener getic, measures on the partofthe whites. . a. j. ft.. ', ... u sayeu me innaouauis 01 our little village 'iviuim ur .-"uwicuiiienia in your own iapRuii;ff, 10 iie quoios or our sister otateortoaroitna, and assure them that we arealwaya ready to reciprocate their chivalrous conduct both in feeiines and duty. ' 6 tour obedient servant, hc Libera V nr. 4,; the fre. n;l iry.ri wiil' i...k Vlil fir. 'I U amnn. the slaves of your c, : tv. It i, pub. luraed-in Boston or Pnilili..ink:. k . tjT- , --waiiei ur n wsyVman, ih the avowed numM, nr :..v....H ,clllon m me oouth ; and I am inform, d, is to becar.ied through your country by secret agents, who are ,J ammpst vou under the pretext n r ,K.,,. 1 ,vepp slurP look out if vnii.ins. ere u Struirirlefrf tlerfBlrnnrn .. r . ' " (lined VOU. the 'nnW. T indeDender-e ... Wr; and that tit lv ' vo,,r ''f ,Te land.w !! : pr',Ve: irts there o,,. h"ch you are about to ,epVate.P rele.... " r::Ta "n,f. PiXIVcM !ry, under thi aad if vou eafrh k . all that ii sacred vou ouhi k..L ' Y . """"' arnoriffHi w nnm ,i mi- - it n - LuiiLern.". '..-i-. We copy from the New York Sf..t j of Saturday, the followin; if !'rd GENERAL BERNARD. unowing correspond tiiiot.: .. . . and the President, on the dencel)etween this illustriou,individuaJ n (hfl lllhio.t ( . retirement of the former frQm ihe milf ury.erviceoftheanitedStal'Vj .' be read with interest bv all h . ' 1 ate Pf nun ar,H ..!. : ..'V "KH'cci- ,,.7 - - v",i tneir most er ahedgradea: TJJX' To Andrew Jaxcsom. President of the United .We. Sir: In 1 8 16. under ,k. fv. ;il..t r it T" ""'Pices ce ot my cnui conviction ik.t ;x,t. it fn5T f4m"f''n M -bode L ""."rrec destine tol, u-dh'tTI''--- wnicn ever livea in , . L ... . 'hat afTection for th. - .),,.. . . - scai cauM: which un ed ee,.,henli'Tened.nd u1cor r"?ted minda of the .e. tv:,. ssurance, accent f. l'V my best wihe l. r 10 the boom nf ....w .r. l . coun'ry, sno o.r be en 01-mem c . . ' ANDREW JACKSON. Bprnnrrl Jerome Bonnarte, the ExKing or'f5: nnalia, nbw callM the ffoftS abOtrtewltrne Tr 1 .a(TU.n. whore a brie of hi, brother Joseph, th tt King of Spain, is w,i,infr r Conv-, htm to the Unite,! t... p.;..-. of Hontfdrt ispacHngup the greater part or the statues and mher a 0 -i 'JiyilU IKHO W miiquuy that enr k.,i r H. -: . VIHU-IH, TCSICC IC."' 1 lacenua, near V Ancona, which him. ti. t .. . ne na. howavar. tAf t i.r. kMt. ucten, fnnce AFO,n;n. ,k. fi ues found at Rumfi,, ; WnicK was "buirt pon mic ruins or Cicero's celebrated vil la or Tustulum. These antiquities wiU Rive an increased value to the museum of Lncien, so rich from the Etruscan rai ses lojinrj in the fni.n,i..;nn. r VM 1 ermo, he ipt n 'he mirsh u h to take witii uuuer ineaUSDicec f l "Miiuaumis ui mnii.i- Vette. I received frni ' Vlcim aPifal of Rtf uris.-f- 4 V , . , . 1 , - .-,L , ?'..

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