'J .SiUPT&MUMI CT Those persons who signed paper with Ibt vie of forming a company of Cavalry In Hill place ere requeitedTti meet at the Court House on Saturday the lit day of Octobir Ut the purpose of eleeiing officer! and organ jjing ie company. Pereooa wi.hing to joi i tie company cm Live it opportunity or doing Sy ao on tl. at day. .' . . ICT'W'i me ntion ! as a fact highly creditable to the InUbitantauf Rowan count;', tbut oA one siogTe person wn drunk, during the review on ..aturday,jhe.l7tb, instant,. t were ncVcr at general muster here before without eeclng wore or lets drunkenrts. It Is therefore no matl satisfaction to us to. be able ta conrratu. 1 JCrrifii,r.H0JJ?.?W,v-M temperaae up .. on io rre and pirating an occurraoce. ' reoplu Jtt&liPJlifo aUpan..this as upaaItcismhjtrtt; and that ii ell that U aeecry to produce the dtst-uclion of tbit ban f eoecty, that mon ster, druokencts. -' ' : , ' . i s . - ' f ' i i t . . i ""') Vjwi'.jir i,;, ,,, iry , ,,;( i iy tctwv t Mr. JcfTor,.,,,-. l.ucr Mf !...! h, M0.i LI,.;ir.,, author. nope tn.cnm.r, f, n,puUic4nl. w;j. ot .n-.ico mm to y that Mr. hXtrtn would row h.mielf the author of that which b did ot wr.te, but for fc.r of thi, . will agln Jog h.i memory and k hin, ,r t:j(l9 retolut;on ha VA Hut I ..v. m.w.j, pecn iet down -to Mr. J'i, ereoiif tv. drop wrher fcf tJfl . h'm to taok a little Into the history of the eoun r7 ucor. no miles issertions which lura i iiiw mauv ui aouut nn Hnity. - In spite of tin attempt! of the Federal perty to ditcountemnce the doctrine, of Mt. P.!h'... they have been responded to by the Repui,!,.. cm party from M.ina to Louiiiana. We'cfcrt. Bit une np a Republican piper which" dies not ' '!: ;!lec,'!,; l u ..tireit!ie mnnVn o the neit '''r ive I ft y f,r!,an ! j, ii t rc!,i;:. Con n,5i I 'c tcj ffTH our county J j -r t of epjui Kmc r.! ivttuhi- ua n )t drGn. "ely ei,rfMcJ their opl.ilwi but bare avkej Hicir coin:iiun!. were unir.ir.i5u ,! rr they We, ' ' I i tl.f (a'v of .Va.liioH'n. (.' , ( i panptJet j.rm,) e Ipprove nf h ! '.ic '-i of -tho pro- j !e, from di.Tcrc.it pjrti rf tho. Union, to noij a convention In I htUklphia on the 30;h Inst, to dcvin tho brt conntituiiin- halUote fr rebuiMinir t!. Btata Hugio t ' mcim lo procure the rfpfor tuodl HMfa, orforlocatint iteVwhprc.' . Octlon of iho nreient Tariff Law. ' ' -TP'S"' That pt,Mi(j mrrtinbo rtojvtd Thai wo deprccata the pro- . ,.,.,.,,e Cm""t-lloue la Linr?!non, on the nt TarlflT, at o'norom, bciu It Impo 50(1 of Nv.Tibep n-.f rh!.. r.....-..r.i.- i'tl,!,k i.... '. a. . eountv who ir.VT . f. '"'"M"' r ,,re' ,nd hetff '""n upon our foreign 4 meetinir to etprci their vie wianj lmtrct Rur,,,e,nl principally opon tho agrtCul' ur Keprennitivei on, the etihjct. And 'wril intere f, aa un;airr becatwa (be nrtv i:'M-'i!!.! State. ctitutioft.J. ha Ui.l 'oimh tbo 'auricnliaralitt. enrich. cCtbutbfa Ur the1lPpe,i!lbelnterei.!n(?t0 that tfie state. T' W" PfP1? laiter.tiannereiiarr; bef UU n dtt o,n whom we derlw the faffof i Thertfft -R-nfoq Thit 'BiJmeelnr aUol ro,n('ei' W jihe' wants nf the 'tQittnmiiiil ,'he Mechinic'i ReUtrrwiii con- lly N ; n to hi uriTtro Tim MnciMxics iu:QiSTEn Trtt.ritiltrt A"TORTIONf of th 0.1!. T, I wMba detoted to Aerlcu! jro and " ! Mechanic Arti., Ihvlngthe matter In ty pe, we pro: osa to make uDtwo wrek- , If royal tVreta to contain aixteen octa. pacea jf i h one io ber enihled Tha 1 Farmer'i ReuHtapthe ntherl The Ma chanlc'a Reglater. The Farmer1! Rrg-, liter vill coolain igtlculiural notlcei and auca other miner, common to applaud Mr.Cilh.mn fcrbii boldneii and Ude. ! h" fbJecti'" conilddratip ,n,. jf lBcy there b;lnk an exceit of revenue annually uch reoeral information on Mcehaft' pendence and ( iho luandneii of bhj iakVfw ip',Bfn!.,?i?,,rttct tyJM So tfao Fet!rl Thwin'inefieJunt; JJiiori to' the ordiniry itawapa-, ni.Ja.rwT,cip.'ted. theoldJchN ertKS per ,ioticei" will tender it a ralunli wiri.n party aLnlra bin, now more than ever i P1,rPw-' , V heCatna if ii not indiapenaible tfl?any ciullrioo to he Lbrary ofthlf ttleful -atbaolJfde'r.l.pftyht'eKi(timore Bt W Tb t'be peopi-V tfo 'emtnff "Wt''VMJj HJft3acriW xlaaa Of citizen! for whom n viMMIMllcr are Jjrepil n .-.,l ,-.: I . . i7f 'piiiiiininr ilienc I mils muni nwi m a uii . -'- v v iuuii.iuifi - .......... wa,K,( c pur,C( ..... i.u.iii-. nruiun partem. . - " I IJSIlSa'JLa tcknowt tii atCBMalo waio ako Ma- Cat. nor. A wrtfer tn the Richmond Whip, wlioie pro. Ouctioni are characterized by Iciaof that brag, udocio b'lllyin j ipirit which eharacteriaca too frequently the production of the federal wri. tare, hai atfcaipted a refutation pf the doetrinta ao ably aet forth In Mr. Ca1hoin'a puhlieation. The writer in Federaliat and of eoana he lo: not like the Republican notion! of Mr. Calhoun. , lie bai written a aeries of nombera oV of wlikh wa bare not before ua-wa wifj noticr, bnwrver, a few of the rooat. atrikinjr r bit oSjeeiloTW. I?e almita that the conatitntion ia a eompaet ofls Jta'ei but demVt-their rtjftaj of jtidrm; or the inrnrtioni of that eompict. We triirejv expected to (iid any one bold enough to deny that principle in . old Republi can! Virginia but we are artoniahed to are it doied by one profeaaio; to h a frien J of State right! and idmittiajj that the Statei formed the compact. How the Statra coutj form a eora pact and then b incompetent to jadfe of tl powera panted by that compact to lb jrenmt f of emment we eannot divine. If A B U C fall in tleprnent) were to enter into copartnership and make D their ipt or clerk. e;tin)f him certain TJetwoihins.a-tht he ia UdMU and tllat he il a tttpubHcan. The) aannot Cenythat be yuwriwa uiew piunnei J'hey cn(,t p,tV9uX the people from td-ntif.inj hit priaeip'iea with thoae of the $UI Dmterattt prty, with that par.y wn.oh had Tom JefTerion fjr i'i e,der, which old John Adama la hie imotenee tbrea. irned iu put joa 0 with the-rrf but which put him dwo at tbo bullti hr. wm ,Mny U l,;m hav the tendency of Irawinf the old fine of amarct,ol between the two partiei Mch a4.iu the countrythe Fe.leraland Republican partue. it. hope it ma', do' ao. fhe people n Wenda Irwrn their .enernisi. At prH-j.t ao many amoitioui aipirtnta hare ff j awumed die name of R.pablicaa thaitbe pea f; pie are too easily deceived by them. I.et the oiu nee fee drawq and their eioven feet wUl it ahawn. The llepubhcan party wi aain dia play tbetrophy of victory and we m.j again ace onr government adminittcred upon the princi. plea upon which it ai fod and "may atand forth aa a model fc. br imiMji.oi Rcpubncanwin civiGxed' world.' in other parta of the Never B'ere Ae principWa of our fjTernment J. aa, nanera. XIIAEtHUrrrSwTnT u4.aureHHM a4oii-or-in eanfactortid a. T. Atataaaaa, ,) 'J T V " TrilT. That th laUaf pro '. M. LaaaiD,' oee'aifv H . j motf fagd upon the Qoternment and tect, and occasiont Bu'dJen ahd 'aiolmt fturdt trSnna in lk 'nppal markul 1 1 Rul ti Werlnewlav 14th .. Jan. th fir.r n. I .kA.. .n. l....... i k.. ZWt&W .piri,ofdi,;(rec,oh.Fefr.,Unhn The day w.a plcmnf. a l.rr amhly waa eon' nd "'Y- tireatani ita dumembef nrt. netwMn .10 and 11 o'clock thoae of went.. . - ' " tneacbnnl wild VM nnunt .kmilnulu.. 7?.r.W . Tltat lh ITntnn. aalaiftvin ntimW nt tt k. rl t.j:':j....i i,.Kh:.... ..j ae avenne South of th? m-tinr hone where! k:.:...r .... .Si?.. i..- t ier were format 5 . rjL a--.u V MU.' 'eacher, and maer. in front. Z mSi ' rty, awrf aal teacheranett f.l.iwed bf- twelve la-lic and ue 'be nX7 ur TV Jibertjr and propany anu a wo vaiuv our na'ionai in drrmlonrA and thVnnhlo aaerifir.ea thai aS.M?1 thA .M befofe;,he Ncbkred it..; The we deprecate aflvtin 5Z ftrtlai 5S".r. n ?LJ52 U a, m. of .11 Jraea thai cogld the dor of the meeting boui-, when the teach. I bef u'' rtJt w bflieta the Fre'e Trada "m lingers naitea ana onpnerl to the right -onven'inn win ub ia nucti "iicia ft. ao at to rive room fr the aehotara to I and atatUtical InfnrtrjJlbn from all rjarta nch thfiMisrh. the fcholara wera than miwK.l r.u. rf:, n.4 .'n . -..-iJ J ! . . " V I"! l" VIW'I" uiwviti iuviii inn ,111,11 Zhl! T"LT XZZJS " arguments and illtnlr.tlon. in the form tofl of the nolnit th m.t. ih. ur tk- sdJreie to the next ConpreH ol the en an I ainrera then inarched in and wereaat United States,' and to the people at large: ed on thfl rlfht and left nf the tinr'.wti in fmnt aa will rlemonatrata the ruinouielTects of. of the pulpit. ;Divine service waa introduced the present Tariff, upon theintereet and by a.n?mg a hymn, and prayer bv RvT A. Y. n.ar. ftf ih enuntrr. Wa believe that i k arirp. kip m . m jafwipatara iita mum aa f a i ivered an.sddreaa to the children And. youth l!,,K0M by ats .asiemWr, to hMint5n tn ihm fin,t. Vhni r. tv fi.ti I be eomrtosed of so much worth' fend tat ao fairlv helaM tha haonla i an. Ilutni i v r . r . I .. -.i.j J . . . .. . t. u:u , r. -i-- i. i.ocKrira eacn aeiiTerea an appro-1 criti, aaicmicu uuuot .iun mi;u aanc" that thoae bo are' in faor tit locking them aa I priate addrna to the membera of Sunday Seooll tioni to ascertain the truth - discarding arcana with which the people had no bueiness bare attempted to discountenance and huat powers over their etpek who wmiM be the ! amn ,no,e who Jrere 'n fawofthe peopla'a jnd of (lie extent if the powerac ranted to D r'ff''a and whowiahed the princjplea apoa ABaCorOf rVhyaarlf A BfcC. Just so with 'nthevheM thoienrhtitobeuirtylaidopeni the Statra. Tb thirteen Mependent, love, reign States formed a compact, they gate to the general government certain powers under that compact and thev surely ahould be the judgei of the ettent of thoe powers. If thry are iocanahle of judging for themoelvea if the people are incapable of coming to a right con. eluaion upon the meaning of the terms of an agreement which tbey entered into of their Ow n free will and accord in God'a name who are Ar ren ""en? Can they forma more correct ooinion than twelve millioni' We acarcelv think any one would be boll enough to iiv o. Yet thia writer doea virtually hold up inch a doctrine and in the same sentence almoit. pr tendi to harp about majoritie and to arru Mr. Calhoun of heing oppo.vd to tbem! Shameful imj. i lence ! Ut a grow at tmr it deception lie nett aya that Mr. .refferaon dor nr.t s'and aponor for the doctrine rMr Calhoun- We thoupbt the refcrencea vliich had been Civep by Mr Calhoun to the plae io ,r. Jef ferson'a writinga whrre he arowi the ijf n -al doctrines' 4r which Mr. Calhoun contend but their attrmpts have been in vain. Thepeo ana an preaent i service waiconcludeo: bv awie frorn ,heir ddiherations all puty views inr a hvmn imt nnv Im P W If. II I - ' . ' 4 Through the wholeWneth; greateat harnwny "d loeal lntcreat. and Sppearmg to the and decorum prevailed but aa there was a num. Rnerous Impulses of that JaCty p ifriot ber ofchildren between 4 ind lOreanold itii ism which distlngnished our northern nothing mora thin wLat juatice and good feb brethren at the period ot" the Revolution, ing towanu ima nine oano, require to say tnat w j have more weight, than the dinus- iacir cwHiuci Fii iucu pi nui amy io uo nonor a. .a f " ' w 1 1 i fierr eaipu isariv ffriga arir vaasej bsiiia v -wi'r m'i w niiiii vis they never willunV the former to deceive them however artrul they msy be t however ikilfilly thrr mir clotbe their oplniona. We arr glad to ire auh a atate of things. The er rori in government will be eradicated j the only mvereigmin il.iacmintrv, the people will aanme their proper importance i ignorance will be diitinated ind the thin game of lophiitry will pot be able o conceal the dangers beneath from the Lynx eyes of the people. irT We would reapectfully invite the etten tion of our friends, the Farmers and Mechanic to the Proponaliof Genl. Creen which will be found in another column of our paper. The talent ami aSilin ofthe Elitor and the extreme l.w price of the proposed publications ought to entitle them to a good mpport. We should he fl.d to have it in our power to forward the nvnes ef anv of our frienda for either of them 'rT We eortv a piece into another column of our paper from the Fayettcville Journal vhich will put an end to the fears which were created io tne sunaav.acnooi cauie, dui wai nignivcre . , m .. ,f . . . . .v . ditablto their Hacbers, and gratifying to their H preU, bleh , or too generally In- psrehta. ... -jy'.:: caaiaaiiisfcaiW. termmgieu, wu.i pany iccunKi; ma . m th our northern breinrcn connrjing in " The Annual Meelp$ of the Rowan Bible So. thesinceriiy of our remonstrances, will eietywsiheld at the Presbyterian Church In apply the proper remsdy to our qrievsn- SalUbury on Tueaday the 6th day of Sept. 1831 ce, ,nd lnere5f ert th forboding cala- iTTKa'n:. JrnV of -disunion, W. thertfor. in itself for buiiness,-Tbe Rev. Wm. A. Hall. Vice ,ruct tur delegates to re.fain in the si id President took the chair. The Secretary Ur. Convention from d'ncussing .any subject C. Fisher being absent, Michael Brown was ip. which directly 0? indirectly, may hare puiuicu ,ir " "I - ""; the remotest uuon to mc prcsiaennat L.,.a aka.iil afijrtaial llnAiuii ... I . . rr'ZX election, or .nr. other subject of partynr, over the minutes of the laat meet.ng.'an .ddreae i,lic- And e en011?" our ecratioti waa then delivered by the Rev. Tho'a. Epy on against ady attempt to pervert the patrio the importance of the Bible cause an I feeling, tic purposes of that Convention into un- ou!d havejbjeen a iiifRrier.t light to the writer ' in t'-ie minds of lorn lait Sunday by the rumors . - U . it ... .. ..... I v uavr aananea mm. ue tnnurtit tua knowl edge of the h;itory of pHiin ough' to have satisfisd hiia. We thoueht that the remrm bnnce of the fact that M-." JefTenon was elec (ted President upon thoie ve-y principles, ought to hive eitisSed him. Rut It aeemi he has not teen aatisfied. It aeema that be his even for gotten the first of the k'entuekv Reaolutiom imlasthat i familiar to most of our readers and qite sufHcient for our purpose we will jog hia mmnry by laving it before him. "fletchtd. that the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on thr prinr;niof unlimited aubmiwiori to their general govrrrtment j but that bv compact un der 'h- style and title of a constitution for the Vnitrd Sli, and ofameodmenti thrreto, they constituted a general government for. apecial which xere circula,ed ahout an insurrection in 'hisS?4te. We jo;n in the recommendation of the Elitop of the Journal to our brothers of the q iill not to sn'utter ao much about nothing. It dues more harm than good. --purrins'STdtegaled nT5aFgovernment certain uenn'e poweja, resemng each atate to itself, the residnarv mass of right to their own relf gevernrnent; ar1 that whensoever the genern government nssumei undelegated powers, its icti ire nnauthorative, von!, and of no force! thtt to thia compact each Mate seceded as a tate, and is ar integral party: that thia gov. ernment ere a'ehv t'lia compact, waa r.ot made the r.:l :sive nflnil judge ofthe eptent of the powers df.lgwkd to itielf; lince that would have made ita "alircretion, and not tha cona'i tition, the measure of ita pbweraj but,tht as 'tt ad other caes of compact among parties hav. f i.n(r no common judge, each party has in equal "Rnt to judce for itself, ai well nf mrractiona as ofthe mode and measure of redreaa." What doea the writer now have to aay ) Is he ati?fiedtbat Mr. Jefferson went as far, nay farther than Mr. Calhoun haa gone I Like aome hireling Editon he may deny that Mr. Jefferson peine;! -hjaj resolutions (it 'i not iinprobsble f J We copy from th? Raleigh Register a history of 'he Southampton massacre which wsa written by the Tost -Mister a Jerusalem in the neighborhood of the inurrect:om ft7 A negro has been ta'c?n up and confin- ed in Baltimore j;ii I who is auoected to be Gen. Nat, the leader of the Southampton insurgents Cj Pelegafes have been aent to the Anti. Tariff convention from Maine, .Massachusetts. New York, New Jersey, FennsyTvanii, Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia Ala bama, and Tenneasee. Ijr and jorcibly impresaed upon the society the many reasons they have for persevering in the cause they have .undertaken'.' Re. Dtniel Gould the agent being present addressed the society at some length in a feeling and impres sive manner. On motion, PttolttJ. that this Society will us their best xeriioii to redeem the pledge entered into in March 1330 'o ruse K1000 toaid the parent So elety in aupplyingall the dfijtitute families in the U. S. with the.holv senptures. There he. ing a deficiency of g2(K) (of aaid pledge) Oo svafmtinri 7?r.W. Thit a committee constrling of Tho's t. rowan. Jno. McCulloch, Abel Graham, Jno. Fr!ev. Rev. Wm A. Hall, Rer. Mr.lLockridge be and they are. hereby appotnreu to ooiteet the .rrMnni due to thi aociety and that the treasurer furnish a list to each in their respect ive eonareeationi. n,alveiL that there be a meeting of this So- cie'v at Thvatiav on the 2:1 'VerlneiUr ia - .. . .i . r . n..!..in...n Nov. nev, ann mai mc jnnri vduiu, wiih the Rev. Wm. A. Hull as his alternate oeappow .ft to deliver a sermon on the oceaeion.i ' R.-ialvfd, that'ths. next' annual meeting of tliis mciety be he'd at 1 lireex wiurc i on trie lai Friday in Auguac 1832 and that theftev. Henrv N Pharr. with 'be Rev.' Mr. Lockrige aa his alternate be appointed toxleliver a aermon on the occasion, the ncity then proceded to the election of oflSsen for the 'ensuing year. -when " ' Col. S AML. I.EMLY, (was chosen) Prev.dent. Rev. W. A- HM.t, Y RerrTnnirfjTpvT r (Jen. Thji. O. Pota, f Gcoaoa Airpnats, J tfj The Clay Editors are making a desperate, effort loputh that political -desperado upon the people. Do you think they will succeed About as likely. as his new convert Stephen Simpson. ' -jnoe V COriE.VTIOX. At a large and reapectable meeting of the citizens of Uocolnton srd ita vicinity, pursuant to previona notice on Thursday evening, Sept. 15th inat. Chas. E. Reinhardt was called to the Cbair and Ja. T4 Alexander and Jas. M. Leon ard, appointed Secretaries. The object of the meeting having been an nounced, Jno. D. Hpke offered the following preamble ind resolutions which were unsuif PVee Prtiidenti. " Thos. L. Cowan, Trtunrtr. , Caar.r.s FiJuaB.'Sec'v. ' - Former Managers continued. ., MICHAEL' BROWN. S?e'y. pre Urn, 5 9M90$ ' ANTI-TARIFF MEETING. In .purstnnce of a previous notice a meeting of the citizens of the town of Fayettevllle, was held at the Court House in said town an the 2nd inst. On motion, John D. fMes' Esq.' was urtanimously called to tho chair and Di v Ion Jordan jun. was appointed Secretary. The Chariman in a few brief and per tinent remarks, explained the object of the meetmp. Louis D. Kenry, Eiq. afte a pili mi nary adJrcsv submitted the (b'.Iowingre- holy elemsnls, far promoting disunion or aiding in any mjchinations of political parties. r On motion, farther resolved, Thst Committee consisting ff Five be sppoin ted to unite with a committee, thst may be appointed at a meeting of the citizens of the county expected to be held on Tuesday of our ensiling county court, in appointing six delegates to represent this town and county, at me Ann-a arm con vention to be held in Pniisdelphia on the 30th inst, and in case any accident should prevent the meeting ofthe citizens thst this committee have lull power to appoint the said Delegates. .Whereupon, The following persons vix Louis 4. Henry Esq ; Or. Thos. N. Cam eren, Joshua Cochran John Huske and Pari I Tillinghsst, Esq. were appointed a Committee to uni'.e with a Committee of tho couoty, to appoint the said Dele-gates.- . - Resolredt that the proceedings of this meeting, be published in the North Car olina Journal and Carolina Observer The meViin'g then adjourned. -. JOHN D. ECCLE3, Chsirmsn. , DUlon Jmrdin, 'jon'. Secretary. Stdte ot XortU-VjaroUna.. scaatcoosiTT. ; August term. 1831. HENRY GV HAMP rON vt. xVathan Moffits Orginsl attachment. .It appearing to the satisfsction of the court, that the defendant in this esse is not an in habitant of this State. Upon motion, it ia'j ordered by the tourt that publication be . www a ' m made in the western oaroum.n tor six weeks that the defendsnr appear at the next court of P'eas and Quarter sessionsi to be held for the countr of Surry at the Court House, in Rockford, on the Second Mondar of November next! then and there to pleadi or rcpley or the tame will be taken pro confestoi and baar4 ex- parte. 6t25 TfJ, JNO. WRIGHT, c- c fHfificd trhiisTttiill'didrilte'm't minicans.;, i or tnese wortii we ask thrf especial contribution of thoiei whose avocations, in life, enable them to give practical end useful Inprmatlon. irr Tha piles for these Will be ornv dollar and fifty cents per annum(paid in sJvance. i. As Ibis' sum cannot be remit ted by rniil, an? postfnister friutbori- xcd to receive it on account, arjj the pt per will be forwarded on his receipt. The Editor la willing, where one fndl- ridusi will obtain eight or raorei subscri bers, and remit one dollar end twenty Gva cents for each, to far ward ihesa pa pers at the rite of one dollar and twenty live cents pet 1 toluma , Each volume to contain fifiy two numbers. ; ; -i The -object ot boih these works wilF be, t place cheap newthahet within the reach of every chixen f and at the sie ims,to make it doubly Interesting, by giving Important informsiian,' suited to the avocations of those for whom it It in tended. We admit thst It lioor desire that they shall find their way to the'fire&jde. of every honest citizen i and are are reV"" sojvea to ao an in our power,. to miksV ' them srortby of tuchiivor The Regit let will contain a cTue proportion of poli tical matter, andja addition to the valua ble information, periiWng to their tpe, t objects, which the title designitft. it will embody important state papers, in a convenient form for preservation. Tno public mind has been much excited on the subject, and witba view to embody id a condensed form, an authentic account thereof, the. first numbers will contsln the correspondinca between General Jackson and Mr Calhoun j which wiil be followed up by the publications explain ing the causes of the dissolution of the lilt Cabinet i thus embodying, a' matt cV interesting history upon that subject, In a pamphlet form. Aa it is expected lbs many village and neighbourhood' clubs will be formed for their circulation, wr intend to publish a large edition of the first numbers. ;'?r,' ..-"-. Oar subscribers and Agents are res pectfully desired lo promote the object of this" address, and Editors with whom f we exchange, are requited to give It an" insertion in their respective pipers. When they take into consideration the extra expense incurred by ui, in furnish ing thefm the report and proceedlnrs of Congress, the request will nor appear unreasonable. 'The favor witf he red pro cated if desired. PUfT.GnEENV Waihington City, Ancnv 8. NEW .ESTABLISHMENT. tTUOH Q'JINN md ANDHEAV HASf 1 SOUR prscticing Thoraaonun Ptiw- sicians, having bought outDoet.At Reed't shop of Medicines, &c. in partnership have established a shop in Lincointon, On the tame lot that Moffitts store is on and near to said store where a general assortment ol the medicines of our Sys tem and ratents mat be had for the use of such as may patronize us. It jnay al so be uhderstood that we are still as here tofore general practitioners. v QUINN, ' ;lw ' , " 8c- v' '4 - . RAMSOUR. Lincointon, JV. C. Seit. !6rA 183ir P. S. U. Q- hjs'taken boardincr and a room with J. Reinhardt,' Esq. in Lincoln- ton where he may be enquired for " ' -. H.Q. lVTiintvlAMA. S A ESCAPEDfromtheJ.il in Howati County, on the J2 insiant, twr negro men. -one a free negro ba the name ofSamBailemwp? is stout built, " verjf black about fifl or 30, years bid, speaks broken of the French language ; and the other a slim black fellow, very active, belongs to James Huie of this place (Salisbury.) . Mr. Huie pur chased him in Concord Jail, of Col. Kin' die is the agent of some man in Ala bama, his name is Hardie. The above, reward will be paid upon the delivery of said negroes to- jne, In Salisbury, or hr , securing them so that I get themif Bo"' both taken Ten Pollars for each one. F. SLATER, SVf.i f f