9 . 1 L .& I1:.U& . -tmSW-f- r.-mm" - . .... k .... .. . .. .-, u; .... mt- '1 -- r i." H ,"irrva-:-er " W" ' 1 Aljiktt lilii.lWk W S"l - - ,.. . .. I . r II. 'I' .,1" i I ft.'., f, a i il ii.ni nrnif - it vr am ir Kit ' 11 u)a ' . . . ii . i '..Mintrrivi i . 4. era 1 yi rii itm 1 ren e s. a 1 eiMe vt...'.. . Wales ouring in'-- in- - - 7 - - . it . .. Mr. Sncert. trom mo mi... ,-JKnl.lici, iwiiu" " ::..c.i:l . ... 1 .. r. . . t hck Minimi in r itirritrn i;uihi . ..... . . i wa 1 tmtrn Kiju n.rKTii'cui. h r1 , - i.r , , ., n"ii .jkMjrwtAfi inn, in pui.- -; . . , r,h(l cr;w f TP Jimp" .i Salary, h.nng Nwnl 40 oHf" .Xtar leSea Sergeaiit-at-arinsftn.) oorh, 'hntorl wai 'elected Uut Poor. kwxiroa thASatb tal!ot; nnd.ttv,R.1l', - Mr.' OarUin m elected Chajtlinoa the $ec-nI Inulot. , - r ' , Tuesday Dec. 20. -Vn inters-aing d- kik tok plica oil th cwlrattwn of tlic ltwrt of tha Committed f Tinanc 6a Pittnlmrz. Wtur to "i-i ... .ft'.-, itnilr a m in whrrh ..UC1'. " . ( .' .. ... Vn-i Chamber 14 1"" Th P011 ,rM i--.1..' u;,l i,a ida taiila. ' " " " 21 The rfS)Iution . , r.- .1 a ri ,S fi.jvernmcii! nr tf Vwr v'-r 1 Ar;u" wnivrtfd a bill f t (h. relief ,f U wiJ C9'in'""" Tuwav next. rmnce, wh.n . . I W. . c " lion intrucHn them t rnsu n.. v , j.. M. faiuncr, F'8'; the State to pive main - I hoinpaoii, LI f. . .if.- " - .-A7 W. Vootpn,C VV?-ch-G5. . . i.i,Jat. iiooa.lhe iuuloctl. .r- :r.K.-Jitiv:"Airtsn, iJnrfThy: P".- . "ji " j -it . c,..... muiirrf!ll.'i ; .. s i . 1. .,1 ttmnlr. HillT in which i )'-"-.-- nnrriu'vt ""n .;;.. i w rttm Cmniittco"-. i ' .ru. flax tui.LourtS. vuins a trausf-r thffclaim of the State j Fa.Wif.ncmm.nj!;, Garland against tha L'miJ Mines, w. .t. , v.v, (;ausPt (;ia lJwv(li ,Un, M,'i V" , to be Literarv Fund, n-porlM that kgi- H a.nIpeyre, Iake.J Liitle, , b,OH ihe-wVi-x). lVW-d,.jlA3n, MrWMebtM,Mi k. Mintiw nf n-mwin? these tlH i . 'V wi-- 11V . 5 nnimn P Ol f ) II r(IIil!C Uli.l 11,111,11 jf .J I ... ifTrs anions oiir ciuzouj u.u nirmoiiv i . . .. . II il .. Jl . . . lu I r m tftii Watefwt it-r4iercrjy rci .tvCi j bt tn autftoiiiy ii iiw auincinai u is ej. piijtcnt ta a ConventiottiBf ihjrfltwfti'Hi"" " at &utih Carolina, for tlie urjKe of coti .iikJii tliA tifonriftv Mf amtficlrntr tlin uw ..-s ,-- - r- J , ;r. t : C-ifitiiution ol tlie NatPj . aiw aUo pi ro- nwViiif the Seatot o uvernment. P. AirtKiir. tliiit it uliaH tint1ia t'- JM.CWI.M ------ -- .if " , Tt!rlay, Dfr. 20. r'Gn "motion of "Mr! Hiilnn; th tXanrrat. tee on the JuliciarweVe r..truct to eiwgire into th cowtitolM-itlity of tnx- i.,.. ,un n rrcdho d: anu "" . - .. nb.iiittJ Tucrlay by mr.rwoim-a, e-rf ,rtifirtM U-gally uth-iiti"" . ... tnrnrtntiiinii t . l in 'St and ihfllJriUlhWestJiKlie, came ut b c nirM (mr coiwidaration, aad atter i few' remark Troni lttsx. - Webster, - H,4me. and Smithy wa laid n th tabte on Mr. Smith. wh6 stated that he 'Tkurtdav. Dee, 22.TU wlutm of a.. i u.. u, llAtmfM. ranini? on the Prea- .licit of the United States tor iiifonnatw in relation to the trade in the Bntili Wt-t -WU fa provide Tor tti cxnnt;iii-iiH-. 1 Th-lt'iJi title to lann in mo di.m, waa. ordered to engrowed for a ihirJ fading. - jf- trs.Jnt, Jhe. 2S. M- a -iiji . i-ui w-MKWft the unce - tm JtaBUii4lunpnt of Imlian ntl t. UnJ 19u OY inn a-uiiii.' -ii . Virtiift of the law f it-i l stitnti'mii'i. . . .. . . Tt., .mBi.il r.ill to4-eneaJ an Art, ; i in amend an act t" alc;r the time r4 howm? two oi tm . ; - ' i.i.i wad ttm temw iiibp, nw Benton irilro. ' WedaeidayiDee. 28. -Tlie mf.t important matters transacted ii. tit- grnnw. woro the pnncntntnn, by . 1V-..1. '..4tVi,iiA' if)lulTfm to wi i-ftH he fouftd in t pretdinga of .the. Ihm ..f uiinviiof thattwy?. Mr. niHlmush nlo presented sundry i-Rwitiw" is ndatiMi-" to thfli-TarUt jk- nMrintt it n-ae-Ki1anutiimai p pouhty.waawad thn T'TT 3L? ...,! to Struct our W and and orders to oc IV B " RMtllUv. .ionof.th.OHU-durmwh.rh M nor . UuTChT, ling compelled piv .account ol rtpr ,Tav1ThmsthirrfHl-Givtitin - Rho. . Intent, to oantnw'10 '.I' ii v. thfrUrtueas lrajaaiUit nif day.;, rf: a . a ... '.. in i WVprtoo, W,lch-f, Worth, W. WnKht, W.J. wriftnt, too. this Bill, was taken ,loU in sliojOMi;1- Repater, aud will bo puWisiieu nereauBr.j , Aaturdti)!, fe(P'J?4? :.r-...b tim fiortic lL'ion. By Mr. IHJ1M pja 'T1 ( f the iiub icfltion ot a Hostorv of North Cnrohno. Providos .i if. 1 Mnmhv. who rfi eneaied in linn . - - ... x.t Uitarv of the the State, may raise bv wav.cU unwry ior . . . . l-j- al. a,.lM,A- I tin mlef iind 're!iuUtioiw.'aa-tfi;clio.i for memlicr of the llciternj Aasembiy are now held ; aud all free white member lb a.f 'M VMM. haviiMr Imoii eittxen t.t--z- " W CI . " tho State twelve mttntln) imineuiatcly pic , . If iV, l.Artiiiti arrt MfititiT iA"" nidi-ralile diwiifiiion crwued, hut iw que; ti()ti was taken. . . Frith). Dte. 'mtt$prfnteZtty Mr. ElHtt, -i-jug hm-pr tiuitt t'l r'-gi''tftr of tiurf' 17thilstat, dwda irf rncimc conv.ynn. cw, Aei Bv f r, Maw, QNmcorporate . ah. 4 iwioiiiirn i . 1 1 i la ii i iiniif w in the'Stato of Illinois nud iwritory ot "'.. HiU wfTre reafl (hc fiHine Mifhi'an. wn Wt- . h m, Hr.,irorii. fniti thf, C"mmittg Tup1ftSfMiL-- ' -- . 4th iwhiH-wa rfVrfedT TeWted"t U ,. , , ! - .iii...t'iniT r!rn Aral HOUSE OF CO d dONS. and to secure to aeoiors u n-i nwuiijji v..., ...w j:f rhmttmB-aftrr they Uavt-heen wvered , counties ojywojvBertie,lkau . IHIIBliHww v j r. !.l IV,1I from the freel'liv - Those hiHa were severally roadlhe 7hrw,av,Prr.-S8. The Bill to abnlmh the punnmeni oi .. . . ... . r n.. m.ftmir nil ine ! r " If- 11 1 f rrtM fllA .ITl!iTlIl I I r. .. J Dill Theae. hii.s were rcao ine '"v v -v . , , , '-rima. Mr. .Pearson nvyen i!at saw phi Mr TkownricmlJt : s -. . i. . 7- J ins- mj. - , HOUSE OF; REPREisENTATI T.S. t R ujn.tal Ba'alion andoni- : . i iv..iiu i Inn LlMrivi w jrom inc vu""r"" ... r Cnluuifcreported oi..e JM auhiftri ol shiycrjln hi:JiKtnrt, ttrs. r tirtft be discharged from a further CO.k ? Oration ot that part of it which routes U) IIIC iiuiiiii" - .'- . , JT -- 1 . . .-4 an.l.MIUlUlllOa. atla .. ... - -ii.inivlv ilia ..f- - I Vy.n. t1aa' Wa- - BO"t"'4,J-!-" .til .... . . . ..... .. .. - . . .A-ia.nf.iv ufraiolunonr-wB. aAirwaras introduced, tlia mt iwptj . ....ai...P"" ..V.." . T I. ilk, -f which waaeM y rar. rrt.-im tht CPmmittee ,WaM.ud i. Wr.a to rnnuire into 1h pjdiency of : :::ixiinpiInlrom:iutf ,:.tear vt tartmri-limltatioMrn "fJ r rh.1 price of such wool shall not ":t:t-- ..i .-;. u....ndkrtra4iuhMimieiiUv .. .. . . W hartmn the ' r i ii.a Cotumiltef on fllamifae- . ,..nn U. Roar th first time. It". H.r.w. ..- . The Bank Bill was. nn taken , naij disciiVd. and "after vari m aim--.Iiiiisnt i had bflcn pnfiotwd n'"1 e'1 to' " P" od its sccrnd - rcadirig ' t3- -Tli Aves and Noes being denjapiled by Mr, Myo f Pit', wern as follows: (For iti jxime. mt. Allen, ifcii, ifownriwf: Caldwell,. CoojpifjMsr'in, 'rf..flatwfcr Dvjht1f?,ionfli, DAsnn, Oiiawe,(JiMnnlWVlI'tlI Hike, (lllTI)r,luw.M, . ...-Tr-..,.r ? MFarlandv MNhaf RockihahJMatthwsoMaH!y,l nt :jt nmai.aiarhhfitlPiWil.'Jlcn. woon, yaijnTi "," " Affdinrf i7. Menr. Askew, Batonian tt..".T.TrcifiiiKTrt?5 liinVnavVril'KerrT MaWiairnf discard fnnn th ftirlSer Coiwuleratitm therv)f. Cinrmrl in. -Mr. N'ichid.iiui, from tlie committee m the, act pasO in l-l, iruur.ini; iu" nuni- hef'of petty musters to two in a year. 7s?I7ie n Hi;lhen proceeded to thrift.1 iaWpJ biiiiicaii of Yesterday. ' faittf 4he consl.loratino 'nf" the bUl-aiara;iri5lriftTm. ('iilii" Mr. Iak took the fl"r ii.n to tho bill and wa followeJ T5 Mjj" sin Taf w of inf-Tueasart" o.iTrur tlm iluv of election aroreansteJ'to" attend aaid o!I aud. '. y.ute fur. IteAtes'.:;. . to a Coitfeption. ; ; ..- And be it further Baohcd, that tlio, Pelegatea so chosen shall be 1 distributed same beine on the Uaisoftoderal numbers,. . . . t a m that is to say. tue couuue,s oi asug, uia,- dfi Brunswick Columbu i ituckf Chowan, Caraden, Gates, Uret'nc;. enaWiiie him to complete the snme; the Hertford, Ilydcr, Haywood, Jones, Lem.tr, sum of $50,000.)- By Mr OBrion, to Macon, Mart in, Nas'OusW, Pasquo- and to secure to debtors a cerium pinion , uaainngwn eacn, ww ii n-gaia uiw narrus, i..nautiam, wunjw;naiiu, v-wiwou, e n....i: ' n-...4 MI.. W Vriaven, iuiuiu, uiuuii, jlaiuciuuiwi . Frankiin, Halifax, Johnston, Moore, JloaU : gomery, l'I.tlla!npton, JMew Hanover Person, 1'itt. lUmloiph,. tticiniigiiam RirhnwmdiiiiipMmJkH ren, and yyii each, tjiro DoTezaUwr-,v . . . . .. p RnnATirtt: t Imlfnrd r.- Ilic iy.iwu.iv. "I am. .''..-.--. "J Granvillfl, Iredell, ilecklenbtirg Ruthsr. .faHkeMmff Waker each; tfforr 'gate..cotwr'M.laci.C arid Rowan," eachT four Deletes. y Be it further JReiolvtd, that the Dele pate aa cheiwrt, iAall meetin Conrentino- on.th- -day of next, and when du. y organized, "ahatl proceed to consider tiia propri' ty of adopting .the following h tide to the Constitution of theKtatei Aud wiid Convention ahall be wtric ted and limited to the proprietjT-if si - bf -MeTckte4a!.-AiHWHrrH ."'L iilthTBin art oi thtwe uhiinatfily rejected 44 to.6. , and tne Uiu Monuov, uee.jm. P,t!ti,m Preirnted Bv M r. M-batte, bf-MecHtd!2i tion ot a new Lout; " "Mr. WebhTfrmr tho me; oommitte to whom was reierre.1 a petion a.u coun. . Mim tef,JMii..liL..Lr!lli .J:.2S--.91?fi.-j-" j tHietbliiihtncTit of -centrl Rail Read. Cnuw Creek in It wan county, FFJl?.U"'T.r.T: .A .n.H ,.,H.r.H to be tiiat the Mibjoct n.attor in not worthy of j "' kMftttivo- iivK'i lei I'nces, aud iwavcil ta bo ,P"U".U It,-ii. ij1ed: B v M r. P( .hertv , to m- cprp-ratethe Chariotietiold Mining Com- nanv. Iv Mr. ninH ion, ior reiuiH tiiL'pi'tinjr JJie law oi r.iwuw'n , .lu-ei'tinsJne law oi r.;ttu.M..j; .?-tcd.and.Juiutel to . tne propriety iniMstors. pthOT artsctesj -or aoy . . a a,. av ca . i . a .a apa-niii me compeiam rim-n "r,," or either ot tjenj,aivi no otner. difi t tho law on this subject, to be RTlciKi 1. -'Th 8mt-lh4t bo laid beC.ro, the next Ugubtom.) 'ed of Members. UicnniaUv ekW: Theso Bills were sarerally read the first fn.ni aarh Countv in the State. Senators PirttiIrti"!FH ut Ttflowed by Mr. UHr .ifjrur. ir. m .vwthmi mm roav m re p!y"t Jhe-firtr who hid' preorVi i -fww-?Mi;rfr t l0li Mout2'Hnervf t Mrtf )fdr .M'WJy, Mai tit fit-' -R' -Raf'v . j.hmtm fuai. in tha-nitt fl Lr!- MAK-irf tin--Ra-.' Rwlae- -iacU Messrs. -flofTmtnv Dwbonw- M TspjiR, -.ftllywni;. Sdr J Thomrwonj ooi ' " Su.Krdaj, Jft ?i. It;j nrMrsJfd. Bv Mr. Ihwkin, to incorporatTire"Cta-U Gold Mine Com pany. . H'ai tne iirw iimc. , , . M r NpiwM . lrm Ilia MUOi atu-ti cum. n.vta mhat oaH of th GoverilOl's Mo.3. sijre roliuf t Slates, &c reported a bill which ha- us nm rcaaing-iur. inc l-.ii.rP iii'nli.Hi of tho conduct" ''of free nhirrma and SVPS. . Mr lTl.ri nikmittcd the following Pre- mblend -Rewtoti!,-which wero read - - - t -s; - r'.-uiinL - uamnrciene, - . -MaMihuafa Adaml..J Wavneddfomd Ihfi ll.W-Tbo- i -tWan wa orreated by the etpiration of ;n.eJy, 20.-Mr. M'Th.ttle, from rh'a Cnmmitteo of.Waji and Means, re-"-i:-iij-xit a-cntatiatm-v of the act. to, nj. - Suct .the duties on tea, cofll, and cocoa, ' which was also reno twice auu cuiu.".". -" . :.r.rt.a Pnmifkmr and three lors of tho Che.Cke and 0h tanal - CompanVprtji 11 10 - rbnrter.'attd an kcrafl of aid, was order- , ; rd te ho printed. Mr TT j ami ..J. , tie. B tea, win, apicM, c iha hroaontation of s- veral othej resolu' , ka AHouioa of. the refbrence htm wT"j'Mm.M'KB":' W'hpii Mr. tcood Usub aud passed.' 11 y wood I had cbuclu.lcd. M r. Gaxt :ou 1 nit.- the exDettmev jw amcnuuie ute aci oi ,;,,; . . . , ...... . .. -.r i n. auiJ.4llnye.I P:ftl ?r,oi. l J"J i Arrrastiv rwriT a-ts of nttfieinu m chi'fhive been receniiy comninica n m fn rar.ins of color, on the i . , ., ... k ninn.,lpVt ftf" Mpi'iitwira hienniafiV ch9 ' . - . . .. i. ... . A ... . . I ten by ...tue Uic wtnle n;tn M.I11B pw7 "" m the same maimer as liereimvlier pron. iueiotiy. tec. I,1. on.1 lha momlipra and 11 Jlaai.wv 4Mm ih I .immitt m titO n , .- . . . ...i-i...,...!. .1. t .jr...i.li.- 1 " sjiaxi Dofces'i leFpccuveii , mo mi un- jumcmrv, wuu wCI: .miw y..H-.. fiCations ns are now remirea y lt .r.M...ll.w it., i t X " ' nun mo rrxpemucy juhvuuiujj w gi;ini,on mcnJini? jin., atiumiu uuui fuuin.i iuy " - . .. r . ,s i K. i. l:.t. if-WBaJI "f . tn lia ILTi i . ' ' ' ini BlipropnailTn. Til-war- iHtiwiinm-wnn.il m.vipiw-;i wmiwr r.i. motion of Mr. Hcun, the Uouse ai.jouru ed. " - - - Frittaw. Dee. '-'3. " TuIIa nrttenleir Bv Mr. Leake, to ameud lie act (if IMQ.to prevent obstruc . . . .t .... jo i aiiaiu ivivrra. it m. ,hp i i j i en. riaml nt irt llin wrinI ol CVCrV u-u .....irxi r-.t. .... lna. -a read the third limo end naascd. cral J"0"? .w -f?".. . i rutiiuuau m laiiK u n' ----- - le cf the President tmd DircctuniYeas 65, Nayu of. .".i. . .. I rr.. . i:n . .. . c :....-.!.. ..f E .wW!HA'"r;7'Vr,. ttyi I hornee awl cam ot soino o we owi of which a long tfobstowaueOr ffc-f wVra44boUvd,, 11.Mie edjonnieJ. '-i - . ,w Ue gnid ootrateawew he isotwe. " HWwufojfr '-Tl;-'1f, Vrm 01 ouchce of t tigllar.t'atid faithful petf.ni. North Crolii,nioed tho following reo. faii rtroi iB .n , - it . .v . . it .M .e Ik. la. itrwl .kM. frrfJ, Tliai n. C&fpnutter nn trw doubfttxi ,ttftthe pumment pi. i mx tho Aanwal Raport of the Trwtees Mr. Dirtricl of CohynVia M tnatrotiea u rr- fcy U(r forMch ofiencea, and tfao'ef the University. TheGovernor informs, the full -1 t, I U ,!. a.ul tliainct.lotlMJUoiwe, . . X ... t). ., ., . . i - . . ... . " ... I iiri;i'i " "" . a.taeWr1MT-, " tliai me. lnwrw m inai imuiuiion nave oT Ueprcrl V ,. ed, that the oubject bo rer.rrod to the' a4U-tigM tn rVtltt?!V yrr?!: JfailnimUiiai . Pud pari rX tha Tion : aud ether i finncex shall be prosecuted, re portcl 'hat th,e Committee believe it ines iWMliAut to:aiier the said Art in the man- n'r sujjgeted which rcjhjrt was concur red in. "" The Bill to ameml the Lib section of an 'I T . . L . I " it..m 1a ika nacAta t AK im flip PaifMiAct. WichI in If 16, L'h. t12, t-r the and main Tadkiu Riversi Bv Mr. Me. roore tpeedy- trial of Slave, in capital i ....... i e t. . n...t. i... .... ' nn. wn rean Iho third lima anil atv oY -the Baiik -of -Albemarle, f Provisions imilar to the proposed Farmers ami Mer ctuuvi' IUnk.JyMr7"ntmniT7tn i. tend the jurisihclion of Justices of the Peace, f Gives tliem iurisdictian of all caws under &J00. fiy Mr. Bamnger, t.ufttvpoJ-atc tue Cabarrus JUou ?l"ng Company. TV? liills were read the first time. The Him aker laid bufore the House a ffin'""""""""' ''"" the .GovcxnoKf-cov. 1 1 1 Ronrftsmtntinn M the iioUSS... of Cornn' tis khnll he eqtia' and OTiwraVv- .... . : I I an) nil re .ulated and ascerta-ncd by the tVtKiral Awiembly, ouco m ever tea years, on the lnis of ftleral numWrii that is three fulhsof tho black p.rMilati ud.lcd to tfie'wliblo of the white poiuls linn.-" The ratio tm avbieliibe ll7ri.ca. tativcs shall be dwtrOHited among W.??: par, aliall tm an fixrd bv law. as in to Tuaiilo aptiut a Si.perteiJanT of " V' "r,"' Puldic Works was taken ud. considered, ? "u",,rcu '- " ........... .. - ( lunnmiM. dVi ami alota- lue ivrur" Mind pAhI us llurU reaamp - - declined accepting the loan of tho State elitin2tethelotwstssaia.lsrw j. Message, which ndatee to.'oflaat eeasion.-There are fiw "vscancis Whkh solution, after owe tnviaiBKK . . . . . . ui,. . j. . . -t f ,i , ... k'.w. , " - - m . ... . . . j p lUrwnve.? T ; - lure at the present .scmiou. Cmnmons, ovor ami above- the Rrpret tativca of tlo tow no, if the Borough lem eliwdd be retained. When a countf may 'ifd coidam a mifTicient Itntwnt ef federal numbers to entitle it t a memtef and when the fm'ious of the e-ljitrfm CHintte the rstio. then two of more couatiei nnf ... . . ., , li iiiiuil kmrltiai.tLa ILa-uurDuM of sow:. Whitakcr. of Macon. Drenlc.I..,n "!? mc,nUf or T '. lowiofr Preamble and Resolutions: ".t f ;.tiUod Wtena y - .-ii-.:i.-t -1.1- -..:..!.. tried ratio. H lien Mieeo er --. wiiv J aBUa sjii ui u v I ' sm t I c- Thp nirroiMd Bill to ektnhlikh a Bi'lk on thtt fuoda-iJ'tUe- Slata, . wa . read liic first li.mo. Mr. Boddie moved that ssid Bill -bo indefinitely HBostftoned. On this motioiirconstdmbhr dehateTw, hot it was ultimately carried, Yeas Ct Nays OA aud made the order of tho day for dav ncM : TueJ- a . . .. h. . ..- t Alteatmn, wes egrwi a ..?t 1 Re mdee i. That tho CwnUL- !? trml tmprtwement be directed to imjuirt .i.. f mdirtraiiiur the acts fincorpnrafion cranted by tu -e of North CaMliM tn Orf Rnoak l,inf Cnpany, in 121 nd 1M. And - thtt w eomHiUtee'te directe .Kin: - otte: lato the expedieney f trwyinj liaid R.Tmke Inlet, with a yi'5. of re-, ,,nnif tb- a suu.1 P th- rrf "4 i-c, tKa C. a.itte -r ( nimirebe - -ff.'rrtl t a the CoraunUeoXJowrwl In The" Bank" BIB Baiaed lie IhW te ailina t " The Ilouae oroceedud to the tififinUhel 33 to 28, lud was ordered to b tDgrotscaLbiiMnete - of yetenUv, being the Appro. - pr'ation Bill Mr. Henry rose in opjaAi- MiUay, Dee. 26. tiooand epoke for about thr e hsir. il e.-aii rmmlhe Committee oo the He was Wlowed by Mr. O'Brien, who yJi;. rM,rW a Bill alteriue the Uw advocated the meewtre, The dLalc In Tespw-r w the "Hhilment ' Widow's ?ft9 rloaed by h. vj.asbm, tfl TCpiy JUia dower. T ft ovidee that five Commiasiori. cipatly to Mr. Henry. The question on er shefl be ft eomftent oumhrr - to lay tlK paae of ii bill, at it second read "off WiTow'i dower. 1 -ini. was tahea aUut dark, and rewlied .. tn!. .. . .. iVi. Ar.1 ji-u. iu its re'echoa. hv a vfe ifi tn15. a Botioit of Mr. Merarlud, I 7ee who tmed for the biU, were ; North-Carolina entertain the opinion that the Cntistitution of the tlie Bute i di fce- tive in some of it j T'Wdamental pmvisioni. and fkouircs ainctklmcM : more esw'cinlU in the peerent rnof'e of Reuresiiiilation, more Tminties, adjacent to- b other, having fracti s over and aoov e iuc " tilnn.ifauchlraeuonswhen &mr .kr w.ll .nwuiitt ta'lka ratio, llli'rt 01" member shall be ftAled to the eounty h in? the largest fraction. Th rl raneemcnt on lit princiVof th 'f4' nu.ni. aluilt I. m.ula Lv C'ie Gcnertl A- .iuWr;iir the year 1811, nod until th- which instead of beiag on -the jut and MVTL Zvmi equitable has,, of taxation ami fmulttti,.! rCooimtne h .11 wT" is aceorthng to counties, unequal in seise ntfmb-n from th several cnuotw aud greatly diprtprtimate in wealth ftnd A.u wRittaa, local jealouaie and divLa. fdtewt.'tnwtrfTbe resolution nn-Mintla Uii.h one. io be changed. A. IV Tha Kancral Assembly r l M Um l.llkl.l . y ions, trowing out of this state of- things, meet ncei in even" two years, but tn hav t.rnany -years eiTed among' the the jnihlie interest require ,n" di people, distracting the c ou-H-ils rf the Stale,: ere .r, . in the interim, may all tod obstructing liberal and wholeaeais leg ( session, -

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