i v.- r. - y ivy - 1 , Vi!'"! rifhVll.i i' VK""Tr T ,wl in "Uinca ..fWmtaUtywhicI, ! to reon, iu thefcr.rt of tUcai,,n, W4 w! ltU tai l f rli h H will 1 tssdi-d wiiS l.c'o r-'n . . . Dr. LLiu sAMsijinnv cowan county, n;o:;.m)Sda vebih' AllV .ft. 'i Vol n,....: ,r ' ' vi jio tui tuj.it OF THf CONKtlTKHO.t. WHIT w'fc ( t) vc.r-'5A V1LL THEY IX) AN V THING ! -T.WIUTCAN-.THEV.DOf-. k UtMrtirV sti fjn we hear aed ev. ery luy, but such il Jhe distracted trtitn of th j,ii!iiic inioa, n oiw can prui:.ii i ivo Crm mtUCic tory in wrr.- The 4ter" of public opinion are so full t.frd 4ij r,l counter-current,- t')a our fnee im are qtiita at. a ba to say which way ship will float. The master and .the ante refer 'ry thing to the spirit of con. -tftliilioii and la th wisdom ami ut'riot im af the ere, and they, in their turn, will fyolt frr eiwura joiiwnt and asswtance ((id the shore. It U very clear that sonm. tlw mmt bo done, and thai speedily, 'to bind up the breaking peace of tha nation, 4iv! nstipthe raging "foppoiite and vi. jpul interest. The groat quetion which it uow U'f re dmrco fvr wtllenieiit, it of n,' ordinary character.' .The principle involved are mora important, tha iutcristi Jarur, an I the confequearei mnra extcn jiivTt!ma any other qution wlilch'liaiJ jet Ixinn preMutad ti the American pto- Thc late war waa, perhapa, at the time, .tupa. jaiclbsJtuU l?Alt,r ft; IIhI fis rn'ir nura of diaeonWot,' and the n -ut iftmilti of iir eflirtt Mdy aervud in r in. i mi niotyrrii ;i..nii morn. poly l-' t tl.f ia tr;l! tl!0,r,utu)n. VV Lavn iimu'Ib uotf of a greut power, h it w nc-. iary f.tynnr riourir and your iutcresrfi it hcronif un lnpT- nrcc irj, and w ivti 'i, ii into th-tmndj of tbi frr fthoffi ! ft it wo gnen. A bill t re peal t!, Arm of I U aiu) with mich . pi-faiiiu!,'wouM rcrciv Hi" liyr f Its ImIJ nt"i( n would atriko dmuli all tha wi!iiiof defeated aclfiih:iem. i , . I-rt a uiiif irra ad raloreiu duty bo im. H-d tijw.ji ah iinportn,ii as to yiutd a re. vt:nuo cotiimnsurat8 with the wanti u( thfi e'iuntry."C)UCB courto at mce aiinple an I prntical, would embrict tho intrTt "full fuKi it would pgt down nullifica. lion in thfi South, and fimlin55 in the North I an.l, t-jgrtLer with the chargci which acc iiiipaoy aliiiopor,Wi,,'i , friy , L'.urpA, would givoan amount uf inciden tal protcctinQ wjual t tho jut wanti of tho nianufioturer, without burdmiing the curwiiitrr. All othiir " model of aettlmi thi Tri,T, are utterly Tain and hopelett. Tho pr ipla will u4 boar to tea their mo te -iukt m ni irVprbud ' and more uu'led. T'.n 'liiiuri QuMtion, m it waa called, kui V ita dey, bit thi faeliiis which it n.-rrTnlred were nut t-TrM orlnirpaliu AXt'i-.-'f iHn kill, artd tha mighty phaatouw hich cunning politieiane as J conjured up iav all reni'ih'id, I trut f irevcr. It can pot ao with thfl Tariff Qunttion. ', E xry iuai in tae ftouritryba he rich or poor, 'J(7itI'op iimp!(T,ha aa Interest iTH--trw fnrative. who in auppoaed to be benefit- fa I, u w.ill'a the Uborer whole injured tae 4pitali4t, f ir who'ae era lument it wa " futfiiil il,"ai' irolf ai Vis? ftruir,"liifl pTa'a- ihat n ?riumn, every article of cluhin pTry ipct if htWTf ai well aa ncceasi. y. 4ti'dla of tatati h ,and monopoly, Jfrvn a lystsoi of freedom tho most extun live nd stljnous er enjoyed, all the oc poiti and (.)n!int;all the pcrulationa and-trniickin2A, of men, have become ."ijii'uty-bound up. -It i n longer a ?U4xtittf how much the while American noulahave aJvancad i.i wealth, and aivil- -ati-wi, but how far particulaTrdor of Vnn have been enriched ana othera im- ovnh?d. tOitrTcjVJr"ount are hnu lod in gloom and diacontont, hat more favored regions may enjoy in trawd proiperity.j The farmer ie threa "end with; tha lort "of hii;jon, and the V cjt? witU the lj4iif- kii .klave..Evan wh Slate havo entered into the aordid Arena, and have inatructed their Members - i favnr thoa interaati alone which they d" n uteful to thenuelvea,' without any -rvzr tae ris;m ann tmereaiaoi otnora. t n.w.s and powt-r, through the corrupt influence of aeliwh combinationa..-, I tlits an overcharjjed picturet If it ia jo for t.wky, will it be o Ibr to-morrow I Tiara is Rjt'sthinjr in tho spirit which dnipoU power to control the ordinary Toc tu nation life that provides for its owrt Coiaiauiince a. id extension; ' It grows up , on w iat it Itseda on. r .Vetera do jire.'fiiid h4t nivioiitdy Va ever antiNfiod, or that ,e m) n.nbition cmsed to tmnistnr to its "iTiM litvl ; 1810,4, and 29t 'com ,; vcr ,he (recMhictioii . with.' accelerated tiaste' JIa.V'u.it ; ih awrit of. freedom rwa!ie'.ed in-ihewthi all the irreat prin ciplei of ogr Cwstitution Would ere this J18 1 taiSrOTCrturnjcd;The anergasia:? "ca of duties since 1818 is at no! a tt of .ujr pat social and political w1itiov,e:"ltajtcture of what we are .l9J?.'!ps?cl hnrr afier-. - What, theii.'witlCoWss doT Whal aalhey ..dot. What ouhyhyy todf 'nfCjj,',',? Xotnjjr nimT, is clear. T ' jml-.7t Mllmestioa.' No half way ney wasted in expcnwve acW mCS of inf-r- ml improvement -thf'y do not wish the trading community to be nilievsd frin twtg th will not wftf luxurke to mi introduced ftVe of dutyio panipef'lhe appotitniof the rich, at the expanse of tlie foor--tli,y will not riiant .lo see their lard caruings squandered ' on uwlfss and corrupt A radical filing; is jrrow. in up in thiVcwVitryi wliicniTf oofcliecV ed, by a speedy return to the natural Unt il of sooicty, will sf p away both laws and law-givers.' In mercy, then, to 'the intorerti proterted, as well as ro those in-widrbflhTarili;Cc4i2rtislihrWtw t a final asd permanent aettlemeatnf tliwi Suewtion. Men ounht not to be tempted irther to invent their capital .in "specula tions which depeud for their sucsa on the law otthe land, and not on the inter. Sets oflho peopled' sr' . The course proposed placps eyerr Am. ericaa where the Constitution . intended bim fcj stand oa the. be sis of equal pro- Mention. Political intriurs and the to-J iiucucaoi weaun, may, ur a nine, ;ive an ascendancy to one clam over another, or over he "whole, "but the" tendency of bnr institution! U towards equality; and he is the wisest statesman, who conform! to the spirit of his ar and country and pre vents the headlong violence of the people, by .1 tirneijr anyeipaunn oi tjieir niCTressos.--Whon the waters are out, it is no time to erect dams qm) cu$ sluices. -u; i s With M tntny motivoB m nrjfl (Jwrnr to a final settlement or the 1 anirQaation, I anil doubt whether i ran bacc(Knp!ish edv "Tta robb of our Republic is covered with the vermin of intriiua. u Good, die-' tutereatod good, is not thair trade."- Where are rour-ofncea and aroolamsnta to tempt men lo-nV their-dutyl Free Trade has no rottea boroughs, and all the influence of concentrated action is with MlSWI.LASIUW. From ihr lloilnn &HlUult ThcmW SI. W this day pr!;t our readers with an'd vicmity, on the character of ll.rir i. VJ ' nT"'"l,mi stituliuiw- It wrll bo":pcrcoiv.! UiM It is wgnaJ liy imre tJma a thousand rpects. blu individunfs 'taken indiscriminately from all political parties from the tlilfwr nt prevsilior reliqimis d'tjiominati , niil from all clangs df the foni'imiiitv in which we live. Fora mrificaiion oftljis our rradrrs ran rfer to the signatures suirx- ed to -the 6n duration. ' It was ftrifjiiially iiuWlcd to le a li muted aubrriKiHi to ll.a .It- .1 II 1... .1 I - tui! irKoed to -ttenibf ra of w-ieti's ml 4 - - - - - nrhlKirii.5 -towiw, they wore" anxumaf. 'r-A low li.e t prrj to Vottf t. dun it. .A'6 fnot cordially ii jta, wilb wirlirethrrn of Fuhm andjujnttyln tlif de liirstl(n, and tiopo tlwif' sli -ul I the p'le6f t!ii country bcrcma so iu4tos. led as to Apnft Mm'n if their eivd ri ;M4,1ri iio!alim".f df" VrUffiTf t-' atitutiona, and the wli 4i .iii' ffirit Of juA remoi firm. rojifliiy in Uud.aad tiie rectiuulci iheu intention, f cMjoliitinn, wudc r the tri. ftla to which they nuy be expuKi" t , T 5 Coas4ro!fr?ti'it.) V f tb? JUtct of a RmniJl Moduli of v . Licsar, pretttel ti -Clen. Anossw JAriiSojr, Preident of tho l'nit!d i , .i,it)i',bylio?toil(lti.M Gi!t. To bin excellency Awpatw Jico ' to add their sinctures, and it was resdily complied with. Tha credibilitv of each of the signers is therefore at stake, pled 4r aiH.OOf) Qii...ir I).!!rt; tTl.l.",(1 nirs i,at?,ti'- Mi!nin a.'i.vi.vna Vnl a-tl tf.'J')!!' Half Crut..' Cf the t'dl coii t'M,'0 worth "'in rcc it ml fniin Virrrin a ; -f4,n5f ; f, mi N-Tih faritiiur t.noit from -H-mth t urdms; Vl flTDnrtil from ' teor;ij. About t,firTni".virnr;.rr.u t. Jfi mrvr- Hams, sod the like amottnl fr..irt reiuies- co-sn auviunt in the two latter euros, si the reort slnte. " nwrirtn fittle rcM, rscept at iiulicntitw tha proire wixeuVvd- anient nf tha 'Jt'dd rcifiotl. ' Idle prof.t I'lr.o cui'irfouis'ti, tir the, 14 ar. will exceed 1 0,00(i. Thehol.xpiM nf the mint, for jhr last jrfr, will kr cnn. omw-nce Dot anuinl to mre UKn t"9,. i i in mi i i i .,,,. cflency the tnlfd niriUI, a' bd liuniWe roark of the Unhouadi'd adinirrtton whictr your jrrcttt i nnhtarv auhieveoieuu, and , sn 1 1 rr.st ad I, cl rverv frieud of the sa- ed tothS truth of the di-claration. Tha ' mTnl rMic smic-s, Uve engraved in odmlier of sicners eould easily have lieein' ."rttn 01 '"n lu" "ncan a.tn, a iUfrititwnlAil tsi iK numUf tS sx!l Nkaiilu. Lie . Masons throuchmit tlie aiate. but it! tre ""J'y' was vt uVeinod necesuiry to ddsy tV '. ' That Try ac.jrce medal, sir, wan found piillication Imij emmh to eolIcctjhfirn nutce, on ao itts bfdonglujr t i Dimes. We invito, the ' candid attention t rn7rdatiojis, in the old' entreacu'iueBts of all chiswi, of man," whether Mosons or Anti'Masous, to tho Dacmtioru - : TOTIIEfUBUC of a camp occuro'fd by Caesar, war the city of.C01npci4ua.in the former priyince if PicardieT Il wa struck "In honour tf iiu lUmin Aui Ki. Thii lan,'"'! aod pimis In Jy.cl al7tBiiJssMniJj- y;iifc iwrihe HHh ult. It Hrwkhnc at tho advanced" of 76) eai a. ,. ohe' rest. dod, we bf lcve, lit farlv hie, in the Cimi- !y otitis lUv. Mr Ilaji, if Wreulhani, where alia first dincovdn-il a tsite fr stu dy, and umlr who iititiuciion she ac- lutred a anowled'e of the u-.a I Lingua- cl: . I .1 1.. :.. i t.i. 1 . . S,-. K'iiini hdmn iuii;y I eiurtlvh tn a tor 1 tjulct preepw tr and mnitiro wnn ory 5 a w in Utter yenra for that exc?ii. w 1- '.r 1 1- 1 j .1 ' 4 creat connueror, by order of the Ro- Wkle-ilie puhlit-mudfeuiamc4.J0-mP..-- .rt... .1 .'..1 A.e... e .1.. I i . . f ,. , . .TI""H H. tUUJLL. Ul PI l III" . "I 1 t a " '7' , Antic fors,- under the corainand f v..v-m. .7 ..... F,., phnrnacinl, tho eon f M-lhr d.,t, Pp. ry rtpresentatuKM .of certain o;Eies,, i,. ....1 s. :l..i , ' .l.:" comjoiitoJ.by.A.fcw misirujdcd niombrs' j.. . . ... . .; . . rftlieMaJ StaloilsiJcuied toihe uiddrsffiied re.-;,-..,..---- - - . T Z ,C ll - 2 , : 'Thvniana in om..nemor,tin- that ped,ent taTnfrain from . Pihhc decl.ra-: - jVvt, did Vi i U tiou of their pr,c.pl-s or engareinants, a- eysr I . , . v n have II - - n.. 1.1: l ,iia"tiB. um, uciicvin iiij uiw iiow io . it . ' . , , b fully- eeine."- when- theif tVllew itiTetui t - Mrill mmM.m. a. h f .1 .:.k . . ... . ,.,., ...... w..v, wi.n v.unu,, U.JV.I.U.... L...,(WB(h,,j y-, f.,lm- -.L IT " V" -f S -' W Xv IsaiM-tM H Via S.l.irwUawew! rM....ra,. a s of the allesations, whih durin, the hat ,h ' mfSor f(f th wftrid. aid . -;t r . , . i 1" iai"3 I'iroiiw uu guv I rfWK-o: twamjr uv., . xdrilttthrBatrtntff ,f VT Man aikif aa rai tnA rrai mat tiiArvt their ' u . -6-... , ,rrvv. ()rIe(lll)s B(lnr htvinji eaird a bsttl not lui.XaruujaiUMiomivoauimuou.io.n-.-j H-Itve -ft.. ih. sttPDM'td llis MtiliifiiueJ. . , y DECLARATION of Pharnaciua, has sfroncrthened the inde pendence ud liberty of his country, and Whereas, it has been frequently ajter..; now eyplthe lan,dyf iof.hisiorious iod and puLliahed to the world, that in the career, to perptunle the peace and bap- several droe T Freemasonry, as they, pineu, w the nvMit . prudent. anmuiiHtra irt"conrerredinThe "v Suited Stalts, the" ljon"of fhe fijovernmnirwhlrFri'cratVfiil candidate, ou tis initiatiod and subsequent . people have placed and! cordiully hope advancameuf,, winds" hinmdf, by oath, to will citinu to plucin his haods It wiuiiH -- uia .aiiu,. iiicuMu ui cut,1 iua iin;ri..r iui im hiii, wnicn are ai variance wun me lunnamen. tar principle of rnr-rality, and hiconipaarl:.: jUiparevit. it-1 i:....! ' .:.l : .:. . . i r i ....... . i ... I. sail' a n 1111 m mvb " sassa . - i i . - . - iT.r;-" r.-T n an(HoelieBHe;v tr-- hle with his duty as a good and faihful cit izen ; in justice therefore to themseWea. r oorenomma. - The ewsdowiess lie nvitives scams to. have hwt-ils clvusEtti.onic Intitulion; so Jar as our knowledge for our; 'politicians, atiamlatedf e - Cm mpeetiyely itaiidi,-' And w ', vMm fro impoeitio, iha uuderiTt:iielr: many Lf . ua tha mciraanta jf vrr dr rre nf Frw. masonry". - known -and- acknowWied' in -'-Prbspert 7V of CrfMuh'h r tikis country," do most solcmhly"dnnv the i " State of Arl orl;Dec. 21,1S3K fceroiii it inns'. H totally cut awav. If - single priivfcipleriijfection is let;, the hody plitic will ajain become discard, and the regular physician will then be. as : impotent at the nrrack.--4 - do-not- mean that what is dotermined on should be sud de.i'v accomplished. This mijjht be as &txl s to do nothing., ..Time may hsgiv 5 4sn for linte l intetjwto to , sink down to F - th;'.utn a lovol, but let it be' understood, : -ihat itey are s to sink down, that nothing tit's can save either thanj or ua. , T.-irt i what Cour-ss ouhtlo-d-but " xJill they"do it t Hare-'our Rpprenenta . iives the firmness to ok cotruption in flifj fice, t relieve us from Hour present " id'rHcultios; and prevent their recHrrenee T ' . . .0i they do all this t .,;"., .....V. Never had those who are entrusted with ; ijio destinies of the nation, irach an bpnof- ... u:uty ot gamiuir irap:ukk 2iorvKiev- 9' j r had th?y such'tttuans of doinaj rgood. ?r. he Baymeut of the Public Debt takes rii-r; ay ail nrelmice fori excessive taxation. have long iiena, by ambition and wel&hi nass ( and this ia all the fi-imuU of freedom and Free Trade can look to for support. Mav it Drove a host ! Mueh may be dons by, a bold, open, and fearless course. j - But, let what may be done, I hope our friends will consent to nothing short of a final sottlement. - " A modification (aa Mr. Burke says) is the constant resource of weak undcciding minds." Uetter do jjo tling, than leave the principle oT Restric tion to be built up.m as circumstances may favor the spirt of monopoly, There are those amon; us, who would .not scruple to so to war, in order to furnish an excuse fir high duties and noo-iniportstion acts. Let it be undewtood that the Americas citUM is toJieilirc,Jioi that-bia bur dens are to cease with, the necessity which imposed them-, Short of this, I'would ot touch a doty, but leave the wQej in these pipuig Umea of peace, to show iha. peopls what we are to expect in limes of war nnd trouble. " One yea more will open the the politicians will be bidding against each other fur tiie honor Of destroying tha . ny iive'i ; thai, W-perawn k admitted to the fiutitution, wifhout first bcinj madg ac quaiutod with ihoaature. of the obligations which be will be required to incur and as sume, , Freemasonry secures its members r in the freedom of - thought ami speech, and permits each and every one to act accor ding to the dictates of his own conscience iit.mattera .jruligicMdof. his personal prutorencesin matters ot politics, it nei ther knows, nor-doea it assume to cohVl, upon "ita. errih,, members, however wile may be. ineir aterraiions.irom duty, any penalties or punUhinonts, other than those of admonition, suspension, and expulsion. ' ooiigniions oi me institution ..,A:k C":'., REFORM. 2Th4 Cak'md tfS&J&t XMutUf resoluttoeia tlw Senah furnished his pro- ., It shows u low fat he is willing to ieo to propitiate the jrreat AjrientturaJ In terest !-theAyery salt of the land nd, how little he is justly entitled to the name of Madiatof the dSthJIe tdl the rich, that they may wear laces and fine lineni ireeof jluty-eat, raifcina, crack outi, consume spices; cVc- cc., free of all duty. But as for the poorer classes, they must pay dearly enough for cottons and coarse woolomi lor nejro clothing and blankets, 4te. aVe. llo throws his iEgis over the interests of the Manufacturers, When We wish to toueJj the Protective, the 'Amuricin System, olr bv. whatevof iianie it 69."' :: Proeul fatM:,wstt and it nittt rnt " b t jiichd hv UTdiallowad had."k Tais is c nviiali ii n coith Htm it. i.i .,.n"r ' re r nn of t.U..rv, tr l nil Alas r tt I' m t rt lii; WMll.l l) fwtlltd 0i "trw tn d i,.f..liK -c;,,!. :-a if wsntr Alas! w- f.mr the nund "r 1 1 sm h W' u'd 3 fif I vi,d t1 M '( l-eva b'a I'.anJt of I ? rVnptnrvsi end et,--- nnd ia our t.iin).i im U-t lo.-t we harr ararrcfy f the r- If I -f t'l", Mimy pir ioi'!. id "eucniMv t' , . who aro d.' tvi'i , will "I'dure x'n-io , wntrf.lyfii i.-y e'pil to the Wf ru lurtait r"r''v fr reliff,.. Ixt I tha buWrns .f the' Unrtolfft, tn, r'"V ' nil wrl ir!vt tha itt-iluji of 4cb -:-with-Mit ninpnio. , ; - . , ' " To the t-j t thtt oi 1e thm pjt- 1 1 ' Or v-.'.y tS-v ti.-lf d'Htan V slid Ihey Will fnth-r u ti r scrDt..l 1 !, , : eerviw in the '!.''it rl n nv n. an p'1' ' on? Ih0ai's inws"in-'iir 'ti h-r-fVdic ;f lha. ,ML-il.iuvi V!IT; hej irVi.in nf ij.len.lid rhurr bes in I ds S in I'm jupport of "tl riKb'Mthi ',;! iq Paht-tiiie. ''.'.'. -' . ' , WIT ASD WV'Oll. CoBtisninio.x or rnov asiiK. -TLsj" more the merrier. -. "t oun hsiil ff pur. " II that Mini taU ' estglViTj;rouii!.7-.N('l wrr- r tLea "" fvituiort wouM gt nu're tluin their nm t-. - .... . iriciiy wuien, iiKre or ism, aiwsyi umiin. i.rl. - ifen, r,r wno wver tun.. guisiieit tha aUidioiii aad the kn,ed.-; ' Tr 1 Nut Ml" lie "irJJ. '.'i-fak his nork in 4 lui warda tho tlow of hfi, ber pieiary seem- c ,Unm. N mau can call a,rmrf )et.'r t..- . ed to be eoiilVit d tj the pust, and it was day.'' : Yen ho nmy call tjll his laarl ' ; -difllcult f r licr'reta1ir,"1hrH5titet chr,tuti;'h "it-ti Ol Ue Ui4T.-wt , traces of fcorl .firrurriiKief. , ' Ilor ae- i eufidy.!! '. JJot art" J ;. o,uubtanca was equally swulit ky tU ji.j thieves. ."Nofhi., iurts tlio t rt.t.li t ? '. r nuaaad tha lea;il, net litfimrv atUin-l mora than iurf-i'in?." Vesrr La k of ipenru navinj given nr a ts!iK.ri ana I ual.,.Jit jMrtitUJ to a wa iJ'2' eTconit"la both. - bhe was a !!y f J mind.' " Yes J t Ret inoney Nona 0 w ireal simplicity and sincerity of chaiac lr, which made her, at I'-aM once, a via tim to Lp.iriiiy and avarice But they who would have rohb- d l-r of her ripht and of her' haKraanird fanieVlaVe 'yous (4 render their locaunt IJ another, tribu nals VVe pass them by. ' ' , - Miss Ailama was the Authorest of 1he IIiiri.1rT'ofthfl"JeWfrihe-1IiiW(rrtrrif"a1t Ketijnone.-amt the BttiwTwWew.t.w-t.i(),ievciji land works that exhibit jtreat labor and I .dversitv." rpftbjialgtnejil-aOiL Jaarning t atwin 0 f mud. The prio'e of toe ncV will remain, w trust a latttrtj monument makes stie llxr d; the poor. M ) ' ', bherfiime.. She waa an'honor tojieru, l,,horof tho pool makea tha pwdc f - sex ao honor to the hurrn art honor I Ua rich. . ' ' ' - ' t "-- - . . . . - - , Yl - - ' ..... v- - to iueraiurN-ao iionor io new i.n'rianj,i ,, . , . .-4..Vj and an honor to the age.' ..Full of yers, 'A twni Ttmptr A ";n1!m(n,V'af j anfultof tmtmrs,shena pone, we irust, I V(Vsd his oiuni n f a- c Wii rritif, to receive mut reward, wnicn miSf worm i f-w n8yt i50 pnvi it in tiie tuiiow mj blind ! tlief that will pt see." tfiey" that -.caiutot sw'. Nutii'mj v tu what bus an end. Not so ; a rimj bath, llone fr it is r.mnJ. " Money i a gr4 eotufTtrt.' il jwlien"it brinjs atln'ef loj tlie fttllvwi,n . Tba world ia'. -k-f journey. Nol es the sua go ovr 1 everyday. "It is r-il t bvttuiu of lliu sea. . " It V tiul a, , "Afrinid iv W liiy. Not so fx then thcro ia ' cuu neuuer irive uwi taiie away. '.V. .T1JE. VQOJU. J3t -Jt.i i O pity, kind geutU folks, friends of human terms Why, hit i a p-rfucl cVfcppVTr.'T a decoctimr r-.f verj'isr' li' ipunUa. ',- -s"ncr BfaeertitT,-..If I wiehrd to cnn.'- r r vrrt thelTinii'i' i i'M' : ;',,'i,jl',j'dXJL " piteh am into it a.i l it h i -r the first .k . It was.n-4 ttitRciewtly aciilwlated lorruiw- -- W,iMngti City, '7an. 2 13 . V T'Mey C Towf Creenbasn' r ,. Rensselaer couuty : Sir I bare received, from the hands of Jutlg : Mftrry,7 the-nieditl which y.'U bave'lmd the ktridncw to offer to ins, as a New Year'a Ojft, and ns a wark of your rejWJ f t mv character. rit'r".rrt-n:..cl turv-arlnki"-; war -4t-4wteteii Cold blow s .the Wind, And the aight'a greater qnaitti'y 4 sacHmn w ntf t?e i ' v -' .' r--toiniMg -t&tr - t 'zii-; chemiets'-rtic ral'y wsf Irie. :Jy " CJIw nissoiue Er 'mvrnothrr.iacharity, r';r '"':. " ' ""if : . V ?0 iive me iume W'audl'li auickiy t'.-'V" .' r'"A.?- J.'mdi'l'rC- fee gna. le cepliiig tTiis valualde medul, on aa kci- ,j:i so appropriate., aa the introduc tion of a new year ta the review of the psst, and tlrt tuiticfjihttail. iST Ihc ' Tutor.-, allow me. to assure, you. tht" I feel i -t lorcibly the moral which.it inculcates, though far from arroatiriij to' myself the slightest Xpproaeh to thft potinewiiun of the talents which distinguished the cxtraor- diuary man in whose honor it was struck uxaaiv wa at. iiiuuiii otiivi wiin,in,v a,v i . . m n , , ( the law. of God and Man. So fas from I In h f P"? r'Br,,i Won tfS being bound by any engagements incon- 'i'" PP Hwavwaar wihi iv hwi wtttxsaw astaaa uianiroi iit t '. .. T A - a . - , - r .k- witi V.:i;,- -k' k.:-. ' annnraiion n mo worw, we hi a Uosen, is doubly ' bound to be true to hiu God, to his Country, and to his Mow men. - In the - ronua-re of tne u Ancient luve ftn in- L ........... I. I., m u-s v .1. I.k.i. , .1 I I1T-T--IU. " ' ' II. l. lt:t f'V' ...k Uiiiiij , then a . vHin,'itar. ' ra!!d. um'u i j s!iojtlcepcx lu puiiLase a aiiv .k , - t , . "-"HbrrWBCh " M Vt"s UeT SCI Z : Tom laying his hand irpop peir. "'': ' vTliat pair," tnid'tlie sli'ij.-keeper, worth three- dollnrs buf s'-eing it is yosf, ' r;vJhe;prceut eeasofli'-of ethofliH, s Of ml t he -Uftui djy iitotm mi wumi Im tunihu frowned iM uger(.ttud, who iroin u dustitutioii of proper siielu.-ranu cljtaiiijj, me pmicss ioriu, wuicii iue soasi oi vnH , .... ., fi)f rl....l Ati.l d...iar Sm m iit l.il.ri.i . Ill lia ir-.liri' I i . "" u " .v.." SewmrTit is me!r aatd T"in,"wita i IIUHU'I, I'l ,11 IU1W9 tW Dl RVJ TTU... shulJ call forth the benevolent pvuiihu tint's of our niitures, in buiiaif ia tnoc aji wh.oii jKivtrty lias laid tus chitliug hand." t'liarity is iUnce ; LiK'Hl,r " aud " lis, whose coid and svrdid elfiAUimiis has pre rented hiur from eyer tptuiajr his iiuart fo loo blccuing o( distre , can know littia of one of Die most' rei'un; ! luxuries of lilo that of adimoisturing food l the . huii gry, clotliing to Jiiiimjiei), jiwmcouoia. tioii to the broken hearted. .-, ""-: Iii (Lia'age of boneyolcuca, .whoo: a niter crip, "v!iy, where nndi-r tlie cauov py did v u ever see ma brf ire 1" -Uh, i am jsuroi I hvo seen yon where, I cant -rrcolltr.t, . . ) , , ; , . ... r,r . "Well, and I can't rH'r "-t wkfe.l -havo sea yut aiJ Tom, "l-..t it '"" ' H you, I b 'luva 1 won't buy that ratr of .' huskies." . . . . A; v So eajnifr, T"ml(! the shor.kerpej . . . ' ' wondr2 Vi "inut sort of a.charsctcf ; itxvas-w-ithn. .' ii ha had to do. Frederick, kinff ofl'ruitsia. hnvinjr runs W - IT . I- t il.' .1 a I . heavy tai is laid upon our .chanty to rw- ;j licit diitrcaa '-..at a aiafancCil whitll, per haps, is greatly exaggerated or altogether I waging asleep -"tm the s..fa, imaginary i or which is 'but na tale W attf .oin te wakW him; when th'diir, stance of thtf intoxicating eTvct s of po wer, wmtn w wVl4rmpittfiyet Viioney,-not mi 0f .Pa,er ut f, reflertvin May it .! a nwroeirt ftr iai)ra lxJLw ..f Jk.i- Lnk. .:.. .i : ' ... .. Conrtitutioti .si-j ft.. ..v.i; ;..,.:.wrHitihition rather. ma hi yirtucthat andtdrraWaaeTt bo-ik, in atjUiLyuhl.c, ta Tioee, , mutytoi imi, u , an., uiiiiv.ii sunn i.i l" -i i and found the i i i, I lliw.. just he i !'ft ivel , J ex the (odgei, he-is" ' required to koep and obey the .Mobil Law ; to be' a quiet and peaeerhl citizen ; true to his government and just to his country. watchful of. the acta of those to whom it confides the dofon.ee, aa Veil aa the ad- fniinint (Nation, of its laws. t - i-- 1 If I was enanjei to renaer ; soraa ser vice to ny country, -en tha occanion to which you aTJude, it was because the brave mu who were associated with me disregarded any danger but that of dis grace, and were animated- by that spirit Masonry disdains the making of prose. lytea.' She opens the, portals of ber asy lum to those only, who seek admission, with the recommendaUoT). of a character iievnf f awl kv s eomnPfl ) i tu k nil xirT' firiat HUDuvitwu aw iuiiid'iuiii i aiiBwa vitvf twMiv ( , . , la se.it Vohe great fuiidameiital religiimsW t-J F-"! M Wopl trulh-rtbe. existence aud: providence of ,he ffhr P?.? .gM; (Mplanrtored nt yieo,tr it rniniBterjng' li. cited W cnriotsiiy.i, )1 j,!pd it OI f, l"lj the gr-wser pas'fe!1!. . tter from tlie rt thct of' by luJ ifiterly uieibRihal tlta'.pnyertyi raafl5fr"ttoXii"igWin "ndPTiuviiuf tf ana wrctchenie ift evury waere sur- ber part o las waes, wlch hnd provid a rounds u,;ndj which txisti iea at 6ur very timely nii!ta.u;e to her, end in.coo own doorsf Recoil! we jiave " tUe poor elusion, benecphinn, God to bf'-ti Ki"i far a! ways with us, have e Df become fa. his fihsil duty." The king aepcd uj milisn i l with aullering, id ; shut wir to hi room,, took a rob-na of dit at, anq hearts -i nmrt theerUiisot want in our own slippwd i Ihem with tho letter tate the pa neLdih is ! d, whilst ya have'iutiibuted ge's pocket. Returning t his apalineat libeml'y t.- the watits of those, not more he rang so violently tint the pae aweVe, des'Tviii-;, and whose JSulpMini distance opened the duor. and entered. "Von God f and a practical aclcnowledgement ' of those mfaliule doctrines for tho. govern ment of life, which are wVjlten by the finger of God, on the Heart oi man. Entertaining ' such sentiments' as Ma sons, at Citizana, as Christiana,, and aa moral men, ajid deeply impressed . with the conviction thai the Masonje", ntitu neUanjl wortlc4t4n. Believe .me, with; sentiments of , great respect, j-ouf oh't. serv't. ' k ANDREW JACKSON. The Report of the MOT Communicated to Congress on T.uoslay, by the Present, ' states, thit the aotiiaea affected within the T3T5itaTI3LSe productiva of treat good to their! fellowl omprHing I? 14,?? 6 in' ?old Coins, M' mmt : and havinji received ' theT lawa ofrl 75.00(1 ia silver, and 0ifi'eon. tha-cif'tyrif!id it aectimulaW fijnds, in ("pa r, su&w mi ing tf 'J It7M.3M iMecea abw has ina?niftdl:r If it he a ,-ged, that m T and of. plen. ty.. where the statute. nw.;.iunple pruvi. it'r.r""tfie."pnhe'f cHi M no uiinics-1 Uis' a potlTi U m a I ' . -B..S1. h . . 'fro-.. tic Kuii.-nn t, we wonui answer, m tne l toinsinnont tno roteau. , tlo Ur w siwe tiiiical examination be goqe ipt? est turned pale, and looking at the 1.' haya-;lair-.;a,lcptaid the kin-r. rTh ' i page attemped ,W excuse rntr.iclf; iiii in the i embarrassment, hiapramng to p-: t Wit! 8Si- t "lit, was lately to surertain tne nuiniier 01 tumrl into tears, without bemi a" mv a Uieewbo wcr dtjtute of the bible, audi Word. "What , is the matter ? , ! jl.a would nt numerou scones he developed, J king i what ails you ?" "A', nice !" ai 1 t . . , . , t -l-i' . . .1 I . - ... w . . t ... uat wouin inoeii. our scnsuuinies, anqcaiiiiue young njn, -ttirwie lunwu at ma fortli our warnwstsvnipithie! ttow niftny wisjesty Tct, :ifim -auUm to rum WoUid, b& luu.M. iasrtig WfBt'CltNtV. OWt-'X-i iwi?tiy.t-H? 5 i t W - liite of ' proper "clothmy to, protect them ficy in my pocket.' 5 ii.t W- iw-.towi," from", the ir.ckmt!iwtei ( f the w nv.tt and rci.umed the M"?'Ie lK'-'w '"P without fuel to dip wd th damp vapours send the ulonev U your tin thr. a'ute htT l&ni-fcr-.ltwit HoUr r ir.mma-J a!j4'-'ur- be that 1 1' n -i J. I- , r -V-p- rs- "7 rvfvT-. '--tJ,- -1

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