h'etrmi Varotinimu j i n jrHlli. . j t have the Wlwf.iin tit a fr.i.liiti.nt. th reverr if1 mrM, id iinpoe. lm h an utterly t -. j f H-Kilb Cans. j.utltirn, put a! --i. tit ton thf "Tlf li tho birthnt ?, U prrvmtod tnto iHwinw " " 'iMtiriyfip!" ' 1tfiir fry tin, IiUJ th m ijoritjMif Craigr to evn. i the will of Omr corWiluil,"w1,irt Ck1- hnn or 'iab!i cjjwir. '(ly .fore nit op''! tWr heart In tl'o rnn inn rrsrir-r, nrio jiw itiih' ijmili. IVy are tvfant l ,nrf r al-va i,.,iy m y.mr prnn;.,.!,., lli -ir iiufividu'tf cipnriltiM, had to d'nnitr, 4 tlio ircit mtver f lh J'tatr, tin-n'tli? rI ppon- Jt!,i(nr under wli cfi we lmv .HI" I, i wVI'ier we will v jlwiiorily urrrn l"r tin gl iri ut itilmrifaiieij, pircli i' I anl c mi. " . i i... .1... .:i. .i. ..ir. .... i "jh MmI "f un illiHIri-mi ncitry, or In tuit lit i'lLiTilaiiM In our p-tMi-rilv, ....... ...t.,.,1 11 I Llmlifuiililuul f Wy e,iif.l ,i t. 4,!.ilo i.i tl U-niwuiu.r this tj'Wsti.tn. Vi'ji li iv I'i ti I n deJibvMt' ly Ac uimltor. Vv nvlvi'l, that we will u louder Hub ' null j a ej.-it-iu of uin.'itii mi, wliii li iii- A j. v m li ibu Jojrrjdill. Cuiul.ti til of tri bjUty twale; auJ li.t!i wjuM roJucu oir oiiTiiy, i:i a fow rin-rutioiH, to it fii" ' t' poverty iri'l wretchcdiM;, that twHil I sUti 1 in iuclj:ic!i ily c ;n!rait witli tfinililul uuj Juliliiful ri'inii.in which ,th PVlVlduilCO (4 LM UA Cl4l IMV ll'J-dlll- I!ihu f'iriivJ UU rcjnii ni, wilti Afjitww wf all iu k'Ainis ' 1 fll iU !jrtfitiltr arnf wnwiM' iifw; it tv i ij ojlijiTt, oiiJ iIm mlciiiiiiiy of lha occa . u, tli it wu kli'Kil l kjm ;ak to our cooled i Tl' lrii!ir'n, in t!m ul tin Uumi'o of fn rVi mi'l truth. -'-Thou jh w tlmu ouiVivt ufipa t'lo ContitutivJii, uii'l (Iii; iiiitiiii.iltlu pri;icilr ol ju-ittci', and iiitond in itfK-rat airltiifivi'lv llircu 'h llio nvil 1h'n.mh .!' funetinnarira offho Slate 1 ,,m ., mill thrw vlT tin op,t-..i. at t) b "ssntially pcaceluL t e believe llw Flrl Guvr:miuiit lu do !ikJow of rijt of tratttorttT, lfact ajamst a sonsr titn Htato nf lltfl pmiloilttniry, in any firm, rnnr-li leu to dtie'rte itt by military p.mcr. Cot auaro aware iif llie ivrraiiic of hu U41 npiiiluti; ami hava aecn too iiaiiv pr vifi uf tli) infatunti.ih of liunian tower, a it t i have lrtukol, with thtf rrrmt anxious Cooctiru, U tUo paiUiiUy..(jf a, reaorl, ta " fuiTiliry tir iuval f ircti on tlw fwrt of tit) "Jt'a !'-rul fJi'Varrnm'Mit j and ii) '.order to filiftHte the poaaibility of hayiojf tlie hiato I l!iU coiiteat atainod by a siftle drop ' - - .' j ri ikf fratcnutr- Uol, ma have aokntutUr and I am-voottWy ruaolyed, tlint we will record acla rcaort aa a uiIuIkmi dl tliffpylitt t,ii ties which coooccl us with our coti&d - . . ... A . . . . . ntri Str.twj an t will, forthwith, pr9ne; far t.'ie ofgHiiizitioa of a oo w Aod aciarafc VovenniK'UU. jrwl : i - . - - t yac, trait particularly rt aaaaa ut.ttot tnberme that a batra bn a Te Iran lure ft iKlai W 'iAud.;,;i(i. adaptioz 'hU iatu4M. byjuiy fecWe; of rentrneBor.hamiBiyloa)rdl thrmi " iv luHoivi toe pout tear Dowia. rttto.h hr a ong tMtiied our ctmnvn jeatin lea. We aliall cbcmli that iat.oit.if dreoliuaj for Die U ii.in, by jahich thU aiate hu been pra. tm-ni ..mil' dut.niruitheiLliiaJI limeaDaaL But ojt-.titvlj.nd Idj'airouf aVyvtWirtrvbictl ttobld Uo lnn an 1 votthto Oppreaaion and Tyraav ajr.efiird uodir that awaaaraiad i'hUp, if U aar txm-tainn)r wa, hat now anlahri fitfrrer. -" ". tii)c miincqi, iu atirrr.ui.:r ina U.iou i:clf if Ilio.aaeuAoe b nreaaarv. If it luJ pli-afed Ood tu eoor our et a'nh Ijfnor an ' -if , 0, bn owed upon ui 'lie un 4cniaiiili.it; tu CO't prrbrnd ihr ennruilly ofop- - wiini wo w - (IUKJIII aim - ay u it. wi haut aUaulule dtitrad.it.Mi aid in i - " w a."' ui ryTiuvttc ta'tuu ye iKlfc'rd of abuac-d ejrith impunity. A people, wlfi Jcliijtni'elt afibmiilrd to upprewiuM,with a full k to.le that ttiey art onnrcMtmf, are fit oulv to bealayrn nd all lunory prurti, that -y au) Ptonls wht iwi.id a-maatar, to is tiw I" ealvinK apirit uf lavrr)',ti the people, that r.M made lyraita ji all ajj-( of the Wurld. No ma It a alavona enmnturiitv. how- . ' J.'' . . i , . ', .! - - JiuMJlf a alion'tl W4a4 tV-ni iwolHt. aver in,,!!, baUi; the firit of freemen, ererfpnTrttirreonl COncnrrert in." fttliiJa ma.ttr. The moatilluatrHHiaofiht j Ji'ra, arhich have jfitcn to tlie world eaamptea W Im nan freedom, u4Ve ortivitd Terriluriea, Jii Urget than aome f the Diatrida of Smith varolinai while the largest maeiea of poptrU lon, --"ctc rrrr winea unaer a common govern- r""'. nave been ib ,a''jrc, iptritleej and ae t' ' ird slavee of deapn ia ruWrar- WeainceretT v aofjr. Shertfureitfial no pvion ofOie itktrS n Vt confvdr rcy, will peratit themaelves to He wude inid any nieaanrra 0 raTiWe, Jbv the liui Ln.itL.:H. ik .i: ki- - -.j, iuii, .ua. riuu ii v..' ... ina win iii- qive Iter riirhia and liberliea. with a toe in. table and unfaltering rtiolutk . with a po U'tnn ol Kime half a million, tfain she Would a population of twenty millions. , H does not bel.a g o Freemen to coilnt the "lipitnJ ani V"1 U a should stand stone in the worst poa. ajbie emergency of this great controversy, with, out the eo opcraiioa or eucaiirajremrnt of a sin 8'a state of aha confederacy, we will owrcn for Ward wjttiaa tutflteri.,f atap, until wa havs PCum.lia(ie4xSaohject of tli'mfreat entarpriae 'Ijavin now presented, for the eonairieratioo of tlie federal Government and our eonfederata H'aies, th. fixed nd fi iJ determination of this j I'I rflaijpn to the protecting svsirm it rf. j 9anr fur us to jubniif a pln of tiStior-ln bich ws would b willing- to' acquiesce, ia a apirit of liberal eoncestiun, provided wa ara 's interested Wi the proteofioo of nWnufao-, We believe that unoe tyerf Just and equita we nrinciple nf latation, ilia whole list of pro. 4ec' hittW be mt4 rmt of all ou'v, and tKat be revenue derived from import vu'a, should be raised aiclusively irons the Unpri4eeted articles, or that whenever a duty i"poad upon protected articles imported, aa Uritt.'l Z:t . i r ...... Jt :i".?t? y w ..uuar anvfica aiaiiuiw.vvu in we u. "'ft. ThH would be aa jaraf an aparcathio erlri equality aa cniM p"tihjy be mad', in a 18"; ea)a f,iTe.u fee iut stin tBanufactureV fh ..... 1 1. ..... . . ....... .. in naf f h I'i 4 ir . In' '! ,.f .Mfk Cf .ti t Hi t,4,.VX".ty, '", hie iii !,, l"1" ''rf-.l.r mvt l- l'i L'nii.it t r, t mJ, t Mij'tl htt rf m, t f fir fifmr, tvtl Icm IhM lh laiirr. rr, ry ry rvUniJ In'cul, iHo pr..riiHM f d.t-nrvu' irr, iM ih m4 ef icq urm H unr, U krrt' ifximmtCHi .rt taihpuVteprv. Ihf,ihit lh! i-Tttrlnf lh liff, N' a't villing 14 Juki ff ntTtrinf to 'ni lha I'iimih ti't it itit inl df t'nwVjn ri' It U iot.a t.iM6 nif tn, .11 hMiM aft tht rl f duty may b Hl(-I U.jft th pfHC i arliklf ttt Hall bt Imp'itcJ apiHt ,th iprd'cc.tit, provided Hist k mura raitiM tv rnvd thin U (hv r to mt tkt iltiii'h 1f Ilia ()ermi.t fw pmrwntiyiirivf (WTa.r pf if,.tTTw.; tt.f ciitt tMktJin'iilly unifrn, l im,t k4 utxx It frij 1lprt, . ' . ft la abvinut, tl.at t rt'ultr itna afranfa. If fit 'ha pActitrifl tUIH vaul boat a itariilcd vtia'iUf( cr tti plvilinf n. I'nr it t ileiftKityitMr crideni, itiai, eummii- nil. I, lli mtfMftt'iUinf !', arwiM IVar .it if tli W'hn of f. (t'ul Taifj in, m ftf fbe ... ), (,eif ifpalfnalira teak rt inTrl.- thf CnltiM bill .tea, If toncfutivt prmif tUl t J,(. tra li Hinir, a ul not puntieni, la tlteir o. i uaiia.. At at Uu. taru Uiirua uf Ilia (4raJ r rivia aWd ba rtHl (ru oriftf-trd arti. ( Ii i, injrr it ropiJ ,!Md.lU.'a'in uf iht I'arifT, lri rrii ,r'.:iorinj( aruiiU ba rn. nr. twrnpirti alt ann l;.ltoi iaj thai ir n. ort.ua of (he p i')l birtiwii ' U drr iheia e.icimMaea tre canaol pantwt uurwUe tu brlirta fur a mo"n', that in a crialt m brd bf a ich'puT't flUHil aivlfarful inctia, tliua- am eat lir'ili'e II jretd.i.( 1 1 t i.t arr ', hr lliea pcrce ha it iU b : ilia n. ana kl c ib'.i' lt" only m. an, ul ri a uriag iIm tf tvw('i this f rr tm.. fcdtia-y. , I Uf nival ainc J' have lUa r t,f. t iA hupa md'icenfnt', aaidr fnun alt ton- d ran .u . f )i . r, t J a!ju4 ft ..micuvrrtv, .I'l.Hit (i. .uiR'ii u aimatilUa. Tbia can ba arcu'fipl.aJiad uul) li lite propuar J "iiKlififnion of the l.iill, i.r by rail tf a acnaral eitntian of all lUt a a'ea. If M a C.r ili i (Sptiltl br diivrn uut uf iba Vumn, tj the oth-r pla'ttiaa lait. and t.)i.a of tfee wnlrra ralea, oul. (uli i by hi atntuaJ Uutijl ooitatilr. Can it ia btlii'.) d lln' O oi(iav MiaiipU Tennea ac, and cfca Wvntucky, aua) Ctwinn tf pa) a tribute cf W pr rrnrirpja tteireOiiiumpiimv 6 rtta hrttinri aa'.a.ror m ptitrgTif mxng united la ihrm. hen tlirjr citcM rr-oniva t'l llicir aupplica ltruttftf tint r rt uf South Car: utwia, oul.oiil pavUiK liitfU cant fW tiihui ? I lia ae' ari'inn uf Hoyh (jarnlina ou!.l i.ir. iulil pruducs a (fcnrtal tketoUtlloa f Ida Va'u uii t a-.d at a iMcatarr eopa:q tenor, l he pro cciin( ayatanj, aillt all i' prruniarr bounlin Ui the n.trttiirn ratra erntilil b.e utirrly rr. ,,ro' lmlii-. ih.riiol MuutMlltTnitm wl their un pmiirv t,,tttt, i bewech ihrm to paut ami contrmptite the 'dVaatrone Uinuq-woctimkuh aalcafUiiuK -reault froca an one mala pern rcra tce on their-part, ir. mam t atittrip; the prelreiii.t; axlrm. M ih thriD, it i a q itatiun merely of pecuniary jnurrti, con nected ilh nu liaiua' of ri.'Ul. aniliovolilnj no piiitciptc tf liberty, ,Wiih na, it re (juca lion inolvin(f uur mnet aacrid r't'iia thoat r ry righa wfiieh otr f iminotr., anctHa Wfi io uaaa a common iohrrhance purtheaed by their tummom inth and O'm.cnrtr.tt' . by tttr blood. It li a qteation of fcterty on tda ooo Itand attd ltry on the other .If we ftibmk to thirr t m of uuon(titiiiunal .'pprration, aa' aliall ulun:filr. arnk iut i ilaarj and tranainit dial .giwwiiuwiia HUKiiuaka w.i . fctum.uM 4l not, a aaaaut.wa dm not nitxait ta tbh iKituoiiwoua tntMnuaca to uar,.ctuUrttM. We . oeK.-auiion, oor rauve i nxea aoa an a-terabU that a prvtctiaa; tartlf altall b! nu Ittn ;er enforced wi bin the ttmite , of South Car ortua.. Vie aUad opoa the pripciplea of ere', latiine; juitice, and so butaaa pover ibalt drive ua Ir tu our puaiiiun. : . ' "t hitv nut tnr nigntcr lppvunwmii nw hi eVneral foemmtt- wtrt attemp-, fctrw tlli, nM pof, M, f wrtiUrr powef( u', b9 mKnti our bMibraa of tba epnwq.ieneei Wa hava aut thr oliphtc eprirebneiA, that rorne a eonwqiieneea f Htoiv an . nrmpts- IbtvtV atattataaataatlma. aueb a courae'uf maJneai aboulj be puraued we here acU'mrtly flttUte 0 thlt avatem nf np. prenion ahali never praal In South Carolina, uutil none but (livea aie. left to aubmit U i' We would I. .finitely prefer rhat tba icrrltory of tba Siata aUuuid ba U? .ermctprj :ef freem than tba babiUtioBi of alavrt Actuated by ibeae prinel' Ira and animated by ihre aenttni' enta, wd wilt trmK to the pil'ara of tlie tmpU of our UlMrtiea, aad. af it auat lUi ara wiU priLi 4tni4t4b ruioa. . , ; . . . . a' -i. .j a' GENERAL ASSEMBLE Monday Dec. 3. 8CKATR. Mr, IlawkinvfrointheMili'arv commit tee, to liom wu referred i'rrsolution front the Ujuae nf Common', instruct inR them to inquire into th cipedieocjr of ao arue ailing ihe it.Uiiu litat a to s rmp iRk-,eai,'-,iiai' have held cemtoU lion Tor five ye.ri, fiom theraaftcr doing military duty, mae an unfavofablo ra i Mr. Atteo preteo'ted a bill to r.'pesl an act passed in the fear 1830, entitled sn c trcpal psrt of the, st concT section. l an act pissed In the year 1806. chap. 70S, emitted an act to revise "militia l.ofthis State; which wa read the. )fr. .Itjwajns presented tba annual re port of the Adjutant General of the mili it of this State7hh tundrf accompsny1 lnt ttiicumenis v which, on motion of Mr. Wiljpn, . were ordered io be transmitter) io the I louse of Commons, with a propo sition that they be referred to the ioioi ae4ectomaktee oa Slifiia r Affairs, and Alt.Msriin presented the lollowmc pre a roDJe and resolution, viz. ; y . ; - Whereas many of '. Raodjxaopleof Noi ttiCaroliiia.eniertain the opinion that the Constitution, of this State ta defective in solne. of. itt provisions, r more especial-, ly in tho present rnodo of representation, which, inst.eaiS of beinc on the-iov .end (quahlw-4aaiff tax t6n- kI ppuUtiotH is, accoratni; to aeoiaivucsi limns, une- Qii!iAn,ai in wealth and numbers j tbat the rlcht of Electing she Governor of the ;Statjujrht to be vested in .the free people thereof bmi shat biennial mcetinRt of the Oener l Assembly, aubect,tav tb cU of tha) Governor, would enable h to discharge all f(s necessary duties to the .couri'ry, and be of creat savins to the State and whereaa many of too people ol thia State likewise entertain the opintoh,' thst the Srt of Government houki tie- f emovetl to ansae place uni ing mori ndvantsea tb?o tbe citpr o; Krlet, ana believing ry h,a, fet.inrd In tl.tlr Own hsiul. h. p.i4i of .1 vri.ig, or amrndmit the C Ji'wJ.m, an I uf rrn.l.1(( the 8. .ti O 'rnmani i'houa hru rtstramrd I'. Hie rsvxlr, or mmntr Hs whirl, such a mea.rMA's are to be nsri f, brlirv. to be nsnit eipdini, uodcr sijsiiK ctr cumsianrta,tsi')iiiithssr srsrr lqi ilona .lsrif to the pple of.b,, S.ate . therefore,! f . PntivrJ, Ths ihe ) dot" select com "me o i th airl.fert nf convsn ln,t, lx nd lhy ate haieby Inst ur led to i rjm t lit the eapadtenry of prcparn arnnid irtenta lolha Const it i rot nf thia I tat rn w.tn a turn tu tsteie fjcing present! it fl (he fret people, of litis Stair, a Ihsir nsi AukusI elaiioo, fur lUlr ra.ilc alan, m f j'rtlon,, ,4 j, Mr..Monig'mcry.,of j1irtf.r j; rnovrd Io amend the rtwfuilon hy adding ibe " II' s lved further, TUt the s.lj com ".., Jnajsrajr;-.-! tQ I'l(lulr. ,l0U llic tkpcil'unejr of liniluti the rlht if so(Tr4K in the eleeiinn 0f rne,nl;erl ol 'he (Jcnetil A niM io tba free aba man of this Stale." , While) smondtnent wss agreed to, f'ie resolution as atnrndcd w.s the. ad nple'dT , . . . , Tile enrosed WU, dcrlsra'ory of the law new in force, giving to the Courts' of pleas andqisivr seal,m ef the several counties nituinthrs .(ie.ilve power to slier ami fa sspate pi(ei of elcciiooa. wia reati tlie ihiid lime and rejected. The bill in trptal m tot p.sscJ in 'he year 1831. f hipier 4(j,i. piohioli the tirruli .,o in Uii, So.r, f,tr ,n? 4, day vfuly, t3:, it Uii.k notes under 'he t'tr.omin.iion of fits -d jfl.rv, lutd by the biglts ol itaer 4uics, was raud ihe hiii,l time and pnd. Ave3l. noes iU. . . v L Jyei Wassrs. Allen, AlHaon, B. Ittain, (araori, Cntrt l it)itjn, UU, UirMuio lliil'Mt. JIjji.. ilok Uuu u.iy JJ.tr. Lam., Lily, M Dcll. Maititu MoaSTa M,fri , M-jfivme'v of Omntje, Moorr, liia, Prba ft, H.rkar, Kay. Scswall, Simmons. Spencer, Tyson, Tanhook, Wrlilmrn. ' ' .Ws Messrs. AiVew, D ilty. Vt'., IV) di , H l!l )ck. Collirp., Cnwper, L'ii honl;, IMv-r,, vln, II kins, llowrll, llu , f.'thsin, Lindsay. Mrs"ar, JJ- of 0. Mi, ye tf P. Vonnan, Jpi iht, Sied itn, To-jmer, 'ilde-, Wi,i,mi, Wit. soo. . . . - - - . . ! " Tuctlay, Dec. Mr. Montgomery, of llrrf.ir i, trom -he tommittee on I'ropnsiitons tk O icS mtes, to whm was referred the memo rial of eundry ct'iaens of Ihe county of Kowan, ptiyin the anneiation of a p irt of that couKty to the county, Pavidson, made a report thereon, expressing tba opinion that n0 ItigiJsiion was nacassnrr on the subject. Laid oo the table. ,l. '. Mr.Seattll.fi oni. Ihe commiitn on the Jurflrtary, to whom wrsrerVrred thw rc so lo tort instructing them to inquire into the expediency' of requiring the Superior Courts of this State. 10 ptocecd ret,uUrl to business on some one of the'r dockets on tba first day of their terns, 8c made a vcrhsl report thereon, stating that, in she opinio of ihe- committee, no eislatiau is neeasary.' Report concurred ln,'t-i eHXftf'ltol;hC'X!,'M:?fTwUeeen r- are lot s rjumhrr ol counties iHowsn, Mrckle nburir." CabaTtrs.-r Montiromerv. k vb - i ' . s as Ml Incttifled) o appoint yorfimUsioQeri 10 Isy off Widows flowers, to lay nut, alter aod stfaig.ua -roads was reportedv( -V: Mr. M-jnTJorrierv oTOran'te fruin the seletjr Commitei )o whord retet ted thv resolution 10 ii quire Jntp the affairs trftbe-etTfrU Bank" ke. nude I "fmit thcreots hic! was Otdercd 10 be laid eat iHtiMS and haTprloieJ; r--W"- j Mr SeeVrell from the. Committee on the Judiciary, to whom wi referred the reiolulion instruclinK them to iuquire lt to the expediency of giving the tiht ta idows olnun( petitions for one yests kupjort, fee. made a reprrt thereon, ac rompenicd hya Dili which wui read the first time enrj psssed. T . The Istljw t'ptal an act pissed In the yuar U30vpohiuiiir.a; the-circulation of f.ai!k Noies. under Five dollars, issued by he llatiks of o'her ststes ws. read the third time and p issed, ' A .recoosidersiion of the yite rslatiie to giving the County Courts piwer to at ter and rtx separate places of election took tsce sod the said Bill ws read th e thiid ttme-aassed. and Qidrred . to ba en . 45 rojsccf., r ; 22-J. . -' Mim'tui, Die. iJ ... Mr Aernsthy presented the peti'ion of sundry citiseoa of the couii'y of Lin coin upon ihe subject or a Convention. Keferre'd to the joint), select committee raised on thst-subject. , J -.' Mr. -Monk introduced resolutlont.rela ment to erect Dana j 10 .make work. ol InternafJTtprotement, wl'hin the sey er si Stars 1 the richt to appropriate mon ey, fir .works of Internal I tnpioveiheol, the rwht of the tieneral Ujtrem merit,,, to dispose of public finds, or common do' maictl, tb rf(l.t otHe Ufterni uovbriir ment, of Uytnk duties tod imposts on forelitn imporia, havinir tendency to IheDtotectbrt iftfidomeatfc j maniifatV jir.es, requestinti our SetuioT enJ Rep"J resantatives In, sVonstress, to se, their rest endaavdrs to cili a con Mr. Datuel submttied resolutions, re!a liyejo the uneprisiitutionali'y gd unjust r)eas 0 she TarifT lews for protection, tht while we sym'pathiie" with the peo ple of South Carolina, we do not approve of Nui.1Oca.10n, ocr. axe. . t Tney were rcierred to select com- ILMhofibete resolutions U b gi enjiffull in Oiicnext. j . - , ' ' Oil motion of Mr. M;t.uiift U vat re- wilvid that 'h lormnilia ..n fw ivs'f lil j f-"v. the A.l lrr...,fn, iv.rt nf nt h ('' ' i strttfted 10 irryotr. Into the tapa'H- (olma, l i.a Pi'ira -f 'h .If.ipt.l Mt.a It 1 n f ol arsiiiK the piwsr In Ihe tsuMf , Is an al.'e. sn I -jn-O-d pwt. I'vfy ra. fMMs, m jinjiy ,.f the scttng Jus rrssj m.; ilwuM revd rt.as if a-Kfrw. d t hiarlf, elriir prvavnl. to Suilmrlie thi tniiinn L. i:.t.1. . 1...1..11. ...... . .. "f lS arrnis the poUk fOaJa lit ihsir irsiet ive toantlas. M. UarilnKr prese nied bill prevld K if f 'ntiKnsa'lo.i fur i'trori in iha (tiuii. f nf. Caaairus Ir. IJaii, e Mi le eltaf it Mine cf.slecl'iB and rencwln the loi ds of car I sin oftY ir in the County of Meekrenuurw j .Mr, u.nner, a bill l pro vide lor bavin, lb military Iswtf this '' fi(VtJj.r' vised rrtiblishr4 Mr', trTherty, bill to ti'f nd lht "prort' i.insor.sn act, passed ime year lKX .ptvt nt slavt fiom stttrxlinti inuv'lf r f Ic:kh. irounda. etc. I ahdwa;esa vttslly lead lb out time eiid pasl, '', Turt liy, Dec, 4. t Me. O'Biien, from the cotnmlitre no Ftlvdrites i.d ClilMtnt',To whom sfafttd the eeiliien of Richard If. Ati .ndtr, contcttlnK ibe rixht pf tt-j'ion Cralire.ihe fsxmiiar from 'he'owa nf S4 iibury, te sasvie this HiHie, made are port tbereoPi conrlu.llng with a rrsold (ion, that lbs said Huron Crtjfc s r tied to rodd hi seal, 1 and Mr. DUson. on bellf of Ihe mino:iy r.f sild commri iee,jnste e counter rejiort. 'Mr.'B. T. Sawyer moyed that the re sol u inn he lild 00 thetaMe, I'tilhe iba rspoit and cosin ter report be pi loud. The motion was nejoiirtd. On mo-loo of Mr, Puindd ter, ksve ws .ranted M', Al'X.ndct to beeeirl aijh bar of Hie II .f, .SvW"isf viiraTir,a atr raan n - I)h',f If. 1J1a . ..J. la's. '-.eiu-aiiaxeaa i IV ar,fmn- I'.,'h papa and from If. UM, that tU fnUl'rJt'rrlhn tT lm rtofowx h peen d. tMed In lasor of lr. C!C Itj by 1 ey htrje snap-rity. Tba eotvin.itlee .f prtvile ge, and h-ctNa, to whom tha WiSHtr hl bren rrfrrrrd. after mnel eareluf, and kboti oua invritira'ion, it rruclrd ihtir Chairmsn, peiKir OJtriuirlVlo J. JrS?Z and s Itryaluiiun, in favo of Mr. Crai.e, abieli was actordtrgty dune 1 on the other bentl, sse. Davidson of fted-H wwnnly, tw b4 ha wry activ psrt sgsinat Mr. t-raijc, prraenten counter trport, euppotting the claim of Mr Alciafcd'r. Mr. AUssndi-r was sJcniited within Ive bar uf the Iluoar, end we-,n4erlan.l, msde a loitf U ingrntou aech,1n (svor of his claiou and. Ibal Hr.Cialge.rrplled.to. bim, t CoirfideuV lenir'h, a'd with much ability. - Mr ttichn'nJM. rro'wn. if 11 wtn,Wovrd Io slrjke out. Ibe name uf Burttm Cro-ya, M the R'aehitvMofraed bv the ewvtmitteer and erft rbstnf if If .1?rjwiari He at ip ported this motion with great al. In a long" and lahtierv d speech, s.id Wa ir ported by Hr. John 0. Ee ctrt, of rrrffee;Hrt rhT' ware rvpWt-S b? Mr. HpoJocer uTJrien, of Crsnville, la a spraeh, which out informant paouAunCed t be able ad tWxjiBiit. Tba vou waa then taken on Mr. fesrson ' motion, aivd stood rtmev for it 36e- galltat It ?' T;. " PcJlai4 We moment, Mr CrS'atr' ep. pwitent then' took another tsrrv. 1 l. M Man- gum, of Ohf.'movtdT to amend itie rraohi tion, ao rt to declare tbat neilhrr of theriu-we iL.lv elected, and. that It b sent back t the f foraogh for pew electlo.i thla peopoaltion also failed, without any1 en H 1 Whereupon the vote wss tak a on the revolut tub, 'dccblinf tbat Mr. Ctttra wis entrited Idliia scat, aui P. aa carriedrby IS vote to. 3oV.. . , .rrhua; 1? wllfb eeefi, thatch -McwmaiW as IbaiarilTiUa Lol..ht ie call him, baa rauim d lit arat, in apite of the eitraordinary esertiuas that, lava bee a sssde to defeat bm. The nea s of Ur Craige retaining his seat, snd'tbe fcl, that President Jacks) Is not disposed te put South Caruiiasduw.n, by swords and bovonets, reacliiiiK here at the eainc time, ta a ua matter to certain pefaonsgea.. Put they rrust gtln. and bear it Truth ia ovigbty. eud. wiU preii ya r:-:: :.-;?;:-"vT-' 'r'r -; the catawbTjoCrna t. -r Veda the adiiorial head, nf thy " Cstsabs JoumaL" of tbe Uat week, is a most uncivil and ungentlemanty attack, oa tba. persons who have la eLart-e this paper, ia the absenee of Mr. Craige. He l' thcn a" "hypocritical Lfewff jid.wfiJh.dea5oa wdaed ' the paper, "enwcUicel. and,, traaaooable." The bole tanwtf'ia fstcts ae wa feAkaaaa would maka uia of. It wss s wish, expressed by Mr. Crage, when be ItrOere, thaterMMl je trpverales ie lb paper, ba avoided w tbere- fpre,- will tab no further none or tbe Tory ed itor oT.ttc Journal, but if he deriree to push ihe subject any farther, be knoor who ar tBfc eonductofs of this paper, in the absence of Me, Owiger M.hias maae ibani isamaha .alraala, arid use such language to them, aa he meanly dowin'ubj psper. -A, to the srticlee, to which be allude, if ha can nake NulUflcatton out of tjiermfet bint make tbe fflasffjf if, wa are an awerable to Mr. Craige, aod h'ta patropa, .not te one recreant to the right of the South . ;i ' , .As to the trey silly remuki of a ecrtUblai, In the Journal, over the hard word, of. jPMt- Jaritfii, we Binst e erwsad from tski tiff e iiel el'iyliraaWS Crugi, when here, aeyer rrotioed thoa from a Vndred. pen, sign. ed, " aTanyaa," and wa are certain 11 eare aow. he would no. notMM.ibUiBw batch tie. , The principle advocated, in a feeble msaner.to baeurare not only altre Federal, but they. are;Vwi'ra It would be aa, insult to the eadaratanding of tba reader of tbioaoer. to rtfute then. Let TUE ADDRESS OT Tl CONVENTtOV at t. ciaoLiflA, te va reorttr xrTme eat- .. v.-.; ', tmtsi Patheaeoesd paje ef tbia ftjtef, will be aa he would some uni nportant, ryry way (tai paper, but, anb all tti d.-'l'ir'stlni, s'd fhnugbt, which IIm crte' eatla fW If-i di as rtie raae rsnd f TV pai.pl of mrh t sulis. In The wtrr s-itmn msmirr, !,. c'a'grif IRa ITreW CvworeaiaRi wrb Sa s af aturoviW end opprrwMin, its their Sovwrtifn aanacity, rtwy aar, tbsf they e Uafsr ibn;t l their 0rnlirri-nal ac. all Hy net tl.af the LwaHiei be nCuereifM a Caavsntinn nl ail the ttaa,firtbtlrerta.lrmlianstwtutaias m. Iucad by Minis of rvspaet fur lh p upl af rbe ee-i'aira, tltey ptapere a aAUaas ta litem, and ett forth ibair reason Cut she knt tluy hf dri,Ud en Si;w, I oriav .st.a many of she' ev.r as poveibl. tw wksS iliie wJdrea VvtaayWsMf have ear eppertenlty of saeinf snd rtadinf It, It W aertaJnly U duty nf ' the ewndurfor of every MKTrr l tba country, ta pti'Tiah It if they wish- that pee. pi (a hate i fair op;rttinlty of twlg-inr, vhey eenslult will de soi ytt w bar bsaaed fl.a apialtMS. that very few of Jll. Taif pepers ie nonn uar-Mins,' u ny, will tv tli AJitrrs, hl and ttnrs'Wri, te tbelr raeder. Tlie will da with the Address, as they are dln. lib the Meaasaa, by will pTM r srbled a irads aeomsipaniwd by thwtr ewe Sir remark 1 but, I hi will ed aY4 itntfiinf , tbey eannot al ter the eouree of lhtofi the may deceive aume of their resdrrt fur a thod tLas," but U will cvevs rigbl araiw, - . v ;, . S - 1 . . ilk t M iaO). f ww.ri.a.iilua.H, 1, tnba;n mi Uln kMa Tbe rwrv it tahtcb Seara Caaous. Is aw engaged I one that deeply, and equally ouneeroe' esfry jriee .Vlnne, Sail con tr.dii( for aur rig Me, aa wall aifwbar owat She asee taxiing forshe principles, that the federal lioifcrnmaoa ha ate. Jiel te. take ll.e lard earning of ihe Routliere pecplr, and ba. Sow them apoe "the penphi of tk Manu4otur. inf Btsla 1 Jlie Is contending thai Ike 'people of ti e Sovt a), sh-tubl be allowed ' eoj.ty the fruitrof their n la her, that fJotff h-a wo powr, but what ia granted 4o fueca if tit Cnauhiiin, that, abatever '.hey its beyond tnie, I acts snj vote. Th.a being tba contest, ei any 9nrrarn tasa. wish to see tba cause it Koeyn Caauties, bit.1l la 'alo ,the ts'ia ol ibe wkule 5ocrsu pui,al.wa.f JLf.iluuabM,l. a man, eMier hi mistake principles, nr bis mi-guided frennge, gSealTy Vad bira astray. dmH, wir-rrgii-rtenr. saka.Ttiat South. Ceroli. na ia rattier premaniie in Joining itsue with the Frdrral Government . rtilt tbe euaas In which ehe ia vtrngr;ling. i jif and HThtewwS f one thai concerns ihe a-saie J;nM, .nd if (ae fviH in i', the wboUauu'b maat stiffer. Tblnk you,' f the Tariff t,j irity in Coi.greH, can succeed ie trmKf Sonlb CaeoUn, tW they will 6rt o the eomplaiAt of NnMb Carotiria, er any tV ther Sotjthara tSis'ttf Nnl They will turn a draf ear, ant!, if the cemplainta baenns too loudthay eTtarbiZou' awutt wittUe ef, ae Hi fkiUawaa. Dav we wet sJraady tea. Mxna oftheir m'.niona even hre,e the beaom of, our u(Torirg populatua, threat rnlng. all who dirreraivj .p for tbelr rrht, wttti betv.with tbe eayeaet,' and with aafrrrv 1 1w see not Mr thea. jame minion of Iha tarifi ariatocrc.y u praly advocatlrg due'rinea. Aa ieaJ A-rettf te aferwrc A) f t.iTigry gurenmsnt t: tt I time I hat the popks sbuuld swakaa, and look y'tttnnmtsn message,! ;1 fCoowing tbe arisUty vTur Nsdcra, To" tee the PreeiOr ijt'l Menage te Jema,rf, we' bave by thc.txclusion of other jeatter, crowded, the whole of it Into thia wcyic. paper. It la a rst busiaratik paper,"ad 00 the: whole, jot b liova U to be tba bast sneuwag. yet duared b Pteaident Jackson. .'Tbere sr.-, however, one T ' n 1WM Ul . .-, w . '- ... www . - ' trery liappy.wiitie there are oilier parts, un which Ilka peat nss;ofihe Southern people wilslfvpart'teuUrly pleased 1 wa allude to bis lUwS oa the Tr.lT, and Internal Improvement by Jhe.Ceneral CovernmenkJle eonra out plainly aJ-d decidedly against tkt TariiT, and recommcede Its reduction, in terms no in be mistaken 1 as fur Iwnat iprvnf by (he. General flnveroment, ha denies both the yew f.miitMi Oa tb auhj. ct uf the altitude assomed by South CaroUaa, ha (peak in a vary' mild and mesyurtd manner t no threat, "frigatv block sdc," no " Revenue Cnttiisa" eve rt'mieJ at. U'hat will Iha Tariff ed'itpns, end snore ea peeialK, om' in eur own-State, sey to thiaf 1 ay have been laboring : afTiighl tbair raa.1 re for seme lime part, with raw bead and btoddy bonea, with t terrible vengr.no, C but, bow behold I Ihe Mrnj hu come out unjrarn'uhed with the bristling of bayonet, aad without the rnotlc of the eanoey foot fellmsa I they are not even cheered with t lap. af the drums But let them not sink; Into (despaoden, csi It 1s true, that Prtniknl .wishea to settle-.tbe whole ootrweay,,peaeaiJy and mleahtv. but h h ere evidentrtbst thre see other who Wish totee thing, poabed to the ef rem 1 they wilt not be aatisfied short ,f a Ctriebl'tod. " ' ' ' '-J.' ''-' Like tba msn, acting Giant In Mother Boose, jhey are mutieeinr 1 ' - -yr . , ' - re I, raw 1 1 . n 1 . -. ; , We aovell the blood of a Southartl mso,' DeaAe'r aJive w anuKhaveMns. ?: LiksKtbe bloody Cianf, we hop, they ' wui be wefuKy aliaappuiuted. '.n.j ;i i-4X4.- There fSmMHMMmh all tbevcn,teinduoeiha 5umi'. prty ie toulb'tVijltnaS'tws th Sutet in tbia why,, kick up) a mil war, arid thereby,' gWe tbe realcrat 0veroment aa xcuse to interfere. - t w 1 0 . The tarlffite In the South, bsve ' done .more ' rTO-y0i eij. t,e peopte, tliiit Webatef. Clay, and lloimes, an put iogetur, dt inrif .... . . . . .1. , ouraeaitent te thir friend at the North, to hold out, but fur thi the unconstitutional and eppreastve acta weu d have been repealed lesit--erei - If eev- blood hotild low In this eonttr, it must net M the J head of the ta-iff part ia tbe, flouihj , " afAfC tlfHUMtfttr; The hi'! l h Wsn.i,i. 1 t;Uta ( lie l.ipeii.ir and l.'um.ty f; nt, to ii p. ,;.i t ia( w.l Iv.iri II mart of lb (irt Aa "tfi y .Come the law ef tlie aa, Tbe appre. tfiation kill wa csllrd UP, bS fMie'pwned until Inweveay, The kill te eUbtivh a new Cmt ily it the Wt, was bud an ll.e ta,l, The tii. rnnetran.i.,itfd ta the f-g 'll'U'e. BV a( ai'h v'i- ua (ioeum ma, frurts th Cmt. a um Of S njih farnhne. Tbe d'teenvtnt' were reed, and epna a asn'MMi ie aend ihem to the Senate whh penpfitioo (a fhr thans t a jutni an. lad committee, the propoettion to refer, ws eaejUX lb biMte repeal tb ta f ISiJlre. Itlirele Ihe'eircutslian ofes,' oflU Ttfa.-lJ-,' of otbt I 'alt a, under ibe daaominai i..n of , five dollars, waa ind -nnitrty pwatpneed in tt); Moose of CpmnV'ta, , To.' nsvs. J. , The emmittee npots ptaveailen, hav ot ae yet report sit 1a rshuTwa Cwttinv, 0 Mui'ds'v the tft. dy of .Novewber 1S13, af th Sra-teJr'e, Aaane,ibe yoengeei i)autier ef Mr. E4rxi Cites, s.td SI BoMhert 14 pays. '' " MSIIS Jj SKtltiOKS. ": 1 fflV. I lor sale. tits . !1 .he tint da of January otst,'- at the Btorc of Wto. 8. 8monton, in mile from Ikattlci Ford, in joCvla County, . 1 ' Ont Valualle Ti'aclbf lnni. , sitUutcJ A the montn ol B'sUo Creek, 01 tbe Catawbi. Uiver," cootaining- ' n . mi MviYsA,' ' ,', iocludiog 100 attat, tal ratebt.tton. f A' first rl e?t f"f.t Mil), or FrjrRe.- u merly th, pt crperi air C ; U;niU-ta';7" Dim-., V4",- . ':"- . One Tract of loand . : " kJjjiii.og iLe,rtier, iviii.ioj - - on which it eotiJ ".fill etat, former ! Iv the prnpertv of C"??.' U. Kwc"' -."" otiii 'ztftzzt off aixia -f "" S(JJui.4"a -r 4t'twt.' tiJVii ;.ng Trt oote-f entJ; or -weH ve-Ttcrt-fi, i . jrod farming; .jrdcr, tor! ucfptiLU of at many tnpfovement as any tracta in the Cmjivtf . f - One (iiird ' ( 660 acres, js ta ' Ima K Ore Bat It,, tituatctl pn 'the Lftllfl Mauuta-Jf U Ltnctn. Couoty. - ' f a : i t. 1 '. i OY THE SAUK DiT, . Cwusikiiiii;. ol Men, iTumm euu Lk.U' dreo. All the A6veVfci-tftalJ to f gcther, with tome tock, and p'tier.jj property, etithoat t reierve .iht; dejfi, .... .bote RtetiuoaesJaoa credit r( wtl. P nmotba for; tbe N'ccrroea, t 1 tod 1 3 ytsTi far the irid.' t Bond and ? etmtvVvrlwmlvr JAMlia CONKER,!-, vfr.rf. ' . FI1E9H-&-FASmOV.WL&: kMt& AY st X LIV Arw ftc eitWnf and "ei.i ;.' ji'tJU S.ara fl JlarQf'ssIIcUrtsfotflortmrnf,' . . Fa$kionAbh Full & Winlery -' ' : 'I ?. GOOD A . . j '. So!eeed with the utmost care, end boufbt ea tirrly for cash,' ka ' a 't 1 . ' afitto ioiikSWIlIias-rliiX ' 1 7 "f him m jMmt fy tflt12?Zt i Hi rutomer f the public ae tnovt earn1. ertlv requested to etir.Ve, hear k judge, eaeh f and every on forbimK ' . t :Z ... The eatenem aaaortment and lew rate ef hia '" prict, mtut anoat oertaiuly induce the publie. 1 to believe that jr-ide cannot be told lower la ; tbia teotioajpf country r " - - j J.-M.1 bone by. eiuse aad teedy sttentlnn to bnalneas, and a free and wilting mind to- tender: a ell who may favor hi with tbeir eaOe, eor.hj. j accommbdatknis ta ttisit Overt! tbeir coo tine nee. 1 .t a.-li...... - . .-.-nr n. ll oetweatefadebted to ae ere reyn-t ed to make payment ty tue arst oay m o-ai uary . neat ae eiva their notea with aeeuritv if req.iir. edi- AWmO. I S3?. tttats k ten. I . UMVUtUt V ItVHVV. IW'WL for alei trthej Ute' I dwelling tiririseof.Xtfhar.rje JV I fogs; Sheep, tvm wagtons, one iet! qf Surveying Instruments, Household and t KifehenFufnitute,'farnun$ Utensils, Wheat, Com, Oati . Hay, 4-c., wrth other article! too lediout to mention. : ' All persons indebted to said eitatek. ar'jeqaetted to come and -aettlf Those having cTemandt, are notilted to wrwepi'inT -JtVOI mu IUNr v- . December trd, 1832. . 3t5j - ' ' " N. B.j--nel plantation tjii whiclt said tie c'd lived ii jiow ofl trd fof tle ti.lt contain 475 acrea Back Creek Rowao ,0unty, N. ' ' joininp;tbelandt of Georcjft Andrei John F. McCui kle and others.,, j, pert.iti wishing tu, purchase -tinw,' "trbet 'lInfofmatibii7yl'PCtiowf Mr.. Amos Andrew who ites. .,- :v.,: place. . . . IlUUSljipfl 1 a.a.W -1- "-' - f I . 1 ... I ; .a -r 1 a; - I

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