J. C. nii Ch Adiim. D.irie, a.irn V k tr I ITm.l.ll. N-l. K. l.vni"!". I'l'i'Min, itrimi'i, rmit- Noai Ciiiu uu, lijll. Ma fe, Onrrfirtif. Now RirW.T'.ll.worth, H-wim.;! t. I;rf"!l rrr, V"- t'r York. AtM IWgro, Cainhr. w Umintf, Vrr.ilanck, C. P. White, ?lt Bmiek, Afil, llafl.Mtn, inj. VrKti IWrdeW, Tit r iiw": n.y.n. wWjJi, r ,iii r. El. H't BcW, v-JrY New Imithird, Iii .t A. HlW v"r 'i"St 'i''"',"l Ate Horn, pmith. Collar, l'',,,r Joe Hutherlaid,1 Wi!mm;h, fleie. tr r J. ! Mann, Butcher, Hrn ry Kin. Vuhlenbnrgh, Ihrw, Pnrd, 8l. r!v m. ltrl, Alain Kins, Crawford, Jl'Vrt M.jCnjr, Allu, Burd, McKeanao, J iiiy, Baake. - . fctrf-rA. Stewart. Jr1. " Note J. I. Mifliyin. tfirjIaiJ. Ar m--V"' K'rr, Pom.' ne, iiwell, Washington, Jcuit-r, TVm l.rward, Wprthingtoo. . . , r. iVpiia. Art- Newtmi, pk, Jt.uie, China, ibt. AHea, A runt rung, JJ.rlmar, Patton, Alexander, Archer, Da. w.i.KKt, BAiUin, Gerdon, Win. McCoy, J .Im. Meawcll, Craif, Draper, ClaU Wrim, Maaun. Not cr. mercer. , iVii CdrTf'a."ATl-W.' B. SUpp 'ard, lUakinv Hull, Braiich, fsrrinprrr . ft .L... f.Mui IViftiama CMiMl ' n V. i ir ti t - wumhum" ' .r .r','ttaC liffkrM fu tllUtt ra.rarenl AiarA-Car-atad. Arta-e-vurneii, Diair,i t n l r CcorgiA Aim 'Putter, Lamar New I rfwiipkioa, WicklilTe, L5onipe, ""''KfayrfMhu ... 'Joh-i.n, Lyoo. . lit"; Wb' 'b-ii a aibiy Mr" tort of .JVaJKaare. . AlW Blmr, AnuJJ. I aJU-MaA tmmtm Vuipk .ntftY CC, nmiiiii"rt . iiU w, , Aii, Fiturerakl. Arta Fiodlay, Corwin, Creirh- too, Irvin, J. Tbompaun E. Wbittleary, i'rry. Nur-Crana, Ruaaall, Vinton, Kcunoo, JjHtlrt( Cookab-OTW'n5l'('i.CliJ- . .. ...f,,'"i,,W?r?- . . " LmritM. Au Bunard,'rT1ion)M, B. I). White. i'WtdM. Alia uooo, vwr. . Noij-McCarty. ' , Windi. Aa Dunran. Mimuipyi. . A ;Plummet. jlfiunvri. N?0t-Ahl'Vt -r v , ifia.. A a Claj, La wja, Mardia. ) TotaJ 211 v. Uixai tha 1 5j)fttkcra putting tK tioeatlob -tijiolba title of iitL WUkia'a BiU,-..I... Mr. M'DUFFIE roao and aauJ, he bad) tojrforrn k painful but wtamVMy." ' 0WJr7 w'" w Thf mtfirt oflhtHiu:ateTBuut"7 " Ll'itt return lo tbeir homea." mJ to render 'WJ -r -W,-for aur ancfHt-tO -t!ioir conatituenta of Iha ttmnnnr in wnifn ijipv naa iu iinira intt - ,;ti?Mt prl:in ihincd?rf rliv aaid, thi act will bmj the OmtliMtiw f tho nnintry ; and, fnt my own pan, I on y atl thepvyr fnvilowa of bn permit tad, iu write, iti epitapn :ror mia pur op, I move you the fulJowing amend mint " An Act teaubwt the aweroigntr of, iha-Stntej of thia Umon-to . eatabliah .niliiUted GowrhmoriT, without limits (in if p-iwera and U make (ha civil aub axvwat ta the military powar." . . .: rio m coMutia.'Tttetcort. .2? ; AH the late tirnt. itt thr Vati-fiutw Organa truncate great temr.tattwinajf' kian'a part, aa to the threatened recoiiciU niion, uciwecn ina I rtwuoni ana tuo r ou .X. 1 1 . .1 I . .liLA V.. I ral leaden, lie lay indeed it( imminnt . dftwr. IT kW Andrew cet into Mr fj jl WetTDra tiHndaythcre-w an endof-'y an fiurea. The JVfaident'a (omper ia op j Ilia lore ol4 power aud thirst fir blood art Tuuijed'-Jl'iraiJ couiM:iU;rdisiniutition f - Sotvommittal f A'illave no cliarma for, him. & bolder, riiao and atrongcr prlnci- . plps can hnrdjy. laif jQ.crverthjw 3Ir. an ' ,f ) i i ' ' .... ; : ; . - - .... - - - - --. . . . aamuni i,JUinaru, ucio .wemary i '"the navT.i novr. G6vernor"of tlie Btaterort "ttriaTgffyTff'a VPtrattirtlay1 wwk;-gleet1 f ca a fceiiator ol the UOitea statea tiom tnai Btute, for air yuan, to awecoed Air. Dick, ervjn, whoae term ofaoryke eTpi'r?tF on' ' flie 3J ioaunt. ' T"f HegUtifc iouw UAjtDOLM 4!IT WaSUIHCtOX Iftr ue United Htatearwriose opioKina would rmtnaudj rrrnre respect than Washington "Ir. Irtmg heard Mr. Calhoun'a tinH . X a at n i i . i I a. ' M - : Mwnr r a ni !i tv k airii. aititi- f n mir. nr Jrvuig entered the Senate chtmber imbued Vuh a prejudice against Mr, Calhoin he "left it; n4frt riliar WHmoV adnHraiKM - . ii.n. .fM. T- lU I. -M .! ti-.-IJ r if. - .L J , wi'ij. . t ei mere was nonp m me crowj ed audience whi waa mora decided in an probation. V;' "rr?:A -VT?:'? O'ui,1''- . w awa aa r 'a. Af a- f i. ilz idiu ..i '!" an U ... I . a .... S iwcTffHmj. m larro nra orKe 0111 in lf tttnria tear reattM. rHUSBUrtTi TiiKMw t iurr bill. . f praveiHi hom firing ta uli'i r-, i 1.1 . L 'l. It 1, . ii m vnuri B tali; 'M u, . nr ww nwHir ,n ipr inf. fa.jM Uui NiTi flctitmi, civil ,1 alMklttKdl rMlr tp.ii ht will b rii m IhU i n p.fil r ifui hfM rr(riw Mcmlf tftacVNloM ttw-y , ihr-Mclvr, r, v btvf ! Mid Ihcf wr, ttia rl bloody bmei;a hich tbry hv bta n U actr olj oikct and riiiMn , viD not 4 ill llir n f.U apoa, ( iip4 u friien knrmt fifm hWiUmi of lblr rif bit. WW ra ftfii f..rUt IH cIimm ft dct(.. HaarM ill raw ba to bt utfd or tout ii.tr porpaM, ba r b, f ib tt"H aulli&rrt, k will baC rw (rrro fur ii'. Md 4 ttoMlaribwa mxi li t rtli ul 7a, m Km j Utofft, an4 hit r.'f w Ibia roimtr,, re ptd i call aor ltbi- f tuna, franking an4 JrfTronf ib r.rolu li'i. . . . if tt panptf att apt btiaj. ihtf vlll.at able, fraa b ihtj Uv trtnf ..f iha Uu la or Dtrrca oulliv-"io pui lU mU op rl!n Btjrt j"-4n abr vontt, ttiar iH br ! . ' i - ' M k Iba vta'cr ot wir thtoonicnt. Ibila aWioua unwrl bv iWau of fort." flrn'oc tba fifr..ln ptnra it In (vpe, tan imm brougbi tipo Iha land i i It a kind, vbica will ba grcaird b (a peopt of iha Soaih wiik almowi m wocb pUanirc, a they ouU bf rtcerd ibcir dtiib wamnu whlck Ibrir nwmi, kcra.aaid, would mkmi U i ftied. U hj ilartd if ataen. tbcit riUta.-..Viiw;a- alBVlVlLKUiJ'. i.LL ... . , dn ptMd tba Hoeaa of leprraMrtttivM bj a caiidinbla majority a'tfr andeffoing wri out axtrritl atodiftcationa But it it too Ulcc th Tariff wattr redwedi Tboat iherrofc, abawitbedto an tnu Iwquiioua lUm ft, unwdopon Iba peoplei by lnytwwa'a in. i tubrrlttion, will neat with tail dump xiiiit. J Tb,,7 ',u " a ft tba mi 4 tUaj btaoa M Iheif oonthera Praibren, nucb Icai i I tu'f, Wbat i pit Ibat Ihraa vtnnibali abuui J be i prired af ibcir anticipaied fraat. Afconjlrtt naya npoa the pnawre uf fbe bilL wa kra bappjr in (ddiiif ilia nan.rt of Manor. Berithrr Caraoa, ConnrriM 'Had from thi w"t " ,rnrr '' woiBir. TKK-mrrnmvn rvonnrn - ;jr uu auiu jt 'injur .a-.Ui' trsabd wtTI h fWrvrihitr tbi' rrtl, tbc eoian f ha'r, ami the hia f liiiriV of all f obw Jtubttii;i,"-:tia' a, ti . Itia. E&tV ! of Ijiii Ui&unJ " knjuiri rowfht up In tfCa achnol- t"'J rT-'-i and ftiiait. il ir wrra at iS f-ri .,f (i.m.l. Wt lJaya thi opa and iv.Mrad alr.. of BTart Rmati, tie bai BowJnTri olj ik-epur'. ned Apoata'c'noi ep'enly, (br tbee be would ka a idifrfioml by all, and hit trrainn wbu'3 its troy bh Influence i -but k wir. he rfu", ha ahapM bVway alnaif Iha mdJU rtarrf, ' which b 1waT tttr pnTiejr nf the Jrfwng,"nl' prindplci of Roane, bit late waiter, trampled in tbc dual, he area Liberty ai-n(liog fur (sat bold aWfa tht Old DiUmin,-Aott k' prtfljf to ber reaeu f : No, be tkka the band that bold tlia dagire idy to dxirc it to bar heart. Wbca taa aaiat ia aoaadwl in Virgin a. andibe Oeneral Ataeovbly of (hat lute, ia oaot more ready to bo'r th tlorioua baa'nar of i-wnert if tti'm man f Mm it drawing ff lhe fofe-ta, be U (MrnyMf ,-he ia aWm'aaa'af, be '4 p?ayin fba part vf lago. ' . . ""OM IbV'ttoa'taelt t.raa"tha' alaytV""; " Wbiac fraaaao,1 BV a teady MigU jCflmea on he Coitncilt of the brava ; u Ma Juurf them Ia.tbetf hour, af a Wliwi yhrwewi raached were; tf rha timhrtf oftbepaaaaira of the Peace BifL tbera might be aeen aiany perfect protutyrnti of woe, am ong the Proclamatioa and Doitee port bill gen. try. Really, we think if a'goW dii:ipr af Ra pbael bad beealverebe onu'd have made hii fort iln, by one atroka of bJa pencil i lor we ae aare none of rhena will aet meet witb aogoiuaa"opp woe. af riVght he been bad bare b a aght 'tba "knifjhu of the 8i-ful oootenancc.'t Tnetttip The infanjout pubHther of tbi Infamon ahee',httliad(i ij iJcice ta aend ut (tea or til eoniei of hie rile paper.' If we bat hiia haeaaaadaatllct bJmhaf"e-.liaT-3'Mlor M,de aii.Ai ',r SnaitL ka would aoon be wherehic worthy aaanmate, Nat Tamer, long tinea gone. "The fellow mutt realty haee made t mil Aittin of hie teditiout ftuffilU miglit.'at lead, haa giea thcai a direetiaa to thiaplarei maaavfo whom'thef would fan been t gtilaaaora bfeent able. 7l ,:' ' n-.iui?"i wm inetlm cince latfnrlu'-r.l :1.,ioopirt ,,t, )v Mt piercbantt taa tl hf WtVtma of NitamtrV' i$rif: of m ; . Tfc jr..,,i-.nir. that ". .V;5t r .Wttt&safr Mkir T tr ttaffa that art; a trf t tfiLun rue?. Tmnt ad .' t ' f'rita, .h cl p'.ir, ht W, I V., abo Wta al..v. ittt " M ',) tt -I . ' rir kunnjara Iha U,ir, nr rh Brif ByK'a, a4 fra 'ff i (J'f, a m-w pf.. , rrraly aauhntM ai Mi.1.df Ga, ...Mr. J, Uth f w, eviad a Rta li rw ika , a WaSMkbt.riMt! .,.! J, wtatbaaa 'norw n,,, ant (kU akat awnaa rha rihu af fl,a Bia, C tha iha ? a (br r4rl Q a. aiH,wl.whia?paa4 la Ha cUnt ertOa . Ilaia4a wiaaf r!4rt pqGikal aa nwHbia attn rr as k tS btUatko-IW ra.MiaV, H wi!c i "n. ai bia rtniaioaa, epi rka prMri af ,ir aoawiat, , ka a;aa,w'a4tf Mttavit kr tW wh, W klot kaal IVtr k!a kl,-M.?t4 WalawwUw,H and iirttmainly. adtht. M JHy hail W at w HU atj-xor In It f faf ena vf aNriqilaaal libnr. Wt ft.aB 1ak plraaura, la Iranafrmay la our a 1 "". " rhi ibl and ar4rUaJ ari u;-oq ikt dociruid af i'a rijrtiia. ' Rome time "woe, ' h-rd ib ea mat! dt' a Mirpriae, l!wM the rrwta nd Ki-poUitan aoomy of klrcklanborg, bad gone wttr to Iha aaemy. The report came froai ra'bat a qurttbaable toufra, and we did not tbrr. .ra, put t! moat Implicit biib la the aa) ru.m. Laat week, (it being Cor week) were In the eovniy. and bad a good npportanty f aarcrtakjrg iha ara'imenta of ib peoplr, and w were proud ia bring aade- el4: . We rr proad ta aer the aubii f 76 0iH abee In ni l Mil.llua yk W.r. ffrraTaiae bo' rt rrr.via tba kmoaa la. wkatdiLe4uJin. - , ---7- MtHt.Tmsf ; The reader will 1 rrreite by a Hfetenealo tm t oa Mr; CUy Ti bill, f. a reoVtam rf the Tanff that tbc WorMc !.. rf.hLa il !L''?r,Je."'it-f foi V ca , furk oter the redueioa wlwle Mr DuJIm ,oa. allaa aappgaia a tw rof(T orTrtni ptnli.nt In lhe flout, f rprra, Vatiroapaf rued c ai-wilar enuraei omer aid fmH, agafa( the bi.l Her b WreWb-trta far yoa. fur tba laat eight or tea dajk the weodi In the ne.g iborhood of tbit place baV, been filled witk .LrRe Ixk of Wild pidgeonc. Oor iporiamea hare aim madc'ai fWtr. Tarir. RulUflca'lon, enforcing b3 aad all Ibat kind of thug, wbh their Tnrid deripti-ma of their B ne ibooting. But like the PrracWa. wa mai enjoy it all by anticipation, wa man tboot a fa dttumtt, ICP Oa f,i.!a'y Ua Mretr. Mcriuffle.Cfimn, Nuekolla aad t:onn f pamed Ibroojthtbtf'pi, 115 tbeir way borne from WMhingtofluL m . - I-.. - - Waaaiirama Ctre ak ". tar'- I hare bern attending' ike debate ia the Benate on Mr. Clay 'a Tariff bill, and watebint ht fctealtk great antiat7"Af a"laeFoor "of the highH patted ft til tlHrd and Wreadlar. Hyl -rlonb W he read k third fime oa Hon day. There e at a conaiJeratle Biajority la ht rour.-.Tbe lou'h uoaniatoua la Itt Ltettr. The T'r ,rrty ia tba '.Waal aad Nrnik i ka t.our tip. wbila tie W.bf et and V4n Baren pany both la iha Weet and (imk weie anited in eppoMlwn" t o it, Th Bifl b afgreai JqV. nrmwae 1 "ul5m.,'Ml. fihteTaib eVrent 'o'a aditimim upon It ar-lcloi of impnritioa ale caccpt a fci moaaaldWahltaaicavirHH-' i-S'm wtfl patTl n.u'ae of RnrrteMatrea iflhey eta KH a ote opiin i', hut I tee in the arena of (he timet thateerv eff irt wil be mad 10 drfetl lfjRdirecalrIciap jlaa ptaeia' biaWh epon high grnunil, anH It ia a owtnse ttf the (ha epe aiipiJi r our Tan l)uren" (riendt they cee aow w lien it 'it too late, what an efi or tu'mty fhey have let alipV the avaowd to hare more at heart the war b&llkao any fnraeotea of peace and istelIUlloV'' "ifa fa iment ' ao ytiig anTj momenloua UrCfay heiped forward u a ' piciflcator.' lie hat btitrded much. He ia denounced by the high tariff party, and w at awaited to night by Mr.Web-1 ater ia h'C place., Mr. Clay ref,..td lib' great" ipirit and ability, and lo my mind, perfectfy demulithed the boa of tha teat, lm ansioua to tea tbit reaed fjueatia aettled epea princi plea efjuatice aaweltaa aaacil'iaiioik I jriih ti tea h tattled permanently, fa fret-pent ,ag Itattoi la' ttceedingty tnjurloua to" all parti of iba country. 1 wwo to tee it aetticd ad peace and good will agtV reitofed to' oitr eauatrr. ; V a- a v.' 4 .'r i ".H" Clay andjyjtVrterire Wrly In T ojipotitloafhlff J U-tuluba layi there ..jauav aoahuoa .between fclay and Calhoun, but if it ba a oaiitloa' to Me the coua.ry froaTihe'ditaftert of civiri and military rale, il ia" a laadibby toalitioa "ty wliieh they ahould not be athamed, .rbe war bill baa paaaed the Senate. t hope It witf aot ptiwiha Kouae, tboo-rti I fear greatly fear auox of our ltorth Carolina' aerhbera will rote far fc.tra. r.i: tj- "the 'peat' . We eopy below an es raet from a latter from. a member af the' hotie of repreaanaeataKrct three daya later than i the ahoe.'"" "' t - . " . . -1 -, T "TaaaitaToa, FeBrjsry f, Iflt? ' "there rVb eneloi fat a copy of the TnT Dill which ba I'lV patted our H viae, and ia ao mmlM.bm.. I W etrjae 1 thi. k vif a complete , triumph of oar principlcf I ''H o corttidered here. It lc framed taa with a kya (a pcrhapt th oogM j tatbwwaraefieoea ad aatety of 4ba iraVMrfa" tarrra, hecaute it girea them tifna ta coma dwa ta re venae ttetuUrd, ) The htenoial ra the e rfitt... . ,u., t ft " y t U ! t iha trint nl -.f i'.')f,a,.. I l!c h, ravin;, . 4 f-ti -t in f.ii 1 f h mia ry. the l.n, tahiaiaHi ' i. j - tiixta'i'e at a imr " Jlbettteaut lab fnxl fiar II HI ,' !, tod 1 n-a it la ha Irtird h what ia a.if3.-w ff the onu nf the iioartHrn,!,!, . .)lf flff, 4IMirrl,l la ot. wbbt tb atnouat M rrttiMW i la aa raMMl bi lle borne li4,ma ot the tutt'ift one. ' Tkt great ritri,,la ia r.,rt nlfj at aiMtti" dowC a a 1 tirrl a m ,-, ,liri ea tU Lapuna. ikwa al.it, b- rb il. ptvayird and the aapra- lae'ra "eain iha t.nun'1 and the aeeet atriet vf W Tlva Ta'if ia n.oddjd ta iti t awnac and ih'f thy lt,l-il!i. V Pruae Ibr tuniMMirrrt pt inerouairy. . H w "0 loff a Tariff lor ptottoa, ki ar fr ltremie, and a a'tiiaitri; brlafl Iha dulUl lower tbaa the fr DUa Ceweatb ia f h.Udolil, pro 'd. ':, l;iuiy. lU..utira.ba, ai. July aatd. tuat inc, nra TYada party hu gained a i- Mr, Ctth'ua called 'my kit ratnlmlnM taAy and frpnt't'e Mr, Webwer'f apeeck oatbl kirae bill. Ii ac aU ta ba a awot maferly rlort. Mr Rtndyli, fuprraraf and Uatcatd wkb arkad appirbaiHra aad p'eaaare, ". " Tba aar bill aaa'aaM apte day U oar kouaa aad a aaaat arraootta iff rt aa made ta paat R tbrougb airhaut gifSng; id a mire tkt prieib-grof deSa'a. . . Wr- kac bad a trying rietCroe of dar(aea and fcarfcrt appetheiaaoa. I rrjoica that at law Cgt and land apt ere. ' 'Cwitiniifcatfoni. TT- w tea taa waaraia aaaotiaiaa ' ' : TO T POfU. Ii bj trvl . aerprW'g What ereaat t t-leat Mt tsatg many prrtnoa aa Jht . rfii&. of Ooreramenl, partiotla-hr, aa la the relative pewrttof taw fit O traniit tW a kand, and Jke ataeaa a.tW obef i and aw U teTti"trTiTafn peter of r.eh "Thrr art to Ihiuk, that tkt nM 0.winal ctratakavaauttaiJ-ptHi'tuL'ybiJ.t frTU af e tuhtrilitic, and aniat aubmii joalCuit Acta of C(rreta, J'lft, (erJur,eoWrtoMli or uMonatitwioaal. Hathing aaa be mora aa-' iiw, thaa ihrn tdaa. aad aaibmg..wia tin owt lo Liberty than tack doclriotn. And jet watt tbem.almoat rtery week prop. gu.4 ia the tatiff papra pahlithed la Halubary,, I atk.-aku tiaitl um laoaaai Uutaaa. aiBBtr Wat it aot created by the peopw eftbe j imam axe. r, at cn.ava 01 ina aawa, ano. But at caiarae of tbc whole country I Tbc atrttbertot iba Contrauoa abu framed Ike Cooathuiiia of tbc Tniied Siattt were chutea by tlia Legtalaturet of tba aeveral ItHra, aad la the Cnorea'loaj'-eaeh had the 'tame weight, each Sta'c gt ta rote. After tbey had ifed on a Croat rttn ton, rr-wa nor kind trf oa any body, Ontil tubmilted to iha people of ihetrveraf Sotrt for their tanciion. It wet a dead tetter antit thickened Into life by . tba Btatet, atid-aae State eoaM tot adopt M far an. otbar, bat each R'ate bad to aanaii!at far UaeB aad eillier adopt orrejot heeeWifl, reerf Wa took op irjeetRwVwlf wu of Urai (Rreed to Ibp ncjr Cqnetita'loa at onrc, white orhcra, hrthated trme rime, whether lake aar wet Hoetk CBroBaa at Aral rcfated t aKtpt, and the Caaewatiea aaHed to aoa. aUer i refuted lo adopt it by a rote f 1(4 ta AVv Tealycaxa af trend,. North Caronpa bdd t aeeead eonrention, and agre rd to adopt the Confiturlon , Thr rlee. it wat lhe Siattt who rraed the'We Craaawotj aad rka FeaVrtt C'irerameni It the aredwrf. while tkt 1'Wriart thcrryxer. llat 'be trw yrowa to be greata thaa tbc enraf or R The Federal Crwwmetn abrr eenae knht Ifrtt and row ttawa art- tktM'riattaaia. wat Oaaatihated thit arwit, while the eonttirutloa of the United W'ra'it the frwarof nartey, autbotUIng lhe aeat to act and the ageat cannot asceed-the power granted ia thW article j if It d a It it null and roid, and of aa fureei Jutt aa it Would be ln'tlit.ettf aayaiibef ageaey Iftbicbe not 'he cat; whar'wat We Conatiliilloa made for Ct put, at plala ti all thlt mutt appear ta aeerytaiadaf aaMMnoa tcaa yet ibaet at orfte amon wa, who are tncaVatlnt the idea i 'that the pxJftJTj Coata itt can pact any pet tbey rie, and th Statr utJ tubmit awkk;4X.tft -Jttmf effed hi po tr and Ho ;hateyef tbey ple-f, aad the ' friilefa maat fuictly tuSmrf. Aad. ear iba tdjatWtbeeedMgeroMie doctrlaera If I ItJm dmiea tba asoatl.utionalJty of aa aot of CorfKretS let I hem take at ta tha cpaiw.a ioetr and abide itt Oedeioaj . if fbe hriixiPfk deniea the act of lU agent, let k be r wbmnted nttner pnnca ot the avna ay cwfardecUoal .The fuprtmt Court ia ouly ana hiinehw iha A gene, aad kee- awatore power to ccfl'roT iha lr Tt, thaa an gant. la aay of tba arduiay Iwoaoiiana of lila, hat, ta eontrol ki tHuepaL .. That tba Supreme Court, baa that power ta decide bt Caeet of and ctHtyj aritmf cmder the tonttit-mon, beiwem partiot braugtii into court la tba venal, way, m LAAduaa. XdaW kaaawaMaBrfBbwMaaWr aaMaaaw bat H ia rtjually clear lliat they hare no right M doe! da to ftMHeal fiwtftea. ariting betweea a Suitt, oaa of the primtipali, tad tbe Federal oeriicBt, the ageatr 'T"'' would Va ma- fk'iag fb lerrant, greater ihaa ibe Matter, tig greater Ibtt the principal u it eontentle d, by aoma peeaona the Suprtn Ctn bv, the tribuwat 1 which kta fadgr fnd deeltit queailont of pMitieal rtght, tbea that Court pot .kdavif ktiMtf a aowta indeed, and we bare ttf a laa io'rad of wren $ coata. . Becautc Aei are,cj(lle4a,itjhjit geatua-thaa if tbey were called bur . Name, arc mere edonda;. I thro out theae few rt maria fofmy Fellow eitiaena tt contidar ofi ihetimea eahieak and altthoaB ba ralue Liberty, awWd bow br to etudy, tbeir righu lad tb aatura of tar goreramrpu ;; - i .f ,Jbpaaaage of MrCUy'e -bill ! regard; a brtt?ot . tfttimphr of Spftther'it ; principleit, "The cloud', eui,y,hvar.Ci.r. A .wit the b... KJCU (! N.'I'CIIO.W V, ti.iwnf tvrry patri ti with n!ety,'airj ' ' ,,.,.,, ..... f..rc ba.InBf . J ..cht'.re.traedt ti .pCI,.,,u lprini lhf (lt t ni( f mottcUmitMUc intra, imrei -i our gUi thai h hit ipcer,lf coqnirv rtive hrra htppily- dipat4i , - ' ,.' 'I' ff I V illY" ty lhn maMutf, i ui a clear k 11 prnrntt Htlf tt l. l dcl'ghtf 4 lioe of rerv"frlml ofPouthcrn righti. ' H il rhilttthd mrtitjrc. war HI -h r at'irta (ranq iiiliiy io oir country and trcurrt thr permanency of the Un'wo it haitrtj with jiv ail culut'on 1r the fnctidt of librTrr-tn tftal hcrr are rou neotfCf , whit h taMlit darl r;lvm and rrrctrni iSa ornt unrquitryral maikjfjf iiappo!ntmcnt. C n It bth ji tfrr'f ,if ff or et oi who view with regret the tjk juitmrni of thi dUtriainj tj itttioa f tm Viah. that H autjeel hJ t he tctctl upon, that a prctcil mi.f i have remained hr li.wott itig lhe cud try taaeitll war) pjchmeo ihrre ui, but thr rial to (He geniu tf Llbcr ty, that watched ever c,i the darjt hour of trial, and ccm-luctcJ ui tU umphtnily tv rough our troiiMca, the.r wiahca hive bees diaappoiattd, tkctr iufamoui bhjecta fruatritcd The pattace of thia bill hat ifftctt d a kind v( political rrnlrcuiumj mode rate tar.ff roco, null fra dt. unite lo eiDrcaainff ibcir approbation of iu Thia JiTcrat-a taaaccr la.lucuvcra blcf th t the TyifTitca trt mort BUy io giving fit entice to. their uonta arrrj. delight the occailoOt fearful douhileaa, that ibrjr may not U cred ted for citiccrlty, l ia Mead atrangt, tba the mca who 1 few. njofltha ag oppoicil .ttefjr fhiure.; which oltght rKHihlycnd tn-w modiaUatiotfLlbe Tariff, who labrmrtd with -untiring Xr'al 10 miitify Rid m'ulcid the paV itc mind oa lbi aobject, wbo d nounre(j etfTT mail wh had buUftcac ....... . tt . . n-r,irA. at a trattor, khnuld now; ill at once abandon their old ground, and C-itnt dpctrioea, Mro. lomcttmea change from motive! otpopttUtityelW "r rent of popular opinion icli with thi bill i?d vrirt all partial following. Whoever rtcoliccu. the procecdihg of the Tatiffparty at publu mceilDg held ! thia"Tiejetojnw moothi ilnae, reeollerta' ;jbtj'.tj?f 1 ijpprmo xf .tnc Tuiff f y j -1 low. unfurtoBkte that tbeyconjmltied" themicbrei iDa ibi'f qcCaaToo'J"; j?Xili!?4 come out" In favor of therewnt r. ductioo i wUboiord grifind i modi better chance ol being brlieeed.. ' 4 FRIENI OP. PEACn. ) -?&mrfai.' MaaaikMt. ia thai pave tm Tburaday it. r inar. by 'the. rt Jt rarrow; mr. r a. taa'MCttaaaa A JxU2r .. v CICO. -.-t",! 'r : t h tl.ia pWa, atbcigh4 f tito.ib larw luttl ftamtUm, infant ton of Mr Daral mat- ton, agra ttoo tia nvniu. OWtMaHMMMMtHMMM HALlbirVRV Mia,9i8ii; : . . . : '. ' atoio ... . ' -. , .... , . ; Rteoa Beef - . ' Cotioa In leaa To. clean --v r. . f 0 3 t , El' to4 I to 30 - tort ' - .- - J: . ' Oata '' rtt'r . ' V t-"rfV t,; CorTa.. . . ;, v- aatt . -.,'' -lrt ' t,v aVO 19 to li JSto If 81.-09 ; 4tos -v N 'It to 18 . . Tallow' . "Tlouf -V - a., m .i.- .v:. .CAW , i."' " . ; , toio i k , ,W . JSto 20:' - - 8 to 19-. ---- --r$j rstow Tflrandf ntiHtr Naile Loafaugir, . Wbaat V 4 !. Routb Caroliol money dittount' 4 to 5 . .Oeorgla x.. -. a v .do, 0 to ff "'randy, Apple befgaE' " fo !Irt '' f Peach, ' ( If f " t Daoou - , j r tOTO : :. a 1 00 VHion, . ?tnr w' f,10S5a iO 50 . t SJtiOetra . 7ua7l, 4 ta S v a t et ' Uta ia 3tte Salt Ire ; a"'" Itirar, braajft Cutter , -MnUatet 4 f,r. Wheat - , , , i to 00 . Wbiakcy a .rf i CHER AW March,, 1833 ' 8-tady. reach tab' -.-v. - - ti , - " ainla ' : 4i 4r fiaoon '.. - lo , Cotton f .. t i ,Corn . j-",."-' boih,1 ; t Coffee ' n-r - lb. , '7riotirtrromWag.JbbC 1 Molataet . fat.-- Blt Oa bu) ' buab, Rugar -'"'J ' 5 wbiakey - i raV M'beai , . .- buth. .11 a ti so est id 1 . . t-a w ' ' FJ 1 10 ' v , a ja hh Z-r Campe, I. C fib. Ie 1851 fptton, aew,'5 4 , , 1C II ct. : Coffee, I - -f . ;. l t ro; Corn,rrbuihtL ' 0afOi . Ta. (runpowder, v - S'J" llyiun, in the I '"tic foii vi.y .ccupted by f lrairt. ll.itoa a.ni ().kt .frw doori I'.et t.f hr C iuri-Uouaf. . t tp flha will Irrp c -rutantly oi band, t . tar m of t ' ' " . ' a Irtd all other a'tlctct Vauaiiy krft in an ftrat7lihrirnt iirt'tin J.""' Salisbury, Ala'rchV II3J. . f i MRa.CIIRU1tA MIT . ' . trail, that the l.ta camairac'Vl tV an. re kNWneN at bet lia oa MwB M-l, 14 -af I iha Cowrt kt'Maa, tl-r aic tl mailt k ct ta Ud. aa aaaottmtut af ( Cnklitti ltaUitttVmon. Cfltt itl aadalaihrf atiu.lat aetoaete l with ihj ' lnlretWial tMtiaaaav, , . j U'T . J.ae,Ar,Aa4 U31.. . , ITr M kW arnL1 av oo, Pit field pittf let, the cotwlnl acaaoa.Mv Tcrwi, 4t dollari the in gte letji twent.kr ina aiop aod llutf dottari to inaurti- s- j r-1 H-eerd thittloaWr htyHe, ft ta lu&Vitol to aay thai he ia real Ara fiiahTeifig 6oc of Ihbaa Inpbrted tav itannnopie, t- r.v . i.it i I li, ; , , OB ThVCharWttriti Rffrri)rT,-ltiuiH ChrunlcU.. Yotktilla Pl meer will ntcnihCaboitthrtt"limrat MdTorw r ward Iheif. arroulitl ttflhlf lc ,4 ? Cc'iimbia, Ttaer:e,L. .-.i.. .. 4 Fn.T.OiV by lhe name of 7 DiUA t went to tnv Donee ol ft tone 'J J wotnio by the .mr of 8 .ratj tj Lambert 'and Ormindtd ber in new - 4 and property. . B halt filing" to girt ft up, he fell upon ber and bet her moit '.' i. iievtd pouiUa fo bat lo recover fit ij-r r' tn ijurTi. i ne lata fctoie rttt fteeoj T; "" guilty olotber.grjia 'ouiragrt Jn ' the . ' canity-of -Burry, and-it-te rigM ti -,'!;; cagripoTth.publi? aga'ttJhiroIl .1 .'. ia abont litrt leer 0 t f 9 tfChe hirh, - tout built and F'U farmed hie tora ? " pJcRioo ii fair, cyea. and. hair black i.. ; hia ait ta aUuutit or tw"yearaht- -i Xr ii on the' whole a ban Jiomc. fellow, V t ", '. only good deal of he ricl Id bi$ . v "7 , pbil.f lie wore off mbitd baubltct '- cl with Tellow naetal bultt'tta,' b!u r - nanii.lAna. mnA m lila. a tt.-lr Iv.i,n1 - rotind with ted. -l!l -la lf-ir.'-.L- tT - L'.-.i -.'. I win. auiiic any ., iiinijj ( ior na i ' apprehenaron nf aald Bv kei, and will ; 77 ori cyeo UtanR " any. oti Jo fctlr Jib ijak'VT"" Into th; oigMorh j d agtio,- but tho ; . world ihould be cautl ua cf bi. .'I'a- ' rry ?t; :t ; , . .i t . vnn'm Am? "1 11 rTBubacnbc r cfT rV to the : pub " ( X" lie, and will coutinUe to1 krrpta' " band, I trt large, and gcoer'il ai , t-''- nrtment pf tT.";:' K ..rSrTT V tiirtfrj, ;1; Crockery -.V. i '.v RaaaicTya-v.ironr7:.r.r-rr.:7; 14----...-.-'- ...'.v.V .... - '- . ; - A WmWug Selection ef DRY GOOm Cn thr Jltrajf st Sassdlr rr rmt. .1 Liberal advances,. in cat ,,ill be '" made to thoie who prefer itoring e i. too or other Droduce.And ih4iio"n ' eir of the ra ttket prieei witt ba paidtr & id CA8II br IMlaTKft, id those wh ' " wtabto acU' J " . iStf . C T r '-itrtriu oMnwin t : i- r.CKCfCLWJdtl- , 1 831). Apnroeed, February M, tgl.1. - 'L t - .- ,ieualj1,.R . flillE CertiRcte TVr Four gharel of "I" "the-pttiit or Joint fifekr r.f nhs- r runic 01 uapt fear, ia inc oamcoi -tt, VVillianA Oakea, decM., late olRiti t .j. County, N..C having been rnitWd 1 Noice ia therefore hereby riven to all " oertooa concerned, that, I ah all apply v-' .1. .n I.I .f'.i. !jr l ..f " . .. l mc rr ceiuciu 01 ; 111c aaiu o.idk cir duplicate! thereof , - - Salisbury. Feb, 35, 183 1. U f r V rpIIE (Klccrs or the 63rd ReopmeBt -of North Carolina Militia art.. hmbjrcom'mandad t appear it tha"?T Court-Ilouae' in Siitabnry, on Fridif t the S9ib div of March ncxtl at Id 1 el. tk A, M. with musketi, for drill. ' "Bv order of lhe Col ncl.A Uliink Warrant ' ; jffieeln h Med on Fine Paper, f i . ... . a - r If r t . a J- a myKj,'eiia--r. t a.J i l.ta k i- r

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