. that such rtuhgiini.MJiacidcdta!. Induce tea in Cacll .UlSinci OI lire own j uavo uicin an- pointed by a toweling io this place, or at meetings elsewhere, composed entirely of ihe'uiAW and w . aM all that ia required for the accomplish pent of this preliminary lineaaure of tha Caucus animgera will have beeo peirB'Tbe Grand Baltimore Convention, thus constituted, then asem Net, nominates Mr.! Van Bum, and the people l.im no other task imposed upon them than to vote far thi candidate of -the Party." The People of North Carolina will not submit to such a bare-fa- attempt to defraud them of their suffrage I . 4. s - f WW. Star. i. 8" 4 t 4 V I v- - 'U - at, I, Kt tyt uxL sar, eej key are . 17 it" ' tn - iavt W. t all 1 AsMS. 1BA.T COU.CM. TIIECAIiOLINIAN SALISBURY: WW 4 I SATUBDAYs""-"" JANUARY 10,1835. QT We invite attention to the following letter from a II rl rla ..ftj.,iJatifif a lytXiin . al.a. a l-a.w t .i --tjW r- -? " '".Ci. m, A.U. .::rrr - w,u? """". f ""frr n his coldness. H, had been luAicatine , .rT?. c rir: - ibi,ui mv,w y to-cjw. en u the North c -l. l,u wu what be uttera, that he had never aeen the spirit of im- with the breath of the froxen region; Our ciliteiis, we proveroent, m Salisbury, to prominenUy exhibited ai at art bound to acknowledge, did not generally like the tj- Ume. 1 ddiUou to Mr. Cowan's splendid block unceremonious manner in which he called upon them ; or inree-etory brick buildings in the heart of the town, bat nererthelese their fedingt prompted them to give numetou. frame houses have ben and are now being him the ueua hospitality of a wurm reception. r erected u other parta ; betide which, old piaxoe have While aJJlg discusaing the venerable fcther, let ua in many mttaacea gives place to new one, and some aot forget to mention the recent visit of hi elde- so; or our mors tasty and . sensible citizens hare hromrht JiVJruMU4t.tr-ir eoe -w acquamtauce between the painter's brush and our houses tni gardens to ai extraordinary depth; and: weir nouses, garden fences, AcT Paiut it one of the instead of takint to his JUels ia the mominir. as is his greatest' preservatives against the efTecU of the wea- wont, after stealing upon as at night, he was seen tkuk ther ; and, upon1 a consideration of the .beauty, health- king about under the bashes and io the shade of boo. fulness, and durability, which its frequent use would ses during the whole day, lying m wait to take bold impart to wooden bufldings, we marvel that it is in so of the hands and toes of the nnwa7." ' little favor with our citizens generally. - -uii. -J '.-,-..1 v' i-'; aZStm "t"- KTOneof the JwlwoV Editor. In Maschusetti bhall wei-but stop, we had beUer be silent on the , .; .t l .-... ubjoct beciuse talking wiU not make them .n7 bet. i0 the Whig kndklate. in that State, remark, that Uir nd DOCSIIWk. Iaa hoinrv ruiMniuna in tan wam ttnL I .1 . f I . . ' - . I . . '-a - " -i us jacisonians nave been roved p Salt Kxmt" to able temper thu week (from an attack of a "malign in. 1 enmPlBtEl.aiittau.h jJuSAm'iL .h.il sustain the rnstructions. Unfurtmiatelv, however, ac curate calculation shows that the majority in the e- . . a . Mil. - L M 1 1 uale represent mmor7y, by im cMerauofoj interest to the pcoplerDf ihrs" toontry, and fluence, ) we might say some ill-natured word, that would deter our Town-Commissioners from doing even whit Uiey have promised. and otbera intend to lay claim to the country along it. banks, by right C; first occupancy. No doubt our readers are curious to know something' about the topography of this political wmtor-eourse,' which tliey hare so often beard - talk i and -e take this opportunity to lay before them the following (KT J"ar'cI.r 44 Variety is the spice of life," tith the wise taw ; and, under a belief of the truth of the say ing. we endeavor to rve up to our readers, as I account of it, extracted from a New York paper, the occasions offer, such a modicum of the said "suice" as Editor of which bat recently been comoelled to take a i friend at Kaieign, conveying intelligence a o.y utier lt tnay be in our power to add to the less palatable eve- journey up the "poetical stream, as be facetiously than that recciveu inrougn we paper . e cuugrmu- ryHlty umenen of existence. We lay before, them to callt it He says : Uie the People of Western North Carolina upon the day qiiite a tit-bit in the wav of nolitical intelligence. "It is situated id a section of eonntrv where the PASSAGE OP THE CONVENTION BILL ! For which they will find embodied in the article from the lre in w babit of 'rowing op' all diaappointed dema i notice of its provisions, as well as other, matters of Globe, under the caption of " Republican Celebration f(f "e-, ver, upon whose 'translucent wave,' all we refer to the letter dated ' of the Extinction of the Public Debt. The whole lS 1 tULKioH, ajoauAi iuvBiio,jAitpr40.. ceeaing must nave been inimitably larcical ; ana we lit politics, or at fisticuSa, is doomed incontinently to , jksr air : i ne inieingeucw m uw pruceeaings 01 uiiy regTei uiat we were not - mere 10 see me gra- i swim. lis day in uie Legislature wui ne received wiin mucu vny compulsory tho it must have beenwith which j g tu,nmthe-Wepo. tneBtmi ie Bmi u,.a K. ftt Johnson presRled over . meetmg .where MchusetU, give e unanimou. vote for the Whfg pwu ng h . I--- 'w""n - r JI - Ticket at the recent election, in that Commonwealth. WMtouseaoitnc uener. L . 10 To biieiirUull ta leoehan overgw Mnrs is not, in "iL But, to be serious. The fact that the Un.ted SUtes U. bestof it-Hhe whole town being able to cast US wiwies oi uie irieuus ui neiuriii, uw gremi uvis uu umgvi nive a national i:oi on iianu, mum. oe a I jy TB Yotem . jj cerUinj I itself a wihcu uirj .w. 8' --'j ..w-huii uj umm, m OTrW.....c.u j political immortal tv. bv its unanimitv in mod cause. k.. ... .t:i...i . .1 . I - ' u.. WIUUW Ul UUI. OCKBUU MT aKBIIUYIU UUl I D. kfw.-,,. n ,k., ,1.. U. Trom Oii Vnllci Slain Tttf graph. 1 Tle news from r.uroi, by the late arrival, is em; own. to affected. Aner pawing ine House or tximmons oy diil, io aiiribuie to tien. iackson any agency i awjority of 4 votes, the Dill waa sent to the Seriate, consummation, as is openly done by the meeting men tad on Saturday highl passed its third reading' by a tioned in the article referred to, ia just as absurd aa it awjority of one vote, with several amendments. 1 he would be to give him tlie credit of ridding the country Bill and amendments were this dajfjreceji edin Jlie of the Asiatic Cholera. The project, too, of connecting CumrDonswherethe amendments were concurred in, the extinguishment of the Debt with the Victory of N. tad the measure finally adopted. Orleans, by celebrating both events on iheaimiversery "" Ai the BiH now stands, its leading provisions are : of the latter, is but another act in the great drama of Thk, on the day of April next, the vote is to be ta- "The Humbug," which has had such an unprecedenU bo, throughout the 8utv whether the People desire ed n of success during the last six yean, : a btve a Convention, limited to the consideration of Gen. Jackson has had no more immediate agency in tbt Amendment to the Constitution suggested in the paying off the Public Debt, thin Uie Emperor of Mo. Ml If, upon a return of the votes, U should appear rocco has ; for the arrangements with that view were ttat a majority are. in favor of a Convention, thus li- made by Con grew lung before he was even thought of ited, the Governor is to issue his Proclamation, di- for the Presidency, and the final extinguishment of the recting the Sheriffs in the State to open polls for tlie Debt was as eerUinly looked for on the 1st of January I describing a Zoological Institute, aiiss a mensgerie of electioq of two Delegates front every County, to meet lSw, as waa the eclipse of the tun on. the atXh of Wo- wild aaunaU, that hs had vwrted, closes with the H- Coarentioo in June next, in the City of Kaleigh. v ember. And he bad about u mucb to do with the one lowing bint of the aeui recognition which took place Tbt Delegates, when assembled, are to lake an oath to as with the other of thea event, injh way of bring- betwsea a anember of the party and a HeroiU frou tetfae their action and leliberalion to the Amendment mg it about Indeed, if the payment of the Debt bad the " Bait River" country aa recognized by the People at the poll,. Their pow.l not beet SO JUed previous to Gee. Jackson s Admmis-1 "As for the Hyenas, they get no compliment from m. m .l. ).. .hJnt. ... .11 Lm-M. I Intinn. ara am daruUili of tKt it wnaM J LuL Lt ana si the arlfita Kilil "btmw.billiHitt ,rr .."to it-, h..;. rt MnrMi.t i. ! O.U ..h. I now ha ve been settled-eo extravairant .has he been in 1 Jacksonnan from Maachnsett, out presence. Thav . V : T Tt , . "r VVTrr T.:j. iv.u rtju I indecorum among friends ought not to be countcnan- ja-wt-Mea teutarv mvn ut t wm V ntl iurju( euau M'v v est v - f.1 . , , a a -- t- ad to acL . R presentation in Uie Benate wJUeonl ,i:nm. WWpmfJ; atjaaMturUxiiiun in the txxliinous. on reoerat po-l e I U t; r ? adttiue ! in the Senate, there are to be Dot less than Be it known, too, that tlie community of Hull a grow. ing one for last year its voting inhabitants amounted to only eight 'Great trees from little acorns grow.' True for you, Brother! ! The Editors of IriA MnujlacaaMtj. HiaaHarns in ffWt ikftrt rv fttiAt sTultvmiionl nw ' v-a mm KvvuiHra ass ivvhii B XV f-Jt.v. subscribers, closea their article with Uie following sen tence, which we take to be the very essence of truth : " If iek perum desire to promote the intertill of Ike Preu, they will io a effectually by Withdrawing that PATaoNAoB." We say to each of our delinquent rims, 'Do thou likewise. OiT Bad Mameri. A Northern Editor, io ration of Uie State, and a atuf smaller proportion of our irec ciuteDS. : ; We repeat, that to the' loaders of tlie party, this do- velopemenl is the'adbject of painful concern; and tlie mortification of tlie two or three who fancied they were voting Mr. Alanum out, and Uieiuselvea m the Senate, ai deep and visible. " . i 'aaaasssaasawi REPUBUCAN CELEBRATION , ' 0 the Extinguishment of the tioal DiUt ' " .At a meeting of a number of Republican Members ' Congress, holden at the Capiiul. on the 27th instant. to take into consideration the expediency of a Public Celebration of Uie final extinguishment of the Nation al ueBV nJcBAU AI. Johnson, of Kentucky, waa ap pointed Chairman, and H. A. ilvMLAaKaa,of Penn aylvania, waa appointed Secretary. Th object of the meeting having been stated, and also the fcf that, on Friday last, the Secretary of the Treasury had drawn the last warrant required to din charge Uie national debt of Uie United States, Mr. SmitliJtftinc'txibmiUoi a series of Resolu tions; which were considered, and then committed to Messrs. Smith of Maine, Polk of Tennessee, Mason of Virginia, Cambreleng of New YoTaV'aad Thomson of unio, with lustruction to report upon the same on nionaay next the ion, instant to which time the said meeting waa adjourned, to meet at the same place. Mondav. December 29. 1834 ' id meetinir met accordinir to adjournment ft r - o '.L 1-- n " '.i : - . . iur. diuiui, iroin-uie committee appoinieu lor msi purpose, reported the following Resolution, which were unanhuouslv sdooted. to wit : 1. Whereas, Th nsAL amwiDisHntirr or rax National Debt or thb United Htatbs, which was consummated on the 2Uth instant by the issuing from ine i reatury department of the Uoverninent the last warrant required for tbat tHiroose. ia an event uiiDrece- dented in the annate of nations, and calculated to ex. Cite, m the breast of every patriotic freeman, enthusi astic admiration of the power, economy, and justice, of fMir nmiiniin.n .vjm s Kranlnrii imrrtt I d. I M.n ihuni tn m I tin I TOHWIll wiiruuinitiu uv sei Of ivrn. proclaimed and commemorated with public demonstra- phants and flatterers who live upon the M spoils of tions of exultation and gratitude by Uie Democracy of office." 'They hat taught him to believe that his , the Union, who have steadily sustained the present Na. will l the supreme i law of the land that wliere he Uonat Administratioiv . through the fidelity and pee- hlt partisan will follow I and they ITmbZL" A . K ?KW know that bit jwpulnrity aid inmience cannof U I ItwfrH Thai Uie republican friendsof the Nation. transrt to them unless the public mind it kept in al Administration, in the two branches of Congreaa, re- "" s,a,e of excitement M to render their deprn nrding Uie present absolute freedom of Uie country etions on the Treasury comparatively unimporv from a National Debt, in connexion with the exteut of tant. With this view the Globe soumlod the war its population, territory, and varied resources, aa an ex- note, called upon all the subordinate echoes to re hibition of political strenirth and rrandeur to which no Ul u w..f -u W" m w-i,j-lLui ' 0 , ' i a a vvtnswi we ww l w isua ui.viM lira , oU.r generate rf mankind, ondorany clime, sup-1 . .jua- .w fBI-mn-,..- especially so mm h as Hate's to the proceedings of . . .i - i.i r - .wwl liil I.. Lam I is I'htihH, on tlie suij'i t w ine -.J,i'uv,uw iu- , detiiuity, ; VV hen we read the lVsi!'iit's Message, we supMieed tlutt the dominant party in Trance might oefrirea war with the United Slates, as a mt'uos of getting up a nation Px'ing Whit h would unite her people to the Crown -we coulJ inf r no?.-. thing else,' Knowing that we had an iiitt-lligent minister resident at 1 arts, and that tin claim had formed a special object of his instructions, we sup- -posed that he had kept our Government fully a lvi sod of the intentions of the King of France that he did so, there can be no doubt ; and the hostile , and insulting Imputation contained in the Alnum ;, led ui to Mippose that Ixxiis t'hillipe was acting in had with, and that a war with the United States would beaoceptaUe to him, if not ptiptilar in France." What then is eur surprise to learn that this very indemnity forms tlie basis on which be has dtsU ved his late Cabinet, and that he himself considers h is own honor pledgeiT to carry out in good fuith the treaty.whirh he hasigned I Could any thing more,, strikingly illuntrate the incompetency or w icked, ness of our rulers, than the fact that they were about to involve as in a war under such circumsian ces t If they did not know the purpose of the -French King, then were tliey most culwbly ino- -rant if knowing, aa they should have known, thai the King of France would make the payment of the indemnity a question of power, and of plighted faith, t how wicked have they been to endanger the peace ' and friendly relations of the two countries by the insulting imputations of the Message I No one can suppose that these imputations were uecidtntaNf or inconsiderately inserted in the Mesmge. . How then are w to acount Cr them T Tlie answer to tins' question is given in the History of this Admi nistration. . --iy 1?JA TtZV? BANK OF THE 8TATE. ibool rays,T rstlC it, if- that a-- I A a. - tri !. la .i .a a tamed, they wilL with one accord, nubliclv com memo-1 " "7 ? . n, wiin ine ex. ha occasion, m testimony of the mutual eonirra. ceP,,on of a few National IBank) Gaxcttes," not , tulations which it inspires. Ana whereas, the approaching Anniversary of the lot uie " Alabama n ar, " toe valiant, persevering, memorable Battle of New Orleans, which was achie-1 indimiant chivalrous Coetnment M bacLa nul.'S and - ved by the eonrmandinr skill and valor of the Ameri-1 ,1,. r., alksx Sal AmntilBluLsia In riA mil - Sksul IHiai can tmopt, headed bj - Uh i same fllurtrioo. elUxen who in. The word now is to the right about foce. k bss, in Uie councils of the nation, been also chief in ,,,. Ik ,,, ,k. . . ? - uro-Hiutinir the final exUnvuiabmentoftbe Public Debt We np,u.W tha country that here is to be no of the United fitatea. ia an oceasam asnat haimil fittt 'r, and WO haU the lact a ausplCKHIS to the cause to be commingled with tbat proposed to be conunemc-1 ine people. rstea u set mrui in the sa-egoing resoiuuons: . VanJkA " ' llusl b'msasMS smaw lisnti 7t mm, the aforesaid conunemoralioa of the extin- A RMMtA neighbor's boy has Jii-t thrown ruishment of the Public Debt shall take idace. in aon-l pebble and cracked a pane of glass for us t on be-- junctioo with the celebration of Uie Battle and Victory ing quest iooed as to his motive for doing so, he re'. . or new uriesna. I nliod. that our lar we Wonl rive the other t tkV JUl a CommUteepfrVw stmgTjfTime menibers.be sppointed to adopt the e-lrYprioX waa all fair.-Will ow French rerrrfJnLi cesser, pwj. w.aW.t.HWWr-mdna tMXB.J?" Vssf iHOiUT lvVRIlfBl uaar ww ti T a'luuviuau i - j , i a -1 K aor mart than 50, membere-Mn Uie Ccoimona, not J established a' newspaper away down Eaat, in the city J A Exsisrr, shewing the 8itwUum tf'tka Bunk f the kw than flU, nor more than 2U, exclusive of Borough PorUand, alaina, sometime during Uie past summer, I Suit of&urik CWi ssa Ik 8Ura" aW ef Ntew rwaiB waicn laiier me onveniion vmy. m weir i ana IS orevsnled. W his MiUXaUauuea.iia USiaST uu-f'rrl34rrfrfTtt to in Me Kt port of the 1 ummo assrsoo,'exclutre in whole or hi partrfWhcn two or kis'reWence ia Washington City daring the present CosuaiUoe, yuUitkei am ear first payc.) smepuirtj(.cc4itiguoM to aecnaU eon Specie on hand, ... . . $117,87516 rptiisy if missnrpluaiAledtothesrinH eotrnr,-will MajorV absence Tronr Wellington, a we seresive be Bitlrof rrctiange,---.- :r"nTr 1,400 SO sake dp the requisite ratio, the. small county is eoUUodl has an sole representative there, in the person of bar Notes of other lianka, - - iX,'ZT2 W1 m i Senstj" Fjcb ftsinrv in tba Stats ia saUtW til 1 onun 11 IWiiM. Sr-rtif ihm Ikrwemirvnla Mt t Doe from ether ftinka, i 4!XVr23 M lutmna, Jfd;Tlul ssidTJomrnlttee o?Arranmnena be instructed to. extend to the President snd Vice Prest debt at the United Jtltatoa, and to the Heads of the re spective Departments of Um Uatted States Government ia this city, invitations to attend as guest ea the eeea sion designated ia Um foregoing resolutions; and maks seen rrniWsrrangemcnts tbaprtkieajftiwv 7 University Ilotcl,": if UtJXi f SL -fl ATCiurillnrri :v--?rn"V";; " - n ., . J - i U. MM.rM.HUU- II I - - iLaJmI. 1 1:. : 1 . ' .1. I' L : . .. - - - J--. U.L ...... . , .. . . . -V I iMiai Due fur Bills and Nulea discounted, over, com d tul il fori fciCT ice, I sfGotsrnorby the People and some mmor alterations I D.'t Qaxette. The Bargenjjs aJr'nsxretATOrjlgJ -r wWiIii Uie discretiooary powers of the Conven-j with ma, as well from the .questionable bonestyof Uie eMtex" npHESub-criber inform. tbeTuine 0t ne'b.V Messrs. Hubbard of N. Hampshire, Smith of Maine, TI?1 V110?" ?f. Entertainment at HaU of North Carolina, Dl.ir of Tennessee, Ward "f. "H-ImH. tqejt4 of itie llniveraiiy of Nerth New York,"Manmng of South Carolina, Tkoaason of Carolina. He has token the buil.lings snd ots Ohio, Mann of Pennsylvaoia, and Carr of Indiana, were rmroedialely opposiW" M r.falts's Hotel, and bas aintediaid Committee of Arrangemento. , r i erected large and commodious Ptables. which ilL H'1.1.'1"1'? '",-tKiroiiac'WriertKfuf Ostler, and ntontifullr A Tuta) meant, The whole to be submitted tq the People forra- family from which be is descended, aa on account of CspiUlStoeb, --i-- $7 tima. .. ; ---"- the soundness of bead he display in discussing matters Note in Circulation, . ... a There was an minuted and interesting debate with the Gineral, and his ability aa a letter-writer In Via : Issued at eigh, tauoa. to- Ibe Cunruoos lu-dsy.on tlis rvelf'" ia relaiioa to both of which latter particulars be act a whit behind j aw Pnblie Lsnds, declaring the right of North Ceruli- kis eousia the Major, 1.402,024 49 t75.9! 99 879,11)0 00 iJorl , But rood- d fly to be .'IT back, atXobemT.4,ip W f -t .. T.J. ...... .1. ' J'l 11 rwt ' J Webavsinade roomfcrcneof wtaotwB.nks. . . ... 10Af (U and the other old Statat to an eenhable proportioa 1 Jocfs letteri ia a preceding cotuma aad would refer j Due m Dcrx-iiors, V '-' . : -V;" UKQiA l the amends, aeowdiee totho several deeds of ces-1 tht TWdertO Mi -Hcb repast : he treato the french General Profit and I-oss iwU pin, . 7JH 50 . Every passible eBort by notions to amend, to business in mssterly style, and bis views wiU be none tifws to lay oe the table, It. was made to evade the less forciU tr bis quaint manner of cxptctNoa. V eam aaeatajeuand nraveet a final veto en the rese-1 -- - . ; but Uie majorty In fcvor of a fair distributioa I ' frV- CimfTririag. -It appears, by.lha.foUow willed, and the resulutiuas were adopted; by a vote mm exUBCt Cbarlesto Patriot, thai we eoua- Bills and Checks in transitu. 4,175 30 tMttsVulU4 C DEWEY, Cashier. by-thrlrtuab'ind ISecreta, be pub) isbedjn. Jhe Gtobe of Toelaf mnrning,"Ui 30Ui uistant In Oieetmrf wee thereepna 4ianJfed.t . RICHARD- M. JOl IN SON. Oatlrmatt' llaaav A. Mtfaitaaaasj, Secretary: " ' , I MULTiPUCATiorc or reDmirjiruC We direct attention Io the following 'qoiitation frotn thrasewefcajs WrrcapohJcot of the BelUmore I'atnutat Washington i - ;l i ll' . t WkM . , i i" sJieiNvma, iwcemoer i-vva. Thar J tor tetanav tecs t ehtn. wheUier it be connected with puiiiKw or not I earmot nndcrtaks to ssy, but a plan, neverulesv which demands something d ai to 32 Gee. Jackson. Veto to tb contrary not-j u,flU?ftJ UNITED Ui WEDLOCK, 1b Cabarrus county, oa Uie tint ultimo, by the Bse- r. iLnM. ui assist the mew rnni a uus Utani1m Hi iniunl m wm. inmni nt . . itl. m, W IImh Uisivr. llr. JUll.l KlUIMlULili. 10 HISS llisa .. r -r i nuie W exienuing HS circumsn. i ire v- IWni rot-Bti - Is4-.k. l -4J.II- h.rtit was kt by aeon- c.n J. il C ,ito bOI'lUA CR1-SH. . f r frt- I mJor"y- Mr- SeH"r W" a 3 SZ. t-TJZ-J.' la Charlotte, en the 1st Se-Unt, by the lUv. D. A!- nf. llkUlU rr U'8 k1ngl JT.l.nT.tW U). If-. Mr -WILLIAM U. SPECK toiliss DELITlIA cket hatll alicai: d two toi in tnor" thd 7 the Hi. SAX. bhS da" ma egisla."" nrtime mg Iredro iitoa ia for the s the i he bo oerutia birh Severn Hi ventioa to the fMf a hint . sely iveraa" L W c ui viiitW qj turn mt wosstsf tew. Imutum. -A number of Counterfeit Dills of toe oe-1 .-niAMri. H TITNSTAIJ. R . b, 1mm HAW. MM. a a. . M a. CT.-..T . r.t-t . V.it- ' 1 1 r ' oi ui taie iv iuiam iian In Franklin eoonty, by the Rev. William AmvWl, r . wre t . e.T a s- a n tUs rj-M a f . ma aasaia ia bis oooo.il ion to an eanal distribution uf tha rs; lAoda, The whole-hog tnea are CKiipletrfy dis. l-stted I w prevent ir party ottJLbejitliEL vbuiuuuih w vji w ranintrti nr -n isjrm. s-ni . - . BsW.lral MUn,-ryV- U d by this vote ; and every means were used by nonimtvlssi of One Doller, purporting to be Bills of the i iuRwv ,to prevent iL They were afraid of the People oh Bank of tha SiaU uf North cJ-Uae, and IM spw.Ui V? HARKigU.-X.otii.bter liank of SouOl Carolina, are nt eircalation. Tliese Bills I DiAlTr- Till UFr- Uls..r. 'm.'iiL. 'I J XLi" al. Mil At SABl. V-HJ mil, a on ine amis we nana a uim duh in i jjim y I ,na others, and twp.nd by Maws Brarr. Ilav-I ,k. -m rfmnmin.unn . t th tht the arua uf tha 1 . . . . ' . - "T. and oth.. Tb,. w.11 nr.ia.1,1. - lh. M,n.,. nZriZ . - I T..'?t.k.V?n,t " I ' ' ' 1 I J A.r. LU2v nata On team . , la Hiukes count r.oa lbs 2fUh Nov'r. Mum NANCY "rrfcrUie rr-uW to the Journal of LrjUUtirv I (r European Admres.Tm ahipW aahington WILSON, daughter of Ihe Rev. Jobs Wilsoa, sgad SHwar' - - ' " - supplied with Proverkler,, , lie bopea thai tba travelling public will call on kirn km aeseree tbewv that every exertion win U i made, by him, to please and to avM4W. ' ' .v I. W. fA IKIIKJC ' f January! jfJjSSl. , ,' 1 6t " f :;ri:A"'List of XcftcS'r.?!,.;; : REMAINING IS THE rosTFFJE,., ,,r.L I .-, ' r"iANUAkY I, 183.1..' - -1 Acre, Wltli.ro T, J.fcW,W. Aber- froni the pubhc voice brlbre it is permitted to be cam- w iiiu. rAr uian. 11 proposes o canr out ine re- n r. I t b i r av.. m .. . . cmenttoUi.P . . i Hem. Harsh Hntar. laiani mmh r li m.... County iaevevyBtausihr-e duty it al.ll be to ew r " ."V, f mhMknothe bisterv.cHaracter. identitv. lifit tiAL af.ll L.-ftl1- troTl W?T C U.n'.n72' Poner. ia the Uaitod ciev to Mceruu, ctttaTJ-l kTlkr" whether anyof these arena toe Petition Li wbeought 1' not-to aeem -lt is tirtber prupuwd to subject each nllVaUl n-lineer j; lohn'in.k. y' Penirtoow to a. rexammatioa before tha AaW who f i v i ,IU,kT' V " will transmit an thf frctoconoS toe iZmumm r r,,'nrtt,TMfa.U?,,WWa to tbs Commiaoner'of IW iW.,nT5 frirrVV KlLm, will ibse stsia airliVata'aftTia-i ULiJ T u 4L, ,T tourth and JooalUa toaPena..!. . , . VStetV. j " f these reromiiieiidatiriria. be carried into win resuii, you see, ia creaimg a aew swarm of lings, inserted at aiMtderable lenrth in to-day's I arrived at New York oa the 24th Decentbar, briasing V 'very North Carolinian with a hope of better Lh M.a-rv bad been sgi. di-dved ; aad U King n Sj'f.! HHlhi C L: .... I i n : I n-"M aa.M-ihw mi ..a, wa tr - u ve Dtata. has cailee toe Uuk or W elimgioe as ne rr-m-r, woe t j Unlverti,. a uii X,., v No dav for ad inurnment bad bxea flint bv the will of course forai a Tory Csbioet Liberal principles I u,. -- l'T-Uue at ewr latest account from Raleigh ; but appear to be retrogading in Eiiglani, if we ar allowed (Vn. Carorme snd Mr. Mbona have rmgoed thcit ' "needs there cortcut it UiftopinaM tM Ilia aiissinal'" isatge- Uut ia.aia.iaa, - T sfrmtloa ar unnmiwiuners tor superintending to rs- r' Vehi . rli-. .ithw tod.v fih. KXh.l r rrom Franee we toam that the Ministry Ut been lbilding of .the CapiU.- " f Vtsidiy naxL al &rilL I twice cbaared within a" aKott space of tune. - ll is said I Arsr-aw Cbart. This tribunal eiwin)ence lU Wb 1K.1 ti.. v r-'""' U 1 tar Tea in this Cilia bUjaJsr last nil thr Jvp-s Th. rs.de lnd,e. oor'flrM 'W 7 Cosnmittre of Finance in our Leg iJatur, 1 1""!"-1 " -"""" "v 'tWtilwnVilMlli.,! mm. I.iU m.i. !. lAPtrpatl (Viae Mmriet, A-s. 21. lUnl w ---TT T , .V. n ,i " From the appearance of the Market at the cloai of Z p ' !" C""nrny', Uul week, rt wVirvkJenl that w. should bar a good - npurt, provklmg a fund for lbs payment of wwkt in4 it higher prices: snd, altho' the Bnlooked-for change of Ministry a i. ur IM mo ment; oa Monday, damp this SApectat-m, Cohndence was reaemad, and smce Tuesday has been stronf ly ma- . . . i l :.L l . u a.rAw. HMhibbif. P. . flajian. laanaj W 11. ajajaj na jj , rMtJ W" R- J- Haniel, a Member of I (m) c,j bealiby, at aa advance grace spne the Bute; aor beoaose the Ume snjjn awture, froni Habfsx Countv. was dulv elected L 1 u , J . aw. .Mrintjnna The nev ttsvumnd Ut the corwJraUia of UScrn. No aurh w I aaa M w- Me (-- w- B . I . ' .. .i . t . rf tSce fr0 Pf IlMvWm,' I-"" HadermtSA, Ephrana U. li-UtotWv-wawy.sU to pry into every U- ' J J. u' ?Z jT' vv 'VlV" dy's bosim-e, who art to be made Uie jibreaof a a-va's :: V,r Ji- 1 uhTf'.V,m- liickrac'hiC lkshst4 1 'L K betegarmnted for aerty nnniotea, as all Office llutder. HJlt , . . . . ; 10 -r i Joan Jan I a. - r ''" s. im waue, isaac uow, trenrre lnnanL i4 Lmeoarjier, Jimw1Wts7J.Ja nTT-wslL y I ' MH, Mnnny, Onirge Morrow, Mpviel Msltot i 1.-. iu. .s - , -..;n. v I rTi jwiumLi Hcn djrMjrfjr. I will 4 ivwk u a I a aa... i , ii .t' a . . 7 - "wln inatalinpiil. am that Stuck, has bet-a re. M h lbs Senate. let Tens ia this City Muwiaylasli ell UmrMrm mnmmt Wss. E, M.lla, of Reifcrrfcini, William Wd Umao, of linmla, Sober T. Paine, of Ldeatrw, aad James Allen, of DerUe, have bora adstittod to Comity Court pracUce. t i Veat (at Aslrigl Aar. By so class of individuals is the btroductloa of lbs Resolutions to instruct Mr. Msngum, so saocb regret tod, as by the leader, of the swsia MdewMcrauc party." lot km on) they are cKuiiri to artng sis- General ef this Blato, in the room of B. M. import m HMn, and the sales 31(KW bsge--Sca island thingf Cor-derati. of U-t chtractct never en(W r?" Tbs jotot vote -sod thus,, .- fnT. tr, that th. rteVa. is U-aTll. of m7rrv-l ma,.., M. J. D.H ...... IM -TJT nt to -arl, 10JM whjt Ml -Ur. m eee iyoto;: : r z?miiLi stieerTrarmai RMil, Itibertsne, Alfred Karnsour, Micliael ReinhardtiL TV. I L..L rw I w"--, nur-a namsDW, ik 7 , ' " 7, .IUaae Hhtr-d, MnrrH Uliipl, 2. J. NrW . .10 .,tt-u mi Hl awiiiuHun, sua nave BtrWCai MirUud KWja.ll l.r.Ji f4-..U TV r o " . , . " every observer. r It is tba grand expedient for in- Ma PhrHley, J.d.a R. 8umvt . . WIlmry williamasi, Thoroaa a WillUmann , WUUaaa P. WsU, Ijmi Wo-tJitre X. Trrorpr TTII koy, Msxwell Wsrlick. Dai id Woke, ruJ-rt Mo. Nijrht Willwsi, Jamea II. While, rmtfi Wacaser Jan. W.Ils, JohaWacasef;rUralM.Wiin.m-sv , . . . , C C HENDERSON; p.M. ' - Llncolntnn, J.a. 1, ISA . k ' creasing the patrotMge and nnw-r of the Executive ; r the rresuKnt, ve are lull in hi I'Ueat, mi. der each and every Federal OfTice directly or in, directly In his gift; and all Federal Officers his Of ficers, by a naritv of reasoulnir. aa well aa bv una. quivocaf deUraJioa, . , . j ( , v Tliia Ikhn'M pnjTt would bring a reiruWa tnent, of 12 or 1 MO strong to the Grand Army of Office-hoHers (for wa presume there art at least that numW of counties in the 24 States) with a enntingent of aooie tea or twenty thoAiaand more, who would be always ready for duty. In the trvteU eft' est of a peenion agency. F.very patriot would iVIAsl oi liclim ' REMAINING IN THE FO8T-0FFICE A( ITtlncton,(-.C,) . JANUARY U IS13. , Jane Bruvklev. John Callows. IImM. r ri.i... preftr a vieitatioii of one of the EgyjitiaB rurap for rVer F-ter, Josrph Evans, Hamuel 11. f.rabe, N.rry a short season, a swarm nf Wtista, or t shower of frt-rm, to suck a aronrge as this. '" '' . vVetHit wir t rust in the rVnale, to nip this sr heme in the bud, if it be poesiMc that one so extravagant is realty entertamed. ' That trust will not fail the country., RU k m end 111 ig. riebla, William A. Caslltrmwe, Abner Carrett. H rnrj """ 'anan. nauianiel lamer, lieorr Mil. K Malhew Mseey, Oirwtoph-r Owena, Jsa. pi)B Dmry IVeptoa, Rebrec Psej.h-s, JWpb R,shwwk Hw anal Vo6tird, Daniel War tut. Dr. Vkr,)j ' M. ROtr.VN 4 1 1 r n. Lexington, Jsa, 1,'lKU ,

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