r o nmrir PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING sacraia Ana iJ3)S)2?in m OIABKPSffaSI EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. jumbcr 7, o Volume 1G : ISumbev fvoii jcgg 780 E CAROLINIAN. JUL SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA, JULY 18, 1835. O o o o o s' y , rfeZ. -S3 liecess V "MICH YET REM 41 VS UNhl'NO. TDK DREAM OF LIFE. Tw but a bubble yet 'twas bright. And ijaily danced along the stream Of life's wild torrent in the light Of sunbeams sparkling like a dream Of heaven's own bti.srf, fur loveliness For rieetness, like a passing thought; And ever of such hopes as these The tissue of my life is wrought: For I have dreamed of pleasures which The sun of young existence smiled Upon my wayward path, and then Her promised sweets my heart beguiled; Hut when I came those sweets to sip They turned to gal upon my lip. And I have dreamed of Friendship too: For friendship I had thought was made To be man's solace in the shade, And glad him in the liifht; and so I m adlv thought to find a frien 1 Whose soul with mine would sweetly blend, And as two placid streams unite. And roll thir waters in one bright And tranquil current to the sea, So might our happy spirits be Home onward to eternity Bat he betrayed me; and wit J pain I woke to sleep and d real a ajain. An ! then I dreamed of Iov; and all The clustered visions of the past Seemed airy not-ims to that lat Bright dreaia. It threw a magical E.ichautment on existence cast A glory on my path so bright I seemed to breath and feel its light ; J?.jt now that blissful dream is o'er. And I have waked to .'.ream no more. Bvond each distant glimmering star, That twinkles in the nrc'i above. There is a world rf truth and love Which earth's vile passions nver mar; Oil! could I snatch the eagle's plumes, An i vir to that bright world awiy, Vn:ch God's own holy light illumes With glori ;s of eternal ilay, How g'?-'dy every lingering tie That binds me down to eartli I'd sever; And l ;ave, for that blest ho ne on high, Tins hollow hearted world f .revcr. SELECT aXSCEL.LA.NY. FEMALE BEAUT V A.VU ORNAMENT.;. by d'iskakli. Tiie ladies of Japan gild their teeth, an 1 those of the I tv lie paint them ret. The pearl teeth must be died black to be beautiful in Guzurat. In CI reeiiland, women color their faces with blue and yellow. However fresh the complexion of a Mus covite may be, she would tiii lk herself very ugly if she was riot plastered over with paint. Tiic Chi nese must h ive their feet as diminutive a tho-e or the she 'oat, and to reti 1 ;r them th is, their youth is past m the tortures. In ancient rersia,an aqui line nose was often thought worthy of the crown, and if thsre was any competition between two prin ces, the people went generally by this criterion of imj'jsty. In sne countries ihi nnthyM break the n se of their chil Iron, an 1 in others press the head between two boards, that it may become squ ire. The moWn Persians have a strong aver sion to re 1 hair. The Turks n U! contrary, are warn, admirers of it. The female Hottentot re ceives from the hand of h r lover, not silks, nor wreathes of lliwers, but warm guts and reeking tripe, to dress herself with enviable or mn mt. In China, small round eyes aw liked, and the girls are coutiau il'.v plucking their yebrow, that they may be thin and long. The Turkish women dip a gold brush into the tincture of a black drug, which thev piss over their eyebrows. It is too visible bv dav, but looks shining by night. They tinge their nails with a rose colar. An African beautv must have small eyes, thick lips, a large Hat nose, and skin beautifully black. The Empe ror of Monomotapa would not change his amiable negr ess tor the mast brilliant European beauty. An ornament of the nose apears to us perfectly unnecessary. The Peruvians, however, think other wise; and they hang on it a weighty ring, the thick ness of which is proportioned by the rank of their husliands. The custom of boring it, as our ladies do their ear, is very common in several nations. Through the perforati on are hung various materi als; such as green crystal, gold, stones, a single, an 1 sometimes a great number of gold rings. This is rather troublesome t them in blowing their nos vs: an t the f .ct is. son? hive i:ifrmd us that the Indian ladies never perform this very useful opera tion. The female head-dress is carried, in some coun tries, to a sin-mlar extent. The Chinese fair car- head th-" fimiro of a certain bird. This bird is composed of c pper, or gold, according to the quality of the person. Th wings spread out, C:ill ni-PT the front of the head-dress, and conceal the temples. The tail long and open, forms a beau tiful tuft of feathers. The beak covers the top of h ikkr: the neck is fastened to the body of the artificial animal by a spring, that it may the more freelv nlav and tremble at the slightest motion. The extravagance of the Mvantses is far more ridiculous than the above. They carry on their head a slight hoard, rather longer than a foot, and nUint six inches broad: with this they cover their hair and seal it with wax. They cannot lie nor lean, without keeping the neck straight, and the country bung very woody, it w not uncommon to ith their head-dress entangled in the in it. - j -. . . i l i trees. Whenever they como ineir nair iney pass an hour by the fire in melting the wax; but this combing is only performed once or twice a year. Tie Inhabitants of the Island of Natal wear caps or bonnets, from six to fn inches high, composed of the fat of oxen. They then gradually anoint the head with pure grease, which, mixing with the hair, fastens these bonnets for their lives. Poetic fciS? Prom the National Intelligencer. TIIE ENGLISH TIIE PRIMITIVE LANGUAGE OF THE WOULD. Such is the title of a humorous chapter in the miscellanies of that strange creature, Dean Swift. It is ab)ve eighteen years ago since I read it, and it was only recalled to my mind the other day by reading some of the articles of your grammatical correspondents. I am not one of those who atlect to despise the learned labors of etymologists ; who, not satisfied with drinking of the stream, must trace it to its source. It is a laudable curiosity, and there are more unprofitable " hunting excur sions" than his " Who starts a word and hunts it in the dark. Through Greece and Home, and into Noah's Ark." 1$ it the Dean of St. Patrick set down every thing as fair game, ami showed as little mercy to etymologists as he did to any other class of wor thies. He commences his chapter, 1 remember, by stating as a provable fact, that the Hebrew nor the Welch was the primitive language of our race, but the IJnglish. And he then proceeded to adduce his proofs some of them sufficiently droll. It may not be iiiiair.using to your readers to give them, from memory, a specimen of these proofs. Mos!l. ( Mow-seas.) He cut out the Ued Sea into two parts. Itaac. (eyes-ache.) Having been troubled with much pain in his eyes, prev ious to his total blindness. Again, in the (Jreek: Andromache., (Andrew Mackie,) was called af ter her parent, a Scotchman. Alexander the Great, (all eggs under the grate.) The Emperor was very fond of poached eggs, and when the searvants of the kitchen the kitchen ca binet of other days saw him approaching, they were wont to exclaim "all eggs under the grate!" lSucephalus, (busy fellows.) Alexander's steed was attended by a vast number of grooms, who were always busy aliout him; and hence the term which deserilied the holders, came to be applied to the horse itself busy-fellows. Peloponnesus. (Pail up and ease us.) The inha bitants had to fetch their wafer in pails, from a con siderable distance without the city. Whenever they mot with a stranger they put down their pails, and addressed him in th'n phrase, "pail up and ease us!" Hence the place was so called by fo reigners. Straho, the traveller and geographer, was ex ceedingly fastidious in his dress and manners, and ifor this reason was denominated in his travels as a stray heait. Misanthropus, (pure English, mice and throw puss.) The individual thus designated, was a splene tic churl, who, having quarrelled with all his neigh iKiurs, till he could get no one to quirnd with him, even resorted to the following exp"dieut to gratify his malicious inclination. He ha 1 an empty attic m his house, into which, by dint of cheese and other J mouse-like temptations, he succeeded in congrega ting every week a great number of mice. Ha would then bring up his cat, and suddenly opening the door, throw it in among them. His neighbrs, hearing of this, bestowed on him the appellation of I mice and throT puss, which other pretended scho- ars would pretend to be derived from misos anlhro- P' . . . . . I conclude wan one more instance, which me Deati gives : Archimedes, (hark'ee-maids.) Everyone knows that this great philosopher was exceedingly abstrac ted when at his studies, and every one knows equal-! ly well, that house servants have but little confide- ration tor quiet philosophers. Such was the case with the great mathematician. Every five minutes he had to leave his interrupted studies and c ail out to the vociferous population of his kitehen, "hark- & i . i 1 1 I r 4 ec-mai'is: .nu, in revenge, mey caueu mm .ir- chi-medes- I will, in conclusion, repeat that I intend no dis respect to those who admire the diversion of Pur ley, in thus narrating the Etymological Diver sions, of the Dean for St. Patrick." . Commodore Porter, in his letters from Constanti nople, says that the Turkish women are even f ind er of, and more addicted to shopping than those ofj America. ! We copy from the work the following descrip tion of the Sultan's great ship Mahmoud: "I visited every part of the ship. She is larger than our Pennsylvania. The carpenter's work and the materials of which she is composed, are not equal to those of our ships, but when I say we have not a ship in our service whose ornamental parts, equipments, and outfit are at all to Ikj compared to those of the Mahmoud, as regards richness, ele gance, utility, and expense, I say no more than the truth. Her batteries will consist of one hundred and forty guns, of calibres from five hundred pounds downward. On her main deck she is to carry four of this description, the rest are to be firry-two pounders. Every gun on board is as bright as bur nished gold; her gun carriages are absolutely ca binet work; all the iron work about thern is like polished steel, and the brass work, of which there is much, corresponding therewith. The beautiful polish of the rich and costly woods of which the ceiling, sides, and bulkheads of her cabin are com posed, strikes the eye with a dazzling magnificence. The tloors are covered with the same woods laid in a kind of Mosaic. All the rest of her equipments, which are in a high state of forwardness in the store houses, are in the same keeping; and when ' all are put together, and the Mahmoud is com. I plete, the Turks will have it in their power to boast of the largest and most splendid snip m tue woriu. -- Description of a Wife. "Vow there's Mis Polly Johnson, though I love her, I wouldn't gin her "sister Sal for a bushel on her: and I'll tell you why : Sal understands he 7dogy. That is, to git up at day-light, milk cows, bike bread, churn but ter, cook victuals, hoe corn, make mush, save time, waste nothing, knit stockings, doctor folks, talk plain English, keep her temper, and read the Bi ble." Cood !! ! ADDRESS, Sjtokcn by Mrs. Chapman, at the lieneft given to J. SUeriJan Knoicles, at the Park Theatre, A". York, oa the bt of Apiil, ls:i Written by Guoroe I. Morris, Editor of the New Vork ilirror. Nay ! Mr. Sanson ! 'Tis not kind polite To shut me out, sir! I'm in such a fright ! I cannot speak the lines, I'm sure! Oil, fye! To say I must but if I must I'll try ! From him I turn to these more generous souls, The drama's patrons and the friends of Knowles. Why, what a brilliant galaxy is here! What stars adorn this inimick hemisphere ! Names that slime brightest oa our country's page ! The props of science literature the stage! Above below around me woman smiles, The fairest floweret of these western wilds All come to pay the tribute of their praise To the first dramatist of modern days; And welcome to tne green home ot the free, With heart and hand, the bard of liberty ! His is a wizard wand. Us potent spell Broke the deep slumber ot the patriot Tell! And placed him on his native hills again, The pride and glory of his fellow uien ! The oet speaks for Koine Virgiuia bleeds! Bold Cains Gracchus in the forum pleads! Alfred the Great, because the good and wise, Bids prostrate England burst her bonds and rise ! Sweet Bess, the beggar's daughter, beauty's queen, Walks rorth the joy and vvoder of the sceace ! The Hunchback enters kindly fond severe And last, behold the glorious Wife appear! These an: the blight creations of a mind Glowing with genius, chastened and refined. In all lie's written, be this praise his lot, "Not one word, dying, would he wi.-h to blotf UjKin my life 'tis no such easy thing To land the bard, unless an eagle's wing My Music would take: and, lixing on tiie sun Her burning eye, soar as his own lias done ! Did you speak, sir ! What, madam, did he say ! Wrangling! for shame! before your wedding uay, Nay, gentle lady, by thine eyes of blue. And vermeil blushes, I did not mean you. Bless me, what friends at every glance 1 see, Artists and authors men of high degree; Grave politicians, who have weighed each chance The next election, and the war with France; Doctors, just come from curing half a score, And belles, from killing twice as many more; Judges, recorders, aldermen, and mayors. Seated, like true republicans, down stiir! All wear a glow of sunshine in their faces Might well become Ajiollo and tle graces. Except one yonder, with a look infernal, Like a blurr'd page from Fanny Kcuible's Journal! But to my task. The muse, when I began, S;vike of the writer welcome ye the man. Genius, at best, acts but an humble part, Unless obedient loan honest heart. And such a one is his, for whom, to-night, Thee walls are crowded with this cheering sight. Ye love the p-et ofl hive conn'd h.ui o'er Knew ye the. man ye'd love him ten times more. Ye critics spare him from your tongue and quill, Ye irods ap.tlaud him, and ye lops be .-till. doctuin::s of infidelity. TO TIIE COKPOK ATE AUTHORITIES AND THE CITIZENS OF NEW-YORK. An occurrence, which took pluce during my late visit to your "city of cities," requires some public notice. On the evening uf Sunday bist, whilst walking Droadwuy, in company with my friend, (Jen. (ieorge VV. Williamson, uf this city, I expres sed a curiosity to see "Tammany Hall," which I had heard sp ke:i of as your rreat arena for public discussion. We accordingly preceded thither ; and, on entering the Hall, discovered, to our sur prise, a large audience assembled, listening appar ently with wrapt attention to a speaker who was addressing them from a pulpit at one extremity of the Hall. The door keeper required of us sixpence each, as the price of admission, which we paid, and took our seats on one of the buck lietiches. On looking round, I discovered, tint of the audi ence which nearly tilled the large Hail, about one half consisted of respectably dressed females, of all ages, from the young girl just blooming into wo manhood, to the aged matron. Immediately on the left of the pulpit, on front bench, .ere seated a number of venerable old men, some If dd from age, and others with scanty locks, which had been whi tened by the frost of many score of winters. In the rear of them, were a number of persons, with musical instruments in their hands; and nearly fronting the puipit, was a gentleinao in appearance with a beautiful and most intereting Hoy, appa rently about fire years of age, in his arms, whose youthful glance appeared to be directed, with fa scinating influence, to the speak' r in the pulpit. The rest of the audience were well dressed persons many of them youths, from sixteen to eighteen years of age. After making this rapid survey, and directing our attention to the speaker, our pre possessions were at once excited in his favor. He was apparently about io or 30 years ot age, ot handsome personal appearance, winning address, musical voice, and exhibiting o reat powers of elo cution. He was passing in review the different systems of Theology of the various sects and na tions of the world, shewing much historical re search, and evincing much talent. We were de lighted, and congratulated each other on having gone to the Hall. A revulsi ja of feelings, howev er, soon took place, when on his making a practi cal application of what he hail been reviewing, the result of all his facts and reasoning was INFIDE LITY, in its most undisguised, naked, and disgust ing form. When he finished his address, which was evidently a prepared one, he resigned his place in the pulpit to an elderly man, of rude manners, and most unprepossessing exterior, who read from a book several verses, which were sung by most of the audicnce-principanv bv the females-accompani ed by the musical instruments. The sume person then commenced and delivered an address, which occupied about thirty minutes, anil which, for gross ribaldry, impiety, and the most revolting profanity, was never exceeded daring the wildest excesses of the French Revolution. I will not enter into the disgusting detail of all he said, but merelv st.ite a few of his doctrines. He boldly ridiculed and denied the ExistQ ice of a God ; declared, with emphasis, that the Holy Bible teas a Humbug ; and that all Professors of Religion tcere wily hy pocrites, whose sole object was to till their bellies with beef and pudding. I listened with horror and astonishment horror, that any civilized or human being should openly profess a belief in such doc trines astonishment, that the promulgation of them should be tolerated in any community. I looked round at the audience. The old men nodded assent even to the most ultra of his doctrines ; the females, whose sensitive feelings, and lively imaginations, too often make them the victims of designing men, lis- OCT tened with avidity, aud some of them even respond ed with a laugh to hiss grossest ribaldry ; a youth of not more than 10, next to whom I sat, in response to some of the doctrines exclaimed 44 that is true !" and the beautiful little hoy, in the arms of his father, near the front of the pulpit, whose ductile mind and warm infantile feelings were prepared to receive any impression for good or for bad with opened mouth, and eyes beaming with interest and intelligence, drank in the polluted stream from that old mans' lips. I am no fanatic I am no bigot I am not what is called a Pkofkssor of Religion. Though at tached as a member to the Church of my forefa thers, I am not, as yet, a communicant, though I trust the time is not far distant when I shall be able to realize the pleasure, and assume the responsibilities of one. The leading principles of Christianity, how ever, were instilled into me from my eailiest youth. Reason and reflection have confirmed their truth. The whole universe the stars and the firmament the mountains and the valleys the land and the ocean, with their countless inhabitants all nature, animate ami inanimate proclaim with one voice the existence of a Supreme Being. The idea is implanted in our very nature. It is incorporated with all our institutions, whether religious, political, or social. It is the substratum ujkmi which the consti tution of our free govcr. intent rests. The respon sibilities which it imposes, and the duties it incul cates, in all the relations of life, are the grand ce ment which keeps society together. Entertaining these opinions, my feelings revolted at the doctrines which I heard so .shamelessly pro claimed. As a citizen of a free country, whose liest institutions would wither under the poisoning influ ence of the Upas Tree of Infidflity ; as a member of a social community, all of whose connecting and controlling bonds would be broke through, were they not sustained by the obligations which are in. culcated by the Rible ; as a philanthropist, vv no could not see vouf.i and old age trembling op. the verge of a precipice, without raising a warning cry, and extending forth a helping hand to save them from pf rditioa, I determined to enter ir.v protest against the doctrines I had heard. I w;jS a father. The age the lieauty the intelligent, look of that little boy, spoke to my heart in a l anguage it well understood. It reminded me of t.ty little boy my only son of the same age the, same beautv the same intelligence whom that Divine Being, whose existence these men denied thought proper, in his providence, to take to himself. Thank Hod ! iris infant mind was never polluted by the name of in riiiKLtvv; and the best consolation which I h ive for his loss, is in the certain hope that he is enjoy ing that immortality of happiness in another world which these miscalled Philanthropists would de prive us of. As soon as the last speaker closed his address, I advanced to the pulpit, and m the mildest and most courteous manner, requested of the two speakers jiermission to address a few words to the audience, in reply to them. I was refused. I observed to them tiiat it was a public meeting, for admission in to which we had paid at the door; that they had stated that the only true guide was Reason, and had, in both their addresses, challenged investiga tion into the correctness of their doctrines; that their doctrines were, to mv mind, so blasphemous, aud so subversive of the principles of our govern ment, that I was anxious for an opportunity to re fute them; that if their doctrines could bear the test of reason, they ought not to refuse investigation. The younger of the sjieakers then said, "appoint my day this week and we will hear you." I repli ed, that I was a stranger, and that mv engagements required me to leave the city, on my return to Bal timore, the next morning; that their seeches had been prepared with care, and that mv reply would be extemjioraneous ; that 1 wished, whilst the minds of the audience were warm from the glowing im press of their addresses, to erase the impression, before it had become indurated by time. I was again refused. I appealed then to the old gentle men on the front bench, on the left of the pulpit, who stated that they were Trustees of the Society. They also refused me with much vehemence of man ner. I then turned round and appealed to the au dience. I sard to them "that I was a stranger in their city, and had been attracted by curiosity to see 'lammany Hall, a name associated with Demo cracy, and with liberty and freedom of speech ; that I was from the South, whose citizens, from misap prehension of their character by many in the East, were supposed to lie somewhat latitudinarian in their religious opinions ; but that the doctrines which I had heard that night were so blasphemous in their character, and so demoralizing in their tendency so subversive of the free institutions under which we lived so inimical to social order, and so utterly at variance with all my preconceived opinions of religious obligations, and of moral duty, that I was constrained to enter my protest agianst them ; that I had apjiealed to the speakers and to the Trustees for permission, which they had refused, and that I now appealed to th em, and asked "will you hear me?" The appeal was responded to from the au dience bv the often repeated cry of " hear him." Before I could avail myself of this permission, I was surrounded by the Trustees, who accused me of dis turbing their meeting, and said I should not speak. Up to this time, no violence had been oftered ; but, whilst madly remonstrating with the speakers and Trustees about their refusal tocomply with the wish es of the audience, a gallant man, one of the Fiddleks, who was safely entrenched behind two - '- . . i row s of benches, struck a blow at me, which, how ever, did not reach me. This was the signal for tu mult. I was seized by the Trustees, whose age and grey hairs protected them from a blow ; and, notwithstanding the assistance of my f riend, Gene ral who Williamson, participated in my feelings, and manfully sustained me through the whole aliair, we were both precipitated over benches and chairs, with much violence, and soon found ourselves at the bottom of the stairs. One of the Trustees, whose head was bald from age, and who had been most prominent in the " melee," followed us to the street and called the watch, whom he required to take us into custody. The watch, after hearing his statement, refused." We then requested, as a favor, to be taken before the City Authorities, which he as sented to. On our arrival at the Police OlRce, the Trustee preferred his complaint against us, and in sisted on our detention. I gave a simple statement of facts, which was corroborated bv the volunteer testimony of many- gentlemen, who had followed us from the Hall, and whose honest indignation, which the presenceof the presiding Alderman could scarce ly restrain, furnished the lcst commentary on the whole proceeding. The complainant was promptly dismissed by the presiding judge, and we were po litely informed that we were at liberty to depart. To the gentlemen, before whom we were so unex pectedly arraigned, I tender the thanks of Ge neral Williamson and myself, for the politeness we expe rienced, and the civilities which they extended to us. After remaining at the office until the crowd had dispersed, we returned to the City Hotel, and, in pursuance of our previous engagements, left your city at 10 A. M., in the steamltoat for Baltimore. This is a plain relation of facts. Do they not furnish subject for most grave and serious reflection ' Do they not, with starling voice, appeal toyou in all the various relations of life ? As the corporate au thorities of the city of New York, you are the con stituted guardiansof the people's morals the watch men over their civil and political liberties. Will you tolerate, in your enlightened community, the promulgation of doctrines destructive of both. If any man wis to preach in your streets the doctrine of irresponsibility to your civil institutions, he would be denounced for treason, and the stron"- arm of the law would be extended to him. Will you permit a higher treason, which preaches man's irresponsi bility to his God ? If any one was publicly to pro claim that female chastity was a folly, and vir tue but an idle name, would not public indignation brand him as a wretch, and the civil authority con sign him to the Penitentiary ? And will you sufler the open and public avowal, with a view to make proselytes, of doctrines which, by breaking down all moral barriers, would make prostitutes of your wives and daughters, and felons of your sons ? As parents, you are deeply interested ; for he who de nies all responsibility to his God or to his country, will hardly recognise the responsibility of a child to his parent. And who are these men ? They call themselves "Moral Philanthropists." Is it in the desecration of every thing, which the united and matured wis dom of all who have preceded us have taught us to lie Holy ! Is it in attempting to subvert our free institutions to break asunder every moral tie which binds us together, and to reduce us to primitive na ture ? And what do they offer you in exchange I For immortality they proffer to you annihilation f For the meek and lowly Redeemer, they would substitute the " Goddess'of Reason,'''' who', in the sanguinary and beastly orgies of Robspierre, Mu- rat, and their Sans Culotte compatriots, was appro priately personated by a JYaked Prostitute Citizens of New Y'ork ! Descendants of the Knickerbockers, the virtuous old Dutchmen of your State ! are you willing to make the exchange ? Will the old men, on the verge of the grave, sur render the hope of immortality, which has solaced them through life, and now cheer them on their passage to eternity? Will the youth of your city abandon the religion of their forefathers, and repudiate a belief which restrains them from vice aud stimulates them to virtue ? Will the matrons of your city become proselytes to doctrines which will teach them, whilst straining their infants to their bosoms, that the objects of their maternal care, around whom all woman's fond est affections and devotions concentrate, are mere clods of the valley, which, like the brute beast, will return to their original nothingness, and be lost in the darkness of annihilation ? Ask tiiese questions of yourselves, when you retire to your chamber in the silence of night and with the world shut out ; and let your hearts and your conscience an swer them. It will perhaps be said, that the doctrines of these men are so revolting, and their numbers so few, that no danger is to be apprehended, and that contemp tuous silence is the best answer. Delude not your selves with the fallacy. "Lay not this flatterina unction to your souls." Their poison is an insidi ous one, which, while you slumber in fancied secu rity, will penetrate to the hec.rt's blood of all your institutions, and all the balm of Gilead will be una ble to eflect a cure. Arouse, lest you fall into that moral "sleep that knows no waking." Let public opinion awaken in all its energy, and tell these mo ral incendiaries, that they shall not be permitted to throw their firebrands into your community, and reduce to one moral ruin, your altars, your temples, and your domestic hearths. Infidelity is a weed w hich is not congenial to our soil. It is an exotic. Do not transplant it into your moral garden ; it will extirpate every wholesome and beauteous plant, until it grows into a tree, which overshadowino your noble city, will wither and destroy every thin within its influence. Establish a moral quarantine around your city, illimitable in point of time, and which no ingenuity can evade. Do this, and you will deserve the thanks of your fellow citizens. I have the honor to be your-fellow citizen, E. L. FIN LEY. Baltimore, 2?th May, 1835. Poverty is not a shanie, but being ashamed of it is. O

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