V If NOTICK. MIHCCLLANC0U8. I Y V -,t- - ... V ! J i tN J 1ST aa)lS tt-XM." MORTAMTY. O ! why timM lh flrH mnrtai b proml, A fle of IM rirhlnm. S BffSl nT In ,, lo fhi "to to hi rt ut U f rave. The H3SVM of tli Mk toil the willow ilia 1 1 fade, Hot scatisrsd srouad and ingsilier k Wld ; And the young and tlx old, tod tlte low and lb hijfh, ;ihl moulder we1, tMi together shall I. The child lhat nvHbrr attended and loved, The mother that Infant' lTwtion lhal proved, The husband that mother and infant lhat MM, "Saul sHars away Ui lite if dwelling JjftctL The maid o who ehtmk. m wVw brow, no whn-e eye, Hlioo be sty end pleur, hr Wiunviha ir hir i Aid the a-Wry of those met have Ud hct inJ praia'd, , Ar alike from the mind of the hviag ered. Tb hand of Ilia Km j (bit tha sreptr hath borne, The brow of tha priest that tlta raita hath worn, The y ot lha aaff.aiMl th heart of tha breve, Art hidden and lost m the depth of tha grat a. Tha peasant whose lot wu lo aow iod to reap. Tha herdsman who climed with hi goats In lbs steep, Tha beggar that wandered 10 atan.li of Urn brcaJ, I lavs (Clad away Lka the grass Dial wa treed. Hie taint that enjoyed Uia eommunion of havn, The tinner that dared to remain onfigien, Tha wis and tha luolish, tha guilty and jurt, I lav quMttly mingled Uir bunea in the dut Ho tha uiultituda gn like tha Cower and Ute wcil That wither 1 wy U) let othen auecrad. Ho Um nuUituda eowea, eren Unwa we tmholil, To repeal irw; Ula that bath vAe bera told. For we ire tba atma thing Mir blhcra hie kn, Wa ae tha time itgtiU our (btliert have teen, Wa drink the at ream, tod wa led the tame win, And we re the au ewm that oar father have run, The thoagttta we era tVmking our ftlhera would think. Frou tha death wa are ahrnkittg trom, Uir; bn would eiirink. To Uta Itfa we ire clinging to, tltey too would cling, Hut it tpeeiU fnxo Ute eaiih like bird 00 the wuig. They oed but their atory w canout uoWJ, Tliey acornad but the heart of the baoghtf cold, They grie'd-but no wi il from theiraJombon mtrenmr, They joyed but the voice of their gladncat m dumb. Tbef died eye, they died and wa thuipa tliat are oorj Who walk 00 Uia turf that lie over their bru,. Who walk m their dwelling! trarwirnt abnde, Meat tba ehangea they met 00 their pilgriiuago road. Yea hope tod deepundence, and pleasure and pain, Are mingled together in euoahiiM and rain ; And tlx amitc and the tear, tnd the eong and the dirge, Hull follow each other like aorge opn aurge, Tia Uia glanae of an eye 'u Uie draught of a breath From the bloaaxna of health to Die palette of th ath ; From tha gilded aaloon to tha bier and the thmud, U why ahould the tpirit ot mortal be prnod ! - Tie fiatwriaf AW. Tle frner publwher of the Gentleman' Vtde Mecum, having told out hit in terest in that puUicatioa to Mer. I. A. tiodey & Ca, the title of the paper be been ahanged to that uf " The IMiiladelphia 8aturdy Nawe and Literary Gette," the first No. of which we have juat received. It it a large, baadamnaly prioted altect, well atocked with u tiinwting matter. "5 From tht .V. 0. Commrrcitl BulUiia, of June 29. We have received tome addition iufurmation from TcXM.i'y cbooner.Lrchin, Captain Bridge, which arrived yesterday from Galveston Day. -lly her we ire tvv,rm,'a 'etter w n-mts. .at ekco,TXlS,on thfjr?iid inat., direct Iroml the Textan Commiiwioner at Matamoriu. Tlte substtDce pf tho letter waa, ibaMhcy, the Com missionera, who il ia known wera'aoot there by the "eimrt'GwerWhetirto'treat 'for th anrchange of prisoner, had been arrested by the Mexican au niKoTleOMturOwttltUopriaiin."" Further; tlittr at! overtures, or pmpoaitions made on the part of the Te liana were rejected that a liberation of the ori sonera at Matamoraa waa positively refused, and to fine, that nothing Lk ircaiitig.ilh Ibim m the tttaisTtrf J exrnn t ode pent teoce, -wouW b twteriH to by tba Mexicane. I he .Mexican spirit mutt be on the rise one lha alltiirof Saa Jacinto and we do hope Tor tWonor at k'aid of fiwir Spanish an cestry, )bat they will not run quite ao find the next time. ' ' . Dy this arrival we learn alto, that 4,000 Mexi. :tt& troops wtre it MtBiorw-,ooait the No- cei, aod 0,000 at Saltillo all, we presume, burning with a desire to moot once more the Texian rifle and spear. They will doubttesa be soon gratified, for it ap pear, that orders .were issued by the Cabinet of Texas to toe army, to proceed forthwith towards Mhe Rio Grande, and meet their invaders, when the cry of " Alamo," though It may come from only a hand full of gallant' spirits, will strike terror to (he hearts of pusillanimous thousand hxnthe Urchitr sailed, Santa Anna and suite, were sti( in-oonfinenMnt at Columbia, about forty miles from Vefasco, on the Brasoa lliver. The Cabinet of Texas, we hope, has got to be an " m'f " on the subject of dcuining their Royal Prisoner. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT,) ViLAeco, June 20U 1836. To JsamtiH Bbowx, Eq., Com. of schooner ;-.latiiicitisuri 4:- ' SjS t We hive Just heard that the Mexicans sre f ' MM'Urianaol'Tnlelrmst he on the alerts Yott 7 '" w ilt please aait Itir this place where Uioie txleujed fiwtraclions will be furnished you. Your obedient sorvant, r PAYIU OBVttNET, Jamet Nadinon wna born 17th March, 1750, and was consequently ever P6 years of age.1 Had ho lived six days longer, the remarkable circumstance would have been presented of sit tbo.es-Pretidenta dying on our great National Anniversary, except Washington. Mrt Adams is now the only ex-Preai. dent living ; the otlwrs died as follows: ' turn. ark. fnrjpvW ushini on , . John Adams, Thomas Jcfll'uoii, -James Monroe, James Madtnon, ' 10th IWr, 1T99 6S -4th July, 182fl 9? 4th July, 1M0 T4 4th Julv, . 1931 8( 2elh June, ISrTtl M Phi. Cum. HrrtM. CllimOUllVa IM1H. tS lti lw'ttty f;Hirih(lyf4tkliUrm'tt,at tha " town of IVntikltn, M"" rinljr, North 'r. ". lIJIIM(! NAIii: w rnrnr rut do krt open (r lha mco tt ooe week "o no binger, fur Iho (HirfioaA of wiling all I lit IainJa, wltwlt havo Urn uryei ainl rettutin uriaohl, ac quired by treaty from lite Clter'nLee ItHliaoe rf- not to I hv. Tlifl rule wjil f tliK-tel h a CotitiiiiMioer aMitiilei fr that purpose. -KX LCU'I I V K W V.K It I'M KNT. July 21, 1 . Sin More Ncctocft WanU'iW f PIIK auWrilier infornt IIkmo having TiegTOtW for tale, that be it altll in lite LiiMitr, atHl i ili'nircu of purrltitaiog a large itiiiiilx-r, for wIim h he will al all time give fhi highrl ra-.lt prtre. iVraofMi wihmg to ae would itu well to viva him notira before they do aell. (yllera on line tibjert, directed to flaliabury, .N. C, will meet with prompt attention. KOIJKKT IH'IE. N. It. Mr. John Jntte, my Ami, will at all time bo fonnl al Dr. lto)d'a Hotel, in ( "Imrlolte, prepared to moke rMirfliae. A I! letter aihlre- ed to him at Charlotte will bo proinl alleniled to. It. II. Hali.lwry, June II , 1 "30. f Ta ilorii KMablUh m nit, IN ItOWAN COl'.NTV, N. ( .. TIIHKK MILKS HOITII (JF N. I'AKTLKV.. 4 T the above at a ml, the Hulwrriber now carry . nni in all ila rimia lirnnrlicii llm lie ia prepared to execute work in hi line in the riMwt neat, faahnxMble, and durable manner, and oo altort notice. The ubecriler auree all who may favor bun with their cuHtoin.tltat lie i ilcler mined to do bi work in a atylo not turiwaMCd by any in (hi tec t ion of country, and on thu loweat lerma poaihle. 0O He 1 111 tho rrjjulur receipt of the I'hiladi'lphia faehion. All Aruer Utt work will Im. Iliaukfully reccivtlo punctually attended to. - JAtDU SUJUl', Jt. . - May 21, Vtn TAIMItl.(4.-IIrnJaniiii I ralrv 1 1 AS jun received th lnlet fMhion from New ' York nnd Philadelphia, imported from Lon don and Pari, lie continue lo carry on the above Ixnmici at hi old aland in Salmlniry, where he i prepared to do all kind of Tailoring in a ve ry superior at vie, durable ami fualuonnhln, and war- ranted lo fit well. Ail order from a dmtitnee w ill , be niot fuillifully executed, nj(reeiihln to order or , promiae. All kind of eutliii will ! done by I him on abort notice. 03" He atill coniinne to net at Agent for tome of (he moat f.nliio'iulil" 'Cttilort, of New York and Philadelphia, therefore any Tni-; litr wiahing invtructioa 111 tlio art of Culling can , be inatructcd by calling on Itenjanun Fralcy. i NOTICE. THI8 it to inform the ptiWie in geticrn! thnl lliere is no co-partership cxistiu between llie suit sen Iter at thi lime, nor has there been wince the first day of January but. II. W. CON N I'.It. R. W. LONO. June 3.1, IPSO. - t f ' AVnuted, rhNE or two good JOVRXEYMEX TAIL " " ORS, who can come well recommended. yA utcXi,-uwmIaxi t .ntployinaiit and gf.vtj.waca will be given, by application to the u!e nttera at Mockaville. MtRONEYS A: ilAILKY. May 7, I I The Rev. Messrs. BAlXARl) and FUKE.MA.V will each at lbs (uiktwuig pUcsKswd xUy Jjv itqiul. July liHth, at Keedy'a River M. II.. Wilkes county July Vflllh, 3(hh, and 31st, al .'(fler".!", Ahe cmntty ; Ail(ful 2nA, Old Fields, do. ; .in), Sooth Fork. do. ; -1Ui) Three Forka, do.: Oth, Cove Creek, dt. ; 7th. (SuhUili, Three. Forks of jhe North Fwihi. iiHluJth. Fusi- M. II., do.; lllth, Sila Urecki do.; llllt. t.r.y Creek, da; 13th, Cranberry. do.; 14th, (Sabttalh) Centra M il.; da ; 16th, at Bear Creek. From thence lo the Camp Meetinjr at Brier Ceeeki Wtlkeseoaltty: cahu row NViiinoriS. WISH Jo purchase FORTY or FIFTY NE- .A CROES, for which I expect to pay libera pri ces. Any person disposed to aell would do well to give me a call, either in person or by letter, which will at all times be punctually attended to. SAMUEL REEVES. Salisbury, July 9, 136 If NOTICE. T OSX or taken from the mail, halves ot the fol lowing bills on the Bank of the United States, viz: ime bill .-No. X,917, letter I, Tor 1Q0, N. Biddle, president, payable at New Orleans, dated 8th Jsrouary, 1828; One do. No. 815, letter E, lor $100, N. Riddle, president, payable at Charles ton, South Carolina, dated 2nd July, 1B25; One do. No. 543,letter R, for t50, N. Iliddle, president, I . . 1.1 ..rt . . avBDie at v asinngion, oatca autn May, lhyj. uuives ot me HDove bills were mailed al Mount Muurno, North Carolina, on the 18th December, 1833, and directed to Messrs. Gricff & Elliotl, Philadelphia, Penn, Information with renpect to oFdelivery oTthe said haNea rf ImIIs, shall be liht? rally rewarded bv the subscriber al Mount Mourne, ireuett cguoiy, iMorin Carolina. ''- KITt'S REtD. V. NOTICK. 'TIIE Subscriber wialiea to purchase a few JiE. A - CiROCS. for his own use. lie will cive the best of price for what he want. Xt letters ad- drenaed lo the subscriber will be promptly attended to, . Letters on this subject addressed to the Editor of this paper will also receive prompt attention. W. II. SLAUGHTER. Salisbury.' Jutve 9, 1836. r" tf - - - Police to nil penpns, rPICAT Jackson Denton's wife, Nelly Denton, - and two daughters, Linny and El in Denton. hare impeached my family with ttlealinir, which 1 can orove to uo a lalse rcjiort, without any ground to CO on. IIOIIKKT HEN ui, J.tii)r near Center Mcetiiis-house, Iredell, N. C, luly Iff, .'" ,'. p3 Englhh and Clamcnl rpilK ftrt term of thi Ki hool will fointnence m W'rJnfMtlay, iht l.'J'A ny of July nrit, un der the euparMtieiwIcnco iiitdiiuntrucliim of JON ATHAN (iKANT. Thoae branche of the iiglih Langune uu ally tutighl lit Aradeiiiti , aixl aUi the I.hIiii dimI Jn k l4iKiiaj;e for uiIommhiii to t or for nil ailmikM'tl ntuiHling, will U: luiihl 011 tho umiul it-r nt. TImto will be three lenn in a year, of fifteen week each. JON VI II A.N CH ANT. HJt.bury, April '.:. l-:ni. if wrr-oww.vnrovv. Yale Cotl rut, (Conn.) jnl 0, 1 -'I0. Mr. Jmmilftin (irunt, 11 nicinlfr of tin- S-tttor CUm in tin College MiniitiiiM a luir Clirxtiiiii i liiir acter, and nn elevnted r;ti,U 111 lutein, 111 lilrmry attaiiiiiM'lili. Aa hi hit bud aonte .experH-nce 111 ti'nchin!, it i Iteliered, In' well tiialtli' tl for the variou ItraiM-he of ncinli'iiiirul nclriK lion ; ninl thut he will enert hiniM-tf to merit the ap,irolnlion and ctMithlt nce of iImmo who inn v L'ive lutti llicir pntrK.aZr.. JI'KKMI All I V Y. I rheerfully concur 111 the foreirouijf reeommen cl.tt 1011 of .Mr. John (mill from I'rrttiileiit !uv. DKNISON OLMHm. to ki:t, liilou SUM. WILL Kent, or tn-ll on jrood lerma, my Filitb liiihineiit a few door north ol th ('oorlhotixe, I in Halibury,-oTfMam Htrrrt.--ft h bern omi pted a a Tavern for a ttuinlicr of ) cum, and mi); lit lie made one of tl-ltiit ktaiuU for Imi-mii s m Towu. The house uud furmlure will U' oJd lo. pother or prtlely. Aty indulroHnt, allenlitu erton can make lite money out of I in Imui lc foru I will ri'ipiire il. JOHN JONK.S. N. B. I wil ntill continue lo ciili-rlam inv old IrictiiU and cmlcrncrs an ifii.il. J. J. April V, IH.Ifl. if To ISusimss Mvn. rpilK Trfiprit'lnr of ' Tin: ui:sTn: f i!oi.i- MAN," t!ii"1! to ii irriirrnu" 'ii:i!t tl'rttip ry libernl nlr(t'in;' U .t.mr.l mmi li. 1 t M i -Ii n n i i . in the wav of Ai.''titiiMf. J. . I'rintittc. n ml tin uli' of lllnckf, tVc, omM l:ite, III it llie (kip- r nmv li.iviliir a wider circulitl.iin principally hi lite We-lern 'oini lies of Ngrtli Crn!iiMi) than it liai ( i hail, MerrK iiilH and oilier businp men wikIiiii to comiiiiinir'iite wild the piidli'", would find il j;rttlv to lltuir nil'itnlnr to adertte in lis column". Tlte Irrnm oP Ailiertidii'i' re very cdeap M cenln per wjtiare for tde (ir.t in-'-r-tiun uud iyj t entit lor each rHtiiiiiuiire. l At ry kind of : J on rui ix u , HI t II AS j Handbills, Pamphlctu, Circular!, Carda, taDcis, l icKeia, uianK?, way-uuis, .Aud. every iLing 4.-e ui lhal bse., wiU b executed in., a verv superior initnin r, nh ei il-lion, ami ",n very limli'iate tpwns. l'if wl a ill uinnno wmlmtii l....l...f. .1. klirfrHTtTiril'Tri'ii.7.-Mla.a k .1 ..,.11 h.lt-e tbe.ii a niott.ntlv and cotr.vllv Mlendinl to aTTt .H.nK ix , ... .... n.... .... .i i.i ... io w. .. IIH'V were pres"nt in person, unl the work-earetiii'y picked up and forwanled. C'l'.rk of LourU. Sln-rilu, .X'on5i?blc?.and.ot.ben ;aqU,tinicJi be supplied v-td , BLANKS of everv deHcrip'utn ifenrrnlly used, printed onJiiM! per aosLutc. in: s.' approved . fono . fimaj deraLTc reduction vt iTt te rriiideMO IIioh; wdo piircttuse of u.i' llicir regular ri.iiply of Blanks. J.iiv H. A Monthly Manazmr of humttrnu Tutu, lnntt. An ecdote, mild tcttir, Embellmhrd with nvrnrvvs grouiqut and amusing F.ntfriii inc. fa cli number comprisini? seveiity-two'larife Ocl.uo p pets neatly covered ami studied ; making nt the e-.d of the year two volume of cioirr ntnKi:u am niXTV-fuiKpAUMi, and al leant mi ih.nuki.ii t:.v.r- TiiHiaTwiUi TiUesa udTVidexciMii pletc a t Tmirn Dollash per annum. The cheerful ami plcain restore with whrh it i-' proposed to diyj'rijrtjKfld rliniininiJi tins tvnrk his ne ver yet been adopted by any one uf the numemos lite rary carterer that have bitlierlo abounded in .hit coun try and it.s extenfivo notelly and llie vast fund of ha mor and variety which will be iiiiernporscd tdroiifhont U pages, is calculated lo render it a definb't' nnd yy pular companion for the aniuacmrnt of all ch-wes ho desire to potwetisan epitome of the work of ceiedrati-d Modern lIuiiiorifjtA, Ftclieaajid Kngrnters. The en couragement generally (riven to new urji(ertakiiijrv. in vm salutary ob)eet in view, has proved a decided pub lic advantage, and it is qtiaMionabf whether any other age has brought into active use so larje a proporuon of 'the really deserving offsprings of genius and talent as xtde present Assured that this periodical, affording, as it will, an elaborate and cotnprehe.isjve collection of fiineiful illugtration8vgatiricnl eawiys in prose and verse, witty talcf, with quibs, quirks, anecdote, and facetite. must have a partial tendency (among its patrons at least) to divert into another and more exhilirating channel notch of the oppressive action of the mind, consequent upon the care and vexations of bunnies, llie publisher -anticipates fur it a most flattering and extensive sub scription list, Tho work at all events will becommcn- e ,fltj 4b, firsj of Julyand continued for one jrea r ; therefore eery subscriber will he'Hrta''fo'receive'alT''''' 'tba nHBibers lisj' which be lias jiiwaV."Whef''l.tW numbers are eompleted and made up into two volumes, they will form one of Ine most desirable and amusing record i of Wit and Humor which can be found in print Let the public assist the publisher with their patronage inil be assures them he will leave nothing undone that will give celebrity tnd popularity o his work. Tb 'Every Body's Album will be published month ly, in numbers of 72 pages, with a variety of embel lishmentsneatly Bitched in coloured covers printed with new typo, and on fine white paper, at three dolt jars per annum, payable in' advance. Two copies will be supplied to order, for one yesr, for ma dollars. (t5r When sent to a distance from the city, the work will be packed in strong wrappers, to prevent the least rubbing by the maila. (Kr Notes of solvent Banks of every description taken m 'Rffltent of wibscriptions. Ad dross the publisher (vnttagt paiHt) CHARLES ALEXANDER, Athenian Buildings, franklin Place, I'hili, O" Rpecmen A'o. moy fee seen ot Tiw fSce. WAftANTKE DEEDS FOR SALE HERE VI.I. perwt jiidrl.lid lolhe Idle firm of (VJoj A floyd Vtrturt Mr. Frederick Vwui, Ac Craige, are aguiii reo,uftd l itnik imfnr . j "a4ier of Freik nck the tin at fcf Piuaoia, painted, dinto .ii)ni nl, l iiltcr In (ho HuUcnher or in hijor fincied he pointed Imt hi worki were mere ali,ci! o In auihoriwd AgM, Mr."WMloojdili. Hucb liowm r, wa not llie language of In Monroe. One of Iho firm who beyond tin jciuriier, wlicn ihacaiiling on the merit of I It limit of lha Hintn i now Iter, and I am mmx'khi jr"l Apdlea. On one occairt hi Majcaly fu. lo havo a final telllenvnl of llie coiM cru U fore he jvured llnfn Willi (he ight of new tpecimoti. ktve. Th) who fxd In cl(ht between lln nnu Auirual Court, will TiimI llicir inttea or account in Iho band of on oflictr for collection. UlUTt).N CRAIG l' July 2H, loU -V rr .tio.T.ifa'iirN niivii 5 -co AN INDIAN CTKKarTOOTII-ACIIB. 'PIIK eMal.li.hed reputalioii and rnuvianlly m 1 cren.ntjf ilemnnd for tin elT.-cliutl nu.etly of pnin and preervaiive of Ihe Ti-elh, ha induced the auhrriber to offer It to the American Public. Arrangemema have been made lompplv aat-nt in all I lie principal ciiiearid town of the I Sutea, no a l.t pleo it within Hie teach ..f th..-- ...iH r- in--, nittl likely 10 miii.-r, with lite 1,1, -1 tint r.ting of all ache, (loolli aclie.) When applied mror dmj lo direi lioii given on llie lxtll.-. M h;i m-yer hiili'd lo all. itil imiuediale and f Mi i.11 11I n li' l. Il alio o;ri'l Iho decay in cl-(i-t I tv i-- It 11 n ;i. In vea Ihitt ort -nea winch ao Irci'in nlly 1 atroiig I'Hitli ii-m Icik. Tho application nnd remrdv are s 1 it - iiino cent, and not unpleuuii( ; uud the hrr ninoor'l (Kiraom, in vttrion ceciioiia of the coimtrv, Ihnl luive already etterietici'tl audi !.-1 1 cjc It t tI and ! iitiiry heiH-fili from the ue'of the ILilm, utt rca- !(lv to U'ar (for lite pulilu; g'fnl; their i-niuoii ti lla unrivnlli'd ((UhIiIii h. It i nn Indian rcim-ilv, oliUincd tonsillaris anil iiiit'VM'cli'illv, nnd in;i In- rcnrdtd by the cii!i .I'd wnrlil lite m.'Ki vuiuultle dn'(icry n' Kcd Man ol the (!. li. R. MONTAi.I I IVferihurg, N iiinin, Feb. '0, .1 suj'j-h i i the abovr rnlun' .M"lnim krjit rn,iri uf; for gale at TIIH (MTH'i:. ... . MULE .J.? ClATS i'lUl IU'ITIJw. New and Fashionable As sortment of JVAYIilililUVY. mi: Subwriber hut jut relur- .. ikmI from I'liiliiilt lolii t uud n innsaatsa rv fine u.trtuiem of Watch es, Jewellery, &.c. &.c. (i(.'iitleui'':i' ninl l.u.lu ' tiold Ixvrr M'ntoh.'t. I'o. (lo. Silur do. do. Kngliili, rreneh, ninl Swi-i do. Fine (iolil T oli (.'Inline, Se;il, nnd lvi'". Shell itnil 'I'm Mteoe l'oe. V erv in li ii -.-lorl iiienl of !re i-t pile , ll.u i .nr-, inn! ruii'er rrii. ' SiUei, I'hieit mid JrtT IVIt lliicklc. A liir"- aw ili'ieut of Hih cr .c'eenti li'i, Hilhcnv c,ie, lit tihnj;, nreeil, :i'iil rlonblc l'l.lsM'8. , Silver ( i tofiH tind Hnttt r l-ttteft. Silver Frtii". Kuitcri uud Thimbles. I '. I'e.iciU nnd To- lli I'li k. A very snrior nxsortuifiii ofUiir.ori inailc by Ru pert", Shepherd, mid Wildu lliileher. Aim R4jiti SlicphurdV Vde IL lUittlu' On It, IWket, and "en Knives. I" in Plated nnd I niter ( ttttlofs ftttd C !indle.l'elii. a, -ii,! i, .in- ticrman Silver, 1 altlo, Desert, nnd I cn-Hpoou, , , . , , , 1 U'-irr.i (ml Liiintri..r Ia uiLl-h. ...( 1 .... . Together with FincTisirn-i." t ' Purses, Sled Chaui-i, Ki'V!, and . , n . ,, , , 1UC 1 C0l)Le l" Cal1 ," snrtmenl. I hone lit inj; nt a dislum c will hatt their orders filled mi in jjnnd teriiH hi if they were pwwot , Siilishurv, N. Inv II. - lim IIMM.S. N exteiitit i' slifk of Itl.AMlvS u!'j-."v ko lu.'Hllv printed i. a ihm piilHT. ki",it i'oii.-i-iii:h i A Hind nnd "tin wile, ut THIS OKPIl T.. TUB MUUVVS. -AT SAU.SBUHV. :::.Mv 'Sr. r-iK. li-'l i it In Rnori, . . . Brand v, apple, xjaj4i, Butter, . Cyttyli, m seed, ek'aii, Collee, . . . Corn, . . Kent hers, . . Flottr, . . . . 1".". a Li Mol-sis. "J-a ::ai!s . s-.j-,-a Fork, 1:J .) a Ii 1 J .. l.t a ICrl1 .Suoar. Vrrnvi . 12 a l ")i loaf, . Ki a l"),SuIt. . . .a?ia 4IH fallow, . a 'tl'Tol.t.-co. . .11 t. R 01 . Wheat, (!ia.-h . KM jWlnfkev. . wi r il . ll"tiili"i 1" " a a UK! i Flaxseed, Sinai Linseed Oil, per gallon, tg,l i") AT ClieHAW, (S. C.) July II, H:JG. Bacon, . . BucFWix, . 1JJ a l:i-Nailaa.l Brads. 10 a 1 aninr, nrottn, . a It ll a If. 10 a H Colfee, . . . . . 11 a In do. lunp, . . do. loaf, . . Cnlloii, . . . Com, . . . F! ix-seed, . . F.oir, co.n'ry, do. norUiern, 7.t a StHSiil;, wr sack, .2"0 a 27 t I" .KKIa 1 21 1 :;37m (nliaggmg,: W3'. do. bushel, fit If Roik, U a 12 .' ir' 7 cr iF"i TT' rTT -4s. Irori, 4U5.'.lWook . . 4". .VAVIiiskev, . Molasses, RATES OF EXCHANGE At thr Mrrrhnnt' Tfitnk of S. C amlhm, nt Chirotp j Checks on N. lorfc lor Bums uncer !fi ! of l.(Kifl i !" el. ; over Jj(l,tHM 4 pr. 1 1. -".'''"... .1. Bacon, . . . . 13J a 14 Iron, . . . Brandy, peach, . 50 a IKHMolasses, . . . 5 a I! 47 a 30 7 a H apple, . ,. a Do iatf", cut, Beeswax, '2 a ! S'Sugar, 'lirriwn," . a toffee,. Cotton, . Corn, . Flaxseed, Flour, . Feathers, .121 a 1441 lump, 14 a 1H, hf, 13 a 20 . 75 a ar) Salt, . 63 a 70 . 00 a 12T .:34aa . 10 a 17 a 125, Wheat,. .G00 a KtOtWhiskey, a-45Wd, . AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.) .July 22, 18.10. Bacon, . . Brandy, peach, apple, Beefcwax, . . 13 a lfi lard, . . 14 a 19 75 a 87 V Molasses, - 50 a 02 J . 4") a WIIMackerol, . . 84X1 a I'M) . i- a lbjSalt, in sacks, .250 a 275 . 25 a 'ill bushel, . . 75 . 15 a 17Sugar, brown, . 12 a 14 . m a mi loaf &, lump, 18 a 22 . 13 a HTallow, . . .. .10 a 15 850 a 05tl(Teas, ... .125 a 150 . 5 a Otr(Vliiakcy, ... 45 a,00 J Butter, . . . t r Coftee, . .. . Com, . . . Cotton, . . . Flour, . . . Iron, " , . . Puppo, auid (he kni " that aotno great paint Irr, UuLt n hf Ui;th.u t, fof ,liutatce, had painted' ihi ptciure, do you lliiuk it would fetch a rooid ernhie pi ice " Hire," replfd llie lUrou de I'oliuu who fMMd for (lie nvwt practiced and the moat otwquiotM of hi Majcvty'i courtier. " I aawjro your Mijettiv 1 a roorvitweur could not offir icvt for aoclt'ii piclure than 5f.1,WK) fbtrina." " Well lin n, iMfon," cried tho gratified Monarchri' you (lull rctiim a pronfitf my tuuiiificii'iiC4-. Tako ,, ,Mt4l, fur ;,,(I(M) florin, which you ahull pay (((, l( r,.H(. Wj.t M (o r,,n,(,'r J(JM a Mnt,r, ,hi hit to my periiuwion lo ' ( ,,. .. ,,'Sirf," crird'lho llrtf.m, who wa fjm,v ,.,,,,1,, , 4lW WMrri cin r(.f t. mll(U, ,!,,. atUanlafe of )our MiijeatyV pernio.,. , .. r,.pv klMm ,mKt. wm , imil) ,,r, llt, ,c w, , ,1,1, Mill t...ii l.'t li'iiMl-.n,,. or toon;, ivni )oor iti t , 1 r in mt rM liai l.-t n iirotiil. Ilul. I ottc sou uil 11 1 ou.j...i. Voor mi' tor thi" art", n well n vir ah iU biiienl lo inv ci.-oIi,cu;iiIl' u i to tin ttwikoi 01 v aKltt'in," , Poriiij; To!. JoliiiMin'i rei t ot ti-il to New York, the I.oco Fix os ud Jm-vm il .i It l'ci to bun to um.( rl.iiu if he ttere. orlli'MloX on terUnit li'mliiiiieiilii! poidli. In lot I--pit to iht ir ii;i!ii iilioit we 1 1 oil iht folio. iii iiio-i looio.oim, iiiiiiiul, .iii('ioiM, until and lllll!i ..- Itloll. W ii I will l)l it) .j'u-i- i Ihk that the Colom I cuiiiiol see f.trlher into a uojj-foiie limn jonltiiitry itieri ' V' are indeed jtoni.ir( at tho 1 pnfoii:i his (I hi.-i coiiipn hi-iiMtf uili IU 1. 1, at thu i nn- .i ' 1 1 1 i ! -Iil(!e! of In -p citl.tli -ii : '" 1 it c oiiU itil,iliii' ill. in ill il of (i il.ire, I hate not U-eu in th- h.ilitt of ret' inlinj; hint itu ,t ' olii':rv, Intt r tt i.il liott. We come not into j ilao e to .1 1,itc o .)liii le; l.iil the ioiiuih in i -i mi lit ot our lt inj ii in the sot. inv of our kind, . oini to u xtiilu ol tiilite Oi (H inlence tijroii our ten i tor. ot -otpieul Dottier iv ' ,Mol f in ild Fiflile ! Who will j'ti oio lo w rite Ifi' i- ifoVfii iVii as af ter lull ' Tlr ltir'li d-i "f Slt.ikiii.ire is celebrated on ,lhe Iweuu -ihinl of (rtl,nt Stratford on Avon, by the S'iuk- .in-iiii ( Tib, together with a I.ire i:on-eoitf-e i.! viiilor-i. The ir .1 1 1-n mi the p-uiun 'triluii ol the iiii'iitirt.il b-'id wu ilt ltvenl bv .Mr. .loiio in Amerie in, w ilh I . 1 1 1 1 h r lloiiliiii oterhiin. Il is a piiHid lriiini'!i. 1'i.it the lirl oritlion tieliti t ed nl thew iiiini vi-rx-itir. lioiil.l Im- bv nn Auk ri cm, nnd under circiiin'siwc no ll.tlleriii!; lo our ii'tlioiwl pnile. Uiiiililul silver ineihil wu- pre. u'liled to J he K-.ikcr 1V lite Club. I -uiiii '-n inn fit l !!(. I he lcj;..nili lliMTIi.lll, Altm itm ItrtUinnir tt (tuwUi sit firfHtua." Two liuii ilred nnd sevenlt lwo ear4 hate patM-d atfiiy xiuci! the lurlh of ilii.iiu Siiaktejre. Tin 1'renidt'iit in to clou' Ins " eventful hislnrv," witti nod Hihlrosf lo llix Aini iu .tit H'oile. Aiiioh K'-ihlall, ihe vuinpir", li lo w rite it. We w ill gito a x i imii n ot' A ino-'s tt le in a day or two, tt Inch will -how to the freemen nl dii Countrv, that that ualit ideal would, if he ditrt d do no, uu lite bow ) nri 1 ... , ,, . . , , . , i llis'it. 1 be rrt'sideiil has ordcrci llie nnmc o ' ,, . . . .. , . ,, . ,. , Sherburne, the M iil-hiiuinit w hn k'lleil vounj Key i. .1 I . f C. .. I..lr. .T....t'.it n-il.ni it.ifi I.. Ii .Irtir-L Ir.i... 1... t44 A' ! -iVr -. T- r .T TT" : The en'TtT YiKidt' isfThr-'Sr'iintP to piirjdn--e I'mtnt Bouloiiilin'i lilirnti " Ii:h fmled. nd w hy ' li e ; teen t(hi poor .' It i'lo In; lio"d that some ncA indiudi'inl of imITS titifrN w'itl Xe-ctfre;-it,; indJ're'-:" -civ c it for llie Sinillwoiiiiii InMituti rol l'I'ICM. AHITIIMIITIC. Vr. t'o'.i' l.ust. Take Martin Van Huron from tieni rnl .l.ickon and Jarkmon remans, lake .l.n !.ni from N un Curtu nnd nought : is lite iuo- lionl. ' ' ' " fr.wi (Jif ll'ukiitfi tau TilrilTO-jih...,.. . ottsiaer Editors arc raiing the pi ice of nil tertiseuit'iils uud why should lliev llol f Itac.oo iAat.13 els. per lb.. Jlouj at SaMdtltwv-Mru.soiMi m oii who would cll ttater if they could. Every thiiijj ia gulling, up except Win Hureiiisui. Ac art at Wiislii'iutim. We underslanJ that ! there is lo be inainaire in hiub life enacted ern . ... . t t i inn'. I lie parlies are .nr. an miren nun a cer tain verv distinguished literary lady, who visile I Washington during llie winter, and entirely vtoii the Vice over. "It is also understood that General Jackson has taken n great intcrcM in this iiftair, nod it certainly w ill succeed. Is the Presidential chair lo become hereditary in one fnmilv ! The Western Curoliiiiau. VEKKLY:::::::::::BY JOSEPH WADE HAMPTON. teris of rrnuciTtos. Ie5nl, I- ' '", extern t uriilmmn is puttlMioil etery Nv 40 a t't it anvv, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance , ; or Two IHtflars and Fifty Cents if 'lot paid before the exninitron of three monthj. -fo paper will be discontinued until all arrearages afe paid, unless at the discretion ol the KUifor. 3. Subscriptions will not be received for a less Iiino ; mn onP year ; and a failure to notify the Editor el a ra. r-;t;..A..;,.. ,- !. ....," w at-u I.,... - V' dereiTaa'a ridtlrbKga?i5mrjnr 11 nil tu uim-i'ti iiiui , nl llie 1.IIU ui u iiui, il il I i. i.iisi- ir; 4. Any person who will procure six siihscritiers to the Carolinian, snd take the trouble to colled and tran-aiut o...: i ,.. ii. t.'.i:... t.nn !.... M per gratis durin? their eitntimtance. Vs " " " - ' J 7 to him through the Mail, at his risk provided they get the acknowledgment of ptny respectable person to prove that $uch remittance ico regularly made, TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inserted, at 50 cents per square fir the lirxt insertion, and 33J cents for each continuance : but, where an ad vertisement is brdcrcd to go in only twice, 50 cts. will be charged for each insertion. If ordered for one in sertion only, 1 will in all cases be cliarged. : 2. Person who desire to engage by the year, will bo accommodated by a reasonable deduction from the above charges far transient custom. TO CORRESPONDENTS. , 1. To insure prompt attention to letters addrerssd to Uio Editor, the postage should in all cases be paid. W'(J-lirf,Krfi'ffiSf I Al- V SrikS- i'-it.- f"v - h'T .1--. 1 ' V.N. c - -'.'.' V '...i.-iii V.I. ,;., C v A. I '"." ". - -."