I m I - i I . ; , I ' f I' m , 1 1 liulrl .f l!iO i' ihiiii ft ( I" POLITICAL AlTAlItf J.N Tf-NN I H pt'i.h the L'U" 'g extract of lnr eon fIlln ll.a al of pohl.ce io Tsnnew without , l,,r j f tl eorreclnc-s of lb views pressr-d though " I1' c''r fJ ,ui be has j"',H caln.ly, and fully believes 'l be riles. W rr,ru ff'n other sources thai s,r,js ar taking w Tenneeae. Il U beyond puts that both tb B-uk, and Mr. Clay are oft- ...uiar thr. . .f; ' ". ititt nf UHrr tetilUB if grniUmnn trnmUiug in I tr j.a lw. '; v, . . . ' i J In J DO id uatii I entered Tenoeeae of th '-itic-l xeiiemnt exiating here, particularly in , Middle and Western part j il i ilo rising in j KtWers CoUntiM. I hi Ut of foehnf u (o produced by Messrs. But, and Wrr main C tb en ide, J Jinn K- ToLRr Kact. has been getting fp public dioner to fbtr '.spectiv champiwS who always attend, awl malt . a 4 M H ( I .1 ' i i uiUflg speschce. . vr, -yi is io ma neia u eon. Jt Governor, and though interior Io Mr, 0 hi talent, ha baa a a4 dent nor energy, and ' fTrancf. -Messrs. II and lb pri f mI JcaiJcrt of h Wbiga in Tenneaaoe, bar ' l arrertl lular movea, ana ui awa u now ' -ief atrocity apmiturt ihom. Tbey hat becotn icntifictl i'b Cbyt nd ZatU. and ibta la . jllr ibaai rapiJt : Ro4 Mwre4 thai Ttntwa U atf aevar (O (or aiiWi Tb lodr of lite ''l party bavlitf mad tliia CiIm more, lb eon. ! jfoca Io iHera iU fca irmvitabl defeat You '.14 ba MonUhad at lb cbang going on. If 4 alaciin aa aow Io com on, il ia likely Can voold yel bo elected, but if lb change go (oa racctra do check, Polk will certainly sue i It Mid tk& JuOgO 1tMiW MAv a rtl ia (he United State Senate, with other po ucal rtevi ihi may bo en, but ! doubt il( b prtting oU, and, no dotU, defiretrepo. Both k Jig and Mr BQ r aterlirg patriot, and I aorTy to r ihern placed ia a fab poeitioev -Tba Vbif, and Banner ar 'all paper, and vail! gallantly, hot Clay, and tb Bank ar too tatybey begin to a it, and ar Iryiog to re 'f tb weight by holJing out lb idea that tho will not be aakod for, and thai Clay will b Jtea of tb field t but lh cry t out, and it U to Ut.-Il i"id that Fottrr, th Senator i f!c of Grundy, haa etaked bi political lata oa jfet Baok qaeelion, and declare that if a majority' 'jf tb aexl Legialatur ahould be opposed to lb lUk, be will at one lrcign, and not wail to b Miructed out. . If thia be ao, you may be amired Uat tb present aetiioo of Congrea wilt clow Mr. FiMier'a political career, for the Bank ia erery j aiy teeoming more and mor' unpopular in Teo- intce, and Clay ia physio Io the people. . Sotth Caiouka. Tbe Legislature of tbU Suta assembled do Monday the SOth ulu ' Ia the Swale, the lion. P. NobI wa unanimously re iketed President. Io the Hous the Hon. D. I JTirJUw was unanimously re-elected Speaker. The Messoge of Got. Butler is a short, sensible, tod pithy document, relating w'iroly tojtbeajliira sf the Stat. . - ' " " ' ' : .. it meetinff of the Pirectora of the South i Western Kail-Road Bank in Charleston, Cel. JL Handing wa eleetod Presidont of the Institution. We observe, with gratification, a statement in X. York paper, that AUxander Ming, Jr. an olTi- ter ia the Custom House, has been remoTed from' bis station for participating in the attempts Io ere its excitement by Canada aympathy.mecting. Ckji. IIaibisojt has been nominated by the 'hig portion of the Rhode Island State Conven or, u a candidate for the Presidency. , C , Orn. Owen of Wilmington; who lately visited Europe to obtain a loan for the Wilmington & Ra leigh kail-Road Company, has returned having uccceded in elTecting his object. - . Nat a single Steam-boat. accident has occurred mce the safety -law went into operation. ',4-.- Ftnt ijr Mouin. A very destructive fire oc curred in Mobile pit the 21t uit.6 It broke out in tba Tlieatre, and consumed it entirely j together .with at the furniture, wardrobes, cVc-j nd several otitct liouses near. Lose estimated at ?200,00t). Some idea mav be formed of the vnst extent of Nile, and amount of travel at present .CneiOliib ?1?0fofaK stated, tli.it four thousitnd persona had arrived in Cincinnati in one day, the Hth ult-i by the various StcambfiatB. Late Mississippi paper say, that Tnoma$ lh n i.7iams.of Pontotoc County, has been appointed by tlie Governor. United Slates Senator tojll, pr? '-. the vacancy occasioned by the resignation 01 J Wi F. Trotter., -" - " '.Ciwoikss melon Monday last, tho Washing- papers note the arrival of many of the members. Ia tkn T V. II. HiLt. F.90.. ha ,n unanimmmly re-elected Secretary of State. Vm. II. XVathingtii, without opposition, So' of the 2d Judicial Circuit. F. Poindexter, Solicitor General, wir" -.wr ircy, Doucnoroi 1110 fiu rcait, Wlout onposition. lKI , .1. ..-" of ' ' ...... .'!i t'af"!.! i I ! ; ii um ; ,,,) I.n i . r . i , I. .. u,,i i m drk. Mm l ui,raiiir l. 1 I-. II f. j l l.f f C'Hii.n in t it( rij- i-d Ufi,c) i fa . j t if a (t it in ter mot l.inTy, 4 t i!-nt i(fnn rurouitti-rrd -.'( bfinr liiim-f ff.ni, I.nr rp.,t, as rrir.J d i i afirf pr-r, ()DU tmlfS w brr sisjr, w f.Hjud la l slw.rt 4 fa- i bor Corn. mtmJi t li'jht it lx , uii !rr Ikm f ik utMt sores, la re turn fr a sij'-ly, sikJ uteorj.njly put aUiut, and KiufwJ to Cork. AIW tskin iu M,v4 omprj..Hng sock rqIr s as lb nunhwry reeorxd, slw s;i4 look her oVrarfue, and ejmjl.btd lbs pssMgt to ,N'w York in sistiwe dsa. T1 LtrrrpMil Cotton taarkst comuiued to vtsr a fsTorsU amirarartc. . Much icitemool M lake plao in th Country Io eonnorne of in resignation 1 Lord Durham. it wss ipeod thai th MtlUiurr CsMixi would b disifed. - . ciiEuojcmi . . , Tbes people lis Ua aarly all removed, 'it are now on th way, with lb exception of some 200 wh b taken jo lh mountaios, and rrfuw to com io, or tnigrat on any lcro tby tils, regard alik th authority of their tribe and of lb Uoitad State. , Troop bar bee seat out Io cap. ur tbem. ' . - . - - ; TUB MOkMONS." f Th oocouot from S scene of disturbs ore, are of o doubtful, and contradictors character that w ar onabt to decid bow maittr stand,-alt, however, agree io stating that lh largtwl pttrtioe) of th Mormon had surrendered pa aroiug th frc of J or 3,000 mea bmojht lo bear numt them ; th principal leader war rwiainnd as ori soneN tt trial, eoroo etatement say that body of them had hewn attacked by th militia and ma, sacred ( and bet weed oo. and two hundred bad mad Iboir ceeap aod loA th Stat. , .TEXAS Is again In etate of aritationv Indian to lh .uo,w o, . iuoo-oo w- .v.. j. - (strocted to MKuir into th ipediency of so anwod. congregated from vartou lribe,i lh fniotier j-waU Rtveno Uws, as to reduce th amount inatigated.it iasaid by th Mexican to Call on th j of Ile'titoe, boiVl rni9 ij fM ja A aetllementar-Geo. Uuek was preparing to dvoc,th anount of lh Aauwnt Lwufl9M. against them with ucb lore a would ensure - toi Commit ttf, VAie BniUing$. sucetw in attacking them. - . fTs51' '' ', Spruill, At A lUllsj ddtrenc bas occurred loo, between the "J 9LUOaif 0 w ,' Presideol XJen. HouMuo, and CoogreH, il!, V0 seems, has heretofore been in tb habit of deliver, j . - HOUSE OF COMMONS. 1 r. - - a.i. I ing his message verbally V Coogreso. Thatbody, on ita meeting appointed Committee to inform biro, l..l iIimw MraM miiii Ia mhum mi errillMi mm. ...v7 -v., . , - . -v .-'.T retomwd . brief meaoage -saluting tb l!;7J Uongre ' soo aaytng tnat, nao ne sm awes res- .' ee '.e a s a. II. Irtcted in ins mooe, oe mo uiienueo te preseni some important inibrmation aod uggeatioo on th af. fair of th Country, but as it was, be should de cline any fitrther communication than merely to en close the report of the bead of the departments. We notic in the M Clarioa" a proposition to builda Cottoo Factory near Paulding, Jasper coun ty, Mississippi, by a joint slock Company. ' - Bill Johnsoo," the fiimou - buccaneer of the Lake, has been taken. : . , , - ' Accident. Mr. James Kendall, soo of Cob Ren- ben Kendall of Montgomery County, wa killed, tl U supposed, by being thrown from his horse ; eist of three on th part of the Senate, ard six on be was found dead on the road, with appearances' the part af this House, lor lh purpose of examin baving been Ihrowo. . : - . : . fl ing he Wilminaton and Raleigh Kail Road, and . - - . " ! v - : that eaid Committee be instructed to report upon the Judge Y hite, na coneenieu to resume nia sj io lha Uoited State Senate, i his health willetuf him to proceed to Washington, and enter ore dutios by tho first of January next. .. . ": f STATE LEGISLATURE. r- (cowrnjEB roosi tb utb aALtwai fak; -. : j:."'V.;-:j:riN senate. '. "v--;- r:"- - v.-- Monday, Ho Mr. Biddle presented tho following rea"ion which was read and adopted j . Re$olved, That a message be aont to tllouse of Commons, oroaosinff to nise a joint seF com- mitteo on the public buildings and rebding of. the capitol and that said committee tepVwlietU er the amount of money already approved for rebuilding the capitol has been judiciouf expen A.ut ....I what amount will be further pind for its comnlction. ''.''V ': ' . - " . .The proposition of tho Commons loe a joint select committee on Cherokee land, wConcurred in- nd Messrs. Franklin. Roinhnrc'I'ovidson, Biddle and Allison were appointed orf Mrt of tlieimie.v-''.::-...' The report of the commissioner! f rebuilding the capitol was presented, read and red to lie upon the tablo. , ' . .' . . - .. .... 1. . I . U M n mm tee were instructed to enquire if , nd what amendment to the revenue awsd" Suite are necessary to 1 ii.flm me paliy double tax, nna 10 proviuo ior me more cnnvciy. ent mode of listing their taxable property, and such other amendments as may oe unnicu useiui, so as to secure tho faWful payment of all taxc to which the citizen m? be liable, with as liltle inconveni ence as pracKi?' i.w - t I ry Library mrmttee on the part of the Senate, Msrg.Cson.DavldWnand Willmm of Beaufort. Mers. HOUSE' OF. COMMONS. ' Mr Atttoa inlroduecd a Bill, founded on a Peti tion i undry citizens of the county of Buncombe, enllrfd "a bill to lay off and establish a County b-iie name of Henderson.'; Said Petition and pt were read and on motion of Mr. Paltoa J:iid t the table. -; " - : v ' .; -.' ' Mr. Crawford submitted the lollowinff resolu- lion," vii: M Ittmhtd, That the Committee on the Judiciary bo instructed to enquire into the ex pediency of enacting a ta 'prohibiting tho recnv cry of money or a,ny other properly won upon clec tions." ,,The said resolution was read and rejected Mr. Stockard presented a bill lo incorporate Junto Academy, io Orange county, which vrns read the first time and passed. - . . - j Ji 1,4 t 1 ...r ...j ,f.e ii u.., , .. v.J S. ji - U ! t..i :,,, ti ,, 4 i .1 i.,J ft, ss r'J ,li . ,., t,, ft t) l-'i-f, .'- it I, Tt.t a r - .. ..g m kui i, i j,ir(.,in u ., J"""1 cMI,i..Ur If Swii.Uii Ml lU 1 Mti In irf. irJ ih mm i Ihn l,wfi.ws S .;., rC utiflMM.Ull! KilUsa wr stiomMod lb Comiriittc ew Ike 1 It. li,Miw, tM ll.S sul.d of the OvUt tr.il l.n;s. 0 dh-ihi v( Mr. J.t T, Mdler, IUJtJ, TM mrswge be sm( t lbs iVnele, prop I faias) Lnnl srtrct eooimilis of tbre OS) the pari of Il I ( mm, to take tot eooN4ertMl lb ldriwy utoom.ng hmilrd coparlne rbij. l"b lluus lba went 11.10 as sl'-ctc f.f twt rs. Ury of Sute. Wtlluirsj 11.11 tb pet4 incum beot bstisg 00 bppiiun rrrird lh ob4e aunv ber of votes riven, and Was doJ declared re-elected. (a mult) v(Hr. Q. TVnwu, bs prt of tb Uoveions msMge as rslal to the eulct of inieroei i.prwmri, was relrrrd to b cvm. Miiie) 00 Inieroei I mproteittflets. 7WWa. Ap. ils-U Die ll'SM a Raw!utluo as aij-ed pr4NMof to tpwiiA J mi Commit lee of 0 frtvni tb lloosf and I front lb Henele, to visit ll Wiliniflglns) and RsNsh Ksd RoeJ and to report concerning lh pnre and conditio) of 1 be asm. Wm. II. Waihinf too of lnoir wss elected So licitor of lb 2nd Judicial District without oppoai lion W SCNATE. . TWiiey.'.Vew. tt, 1931. Tb omansiiioa from lb llouee. o th eulil of limited Copartnerships, was read and ordered lo oeepoe I be Isole. Th orotsiettioa from the other 1Imm. lb subject of th appointment of a '" M that Ert of tb Uoveroor' o to nk. wa read no,i' Kdrds, wot eooe-r - ' . . u .undo) of Mr. li.lU Rttolttd, that th Committee on Finance) be in- , . .... Splet Whitaker, one of the mamber elect from , the eooly of llahfai, appeared, wa qualified and i tOOS. Of SCSI. ' at. Ilb. - .i ..... praoo.w, fniuioa irom CIIIOAn 01 nnl Mini. Ik. r . . . . j. Ttiller, a petition on tb same aubiect, from . e m . :ciusa ci uuinerMed.- Keterred. Omolioa of Mr. Hoke, th Committee on lb Jodrtary were instructed to inauire, into tb ex. pedocy of eeteblishing a branch of th Supreme 1 ne ester pan or lb Btal J and re pot ov Dill or otherwise. , , -In motion of Mr. Dn-an. .Rttottti, That tb committee on the Jodicisrv b instructed to inquire kit tb expediency 0 so iseooing id basts ro law as to render a wbita wo ain, who shall bring forth a child by negro ave, an incompetent witness aninst a white ner. ri. isa toauiiject in slave to corporal punishment. On motion of Mr. i. T. Miller. . . . ..... . . ... Retoletd, That a mcuage b sent to the Senate, aoAropoain lo ra is a jowl select Commute to coo. comiiMon sou proerese inereoi. On motion o Mr. Boyden, Rttolrtd, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of pro vidmg by law for tb dipoitioq of infant children in ease of divorce. BiU$ prrtewred. By Mr, Lane, a bill to extend th time for paying in entrf money ; by Mr. H. C. Jones, to establish a toll bridge over th South Yadkin river, near Haifa Mills, in Davie County s A - I -tl . . - .If 1. .1 t. . . ' iui wm 10 esuDiisn ine isaiisDury- Aesdemy; oy Mr. nuns, a bill to extend Jhe time fr regis terinff erants. mesne eonvevsnces. Dowers of atmr. ncry, bills of sale and deeds of sift t and a bill to alter, amend, and improve the publie road from Kutnerlordton to AshviIIe, over the Blue Ridge, by the Hickory Nut Gap by Mr. Trollinger, a bill. founded on petition, to establish the county of Jef ferson out of a nart ofOranire 1 and Mr. Pemberton. a bill founded on petition, to erect a county by 'he Dame of Stanly, nut nf a portion of the limits of Montgomery. , iiie bills were severally read the tirst time. . . ;,.v-.,.if Joint Select Committee on the tubjeci of the Che f$mare. Messrs. Franklin, RoinharJt, Davidson, Uiddle, Allison. , ,r - ' kl " . . , ' House of ComtnnnM. Messrs. Siler, Borden, Me Laurin, llowcrton, Guytlier.; , . IN SENATE, ' -.-;;',;'' . 1 ' . Wednesday Fot. 28182$. - On motion of Mr. M 'Diarmid, the Committee on Military Affair were instructed to enquire into the propriety of so amending the law as to exempt all persons from performing military duty until they shall have attained the age oflwenty.one years, ex cept in cases of-tnvasion or insurrection, win is vma v -iiivnijiwii vi luvuiiwuvut, . . The proposi,inrl Df the Commons, lo raise n joint committe for the purpose of visit ing and ex. amining the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road, &c, was rejected 33 to II - On motion of Mr. Taylor, a mesmjje wns sent to the House, proposing lo n (er to appropriate Com mittees so much of the Governor's Message as re. lates to the several subjects of the currency and do. positcs of the General Government ,' the Public Arms and a compilation of Military Tactics; Re ports from institutions of the Stale, in which tho Slate has a pecuniary interest to Internal Improve ments a Topographical, Geological and Mhieralo. gical examination aud survey Common Schools; report of caws of conviction in criminal prosecu tions; ami limited copartnerships. On motion of Mr. Moore, so much of the Gov ernor's Message n relates to the several subjects of -aU..--til tlJ.,.ke sniUtnlhs) rt.w.1 be vf- !,, ,Ue Jf.,Jk Mso.iur.eg CWpeeejlf .Mr. ' "' uJ M !r,e l ' U " ' ?" rerwi to lb .wrel i..tnm Ike fmiedjUwy., o rlfru..,ri,U It. rwporste' ...,.(s sj llf. IT (un;f v Wsies, . ptsrre 1 d.p.-.ie of lb awUie fWs and Mr. Kr, M . .U A. (i. I .'.U r i ., t f r t . , Ge agt-LUuf Ik i.snora! ty.,trm-u1. .,1. li,..- . . r 1 ... ....,.! '.,.1 . I 1 .. It six!. Iltaxe. fjsrw. H.col. sndL. 1....- .' ..1... .l U'tL.. 1 ' " f . 1 mijwm .1 bit Hi r. Bin. ..i.iii s hihm in.a wii I , v ...... k. I tf . ". ( I - 1 I t . , ' ; N 1,., ...'.,- 1- U , L, I 1 . - 1 1 .; I 1 ' - '.;,.r t '..,. ,.(. t t)., .,, v(Mt, M,, Mr, )m- 1 wss !-! d f1 .1(1 t'.l Coti.i.illtve t Otefi.irS Uad. j . in,! i,r ruMiiiiM tf t'i;kreeuouir,tLuiU Mill m K.i.n n,r. TUoM L.IU r seterally r4 be Drat l.roe end psaw-d sf.J Ii. loots crd ta pnr"Til (Jx. BM Oa sooliue 1 Mr. Winston, tb Comrnitie h Jecbcery we dawbrvd fioss lh fjfik-f cm- Jerliivfl of tks) UfAiHtft d.reriiKg lUeaa Ii so 4ir into lb tpeo.cory of giving lelal. cow ruction to Ik sh ewti of lb Cotiitutesi, mlaiing to lh ,'hlktMHi 0 f ri (of tb Mju of Common. Th trmmf from lh Prints, trotiitiii. the Report of tb (ennxijMrs apptiM-d le eni-'io-lewd Ue re-boiUing of tb ftut Csp.ljl, and pro pOMng that it be prioisd and rr(rr4 to lh Joint L'.itiUe m fublie n.iU.fijta, wa received, am) cooettrtd in, alter oral inciKJual motioa to anicod. THE PUBLIC LIMA Mr. I l.tl submitted (be fJlowinjr Reactions ( , Uttatui, Tkat verb of lh United Buiee, bmng t peny to b etloosl compact, p muri a to lereet to lb PuU.e Lands, prmrtiooed I lb fed. er ! popoUiioa of eerb,ar, m lh terms of th rem pad, M according to tb usual respective prwportioos gf the gewersl cberg and ipeodileie. CreWrssT, I feat IV we S'atr In wkoie fcrorixst. f rs kaa owl read apprlu tf lb Public IkMTMia, tor tb I"-t r-toeation, rentiied to ewe b ert1'',w ' eorrewd in a foot ryrt with Ibasf beretofur soede ia behalf of other Staler 7Werd,Tbalor8eoatorsand Rereeetaiiti in tb Conjree of th failed States be requested to sirgw lb claim of lb Mist of North Carou to ber portioa) tf I lie PuUj Ls.kIs j and that lb same, when obtained, be applied to lb eUufc ment and Support U Common Schools, and the pro. mutioa aud diftuema of Education throughout the Stsi. . Tbeee Reeolutioo wer ordered to Ii on tb ta ble, and be punted. 1M UII from Ibt Serial to alter lh lime of holding tb Couoty Court of Wilkea, wa read tbre umee aod ordered to b tnrelUd. - INHENATE. . Twrkt A.cs4cf 20, 1833. The engrossed bill from tb Commune, dim i time for perfecting tb title to lend heretofore en tered and paid fr, wa read tba first lime and par. On motion td Mr. Morehead, it le rrferwl to th Member representing the 1st, 3d, and Jrd Ju dicial Circuits to eneuire Into the xpdieocy of al toring th time of holding th Superior Court of em uircuus. Oe motion of Mr. Taylor. Retolnti, That tb Judicary committe be in structed to enqmr into tb expediency of amend ing lb existing laws, so at le allow to wilMNwr residing ia a diflervnl county from thai to lb Court tf e-hicb they may b summoned, a empr-niiion for each day travel lo and from Court in addition to lhat already allowed. ; . " . . UQUSE OF CO MM ON a - . Mr. Rand presented lb tnemorial (the Presi dent and Directors of the Raleigh and .Gaston R R. Company, ekinir the aid of tba Stat in com ptoling their Road which was read and referred to lb Committee on Internal Improvement, . Mr. K. J. Lrwin presented a Resolution propo sing to lb Senate to raiss Joint Select Commit te of both I looses, to eoquir into the expediency ol erecting a Penitentiary ia thi State which wis read and adopted. , ' - ' 1 t Mr. Carson presented a bill, founded on the iiuoo ch many citito ol iiurk and Kutherford to Uy off and ethiish a new county" by' th nam of McDowell. Referred lo a Committe eomDoaed of tbj Delegates from Burke and Rutherford. - - . On motion of Mr. Robards, the Library Com- mitteo were instructed to enquire into the expedi ency of re-publishing Liwwn' History of N. Car. Oil IIS. . : ... 4 Mr, Nye presented a Resolution, which wa re forred to the Committee on Fioaoce, authorisinir th J'ublie rrcasurer to receiv the notes oTepecio- paying Danki either in South- Carolina or Virgin ia, for all entries of binds. ' ' .. - On motion of Mr. W. A. Blount, a messaire was sent to the Senate proposing to raise a J-int belect Qimmitteeon ao much of the Governor's Messnce as relates to the securing to the citizens of this State homesteads or freeholds. " 1 On motion of Mr. Wsddelt, a messsee was sent to the Senate, proposing -to raise a Joint Select Committee of iwtli Houses on ao much of the Gov ernor's Message aa relates to the request tnn.de by the State of Louisiana, to hold a Southern Cooveo- tinn to adopt meane against the machinations of Northern ranntica. - '!-,-' ...v; On motion of Mr. Robards, a messnse was aent to the Senate, proposing to refer so much of the Governor Message as relates to th Vermont Ab olition- Kesolotiom,- to- Jtnt teetect ommittee On motion of Mr. Gilliam, the Committee on the Judiciarv were instructed lo enquire into the expediency of amending the existing laws, ao as ta xcmpt growing crops irom execution, - ; in senate. y ,:: --' Vs f " (, Friday, November 30.1 Mr. Dockcry, from the Committee on Claims, reported . adversely to petition of Christopher ickey, ol Randolph and Robert Brown, of Lin. coin. Concurred in. - . ' The Speaker announced to the Senate the Bp- pnintment of the 'following Committees on the part of tho Senate t Messrs. Ueid and Montgomery on Enrolled Bills; Messrs. Morehead, Bpruill, Hunt. ing, Arringtoo and Speed, on the Governor's Mes MgeJansmittin2 a communication from Wro; H. Haywood, Jr. ; Messrs. Wilsn,pockery, Harper, Hill, andf Cooner, on Milila-iyABair Messrs. Edwards, Cawoii,-Kerr, Biddle and Ribclin, on so much of "the Governor's Message as relates to Weights and, Measures and Messrs. Moody, Holt, Reinlmrdt, Montgomery and Reid.oo Agriculture. presented. By Mr. Cooper, a bill to niter the mod.) of electing Constable in this State, ao fur us relates to tho countv of Martin. (Vest tire ' ,. ,- -.-.-v... . .... tl.IU m. ;.J-t!. !l. r,...,.l u!,Jll'l m'l'IWlli ', II' i I Ik f.l.t 4I t. l!.V, (. ,r'!. l'( 1 1 rK't J iMSCI ItKIATINti TO A?:'fJj; On ti.4io, il.e vnie if jc.in !., Ij b t fwiaie eaa rq KHiirJ la rorjrttfl il fa. ,f Cofutiiiiiee on aa enx h tf i'c (j'' rfri.,f' Mc, SS rtUlit I'l l) V(n.( ftr.,,i.. iiiiri 1 1 t lrrrd. Tle urijial R..luinrfi, iiitn. ' ,' , s t , Mr. Kubarfa, Um' brfi-re Ids II u-, fit 1 auim nwTM iiuii ,i iia mi , ift: ii itnt i rej'Oed Yeas 7, Nsye 105, On .iw.Im.h i f : r A in it, Hie l(i-.Juii'wi was thru inJ. lu.ii. j f . wed Test 97. .Naye . .Wq i. ..-'.'i Mr. Craefnd tn--d (U f " . in Uw.IijImxi i ilttutrtd, Tkat bi l'.nnt ' iwy, !j, I-..ly, I' requtrd to (i.feard lo bit Kicy. the tJ'.eroor ,fm.nl, a tommun'f aii4i u-n tli mly-i I f th Koiu(kim transmitled to mm Kn the tu t- t . ..... ' . . . aL- . , . I .,.)', .... ... I ... .vm......, . --f- - " - t - . r .. . .. . i . . ! UHt .M .. . . i . ' . ,n v W v. ..... w i.- J - ded manosr, ' Mr. W. P. Will.ame Biovt J to um;uJ l y t,! ,. lutinf tl ng "'I bat the In'-erfi -re i.c of the Ij',. !!,.. if VrmNit with tls aut'et of a!jr ry, st crminj i. ceted I ue n our Governor's Sfeg it rt t assault on Southern i(hla, and dcrea c temptuous aed uidinaul kUA from tins It ' t." rending lh fliotti, Mr. Jjitue rooted that i! n Reu!ulni be postpimed lodcGiutelc, whn.Ii e csrriid Virat ?, N'sjs 34. lti protiti's from the Senate that Tl ur !iy the 13th of IkrcemUir be ertspert for the Sj't.i -! t ol Jaaiices of lb iVsco; wal cirurrr. in. Th Commute were tlao diacbareed frotr. Le Rrwululioa liurffiKliii them lo Inq nre mil ' t . pediftiry of authorising the County Courts t C ere a a. ile of hod held by t'naute ia Coirm n. Mr. Winatoo, from the same Coinmiit, tr y.tu d bill to amend the 3fth section oi the l;- ! Statutes, eutitWd an Act concerning the Court of Justic, Prsctice, Pleaa and Proct which vt read the first lim and pesaed. Tb bill M incorporate th Cap Fear an I Wr. ter Steam B-iel Company was reported h!i sun. dry amendments, which were concurred in, isnl the bill was then ordered to It on the lallo. The bill to tocorporai tho YaJkin Mamif.n-tur. ing Comay, wa reported, auicn Jrd, and oricd to be laid ou the table. , , ' Saturday, Decttih, 1. IW ar Compelled to omit the proceedma of to-day, io detail, but aulijian th mnt inirrt-tni' ilenwi In lh Senate, oo motion o Mr. ttillunn, of Beaufort, the Committee oa I'duratiun wt-ro in atructel to enquire into th eipediuncy of ifial. liahing Fre Schools in every county. Tho pro. position from tb other House lo appoint n Coin. nu I toe, to euquir into the exigency tffUhhHU ing a Penitentiary, was agreed to, , la the Commons, considers hie lime h.ii ,.. -nt j;) discusning th Abolition cfniiiuuicatiu fi-:n ' f. moot, which cam up, on a motion of Mr. II -ko t j reconsi ler lh vote of yetcrrly, wh-reby th- m .! jret was indefinitely ptpoiH d. ,M"rs. 1 1 . k and Pain proposed suMitutes, (hu h h I-i iv- en hereafter,) and fiimlly, on .Mr. trav !.,nl s mo. lion, the whole subject wss rcfrrrtd to a n- ' t Committee to report oo, cHwiting of ,k-r7. Rob- . ards, link, Psin and (V.dwell, - The bill to establish I new County, bv tl d r,.-i;i,o of Hciidereort, wtii raw ! lo its second rca.!..., bv tot of lS to 87, after dt lte in I.il!i A'c.-ia. Patlonand Briltaio ably sdv.xaled.sud Mr. Faison AhMyiwI .h. Utt J? il from tur Fy'-'" ''" t'orrtnyunutnce l ' .", ', . " FAirrmii-i-"'. I10-1, 13. Gsnti.xjiks : The rua of ac;nis in, and qniatity of produce. 'Ait we, is fully ennal lo, if not more lino any week during Iks prewent fall. W'e nutici aah of Corn from 73 H(k ot which a otifiilernhly quantity . I.. a .m. in I i.iMri I... n.rTiB in lr.l.t IV. aliil mt Id. vance of 6 a 10 cents on the article: we notice )e , for the last two or three days at t 41. Mour is dull i conies io in conmdi'ralile quantities prices fiotn was roiia, (inKpcctixl.) kH a 7 &0. iiadm and lard K', - sales tniay at thons prices. SI-s of Cot too at front tj a 10, as extrem.e of pricos tins week. Wheat -1 I'di K!i- im itvntir:ni? in nrira i we a lint a SlI for food sacks ; emine, per busbel, 73 a out futo, 00.. . -Our market affords a -nod supply of excellent Boef, . Pork. 4u : snd is alw furnished with an abundance of ' Turmpa, I'oUtoes, Apples, die., of the beat qnalitioa. . ....... t . I - ...- 11! . - .. . Arrivea OU ounoa last, eieaincr vviiua i inui. auu kmta in tn.wiikfreiirht lis sundrv persons: bas since " lnru.Hit ir VVilmimrkm Abavon Tuesdav last, steam. er Henrietta, with butt in tow, with dry good, jrroce- . lies, Yc, lor merchant, hnr snd io the count ry ; surang - atliirk aa nntrm. J. &. W. Murnll. Kev. T. I'wirnuin.. David Fraley, J. Dorset! it &m, U. ftcitihardt, M. , tl. 'P I rv..n 1 kt llnb. Itr.rr.mvn Al C.iili- , mr .nil J lVlnim.fl Al fVl . ' . . ui wwu. . . www. . . mm. ww.i - - - " w ... dey, and Nelson on Friday; having Cotton, Flour, Cot- , Dieamer iienneiua ion tor , ihhiuli.uii wi. bjuc. , inn Yarn, wnnat- i i.iwm. eue.. iir mercjianiM iinra. The Governor e Message is the engrossing tupiq or conversaUon at proseut. - , , VVCRESS..:r .. . . BOGKRr v R ESP J5CTFULLY inform theircnutouiirsftnd fi lends in (reneral, lhat Uiey have juwt received tiid uj- , ply of FALL &, WINTER COOIM, compriBinjr aI- mn mwrm .Hi la niuiallv klMlt ill lllll. WCtklll of I'Ollll- " trv. which the offer noon llie usual terma, thesp lor Cash, or t punctual dealers unun a credit of twelve T ' : . r. . , j .-. i : e ! - . OaoOUISi ittt receiveo Cllo:uo initiiiH. vi u rai Wei AnVct lioVUn CcWs, ' ".''" with a good supply of - 'iihi-.jwj-s a-;:.:t:j.:..if all or which they wiiratrpae oi um u. uv.iki iavr, ' bl terms. C & tt tender theirtliunks to their frienda and customers, and bope by strict attention to buniaows - to merit a ontimionee nt the same, Sslisbury, Dec. 1, 108. tf