On-firfiief mi! ion, the fillowir.fr gentlemen were r,(wmH i Co!iii)i!ti.'(3 of liivi'Miim : Col. Jitiu J I. Wheeler, Dr. Thomas Hurri. John J. Blackwood, col. William I, Akwkr, l- JVC .W'lwell. ' 1 On motion, col. Isnic T. Avery, ot Burke, the son or one of the Signers of the M-kleiibiirg Declaration of :,.leperHlence, wm chosen President uf the dny, tod General Michael M'Lcary. was chosen one of the Vice J'pf Ml' n'. . -...V '7 -'--A t)u further motion, the order of procession will bo as follows. The .Marshal of the day will lima the proces sion st the Court-House', tt 10 ocltek. end march to the Speaker stind in trie loiiowing oruer Volunteer Companies. V I. 1 Citizens of the County; 3. Citizens of the neighboring Countiei Invited Guests," . 4. 5. The Orator of the day, the Reader of the Meck lenburg Declaration ot IndependericeXand tho Reverend Clergy. ' " .- V a R,-tolutionnrv Soldiers. " The merchants are rcq nested to clone their doors at 11 nVlork. and all the citisens of the place to suspend business tnd join the procession. - JOHN 1L WHEELER, Ch'n. N Js. A. Joimstox, Sec. ' . - .' ': ";' ' .- " - ' '.' On motion, the Charlotte Journal, the Salisbury and Lincolnton papers, bit requested to publish the hove jroCeuini!. L JEaLEXA.NDER, Ch F. M. Ross, See. Wind-Hill, Montgomery co., N. C. ) -'. May 3, 1839. Mchhrs. Editou: Our neighbourhood was visited last evening byve Tornado fiom the south-west, by which we have sustained considerable injury. Our fences were thrown down, leaving our crops exposed, the roofs of bouses taken off sod much timber destroy ed. It was attended with some hail, but not sufficient to do material injury to the wheat crop. I have not been able to ascertain the extent of its ravages but 1 am Jedtpbelieve, ijthetlejniormkUojtiJuvt nwj, th- 'ts ruction is rmwrltwshla We are sorry to hear, this morning, that Alexander Tolbert, aged about 19 years, was suddenly killed by lightning? in the same storm, . This should admonish us to prepare lor death : We know not at what jhour or minute we may receive the summon to appear before Jehovah. How important, then, the preparation ! . ELI HARRIS. ran tub wgrrsas tAaoLiNiAS.I Msssaa. Editors: I noticed in youLpaperuf the 25th ult, that the Edward Shippen, a boat on the Mis i aiasippi riser, performed 'a trip from New- Orleans to LNiisviIIo, Kentucky, and back in 13 days, and that it perfarmeb the trip down the river to Now Orleans in 4 days. There is a query suggested in this notice, which, If you please, may be put to the younger of the stuaenuj ok our temmaruML Ver.-1 Whet is the verg9 raioCliie tfranut Slut length tiree-wsuld be Teqnrred-tor tbe power of IM engine alout to propel the boat trum one point to the nuucK i. . iFUAvfGtrretjmilenoe.'-' " Frrrcvii.t,c, May 4, 1839. Tbefe -ie bat littlaof importance in- thwtTsnaactiont f of the present week. CottorV atill keeps up to last . week's quotations; corn bas been brought here in con eiderable quantities Ibis week; soles from waggons ft s 1 10, from store $1 10 a 1 20; bacon 10 a 11 j but ter 15 a 23 ; oat 50 a 55 ; sales leaf tobacco 10 ; ilour is dull, and comes in plenty, $5 5 8 OO a 6 50. Ek country whiskey has come in very plenty; all the buyers are fall it goes off very dull at 5(1 cetjts; sales - apple brsudy 55 a 0J, (scarce.) No change in price of groceries worth notice from our last quotations. E cuaiifre on New York 1 per cent. -We bava bad t nuitiberof country merchants id this "'" Arrived, April Mh, tleorietia Company boat Benj ,. ia Rush, with full Ireiirht fiiwiuil cowls, &C, W sun dry merchants heresndjn the intenqrsinong which notice Lash 4, Co . C. D. 4. "C. K. Wheeler, Ou wick 4. McKenzie, Wm. Chambers, Jiscpb Chambers, - O. W. Brown, J. F. I'hilbr, E. D. &. II. Austin, Jsoob J"riacfriticliauITlrowa,"T." L. C'waurArinilrong Alebane, J. W. Thorans, Lambeth Hough, Lee & Sandc'r, I la rg rave, Gaitiier, Si Co., R- Mar.h, A. B. Marah, Knight Webb, J. W. Horn, Evans JfeU He, J. Sloan, and others. Owing to the continued dry woathsr, there is not at 4ha present turn sufficient water in luaJUapa fear Biv-1. er to enable steam-boats to reach r ayettevule, but toe V smaller boats come op With ease. . ' Departed this sftornoon,, boat Ben Rush, with flour, ob, eMloaTr'it It appears that the bounty paid by Massachu setts on the culture of silk has had the desired ef fect of increasing' the product lo l great extent la 1830 law was passed authorizing a bounty -kin. jitljrodetiltt . vmiwm 8LKfoJ&$M only were expended. On the first of March 1839, 8397 99 had been paid for the year immediately preceding, thus showing an increase of nearly ur fold. 'There were paid to a sinjrle individual 159 85, and the wholo amount of cocoons raised was 760 pounds, the quantity reeded and thrown . curing tua same time- was Wi pounds. - - ' The Custom-Hduse, at Oera Crust, with all its contents, was cuawined by fire, on the. 7tb of April, The loss estimated at $1,500,000; the principal part of which fell the French and German merchants. " ' -er .-.- Benjamin Swan died lately at Woodstock, Ver- moot, in the 76tb year of his sge. He held the of fice of county clerk for 43 years without intermis sion, and was elected State 1 reasurer for &l suc cessive years. ; "'The ll7Vu!fc The Cleveland Intelligencer the 2 3d" April, notices the clearance from that pott for Buffalo, within the preceding 24 hours, of tour vessel laden with 14,333 bushels ot wheat and " barrel of flour- . extraordinary Rctucitation.f Bangor last eek, t child fiv jear of age was resuscitated, fter lying three quarters of an hour at the bottom wen with ten feet of water in it. 1 4 FsoweK nliiluarmhef is sniff tn i 1 r . - '" engaged in a series of experiments, res)iect- gine retptratwn of .vitgetabki lh observa J,uu f as relates to seeds, goes to show that oreatne. ; Vat hext T 7 !" rZ. "ZIZ ' Her Majesty's government have entered into Contract for convevinir th.6 Ynaila hv tnrrrA and now rful steam yessels, from Liverpool to Halifax, and thence, by branch steamers, to Boston, and in the ummer to Quebec. t Bj a New Orleans Slip of the 22d insU, welarn "i r ire broke out in the Custom-Houee of Ve n Cruz, by which merchandize valued a million ooiiars was destroyed, j ianung to Parenli.JL child recently came its death in New Orleans, from the eflects of a poisonous substance used in the coloring of caody hich U had eaten to excess.. Marvellov, Exhibition. Then is exhibiting in -'"ille. a native born rh'ild mmAI .ara. and r -.Sinng-one hUxulrtd and fly ft pounds. ane notnilntinn nr Itninii In i'n mi.m ji nnn n 18.30 63.000 in i S!t.v 7nmin .n ; is'jn ;.' "in protialtlv ri.u, ! . it : i em A fatal accident occurred yesteroSy morning ill Strawberry alley. A number of carpimters and ! brick layers were engaged in placing h ym for the. recorul floor of two new buildings on the ei side of tho alley near to Market street.' Tho old wall of the house on the north lino had! been cut away through half its thickness to receive the jowls of the new building. These had been placed but a short time, when tho upper part of the old wall fell, and was instantly followed by the new parti tion wall and joists just inserted, wh'ch fell to the celler, burying in the ruins the persons engaged on the now joists. Isaac Coomba and John Iye were killed ; Amos Packer awl Mark Uulderaon were carried lo the II pital, very dangerously in jured; and Jacob Prince, Benjamin Keyser, Mar. tin Baldwin, John Pearce, Caleb Lamberaon, and Edward Boyd, slightly wounded. Paulson's Advr. , Patant Corn Planter.--It it stated in the Nor folk Herald of Monday, that a very ingenious and yet simpta contrivance for planting corn, has been invemeu ana patented by a Mr. J. At. f orest, of I Printeas Ann county, Va. It is represented to be ta the form of a plough, and aa the furrow is laid off, by the share, the grains are dropped with it through an aperture in round, revolving: box ,-con- I ta!Jlj girHgQnLt.Acamftla- .hoost,, at twd- sj- tne mucnine, throw the earth from both aides of the furrow, and cover the seed com thus strewn, J to a'propervdepth. The machine is one which ef. fects.a great saving of Unor, and is said to perform its allotted tatk with mathematical precision and certainty A Relie of Antiauitii, Mr. R. 8, Presscott. of thia city, in ploughing up a held, in what is called the Yorkshire Quarter, few rods from the Dotby Turnpike, a few daya since, turned up from deep furrow, an ancient ailver coin, of about the size of a half dollar, which, oh, being cleansed, was J tuuna ta -bo tn good pwervattdo? It is covered 't is cuvei ed j with Ilobrew characters, (as we are informed, not having1 seen it,) and bears the date of 1197 consequently must have been coined upwards of 640 years ago. 1 It is a mystery how it catoe. there, as the land is in the suburbs of the town, was never built upon, and for many year was not cultivated. te nope some luarnea antiquarian will give ns a correct description of it. New Haven Herald. Late and important from 'Peru. Letters from Callao to Fcbruarxlst, brought by the supercargo ot the brig Ucean, which arrived at Morailun (Mexico) 20th March, brinz intelligence that a bat tie had been fought near Lima, between the Chi lian and Peruvian armies, each 6,000 si rone, re sulting in the loss of 1,500 killed and wounded on each side, and the defeat of the Peruvians under fUtl'flft .Csftftet-of llwnat---lMrlltwti fat Santa Cruz, -The Peruviana had ifwued. letters of marque, but all the cruisers they bad sent- out, bad boen taken by the Chilians. , eays : " A fatal rencounter occurred near Cloutier? ville a few days aince between Breville Perot; and wor,kiiig-TOan iwtraed Sam;"Tti8 tatter ih a vaunt- . ing manner drew a pistol and challenged any per son who dared to fight with him. Perot' accepted " it, and advanced within' about three paces of the " other, pistol in hand. They fired together ; Perot was shot through the heart ; dying instantly," The other received the ball in his abdomen, of which 1 wound be survived only a few days. - Remarkable Suicide,- Mr. Henry B. Bolt, of Norfolk co., Va., committed suicide some days ago, - by cutting his throat with a razor in a most shock- ing manner-. JIehad previously made hia wilj,. and left bis whole estate, estimated at 9 0,000, to ; his wife, to whom he had been united about three jetainXd tits senses and conversoo; rationally. He assigned no cause for the rash act, but said he be- "tieveil "WiaVelSoThmilled irwTiiTanoliUle'or'men' tal derangement. " . - : The GreensborougnPatriot expresses., t wish that the newspapers on both sides, would eschew oartv iiick-naimw. VVe thouuht the Patriot had morc ofjhe milk' of hbman kindness in its nature thanto depnve even itVopintlitrie only strong point in their paragraphs. Relinquish - nick names,, indeed! it would never-do, sir. as a- late pa : per now before us rrmkes manifest; Rob its edt0: i inu ui incKC, Biui wars WOUIU IHJl roiiHtiu CTCU a slieleion. iVetrtera Spectator. - Burning Mine. -Tbe Potteville (Pa.)mpori urn of Saturday last says" We regret tosute that the Jugular Vein in Broad mountain, to which we referred some week ago, ia still on fire, and from personal observatbia we should presume that . . . - ' X' 1 i -th pilUrs- of-aoal wJtieJt ase Wft to prop-the-wines are on fire. Tbe late rains only added fresb fuel, aud there is no telling when or where it may end." Iionr$i Mnxlet, JJrfs. Perhaps every one has not plunged deep enough into the ocean of anato mical science to know that there are two hundred and forty bones, four huodred muscles and tendons, one hundred nerves, one hundred cartilages and ligaments, and pine kind of articulations of join ings, in the mechanical atructure of the "fearful ly and wonderfully mado" iouse He Jir in J Z)enw.Tbe vapor of bcWds ether has been t recently uiscoverou ot xvrsiurr, riiiun aniBi, lo be a most ehectual remedy for a sjiecies of this distressing malady hitherto considenid incurable. Wo perceive by lha last number of Dunglison's Medical Intelligencer, that it has been recently employed by Dr. Bolton of this city with remark- t We success. Richmond Whig. c : ; 7 Steamboat CjfKsioa. Tlie Nalcti'e'a Free Tra- der of the 22d April say s-'.Tha steaiwr George Collier was run into on the night of the 18tb inst : by steamer Ktfccrpfj25 intlea ,twIow-Mempbi7M-. ' The Collier wits materially injured, having all the lar board deck, a part of the wheel house, and nearly all tbe cabin promenade carried away. Specimens of lead ore, apparently very rich, - ha'Ve been diseovred in Hellgm Township, ebout midway on the turnpike road between lork and Wrightsville, Pennsylvania. I be same quarry ,has produced very numerous specimens of Iceland Spsr of great beauty, ,;),:L.;i:- ; A New Orleans paper states that the British fri-' gate Vestal, was spoken on the I7ih ult. within - two days sail ef Baliie, bound to Jamaica,' with 9'J,Q00,000 of specie oa board, intended for the payment of the emancipation debt. '. - . Gold .Vine. We understand that a Cold Mine has just been discovered on the lands of Mr. James Yeargan, in this County, in the New Light Set tlement, about 20 miles North of Raleigh. Rat . Reg' '. ; : " .. i" William Wilkins was elected, on Monday, the 20th ult , Clerk of the County Court, to supply the vacancy occasioned by tbe recent death of Col. T. V. Birchett Rutk. VateUe. John J. Ilerndon was on Saturday last, appoint ed Clerk Master in Equity, to supply the vacan ry, occasioned by the resignation of George W. . Iojan. &. . ' . . ' Hon. Bedford Brown is to deliver (he Addreu before .the I iterary socicl its at Cbo4 H ill, in June, UMTEO IN Wi:j).OCK, . J . In this Coutify on the 2Sth of April, by Ma Bluver, K-l.Mr. ABKAHAM HILL toil,, LYDIA Sioil- tiA.N. ' In this Ciionly, on the 2d inst, bv the R'V. James D. Hall, Mr. WILLIAM JI. K1NCADE, to Miss LLE NOR BLACKWLLI. In this County, on Tuewlny the 7th inst, by the Rev. A. Y. Lkrldgv Mr. DAVIU R. BRADSilAW, to Miss MARGARET MILLER. . . In Davidnon c-wnty, on Sunday 23d., Mr. BENJA MIN MAY to Mum MARY, daughter of Mr. Goorge Harris. On Thursday the 25th of April, by Peter Riley, Ext., Mr. EMANUEL RICHARD, to Misa BATHiSHEBA 8UL1JVAN, daughter of Daniel Kullivan, liq. . -la this County, on the 2d hint, by the Rev. M. Lonti, Mr. JOHN 111 I.EM AN, of Cabarrus, to Mis MAR G.RET EDDLEMAN, of Rowan. DEPARTED THLi LIFE, In this County, on the 3d inst. Mrs, H. WISEMAN. consort of Mr. Jesse P. Wiseman. Ased 23 years. ' In lhi County, on the 19th ult. Mr. DANIEL W. SHUPORD, in th 61th year of his sge in stokes utunty On Hie 19th .March last. Mr. MAR THA P. JONES, widow of the late George O. Jones, doe'd., daughter of Dr," Andrew Bowman, ot German ton. Cwnmunicurrf. , Town Ordinance. -A rbn the follov T a meetihar of the Board of Commis- sbneis, this the 0th day of May, 1830, bl low in ir Tax was laid on property sub ject to Corporation Tax, to wit : On every $100 worth of real estate, 30 cts. On every white Pole,' .!il 50 On every black, do. . . 1 00 On every Cellar-Door in the street, 4 00 On every Dog, - 1 00 1 Ott"tve"fylut: . . . ' 0 0u Published by ordsr of the Board. " E. R. BIRCKHE-AD, Clerk. Salisbury, May ft, lH3a , tf SaVisbury Wate Course. W E take pleasure in informing the Sportsmen of tbe Tur, uiat the Course baa been fitted op tn road style, and the Track is in first-rate order ; and the pur- iivertiiTd will rim fir, er11", specified. " Also, that stables and Inter will be furnish d to gentlemen who bave Race Horses, gratis. R. W. LONG, Proprietor. Salisbury, Msy 9, 1339. . tf A young man of good O ' moral c sracter, and some experieneejf.to engage as a partner in the Mercan tile business in Uie country. I he stand is a good one ; the-wtwa1itss4mlthsVsaid society pwsfc L, Apply to Dr. B. Austin, Haliabury, N. C. 47.tf. Waiitrd, Inimfalintfly One or two Journeymen Tailors, to whooVsood warn and constant loTweTttwiH brftreirlvorve bnt'tboM wKo Bave" a gund knowledge ot their business and ot steady habits, need Ippiy. HORACE 1L BEARD. .iJSaluOiixyJlat ;iH83a' i tf ... U ANA WAY from the Subscriber on e, Sfith of April, sn inlntmf apprenuts by the'Min of EZEK1EL SEAGRAVE: sa d boy is about tyears old, has liirht hair, fair skin, stutters when spoken to in haste, tells lies, e.. Ho has boen harboured abftut (he plantation of Henry Keller, Esq., for some time, by s cerum Matluss Cook, Jr., and probably some others. I will give one cent for his delivery to nic, or two dols. for bis confinement in Moeksvilla Jsil, if taken by any person Mian the said Matbias Cook. I will enforce the law -agamat sny -person barboitring "oremply4i; aaid boy. V .: 1 , i . UtXMKiJS WILUSVX. : Davie oa, N. C, Msy 9, 1839. " rniUS- RACES oyer the Salisbury Course, will com- -a. mem mence oo Te the 21t oJJavTandeoulitiue four days. .1 Pint Daw. Sweepstake for three year old eolta ssd "aid 'fillii Wte:heatsctrtrjit)ce: $5U;blf fcrfcit "To -"-.r"'' - - r j -JSttauiA JMtu.A ssocn i ion furae, 1J0- mUa-hssts free for any fhinsv-" ' ' ' ""' . Thira Vavi Association furse. Jl two mile beats, free for any thing, excot the winner on the preceding day. fourth Vav I urse, !(, adUnd to the entrance and gate money ot the week mile heats handicap bee for any thing. - - . WMrsnrarotir eacir nr-trnr-pTrrae aays wnrw itrw cent eu the smountlin stake ; which, it is believed, will be more in each ca tbao above, slated, but by no means less. Th track will be put in good condition, and tbe Awuciation promises the strictent attention to order. - . nts fr.fi ut . . kf . r X Dl 111b A.IAUI,IU, April 4, 1839. "- tf oticc v r STRAYED from the Subscriber, livin;3 in ilea North west of Salisbury, two Horse ; one, a large black, near or about 10 bands bigh, sit or seven years old, has some white on one of bis bind feet, a (mall tampon hi bidtTTha other a sorrel, 9 years old, same white on on of his bind foet, s long tail, no other mark recol lected, except tnw marks of Uie gear. , Said Horses are making their way west ; they passed Mr. Vood's, in Iredell County, on Uie 18tb.bst. Any person taking up said Horses, or bringing them to, or writing to tbe Subscriber, sbsll be handsomely re warded. -JEHU FOSTER Rowan Connty, N. Cl, April 25, IsaO. - tf " rpHR Subscriber bavinf looatoi himself ia the towa JL of dmcord, would no offer bis services to tbe Public, as aa -.- J ' Ornaiurntal and Sifn Painter. He flatters himself that his long experience in lbs above Business, and lUsjpnotmens of W.rk ne was executed TiTTim tirm. -wi La a MuOiumt r,ynfm-iulalka. lis will also attend lo any call made oa him in tbe ifOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, and is confident be caa give satisfaction to all who may employ him. - - -"- ' e the Public ia respectfully requested to call and en- ourage him, as he is determined to saeeute a U work committed to him in the best possible manner. 03" Also, Painting and Trimming all kinds of Cat regaasdone witb no loess sad despatch. - J. W. RAIXEY. Concord, N. C March 21, 1839. tf DOCT. T. J. FOWLEIt, i"-- (Soreeon Deatiat) WILL be absent from Salisbury for a few Weeks, persons frotn the Country desiring to bave ope rations performed on tneir Teeth will be S3 tend e to iramediately oa his return, by leaving their names at tbe Hsosioa houjl February 14, 1839. ; 74 tf .fsoelirkea Sanathe., rpiIE Subsrnbsr having received aa Agency lose II the above Medicine, and also, tbe Medicine, now offers It for pale at Uie stated prices. JOSEPH HAINES. ; fulton, March 2S, 15K. . ... . - - . tf . .. ho;.-iTln mi m niinnin rlHE Subscriber, in confurmity to recent instructions A , leceived from the North Carolina Cold Mine Com pany, takes this molhJ to inlorm tlxue interested, that hereafter all nerxu found trenpswing upon the follow- ; ing Trarls of Land, belonging to said Coihpany, satia ted in Davidson County, will be prosecuted ateordjng to the strict ietUr of Uie Law. ' JOHN WARD, AgenL Davidson, April IS, 1330. - tt LANDS: ' ' : Tract, No 1 ContsinirgriWi) acres, lying 00 tlie.tour nulo branch. " 2 Containing 1K& seres, lying on the we--ters of tho Flat Swamp, " ' ' " 3 Containing 8KI0 acres, lying tin Lick v- Creek, Flat Swamp, and Yadkin River. " 4 Containing l.tViO, lying oa Flat Swamp , " . 6 Containing tW7,' lying po Lick-treek, ---Tthtakiing 1.414," lying on Fist Swmsp. " 8 Containing k, lying on Lick Creek . - 9 Conuimng 601, lying on Lick Creek. 10-Containiftg 1,(97 acres, lying on lick m Creek and Flat Swamp. H 1-Coouinio, l,:i.r3, lying oa 1 jck Creek. " li Containing 1.317, located on four mile branci and Jacob Creek, adjoining Ih Lead mine.' v t k dteuioMS, Mir rmn0 ct ; rsimmMik -aoao . UrPECTFU LLY iiiforma his friends and the public, that he still came on the TAILOR ING BUSINESS at his old stand oh main street, next door to the Apothecary Store. Ho is ever ready to execute the orders of iis customers in a style and manner not surpassed by any workman in the western part of the State. He is in the re. gular receit of the latest Iidon and KcW-qjL FASllluNS, and prepared to accommodate the tastes of the fashionable at all times. . , (Or Cutting garments of all kind attended V promptly ; and the latest r ashions furnished at all time to country tailor, and instructions given in cutting. Salisbury, Jan. 1, 1839. Brick Masonry. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER living near Lexington, DsvidJ J swt Owtfr takes this methurlTrrmnrfnmgTut - lie that he wrll enter into" contract with any Person, or persons, either in Davidson, Rowan, or Cabarrus Coun ties, who wish bouses, factories, or any other kind of buildings erected of Brick, to build them ss cheap, as durable, and in aa good style as any workman in this . country. , He will also, mould and burn the Brick, if wanted. He trusts that bis long experience in. MOULDING JVNIOYINU BEICK.iZZ: will entitle him to a share ot public patronage.' , u Would refer gentlemen wishing work done in bis Ineof Business, to the Female Academy and the" new fire proiif Clerk's office in Salisbury, as specimens at N. B.Th(iw "wishing work done, will please leave wont at the ofBce ot thr Wcstera Carolinian, and it ... sinui be. puncXmily atteruled to.. . ' . ROBERT COX. -JHivspB, April 19,1830:, ..1.,.A...-.f..-- A rpiIE Subscriber having purchased this ill f 4 - LsubluAinent and fitted it in a style I '4-t - iMii B-sirders, is now prepared fur their recep. . - Don. His I ABLE will always be ruromhed With the best the market can afford; bis BAR with a good supplyjjic4Jjuuwa4.JM UKUS sftall always oe kept m fine order; and bis ota- - bre (sflnchare very txleoxive) are well supplied wllb -provender of the Brut quality, and attended by good anil raiuilul hostlers, tta tonea)ai ail amaw w use ummew,tii piT-f son, to give sausiacdiqii to all'who may favor him with their palrooago. And Re only asks a call ami trial. ; AHRKW OALDCLeiiOtt. Ixington,N. C, Feb 2lH;i9. v, 12 To Traveller. 5.... tinE" travelliruT eommuniity are respectAifiy bform - ed that tbe Subscriber is now running bisHjne di- rJ3alisimry;ui smalLTonUra aiadftlafiJw of l) fiM oftterxJeaving Jllleiib w Jjpj!ulaMaiTJvsy.ai tlAxM,irnytngh -Sali?bojfJweyjtJ 1VM,; . liosving Salisbury on 1 oetsrsys and rridaysat A. ftL, arriving in Kaieign next days at 10 r. M. ' His burses are good, and drivers particularly careful and accommodatiBg.'; JOEL McLEAN. Feb. 13, ... ' U," N. B. Scat secured at th Mansion Hotel. - CtXlTJaXG. Subscriber wishes to inform his customers ' and Um public generally, that he still carries 00 Stone Cutting Ruinriii, ; and is ever ready to execute, in a aery su(rrior manner, all descriptions of work in his una. ' " Gold-Cridert MtU-Slonet, Windmc and Door- ml It, Lfoor-ttept and lonb-Xonet, are executed in a very rare style. Ids grit for M ill-Stones is very good. Mr. Philips also beg to inform the public that he ean execute Engravings of various kimls-; lie will r Jig rave niarbte-siajM neatly, ana gramie tomb-stone can be well executed if desired. His charges shall always be reasonable, and as accom modal ing as'toaaible. , v Persons wishing to have work done in the above line, will do well to call at the residence of Mr. " Philips, seven mile soot h of bolrswirr. " X - ENOCH E. 1'UILLIPS. August 24.183S. tf " ; nAVB just reeeivwi and for sale, i hhds good Sugsr, w 10 dot. Grass SrvUiea. " , 2 doe. finished Rifle Barrels, 3.000 lb. Sous Cotton. Salem Fsetory. Het-Anket Bolting Cloihsand Screen-wire rsi lis in. flwu j. hi " T Salem f fViualc Academy. "V THIS IS TO GIVE "VOTICE, that the annual examination of the pnpils ri!H of lha Institution will out be public aa bereloiore. t tiy order ot th A . BOARD OF.TRUSTEES. 7 Salem, Stokes Co, N. C, April 18, la, t Goellcke'a Matchleaa Sanative. V QUANTITY of tbe above valuable Medicine on band, and for sale at tbe PosUJffic at County Line, uavie UMtny, n. By JOHN LUNN. Agent 8ifUn. Of blue Paste-Bus rd, 21 resins of Wrapping Paper, snd twe reams food, ruled Cap paper, lad I sale May 2, USJa. AT TUIS OFFICE. srVi siSii 9, FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING, Sold, aili er k copper Ilronzlnjr, Neatlaylooeat THIS OFFICE. .:t. . HeiiT-Quartera, ) aiu ury, May z, isay. rOU are commanded to parade at the Conrt-IIoiiae, in the town of Haliabury, on Saturday tho lHth of v May, at 10 v'clock, A. M., with side arms for drill , By onler of . ' R. XV. LONG, Col, Comd't ' ' J. M. Baowa, Adjutant (May 2, lSUD. 2t " . Spring YasuoS; adelphia, London and Paris, a. j. spring rmuion for tsso,- by the Subscriber, who ia prepared to cut and maVe ' clothing in the most futkionubl and durable sfyle, and warranted to hi. lie. also, keeps a send assortment ot Cloths, Cassitneres and Vesting at the first qualities, 4 selected by himself in the New ork Market, all of which he will sell low Jor Cash. ,. ;. i. N. R He still eontinaea to teach the srt of Cutting garments on the most approved plans of the best Tailors in New York and riiiladciphia. w - .1 v iflteaadr: spath. ( - fT Cutting Uit customers dune on the shortest itc-, iai isiiiI nrilsis liuiOlfistaTiuTaiBcnded (tT His sliop will be found in Mr. Cowan's Isrce brick buildine. BENJ. F. FILLLY. Salisbury, May 2, 13:19. : . U ' ; r DR. G. B. DOUGLAS, UAVING located himself in Salisbury, respectfully tenders his professional aer- vices Ui its eitncns, and tlusie ot the surrounding coua- Attention ! Oncers CI A Rei ) m ii ii -in i i , try. His office AJ,jLJBg'i Hiiil,-wbarbs-my he omid a"t ill times except when on professional duUea, " . Salisbury, may z, ' Politic.; w ' THE Subscribers bsve just "received at their stor?, -in Milledgeyillo, N. C, a large sssArtment of .t Dry Qooda, Oroceriea, UataConneta, 8hoea Glass, Crockery, and Tiu Ware, Allof wbteb wiU be sold low for csnh. or tmderwnttetr paper. buiik.au & a imi u.n Milledgevule, Montgomery uwuty, ' . n -r . Apntii, -isaa-i-, -tf--i RESPECTFULLY takes' this method to; inform, his, ... - trtends and custixners ih" Concoid and its vicmityi that be still continues to carry on tho above branch ot Business at his old stand in Concord, South ol Uis store of Messrs. J. F. & C. Philor, where he will be found -at all times, ready lo ' . ... Cut, make or Execute, any work in bis line. ' His king experience in the Buai neaa, the pins he is now tsking to receive the tarhtit fathiom Iroin Philadelphia and New York, enables linn tojajqiatj JijviMlLaaaVl-fiimaliall be ot'the T" .-.-' . ' aas) -v- ' r' - '- - :-- Beat Workmanship. - l N. B. Ho will also teach fs Aent) ptuvca KViUiin 01 ' I -Urrvpf BiVflnalleipn N. B. Ho will also teach (s Aent) the much so la, iu any yuo who wishes instrueiion in hiarystem of tutting. Concord, No". tfJ, IW4. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, ? errrxs nrifs ft t it a A, ni-nt-j n w rJ5 Bags Coffee, " ' 14 ILids. Sugar,' ' , 100 Kegs White Lead, . 30 da Nsils, -rr.im IbsrLasf UttgitrT" lOdJ'sir Smith's Bellows, 8 'do. Vrices. MBHjHdSJtSMMMSSWSMSf AftSaHWrWi"'' iv i air elliptic ppr ines, j - i iwmMf&wuJtimtMfmsr ivesma pimu sii( f uivu paper "I CWosa"Iu1gn,-!';'"-:??5r 60 lbs. Turkey red yanv - 0 fair Uot Anchor Bolting Cloths. 30 Hhds. Molasses, . . -. W) Sacks Sslt. 20k Bbls. Superfine Flour, . ' 2,000 lbs. Cotton Yarn, (-.jfVyijRpjjy. Salisbury, May 2.X839. J1IE, M. D., SvaoRos DExyurr, of Camden, K oilers his Professional servleps lo Uie citizens of Salisbury. . lit may be found at Cot, Long's Hotel, lo a few days yet to eome. ' 'V; He is prepared lo perform any and every Dental 0pe ration Uiat may be required. - - ' - v ' Batumi or mineral Tcctli will be set oo Gold Plate or pivoted on the old stump trscrmchmtly strong to bosr uie npritlon." ' " " , " ; TEETH stopped with gold snd warranted not to da cay any more in lbs part stopped. Teeth and roots of Teeth extracted, snd irregularities remedied. tfZT Examinations mads without charge,- OCT Materials and work in all cases warranted. ' Salisbury, May 2, 1830. : " ... t I tf ; TIIK" M ll.HCIUIICIt 1-4 RRaow receivtrig it theH"o1d rnaiClt'Stlfewiiri' iY. Mill, in Cabarrus, a nsw snd fresh supply of Spring, and Summer Good. ' The following articlos are among the latost arrivals : .1,700 lbs. ot Buaar, TflOO 6M! Lolleo, v , A y" bhaa,'Molauwea, ' "... 50 bushels Salt, Wines, Cognise Brandy, Dye Stubs, Powder, La., all ot which wilt be add low for caah, or bt punctual ' dealers oo Time. JACOB W1NECOFF di. CO. Msy 1st. 110. 29;ly MORE PHYSIC. a. s. & Os zl. mssLSZv, . hive just received a LARGE and FRESH supply of Drugt, Mcdecinei, Puint, DyeStuffi, OiU, Bnukci, Cigar$, Tobacco, Smf, , Lemon j rup, Patent Medecines, Spirits of Turpentine, fresh Rice, Swalm's and Houck'a fanacea, Surch, Soaps, Candles, Glass-Wsra, Psrfiimes, ic. ALsO, various kinds of Wines, Ihd Spirits for Medical piir-, posca; all of which will be tsold low for es$h, or on (true In ptnetmf nisfnmnt, Tjaltsbiiry May 1830 - - ' 3?tf- AlsoX "it-. X. c.ssjrica.fnaMi iiMfitxi