Ill "V k t l a Mil 'f lt ill, luck 00,) , or Mil, . U.-," nblt hint iik difi- II th NlU lUto Whir Uriel. Ml. 1 !'.. inti' IIWl- ! 5t III lli illlW I hub HUM- suit ,sv bi iN Beta list Ml rejoin; tta PriSIX ire, pts- lull caM be aCtSIVV' islet si ic Sew iathB uwu k W'altsr I ace otarr--Kkilt lid RKUOR :oune. at eancfNfc uiglit h, . . . lnn( ti rum Sooti . Iuihs, to rlheSi ri ft'WKi sffhtiet . irate" iHs-- ,erpul th fWB Soul ' ibtck.u' B ) J by hie! ;h in ii I tru the Pl Lin om St rength, w1 bill, it equate rf naition. If CiroliM ;be r-ti) lira to 1 fBcelti tnaulwUJ . Mr.C " nd toeirrj ioMtor fro id4 m P. iling No P-eie n;bt icvind k the b" iwr"1.' Mouth Cm aim! ilk JU ot i hiim--rd wr; the ! Alii I'T The o nrf" ly.t.h pnwerof ctwir, ild retJer rm i J"V krfuM ea.ty ih'rt' n th i" itv to 'I"" .rt civil distract ! ftsl t" lr,.:-'.t f i ' J U.i r ----- i (. Tie S, $ :.m s , i u '.ir .iiim, til ! my -i il tmth'-r mill 1 1 1 r o stf.k V iu- C i' tcliTifUC". li -',i h ,m( J to linn, iw ii, tlul in Cuii i.i-iic nl Inn ( tlr. lY ) li-omrlm II, i ciy Juf I'liliiT'l'1""' townrO! hiui oii tnt pa r( of Iiiiiih" If; CjIIkiUn J "f I'"" ft.ite,o! lh? Ml1 ul .uth l'rv li llMf !, w.-re MncoilttJ. And wlmt i!'!il K.'i I l fc"ita1'" U )f't op ni nwume tit imni(i ( y,ytKile tfcuKhjWwn of JSnulli lYr,,liu hnii. ll. II li wi iiiits'iwwki-n ut hm ju,iiniut of thi (Hiliiicnl ,i,u( uf lb" 11 i"'li " tU6 liilur.iutiou wliicli caiu tu him ,a Iw, rt'heJ n,. day would corni-, tod llml put i-rjr d la ut neither, wh"ii the SitUr would not jare io rise m hm (.ice nj irfKume to tpenk, i tie JJ thi l"y d,MI(,i" orpin tit' the f llmit peo ple iif thi Sl4te ha reprtwnl'ii Asi lt cancel ment of oUli?'"-i"llS ws u4 on ut Uhwa loohirtj; out to we whit ttonld mure to him m 'unHq t then ; but k wawovd hwuM with hiKni pift:irm4 hie duty , v H,e btwt bie ability, aod th tt m tl.n luht r wird U)it bmeuibitiontvef im.d . Hi rice wm jirtfly run run by the oun of nwuro run, if you pit by cuurneui political eeiu; and tie bad joining U wk for ftocn boulh Caioltua; ih at rge, ut Ui whole couotry aotbion. Hal be ebuuld o, when ,Ke to da eo, wfai retireoMmt. tub fonacioaMMee that, duruif ptrmd of a kuNf and yenllel li'o. kad eervetl hw country Ikittilully, seal, wiilioul -being wfliifnctd by'hitpe of rewai-d, or any uther loot'tree than a atncnra doaire to promote jta ' bvat inwrente ; aud wliaievrr the Senator from ttuutl) Caroline- niitfht eay as to the eancelment of ottliration; be cuuld ul deprive biiu of that dvlightful comciotw-ten- - Mr. CaIHovm. The Senator bnnfa agaihat me Hie tftgue charge of etfotiam. He would a poeal to Hie tie rate, in O'dur tojrcpol it, whether there re eny member ul the boly mure exempt from apeokfng of hiinenll than be w'aa, unlene when atUckcd. How aUrtde the (act 1 ' The Senator Jiaa made it hie practice of late to give all hie diacuoMiona w(th kirn a peronal turn. VVIiat - wae be to Ho 1 if he repel M fata attack, he waa Circed e apeak ul hiimwlf, and In esmne himaelf to the charge ' " of egotiem from the Henator ; or, if be remained ailenl, to atand eooeicted of hia chargea. la that fair 1 lie baa another practice, out I em unfair, to make an attack on bim. aud 'a turn round and aecuee him ot making the atuck, when he limply repelled it, at in the preeent junta nee. lie iccuiee me of rnvertinj (a the part be took in the tranmcuoni or i-ct. lie miatakea my object en tircly in referring to tboee old trinaactione. It wai . nut to make a charge againet him. but to tnske him feel that he wae the last mart who ought to make the aeeuaalioB he baa on the present occasion. The cnurae of the Senator, and that of myself, ia directly the oppo ., ito. He base land bill of hie own. Ue'bringa it in; fee retera n io wnai committee he chooses, without any . interfewnce on my part, or anr nerennel atuck on him: bdt I cannot meke a move wjtboiit bAintcxtuicncauKl attack. But enough of this. 1 ro limply to mpply eotne remarks which I in tended to make when laat up. The Senator said, ae I preferred 'b candidate on whom he cast hie vole tor v ' the Presidency in ISO. 1 know not it there he page of bietry to that enact I have never snon it, and if tbere be, it m lalae, 1 he troth ot the ease is, that I , wia opposed to Mr. t-rawfiwd, for reasons which I need i no suite, ai were Mr. A'lama and Gn. iaclisnn. ..VV'hVn my jjatrfe was, wilhdrj woiKWi the 4iet f ean tfidatef for Hie Presidency, it waa placed on the ticket of both thoie candida'es foethe Vice Presidency j.aad ' Vlwtteh Jhem'l look ltd part, as in decorum 1 ouplit nut. When I waa elected Vice President, the same, and even higher coniidorationa, prevented me trots using any influence il between Utein, when the elec tion went to th House. - v , Mr. Ci.t whibeA to add one wd wore.- He mide the inquiry of the Senator from. South Carolina, to nnw wueuier mis great measure which contemplated . tii-- cession to uio near rltates of lue.i t vant domain waa conneoted with, orHia I. received the sanction of the Administration or not. lo merely mide the Inquiry, and t the " galled jade Wutcl, it waa not his taulu lie made, no allusion, for the purpose of wounding the - teetihgt of the Senator from Month Carolina. He said utat new relations hid arisen between that gentlemm .'v4 the AdminiatratioR, and therefore, he made the in eairy of him. Was it wrong in him to ask it thia.giieat meanure had the support of his new friends ? The He- mlofr tnetend of STttwerrog-thll'TiUia mfjiiiryrnew :1iiT in a ruHsmn, and cancelled all oldigatioes he waa under towirdriiia( but if ha had only said, f know nothing of tlie-views ot the Administration ; I introduce my own measure on my own reinonsibility,'' Oire would have been no ctmtroverBy.Ji,vt.wft tonwriTore Droiigni um coniroveray on iiimseii. Mr. Watjtita observed that rt wai only necessary to; look back to the Slag of lh business when tlm bill of the gentlemin from South Carolina was introduced, to allow bow the controversy between him and the Sena tor from Kentucky commenced. The latter in hia, enin)rjripei trunrthe' otmer, sa to whether bia bill was or wis not an Eie- etitivA measure Now. hn a nnrAhenileit. it f lia Mnatnr from Kentucky directed his attention to the time - sott etreiimaunccs onsw which thht bttT waaprtginili? inlmduced bj uestiea.- wldWe "been' inswered. "The Sill now introduced Waa naT f Wwwieaiiivre.-tt Jwaa nrst proposed during the session ot l-iSfl-T, more than two years ago, when none of the runors in regard to a chinge ot position by the Senator trora South Carolina were in agitation. It wai benvtht gentle - jnae was regard. by irisTry-ae -an opponent -fneiead-aT-. a friend of the Administration ; and he (Mr. W.) thought . that thn cirtnmstance of itaxslf wss sufficient to furnish aa annwer to the inquiry propounded by the Senator from Kentucky, - - ... The vote waa then tnkn on the motion to re consider, and tost yen 13, navi 29. ' . i . r. UNITED IN WEDLOCK, la this Town, on Tuesday evening last, by the Rer Stephen Front is, Mr. JOHN L SHAVER to Miss MA RY E. LEMLV, daughter of tkoi, Samuel Lemly, all of Baliabory. ' , , , In (hia Cnnntv, on the 7th int., by Julia Kerns, Eq., Mr. Al.F.XANDF.K KF.IrSTLKIt to Misi MATILDA BUTNEIt All tor the In IhiaCinnty, o the 31st alt., by John Fmley EeqY Mr. THOMAS Pl.VKSTON to Mrs CATH.kRL" KK1GGS, . In Divnlun Countv, on the I2lh oltimo, by &nr ndev.En,., Mr. SAMUEL SIIOAF to Miss fUiZV Inlrt-M Couiav. on tha gfrb l ,v the Re? i N. Ptwrr. Mr Wll.UAM B RR of Una co uoty, w . UURCAS 81IF.LITN.nt Iredell. ' DEPARTED THIS LIFE. . IntliisTown, onthe8thinst.,veryuddiTil,v,Mr.JA- .rtfJB W KAVl- H airBfl hnnt Hrl ran - The deceased h been fur mine turn pawed a member ot the Lutheraal- lah prejervation 4 mv elki ebaraeter, and toe fX. a 1 - - T at - d..l.MU ua Ifttssia StnI aawjituaasl -ClMtrchv In Surry eoanty, en the 13th of December, 100, Hoe. RESUACK FRANKLIN, ia theOTih yoarot hissge. T"At HilUhorouph, very vuddenl?.oa the fhh inst, r. M R Y A. PA LM ER, in the flOth year of her age. ".U3jyLi::w,oRM.EaG8.4ii 'MMIE Subcriber ofln ffjile, lWjTl)H,yrs, yrni3btZTri&ylMwty f rilk-worm U, carefully .raised by horsolf and ii e goed "ie of presctration. ' ' . MARTHA D. FEONTIS. J'dUburv, Jan. 17 ,-'---;.---:.; 4. 1 ttti lurior-noo ti.ieo raortn ."" ' , ' I , , T T7 V . - an4 ex f;iir ll-al Vl Lf I; F.snl-Kv fL R. WI1F.ELF.R. Rli.bury, Jnn. t, 140. m"W " aV J JLS W V at j h " HAS rrmovH hio UIN lo O. I, -J li. IlfT.-s. ITi.ab tJt lKa Maliki(-mn -aav aw asvj inv triiiiin -s to "'""U Intel? neeunied bv Dr. K. Auitin. f r'sry 1), 1S49. - 1 1 I.I 3 THE WESTEKXCHOljMAN Friday Morniug;, January 17, 1843. . VCr W e are sulhorizod lo uimoum e Cd. Uum- Au W. Lok as a Canitidaie tit lljo tffite ot SI1171J of Uuwan Oiunty. (KT We are autbitriied to annwinee Johji II. m. Bis, Esq , as a Candidate for re-election hir the cCkw of Hheritf of Rowan Count?, at tli ni-xt election. CongrttnoHui Rtportt llmier tinsnead 111 to. duv'l DBMir. otir readers will find .!. RpoOUAaeiary WTaui7 Report of the Postmuster-General-the latter rfoeJ UUHt.,1 at lena.h. For the .vno.i. ..f tary of th Treasury's Report we are indebted to Jhat excellent iaper, the dUrifafoa .Vtrcvrj. Deed scarcely invite attention to these doc- urrrcnti, as twir general importance, we are cwri oViit)swill awcurv-to them axtreful perusal by all oor rekdera. They are bandsomelv written, and show eadr Deportment to be in mart flourishing Conditiou.May the? Inns remain so. : The Nomiimtion The Democratic Republican Convention, or coucui, held in Raleigh on the 8th instant, anaiiiiuouely nominated Gunerul Rumulcs M. OAcnoBBs as lU republican candidate fm Go-! verner at the next ejftction w thii State. ' We tin deritand General S. accepted the norotnatioo, and boa rciigned hia office ohtfudre, - Gen. Saunders patted through thii place yester day, ai we learn, on hia wayo Tentrfjsueo. ' ft". Wa are compellod to delhr our yrtopvi? of the Comptroller a Report until oul next 1 aUi our ;..r.i. w . u:-j,:' . jt.M iii.i.u jvttotj w t an unpjrt is neors- aarily crowded out this week. is-C-llsaUJ rslssae'Cksa?wT? W jlchmuti eontuins, an article hea led aV above, jivingi or pretending to give, a dearriptiorvot a -litical meeting, which was held week beforeSsst, of ft portion of the. friemJa of tlie AilministrsiVjo party in thiapHinl. t Itajfant article theWatcbV, iiihii savs i M These Itsauklu-aM! tuli fc.-t. , , ' - k - -" Jy by tlie agency of the fe'enior Uditornf toe Western r - i l . i , iuiiiihiii, witv was snown io oe oncommoaty Busy in fixing the preliminaries on the evening previous, and was either actually present in person, or i(na rU.,H 2J?1,.'JLJL 9 - 'toy, 'sluill mjdy etate,- that thore is mt (he first priicte of truth in it ' and we do not rest llis dnclaratioa on oor owa aa aertion, but wo have llie'coiicurreiit testirrkiny of every gentleman who ailtnil d the meeting. So -'far from the aaaertioH of the Watchman bing true. the Senior Editor (his aieucMie btnna; absent) ef ttiti pajier dia nof suggest, Advise, or arrange the retting up of. the meeting, (which, by hei by, as Ve reap wae only casual assemblage Ta few -iriendt of tho AdminisTrWIori pn"")Le sDor oFtE moment,) ' waa not present when the meeting was held, or vithim eaUt but, on I lie contrary, was' in his own office, engaged in iiii own btisipew.,, .mharfpinieifi"i'i'' the "' cenrkir' and " apirit of fairness" with which the Watchman - treated tha subject of the meeting alluded to io the bove-extiact, we refer nur readers to a eoininuni calion in another part of. our paper, signed Out bringi us paper hmh Npnb aiidrSiiutb, cotitoimng comiuiBNtr ln Message JrflMPw feTse .as we have- yet heard, -it meets wtr'geriefal . eommeodation from all parties, bulb Whigs and Drmocrttti. It oo doubt ia one uf the best and most important documents Mr.. Vaa (Jureo has ever e"miuuioetW-to-4geHii--While -it-et- . hibiti in (clear and forcible manner our foreign relatione, it, at the same time, present in plum nd farmer likexalyle, th condition of every Department of the Government, so that the plain - est farmer or mechanic of our cotmtry can read and uitdetatand it. Ai we remarked on present ing it to our readers, there mm" B-m-eotnojituI doctrine in it. It comes out WJly aud candidly on ever? subject ot a natmital cturacter, aoJ if 0 m there' are objections lo any of the views laid dowe in the Message, they may ke easily dicovered by the plainest farmer. For ourselves, we must ck.IVm lliit I be re are aoifte principles laid down in it that we very bigh- I? approve, and most be app-irent to every true XJLtletiw-t' aaiebiia. vr4rHa?Th?rTO'ia ehra" Federalist dim Jisiftrve. v We will present, fir eamile? tliefidlowing.-j "TSpeskinjj" 'bT'lli ' hecesinif yiif avoiding both loans and taxes, he ssiyst - "To amid this, and lo keep the expenditures wiOna ressnnable bounds, is 1 duty, stcnod only in miDortaace nrotectmn of oor citixem in their civil and wditical rights. The crest inn in time of peace of a debt, like ly to become permanent, lean evH for wttch there w no equivalent . Again, wliilo upon the same luhject.he lemarki "II Purairn rrr thai iserhei nalmu have demontraUd the ensvoidable ind tearful r"p"h- txsftth which- publm debt is increased, ahen the ti o' er ninent has oore wirremlered rt-elf to tte reinou iwaewef ftrpprm? ttl itiilp'tAd weiii'-sby hew inn. Tiie atid:;;!') iherelore, on our pari, to be sue-ees-ful, mtut be mid it the threshold. To make oar efforts eff-cttve, eevers ecoaomy M beceeasry Th" is the surest prtivinion tor the tional. welftre; andil is itthl saibe liute, ths best preservative of the princt nlee on which our institutions rest Simplicity ltd .. mr . . a.-... L... t. . ,a . MMnml in - rn,WB'nd tr,ti.rr,w Repub:,c phrctplre, while rrttnomv mine snairs 01 cum I Ihe-ehivib luwn sa surol? subverted bv nationil prodi. gality, urnlrr whstevet ipectoua pretext! it may have been introduced or . loaiersu. - These ire eentitnent and d.trinee which w mi r.d;lit aiMtrnve. and if Mr. Van Buren will ii . . ... 1T ( t i r. f -only put hie ihrtnlden to the wheel, H. rrules-like, wapp" - "awry. .0 . and cerr,ip.t,Dracl.ce what U'.icV the pol.t gambler, ae " ytoirii, he will throw oO from his rhirscter murh of .every Ihsx roan arouM Ira ve e ; ' . . I . '.'& .1 .1 J.t -I t t . mm uniiiitw uimrun viiti... - "" j ind lio4) fiflli in t M hud butter Iijht , ik.i liiieol .lH.rt wh eh haa 'nr rested. 00 i.r '.hi. t I- t ' ,i 'If. V ,., il! t iet ftt.-n it s!. tt, il'rr ail r: 'l ,' 'uf ut. h-ir- t chair, fr -in e lwr & wi t path U dutj. I? "iH tins d.rt-ot Vnr hAm uf iie th mi ef mg!e tit tfte hI ,4 hu c nintrv. Me hrlieff ke aill di.n, Ux than rtnw il It, Tahh tN-cwity. II - . be mavagiartt iili.t OMMtcy ; awl, sail ir-HH-t f(f itt f inrl and ti ditribu'iu tit the rutp'ua liave It ft Lul lit tle mnur ia lite lri-.tiry wii i-i-Vr aiv, iw cewsity, tlterPrttre, lulitce tr -nc. Tint ae cood res-ma is, that a rnerse of rcmiy is tlte on ly one that will eccure Mr. Van RurruV re-fcWlMtn. The Auti-Matos, the Taniltteik, nd lite Abiilitioa jsts have throwo bim utl, awi tuUa up C n. liar- risuu ; he uut now titrow hWwlf no the rt'pub- Itcan broker aad nwcbsuMS of tti couMry, by ,b" reu,jr d; - - - A,M "J ,k "7 out tkee rm-1 e, Prt. Me sage, that the etpoJituree of 1)3 werw ait sail Itesu lit ttuua 1449 ; atd th eipenditiarve ni 1S10, will be ever jfec millim btsi than tbuwe of toe last year.' . ' -' . -, " Ioepe!ist of the redetnotien of the paUi debt sstd truAa, Uve'graM expeoi(ttre of se?eatea aad eighteen miliums la I-CU and M- bid, by these causes, sweiled to lwaly luillione IS and the appropri ations Sir 1S37, aBsdeprerinusly lo lite lotirth ot Match, caused the expenditure to r to the very brg amount of ihiitr-ihree millnos. V were easbled daring the year 1H, ootwithstaading fie contmuaaeeid aur la dwa eabarraeaoteats, ataBewant lo redoee this amount ; and taat lur the present year, IStU, will not in all preo- ability exceed twenty six Millions or stx millions teas than it was lat year. With a deiemiiuatkMi so tar as depends en as to emtiaoe the redaction, I have direc ted the estimates lor HtO to be subjected to the sever eat scrutiny, aai to be limited to the absolute require-. menu of toe puMtc service They Witt e band less ban the ipeodinins at 15-T3 by over ve muUom ot dollars." ..... - All thii a good news, audi shows as better pros-paw-la ahewd. What are now waul to see," ia," that I u.ZL .t. .-:7..TrrTXT:c i"- " " t ' " iogtiss and Jt-tfcrsoo. No on carried it further out of lb true tract tbaa Gen. Jackjuo, aad aa Mr. toe only way u which he eaa reuVem his promiw, and at the same time save th Government, is to lake the back trmck, auJ do what Geo.-Jrksftn pledged hiwself lo do, that is, rtform abusea, in duct eipenditurea, aad practice ecootmy. tt xee wm act MiiMutty vo tiaeee prMe.iptes, wbo leao doubt tliat i wdl receive evwv v . & temrtH .4- ---r- - :, I - i, ..... . . , of jhe Potowoe, ia preference to llurrwa, who, if out an A'jolitionist bnwautr, as vet tlie caudid.ite of the AltolitHioists. a set of eatUusuiMs, who in their i. - teal io protect aod drlsnd insa rigift, wnal.i de si rov tueCoaaWiUitMsi ilartft break aj all the els. meats of Vial retatMos, and re enact the blond? scenes 4 Sf IVinngo to ssll lb cVtutriern State. Fics el lilisf)s).-We eopy the fotlywing from the VI hiiVtoo Parrrspondent nj the Peters. tnirg itswrirea S.ufrfiis. It Imws the' public (eeUng at WsUitgtoo city ia rcjfrd to ilie tVeai. dents Message: ... .... - We learn, by a lateVtter jbTarn, WaiknataavJliat ' so isr, sot a suigle w btgm or out tsf Congress, has veotared to Ma.fest any dirVct oppuaiism to the princi ples of lbs aiiig-e; sad Ihryere aenuting' whether to tall ia with toe cerreet, wbicb reey fend ufesistiBHe, and ont hkeiysiMI to turgor i conta4 liieasatvwHritS tameless aa sna vailing eppontioa to L.iZ. i . , , -j , . Tie TTe ft Mr Cata- In loIay'a pa per we pubiie lb debate betweeov Mr. Clay and Mr. CelboaM, m lb Snoate on the trd inst. How LMr. Uav bred is this trLiloC atxit.s - w?vwT - ine reaoer ra jooge. v It should be borne in mind, and will be, we have wabt;hr an HViVre.'er (heir eotmlry t-t borty. uaiierastry Mrllrwwn has to wl jelled tu tjs speM of sttaxk by .cenainparty -iia toatWe aad presses, tver? important nsrerere ierbi by Mr. C. during his lnig and eventful political lit end more especially of Isle years hu beau the signal ittr bui-djog the fkiud kte44 fnv ir- fence, aui ibe mi puorvng up-ej bis dev-Mnd h'sd of all the inner e pit nets to be fueud to the party vocabulary. M r. Cby ba nh-two birhwtf a Worthy and vigilaut lewder in this aetty b-jine. , M r. Calboun'a rumored cbngs of p4iticwl views and party nwocmtxina as been rang m ibe pub lic ear. until if what ha heew sni-t nf bin be true, becMlaiJy ewU bardiy l-U batmeU'what are now his pnucipka or pata-a.- The fny aegans uf Ibe federalist will begin with" Nor of new Kiln purs," " wotttJ? aiUMres," " dmnins eieU Hons'' &., aid the beraf fitrtH, Mr. tVhoun has gia over tu the caemy " be h ia ad.led the taat link l the rhaia veressary to dam him lo eerl4ieg bjeneP We ., ba 4 the- ot , mnI Mr. CiVrv by hi -. . , runvwa ud ciuaree suruU aeaaa a4 scats) rn I lieaw, ayw, have at. aftni. II is sawat, wnb seudry Ww emt fc4, fh lyJMrTffSlPdTJ g roams, thai be has deserved hi Img pm'rsted j prlM-lflee, i hintsrlf and) his ?Aii, ( lb SlKe Rights geulirawest tat (Egress, who d wot dtaffaee Tflie"iMeare isslereolly railed) lo hit old etsesniea, M has saaie be bow m Costri, and. krmmd the band of Hi Mauei. v I sa it b an T, John C. Calboajsi aWrteat bia frfinnt- arte) the ! , , . " r , mtere4 of iW ermntnd the ttwt rX fanuUs Tight, of wtw-Ti n hs serai rue- atneii clumpum Cara! lost tW wharf t T. waaa ibe sautes aft P l-. iu k, .srtatllAja - - - -..'--" ioa,say tyit iij:iaHtowiiisriea era! di'rs! Ioa.U! t ena4 be sn. D d j be.H'.'t t sw-eesii wtthrrt hi grsp I euxij be wad wv trn e-ett.f Pr-trnt after Gnu Jrksn, iibuwl tf reawseat doobt. bed -be preferred floe and rwyy Lmf te hit eowiiry t , Hi popularity when Gc J tcka j wss ei-eterl, rrestdeut, a srenod ntily fa tbal veneraUe lie- j roe, and had h-s lUlowwd lis dteUVmal lead of ' blind friend, Mhf hire towered in the glories of thTs world. II Metorred dmr and the welfare 1 . e 1 . .1 - i...i it, ap, i - -- i - . . jtyrarmy wai lowencg th m, al fcerj n -.U- iSr-i,t' "-1 i-1i i 'I'ch-in J-y tU n-iM; i' v -.1 ii i.i,,i,'-t"i'rt Mr.Cul l.,n-. t -i t ii i t I '.?,) ii i ....-r, lie tt.iH f iiiml ut tlie '-i nl i:if), ty iliiij her li.llll'S, IjeHtiiijt Jrte the f i,"JS:u "iii,.i uf tiie meti wln nW rtiurjt hifi wit'i treiMi, tai.'r ihiiikI hiniing tlii-ir coun n't aiul m-iii uk In hm an-l our nptrHor wero willing mil nui ins to imUiun lln'ir hnu ls in the b'o 4 i.f Ir. Culfi.iun, anil all" who dnrwl t cry out n.inst the ipftrewioiis of Mr. L CUy'i Tariti 1 Thev eare.I ii-it lr tin ir country then they went fr prtif (keg da tkr tiimr n, Ai.! rlo thi-wr b-i now have thu .nrn-K-e tit chiirire this grn-. beaded vetttrau in hiiCiMintrv't-MUo(hi!ictiutiipioii of popular rilila, who hm ahowii hnnn ll'tn Im.' such, not by frorifr, Ixil hy detdi with a ileerliMii.f the principles which hnv grown with lii growth, and sU-etithettei with Ins aimi-ith, until tVy have be eotmr prt of hia nature! Clia-no him with truck ling to Jxtwer ! Il wh knows iki power on erl!i tfwJi as het bean in mippit of a ritfhte.Kia cue 1 No John C. Calhoun, can never truckle tu power, or become an office seeker j he can never becooiea gantlding politician,,! Hum era Aii i in the eves of those who arenow crying out agaiiisl him. lie has, for nearly the whole of bia eventful political enreor, been the ati! riLLsa in the structure of Southern Republicanism, lie baa changed none ofN-hii principles, although now friendly With the I'resitbmt, He stands where be haa st i Hid for years, and from this lofty eminence be cannot be driven hence he must ba a butted. Was not Mr. Jefltirson subji-Hptf to the same sya- tern of federal abuse t And wliM the issue t Let th honest yeomanry of the country mnrk the ptttgreas 4t ia they who at last have to pass final judgment. 3 f ,' '; ;-A :' CdAowaV Bill The Rill introduced byMr. Calhoun on the 3rd inst., to cede the Public Laudi to the Stales in which they lie, oncer'ain t'onduimuJ ii ia toid will rtdust tkt tiaenm$ of the Government nearly osi miuojt of dollar and rAkegril?s-Jt!a,-ojh n la., L llim T.b - curtailment io Executive puiionage., That if, the new Stales under the Rill will have to bear all the expense of surveying the land", making titles, cVr., WcTnWIHtMofor sum of money annmlly, white it will abolish the necessity of havmji such a host of Land Officers and others appointed by the Presidehl and dependent uptttt TnTbouuty. Now, this reduction of the ts- Faeeuiive paironnge, ii what Mr, Calhoun and hia auUueal frverwis hv- ever ccmtfndcd for.'"" Mr. CUy and hia friois have bm clamorous in the . - , . . . , same cnuse, and now turnabout' and abuie Mr. , . - , f, Lalhotin fur tins effirt t perfect to desirable an ti there nit.ia such courae, a greater, aiww of personal hutrvd aud pirty rancor, on the part of Mr. Clay and hia friends, than of elevated ; patrwtiamt We think so dttciJedly. - v ,7 . . Aeoraer Airlt CooJittoit.", Rumor' anya n .that Henry. CUy ; made his bow at Jha H'Aite - now on.tbe occasion of the President's -Levee on' the 1st instM and sciuHlly held friendly converse - with-iittk Vanr- Iiei not thi nell of dark - and damning CoalitioATHa j : not expect sunn lo bear the federal trio calling upon all the power ' of earth to arise and crushjAi's ebaliiion m ii bud 1 ''TiiinijftSdm The Legislature of thii Stile met 00 Ihe7ih iiwt. Iti lhe House, Wm. ll.tpkim, the late Democratic epenkor, was re-elecfed by vote of 50 to 15. In the Senate, Gen. Yf. T. Ro gers, Democrat, was elected speaker, by vole of nti. r.t.--..--.....,-..." --. - ' 'wrwitnw'tir renrose 1 tie uemo- crats have a msj'trity on joint ballot of the two nujterdjweuty Tin to be elected by thiwjbndjj anl,i i9.t,liqajj(bjHiau.. TMn1ii7ritft.Mwis lo Russia, h teen. The Legislature of Virginia has decided lo go into the election of United States Senator on the kMtmsr;4 Mr. Kirei will be run by ibe Whig. "mI 3 Hh.X"fcJil it nKh y-ihoRcouWicansVir Mr, " Riis,"s.t) slhrt H iqiiirer, csntiot b ilectoii, - Tii. Lejislsture of Massachusetts met on- the 1st tneVind was organized by the election of Dun wl P '-..Kihg, Presidotil of Ibe Senate, and R ibert C. Winthi jp. Speaker of the Hiwte, It ia now re duced la certainty, that Marcus Morton, (Dmn.) ia elected Uoaevmtrof MftvaachtMertiby the pno pie. The votes Were counted, and the result it is follows : of the lOiflrJ j-iven in the S'ate, Morton received 51.035 J Everett, 50,725 j Scattering, 308. lorttYmaj jrit) oversell, 4. ,v roe raa wasrrcaa caaouKut, . Msaaaa. EiMToea: Never Was the truth of the ad . tB , l ' '- CO' age, lint wounded birds are know a by their fl.itter- mure- sUuagle lttnm irevn'-try ThrTa.fFs--wlneb-wwe test week wo man Host among the covey " that rtover around lh - pigorte holes " of Ibe We easisa tHfiee ba k 10 a iieo-nost ? eould'ei havs ievuMid more fritiii'f of leathers, than the re spectable and quiot asaefubltge of Republicans at the Mrnstoo Hotel on the Srd inst , teemi to hi .created etooog th ' '" r-1 - nipeds of . feather. " That congregate together,' a led shout that esuMisftmeot. In a narosrum hf if- Jrtgbt, they ly in jeer tVts, Mr. fciitor, and charge ynat with tiding and isetnng in this peaces bis wetmg of the people,- breauaa, tormoth. yoo had the lest-pewoene u potHiKh, (a rvrrj tibersUatniMlail - - . r , , , . r ,:,,,n-ii-rr staoees, the proenedmgs of this awstinir of Rept.blt- l le that Kress b eslled -rree," that refsei, aUV"VV' , iepectstilettiXFn,iaeemt!edtueicr to expfeas Uieir j BentiiiMir.u m relatmo to public men and publie inei psrttenlsrly where tome proceedings are couched in terms ttw nt-at anexcept lonalile, tree from even an sf'itfuis to Umae what autaruta aeMitnertts tn eniflrct with theirs 1 Professing, to be ns ssrfiisas, fit ut deal jMly by uil p-rtie yuu woukl ta reality hits roiKlered yooraclvei 00001 ioua to the charge of a want ot " can dor see boneavy," ha la did the H'srramea, decline publishing the pruceeatlnga n queittica. Of what public ntilit is a Menjer. where it not only emits but Ttfiutt to publirli the proceeding of ebaw-i-wbfmStsb taekftnlda lae at aa a.a a.ja..M.k.l.-ul a. . I Ihe sawliinenU eiDreased. slthnt.vh ia Un'n. a.e. tedly courteous, may not accora ;lb those of the Edi.i tors! Hock a Press a justly dab's lo the charge ot be- mg proatitated to the purpusee ot 1 ucton, id being.- tlie saitder M mdivi'usl smbilinn. rather than the ex-; ptaieAtof publie sentiment Much more space il ta- king ep in tho columns of' the HWssvm, with mis- ' . .... ... f - 4 -..--. -m... avst,f.w well uot tbcw aot pvee-nt) thsa woxild bntfH-thuuMfkwyttlwia.vlyitfir.dtocMT reftreavnistinns 01 ins rrteeiing, ami amwe 01 mna pre- uo li r - li it'1 to 1'iVt- tii : J.JJ.. 1 1 !,il. i t t.iiiiinl (ilciiil v-: r H " Hu an t','..! u, in iniiu im in ! lint truth is itii.(hiy, anl f.'f H'n'i h una. tuiiTt .sj vtuii .-.i..i (ifi'ii tl -! ! tl.'a rv ii- lit! lit ti'ulll till' llll:-tors a.1 In $tl;-lWii piill'i.i i-j;!. unit beep tin- pe..ji id i;ii 1- :11.1 lu the tru.'A ul l,l in u n)y tiHiit',tii'iiii!. The Iii-, iii-,i of (muf tie Ii ivi. inhi ii by tlifglbi. d and, imo-nul- it cliaj 11 u-r uf uil Uio UniiliCnl iiMttei voutnumJ . in the H'ai Akkih. . Tim charge limt one of you, .Mow re. C l.iurs, w.u tn-y iu niii(ij- up ttie men.!,,.' uf tin ;)?;, i a wide ot' the ti tilh an Hu; l.a limi t! i t I ho H'ulrhmtm ,iiib-" gs iu tl.e pretint a,: 't'o my own kmiwii .Ige, ju bad no other agency than the pulilicttlion of its pinrtcdins on being reiimtie-J Ui do so: t"r which. ?u are aa cer U'not socurmg ot nil Attrttalim n, II yuil are 01 D:tng rxpoxnil to ttie earpinga ami aim of beatod pttrlttait, i)XV. W 11(1 W AS TUI UK. OuigrtsAio'iiit. lit Stuutr J.m. -Sid, Mr. lion. Ion, from tin-(uiiiiiit'. con Miiiimy Allnra, leju-rt. ed Hill fir the r hi -1 nreupi hii) of that "ittmn of FlontJri' Tertj ory now uverrun by hstili In divm, which ittuJe the snvciul ottier of llic day forM'indriT ts-it; r 1 '' ' '' Iu the ILiuk on the 4t!i, Mr Evimi introduced a bill making auapppropriution fr lh pay of mem. bora and the contingent expeiisus of the House, which was eonsidered ia Committee nf thn Whole and passed. Mr. tfherrod Williaine introduced a Resolution, th it alt the r-apnre, rtetitioni, cVc., u vorbly received by the last Congress, ant not net ed upon, bit again taken fro n the tiles uf the ll-tuae and referred la appropriate Couimtiteea. Agreed to, Mr. Thompson moved a reeoamJotatiiMv tal a vote by which a number of useless mnusof the seat of war in Florida were ordered lo If- print m jiir tiei tiiFietn. - a no ni-iiiuii tieituiu i:u;isi'i-.' enible dotmte. It waa auxtiiined by all the admin ititration mmnberi, which ts'tlie nrst good t itdcrtce we have seen of a cletenmiiHtinn oo tlie part of Mr. Van Duren's frioiula in Congresi to carry out his views in regard to tcohomy and rulrcnclinteni. The motion to reconsider was carried by a large majority and the RedutHn biid on the table.- Nr. Umwn or I enn., (Ad) I'ttrodmtod hi an anion. Intent of the (Vmntitution, to bo submitted lo the lj;is. aturee of the lovernl St iles for their rntllicition, the following t No prMi who s'ibH horea fler be elected, and shell serve (lie term of four years VIIKIWIO U I flBf I UlllVr" 1 In StMte, on the fl h, Mr. Wright, from the Coinmitlee on Flounce, reported a bill to prnvnln ifIbe.t3Collactil.iafckeepir bursemnnt ot the public revenue. M r. W, btafi, from the same Committee, to wli'kh was referred the bill more cfli-clunlly to aecuie ihe public rroncy irt the hnoils of utTueri and agents of the Government, and to punish publie dvfuuliersr reported the nitii with ainetidinetitft,' hu;li was vt- deretfth be'printed - Mr. W. said that he wm direr ted Jty the CrmiT mtttee to give notice loot tin y would, on Moinlay n,,;, Vk e'-''Mion of tlise billi, in the tordor in which thfy were reportnd, nnd in! they 1 1 i :. .1. i . . ' . . would Celillhoir duly to press their cotwtdoration j a()er thntAtfl. ' r : V",:';' ,' --- , Mc. Benton iniroducod a slrtni of Rosnluliotia v " denying (he constitutional power of Cons ress to as. auine the debts of the Indrvidual Ktaies, contracted at ' home and abroad, to carry on works of FWlo Im- provemetita, and made an able speech mi th sub. - ject.' rhexe ire highly impirtnt .Reaolutiiuiw, ... and we v! notice them furtlier in our next. : - The following bills were tnkon up on thuir thirU readme, rend a third lime, and paused : ' ' 5 A bill lo relinmiish tn. the Htsto if Miwissippi, . ', the Two pflr cent- fund ritigjijnder Jrc'intitocj. fur admwinn "Ima the Cnion; " .71 ' A bill to prevent the counterfeiting of any for. eign copjie, gold, silver, or other coin, and lo jye- vent the bringinyjntght 4,Pt' 'lei3S5: Itig 1 ony'cou'iiie'rfuit foreign copper, cold, silver or ' other com. J ; - - - Nothing of importance wai done in the House. . ihi day'. . In Stnate Jan. 7ih, virimii propwiiiona of ft y private and also of a publie nature were intrmlu eed bufrmt ttxvrnf "wen Itrfodon, we do. not lice. Mr. I.inn introduced the following rfli!u .1 -.1 ! I . lion, wrncu was agrsKHi rwr ditej ,4j!pclfiUlvia .eouaM- misley"of thn-" Uorernors ot lh o.mre4 -eUtitee end I ernt'trirr" ul the UnitoJ Slates to liirtuh,-.Cir the ujhe . Congressioiial Library, all reports and documenia' in their poHsessiuii in relalion In lh geol my and mHiemlngy of their respective States au i Tsrri tori", -v - . . .!-'- The reavitution introduced by Mr. Bnion in re- gird Iu 1 the 1 assumption of the rJiain debts wrr ta ken up and reterred to a I'omniitlee of sevencon. listing of Messrs. Omod?, chairman, Lumpkin Smiih of Is., Yount, Hubbard, Allen and MerrirH. lo the Ilovf, Mr. Ctmphell, cbainnin of lh Cuninittew ot" Klrctions, iiilnnjucej (tie folltiwiug j -Ri-Siiluinn l RttelfrJ, lint all papers or other testimony in . pteiwin(i nf or within tliu co iliol of this H ho, in r-'Ution to the Ijleeli-etmn nifNe .Terrt y f ,r R. t. reseuisiives in the Twenty Sixth Congress uf ilio United Slatee be reforred ta lite Coutuntiee uf Kleetions, with inst rucl ions lo inquire and ri p irt who are entitled tu occupy as member nf I Ms Huoie, the five contested aeita frmn that Stole, and -that the coinmitlee have power 1 1 send for persona nd paper. :- . . Considerable delml spring un .on tbiiJiiLluV lion, atiicii wn rjt i ll by 1 in ilitiii 10 aili iuin. la 8rKttr, Jin. Sili, the hill for the armed oefni nniion of Floriili jsed jjji. UiUdrcadujg. .iiucn oilier private imtinei wai trinMRioil. , la the Il mtt, the Remuioiu of Mr, Campbell nf South Carolina, to refer ell lh testimony in mUtK'tn -In the New Jersey duptilnnti to the Continiilee r f Klectinnr, aiid Mr. null's solwiiiiite fir itaiil resolu. tons, declaring that the Democratic claiannnls Imve not the right to be iwnrn, di,t Iwiojlhe rjtwr ion bl- " furn the House, .. . ... Mr. Duncan, who wai entitled In tlm fl tor upon etid question, eencluiled Im very aUo spencH m re. ihe whulu laWnci. He niTduceJ man? fcts, . ineluiling st a to hie nt of the polls, aud Ihe mesnage , of the Governor of New Jorsey, jo jtroof j, jlw..,. fmmt 'fvhicO'il'IkacaiMNMaHiioJ to deprive t!i people of thnt Bute ot thoir Irgitimaie repiesenta. -lion, aud in jtiBtificalimt of the course I lis House of Representatives bid pursued in it'tfing aside th claimai.ta who held the eerttrVtef. Mr. Bolt haying obtained the floor, tliejbjiu adjourned. In Senate, Jm. 9, nothing of great importance was transected. In Ihe llottte, the resolution of Mr. CampU!!, , and Ibe pMpneed imrndnieiit, sere taken up. A genertl diwuietwinuisei the inerita cfllie New J.-rsoy cs ansie,' m which -ve,al pert it. . Mr. Ra-ajulpti afNew Jernr. hail i!w f.ron t'icie when tV 11 iu-e tn!j rm-d. Jau- 10, th Simile did not aiKthi rt-?v, atd the Home ivs ehsNged nil 'lav upnnNhe e Jerat attest ion. N.t Punier fuf ! !L ii-iw.'t fleeted, - irj 'trftt snirca. in pufi.Ms'i nf ea HI 3't,