7 -. it iu.n. ' XUJS WESEKN CAROMNIAJ, , ' Friday Morning, February 21, 1840. ft?" Sir. tVAiTEBsos i 5iwcn, on me auiiject 0f Abolition petitions, fill n 8" rtion of our noper thia week but polttijaf reader, it J veil worm an in- p":t "tcupies ior me suo , jt irt vitally important io the people oftne&MJth, aud the epeech w eloquent in-jfaet and conclusive jo its reasoning. Mr. WntterecVs array .of 'ei-' deWe timg to idenlify the Harrison Whig at thSi .North with I lie Aoli-Mawns ami the Abolitionists, (the two miserablcst factions that wore eter tole rated is our country) la perfectly irresistible. We ' wish therefore to direct our. political rcadersV es pecial attention to thr eech. , . " V, r - - - ' .. TUB NEW JUDGE.:. : .- Wcjeftrnad from Cul. Isaac T. Avery, otte of the, Sta Councillors, who passed through this Town on Saturday liwt, on hi return from Raleigh lo tii residence in Burko County, thai f&vrxkv Hall, E-q., of . Warrenton, has been appointed by i lie Governor and Council one of the Judges of the superior i-ouru oi uinnwui, to nil- me vacancy caused by the 'resignation of the Ifoii. Romcus M. Sacsbuis.. iMatliiina Manly, Eq., was, as! uh widorstniid, first Dominated by the Governor;' ,nt iheCounciJ., dissenting from that nomination, Mr. Half name was then wit in, mid eotifirtned.- V, - : - 1 r - MAltIC TI1K IJIFFKaENCE. , , . We liave no ootioa of standing quietly by, and 'j as a IIJdon.yw1irc rluiib into the Presidency.- Mr. Van Ruren is rltirjred with eiUtpaiding eqtiivcal, sentiments in tiHi!i b pilaicnl .7ri.dTj'toTdTir teUtrutimirlmJJeJeet, andJua ads of hwlilityj if;4 atieni('t to esi.ract oil from -turnip" aa to niijke K Imcu'.llapital fur H irrisoii hM of ho.-com)ariiioa it his ji'iitiinents with tln.e of Mr. Van Eurco. Ii. ro is the hnjf.iage of both, -.in 'juxtnpositiofi' ti.ii k tliu dnlorohco : .". ., ' H.viatiHit.v. va DUiy;y. " Sl.iuid 1 hv nskeil i r Lrtlrr In Mr. Uwyn, 1S.U I',, re ii no way ly willed "J'iia sulijoct (rmnnci- lit-mrul UnterciDKUic yuimu) is in my.iuuo t in a iii lli- ckiim ot email ment exclusively rtnder the : e-Mitmn, I an'iver .'int it control f th IrHnte Ha- I Ills hma been mi1 vcriMnmiU; and I no not 1 "ir mij hcurl in ea uio niniw"i, wr "imt, , .... l : : I J.. I fiol of its Kiir(ilus r- ifKVarontrwy opinion, w tMi may beollr'nveSj freed, by rongrifs in manumit t it tlie purchnao of Uio ting your slave proHlty" ' ft '.ntoni iir Otnc '. ti r. c . . f j.. . n ....b..w ,w. . - :.,.z i.. n iii.il n.ii vnr iumikht. i itfpr fCTr tru ntrut m viwhe r fi.nwi.uiil nol looa UOWil nifi-iniiinrcij imrnrmi u:n a slave." 7ft dait-holding Mlttie:n Now render, look on fAis pknir, thea on that! 'in. Ihrrim belioveft Congress " con aid tho oi'Mj of eiiLincipaliuti," by nponf rialing to Po fiTtfiwmqrHlw Bu- i r?n lieiievea the uhject of emnncipalimi is ,re'T el imvelv under the confror ot the Mats uovern-iiiv.-iila," where slavery exista ; and that Congrers has no sort nf riUt - In " interfile, without a -Atf.ij of the Constitution." Now we aro willing evyry infellip-nt, dipas wmate man, elitwld decido for himself, which ol t! e two, judging from the furegning, bold senti ments most cotiruinnt Willi the rights and safety oi the South. -nuaiu roa harri'soN!:" The fudcral wings seem determined 10 makr1 " Hmo" out of their candidate, although 4hey find 4"it an up-hill buamesa and they appear possessed ui aa o-Jd funcy, that it ia only necoary to fling up their caps and cry" " hurra for Harrison," in order lo po$e xho prople of the anme eiithusiasm Lr jAeirM hero,'' thaf was maoifeated for General ''aiirffie'fjrhf f populanly WTtTit" tWs erraile "''nbtHm-Mt hi headi-Tfio Editor f -the- vvtt.nniria teed in? Jiia .readers With the Iki!. tliut the rccert visit oTGeri- JaCkioo ln Sew Orleans may bo converted to the advantage of the cause of Ibrrisoniam in the bauta ! uear mm . raoa th abhvili. aa?tEiu . J.rUi' Vait. We contea ltai waimre a7umus liioug uHil Ultll Ui'ti. Juiiknia s mull in Iltf ritvn . ... . ... 'rni (.hthave the effect, though not so l"nVf0'i f enKilien Mr, Vso Buren, but it is rep1' lnef strenu t.,i nr-Jahli be attended with vers different con eijuenccs that it bar mnred up a groat military) tevor m Ixiuwana and Mississippi, and tlmt Van bemg kr ':iKmrrrrx,fffi'(rtliiMiriiM is,'Jsoasnn anil Jlarnsoo, and Harrison and Jarksoo, with lowd bum . :i.. i.:.,ru;nat wi.iiw iwfnsii,i; fcui.'f t Now, realW, ia'nt thia catching tt aijwil iot - . a sboirt can be rWd fUHr' " horo TiNc? j mto," oti h'w oif a account ; ao'tr Nashville Edilor must needs catch the echo of the buzaaa for Jick on,an l liy to make the people bolicve be can tle tect in thoae aounda aouie latent tmthuaiaam fia Harriwn t Well, well 5 hie ia what we eallltpinir bard pushed, to avanifacriire a Jiltle public aetiti. mant, with wbich to keep their audjdate alt awbibj. longer. v ' ' ,.' larft Port. A bog was killed in Fayetteville i week or two aince, ju two-yeare ow, wntcn a-etghHre hundred and fflf P0"1' ? TV'Ccnndidat, bv a comuansoii of tli4 opinions ibc tw. y J . wrvw-Mi-iw opframia poo. Hifwy politic." av advanle'yhu mav think y.Ki can derive from V.f wWCDixV. Clay- ant.cipi.mdtH.i'tt rven tr t t for, we o,.itV, you niiXli a wn f lfwtl efti (ithtr tW as caihurlicl ; - i ii;. . ... il.."Mtf iobuI ..nuri.uoir..niin. I... ;.,,cl. witu uw-inciion ffcV"" , , ""''.',""'': ' iiwOH.-Kffrh-. MawiMiaiiLjaaa true, tbnt be a ' iu,UUn tlm i? n"y "M,r,'' Amr.'" I chance no pilumTlfl t,raiuwMMti,i,i., Htatps. t he chsrue. there- x. .?. . .. ewo-w.. -..n.. ----j .r xiurrisooi not inr j yier. it i leii jijietemea in mis . ie no wm i'i " ' I '.r V J ti ' """'d you ammunitiou anoujh, and I jwrn w ui! ' ,,uu V; T . . " i notiupiilyblsnk catridces eiUicr, 1 bare enturtai ..! .n.ftn mi nn. iftv fctliml Htfl. M thill I WfTi I . . ... "'' V. " : . : such sbhurrence ot the men u . iIib co onizatlou ot lliiwu m mvor oi sn iiiicriCTcnco . A AVs.iinjfon cor i.r.tpiirer, Java tin- .procrastination of IIib Cor.i.nTtt'ie of TAmVmt rii, .coming to a iIeciiou on caj, i H,itcr ui loud complaint at W ashiujiton, and is c ilrul.ited to increase the bm.or of p-irty spirit; although he assures tho Edit. ha need Ulil f,.ttr ,), result as to the billot boxes, f ,f ih villi poik-d moro ib ; legal votea than the KepuWii'uVw- did." ' H'iioii therprorcsdingr of ilw cimniitti;e come to be known, (continues the corr-p.Hidoiit ) they will aa toriisli every one ; the New Jeri-i-y Republicans will ultimately triunpli arid the conduct of the , wbigs in attempting to tipprpi the voice of the people, will add another item to the catalojftie of their total contempt of law, and the right lf auf ,,ltnnrmee Senator, t .V-VVe learn that lien, - AUvander Amtrrmm, el' Kno County, has (won " elected, by ii5 Icgihlliture of Tennessee, United States Sctmtui from that State, to till the vacancy Vuaed by ttio resignation of Judno ljutj. L. iVvhite, -by tlio following vote i . S , ' yAiiderson, . . . 4j iliigh L. Hbitp, ' '. -r v 4-i 1 , pattering, . 6 From- theSjJCrwxville Argun of 'l Uh iimtant, we learn that ll legislature of tlat State odjonrupd oti the 1st. J atid tJiaH previously t tbuir adjuufn- ment, a resolution Viu ad-ipted hy a iiiHj.niiy of one in eacn uouso, removing mo sent or Uovern ment fmm Nashville itklurfroesboro', where it was forinerly located J but a,gerwa.rda, this decision - was metsed, by a majority inbjith Mouses so that lh4eat of Government still refynins at Nasbvtllo. 'm i v. - ; llAREIStlN w vtaGikiA;,: ; 1.4 . W'e tafeo tfio followina'cxtradt fivioi the IUcIk niond Kiiquircf; that pajwr snys thcyprfi taken - frorriJ'u letter to private sewllernan iii tTtot'cily, , written by cue who," ooly fW weeks siticbw Wflf ft ardent Clay Wbi. ; ' .. f V.- At the great whig festival in Washington Cit they were returning; hom Mrj (Wr, in the courae- ol bia a)ch, said the Nation was rick, ud' Harrison and Tyjer wero ood jne'liouiea to I,uuirc ?'"m B''w h"0,T -mow at nt to giv4.iw creditCirMr. Like HmlilirsVa gun, has it not," ' VVlwiliei ainMd struck or plmrf . Kikqd wide; and knocked its owner over." , -T----..- - ...... .... Extraofs. I waaalway opptMed to Hnrrjann. My vote in the doubtful ticket in ly:J0 was exprexaly eivlorsed to be for JintgoVVtiitonrf no oihtn" My principles dilfor on every jtotsible j;rund, n I light and tint.ran( Jiade, 1rom Gen. Harricon. I was pro. 'sent in. the Senaiaot the U.-States, when Mr. John Kandolh and tin Harrison had tUt )rriiij. about their politics in 1)9 aud 15)0 and In which litrriwa admitted fin March lHo) that ho approved 'old John Ad uns'ii Administration, with Hie exception hi tis Nc dition Ijwv&o. Johir Hninloli(i clmred liomo Uin him on the petition of ibe Free Ciack," ii wbich he recminteu tits. (Harrison s coiivcrmions with- Mr. bar us con. Would ncd power, Itiat 1 did not suppose it would tx pomible for me to regret iheir sul slitulion. by tho Devil with his liorm upon him, and all his inipo in the bjrpmn. But I should regard the rTiTliiin orTTf , u' coniiiiutiicaUnff luliv and iuinv mv iboiiiriiU lo tuc puilllO." county, Virginia, to a geiitlotnari in llichsiioad, eays " The nomination of. Hurrison, I awtirtmi, is no go here. Some of our leading whiga are rle cliiripg for Van Huren; 'au.ong them, are some moniof great iiiftuence." -4-: v COTTON CROP OK I-SQ.- . Accounts from the 5outh seem to concur in sla ting the Cotton crop of tho last year lo be ihoae abundant, than for mahy year previous. But, added to the low price p( the arjicl, another aeri ous cauae of complaint, ia, the towneaa of wa'er in the river, which, prevcuts the crop from K'ung forward to market, and. which operates more to the prejiidica of the planters in Alabama, a jrood por tion of Georgia,' . and porta of MisHiaippi and Florida, than any other portion ot tue cotton-grow I The X ui J, rsey QutiittuH. lespnndcnt of the R ,m,m, Thiloin Immnnaa amwniajdUhifJicln hadliua waatgptal4)i'iiterjiljgjj,bul perfectly' accumulated in the ware houses aHho princi towna and depots on tho rivers. ; lette to the Journal of Cotnmerev from Columbus, Georgia, rcmarka: - ' ',. ; " I htve just returneifrom a trip toMon'gnmery. and found there, as I bare here, immense qnantltieaof eoU ton accumulatingin the-ware-heusesr but m tiu la eotitry them to market .J ftet a.rei.rt. emtma'ed, no ' ki"Ua'a'aiJdW01)iiTe10 t.lThpterTdy in shum.eal, 1 L anl e many more fxpucled In tiiitlitft duTingthe seesrmj X Feaaiall that 1 e&u lit) rii". X Vi ititt tjBpe?!! -crfl I ... a a I Ml JT l. f . . V 1 It A f cotton in Ucorgia atm Alioinj will m'any oounir urn, of any lormer year, fm quality haneverWrtininjclli!d, and a beller seasoO for picking never ktiisn,1' Pir fpialities liave sold aa low as la st which price the tolx to msko the mp, end tlie ByjmiJ.'are not pud lor. Ind hence fielilsof pisircottims A'dlJlot bfl p.ok d h pricing suple boinj kept b-k fimu irsrUi, Rieaily reurjseollectioiia at Um Hontb.ai!d niaaea exchanires Tiaiiy liistsiwns. nn tlie North sesreesnd bii. I kuw plsnl-r,! meueh . 'iect!rtn,'who have bean coiflpallil to'send snor seven ,n.llirl!oirdiOiisir WBter.SBifiom tii W twafk'B ""to KiaT'TJl'MWaTferrH Wsfsirw-aw" llwdaiU. ummtr. It w a well known stI eriraorOinry rci ai. Mthatboth calton aad eorn hva fru, up. grown, run ned. snd been m'nenxj, n ummi j w r" '..iim Midline hero fl olunibn", t rf-airrom M 7c in M,.lnnu.rv.7aTi. I n"if e '' i ie"ln, iw " be a little better tbaa in Georgis.- At Apa!scliicola.i lor Georgia aiow-fr - - V " - ' The Fifteen Gallon La, r C1W iocMaa as:husetis. bus been repwited by the Legiatature. The law was passed irt.IP-"K anAwas. intended to , aid ilia trmperafice. caiii.All ealoof apirifoua liquors, in leas quantities tiia" f flrn gallon, were Dfohibitcd. , It dura mil awm' tn have been the -iriaiera, (the enemies of tha eaiiae ofteinperawe,' - alone, who hnfe made wai ojn, and finally eatwed the ri'peal of, the" " odiou Ij-v," as it wast termed durin the lnt elections; men of high standing, and exemplary ' linn uT, apjiear 1 ' to tmv put forth tir uriiiMts twiw! a . rfp 4. of-.the sri J and the last elections, in a good degree, turned on this question. The law seems to have been il.judgd in its operation. Little or no tojiirv to the cnue of temperance appears to bJ opprchun Jed ti om a repeal of tha act. . V. Orri, J ml ton arrived at Nudmlle from bis tour to New Orleans, on the 11 iust. The riiuuibers of the Legixlnture and tha chtzous of the pbire, wiihotrt distincliiin of party, fcacortod bim frum the boat lu the residence of Governor Polk, A Ft'ul Disratf, winch must aingiiliirly iin,d vio lently aIucts the bead, lately carried MT eightper sons wiiliiij. a f.,i days, in We neighborhood, a, Currituck County in this tat. Jj eeetp to baf fle the experience of tha physicians. . t , ' flovefnor of TitpnU Thomas W. GrW.a, Speaker of the Virginia House of IX-legntea, and who we observe ia termed whig nuilifWr, was elected Governor oHhnt State on the 11 th iust, after eight ballotings, be havingreceived e3 votes on the last ballot., Janet, McDowell, was the ap posing candidate ; tho greatest number of Votes be received was BO1 ; . Z.wwia. Vn perceievt tlmt Gen. Dawson, a State Rights Republican, baa been nominated as a candidate for Congress from the Baton Rouge district III opposition to E. Chinn, Kn. the pre. sent whig member ', t seeins to bo eouceded Hint Gen. Dawson will be elocled. " "H ';' " ; Cheroltfi.'A.ijk General Council of the Cher-" okee Nation, (now concentrated Wesinf tha Mis sis.ipti river) John Rot$ bus been chosen as their t roMiletil, or; Chief. . " Jlarriwn" Wtttg Economy ft'' -t appears that the RepuLliran L'giHliituro ol Imliuna have detected- -eefa Icat iona-; -in rwnjf -Hbe-U t- iTrriaott whig officers of that Statei Having held thoiujority there for aevnrnl years, they have had fine tiHjoi in feathering their nesta by peculations 4tn timieople'e .niotKijf. vv JJutV-Jha., Rpubli.cana mean nowo roust out tnese "xou irom tne po. litialmeal-lvlT: The Jndiananiilis Domocrat say 1 1 ;". T "fit. - -- - ... . :i VlM &ijal. mora' tiuafi ie jto'iMifln.jot.lbe? pie's money, has aitlibr beon miHiulerud, oa unccuiit- ed (or by tlioso wlihave had tlflr?ency in burrowing and disbttrsirig.''-Fet8Uie rooHaihtinding will badis- dowxl by (fie democratic brunch of tho Legislature.". ' Another pcfuuU. ly,a report from llid" joint select committee of llm Tnm ssee' Legislature, in regard ro-tbe (hih -School kuic a, ii appear that tlie late atsperiiilendaiit, Robert McEwing (a Harrison whig) ia a defulter'o the amount of 9143,11)4.40. It Mas a Rxpufllican ICglMntnrn . . .... " i. i. . 'li'.i.. V.. j t tnul Ororglll litis oei.oui io iiuvj na wo nuiinre the Harrisonitea have nol altertiiited o swear Mr. Mrnwtttg off upon 1he u ldco foco" party, as they are pleased to term ibe Republicans. rJ .- a. V.- The Rogv'e Cavgkt?W are pleased W learn tlint nur friond, Col. i.oa-,- boen advertisenieyi was itiHcried in our' last paper, hat recovered njs ma re e.uldfe1iiidnd oTlWeTTartphrthw away iltbe!il-'aefle8ite-aVC We-underalaud the rascal's name ia George W, King, and ia prob ably the same who stole a horse a few weeks aince in Fayetteville, as be Jtad in hia possession, when talteii up al Lancaster, besides Col Sloan's mare, Tiiia ia ihe p'uee. where our 'ongreasionnl sy- npusis thoutd be found ; but e have two roatnns for oot giving (t Jw-ji, tliere is iii' fittfo'df fnteX-" rest in the repons in tjie Washington papers,' that we do not deem jt necessary to attempt any drf. taila; apd Kcoiflthe crowded state of our columns. Mr. Cluy, the good South-loving Sir. Clnyintro- duced, on the 13th inn!., to the Senate, a petition, signed by only ont innti TnHPeuMylv Congresa to aopiiiu slavery, and moved to roter u lo a committee, w ith intructions to report upon tlie:ulij3 ij3ct. - The Harrison- pnpers are making great blow a If Kit a olilioa iulrudiieetln l'i'H, by Judge SuunderH, iliett a moiubr of Congress, from portion ol hia'coustitue.iit.1, prayjng tho atsdilion of slavery; but it-in, all right aud projier fgr Mr. Chiy note y prrfseut tba potillon of a vorihitn fa a(i('t, and ask Ctaigrcn to receive and emdor it I 'Mi e- pm tiers wooldheMt the peoplo Klieve, that hornileas ho i' ;okth Carolina conference.;. ;j . CCT Ave, regret luut itie lotioamg article was handed in at mi bite an hour as to tender its publi cation last week Mtipowiible.': Our aperwas near ly made up Tor press .heti we received it. - Xoftk Vnroum a?orf ncev The .Jorlh Car olina GiiHVteM?.af,tb.at eornmenced its amuiul nwnim iu re s bciu, ou the-s)DthvU4 and adjourned. on the 8th inat. The folloa mg ia I ha list ol ataliona lor the present year t llahijiH District, II. G. Lkioh, Presiding Fdder. Rateigk f, John T. Drame I Raleigh circuit, AL d Normnn Tor riser, Joseph Goodmon, P. W. Archerf Orunvitlt, l). Ii. Nicholsoa ; I'crton, V, P.. Prff r JitWoV narlwa Featherston ; Hilhboro' circuit, R. C. My erd ; SmuUktld, i K. oyner. Ainoa y. Jooea Principal of the Pro nareturV Department nt Randolph Macon Collego. U .-. .... ' . .. I I..L II "!M ' . U. U. tjurion, rtgenijior rvunuuips ii- isum-git. AVir6rr, Jauies H.'Davisi A'aota HUI, W.J McM i'ersi .Sr(loaiAvr,(iaton C Brown ) rJia, WtU. Earns j Sampson, Ilenry'Alaiugh j ... ... . . rri . . J . IV lopMU,i. va.yaeaaont i rev ana itcvpan, ,v. fCCobiroj j Struiti, Cullia Pndgeti ' Beuvfort, tt. D. Bumpttss. ' , . .. . laaarfoa) IHtlrirt, R. J. Cahsoiv, P. E. M'aikingtvn, ! ra T. Wychs ; Roanoke, John E. Edward i Torboro', John Tilled ; Ituwtouth, T. Garrard; Mattamutlfrt, h. II, Turknr; If'iM, to besupplujdl Acise, Henry Gray; J'orttnumtkand Ocroeoke, WMv.sn. . . Danville Diftrict; Piter Dora, P. E. Halifax, llenfy r:pecki Tntnklin, J,TV St Clair; i'Ury'eama. iHirtrj Kocungtont v WTurner ; Conx.'.l,i. A, Miller, J. Hauk.eup. m . - ,r: i --77.. i DanelUc, S. S. Rrvant ; Alhgkany Million, Q. Jtoyxler. lirei zri Ia Piiucipnl J.easburg Xca- -douiy. . Sttlhtmrtf District, Jahrs Reio, P. T. , " , "j Wrt.T. S:- CaniilK'll ; Shikrt, H H.-Tip-pett j A'Krry, T, M. Sluirpe M'ilkri, J. W, Iw ia; IrtJrU; W. M. J,ii,nn D.w'ulton, Jofhua HettH ; Sdlmlnry, Jnnim 0. Lumnlen ; Koircia, W. VV. A lliea tMclirillt, Thomas Jonee. Crr'Hiftim' Dixrrirt, Mosks Pmik h, P1. K. Gvilford, W. Anderson; RaHihlyh, to m sup plied ; CAuMam, R. V. I5il,b; I lav Kir r, IWI. Culbreth ;'PiWo',W. 8. J.diuMin; Orangt, John Rich ; Iluckkurn, J. 11. Alf ord. II. T. llluke sup. Aaent for (Iroi'iislHiro Femde (VdlHgni . W. W. .)Cone,' MiKsioiiary to Oregon. P. An derson, M. Foy,T. llurnum and W. CiaJocatcd. Next Conference to be held hi Morksvilla, l)a-, ia County, N. C-i January 27b, 1841. " K. .. roa tub sviarrcaa CAai.UMAt. , , GSN. HARRISON'8 POLITICS 4 f7 A I V. ' kks. Kditocs: I nercoive vmir noiirhhnra oflhr u Wakhnnu " are becoming more restive aa the proud v accumulate that go to identity their tlsrrisburg nomine with tho Vfedere lists of the oW War (orkaile order." Although I gave the evidence ara and cos in tho matter, yet they compNiin of "unfairneDa'!1 in my comiouiuca- tionr-Tbefjct ra,- Jlv the horse's flinr.liinir. J " We know the saddle's pinching ;" and it Is, no doubt, the trMtkpf tha testimony I adduced against Gen) llarriaon, that fnn-Af the Watchman so distreiaiinfly. ;., .. .- A new witness, Judge Burnett, of Cincinnati, is fi-i'.ii brought forward to tiweeviUenCe in bulislf of tho ac cused. The judge first lest iuVlo iir own rnmprhiia as a witness in lb earn, by xnyinjr, "i 'kmfntiruliiU honestly so, from principle;" and hoUira prorecils to swear to a certificate of clmrncUir fur liiui. lluriison, in Uiese words! "1 llirin, tnii snleuiiily, thai omlt r tl.o M adininisirsiioocTVVahingt(i,sndihesiltnhirtralinnof1ileMtiori to the Apotl''ry buainiMW, in which ho , . the elder Ad.ns, Viilui,,, Henry Harmon was af.rm, has W-n engaged Ibrthe Inst ten years, and may V ' r R ! . 11,9 f be found at all tirnaa either' C hi.iesi.lertce, r al . - . ..' . ... ' t . . .. X tl.di blii.n , wh.M La ..ill I..L sui.t nt-....?t.m .rf. - -i- li i Mow, Messrs; Editors, I will submit it to all (Iiiimv , eionsto people, if an M ftJrrolitt bo the moot cuuiuo- tent witnrHs to prove Gon. Harrinoti's rfpuiticani$i ( 1 It's too inmii like l-'iilsn's UMtitying to the troth ol the K -- Scriptures ! lint to givo plaumbihty to what Judge Uur , ncttsaysiu bulnll'of Uen. Harrisoa's repuhlicam-iin, it 1 Is allirmud tiiat noons in the crowd contradicted any ut "the" Mgf-ns$rrtmn$. Konv- my -witoi,-iltalltii, . JohniRnuuoli!i, openly charged Gun. Harrinit, nt.it tot crowd of people, but lo hit mcnfuce, in tho Senate ot lite Uui'ed States, of which they wre both ineuihers, in , 1W, tint " he was an open nnlou frunk suoportor of L the Sedition !aw and Hhck Cock'ule AdmiiiiHtratinn." So lint had tVie Wen'lliu Itasrilouht atKitrr tlm Jttftlt-ef the chsrga, thus cast into den. Hsrrimn's teotli, tic or lainly would have denied il on the spnt,and, by So living, - lute ihtottil the 'hnnl.-n nt pnjof oil Mr. KaiidoMi;iit -Tie did e.itdesy it; yr'H,-imnuir.-lhat,he pleM faiiy to Ilia charge!-he l.i.nlily ucknowleilgtj, that Mhu certainly full ecnjtimenis fnvorahle to the tlien Meral a. t, . .ii , j liirnioiMraiHui , m uiu juun Anauia Tliin. Uuin. tile?: ilie auesliou :(ien. IIsrrim luviii ackmmledgtd to Mr. Randolph's ciMrge'of i'jera'iuw'Mw fX',ii'fmla- there ia no use in bringing forward atif more testimony to prove ii uion mm. . ' . , . . .. llul the Watchman' autikwlird attempts to help Its candidate buTof the inu.l;iia but sua tne"old'genib riisn still deeper in the mire of Mural ism. Jolin Rau dnlph's charge, and Gon. HarriHon'scoarsstoiuonly in pnu u im was a toOursli.t in 'IH; wbervas, the Watchman's witness proves Ii Lm a federalist now , Judge Burnett, as lie himself says, and as everyone conversant with the public men of our country knows, always was. and still is, an honest and consiatont tedo- rnlmt thero a no vanableoess norstiaddw ot turning in Ann, and never has been: Well, why wall thissnxiely telL whv tttcti extrsoriiinnry real nmniiestod. ami so much eloquence displayed, by Judge Uiirneit,in bfhalf oi h's friend Uen, 11., unrea were be a strong coinci dence ol sentiment a strowse' of aiewa. an idtniiiu of, principlft between them f No ene knowintr thellrmueas j aiid.rojiWsfracy'oT thfi Jtldge public course, ese -fiir ari -v moment belioe Uiat he has changed hi politics: No; -frf--tii-"-TJ'irm-rf'iTaifa jiffllfra Iir jji- has been tor :nD , rlyjlily yeara, and he would scora to comproWIt hiyf - principles by an inli.nsts politici,r s-k!iation witlrtny principles by an inliinsts politiciit aOeition with any oni liol lmir sentimenta in conflict with hia own. ' " Toe conclusion is irresistible, then, that Gon. Harri son is a (food eiHifh "Jedrrali$t fur the Judge. " Hints of s feather fluck tofelher" and " men arc knownjiyihe conisny tbey kiN'p."' All teats, indoed, lliat wirfc5pTiI'd;"to Ui'B. II., Ilia luiililiioiits express fidhll ar'tn'W''f ifna, his syiupathie and ataocia. i iLhmiW;Ii prowl Iiuu slTo'Iuraru.I, AN CNCHANtiED REPUDUCAN. "t. f7rffW.CoVvsia eelling tit Jkig"jt'a, by fli Ihsi Bceounta, t from 0 to ej cents. In Charles ton, al 6 to 10 centaV Wo extract the following aa the l.rtest 1mws from biiland iu reference lo the price ol this article. It duftd, . " .- , - . MicRKsti:!, Dec. 84, 1839. " About 60 Coll on mills are nor standing idle. policy, The business therefore Jieuina to improve by dimmislicd pfoductmn. ioorgia Jaw Cotton in Liverpool eolls steadily alf1. The newspapers are cculaiiiig on a full lo M, when supply ar rives. Tbey cswider B.l. (ten cents) fuir reinu n rat ion to the Planter. "Flour atcady.ai 31 in bond. Georgia Journal. . "V yrro. Liftiio city of Sabine" (Tcim; three bundled and iuty lots word' olloreit, and sold for .50,000. , The tontnboal Putnam had cngngnd to bring down the Sulmio 4000 bale of Cotton.--Tho bill cloc r ' tim Lund Oll'ire waa lost ia the ttl(jmTOof ft5prt.-,iitsltve'f he W4y JmhF was ratified by Jitao sonate. aw. . , . ' Gen, Anayii, one oft the leaders of the Federal ' parly iu Mexico, ia nn old Cttiaon of ,the United Htatua. He aerved noiler Gen, Jackson at New Orloana, in 183.V , U'e wiah bim every auccea in hia patriotic effort lo form another" confederacy ol Sovereign States. lb. 4 - . ! .L.;.;Jc.WJf..iNatWBa.'R!6. 7P!1 of fra rmirtoiM wi aeeosed --,r4iaiigerHU ta tha unor lie of the people," by Mr. Clay in 1 SI J, how dan geroui ia that genllorhaTi'a 1te pKwitjiai rf United States ILiuk with a capital of ft fly milium T Tbata the quesiion. Ttnneur Drmtwruk Daniel Wrbtter'i opinion of H'aa.. Jlarri ton. Mr. Webster, when asked in if he 'ould be rdaeed n ilia aame "ticket With Gen. llarriaon, replied i " 1 canuol bfl guilty uf iny act that shall in tha remotoat degree, tend in tlie ete " vation of a man lo the Preainency, who ia jutilf, the team and ridicule of hi foe. Hid t!iB,ny urtrnai. ' Supreme Court. The followina; Opiniooa have boon delivered fince oyr Uf foot ire i 4 . w ' , .' Chief Jualtce Rrrns John Liinu i. Jhbn Mc Clelland, from Davie judgmeiil Udo'w affirmed. Nathan Stuart, jr. v. Daniel Garland, from Mirutt. Th ease must be Completed by filing Ibe trana "enpt f the record ef the County Court, refer ' red to in the caae. The record must alse be com. -pleted by inserting in it tha declarations. . J Jedge Gastos. John Cunningham p. John L. I JJillad, from Haywood ; judseoMmt below a tunn ed. Governor, to tbe use of Groea R. Lesseur, a. John Ir- and other from Buncombe ; jihljftnenl below afTirmed. Milton Browa . G. K Morna, front Macon i tudatnent below affirmed with coal. Judge lAK(tb MitcbqH Carter a. ricaant Hbick, fioin Rckinplinni ; judjrn'til M" i V.nn i d. J)rrt on dcm. of C'aiwell llarlmi and o' u r i. Joliu .S. Curmui ffnin D ine ; new trill. .WjU bain Frances p lihii.T. Felurent.Tr.iiii !!ayf4f iH'k'Dient bfJow Btlirnieil,--''. Rctt-ll'th. . UNITED IN WEDLOCK, -In this Coiiutv, on the fish insist by the Rev. J-.)hn I). Sch-rk, Mr. DAVID I.I.W to tim SOPHIA 11. C HIHKLL, ilaughter of John txirrell, hq. In tins ('"lint)', on lh fiih inslsnl, bv Robert N.' ' ' Fiominir, r)., Mr. ALEXANDER URAIIA Nf lt ' - Misa CAT.IiAUI.r.'(!KtliX . . Ill CutiafMis Con nt v, no the. flth ins'., by Nathaniel ' Sirn E.Mr. DANlrJL, .yCU'HOU loMuax UUL- In Iredell Coutilv, on the 30th nlt lr Andrew Alii. son. Kx., Mr HAMIJI'.L SMITH tg Misa ANN C SHIA., iMtiRtiterot dir. J. istunn.. - Near Hillsborough, Oramro Countv, N. C, on tha JKHh ult., by tho Rev. II. II. Proui, HAYWOOD W. GCION,- AUmney at I aw and Kditor of the We-itcrn - Who, K, nnnr of IJiieoTiitoii.'to Aliss CAROLINE IL - MOOKK. dnutrhter ol tfie late Alfred Moor a, of . ' , fJranje County. X ftAlL ROADmgj MEETING. , 4 .MEETING of the citiaena of Rowan county K is r ei-H clluiiy solicited, oii.'Puenduy eMaroh feuperior ttiurt, at 13 11.. at tlie t.'ouriliiiuae in Sa lisbury ; when several iddresaea will he viiade ou the euhjecf of the f Fayeltoville- and Wester R. Road." After which, booka of aubscription (ll b ojiened and an oppnft unity ollered to everr pa triotic cina. in I aid in this great euterpriao. , l ohreary L'i, 140. . ' - . ", '. ry ' 'ii tT. ..- a ... v . is. nccicx r UKSPECTFULtV' inlt.rma bis ofd frionda'amf ' custotnnrs, that io baa pcrnisncntly located himself iu Salisbury. He will give die personal, he .shop, where be wilt take great pleasure tp waning ujionMI who may give him call. y( V ff rflr At C. K. WHF.ELER return Their un- Va (elgmxf tbaiika lo thoir friends and customer J-epMiyJ'hyaiciafla.,a very lilieral patriiiagft bestowed upon thorn the past year, and in return fur thoir kindness and liherali' ly; are dotemiined to ami tbera Drug, Medicinrt i'uintt, iwef' than any otlief shop in North f 4atilina;Jiitt. Pkyaicjaaa;Sni,!t,Sl!1r -'?. JfJ" or bnv Dtvkt.Aicdic'wi, iiuina, 4,1froinTnietii," where the .price or rjaabty du tnt perfeciry pleaafl, . are at a!Hme prtyilegod to return Uienj inimeUt. t f ' ' telyUh aame price; they bold IieiHcV is" T:-:tz.vt--responsiblo; In all cnse, to their friends aud cue-'" " "" "V? tontert' for the"-ftia1(r of 4ry'riiclsj 'bey sell lIHJin.-T i IH:Jf W II UJI.HI 1I,T3,.PJ1 IUK lUll"3l-W vim " I - . ' s , ..I. ...1.-. ... .1 . ......... . 1 J-Crt ver, brotjlit intotbia ruarkef (and .aUthofe - who may wisii any flung .in thaw line, and litjvo the coA,tir good credit, thall "fy accommodnted , if strict atioiiti(Mi"Tothelr btisitH.sa, goef fffymc, rt, and low ViJt' cat dn .it.; One W both ef tbvtn -will at all limea give their pesonaXhiteniion to tlie business. They" shop will be open at all hpura for fbs aeflommndajion of the tick, and 'prescriptions -carefully niado up at short notice. 'Medicine and directions given tn' all cuaea. .rito conaultatioti and advice.of. Urrji"ng, J)rt rhiuglar, and J'r. Duma will b given wbou necessary , and the tncd ical attention of either abtained by applying at their shop.. The worthy poor, without money, shkll dot want for medicine lo relieve them of (heir af." fliotion. i : , fFobruary -V, r V .wrsvw. s iiniiun aiiniii"ni oi V': - t; . x '-Frb-aiMl-ilfiauln Gar. , , ;f den BEEDl iust. received" f6v- A LARGK'Aasortnvmt of den SCEDSa, just. receivedT , ; from tho New Lebanon fclia. V ' kera. catalogues nl wlu'ch can bb aeon at our (lore.) . Also, noat Oval PQjtes and Hniul Swifts for Indies, ' For aale by C. R. V C K. WHEELER. rTor S,To i'r-t!rB. 'trKivWHEfiLCsU 4.-taSstfi4iiSif3 r PViittit,a ti y . FOR SALE AT. WHEELERS'.-" Salisbury, Jan. 10, 1840. , ' t CPA NISI I. CIGARS, fin Chewinj and 8mo. f kin Tobacco, AT WIILELCRS', - f Fehrtfl-r 4uV- t '" " ; . 'pEA8, Wines, and Spirits, for medical puriiOses, ' f for aale by , C. U. & U. K. WHEELER. .8alwburv.reb.il. 1940. VLAIUlt. Assortment of Jswelleryj Knives, Pencils, Needles, Thimbles, cVe.r Can ir) bad very low, at Wholesale, by calling upon . 7' v; c. n.t& c k. wheEler;- retinianr at, iu. rim joarnr.ai CHn3 Barouches, TCI All with Ilarneaa and Norths, crrr matched Uoraaa, may hes bad cheap, by applying lo : C. P.. t C. K. W HEELER. Salisbury, Fvb, 2U 140. -... , . i. .. ., -. 9 rkXR: ii U:S MimSJA Lii)N f- freah :Mpf ; V luaa, ColJ pniased Caator OiLApjiiy to ..V O.B. At C. hf W II EKLEK. 8alisl-jry, Jan. grm0. lite Iboro' Drr u iiorw, mt.i. xi .rt.i thar,rrV"fVaon at my alalde to 8nlislsiry commencing this day and endiug tlie 20th of June next. For Pedigree, Ace., aee band biiia.-' ' ..-'jl l R. w. Long. - N. B'Mareasent frni a distance will find Lath ' iTrgVTTtirjnig.-ni'fwswII net lm rsinnsail. umlnr , any circumstances, from hia alable' in Salisbury du ring the reason. - - K. . i. February 2ltW.-t7" ' r v MATCHLKSd SANATIVE, 'PUIS invaluable Medicine ia for solo by the. aubecriber,at MtUedgevillo, Montgomery co., N.C. W, E. WRAGE. February 81, IMP. ' - . r oVvtc. . Buhscriberiaa on hand, tor Kale, a I his buop, in Ssltsbury, three first rate Rood Wagons. . . BIMKON HIELICK. December 6, 1$? - At '4