-r J 4 ...4 "f "T tiove pvWi ofreai Ul, t'cr d..)!.irat'y ta les tug one or two of ii a in ,;o, di4 beat out the trioof the others with an axe, v.'..Lch ba lad errted with him f.r the burDose. Hivtnj di-apatchsd but victim, th wretch piled their bndiea iq the oud.Ile of th fl r, covered sen wita rew, which hud been previounly pro 'cured Uy bta, awomplicea, and bating act fire to bean audj Ihh hoaae, returned bona well ploeeud wiun in aeeorniioo he had wrought. We are eorry to amy, that the circumstance of Ki tragical eyynt are greatly aggravated by the 7- W, that th tw bo) a were Mc children if tkt -murdertr, and that a tu promoted to tha hellish Wtd, by the desire to rid himself of the liability of providing ft their support It eronrtd in evidence, thai one of the fcoyt, (a Jiille folio v about lour yMr old,) alarmed at the . c&urder of bia mother and grandmother, might the mourner around hie lex, end implored him in yrteoue accent to prrt hi life. . He had ocareely - uttered the request, when hia head waa eevcred from hi tody by a etnab blow. Wr regret toateto tlwt the murderer baa awl Jwn apprehended. Hie accomplice arc in JaiU- ,., jsanetwff ro.j Reporter. u ' . .,; , .i. jjiijj i'ijijuj .j.avqweMRN CAPTIONS OF THE LAWS touted by the General AaremMy of Jftrtk Cure. ' ,. limt, at the Seetian ef 1840-41. ' PUD L1C ACTS.., 1. To prevent tlia catting of timber ia the Rivera of cneroae county. , . ;,"- It To e-cure title, and grant juried ictioa to the Uai- ted State over a tract of land oa Body'a Island, for the piirpu of er!tinff a Liiit-lIouM. 3: Tu give kjnir time to register Grant of Land, 4.0 , in tin State. Allowh 2 years. 4 To repeal ao much of the Act of 1829, aatboriaing mejuMtcoeoi irenni to purcnase lanu and erect a Poor House, aa eoaipele and land lo lia witbia 10 luilreot tiiaJCaviIR V ' V ' 5. To etiauge lite time of holding the County Court ol Candi-n. ' 1 N 6. To amend the Act of 1814, providing for the elec tion ot a HutfMiratc lor the Iowa ot Wilmington and t other pttrroee v " Tw rnfotote iHe' time of rioldmgth ftoperinr Court of hiawo. Directs the next term of aaid Court to ewmmer.ee one week earlier, and bold two weeia if Dec asary. . . x - 8. T amend an Act entitled aa Act concerning the 'i U Govt fiiuM ol and Tublie Buildmga, Hrevide Vt the ticmitMteiit ut an Agent to take cam of ibe fublie HuilUHiira au4 public erounJa 10 tne nty ot lil.-itb. . . a. To abnttth the Fair bvkl at or near UuH Hill, in k.cluikud enunry.. ' . ' 10. To autln k- A. R. ft. Ilanter of Cherokee coat. ty U rniof hia bridge. , . v )l. To eptdite lfl pmeeaa. , ' IZ To compel at ilitw UOcera to bold their comma hia 3 year.' . - 13. Aii)kiainff the Governor to appoint an Agent in the'cuuuUee ut Macoa and Cherwkee. 11 Cnncoiiiitg Juror hi Yanty county. Allow ; T-Vn-T.tii per day and two c nta oiileajre to aaid Jumra. 15. 1'roviilini? for the election of Declora of Pre d. nt and Vice Pret.dent of the United (tale. The f iectwo hrreattrr ta be brld uo tlie firat lionday ia iNoveuiber, inl8d pt, n aecuod Tburaday a hereto. aVe directed, ia the jrov which tbey are now directed tube brld. , , 18 Kepealinff ihe Act relating to" Public Road In Buncombe county. V a 17 A mend in; the Remwd fttatnte, entitled "An Act concerning Hu fmert. Proidea that horeafter th - CiMiitty Cunrtt may orderthe anoka of the Regtater tu t- kept at aapeeifted place; and may also compel . th-- Ueiater tu atteiMl M bimaelf or depute, eae day in ( tijteK at tli (wrt HOiwe, for the transaction of pu"lic b)isine, and lor failure thereof incurs a penally. IH Tu lay ot and-rtablib a Count by Ihe aauie of Stanly. F.rpcU a.iid County out of the Suuthern ptwn of MoutxMry, the nrera Vadkin and Peiiee ut ing tlie b'lv'Mtitig iiue of aaid buuly and Uontgamerj -iCwuiiliea. m 10. To make Electiona uniform throughoot tlie SS'ite, &.c. Directa that berrafler, the electiona for Membera ot tlie General AmeeitHy, Repreaentatieea ia mCanrw "thaM DaitedMtateav'' Gotefnof'eftaw tSt;e, SifnlN, t'lerku ot the Coanty and Huperior Hri'rhitll he betd m alMhe-eourrtiee et ihe-Mtot, itu the lit .Thursday in Aupurt. la the eeeeral yean which aaid electiona are now directed by. law to be hnld, onder the aarne prmiiuuM aa heretofore. JO. To incorpiaTate the Iowa of flemlerwa, in the counijy (it Granrilre. '.. ' ' " 21. Tor the " rVIiwf of the Wilmington and Raleiirh Rail-nd Company. Directa tba Treaanrer to enuoree -the BW 4" Momfmuf M 4WWWC,aml p loJ.'u the Mate hr lira () nieut of the aauie, onder certain 2i loetilarfrethe tnnrtaof the town of W erfeefturn', ia Anaoa county. Corporate limit horeafter in extend 4 mile each war frurn the Court llmee. 21 To aluca apart ot Iredell lo Wilkaa county. JUuDm a tewaue t ws4 ia lrani-4 vaea- Si.' Omcerninc the cllect)oo of finee and cuta fnxn free negriiee and fr-e pemma of color. " 25. To irke th.- Totaty Otart ot Chemlee jur'wlio Ilea over the State Road ia aaid eoaota. ' 'M. ' Tn mialtiie Kei aH Ktatuteaconcerninr Pilota and 1 4Humieaiiineia vt NaiftH 4 Cepe Fear River. , 7. To amend the Act layuig od a Road (row Borae "yille w t, Tmaeatee fine. ;v ' .21 To Uy ofl' a new County by the name of Cloave- Und. Lrecu Count out ot part of Lincoln aoJ Rirthert. rr, ; 29. D.rixting the eonreya'nee of the Commroa ad joining the bwn nf Murphe) inClienikee to the chair nana of the Couiy tourt, upja the payiueal of SO cento per acre. .3(1. Tu regulate the Jury ia the county of Burke. . 31. To amend the Act concerning the Election of Grnir I'roruit'i Cr imire rrrtun rrtnrm ' A' 'Tu !itv rJf new (nfinttr h Hia mLtna at. . ruJ.Caa deck i!oa4.atnki well LrftU tu tttiity out at parte of Burke am) . 31 'o amend the law concerning the foe of Coro ners. Allows t) i lia- each inquest, and authorise the Coon'v Court lu make aiWauce for burial expense. &L To lay off a r.d d.. o lite Blue Ridge from the Yancy I Jne to Turkey Core Crock. Apprrjpriater (Jll ll, notviiletl the citivna of Burke and Vancy will veiiml ajUU in labor or nnney oa said road, and the a)l,(HKI tu or paid when th Commissioners certify lo tlie Treai-trvr, that tairh expenditure he been aaade. 35. tiivinj to Cbcrukv County a tSupermr Court of Law aud Lquity rj, To fepm an CiMitmittee ot Finance tw the county ot Richmond, 37. l o amend aa Act passed at the laat General As e,iibly, entiikd Aa Act to prevent obstructing tlie pikpa;e of Fih up the Pedes and main Yadkin rirera." IH UiviBif lo liie cuaiily of llendursua a Supers Cimi-i ut a and luity. . 39 l o reneal, in part, the Act enliilod a Act eoa c "iii.j U.ils ttmlk, and l'ronitmory Notes,' Fixe in r t ; ot'ila uaea at 3 instead of tt per cent. 4' r raiie the inn of holding the Court of aii- H urler teakmii of UitcUn county. Di- cie timt they be held ou lb firat Monday ia Jane ox Ueceiuber. - , 41. To protect the intereat tif Ieaom Exdmpt f-oia ei-cut M-.ii or lieu of any debt until the end of yrat, the crop or yummy of grain that tb Leasee a.res to py hia landlord 41 To r ueal an Act of 1S31, I, giving exclusive ju i at Moure. I "twihciiiai to the Superior Cuurts of Moure. . k it For the better regulatma o the Cot i ! of Cuniberland. Auflii rita a majority tA '" 'Juiftieesot the ONintv to elect ai.nually fix County Court f t the acting .. .11., iv... . . I themetve a Xprcitt Jutiicr. alto ia to receive S h -yper day. every ilev that he may attend and bnld Ihe , ft fbuurt d Pleas and Quarter rvMunna, ty be paid by the i nly Tru-te. . k'4, Toapiend the Reviaed .Statute ntitlwt an An ng tne ayattiirtfrt ,rt Ouird.auiv and U oiatiijemcrit ol Un iua, and ttmir Lu Ja crania onuet to the Kuper r (VKirta of Law and Couria ot I'leaa and Quarter teeawne to commit tlie tuition and cnatorif of the Orphaoa to one, and the charge of tba LaUta to another person. . ii. Providing (or reatriig to tlie riglita of citixen aliip, peraona cooictul of iotamoua criuea. - - 48. An Act aupplemenury to aa Act ptased in 1839, chapter 30, entitled an Act to amend the liMpectioa lawa. InflicU a fine of $100 on any Inapector that in apecu aaw-mitl lumber by any rule or rulea diiiorent frfmi lltnaa Drerihid lia the liutaeelioa Uwa. VI. To amend aa Act pa we J at the laal aeaaloa of . tho Ueneral Aaaerobly entitled an Act to authorise tne making a Turnpike Riad ia tlaywond county. Tba eapital atork ot aaid Company to be fl,000, iaetaad of giOUa The Road to coameooe at John & Alluno'a , and roa th moat praclioaUe route tbrvagh Caabar'a Val- key, to Uia tSouth Caroliaa line 48. Hakinc aa anpropriatwa mr oompieung we Capitol or the State. Tba approprwlione are aa fue Iowa: i2,UU(J for completing the two room aeeignea lor the Supreme Court and Library ; and the two rooma demned for the Door-keepew and e furniew mg with proper caaea and Oniah tne Ulnce aeeignea wr the Comptroller J frtftl.OOU, with intereat front the 16th day ut November, 184U, lo be paid to the Band of tho Bute or norm uaroiina, to pay op uie ououa aiaen ny the chairman of the CotHiaiwionora tor r building tba Capitol ; 9J74 40 to pay the eoletaadiog acaounta for articlea tiirniahed and labor doe on tba Capitol , 49. To aothonxe the laying off and aatabliahing Turnpike Road from Laxloo Lyncba,ia Rotberlbrd, Said Road 10 commence at Lax ton Lyach'a thence along or near the Hula Road, crowing the Blue Ridga at the Hickory Not Gap, to tlie widow Hail'a, 50. In favor ol Poor Debtora. Exempta fmm Exe cution to every person having a family, one Cow aad calf, two barrela of Corn, fitly bounue of Bacon, or Pork, or fifty pounde of Beef, or one barrel of I'lab. Thie Act tn uke effect after the firat day of aext March. 61. To prevent free peraona of color from carrying aWerma. 1 OX To amend the Revised Statute entitled aa Act lor preventing of frauda and fraudulent cooveyancea, and to reoeal the third aeclioo thenx. . S3. For tba aaUbliabment and better regulation of Cuuiinoa He bonis, ProvHlea that the oeU aaoaal H CiHne of the Literary fund (exclueive of moueya err ama- front the ante ol awama landa) ahall annually be ettVibuied ainona? the aeveral counuea of thia State, In the ratio of their ttt.tr ml population, lo bo aacertained by tha Cenaaa aext precedina? each diaUibution, The Uurwol Pleaa and QuarUr fWaamaauf tho coanltea whwb voted for acauula under the pruviawoe of toe Act of 1830, al the firat tern wlncb ahall be held alter tba lt day of Jaaoary in each and every year, or at tba eocceeding term of aaid Court, a majority of tba Jua ticea of the Peace being preeent, ahall appoint not leaa thaajbe nor mora I ha a lea aaperintendeata of common icbouia, Tho ehere xlt tba Literary Food to which aaeh county may be entitled ia to ba paid to tho chair maa 01 the Board or He per in la ad eu la, aad a tore tuca diauibalioa ia It ba had, the payateota which may hate beta made to tba eoantiee aoder tba Act of ItfSS, ia to ba deducted from the chare of aaaj eouoly, aad the exceea oalt paid over. Each couaty, by a levy of a lax, ia to raw oae-belf of the eatuaeud amount to be received by aaid count far that year from tha Literary Fund. Tba board at eu pens lend en la are reouired, wtthia three aioathe after tbeir appomiroent, to lay off their countiee into ecbool dtatricta, ia auch wtia and a xe aa tbey may think aioat eondociva to the conveai eaeoef the lnhatoetor aaid eouney, with power to liter tha boundariaa of aaid diatricta. Ua the oral Monday alter ibe expiration of one month after the m id achool dwtricU ahall have bene hud ofl, the free wl.ite mea ot the aeveral achonl diatricta, who are entitled to vote for Mem be re ot tlie General Aeeembiy, ahall vote by ballot for (Area mea to ba entitled the "School Committee,'" and whenever tha diatricta fail to make an election, the board of aupermleodeoU ahall appoint the "acltool eouimittaa," who ahall continue in office till othtr are choaea at tlie next annual election. The aclxol coiiiniilU-ea are to contract with a Bailable teacher for tbeir respective diatricta for each a time aa the moneyf to which amid diatricta may ba entitled, will permit - Any branch of- Enelmh duoalioo may he tao'ht in aaid ecboole; and all whita childrea under, tweuty-ouu yeara ahall be permitted to attend Ibe the aclHX.1 of tbeir district aa ecbolara, Tha chnimran of tlin board of auperintendenta to gwo bond aad ae curity fur the faithful application of lha runde which may come lo bie-handa, in aucb penally aa the Court of flea and Quarter Heaaiooa may preacriber Provided, however, that when the chairuiaa ia repaired la give k.,.1 mm l..ua.l k. k.tl Iw. Mttuwert trt peTaiM fmm tmw myfmm, H.ynn j. --.7 "" ceuL of the muoeya which ahall paaa thraiirb but hand. TheSrrttrtlrV of the emmtiee Hr which a meiority of the voter, under the pmviaioo pt toe Act 01 were for " No tSchnot," ahall give notice by advertisement ia every election precinct, wbeo they advertise the next election lor membereof Congreaa, that an election will be held to ascertain tha voice of tho people opoa tha xnbject of common aclioola. "Tlii Act ahall not be aa coustnied as to preveol any county which has levied and collected a tax egreeabiy tu the provuioneof the nh atctidfl-oj1 the'-Awnf IrSH frorrdrewwg irwaao Literary Puml. at any tnoe before the let day of lenihe'r uexU the amount to which aaid eouoly ftiay be enuiied. I be tawcheraof any comraoo achonl shall be exempt from performing military duty, Working on the roads, or eervingua the jnrj,bilt engaged ia leaching in said acbooll, U".."I 5i Fixini? the time for noidintr the Hunenor Court of Law and Equity m the heeewtb Jadiewi tkrewrt. 55. To enable tha Coniiaismooere of Raleigh to appoint TruateM ol tba Kci HoaptiaJ Fund and to erect such Trustees into a body corporate aad for other purpose. 50. eiippreinentai lo Aa Act Meted at IIM pre- sent eeestort of Ihe General Assembly entitled Aa Act to Uy off and eaUu.ua county by the uaiue of C lea vela nd. ' ; 57. To autboriie tha making a Turnpike Road in the county ot llerideraun. Capital Stock 12, 000; lha Road tocoaimonca al one ewitable place on tha B inr.otnl Turnpike Rood between Green River and lha South Carolina Itue, rwuMng tbonca In lha Booth Carolina una at or near where tho 'MPBtft!!!" 64. To amend the Revtaed Etatale entitled an Act to drainlhe Saanp Landa of in"! Sut and lo create a fund for Common Schoula.' 59. To regulate the measurement of Ton and square limber and saw-null luhiber. 60. To amend lha 59th Chapter nf the Revised Statute entitled Insolvent IXblor. 61. To repeal a pari of lha 18 h Section of ihe Reviaej Statutes entitled an Act concerning ibe Supreme t 'ourt. Take tb duties' of Marshal front lha SberifT of Wake County, and give the Judges gppmiuLiioL-gupxflxufl Court pweLia-Jppvinl ihcir oa- Manlial. 62. Relating to Vagrant. 6.1. To provide lor the election of certain Mill, lia Oilicera of the 5th Division of North Caruliua Miiuia. .- ,: v. ' '. : 64. Ti alitor the lime of holding; the Superior Court of Law and Equity, and the Court of Plea and Q i irler Seewon fiir Ihe County of Carteret. C5. Altering ihe mode of drawing Juror lor the Superior Court of Rutherford County. 66. Concerning ibe Superior Court of the Counlie of ii)de, Nutthamptuu and Davie. 67. To altar the time of holding tba Superior Court of Law and Kquiij for Ihe countiee of Ca ber rua and Mecklenburg. Tb Superior Court of Cabarrua lo be held oa Ibe 3rd Monday in Febru ary and Auguat; io Mecklenburg lliu 4tb Munday ' in rebruary and August. . . 69. Concerning Jurors in' Burke county. 69. Supplemental to ao Act paaat d at the pre aetri aaesion of the General Assembly authorising lit Governor lo appttint an Agent to collect Ibe Cherokee It-Wide. Instructa the Treasurer to take t rareipt from asid Agent, giving the nemee and amount of the obligor un aaid Boiid. t To amend tha" If" .1 fl! spkr of IW He-I ...... i '.Am. r... I tie I f Viae j niaiutee eniuif i en nn m pi .! cnlli-ction and mana; roetit if a re, cm tor thia State. Reqmree SieriGi when they make their returns nf Taxe enllerted. to include laXM col ler ted on unlisted property. , 71. To purchase a l.ihrary. . Keenaeta the knmial annrnnriatinn nf .100. " 12. To author ihe mnkiny of a I ompian Road from Gatea to rhe Chowan Rjver and to in I enVporate a Company of thai purpose, ;CPJ'' Block 14.000. . ". 78. Tn amend lha Revised Ft attiten entitled an Am rnncnrninw last Wills and Teataowmta. K Quires thai after tha 4th July next that Willa ba- outmth ins Perownal Estate tn ae exeruieu wim me same formalities a are required in tna axecuuon nf Wille nf Real F.Htate. 74. To miftilata the limo of hnMirig tlta courw f " J. mm A nf Rutherford and Cleaveland counties. . 75. To nmtaet ehnrcheo. k . 70 i o nreveni me irarraoonmion m mn" ..... .. -i . -t.i upon Rail-roada, Steam Boat, or Stag foachea ithoul written nermiaaion from their " owners. Penalty tSOOl ' M '. ,. . T 77. To amend aa Act entitled an Act to toenr Borate tha 14 net h Carolina Central Rail mad Ofll nanv. Rnaeam tha eaniral nf t2.0O0.0A0, and erantatham. a ennilal of tl. 000.000. for tho mir e " . r- . . m. oneo of rnaetmaT a communication dv nan man front soma point at BeanfrtW harbor. to the Wil paington and Raleigh Rail road. x 74. To re neal an Actaentitled an Act lo raaeal in part, lha 18th section of an Act paused in 1624, authorixine tho making Turnpika Road in the county of Buncombe. 79. To aecurfi the Btate aaairtst any and every liability incurred for lha . Raleigh nd Gaston Rail-road Company, and for Ihe relief of the tame. Grants lha romoany tha faith of tho 8iate for $300,000, tho President and Director ol the com pany giving bond pays bin to tba Public Treeau rorj aaid bonde to bear intereat at tha rate of 6 per cent, per annum, whiet interest ia tn ba paid aemi-anmmllf, tn wit, op tht Brst- Monday in J.n yary, and the Brat Monday in July. Th prinei. pal sum secured by aaid bnnda lo ba p yable one tenth pari on the flrst Monday in January in eyery year, eommencinr with the yedr 1845, and endinf with lha year 154. Said bonds are to be eianed by the President and Director onder lha- seal cf lha corporation, and made for any anm hr aom not nnder one thousand dollar. Said bonds to be Ira referable by the bolder of tho eame, and in every such transfer, tba outatandine bond tn he surrendered lo and cancelled by tho Public Tree surer, and a new bond for the same amount to be ieeued to the entitled to Ihe name t iVori. sled, That before ant of the id bonds are deliv- ered to the company, the stockholder id the ame, holding at least ihree rbarrth of it etnek, nr on failure of any of the etookholder 4 sufRcienl number of other solvent persons, who may subscribe in such aums aa they may think pmoer, ao aa lo ammml h all lo ihe sum of 9500.000, ahall enter into hood, payable to the State of North Carolina. covenanting end binding each one of the obligors therein, severally, to pay and satisfy tn Ihe aaurf state, a part, proportionate to Ihe number of aha re of each one , stock, end to the soma an subscribed, in aey na or damage that coma to the Stale in raoeeqiieom of the endorsement by Ihe Btate. of the Bonde. lor 9500,000 under the Act ot liafl. Any Stockholder residing nut of ihe State, and not owninr sofRcient real estate within lha limit of the Slate lo .satisfy tho ammnit of the. Bond hereby directed to be taken. W ehalT be required to give good end sulnciettt security, wilbin ihe limits nf thia Stale. , The Company are lo accept the benefit of this Act within twr month from the 15th day of Jan., 4941, nr it is lo be vnid and nf none eflcct. The fJnwnany am In execute and deliver In the Governor e Deed nf Mortgage, on vering for the Ose and benefit of the State, all the estate ,real and persnnal belonging to the said rjorririny'rW Sutr ;fjr (rje peyn "'"as -a "a ' .j L J' " af" if. ll.. I oi l tie Honoa autnortxeo to e leawi- - m. inurv of the Company to pay the intercut on these Bunds, lha Governor ia lo apply to the Superior Court nf Wake county, for aequeetration of the receipt! for transportation oa said Road. Secure Ihe Rjtil-rod arid eaginee and other apparatus Dnceary to ilo use, and all the lamia and houses 4 and ether tialntwa aajoaging sWihCnniaaay from execution at the rnatancanf enycredrti private "Acts. 1. For Ibe mnra eonvwniant admioiaf ration of iustice in the County of Burke. ' - 2T Fur the rnore convenient ad mi mat ration of Justice in the counties of .Warren and Franklin. Direct the Court. when it drawa a Jury for the. neal Court, in the same manner to draw five Jus. ticee, to hold aatd Court. ' ',. 3. To fix the location of the Town of Ilender- sonville in Henderson. Gives the power to ibe qualified voter of the (louse of Comraoo iu said County.' . 4. To incorporate Orr leidge ia the county of Beaufort. , 0. To irvorpomie ihe Tnnteee of Hopewell Academy near Stantonaburg, in Edgecombe county. 9. To incbrpnraie a Light Artillery Company in the Iowa of Newborn.. 7. To incorporate Ibe Greeuaboru' Guards ia 44ia awwatywf ajrwlfordr1 I 6. in favtir of the Prioct' Ann and Kempvi!le Canal Companie.,- I 9. To incorporate the Ti uatee of the Athet ille Female Academy io the county ol Buncombe I 10. To incorporate the Concord Manuracturing i Company. Tim capital of aaid Company ahall consist of not less than 930,000 and not more than 9100,000. - In case of fairuie of ami Conrnany, Ihe private or individual profierly of the Stockhol dera to the amount of atock severally owned and held by Ibeei at the lime of atwb failures, become resnnnaible. t f .-'fo Incorporate tbe RaleifhMechintc'i A auculHm. . . '' 12. To incorporate the Little River Mannfactu ting Company in tbe county of Cumberland. . " 13. To eataWiah 4 Female Literary Inalitution in the county nf Robeson. , 14. Tu moorpiirata the liglil lulantry Company in the town of E 'mton. , 15. Tu incorpbraie Cross Creek Mannfacruring Company in tlie county of Cumberland. Capital Stork 940,000 with privilege lo increase it to 9140,000. Private property t the SlocklioLJera lialua lor ihe tkW of Ihe Corporation. 10. To divide the Alilitut of Aibo county into liiree itegiinenta. ' 17. To incorporate Ihe Stock boJdera of the Boarding Houae of the Aheville Ftiutikt Acndc my. Capital Stock 910,000. J 18. Tu incorporate Ibe Saliabury Manufacturing Company. Capital ."Hock 9300,000. Hie private property of ihe ahare holder to the amount of each one i atock liable for Ihedeblsof Ihe Comitauy. 10 To eomoel Ihe Militia OlHcera of Mecklen- burg lo drill ibree daya in each and every year. 20. I o appoint Lomraieetotier tor the 1 own of Kbaaaaville in the county of Duplin. H , 1. Toinccrporata tlielownofA Seville, in Pu omlie county. . . 2i. To provide" lor the better government and . .. ' r -i . . f...i.i.m tn liert regulation oi um ivaa w mmon -' 23. To rerel an Act entitled an hetJUng Ihe County Court to pav fc to cerium Utl.ceie .herein named fur a respect the county ol Kan dolph. ' . . ei. in 24. Toencourrge tne qeatrucuo'i he cunty id Ilavwood. r i ' 25. Tu authorize the WeldonTinl Bridge Com. t pany tn. auharr.lw their 8lotk lo the rort.mouia and Rinuk Bail road Company end for other purpose. . . 4 ' , . . 25, To incorporate the Fairfield Academy w tne county of Orange. r L ... 27. To incorporate tne town oi ' - in Ihe County of Rutherford, ' ' 2. To incorporate the tieaver vreea iu i.'-e-!.; Ctimnaov in ttia county of Cumberland Capital 940 000 wn b power tu iiHireaao to 975.00Q. Private property tiawe tor ina v-wp"7 " 29. To incorporate lha Truatee of the Ubhhi loatitute Academy. -: - - 80. To anadrpi.rale the Kembrie Turnpike Com pany in Ihe county of Cbcrok- e. Capital atock 93,000. Road lo commence at Murphy I the couuty of Cherokee, running the most practicable rout to Ihe Georgia line al or near Amo Curtia . SI. Tn incorporate Ihe North Carolina Land and Mining Company, Capital 91 000,000 Charter for 50 ye.ira. 8tnckholilara liable to the amount of Stock by them leapeclively owned. ,' DPuititTiriNa . v . eVMW ivi'mi I. In &vor nf T. I West. Allows Vim 959 47 for service aa CJerk of Ihe B ierd of Comniiaaion. era for rebuilding the Cap tl "t : 2. In favor of Mark II. Hill. Allow him 97 20 for carrying writ of election io supply vacancy of Hon. Willie P. Mangam resigned. i 3. In favor of C. L. 1 1 in ton, Public Treaturer. Allows 9355 45 for Treasury Notee counled and burnt by Committee on Finance.- 4. lu favor of Jaiue Erwin. Directs Ihe Pub lic Treasurer lo euapend collection of said Krwin'a note given for Cherokee land, now in litigation, til Mich suit ere determined. --v ..i- , 5. In favorof John 8- Reasevurm. . 8. la favor of J. L. Smith, of I lay wood county. 7. Ju favor of John Davia, Sherd! ol Lenoir county. - '.II- ft. lu favor of J. C Turrentine, SlierifJ of Or enge county. ' " , i. 9. Authorizing the removal nf the Map of Ihe Cherokee lands trim the County of Maa lo the county of Cherokee. 10. Directing the Slate Librarian lo prepare a catalogue' of Booka of State Library. 11. la favor ol R. Woodeide, Sher fl of Bruti. wick. . 12. In favor of Saml Terry, SberifT of Rich mond. ' 13. In favor of Priscilla Goodwin. 14. Iu favor of Ttne. Faieon. and eighteen otl.fr clerks of ihe county Courts. ' 15. In favor of Ihe Executor of B. Daniel, late AiljUiant General of the Htata. Alluwa the balance nf hia salary from 1st July to 12th Sepiam bar, 1040, to hut Ktecuior. 16. In favor of W ra. Young, of Macon. 17. la favor of Travis hi in.. re. 18. In favor ot Philip lludnetl, laia Entry Taker of Caswell. 19. In favor of J. R. Siler and I). R. Lnwry. 20. In larnt -Iaaac-41uuterr a man of color. Allow hwo-io-jiuau. lulheMiile.tlart,ila 21. In fuvur of R. It. Davia, and oilier Sheriff. 2i. Directing the Secretary of State to depna. ila, in bound volumes, three cuftie af all Iba due ument printed by oidi r of the General Ass-rnMy, in the Library of the Umverniv for safe keepuiir. 23. In ftvorof W.- G. Lamb. - , - 24. , IX reeling a loan o Ten ThiMiaand D-dlar nWaheoreay 5ofletrT fiut.jcart.lbe Preaidual.and Direct um of aid lnnilintioii giving" good aiiuaullicieiit "Bcirity for Ilia same, lo be appmved of by Ihe Preaideot and I director of the Literary FuuJ, the intern! on aaid loan to be paid annually 25. lo lavorof George E. Badger and David Swain. Allowa Mr. Badge 9.500, and Mr. Fwain 9500 with intereat from ihe lime he return rd aaid sum to the Treasury. ;;lfclefiUlfg:Hila dice. Directj Hie I'uldic Treasurer to proceed Ollice. Ut recta J tuathe sptudy collectKHi of all the Bond or Note, row on bie in ma oince, otner man tlie t.hamfcee Bonds, and the Bond given by the Juatiee of Haywood county fur land to that counTy jwuelia-' sed by ihe State. 27. Relating to Comptroller. Allow him a fee of ten cent on each and every certificate he may mireafier make to the Secretary of Slate on pay mema made mio the public Trrawtry for entnee of Vacant hrA, the perann claiming ihe Entry to be respMisible for theseid fee. f. ' ' 2. In favor nf John B. lnve nf Haywood county. Gmota212 cre of Land iq aaid county, 29. Reepectirig the re opeiiHig of Roanoke Inle( ReqiH-ata our Seaaior and Rireerniaiia in Con. grwas to use their uJrouet eienitma m pecaring from the General Government aa aipMpriation la eflit he rexipeiiiiig ol U.iaiKilte Inlet. 30, i. In favor of O rge Lmle la Raletirh.Jliti!2? twettnhirTreeKr 31. I favor of John I. Brigjof Raleigh. -32Wwlnr-f K-lwerd Bef Orange.--93. lo reUlion to the public Domain. 34. lufavorof J. N, Crmhv. 85. For repairing Governor residence end tne furniture. Grants 93,000 to repair l'ie Governors house, one 91,000 for the purehaim of any furoi turn which naay he rwoetiry fe tb same. 88. Io fivor of Dour K'-epara.'VrAllow then 95 ettrx allowance. 37. Relating to the Secre'ary of State. 34. Accenting from Ihe linn. LI war I Stan'y 39. To pay certain contingent expenaes of the General A eyemhly. Amount 915 69. . 40. In favor of Alexander and Ben). Morrison. Fnr distributing ihe Revtaed Statute. 41. In favor of Wm- H'omacli. 4-. Concerning tha Hialun tif Washington. Granta permisaiim Jo Mr Fraxier of New Yoik to expcrinaml on Ihe remain of iheHtatua of Wash. ingtom provided he dona not remove said remain fmm the city of Rakiigh and shall conduct aaid experiment at hie nwo expense. . 43. Authorising Private Secretary of ihe Gover nor to employ a servant for Governor' OlTice. Limit ihe hire In 9H a year. 44. Tn authoriZ'- the (Joveroor tn employ Cmio ael lu defend Ihe Idle if Ihe ptirchaaera of lands in Cherokee county. Limit Ihe pay of counsel fo 9300.1 ' - 45. Directing the Pub'ie Treasurer In borrow money, A ut hoi i tea him to borrow a sum mil ex ceeding 90,000 lo defray the expenaea of Ihe Hima Iroiu.lhia lime t ill t lie lat of November, 1842 ; the money lo be borrowed from the Literary . and Internal Improvement funds, nr in default thereof, front any el the Barfl in Ibis State, ( political cat. , in of l!e (irexent year, by me eli c. lion of Governor, Courieolloi, Senator, n(LRi p. rettentative in the next Conerea. All the Ktatea except nine will have elected their Uepreaentiyea in. the next Ciingrcta tx lore ins nmt day at r..ay next. Tboae are Rhode ImIuikJ, Alabama, Tennesaea, n Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and North Carolina, which elncf in August t Marylnml, October rjj Misaiaaipin, November lat end 2d. Tim above gtatea elect 6 members. iraAieT' Rfpubli. caa. ' " WESTERN CAUOLINUN.; Csf3.20331faiaVs.K?ftr o.:' " Friday, Jminary 1841. FEDERAL WiyiJGERV UN MASKED. The Republican of North Carolina who were last summer cheated into die aupport nf, Whiggery by lite cunuirf) proiniae and doceitfut profesaiona' of Federalinn, must by Ibis lime we think, begin ' lo open their eyes a little, to the true character nf hard cider " rcforiucra.'' We laat week called the reader's attention to the demiaiatration of Federal policy, made by this rcf irm " party of our Legia. , rlsture, in fa w of Mr. Clay's plan for Ibe distri bution of the proceed of Ihe Public Laqd, nti, the asaumption o( State Debt," a pticy; that if carried oul, tanet inevltahly impose epue) th people of North Carolina, a burden of heavy taxa. ' lion, lo pay for the txlravjaganr of other States. The report nf prce-diu,! on tbeir passage, wbicti ' we puhliihed, did nnt contain a very important amenduieni nflcred by Mr. Card well. We Cad H reported in the laat Standard as follnaaj " " ' - , . i -1 ... i " Mr. Cardwell offered tba following amendmeal aa ' an additional Rcsululion, to come ia between the first aaJ second ; ' ' tUmalttd further, Tltat ohuer tha present pec. .' alary eratwrraaanvrnt ot tlie country, Ihe beat Interesta of the Union require that oy more revenue should be collected frnrn the people than m absolutely aeceaanry to defray the expenditure ot ao economical edmiai. tratwa of the General f overnjneaL' ' r " This waa the amendment. ?bal think you of il RrpoMieaiist Due it c-it a in sound doctrine T V Should there be more revenue collected from Ihe people, under the present pecuniary embarraa. menlaof the country -or, indeed, Sny lirr than ia absolutely tieceaaary to defray lb eipendu ' lure of aa economical admioist ration of Ihe Gene. rl Government f Certainly nnt you answer, and so say we, but n4 an did Ihe Whig reformers of ine legislature oeciae;iuri I. J Tim question being taken urnn the amondment ! ii was rejected ; yeaa 47, hay a 64. " , . r Veda - Mews. Barns? Bmeermen, J. Bamea, E. . ( Barne. Bifgs Boyd, Broken, 0. W. Caldwell. Card, i well, Chanibeiv, Ittckaoi rjtBn, fjinelt, IVminfeJ iiramiH, wi.tc, uu'hif, iiajaiirta, Herring, iicHiaau, Ihxverton, Jacoli J. & June. H. Jonea.1Cerr. Killiaa. I. W. UnerMangam, Mawey. J. T. Miller, W. J. T. Miller, Munday, Morrow, Munroe, Neat, PaUsyxmH. Powell, Regan, Rand, Reid, oulhvaa, iHinga, F. Tavlor, Tornlinaon, I.' Walker, J. Walk and Zigtar. Any. Mean. Allen, 0errirtref Bo II, Buyden, Brannnck, Browr, Itfimimett, Pryan, Dnrnt, J. P tldwell. Carson, Clegg, J. W. Covineior.. M. Cot. .wHrwMasaat'faYWr t'mnttrfa.'-'fJwfr j.' X Cilliaav'"4' D. A. Grahara. G rami v. Graf. Gevtber. HilL II..IL 4 IhWgiaiam-JWea Keener, W. jl Um, l.irij, .Mendenhall, tl P. Miller. , McUenahan, McLtnghlio, Mclarm, McMillan." Paine, Patton. Pemberton, Poindekter, Pope, Itoctor, J S"!Ivr.!!!l,h' iKz 1 M:.?lor. Whhahuran J.jnt IS - TrX' Wll,''. ivJ""W f WiUm. W'.Uk r , VV'idaworth, Ttiompsuo, and Yoang. Thia wn ibe vole SV which ii was reierled. ,: nmlnient contain nothing which he. petty ' will. admit to be objeciiounlilc, but simply, affit what every houeet Democratic Kepuhlican most . aaaeut to at'onrcihaL lha people should ne be taxed beyond Ihe wanla (or ao economical ad mini. tratin of Government I yet tbe Federal VYhige have declared by their vrrfee on Ihi ara-ndireni, that we ihould it kwtd farther, than is necessary to furnish revi.oue lo defray the expenses nf an , eomumical administiatioa. -' ' What waa the uaceaaing clamor nf Ihe eooV. . skin orators shout Mast aummer f Waa pot the whole burden of their enog of the extravagance of . Ike Administration and the expenditure of the Go vernment t Tire, they, were lor Harrison and Relorm," economy and reduction nf expeneeis nd askad to give lhair aid lo efpict something of Ibis, we find then voting eruinef resolution at finning trwry loetrira they were so noisy in professing. What doe llii mean f Tbey p fee before the pcojija to be npnoecd tot TarilT, and in favor of economy and reform, they pt to the Legialatore and vote for ihe adoption pt e we. sore-that nwet inevitably entail' the burden and corse of a Tariff on u again, and enpna a reanlu. lion, ileclaring that the people shonld not he lased I for a sorplua revenue This conduct endoubta Uy hypocrilicnl in their priifiaaimia, and made them only to deceive; or that their vice on tlie necessity of economy aitd rt forni have given place lo the opinion, that extrtivngance and taxation are the true policieaef Government. In either caee, they are unfit lo legialate for a Repnhlica'rt people. The truth is, the Whig went again! thi amend ment on princple, fur alihmigh faithfully in ac cordance with their humbugging professson, it is in direct opKwitimi to the well known doctrine of, iheir.ptrty. The Republicaoa have always helJ, and distinctly avowed ill doctrine here set forth, that no more revenut should be collected from the people than ia absolutely .nocaaeary to conduct ibe Government economically, they maintain, that apart fmm the mirdon of taxation by which it il obtained, an overflowing Treasury iaa great evil in a Government of our liirm, leading, m avoidably, tu cxrravaaatice and corruption. The Wbiga, ali-l Federaliai. on the other timid, gi for baity taxa lion by Protective Tariff, In raam a surplus fund, for lha purposes of Internal Improvement, of B ink aer A . . ::::::. i . t 1 7 7.7 .