i t I f Mi , 1.. . chairman of thi Gitnm'ltos'o Finnftce', p,Tcchhify in Uie latter p rt of ihe S i, tW iney hup either increase; neio Nutiivnt d'h bv iiiiciin : loan. or mike too t" higher. II" a i.l furih'r tllll the expmi blur ! l..iv-inui'i! -n Mild h b it!' twenty eight milluu of iJolmrs amn iliv Ir it in t'la 'iwiiitv ol .entity Hiiuj, ho the " PuMK-Mti" fl niiMHTHniH nf V.in Hiren wa denounced' by wVr-'jtrr.rtHjfmicit mid roriuptioii in rxpwvhns 21 nnlluUw Siiminlfy, mid hern we see their grunt inJr a nn m the partv g-ta Into power declaring lh.it the whig ettendi , turee ill end "nht l atii iijiit M twenty tight -'',n,Hi,HM Wrvit d.rilie tax paver think of this kind "f ' efuw'ty nii ef ro f ' We must n serve for another dnv an account nl IheyinVs trouble anxiety expended by the Clay whig, ! eclieimng and planning during the latter Dirt of the Seewnn to u hod Cairt. TvlBr." and 1 force him to sign a Bank charter for the rehof of tho- ajfiniitfd people,. C" A trier.d ha furnished aa tlx- follnwiny account 'of the 14 grel dinner " Itiely given in Mr. Ex-Seere-' tiry Bidder in Raleigh, no but ft urn from holding office it Wahintou City. From the,opporiunitiee which the writer possessed of knowing what wn done on Hi occasion, presume bis report of the feaslj mil be correct ; course, e knot nothing about it, except from report : . DINNER A r RAI.ElG;l.TO T JE. IIO.W CEO. E , , BADGER. " 0 1 Mr. Bidder's return from Waahin.rt.Mi City where h had been enacting the purl t Secretary ' of tin' Nivy t'r a brwf apnea of tiiie--a'ioui aa oo Sinch fiij md Governor irt the Island ol Hi-nuni :'te F Jural Wings of llileigti re reived turn will "i1"" aruM, aid guv mm a ihn n-r. I' if duiiter wa crv"l up !! the E,iciMl C"!eV llji'dntjo. a'td thi R il-h R-aiad-r V it va"a apteinlid nflair u-iie ol ,.nr fn cab n, corn p'ic, liHnl ruler dot il'i, tm a rn.il geinlninaii'a rliniMT.' ' I,iteil of h'Miirmj the I cabin, ihey muiicred m ih lotty edili ;t ot brn-k iuid mortar, ioled of druikinit hrJ fi ler to' put their tweili O'l edjie ihi'V qu'ilfed i)rkliiiK UhampagtM, and Ift.irio iod M ideira, I taleart of " green (fourda " -.iiv.-r & .nlt, and dimii Mid ciit-flaaa adorned the tilne. i ll red tnir well aiiared viaaga :o "red nei(vr" t vre, but caper mucc, and! . p'C'' d 'ilie i-i pro'iHl'tn. l!i e nii; ''is "i 'hi iiiertinj occanrtrt cor pxn i l-d wnn tm auinptuoiM entertiii'iient. r i -f. were ire-..-ri no h i ne p'iil coat, nor 'he j f .H tnt w tr- -f r'Vhl44 MMn to think ( nut ' F''iin-' an I M.-ch itii'-'e' iniike a (t',M' i en ''iji'i !i.' i' t hi' I n ler e i nkin rvelini! I or 111 v of do fn Vnirch tfier canoe un orv land, -or iiji roll "51 1 a a' wi, but wii!ii jenUe ! ' ni"!i Winj; m"t lojfiliiT at pliuJ atTdir," , why the i th- nive ruiiV fir the viiin com i in Hialry, or na the ji.M"" ia i'ie a-il. j i ih.' Ri l-r di'io-r, rx a to cahin, nor a -t vm kin. o.r a c0'ie oo iei., nor a bu bill j aa lo be aem but lucre vou mifht eee late Carriage. anl cli'iernijj Bir'Hii-hea Mlling to and fro. bv d .a'iw Te-e v"U niant aee the G-iolfh broad cloth a'limiia in the. Am, and the French 1 . ilka neiln'jj n it"t ti'cra u. anon, you t nofhi m-a tint tUtttil the metropolilao h$2-ry , aaeble4. All IH hoa tae H lT rnca bet cn a Whig j fi't kff trt, and iie Mfirf r.-ctiMM. - We I, f t "apleulil 0.r ftel on. F2T ' tn'ing lo IV h m r aet lory tif Bad-r and Wnig rer, uufil ! c xiM e-lt Hi oihre, the fpij Inenta were K'ni'f d ok. and I ilti-n S. and the caA wiia rem "l : nen c ih inr " tu'd war kWt.M&J&!"4 ""a treat ami -q i ireij biota- It f..r trie real In .fimrrnif l' tin ik'o Iimi ttaki tt .ie 'lip nnmg emiga ot-.lii"r ciear in I ak'i.oiff n" '"8 iJ-'tnoerale. A m ,a iv-in. Iga fn t t la-nnnmiil yMiJn4b- R tleigh RegKer, i vlilur hi ielf beioj a 'tar !icipatit, tlwy had a etirrmg ii ne d it. Tn drariK, aaiin, . p tuKfl anil . . a-u .id JVuin three , yrWlt;,irnnT'in(r4ielvlitr theT'ai, f iwn 1 1 th- ll,ro of ' vtp, can-lift and iua'tfgi " T-mv drank ild Tv" into il-aven, inltnev drank od " T " into i ttte other jili'.-e. Tae 1at aonj lb i. wa anna .'HJ.PrrxA. aioo came I'rooi 'lie Preeideitt of I be fi-aat. Mr. Oiarlee Maoly ! la an tM fin'ie if Secreiary liidger, and when aiing bv (he Preiient in bta " inimiUhle ntanner'" waa rvcitd wih rapturMia apftlauae bv the whole ro.npotiv. The Maine id' tbt favorite aong ri, II.Niey and Muitird," it tuna aa followtr 8r Jerry (So-Nimble waa li-ne of a leg, , He-e'iiWa, hMlidile ie,' ' And my Lidy Go Nimble bad kfly one pe - For a very old lady waa the," ite &. r Her thia delightful and patriotic ng had bee.t turorrJ, and anng over two or t! rep limei, the hole company diperej, and w i jgerd home, all of them aa funny aa cootw.' ant aa awtpy aa Lord. So ended the " apen1td alTur." , lln Kbrmhtm Rearee. When Mr. Rcncher waa elected over Jnnathm IF--r, we gave the Federal ht;a joy their iranimthin. e now renew our corgratnlationa, and are happy lo pve them tbe igr"v able intelligence th t tlu-ir Uio- na 'aiMla lt by (p tain Tyler, and o, r.Kirnc, gxK "ai, t 11,-ury Clay, the Juggernaut nf peih-nlwit I :i.a if v.-ry well in Mr Reiidicr, an t taken in connecJuui wiin wveial ol hia Vote t .lle Kxt.ra Sei ,n, ho il.iuily tnat he ra trying tn get nut of bud annually It a exceedingly! liiikmd hoA-nT, in t l.i.e wtm nipte. Mr. lUitcln-r t atrr.ng'y against Mr. or'h. a man of their own 'I prine.plr. -tow to accuae hnn Willi Invmg iatrrrfl mulivr 'i.r adlienng I'reaidetit Tyl- r Tliey in-I unuutr that a Mt Kenchrr can Iim no hope of rcr j sgaui bring returned tu Congreaa, .e niick t Mr Tvler w,lh ill- biino uf gelling 11H0 iiiie lucrative . rIS before long. Well, ailipie tloa should be I lie the cao 1 it any mom a cri.i.e 111 Abraham to bunt j otT.ee II. an all tl.e nthcr A'hiis in Ihe htnd ! Why ha t he not a good right to gel oine ol tin- plunder a the I real ol ihent ! 'I lu-rs were nine llu-uii. , nine bun- ' rlrl, nhd nuietv-niiie applicant lot Sen. Ilarrnaai be j flae he died, iuclielmg Orator B.' r, ami lien Kdney ; and f s the few I'tfu'e 111 the gitl of 011 r lant lgiela-; ture there were some hundred by nhould not the Whig Reiireo.'iitatue In-iu tin Ihalrn t a-k lor s slice s well "Fvther William" or any of the ri-al of tlirm' Thi charge is altogether iiialisiilslils. II Mr Renelier can get an 1 Ifiue, let him have it in the name of price. ' .4 C,tmilimenlaeii Hint. Some till.'is of tlie ami in O.iio a few weeks ago, simiI !r. Clny a j large pI'Mh. winch Ihoy icpi. -eul na hemga very good mm. Pitsaihly Ihea rm.il waa h ive ftlleii si mi pluri to givu Air. t lay hint o wlml poinn nf hia friends Inttrt signified to linn mucli liinilid li'Slotv thai il wustiiiie for Imn lo lonvn nlTliia repealoilly iinaueemaliil cli aeuller tin: I'n-oilency , IikI retire tu the pursuits of an agricultural liln. Tli New Btdfoni. fMasV Mercnrv nnred it narti- una thus, pjat betiire Hi cleemm : lt rrrry rmiiil ffetI ercry irAer wnre-, trvH ttwrrhy t emr.-" " I feel, myaelf bain'd, bf the defvinp rrtanner of th ar-fu nentaadvaiicel in theiipport of th e newal t Die United Mtatea Bnik charter, to oltey the Drnni dut.e I owe to my country end ita Cooatiiutinn. -make.Mio elTStrt, however leetile, o avert the paaaag. what appear to me to be a moM unjnatillahle law." What ta a corportiontuch aa the bill eontem platen 1 t m a apleniM aaaociation nf individuili in ken from the maw of inriety awl vented with exe.i.p lion and aurrounded with nninunitiei. By whnnj i thia immenae power wielded ! By a bKly wlw, in tie rogation of i he great principle ol our inatitutiona, re portability to the people, am amenable only to a fc e'nckimlnera, and they chit-fly foreignen." Ilnry ay,Hll. Ho Mr. Hay thought am ip-ike in lll, correctly defining United Stea Bank Corporation aaa -ipbn did aaoeiation bf iaiiiua vetinl with rxunp. firm ami r-urrpunded with immunilv-if - wielding an iinrnenaapwcr, irreaponaible to the p--i.ple and erne nmblr only "ttt frw ttackhoUm, and taey cki'jly fur eigntrt" Huch alwava haa been, and alwaya will be the character of any United Htatea Rank 'rpwaon that can be chartered The directora are amenable T i hit-fly to fttrtigntri and for the benefit of foreignera will they manage the concern, unlea they lollow the track of thin laat one in manageing it aolely for their own, and then blowing op with a haw to the communi ty of inilliiaia So great a change ha come over Mr. Clay that he haa been for yearn, rtrlving to eHibliah oneol'theee epleadid aaaociationa above the people and the liwa in thia counlrv. and now, hia folbwera and hnnaclf are attempting to hunt Freaident Tyler tJrthe deaih ( C'tneeienlioukly acting on thvao aentiinetita of Mr. Clay in I'SU. Q3 AnMkrr Gmaai. in iht fitli. Some of our roaiinra in the country have probably not yet heard, al though it waa published eevrat week- ago, that the reiio vned Uenernl aeoti haa announced htinaelr CanJidiie lor he next Preaidency, " in atiawer in miny Icltera, from a many different Klate." The Ictur m charactenatic ot the General, being both long nil mil. It contain thia aage extwaition ot hi " opi nions" in ateaking of the Extra Session and ita in. tqmtoua doinga : If I had had the honor of a vote on the occaaion, it would have been given in favor of thn Lanl Pit trihHlinn bill, the Bankrupt bill, and the aecond bill for creating a F'uteid Crporlunt Having long been under a conviction thai, in peace, aa in war, aometliing efficient, in tha nature of a UHr4 Si of flunk, n n a only "neceary and propir," but in.l;penable to lli 'ticceaatul nperaiionaot tne i reaniry a wen aa lo ui iny want of our commerce and currency." Thia will do to acute, hi chance for auccaaa if he should be nade the "available" id whiggry for ihe next c luteal. Alter modestly c-rii nending hia mil iary twvirca i t the laat war, when, he aayi, he waa the "fiuigeit in the presence of the toe," he wind up by Iht obiigin a"0t to the qitealiun, it aeoina, uf bl " mtny loiter, from aa many different States." ' "Kintllv, I am aeked, if noniiiisted aa a candidate for Hie Preaidnncy, would you accent tha nomination. I hrg. Iravt to rrply rrpectfally VEd." Thia haa keen called by aome. of the paper an illus tration ot the old table of the aaa kicking at the dying lion Mr. Clay, tbe lion of whiggery being conHercd pi nearly dead, that even Gen. Scntt venture to treat bun with ao ine consideration and ruapect than lo kick at hi preten-iiona to tha-Preaidency. No wonder that Mr. Clay thould denounce the election of " mili tary chieftain " a greater cu'ae to the country loan "wir, pstileiien.-and fkuime;" they have at least b"en the death of bis-most cherished aspirations ac ve ra I tune. But it la vastly a4maing to notice the comments of th Whil presa oa this notsbls letter of t sbacriba tor thia jooronl. It was Commenced in Oenersl Scott. Soma openly say that there is no July laat, aud wa have seen on! s few ot His first nura chance fur Clay, be ha been loo often defeated and it bera, but these abound in useful snd aluaue matter ; would be perfect fboliahnesa to try huo again ; these think a IHjle f military enthasiivni might be manu- ietnri Mr w.t, snd tneremrt incline to mm aa tne " areiM f while others net knowing what will turn ap hereafter, haiHlleWie Ueneral a Jetter as cau- twusly aa they woold touch, poison, nut bei- g exactly sur whst toey any bav to do in the premises -yet This saoeement u( the tlong" GeqersTa is anvhow eririVice ntiiartorv. that whnreers haa been hloon OaMjftti'ltretl to the winda in leas than oneyeer ir.t- ii T3.-L?m t1."irr-'"a REPUBLICAN TRIUMPHS. - - u.m u. -incr-ii, wun.n inr. ifpa-iiiiiifiT told ua laat year had rolled over Ihe Union, and isinns. lie great ana goon cause 01 me tonsil tuii. f . qual rights and the People, is sweep- ing ovt r the land victorious, and almost unrewKed bv Jhe dtamaved fitrcea of the Bank nd monopoly pary. I ho electiona in almost ever' State have reaollml tn ihe triumph of Democratic principle bv : ' I . . ft .' nvernneiniiug niaionitra ivainr, ivrar iintna $kire;Xfr York, New Jerbry. Penn,ylr:,i,. Mi renad.GVor.fin. Alaboma, .Wi..s,rm. Ark,,, f.rid., Milouri. Indiana JlUmn Obi,,. Muhi raa, Wist ..! low, have declared by ..m- t..;.-. ... . I- ..... .1 -,.ti inn. lim. jars aw -aa wmn.v a aj j wiaa a . ssaw w - Federsltaun to rule Avar them, and all these, now swell the victoti.aia IV-mocrsttc rank. Tne work of the Kalra 8ea-aHi opened the eve of the de Cetved enple, and heboid ihe rcsul ! In lea:tto one ear the Federal iortion ot' the whig par the advocatea f a National B-iuk are left doli-aied, helpleas, and prostrate. Ko imtch for the Extra Sosaion and Uie "reform "of whirry Retignalioni tif Crmgrr$imr Since 'Jis drape- rate rout nf whiggery in the late Georgia elections, snd tho triutnph of Uie leinocritic pert v, three of the whirl rcireentsttvca n't list Sute in longre have r-n;red theifhcats rir-t, Messrs Alhml and .ecbit retired.and u. n.. iL.,l.r.iPJi..u.i.r. ""'"7"-" or, h.a follnwed their exa . p e and resign, 1 he ft.- vt in-r na ordered s special elect n lo nil irieir va cancies, lo take place on the 1st Monday m January m-x. The Whiff have noimnaiel a ticket commm-il , td" Menera.- Gilmer, ergacrry, and H'neAr, to fill llieir places. I be Democrats will run Mers. to - quilt, Wml, snd Vonper, A nni a wornler. The legislature of Vermont lian Uuls rslutcd ta intlruct Hie U S, Srnilor Ir nil. that State to line tbeir exertion to obisiu tne charter ot a Na'tonsl Bank Tina 1 encouraging to Hie Clay taction 111 tneir attempts lo " ben.l " 1 apt l y t-r. Rrrntiiiimt in trxtco Arvo lr revoluiioii in Vex-1 ico, tl.ni ciMiniry of revolution, Imh raised S,inln Anne; sjaui 10 the top of thu wheel lie 1 now 111 the Pie-1 s:.!eii!isl cluir. Th impordisce of one rotr. I: ia aisled that aa many ss eight or ten of the member of the l.rgi!a ture,' st the. Isle election in Maasac'iusctts. wero j elvcied by a majority ot a Single vnte. The Hon. Clemont C Clay, II. S Senator from Alalnin ha resigned hiii. The ream asipieil tbe noceaiiily uf iouding the winter in Cub, on ac count of the Ute of-his family' health. A rumor lis liee-n in circulation Dial Mr. Adam inteudud to decline a re-election lo 1 oiigtefM. after the xpiralion of hi prevent term. The old gentleman on hearing it, say trial he intend J to do 110 mi. Ii dung, but will servn a long as hi constituents clioooo to re elect Inn). So wo tLmight. - The Bank Presidents in ,Sw O-'oinaai a late meet ing fixed tm til' 11 November, H' tor n ri-Huniplirm of rciH pay meiila prov.iie.l we (.reuio ', llat when the day come, it aball I.e alt igetlier convenient, and they nny inider 11 "cxpetlioni" to b-igin the honeiti rjlachiireji? nf their liabillie, '. - lie D '0rscy every where, ia this year mrned ,cn,,n - Tinrr Trpawnw tnrir-twht"! rwa waav-atfltw ' UeaR ef H&Xtnr &;rem -.fii aevaral whig pupii. wo ha e noticed ttiia lieaiiing to in article r counting the robln-nea which have rieen coinniitled ttank anl bank-tliievea in the laatynar, It ia very .,!rly written "krtutirt of the banking lyatetn, ot it iaan w unkind cut" from whiggery at m owa gnimate ofl's)ring. What I tteatinf tnillhmitn one arriha krauiiet of our unrivalled banking ayetem, tncli tbilnraliam m eheriahea, and ao euraea the de nociacy for deairmg tu correct. At tin rata the bank igue may aociu cry out" aavo Die I'roin my fri'nda." ' NEW TERMS. ' , i' 1 Our terms on reaumin are a little dilTorent r,-,-e vhat they formerly wero. Old' aiibacrttier itlenae noticu lliia. And we beg reapnctfu:,.y .o aaartre all, tiiat tlioy inuat and will bo atrictly ad tiered lo iihut deviation in ftvnr of any. Tlioae, therefore, who deaire tu take a pier on the ad vance term, rnuat pay it idea net tba' is, im mediately alter the receipt of tin number, aa we will certainly charge, without exception, at the rate ajiecifierf,fterwarda. The muacribera wboee car had not expired at the time of our euspenaion, will, of course, receive a paper for the balance of their unexpired term. , ' - ; Wa intend in aa abort time aa we can procure type, to make eome improvement in the appear, a nee of th Carolinian. THE CO.NGRESSION IGICE L APPENDIX. We are indented to tne publishers for sets of this valuable work fK the Extra Session. No other publi cation m i present loads. of the debates in (xtngress exci-pi una I'ti.MM who desire to see and preserve in sccuratc r.-:irt ot Coiigremional proceedings, with ill apeechtaot riteuiliersof both parties, should by ill means poHet dieruM.vea of it at once, as tlactiespnes Isees it witmn reaeti ot every una.-1 he terms st which Ihe work for tne Kxiri Session, aud the present one ire otf red, arecertaiulv very low See I'roHuectii on Lis page We Itoj many of (be Democracy, si lea at, w.il mrn-cr.b- tint tliey ipsy be enabled to hnw from th ' J .urnai", what whiggery did at the Extra Ses sion sitd uat it will uo the pr esent one. A NATION AL BANK. It is well for lite liberties of tins country Uwt aa Hie extract b-loar cxpresaed it Lud North mistook Hie means ot cmquenrr .Norm America, a be did, for judging by ihe hiatory ol tbe Banks we as- Add 1 tlu-ir extensive briliery of public men in high places, aud their general corr pting .i. nuence n w Deyona ennjec lureihtt the plsnoi .Vlr D -mp-ey would base beenmoch more, elfectuat hi bringing the Colonies te submiwtion thin a r. Hurt to force, such a was tortnntUily made. Die tVloral party nave alwaya been trying the other " niens," aud a.e still uing all Uietf etCirt lo elab Iwh s "Bank of Kugiand" to "regulate the curren cy," and rule ihe people. Duane's Weekly Aurora of April !il, 1"1J, sfl'ya: "Mr. Detii-wey, an English member of Parliament, st tin close of ths Revolutionary war, said; "Lard North mistook the ni-ans ot connuering iortb Amerv ca. Had he rata bl tslieU a Bna of E-jglaod, ailh se veral, mdlxms capitil, it Ph itdelpliis, he never need li-ve aein sn army thither the thir-esu Cdontes Would have been aa eauly managed as Jjinaica." JOUR OP BANKING. We cunnot too sir-. tly recouimon.l to ottr readers it rt has t atinued equally g.l, it is well worth taking an t preserving, ao.i this is asving much for any publi cation niw-adaya. f ruepectn ai this page. , - - s Some l.uimtiont.-Kmaeuemt! on our first nirre miy b tound a corr-p,nleuce in which Mr. Tyler m r ar ss sa thing or two, we think, on a.he Uank rjuesiion k "e 'nfit of Capt. ft.tls snd his otlier headers." mf ""P"' ,h kmta in their next asssionof (Aingress to "head" his Ki- U,e W 10 Congrees areat-gint.ingl h h..lui.r - I .ant Itl.r. th ha nn-lta Manila U ly be. beaded themaailve, whiggery, and, their bank Let thera burn, hang, and drown tbe Cap rr again, in all the little Fedcril towns, thia iMM4 revwoea for absiav a wmHMl, . .... .. . j -"0raa met on Monday laat, he 6th. We : expect to receive tha President' Message in time fsur fmblication net week. Snow. Old Winter bat been intruding himself ...... . n J. ,h, raHter "indecent Ue."-- W ' ' "MW rt ,r,n " " b " ",M"' " to I'"'1" '7"""'" J 'y bel-.re !.. the 28h N-vember -the e",u,M' ho-vevcr. little more tl.au covered hr. 1 Wh notice thsi it travelled the rne day as Isr ; North as New England ; tolcraoie di's jour iicy even from thia region; the depth of snow 111 llariivrd, Couu., wa, at leaM, 14 incites that i i.uht. 8. nee GcaerI Scott's snmsiiiccnient of himself it 1 I candidate tor the Presidency, .1 r. Clay w probably Jbu. j ginning 10 incline to hir. n!d npimon, that tne election I of a Hilary chietlam " would be a "real " curse to j the country." ' There are, save the B .s'uii Post, a great vane- y -,,f Wniga about now aoaia. 1. CIjv Whros. 2. Tj,r Wings 3. Wrbnier Whin. 4. llardi . ... V 1 uder " i.ii. 6. 1 eioperaiice Whtg. 6. Bunk Whllia. 7. Anll ... !.w m. rr a ...... 0. free I'rude W hii 10. Whigs pracncahlt? 11. W 11, g iiiiprai ticsble. 1 J. Go.mr il Ansthv' ; -tt igv wint-JrTiiiupleie -the- cUxeei, wubtsjl eMitt loir mi tne itcott H tug ; fhese, however. j may tie c.uiMile.ml the some as the Hank WhiK, lor tin ll.iim hijjs stood Ilia icoll during tlio 10,1 j Siatve of II ashintw). We dad the pleasure 1 to day of witnessnm ' elevation ..r OuKKXefuu e ,,(lUB Maltw ot V asulvctuM hi 1110 rot.ut .0 ol tin' Lajutul. M4 a Ui ua iiiipuiwimbiu aa In lanio, and ttio C apital it con-.-ciui $, ntiniovablu. Then mny ours be iiu v viiloi Uie Kt riml City, and our I'utoii w itli-.o eed. Ihe statue ia tiui,..t, uLlime. naked n.iiieatv. ia kiui.M , ulilime, naked n.iiieatv.! A tirtek. tit' Ihe i.n.r ,.i 1'uiiiri r u..i.l,1 i..Lm m I lor an Olyui ii Join t u coital, but thu tihe ! ncss is nil i.n iy ,,n l ived 1 1 The iiuie i-. Miin, ,.ud naked tnthe waist. Aj I mantle im n uoioms irom thti nndilie covers the loni'r p i ; ion 01 tne body tu the lect..--6Vo6r. Tne lirmi' Jurv , it this county, at thepreaent eii.'ii, lute uiH'ie 4 terrible rdl.iling among the dry hdics id rc.iliy. I hoy have I'.kio.I bIkmu fuiv i'iilictme;,:ik,i;ainsl lurnk directors lor usurv, md s. ko w 1..11 how inntiy aituist other. Go alie.id l-' iuiii.'m Smiinrl. IiJuimrnt.r. Wj lentn that the Grand Jury of ' L.i (mIc county have loitud a b'll agnunt ilmpreM-1 de .1 sod direClornol thu Rm k River lluiljoad (Jout j iianv for sunt lm.', in the emission uf litis winch' ibey cannot' aud' never, intend lo pny.- i.hlcitgo oLosrors Aj?rr) trov rnesovTir S1XTV THREE INDIANS KILLED AND CAP ' . Tly'RED I , The St. Angus1 ine Heiald gves"ihe loUowtug pithy account of the expedition. ' , Brevity is the rdml of Wit, We publish the following a Hie wX h'dlrtin f;oni Florida which haa appeared niM-e the. var commenced, It ia an extract from a leti.-r ol Capt. W. D. At Wade, 31 Artillery to a broiher ofllccr in thia city, which lias le-ea politely fur nialied to ua. We copy H verbatim. "1 have no time lo write a lng Utter auffiw ' vsy 1 am pleated with the result. ; ' . apitulalion t : ; Killed, 0 warriors, 2 bovs, ' . t; 8 Prisoners, 14 warriors, 18 wnmen, ..V , Brt lODoys.lS.rls, ; I'- 25 . ' . -:-:-' "; ao Destroyed, 20 canoes, , , Captured, 13 rifles, , nr-r- i2 powder horna (well filled,)- 7 " any quantity rf. balls and wrLhot, and as for prn visions more than you can 'ell. Pinup kins, coontie, brsm. Ate. A'o loit vn my pari. All returned well. The Indians were rend for fight,' and aery well prepared.--IIsd 60 men (of 1) and K romrmniek, 2d Art'y.) Lieut Tiipmas and Ast fiurjteon Emerson accompanied. . - - Hurrah Cr "old Wade I" He went rut wiih CO iften brought thfm home safe, and brought a fair account of sixty three IimImus. From tha commencement of the war M exploit baa rqualb-d this. . . ; .'' ' : Aaaiaiant Surgeon Van Buren, baa assumed charge ol hia pot. AVv. . ..'.- Lieut. Col. Cites, ordered In Traders' IMl, on an expedition of that PH, Fort Moiiihc, end North Station, which have brn placed within his District and under his aui rintendenca. ibid. Btautieiof .Veoopnf. . pamphlet haa been piiblialted 111 Laidoo, written by a poor nan with a view tu ahow the enormoua rata at winch mono , polv sustained in England, and the an-ouut which it aiiKu-illy steals Imm the pockets of tha induaiiioua aud h-rd working poor.. The wido spend for bread, butter, sugar, lea, meat and twef. lis, VI., a wea k. Th) com of the art h lea is 6s 7.d., the tsi on llieio 4. 10d.. Four shillings and tan pence tsi on wei-kly hourke. jing at he rate of Us, SJ. Ihe annual amenit ni il.e poor widow's la ia 12 U, tw 9 13. 8. The government gets (' thi- 6, snd he inonopo ; lista. 'iii. Lrdgtr. ; . - It is lu bring just am h resulia, that ihe Ibstet tuition Bill waa pasted fo inertate tnxauwi ia Aavrifu. rnleaa the Htates spurn bJck ro dis honoring bribe into tlte face nf the panders that offer it, 'twill be too late to resist alter the pro tected or privileged class is in esiabli. bed com iiisno ol the people a stilaHance. I hey will ur the bayonet aa the Rritiah anatocracy does in hcd the bloisJ of the poor, nian, ahould he atruggh) agsinai tbe tyranny that robs him of Ihe bread Lis - iwrat haa earned. The would be motiied aratoc racy of the land are Mi. Clay a ' agoiiiged people calling lor plunder in an agony of a timet. Give them the plunder, and ou give Hismii arms tu mam lain tlte syateio ot plundei C'Aur Mtrcvry. It our tfisA rag G verrW, Mr. McatnrAO takes tba -tump txt Summer, be will have av? ral bumbog which he (aitered in 140 t- cb-ar up. I'ltat "golden ptnteau.n winch be said Vmi Bureu aent five thomuind d.-l'ara f the peojiltV liiiMiey tn I" ranee 10 pun ha-e, it is now adnntted bv Ihe W lujs was purchnaed by President M -n roe 1 and the defalcation of Svuriwout- which Mr. M. made Ihe burtben nf all his speeches auainst , wr-h- getrsjt-the-fatr'f reasnrv. it ir atavridrnttreTrby Whiggery, was a bummig. goi up by 'a clique lu New York, evidently lor the expreaa purpi u deceiving the aeyfifimi.m.mmmJm,,.. m tjuery T IT GiivrM rebekJ iriftrwhiri 'tft tattaVtlvd'Tie' Wke-e4vTiwaf' man to ' give "Ilie'ilS eirtUlatioti'f' 1fWTrmdaaf-ea:laBw.ihi ignorsocs, is he a fit j..veiiior f r the people of North Carolina t Mecklenburg JiJ-rymitan. MARRIfcDr In Charlotte, on the 3tHt ult, bv h Rer R II Mwruam, D. I)., JOHN J biat'K -tiuD, L-.io Miss M AltY L., daughter nf the late bl' .-y Journal of Hanking t BY WILLIAM M. COlC.E.i'FPnlLAUEU'lilA. This Journil will conUm Irt. A new edition of A fcin.rt IIiMoty of Paper Money. and R11 kug in the United Mates, by Win. M. Gouge, wnh corrections snd sddtlHSie, bruising Uie nirrattve nown lo-the present time. 2d. Uassys on Banking, Currency, Excliauges, and kindred topics, in which etlurl wilt be lukde to plate tliexe subject in the clesre-t light possible 3u'. A semi-monthly review ot th- turns, eoibrscing tli mast imp.rtani even espeeialiy iiuae which 1I fecLfbe general operstions nf buamvkS. 4uL Such miscellsncous matter as will, whib it will idd to the interests of the work, kiihaerve its main object, which is that ol showing the true charac ter uf our paper money and banking sy-tem, and the eftect it has on the uni'sls and ba.pine of tbo ditlt r- ent claHsea of the community. Tl.ls J urnal will bo especially inlcdded for Farmers snd Mechanic, tint n is hoped 11 nil not prove unnse ful to Merchants aud other productive member of so ciety. Il wilt be published once evfy l wo Wei ki Each number will contain sixteen page octav double column, with the leaves stitched and cut, thus uniting the advantage of the open sheet with form con venient for binding. The paper will be fair and the type good. The prhr will be rir one copy, one dollar and HP y cents a year. For four come, five dollar, or one dollar snd twenty-five cents rich. 1'ui ten copies, ten dollars, or one dollar each. In alt caset. .u'mrr ii'mm muni be paid in a raare. nmiu OF eyeky Kim anon ah, II AiD-n ILLS, CARDS, LVDELS, vinculums. ni y hills, PAMrilLErjS, ACm Natty and expeditiously done at the Office Of TUB WCSTHHN f,iROMXI4V.!.. rr:ori;cTt , - " .o? tub ' ' Cougr ? asional Globe and .Ippendix, - ' ' aw 1 mmm m ' - fpHEE works have bow been published by us for 1. ten consecutive w saums of Congrcs. Comuiea- cing will the seas on ot l&ti. They have hd such widt! cuciiUlUMi, aud lisvs been Sn universally spprov. d and sought after bv the public, that we deem it neceaa ary only in thia Prou(ns to sajr that they will bo - contmned at the next session of Congress, snd to itste, succinctly, their omtenis, the form to which ibey wiU be (.rintwl, and tlte prices hu them. , The ('oiigreasional (jtohe is made up of the daily proceeiluss of the 'two llousea of Ctigic Ilia apeecnea of tlie iitc-mbera are abridged, or condeusedLtoii. . , bring tliem intu a rt-asouable, or rcaoabio Itmgtb. All ih remlution odi-r.Hj, or nioikais made, are g.ion at ' length, in ihe mover's own wonts ; and tba yeas snd nays on sll the unpirUnt qucttMis. it ia printed with mall type brevier and uoupareil tm a double royal sheet, in quarlo Ji.r.in, dich number containing 16 royal ' qnarlo pages. It is printed as fist as the busius-s dona in Congress turnrslirs oiaiier enough for a aomber urually one liumber, but annetimea two auuibers, week. .We have invariably printed more numbrra than there were weeks in a se-aion. Tbe sppnatclnng seasiun'of ConTeM, it is expected, will continue 7 ' months, if an, subscribers may expect between 80 aud 40 nonihers, which, together, will make between 300 ind 6tH) royal quarto pages. r ". --' The Appendix la tnde up ot the PttaiDcsTa an nual uieaMge. the retatrta of ll.e principal (.Ulcere of ' . . tbeliovernutent ii at scoinpsuy it, snd all the ksif speer has uf membersoi' Congress, writlvn out of re vised bv tbemselvew .11 is printed in lUe asms kirm aa the Congressional Gkdie, sod uausliy oiskes about (ha same nu.nt.er of p"Kps. Heretotore, on account of lbs set speeches benng so numerous and so king, wa have not completed tbe Appendix until one or two month 1 Aer-the ckwe uf the semton but, in future, we intend to print the speeches ss font is ihi y ehsll be piepsrad, and of course shad complete 'be work wiUnu a fmr days alter ll.e aejournment. bach of these works ia complete id itselt ; tut it ta necesMary tor every suueenber who desires a tuu knowledge ot the proceedings of Coogress, lo bavo both ; bve use,, then, if there should be any ambiguity, in the synopsis of tbe speech, of any denial of its our rectneM, a publiaiied 10 the Vongw-aeaatsl Ulobe, the reader tuav let urn lo tbe Appendix to sea tha ipeecft at length, coin-tieu by the member himself, c Now, there ts no source but the Longreswonsl UloM and Appt-ndix, Iroiu which a person csa obtain a lull I l. J vi iw p,Kt-aniiii VI WII(IVaB. VUW fIU fcEaToa a rirgisier i Uebatea, winoh enntaineii a ws tory, has been eoftoenoed for ibrea or tuur yeara U cost about bv iiiues aa much fur aessiun aa the Can gressiuosl Globe snd Appendix, snd did not contain an equal mmum of matter, a great port too ot tlte current proceedings being omitted. Wa are etisblcd lo pnul ' the Congreaaiinnal Globe and Appendix st the low rata ' now prupoaed, by having a large quantity of type, and keeping tha CongTesuual mailer that wa set up for the duly and seiui-weekiy Globes, standing fur tha lgrsioai Ulube and Appendtav.. If. bid to .aet,,., p tne msiier potpsely for these works, we could not iflord to print Ungn ftir double tba price now charged. (Complete ludi xe to butb the CtNigravatiotial Uloba snd tba Appendix are printed st tlte close of ascb sea sun, and seal to sll subscriber j tbem. ' Wa have on baud X,0(K) or 4,000 surplus copies of tha CongresMsl Clobe snd Appendix for the bxtra -tlession, which make together nesr ana thottsand royal quarto pages. 1 bey fire tba fullest history of Coo . gross that ha ever been published. We now sell them tor f 1 each ; that is, (I for tha Congratsuonsl Globe, sou $1 for tha Appendix. - Wo propose to let subscribers for tha Congrsrsionel Ufobe and Appendix; for the next aesslon, bava tlieio for 00 cent aacb. Tbey will be necessary to Understand fully tha pro ceedtngs of tlte next session. Tba toi porta at anttero ' dweusstd at lite last, will be brought up at the aext tewoon, in consequence of tbe aniveraai diavatisfsctioa , evinced in tbe lata electiona wub the vast sod aural -system of policy which tba powers have introduced, snd spluch waa forced through Congresa without cokv u:tirrg public opinion, or even allowing we full dia suasion usual in regard lo subjects of ordinary inti-rest. The reports of tha Congrnanuual Globe and Appendig -are not in tbe least d ogres atlecied by the party biaa is the Editor. Tbey are given preciselT aa written. ouT'bf UielUKIiertf -and tHa'liMhiBcrr Ufrrr? A-s tire wbuie are sebject tn the revnuoa and correo lioo of the rpesksrs, as tbey paa ia review w our dail sheet, in esse soy miaunderatamlinf sr uiUrrpreseota- lion ot Uteir re mart altould occur. Wrwia ke 1 daiiranatvaiirfrf the dofnm -m Cneprew. - nit give our opinions in it treely, btit this w pubiisiied llri trw-iJsriTiearnJVf aMW.'UL-MOT-.tlVr -wkl,.Mhe jay per ntiuni,' sieascs." TlteAVci-ffii Gluts w'priitU'dt'" in ihe aame form as the CotigresaMnsl Ulobe and Ap pendix, md a coinnlcte u.dcx made to it at tha sud.of eacbyeir. TERMS. For u.e CtHigresa iinal Globe snd Appecdix for tho lat Exna Sesi(in, l. For the Congressional Globe for I be next aenion, 1 per copy. For Uie Appendix lor the next session, $1 icr copy, "Six copies of tuber of the abova woiks Will be seot lor fi5 ; twelve copies lir $10, snd so on in proportion lis: a grester nuu ber. Psyuisn's insy be iransu.ittcd by mail, poiiogt paid, at our risk. By rule nf the Post (Mice lh pari men t, rsaitmssiers lie permitted tu Irs 11 k teller contaiuing utouey lor subscription a. The notes 01 my bank, current where a subscriber resides, will be received by us st par. To insure all the numbers, ihe tubtcription should be lit Washington by the 13'h December seat, at lartbeat, though it is probable thai we shall print enough surplus copies in fill every subsenptiva that may lie ps'rt before ihe lsl day of January next Ao abnioa will 6e paid 10 say order anfrss fka mum y .ceompsnM-s tt. BLAIR &. RIVES. Washington City, October CD. 18U. rmir 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 imi iiiai NEW TERMS or th k w.a s tf uiuv viva ox maiAjy, - PUBLISHED W EEK1.Y::::::::CIIA8. F. FISIlEtt, - -EJi'.or and I'rtipnttor. ; iaVsau at f.1 per annum, 1.1 misa icr, or $.', if m paid at tho tune id subscribing, or on the receipt of the first num ber of tne (taper. &- Ne. pi(Hi will be discontinued except it the Editor's d.stteiion, until all srrea rages are paid, it the subscriber is worth Uie subscription; snd the failure lo notity the Editor of a warn to discon tinue, at Vai os a month bctWe the end of Uie rear subscribed for, will be couidervd a ucw engageioeot. 0 A'lmt airmen's conspicuously and correctly in- rted it 1 s-r aq iare -fuf 310 eau, or fifteen linet I this site.l tyiie) rtlie first insertion, and 'JSccuts itT sai-h contiiuunce. Court and Judicial advertise ment! &) per cent higher than the above rates. A de duction uf pyr cemt. from tlte regular prices will . made to yearly advertiwr. 0T Advertiseoieata sent in for publication, must be marked with the num ber of inseitions desired, or tbey will be continued WA lor bid, rtd charged accordingly. -.. j Letter so iresseu to ihe Editor 00 business oiuxX come ract o. poktaob, or they will nnt be attended to. JOK riuTii, ' Niatty and expedituwly titcvttd, at thu iffiict ' ' 1 . ... t i a..

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